Difficulties Of Faith | 8.12.21 | Kingdom Faith Conference 2021

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do all the praising god we thank you because if it had not been for you who was on our side god when the enemy came up against us he would swallow us alive god we thank you god that the devil didn't get what he wanted and we thank you for your grace and we thank you for your mercies and we praise you heavenly father and we give your name glory honor and praise is in jesus name we pray amen amen come on and clap your hands for the lord hallelujah amen come on and bless him bless him hallelujah amen amen are you glad for day three of faith conference amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord i tell you the lord most certainly met us here on last night for healing school amen we praise god for the word that came forth on last night and how our minds are just constantly being transformed and constantly being renewed amen amen we're going to jump right into our pre-conference devotional i'm really really excited about tonight yesterday we talked about protecting our end gates and how we have to be very intentionally mindful on what we allow in our spirit man amen and so i'm very grateful thank you tony i'm very grateful and excited about our devotional for tonight and with that in mind i ask that you would please turn with me to ephesians chapter three ephesians chapter three amen ephesians chapter 3 and we're going to begin reading at verse number 14. amen i do believe this is a a true right now word as they say for this hour for the true church ephesians chapter 3 verse number 14. paul says for this reason for this reason you have to read at the in the previous verses to know what paul is referring to and we most certainly don't have time to look deeper in in in that particular context but he says for this reason i bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named and i want you to listen very carefully listen very carefully to what paul prays this is a prayer that he is praying for the church he says i bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named that he would grant you that he will grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might to be strengthened with might through his spirit in the inner man to be strengthened with might through his spirit in the inner man he goes on to say in verse number 17 he prays that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and then he prays that you being rooted and grounded in love amen now more than ever we need believers to be rooted and grounded paul says that you being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and the length and the depth and the height to know that's revelation knowledge to know the love of god the love of christ which passes knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of god i want you to focus your attention on verse number 14. i'm going to read it again and i'm reading an amplified this time i want you to pay very close attention he says for this reason seeing the greatness of this plan by which you are built together in christ paul says i bow my knees before the father of our lord jesus christ for whom every family in heaven and on earth is named that father from whom all fatherhood takes his title and derives his name he says in verse number 16 i pray that he may grant you out of the rich treasury of his glory paul says i pray that he will strengthen and reinforce with mighty power in the inner man by the holy spirit himself and dwelling your innermost being and personality and personality again i'm read verse number 15 again so that you can really get it let's go back to new king james virgin he says that he will grant you verse number 16 according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through his spirit in the inner man so paul essentially is praying for the church that they be strengthened on the inside that they'd be strengthened on the inside and that's what we're going to talk about today and tomorrow during our pre-conference devotional and this is the faith conference and so i'm going to title this devotional strengthen your faith walk strengthen your faith walk our pastor talks a lot about the individuality of christianity it is your responsibility it is up to you it is up to me to strengthen my faith walk you know our pastor is a man of faith but he can't strengthen my faith while he can encourage me in faith he can build me up to a certain degree but it is up to me it is up to you to strengthen your faith walk and i'm telling you and the lord place this on my heart now more than ever now more than ever believers here in this faith conference now more than ever we need to be strengthened in our faith walk we need to be strengthened and if you look down in verse number 17 paul uses words he says that you may be rooted and grounded now more than ever we need to get to a place in our walk with the lord that we need to get to a place where we are rooted and grounded and we're no longer as the bible say talks to and fro we got too many believers that are being tossed to and fro but the lord is telling us tonight in our pre-conference devotional we have to strengthen our faith walk you don't have to look far to know that we are living in perilous times in second timothy chapter three verse number one uh paul says but know this that in the last days perilous times will come well you don't have to look far to know that perilous times are here and perilous times call for strong faith perilous times call for believers to be in a place where we are rooted and grounded and as jesus said when the winds came and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon the house it didn't fall why because it was founded on the rock and that's what god is telling us today that's what he's telling us believers i'm talking to believers we've got to strengthen our faith walk so we're living in perilous times you know why that's why we have to strengthen our faith well because you know even believers we're living in days where we're having to make choices who would have thought who would have thought that the day would come where we have to we have to make choices that that we're either going to do something that's completely against our religious convictions or be employed we're in perilous times and that's why god is telling us that you better make sure that your walk is strengthened right because we're living in perilous times listen we're living in times where christians have to learn how to trust god for real i'm talking about for real like this is the kind where this is the time where you're having you're you're either having to make the wrong decisions or trusting god i've never seen the bible says the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread but see when you are strengthened in your faith you're not moved by what's going on in the culture you're not moved by as our pastor taught us all the rumors that are coming forth because you are solid and you're not moved from your place of faith in god so we need to strengthen we have to strengthen our faith amen because we are living in perilous times ephesians chapter 6 verse number 13 tells us that we have to take up the whole armor of god that we may be able to withstand in the evil day when you look at that word evil day it references a time of testing well we're living in the evil day and one of the reasons another reason why you have to strengthen your faith ephesians chapter 6 13 you've got to be able to withstand you've got to be able to withstand you've got to be able to hold up and stand firm in what you know is true and that is what god's word has to say amen so i want to let you know here or remind you that one of the reasons why we have to strengthen our faith is because the devil is seeking to wear out the saints and the bible is very clear about that let's look at daniel chapter 7 verse number 25 the devil is seeking to wear out the saints and that's why because we're we're not ignoring his devices amen second corinthians chapter 10 verse number 11. we're not ignorant of satan's devices but satan is desiring to wear out the saints and there's a wearing out there's a wearing out i talked about it last night there's a chiseling away there's a chiseling away there's a wearing out that satan is is is directing uh uh his wearing out tactics tore to towards the states but i don't know about you but how many here is not going to let him wear you out no no we are going to be strengthening our faith and we are going to do all that we can and that we know to do so that we can stand firm daniel chapter 7 here is speaking of the antichrist don't have time to to go into depth into this particular passage but we know here dale's giving us insight into the antichrist and we know according to the word of god that the spirit of the antichrist is already here at work but daniel gives us insight here in verse number 25 that he gives us insight into the strategies of the devil and that's what i want to remind you here tonight in our pre-conference devotional satan is trying to wear you out satan is trying to wear you out daniel chapter 7 verse number 25 it says here uh and let's read it in the amplified it says he will speak words against the most high god and where out or where down the saints are the most high and he will intend to change the times and the law now going back to our particular uh scripture this morning or this evening in ephesians chapter 3 paul says that he prayed that you will be strengthened with my where where are you following me tonight in your inward man now wearing out occurs in the inward man wearing out occurs in the inward man wearing out a courage in the inward man and this is what satan is trying to do that is why we have to strengthen our faith this is faith conference this is faith conference that's the title of our devotional tonight strengthening your faith walt i'm talking to every born-again believer the times in which we are living in right now the times and even the days ahead is going to require that you are rooted that you are grounded and that you are not tossed about to and fro but that your faith in god your faith in his word has to be strengthened satan is trying to wear out the saints and let me tell you what this concept of where now means it means to exhaust it means to exhaust it and this wearing out it's a process it's a process see we serve our uh the enemy that we fight again he's very methodical he's very strategic and this wearing out that daniel is speaking out it's a process it happens little by little it's very subtle it's very gradual and the idea is that satan he he's he's reducing you little by little he's chipping away little by little a little bit here today a little bit here tomorrow it's so subtle this wearing out is so subtle that it's almost inconceivable and before you know it let me tell you what the goal is satan wants to wear you out little by little little by little little by little here and there so much so to the point that there is nothing left of you and that's his goal that's why you got to stay in church even the more that's why you can't forsake the assembling of yourselves together even the more that's why you got to have a prayer life that's why you got to spend time in the word that's why you got to mortify the deeds of the flesh that's why you got to get rid of all carnality because you have to strengthen your faith walk how do you know that satan is wearing you out you have no joy the bible says in nehemiah 8 and 10 that the joy of the lord is your strength well in mark 4 chapter 19 jesus talks about how to care to this world you know begin to just choke the word out of you right well one of the ways that you you know that satan is is that his wearing out tactics is having his way it's because you don't have no joy david talked about in psalm 51 how about the joy of our salvation and i don't know about you but in this day we got to maintain the joy of our salvation i don't know about you but i'm glad to be a believer i still remember the day that that i gave my heart to the lord and the joy of my salvation it's still there i still have joy and i'm not gonna let the enemies chisel away chisel away chisel away at my joy you know that you're being worn out when you no longer want to come to church and he'll wear you down little by little little by little it's gradual it's gradual and it's so unfortunate you know because we can see it sometimes in people but he does it little by little until watch this coming to church becomes a press it becomes oppressed or it becomes it becomes a formality that's how you know that he's beginning to wear at you he's wearing at you but no because i have the joy of my salvation you know i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord see you know satan they wearing at you when you can't wait to get to church you can't wait to get to church you clear out your schedule you take you know you take a shorter lunch or skip your lunch if you have to so that you can get to the house of god because this is where your strength is and we're talking about fortifying our faith you know he's wearing you out when you're no longer in faith and belief when you're just in fear when you're in fear and you're no longer in faith and and believe oh what did the psalmist says he said i would have fainted i would have fainted satan would have got the best of me i would have fainted i would have lost heart except i didn't believe to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living and let me tell you when you are waiting on god when you are in belief you've got to make sure that even time that satan don't wear you out with time to the point that you're no longer in faith and belief you know that he's wearing he's he's wearing you out when your default setting is your emotions and i'm telling you believers in this day and time in this culture right now in 2021 your default setting cannot be your emotions your default setting has got to be the word of god what did the word say and you know that your your firm when you can stand on the word of god you're not moved by what you see so in my last few minutes i want to tell you two key areas that satan uses in his wearing out tactics two key areas and this is what you have to be very careful with you have to be very careful number one satan wants to wear out your spiritual life he wants to wear out your spiritual life and he does it little by little little by little little by little the devil seeks to take away your consecration little by little little by little he wants to take away your prayer life he wants to he wants to wear out your spiritual life yo your prayer life is critical now more than ever we're going to talk about it tomorrow because see tomorrow today we're talking about strengthening your faith walk but tomorrow during our devotion we're going to tell you how to do it and i'll give you a little sneak peek one of the ways you gotta do it is you gotta strengthen your prayer life but see state wants to he wants to wear out your spiritual life and he wants to reduce it little by little little by little until you notice even your time of prayer even the quality of your prayer it begins to lessen it's not as effective as it used to be you it becomes more of a formality you you don't really spend time in prayer he'll fill up your schedule show because he's he's chiseling away little by little little by little right he wants to wear out your prayer life he wants to get you to a place where you're spending less and less time in this word less and less time which is where anything that's keeping you away from this word has got to go anything that's keeping you away from this word it is a distraction and satan is using it to wear you out and he's doing it little by little little by little he's so patient he's so methodical he'll fill your schedule even with legitimate things legitimate things household shorts legitimate things but you have got to be convinced in your mind that you are not going to allow the enemy to wear out you amen the second area that satan desires to wear out is your heart it's your heart satan desires to wear out your heart remember wearing out takes place where in the inward man wearing out takes place in the inward man your heart is where belief takes place it's where believe takes place that is if you confess with your mouth and believe with your heart your heart is where belief takes place and that's where satan wants to wear you down and the intent of wearing you out is to get you to back up on what you believe he wears out on your heart because he wants to get you to a place where you no longer believe will you no longer believe god's word when you no longer believe god's doctrine so he uses all kinds of things and people and situations that cause you to no longer be joyful to cause you to no longer be encouraged and to cause you to be weary but look at your neighbor and say i'm not going to let them do it i'm not going to let them do it so we have to be careful we have to be careful and we have to be intentional that we strengthen our faith walk satan's threat assessment against you is based on the amount of word you read believe and act on i'ma say that again and praise team you can go ahead and assemble yourselves musicians you can play softly say in threat assessment against you is based on the amount of word you read believe and act on this means the more word that you got in you you know how to react to every attack and tactic of the devil and we're going to talk about this more tomorrow but one of the ways that you have to strengthen your faith walk as you have to strengthen your word intake your word regimen so again tonight we are strengthening our faith walk the times in which we are living in our perilous times perilous times call for strong faith i'ma say it again perilous times call for strong faith and i'm talking about believers now more than ever you gonna have to this word right here no more head knowledge no more ahead now the only way you gonna make it is this word gotta be deep in your soul revelation knowledge of god's word no more head knowledge but revelation knowledge this is the only way that you are going to make it in a day like today paul says again in ephesians chapter 3 he prays that you will be strengthened with might where in your inward man no more a lack of joy i tell you i mean the joy of the lord is your strength but satan's after your joy satan's after your peace but believers we can't let them do it we can't let them do it you know we're going to pray tonight as you're standing to your feet we're going to pray exactly what paul prayed that we be strengthened with might through his spirit where in our inward man that we be fortified in our faith that we no longer get to a place where we're tossed to and fro to and fro we're up and down we're in and out we won't make it like that not in this day not in this day who wants to make it let me see the hands of of of those who are resolved who wants to make it [Music] hallelujah as you're lifting your hands begin to worship the lord [Music] begin to worship the lord [Music] when you're worshiping you're letting god know how much you appreciate him what does he mean to you what does he mean to you we're talking about strengthening our faith while worship worship is one of the ways that you can strengthen your faith law heavenly father we worship you in this place and we glorify your name and we exalt you come on let them hear your worship let them hear your worship don't let me do all the worshiping by myself hallelujah god we praise your name we glorify you we magnify you god there is no one like you we bless your name oh god we glorify you we magnify you we exalt your names you are so wonderful not unto us oh god not unto us but to your name we give glory because of your mercy and your truth you are so great thank you for your faithfulness come on saints let him hear you thank him for his faithfulness [Music] he's a good god thank you for your love come on and bless him for his love he's been consistently faithful successfully time and time again he's faithful and we praise you god we glory body we honor you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i want you to pray for your neighbor before we dismiss we're going to pray exactly what paul prayed we learned some time ago that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but i want you to begin to pray for the strength of your neighbor endurance i want you to pray that your neighbor is fortified in their faith in the name of jesus jesus uh uh jesus said to peter's peter satan has desired to sift you as we but i pray for you peter that your faith will not fail you i want you to pray against faith failure in the name of jesus as the musicians are praying go ahead and pray for your neighbor hallelujah father we thank you right now in the name of jesus god we pray for our neighbors in the name of jesus [Music] god you told us that in the last days perilous times would come but god we are strengthened in our faith perilous times will not have us we pray for our heart that is resolved in the name of jesus god just said in ephesians 3 that we are rooted and grounded god we thank you that we're not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine but we are fortified in our faith in the name of jesus we pray for peace of mind in the name of jesus peace of mind in the name of jesus we take authority against depression in the name of jesus we take authority against discouragement i find it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we come against discouragement and we bind it in the name of jesus we use peace in the name of jesus let the peace of god rule in your hearts in the name of jesus god thank you for strengthening us through your spirit in the name of jesus now come on and let those hands go and begin to praise the lord hallelujah god we bless you lord [Applause] hallelujah amen as you're still standing and preparing your heart for worship amen we are strengthening our faith well and tomorrow we're going to talk about how to be strengthened in our faith walk we talked a little bit about it tonight you need to be strengthening your prayer life your prayer life needs to be strengthened but tomorrow we're going to talk about how to be strengthened in our prayer in our in our faith walk amen amen are you excited about tonight amen we want to prepare our hearts and minds to receive and one of the ways that you do that is you bring your hearts and minds in we're not worried about work tomorrow we're not thinking about what we got to do when we get home amen we're not thinking about anything else but we're bringing our hearts and minds in so that we can receive and participate amen for this mighty move of god amen amen come on and clap your hands and we're turning over to the praises hallelujah kcc family and friends can we continue to praise our god can we continue to praise our savior he is great and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable we serve a mighty god and we give you glory jesus hallelujah we thank you that the joy of the lord is our strength tonight and we command our souls to praise you we command our souls to bless you we command our souls to give you glory with the clapping of our hands we'll praise you with a shout of our voice we'll praise you with the lifting up of our hands we'll praise you come on and clap your hands all ye people and shout out to god with the voice of triumph hallelujah [Music] [Music] i command my soul to bless the lord i command my soul to bless the lord i command my soul to bless the lord i command my soul to blessing i command my soul oh [Music] [Music] i command my voice to sing his praise i command my voice to sing his praise i command my voice to sing his grace i command [Music] i command my voice i command behind me [Music] i command my feet to leave for joy i command my feet to leave for joy i command my feet to leave [Music] i think thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we bless you with everything we have we bless you with everything we have we bless you with everything we have we bless you with everything we have you play we've left you with everything with the lifting of our hands we bless you we bless you we with everything come on and praise our god come on in glory by him come on and praise him hallelujah continue to copy him hallelujah i want to clap your hands like this all you people come on praise our god today hallelujah [Music] [Music] he created us to worship we were born and give him praise and that's what we have to do every night and every day we're not here alone he will show up every time when we begin to worship his presence comes with this inside clap [Music] people [Music] lift your hands on the sanctuary [Music] of triumph everybody prays everybody prays come [Music] oh come on lift them up [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah everybody oh everybody everybody prays everybody [Applause] cause i praise i want everybody everybody prays everybody praise me come on and praise the lord everybody everybody prays everybody prays hallelujah come on and praise our lord praise our great king hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah don't stop praising our lord hallelujah we praise you with the lesson of our hands we praise you with the dance we praise you with the shout hallelujah [Applause] the spirit is moving in power he's proving jesus is here jesus is here our faith is increasing and we are believing jesus is here jesus is here here we go how can i be jesus yes we praise you our shackles were jesus is here jesus is here my sin was forgiven when jesus is risen jesus is here jesus [Music] my is [Music] [Applause] come on and give we god we seek to praise our king cause jesus is here jesus is [Applause] jesus is jesus is jesus hallelujah [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah oh come on is jesus in the house tonight hallelujah hallelujah come on and give him glory thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah glory to the lamb of god thank you lord jesus praise you jesus we glorify you we magnify you oh hallelujah the song says jesus is here do you believe that hallelujah glory to the lamb of god [Laughter] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we [Music] now wait a minute jesus is here and we just need to act like it give me a hundred praises down here it's just time to act like jesus is here and then then we'll go on with the service but let's welcome our king for a little bit come on come on cuz i need to see some people dancing and singing and praising and having joy because jesus is here come on hallelujah put your hands on it hallelujah hallelujah hey hey come on ladies come on guys we dance we there we say hallelujah come on come on do your dance come on say we're there we said come to pray i can't cause you hallelujah oh come on we're the worshipers that we dance jesus is here come on [Applause] cause jesus is here jesus is here hey jesus is here [Applause] come on jesus is here jesus is here one more time jesus is here hallelujah oh come on give him glory hallelujah oh come on be repressed oh come on be repressed times of refreshing cause jesus is here oh come on come on come on worship him church oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord somebody just needs to refresh it hallelujah in his presence is the fullness of joy and at his right hand our pleasures forevermore come on get in the presence of the lord tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to the lamb of god thank you lord jesus we praise you hallelujah come on you don't need me to tell you what to do you don't need a coach come on do what comes natural do you love the lord tonight father we love you tonight we honor you tonight jesus oh we glorify you tonight jesus we magnify you tonight jesus hallelujah hallelujah how great [Applause] is our god come on sing with me oh the presence of god is in this room come on all we see come on just be refreshed in the presence of god come on fellas kick it off come on hallelujah how great [Music] [Music] can i use your worship leader then get over okay how great come on cassie is our guy come on take one for the team come on come on come on how great is [Music] come on and love them tonight hundreds come on you take it from here hallelujah oh come on praise the name of our lord hallelujah oh is [Applause] [Applause] all right oh and our hearts will sing is [Music] our god is [Applause] no other man may be saved is jesus jesus of yours [Music] is [Music] you say how great is [Music] come on lift your voice a little bit louder say oh we'll see how great oh we'll see oh nobody bigger nobody [Music] oh hallelujah come on the glorious here come on love him hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory oh come on love him love him love him love him all over this room thank you lord jesus we praise you god we magnify you we honor you we honor you our soon coming king the lamb of god we worship you hallelujah oh thank you lord even so come lord jesus thank you lord we worship you hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah praise his name thank you lord jesus thank you lord thank you thank you jesus thank you for your presence thank you for your spirit thank you for the anointing thank you for the yoke destroying power of god thank you for the blood thank you for the blood thank you for the blood hallelujah or hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord all right this is a this is this is a believer this is a believer's meeting so come on prayed out in the holy ghost we're believing for utterance tonight build yourself up in your most holy faith amen we not only pray in the spirit we believe to interpret interpretation even coming through the man of god the preached word of god father minister to our hearts tonight we build ourselves up in our most holy faith but we believe right now for your word we believe we believe thank you for utterance and flow utterance and flow thank you lord jesus answer every question the name of jesus father we thank you we thank you we're your sons john 5 and 20 and we always know what the father is doing thank you lord jesus praise you jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you there's a healing anointing still in here from last night that's what i just discerned healing anointing luke 5 17 the power of god is present to heal now he's present to heal now i'm not worried about protocol amen it's in the room it's in the atmosphere pastor that agree with you i believe that i believe that there's a healing residue in the room right now i want you by faith to take it just take it just reach your hands by faith do something that you could not do something you couldn't do coming in if it's an unforeseen thing something you can't see in the natural amen believe by faith that it's moving right now but do something you could not do something you could not do right now right now there's a healing anointing here thank you lord jesus hallelujah i deserve that thank you father thank you thank you thank you thank you power god president thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] supernatural supernatural thank you lord thank you lord no you can't depend on the doctors now you need the blood you need the name thank you lord need the blood and you need the name thank you lord come on take it take it in this atmosphere take it thank you lord glory hallelujah glory in the name in the name in the name in the name by faith in the name by faith in the name of jesus i command every diabolical sickness and disease to go now in jesus name take it take it by i believe i believe come on come on power god is present to heal thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah take it it's in the atmosphere the whole church is an altar called take it it's in the atmosphere thank you lord [Music] [Music] i just heard the word cancer come up out of my spirit amen that's what i heard cancer yes he's doing that now now now now y'all i'm not afraid to be wrong because i'm not wrong he's doing it now now now now now power of god is present to heal that's what i heard come out of my spirit thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord he wants to do something about that if you'll take it thank you jesus it's in the atmosphere it's in the atmosphere thank you jesus it's the atmosphere of faith thank you lord thank you lord we wrestle hallelujah we we let us exalt his name his atmospheric thank you lord and when you get the glory to this place you can do some business thank you god we thank you for it thank you for it now cancer in the name of jesus i command you to flee from the body of those in this room that battle that condition both known and unknown i speak to you i curse you at the root i command you to dry up in jesus name [Music] yes yes yes yes thank you lord yes yes it happened yes thank you lord this is not a show yes yes thank you lord thank you father yes retest retest thank you lord by faith it's gone retest it happened yeah yeah we don't usually retest people this early the doctor may say no test me it's gone thank you lord hallelujah thank you lord jesus can we praise him thank you lord can we praise him hallelujah thank you lord jesus can we praise him for what he's already done thank you lord oh thank you lord jesus oh hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord glory to god glory to god lord of god word of god pastors anybody anything the lord given you yeah come on man of god yeah [Music] yes we need to hear that this microphone on yeah that that that agrees that registers with that word you just got yeah i heard that scripture that talks about the body in uncomely parts that are covered up that's what a cancer was i i really since it's a female yes i really since it's it's it's lumps in the breast yes that's what i sense it could be somewhere else in your body but if you if you're there go check it the lumps are gone yeah yes yeah oh come on somebody thank them all over the room thank you lord come on my sister go do it by saying do it now do it now thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah come on come on thank you lord yes yeah i i knew the gifts would flow come on mama thank you lord [Music] pastor bull uh senses in need to minister to those with fibroid tumors so if you have fibroid tumors then you can come where i am thank you lord jesus gonna shrink and disappear lord [Applause] hallelujah if you can put one hand on that area you can have one hand lift it up to the lord one hand on the area that you're dealing with come on come on loose it now in the name of jesus christ where is it what you put one hand on it come on jesus yes yes jesus name in jesus name [Music] oh hallelujah come out thank you lord in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah thank you lord jesus thank you lord learned something long ago if you'll praise him he'll do more stay in the flow hallelujah glorified thank you lord hallelujah oh hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh hallelujah oh hallelujah oh hallelujah thank you thank you thank lord the you is here hallelujah our god is present thank you lord hallelujah thank you lord yes yes yes thank you lord thank you lord praise him he'll do more thank you lord if there was a specific reason why you could not bend down and touch your toes it's not in the natural possible i need to know where you are something is the matter why you can't get this that's you sir how [Music] okay and so what's what so what's stopping right so what's stopping you from being able to bend over and touch your toes you you you went down you were now pretty far just now okay you used to be able to okay so you want to be able to now okay and you feel like it's something going on in your legs is stopping it because they're swollen in the name of the lord jesus christ i reverse the damage i demand the swelling to go away the hindrance of you being able to go all the way down to be removed and restoration to take place a reversal of all the damage that took place from that stroke yes in jesus name thank you lord jesus when you feel it you go ahead and and try again thank you lord jesus oh jesus there you go [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah oh come on come on [Music] [Applause] oh it's praise and time it's time to thank them oh hallelujah hallelujah [Music] all over this room right now can we just give god a wave of gratitude thanksgiving appreciation god i want to thank you right now for all the cancer that got healed tonight all the fibroids that shrunk tonight for for the strokes that were reversed tonight i i thank you god for that known and unknown that occurred come on come on church come on don't take his presence for granted thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] [Music] yes sir yes sir and you know what pop honestly that's exactly what the lord was telling me in fact i was contemplating this offering exhortation and he just kept saying that i i believe that's that's that's right on point you're here tonight you mentally tormented come on down torment in your mind that means a spirit of fear that means mental health issues and conditions of every type come on come on let's get rid of it tonight all of it you know how we it was anybody here last night when we ended the service did you hear the last comments when i told you that the american psychiatric association was wrong that jesus heals bipolar did y'all know bipolar was a demon amen come on come on let's take it oh hallelujah thank you lord jesus come on give me some oil in my hand it's a pump over there come on come on come on get your mind back get your mind back let this mind philippians 2 and 5 let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus thank you lord jesus now it doesn't take long because mind is all about me i'm in control i run my mind satan got judas john 13 2 because the thought entered judas the thought entered judas matthew 6 take no thought saying so what do you get ray do what's the three c's yes i'm gonna join my faith with you but you're gonna catch it you're gonna cast it down and what are you gonna consume it with the goodness of god the word of god philippians 4 8 come on let's take it get your mind right won't take long in the name of jesus yes yes your mind is properly regulated in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord in the name of jesus yes yeah yeah oh yeah yeah you'll get filled at the same time amen amen amen yes yes yeah yeah yeah you prayed out in tongues the devil can't do it in your mind thank you lord spirit of fear i speak to you that feeble-minded spirit i speak to you right now in the name of jesus witchcraft in the bloodline because that's exactly what it is witchcraft in the bloodline i cast it out go in jesus name list your hope from this lady now yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes wickedness and perversion you are not no you are not no you are not no you are not no you are not that you you're not that you're not those things you're not those things you're a man of god you're a man of god wickedness and perversion go in jesus name jesus in jesus name it won't take long and and by the way you you can fall or not it doesn't help me at all i have no pride in this amen that's not why we're doing this if the glory does it let the glory do it but right now it's in your mind let this mind be in you in the name of jesus a lightning went through you yeah that every time yeah yes yes that's deliverance right there where to go [Music] come out into jesus all glory all glory she was found sitting clothing in her right mind come on mama come on get more tonight come on in the name up jesus lord lord lord glory y'all we're not putting people down yeah okay all right stay in proxy you get some too in jesus name jesus said jesus name in jesus name yeah yeah yeah yeah just submit to it just take it take it jesus christ take it hey thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord it's your mind that's been telling you you can't but you can do all things philippians 4 13 through christ that gives you the strength you can you have and you will that's how you got that law degree that's how you did it your mind got over the situation in jesus name you had an anointed mind it's not worldly mind over matter it's the power of god hallelujah in the name in the name in the name in the name i command your your image to come back yes genesis 5 the image that god blessed yes you were wonderfully and fearfully made hallelujah i command it all back the fragmented soul i command it all back hurt and pain from childhood i i'm seeing your life story right now i command it all back all of it all of it devil all of it all of it i call it a thief you got to give it all back power 631 give it all all of it okay all of it all of it jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus whoa girl this is your night you're so precious so precious so precious so oppression god said to affirm you you're of value [Music] beautiful watch this wonderfully and fearfully made but we leave a part of that scripture out too often and my soul does know this well you convince yourself every day god said to tell you it's time for you to do it every day you take authority over yourself the stuff that has happened to you will not characterize your life oh jesus god said let her know i love her let her know it's the foolish things that confound the wise let her know i got my hand on her that's why the devil couldn't kill you up to now you're so meaningful oh hallelujah in the name of oh it's breaking yes yes yeah god said deal with her tender heartedly yes yeah it's breaking girl all glory glory glory yes in the name of jesus in the name of jesus pam lay your hands on her belly out of your belly flows rivers of living water deliverance deliverance in jesus name and receive the holy ghost yes yes because that's how you're going to fight receive yeah yep yep yep yep receive the holy ghost thank you lord yeah it's right it's right there it's right there at your mouth it's right there thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord in jesus name it's right there mormons and groanings that cannot be uttered i believe with you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord and i take captive every dark fault every spirit yes yes all of it out in jesus name in jesus name all of you all all of it come on come on come on gabe in jesus name hey whoa jesus whoa jesus that brother been getting refilled all week in the hey jesus it's okay she's okay yes yeah yeah you're my son in whom i'm well pleased thank you lord look at the young people getting filled with the holy ghost in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name jesus oh jesus whoa jesus now i call your bring back alzheimer's don't run anything dementia doesn't run anything oh god loves you with long life yes mama we're long life he satisfies you oh oh yes yeah look at her getting filled right there right there right there right there now every spirit of darkness you shall hold up to this one in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name of jesus take your hands off right now oh glory let her daughter come come on oh that's the power of god coming on you mama yes yeah you're gonna see supernatural signs wonders and miracles she gonna start having conversations that she used to have i want you to document it yes yes yes yes yes oh come on give him glory yes yes yes come on come on come on come on come on come on devil we spoke to you before we'll speak to you again in the name of jesus who's your host lucio take your hands up go in this room come on now it's picking up speed jesus jesus come on come on pick up speed come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on it won't take long come on come on come on moving fast come on the glory is here come on come on just lift your hand baby girl in the name of jesus name in the name in the name in the name in the name every spirit of perversion and wickedness i call it out now god loves you you're wonderfully and fearfully made you are god's lady hallelujah your soul knows as well jesus thank you lord thank you lord come on come on come on come on move him this way come on come on won't take long give me a lady come on come on give me a leg come on come on come on come on right here gee gee gee thank you thank you come on come on come on give me a lady give me a lady thank you lord jesus jesus jesus jesus god of steven god has sinned god has sinned god has sinned i'll be a father to the fathers yes that's it that's where it broke right there i'll father you and i'll give you surrogates thank you lord thank you lord yes it hurts but it's okay the love of god is set abroad in your heart romans 5 and 5. thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord karina come here just just take her and sit on the step with him come on you just sit right here on the step and be ministered to love of god and shed abroad in her heart just pray in tongues over thank you lord god loves you all right chavarria you got to make a decision buddy go all the way with god the devil wants to kill you you got to go all the way to god all right we're going to cast it out but you got to cast it down okay i just got to tell you that i'm not trying to embarrass you this is real tonight thank you lord jesus jesus take your hands off of him in jesus name no in jesus name jesus jesus thank you lord thank you come on come on we're almost done who else anybody else come on thank you lord thank you a lot come on it's picking up speed jesus yeah you don't have to fall stay right there y'all turn my mic off for this one [Applause] [Music] what's this thing oh what a fiery woman of god pastor as soon as i got to this one pastor rodney and pastor gould pastor randy god said this is the one you were praying about in the back yeah future evangelists call of god on her life thank you lord jesus oh hallelujah girl you got more power in you than you know that's why you're so drawn to church so drawn to the things of god that's how you won your whole family back to jesus you did that you did it because of your fire and like jeremiah's fire shut up in your bones in jesus yes they're so precious this authentic yeah that's what the anointing does baby girl it's okay yes yes yeah yeah yes yes oh jeez oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah first lady just yeah just just sit right there with that sweet girl oh oh oh dim pass but bright future hallelujah hallelujah jesus oh glory glory glory yes yeah yeah yeah yeah all that stuff from childhood breaking now jesus yes yes yes yes yes in the name in the name in the name of jesus every wrong thing is made right devil you can't have her she matters to god bloodline bloodline yes bloodline i sear all of the drops the time release drops of wickedness that wants to take her over you can't do it she's in the right place and he who the son sets free free indeed come on i'm almost done come on thank you lord thank you lord who did i miss come on it's time to put the man of god up come on come on baby girl oh another woman of faith i'm telling you this this must be children's night woman of great faith oh hallelujah this youth ministry is about to go through the roof oh thank you lord jesus so much faith i'm speaking into your future before i formed you i knew you you all matter so much that on a night like tonight god will just stop to minister to y'all come on karina give me a youth youth leader right here and i'm gonna do something different i want you to lay your hands on her and part that purity yes yes yes impart purity yes yes in the name yeah yeah that's the anointing thank you lord thank you lord we just gotta obey god amen amen come on come on we almost done did i miss anybody come i want to move yeah you ready yeah keep keep it keep your virginity yeah keep it you're pure yeah yeah yeah it's not it's worth fighting for girl yes keep it in jesus name hallelujah time of impartation thank you lord thank you lord come on i'm almost done come on come on come on generic come on lift your hands god loves you he's not finished with you that's what grace is for oh hallelujah i give you an extra dose of mind regulation let this mind be in you which is also in christ jesus and i call off assignment every spirit every spirit that has hampered and hindered your purpose destiny that spirit of rebellion going jesus hallelujah hallelujah you're not stopping nothing double you don't run anything oh hallelujah spirit of timidity god's not giving you the yes he's not giving you the spirit of fear but that of love power and a sound mind i want you to practice honoring your husband you haven't told me anything but i know that by the spirit i want you to practice it it doesn't mean you haven't been honorable but come under greater submission that's how that's how you're going to prepare for greater purpose in god god said i'm going to use you in your home before i use you anywhere else before i put your calling forth just practice it yes yes yes in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord all right kamara the past don't mean anything come on in jesus name yes yes it don't mean anything that's what the blood yes you know the anointing is just melting it yo i'm not putting anybody down come on that's it the blood does it the blood the blood the blood yes i'll say more in private but the blood of jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you jared you are so on fire for the lord as a baby girl and you know what the devil's trying to do now confuse it how do i know all this stuff is real how do i know how to he trying to just monkey wrench your purpose but he can you matter to god is that not right is that not right do you believe that and you know how you're going to win by your confession you're not a marxist you can't go with this culture it won't work you've been marked for the kingdom of god do you believe that all right so now these are things you have to do god just remind me he said yo last time y'all had this meeting the man of god prayed for you specifically i remember that yes yes god is a reminder of that so right now i want you to take authority over yourself can you do that can you say it after me in the name of jesus devil shut up and leave me alone leave me alone i'm a child of god of god i'm a child of god in jesus name i receive my deliverance now satan go in jesus name leave all alone [Music] yes yes yes yes come on mental tournament gone anybody i miss come on did i miss you ma'am come on lift your hands now in jesus name they don't take long they don't take long that's it that's it that's it and i i know it's rationalization that's all it is how does this work it's not in your mind it's out of your spirit that's it so don't even think it through just submit to it is that okay i want you to make a confession with me i let the mind of christ be in me in jesus name that's it nothing spooky about it you don't have to fall as soon as i got to you spirit god says it's rationalization that's messing her up you had every way power god hit other people he's still hitting you right now because it's an inward word so i decree philippians 2 13 christ at work can you both to will and to do it's good pleasure god loves you yes yes that's it y'all nothing spooky about this this is authentic jesus jesus jesus i heard the word honesty as soon as i got to you walk in honesty purity and sincerity that's how you're going to win that's how you're going to win that's how you're going to win god's affirming you but that's what i hear he says honesty thank you lord jesus and freedom in your mind freedom in your mind yolanda you already got it that's why you didn't answer the altar last night just receive thank you lord just receive yeah just receive hallelujah if you can beat cancer you can beat mental health you kidding me thank you lord you already got it just take it take it from jesus thank you lord just take it peace in your mind all right come on i'm almost home come on in jesus name in jesus name give me some help thank you lord yeah yes yes that's the glory the glory the glory the glory the glory the glory yes yes yep peace in your body peace in your mind peace in your mind peace in your mind and it just registered in my spirit some of you need to stop yoga yeah just register right out of my spirit stop all that deep breathing come out all that witchcraft that's demonic you're channeling sexual spirits so i come against eastern philosophies in this room in the name of jesus and i speak the peace of god over you right now in jesus name thank you lord thank you thank you thank you lord all right come on come on we going home come on jesus jesus jesus that's somebody ready to receive jesus thank you lord she's just ready she's taken just take it y'all you don't have to labor with the devil just take it jesus thank you lord come on mario just take it come on we gotta move fast now jesus jesus jesus come on come on jesus jesus jesus in the name come out all of it all of there's enough power in the name to do it all jesus name thank you lord thank you lord come on errol lift your hands regulate your mind in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord come on come on come on come on this is not a show did i miss anybody i miss anybody it's time to put the man of god up come on we flooring by the spirit of god thank you a girl god loves you i don't know you uh like that i don't know you personally but as soon as i got to you is a bright light over you amen god loves you he loves everybody in this room but god is favoring you you mean something to him and that's all it is that's all it is no you don't have to sell yourself short by giving up your body you don't i love doing this with people that i don't know because i don't know anything about you but you don't have to you don't have to no no no no first lady you come help me thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus lift your hands i decree over you a continuance in purity you will not get oh jesus that's it you will not give up the fight oh glory to god glory to god and i come against every tormenting spirit that's what it is yes yes i recognize you devil leave all alone and yet there's that coffin yeah leave her alone in jesus name deliverance deliverance deliverance come on come on come on you don't have the right to step in the name of jesus you see it yeah yeah there's a piece of god yes yes then peace comes then peace comes and she was found sitting closed and in her right mind oh give me a female to give her a hug somebody give her praise give god praise give god give god glory give god glory god loves you oh hallelujah come on church come on give him glory in this place thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah amen one of the things that that i seek to get better at every day you know mama taught me some of this she i don't even know she knows she taught it to me but she did she said obedience is not um i will do obedience is i'm doing that is as soon as god says it you flow with him you do what he says right so i'm not going to be in a protocol and do an extensive offering exhortation anybody in this church ever been exhorted in the offering amen i think we all been exhorted right between our two churches and everybody else visiting so i don't want to do that tonight i i want to do something that is a part of worship offering is a part of worship but i promise you what god told paul that's why i was wrestling with my word because the spirit of god was just quickening in me mental health mental health and he came and confirmed it because the truth is y'all i don't want to get in his way with this word is that not right amen that's very important to me amen but the flow of god just is just present in this room amen so we're getting ready to put the man of god up but i want you to do something tonight can you give god an excellent seed second corinthians eight and seven says as much as you excel in these other graces see that you also excel in giving can we give him an excellent seed tonight so come on take your seat and just hear god on what he would have you to sow and we're gonna put the man of god up the spirit of god is still here we're not gonna do announcements announcements are not a part of the flow of god we're gonna do announcements at the end but offering his worship is that not right so we're going to do this first offering tonight and we're believing god for some abundant harvesters in your life and then we're going to put the man of god up amen put the man of god up is anybody still grateful for the move of god oh hallelujah thank you lord jesus what a move of god already once you get your best seed amen what is god telling you to give that's what we want to give tonight email on this offering in particular what is god telling you to get all right hear god in your offering amen and and you will be blessed as a result of that thank you lord jesus what a flow what a move amen amen amen thank you lord even while you're filling your check out let's stay worshipful amen we don't want the holy ghost to feel like he's got to go is that right we want him to stay in langer and he will so we reverence his presence amen we honor him tonight and we're thanking god amen for what he's about to do amen god bless you hey brother matt good to see you amen amen we are going to receive this offer and then we're going to put this man to god the power of god is so rich in this place thank you lord and y'all to talk about it and boast in it how about the man who was able to touch his toes is that all right what about the lady who no longer has a lump on her breast thank you lord jesus cancer healed fibroids gone and those of you who got healed tonight first thing tomorrow do something by faith schedule some follow-ups do something hear god amen demonstrate i believe god show myself to the priest i'm healed whatever god tells you to do check with your pastors i'm not trying to get ahead of your pastor but do something that god will tell you to do amen demonstrating that i i took it i got it tonight amen thank you lord all right come on let's uh do our offer and exhortation put it on the screen come on stay with us church i'm blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed coming in and blessed going out i'm blessed in the basket and blessed in the store my bank accounts investments health and relationships flourish the blessings of the lord overtake me and all now before you yell and scream let's discern the move of god in this flow you worship come on honor him thank you lord hallelujah that's it discerning the move of god thank you lord it's like a breath of fresh air in the room thank you lord jesus hallelujah discerning the move of god we thank you for it father now come on do your own military confessions these brothers are coming now we're going to stay right in that flow come on men of god they're coming to receive your offering come on do your own militant confessions and riches are in my home psalm 112 3 lord is my shepherd i shall not want he supplies my needs according to his riches in glory do your own confessions until they get to you speak over your offering thank you lord pop tart and reminded me something years ago five probably five six years ago i said be be reminded to let the people speak over their offerings that's right amen i never forgot that speak over our offerings call in the harvest command the earth to yield his harvest is anybody still doing that amen this is a part of worship father we command the earth to yield his harvest in jesus name so i can be blessed to be even a greater blessing well i tell you what we're going to do in in wisdom and spiritual insight we're going to put the man of god up is that right amen we're excited about the word of god tonight i thank god for uh my pastor amen and and uh mentor and call him pop amen so affectionately and i really mean that because he means so much to me amen and uh i'm so glad to have him tonight uh what a charlotte trailblazer perfect time to introduce him while we're receiving the offering uh but what a trailblazer of faith um word of faith is is not a movement it's the word of faith that we preach amen uh but what a christian what a spirit-filled soldier uh for for the cross for jesus and the holy ghost and so i thank god for him tonight i uh yielded to him you know in so many ways because uh he's been so rich in my life his counsel his feedback uh and greater than any of those elements which are so rich is his anointing is that all right how can they hear without a preacher i heard one good faith preacher say it not long ago it's anointed preaching yes anointed preaching that makes the difference amen and i'm so glad tonight we don't have a fundamentalist we have a spirit-filled word preacher is that not right amen so i honor him tonight i thank god for him i appreciate him um so often i'm blessed to turn the tv on and uh i see pop going as we would like to say going in yes indeed he is going in and when i see him going in it makes me want to change the next message i was going to preach and go ahead and go in i said if he's going in i got to go in too amen we are going in is that not right amen shame on you if all your friends get in the fight and you stay inside hallelujah and we going to fight all of us fighting amen we is that right we all they invite us outside amen all the gospel preachers in charlotte are fighting and we're going to fight the good fight of faith and we learned in the faith conference years ago it's a good fight because we've already won is that not right so i'm saying amen give them praise for that so i thank god for the man of god tonight i do want to be protocol-ish i do honor my sweet wives so pretty love her tonight i honor her i appreciate her yes indeed yes indeed so sweet such an asset and i know pre-service prayer was amazing and i thank god for mama tonight what about mom tonight amen so precious love her to my big brother and mentor pastor randy are you glad he's here i'm glad he's here amen to minister matthew a great preacher in his own right amen what a great great great entree of preachers we have tonight if you will be seated for just a second if you are a minister i see pastor chisholm here tonight if you're a minister would you stand on your feet we should recognize ministers amen it's good protocol too you're a minister of the gospel god bless you all god bless you ma'am and sir thank you all for coming tonight amen we we know the schedule of pastors is extremely busy so thank you for being here so without any further ado are you ready to hear pop amen amen let's receive pastor robin gould senior pastor of victory christian center come on stand to your feet and give him a hearty welcome amen thank you lord [Music] is pastor rogers does as well from way back way back way back and i wouldn't get rid of those bibles pastor chisholm for nothing in the world every now and then i'll pull them out and i'll say wow i wrote that in there i underlined that god showed me that etc etc so so that's just too cheap got another offer all right praise the lord but um one reason why i brought that notebook there's several messages on faith in there and i left probably a hundred in the office on faith and i grabbed that because i i just wanted to be sensitive earlier i pastored i said i think i got the direction and so i was pondering that and then as i was just being sensitive to what was going on in here tonight then i pulled out another message that i believe that god wants me to talk to you guys about tonight i have been so privileged and fortunate over the years to have men and women of god teach me faith and put deposits on the inside of me about faith and i give god all of the glory for that god gets all of the glory you know god gets all of the glory right and and and so and so faith is in me faith is just me you know i'm not bragging i'm not being arrogant i'm not being haughty i'm not being you know uh just braggadocious whatever the word is i'm not i'm not any of that but you know once you once you walk in certain things for a while you begin to see what god has done and what's in you it's like the late dr sumrall said you know you don't have to go around telling people who you are after a while everybody will see it and you'll know it within yourself without you trying to tell people putting the label next to your name and stuff like that and uh and so over the years faith pastor has become me i'm other things but faith has become me and and that's because men and women of god has uh helped god to put faith in me for to put it that way you know and uh and so i put out a message that i taught to our men about a month ago and i briefly taught it to our men because as you know i teach from 7 to 7 30 to our men each monday night and uh as as as god was moving and and i was being sensitive to the lord and i i know i know fibroids shrunk tonight and disappeared tonight so those of you that will pray for you better you better thank god for it and you better expect it and you better at some point in time you go get examined in jesus name and i knew in my heart that there were many here relative to mental torment you know and uh and we thank god for the freedom that took place and it all took place because of our faith in what the holy spirit was saying see faith follows the holy spirit is that right or wrong faith follows the holy spirit you you don't have confidence in faith unless you heard from god see that's just real important to know there's no confidence in faith unless you heard from god you see when you when you hear from god then you can step out knowing that every crooked place is going to be made straight and that no weapon formed against you can prosper see and every tongue that rises up against you in judgment will be condemned because because you heard from god see faith is revelation it's revelation faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god the more you hear the word of god then then i'll put it this way then suddenly a deposit of faith comes so you can't grow into faith faith comes by revelation and a deposit comes as you hear the word and meditate the word then without you knowing all of a sudden and i'll put it that way all of a sudden you know on the inside you're bigger than you were yesterday because faith came some people they try to use all these points to get to faith that doesn't get you to faith what gets you to faith is revelation and the spirit of god said he will receive of the father and share it with us no man can know the father except by the son unless the son shows him and in first corinthians 2 paul said very very very succinctly he said we haven't received the spirit of this world but the spirit which is of god that we can know the things that are freely giving us of god but that comes by the holy spirit and faith comes because of the holy spirit revealing the word to you and faith in in essence true faith true faith because not all faith is true there's nominal faith it appears to be faith it looks like it tries to look like faith it's a fake true faith rests on the character of god if you don't begin to comprehend and grasp the character of god you'll never walk in faith the character of god faith true faith starts when you can answer the question what is god like when you can literally answer the question what is god like you're on your way to faith for example god is immutable unchangeable unchangeable if he said it he'll do it if he's if he's spoken he'll bring it to pass his word is forever settled in heaven he's unchangeable god cannot change malachi 3. jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever there's no shadow of turning in god you got to know he's immutable why do i have to know that because circumstances come that will shake you but when you know he's immutable that his character is immutable immutability till you stay in faith there's nominal faith all in all of our churches pastor as much as we teach it as much as much as i teach it there's still nominal faith in our churches because you won't pay the price and i'm not i'm not berating and i'm not beating you up beating you up but you won't pay the price to understand the character of god jesus knew his character that's why he says my father i know you heard me you always hear me your character is to hear the eyes of the lord are upon the righteous his ears are open until their cries the character of god is is is is what puts you in a place of real faith true faith so you need to study that sometimes you know he's faithful right he's he's he's not a uh he's not finite he's infinite he's immense immense the immensity of god sometimes we lose sight of that the imminence of god the holiness of god the justice of god when you understand the character i said this in churches not too long ago pastor where it says in luke 18 8 when the son of man comes will he find faith on the earth what kind of faith is he talking about you read the context faith in the justice of god that god will bring justice to his people i've got faith in the justice of god so so my faith is that that regardless of what the the plots are and the strategies and the schemes against me god will vindicate me he's a just god so i can sleep at night i won't have insomnia because of god's character now i don't know everything about god because nobody can ever know that on planet earth i mean he's the bible says in romans the unsearchable riches of christ our minds cannot take it in our spirit can only take it in and it takes a lifetime to really really really and even another lifetime for the spirit of god to reveal and revealed and revealed and revealed and revealed but thank god we can go from glory to glory amen if there was ever a time that we have to live by faith it's not sir it's now what's going on is a precursor to the mark of the beast we've got to have faith now you got to dig in now in in worshiping jesus spending time with jesus talking in tongues because what's going on today is to destroy your relationship with god your faith in god your confidence in god are you here forcing vaccinations threatening your job over it that's why maybe some people were mentally tormented yeah that's true uncertain about tomorrow what if they don't give me a religious exemption what if this what if that what if they let me go how will my mortgage just get paid how will my my car payment get made how will this happen how will that happen a mental torment unless you know the character of god yes sir he'll never leave you nor forsake you and david said i've been young now am i old yet have i never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread i would have fainted unless i had believed to see the goodness of the lord what what the goodness that means god is good that's his character is when you understand his character when you can answer the question who is what is rather god like what is he like i know what this woman is like yeah yes i know what this man is like i know what that man is like these two sons of mine i know what my son here minister chapman is like yes but what's most important is can i answer the question what is god like because my faith is based on that are you here now this is what i want to quickly give you tonight and i'm not doing it because you know we went long here we always yield to the holy ghost amen amen we don't we don't grieve him we don't quench him we don't resist him we don't fight with him we're not like well you know i came for the word and here we are no we came for the will of god not my will but his will be done whatever that is right and it looks differently you know from time to time so i want to talk with you very briefly now i'm going quickly on these points i'm going to talk about the difficulties of faith now listen why i'm doing this because of what's going on in our nation what's going on in our world we have to understand so many people think that faith is such an easy life it's not an easy walk but it's a victorious wall but it's not an easy walk yes sir so we want to look quickly at the difficulties of faith always remembering first john 5 4. this is the victory that overcomes the world even even what even our faith what overcomes the world our faith you know that you've got a great pastor teach us the word of god we know the scriptures on faith hebrews 11 1 hebrews 11 6 ephesians 6 6 16. you know we know these scriptures habakkuk 2 4 we know romans 1 17 we know first timothy 6 12. we know all these scriptures on faith romans 5 verse 1 and 2 we know these scriptures we know ii corinthians 5 7 don't we know those scriptures i said don't we know those scriptures yes sir like pastor said we better know them our faith is a faith life right the just shall live by faith so just it's a faith life our talking is faith talking whosoever shall say until this mountain speak talking our believing is faith believing we don't have we don't doubt god the same spirit of faith we believe and therefore we speak our acting is faith acting everything about our lives as christians is of faith life now what are some of these difficulties we're going to go through these very very quickly because we got to be able to overcome them and identify them all right let me turn to another set of notes here we go difficulties of faith now years ago now and pastor long knows it pastor rogers knows it minister chapman knows it probably pastor chisholm and others years ago fred price kenneth copeland kenneth hagin they talked about the enemies of faith the enemies and i wrote them down such as lack of confidence in god's integrity that's an enemy of faith a lack of confidence in god's integrity i just don't trust god yes sir some trust in horses some some trusting princes some trust in men yes sir but i tell you what we're in the hour where you better trust in god and god only god only yes sir and uh a second one they used to always teach on is failure to hold fast to your confession an enemy of faith and the bible says hold fast so you're what profession of faith without wavering and he says the enemy is when you fail to hold fast to it where you start saying whatever you feel and whatever you hear and whatever is going on in life instead of staying saying what the word of god says they say the third one is failure or i'm sorry here a lack of knowledge of god's word just outright lack of knowledge ignorance of the word of god that's why it's good to be in the church that you're in isn't that right so you can be taught the word of god correct number four they said ascend consciousness consciousness you heard the ministry of the holy spirit through the word of knowledge how god was saying get over your past in essence i love you the blood of jesus handles that so many of us we cannot release faith because of our history but god doesn't remember your history as far as the east is from the west he remembers it no more isn't that right and then another one they used to teach on and i i don't i don't listen a lot of their messages anymore but they used to teach on not acting on the word of god is an enemy of faith not acting on the word of god and another one is not understanding the new creation what took place in your life when you got born again it says a new creation right old things passed away behold all things became new all things are of god another one and i'll cl i'll in this part of it is uh senses being preoccupied with what comes to your senses those are enemies of faith that they used to always teach on now all of the blessings of god come through faith period all of the blessings of god come through faith say that out loud all right now let's get into some of these uh difficulties of faith one is fear and we won't go into that tonight okay i i i began to teach this pastor rogers in my church and i didn't even get past point one the whole message 60 minutes however long was on this point right here fear fear is probably the greatest obstacle to your faith fear that's why you read in the bible fear not fear not fear not isaiah 41 all about not being afraid he'll uphold you with his righteous right hand and then paul by the spirit of god god didn't give you a what a spirit of fear but a power love and of a sound mind but let's move on the second one that i want to give you now i'm talking about the difficulties of faith the first one is fear okay secondly is other people's wills other people's wills boy that makes faith difficult yes yes you believe in god and their will is going somewhere else you're praying for the salvation of your wife your husband your son your daughter but their will is somewhere else yes my god how that fights your faith how that makes your face so difficult god when would it change when will i see an answer but in the word of god you see all of the time people's choice and god honored their choices apollos he chose in first corinthians 16 he chose not to go with paul and visit a certain group of people it was his will and paul had to honor that and you know what's wrong with some of us when it comes to operating in faith we don't honor people's will if they got a will not to serve god right now honor it but listen that doesn't mean it won't change because you've been on your knees you've been declaring the word of god you're just going to let god be god and you stop being god you're going to stop being the holy ghost let them walk out their will and the holy ghost of sending people across their path every day the holy ghost is bringing the word of god back to their mind while they're in the clubs and at the bar and getting ready to put a joint in their mouth but their will is affecting you because you won't leave it with god are you hearing what i'm saying glory that's a difficult of faith somebody's will oh and your heart is going out you love them so much and they're going the wrong way oh my god my son my wife my husband oh my god you got to back off casting all your cares upon you me because i care for you come under me all you that labor in our heavy laden i'll give you a rest my yoke is easy my burden is light yes that's a difficulty and there's a trick of the devil to get you out of faith that's why it says we walk by faith not not by sight boy that's a difficult thing all so many of you oh yes yeah because you know what i'm talking about right but god is bigger than they are greater than they are he's omnipotent are you hearing what i'm saying here but that's that's the difficulty of faith and and you see in the word of god remember when when they said paul you know we know we know there's nothing but trouble of waiting for awaiting you don't go don't go paul says hey none of those things move me i got a will on my own i'm going and the bible says paul prayed with them at ephesus and they cried why did they cry because he said you won't see my face anymore he had a will to go richard roberts was on the golf course with his dad the late oral roberts and and i don't know what the conversation you know how it led into this but richard roberts roberts just threw his golf clubs down and said i'm done with you dad and i'm done with this university i don't want nothing to do with you nothing to do with this university nothing to do with this god and he walked off all said the late old robert says his heart went down to his feet just broken then he heard the spirit of god say to him love him at a distance love him at a distance and he had to back off as much as he wanted to call him he never called him as much as he wanted to reach out he never reached out he just stayed before god and loved him at a distance three months later or so maybe living longer than that he got a call from richard his son saying dad i'm sorry crying dad i'm coming back home god i love god god i want to serve your god god dad i want to be a part of the university etc said to say everybody say this out loud i'm not the holy ghost say but the holy ghost can do it but the holy ghost the holy spirit can do it other people's will i i'm getting stuck there let me go to the next one please all right and uh the next one i want to get well let me let me say this and i already put it out there uh watching people wield things contrary to the heart or will of god can produce emotional unrest psychological warfare insomnia physical challenges and on and on i'm gonna say it again watching people wield things contrary to the heart or will of god can produce emotional unrest psychological warfare insomnia physical challenges somebody just the other day said to me pastor we were talking about something and i i checked on if we talk about something on a sunday and i didn't have a conversation with them so i checked on them a little later and they said these words i just come back from the hospital with chest pains i said that's because of the situation she said i know it is pastor i know it is what was the problem watching someone they loved wields something out of the will of god it messed with her heart she started having heart pains that's not the will of god that's just a difficulty of faith are you hearing me that we have to put in god's hand right faith in god moves us into a place of rest okay faith in god moves us into a place of rest you've heard me say it over and over again here you heard your pastor said others probably said faith without rest is unbelief right faith without rest is unbelief so faith in god moves you to a place of rest and doesn't it say in hebrews enter into my rest doesn't it say enter into my rest it says that joshua couldn't take them in but but but you enter into this rest that rest is resting in everything that jesus has done for us and according to ephesians 1 3 he's blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heaven i said i'm gonna go fast heavenly places in christ jesus now number one number three let me give you this one here number three a difficulty of faith is it seems impossible yes it just seems impossible then abraham laughed it seems impossible me old as i am didn't sarah laugh did she not laugh it seems impossible and what happened to zacharias huh he had prayed and then gabriel came and said i'll come for your prayers you're going to have a son oh really really yeah and so gabriel said you know i'm gabriel i come from the presence of god you won't talk until that baby is born nine months silence because it seemed impossible and that's the difficulty of faith when things just seem like they can't not happen but all things are possible with god number one number four circumstances along the way circumstances along the way this is a difficulty of faith you think about joseph all of his circumstances mr school taught the other day from the pit to the palace but difficulties around along the way you think about you think about joseph his brothers you know you know threw him in the ditch then his brother says you know what that's not kill him there come a caravan let's sell him and sold him and then after that he got light on and then he got thrown into a dungeon isn't that right thrown into prison and then he interpreted dreams and they and they and the man that that uh was put back in his position he had said you know i'll remember you and the man forgot about him for two years finally let me hear you say finally i want you to know your finally is coming i'm telling your finally it's coming oh you've gone through a lot right now but you're finally showing up there's a finally headed your way you got to understand that finally finally finally the the man said oh i've done wrong okay you had a dream i've done wrong there's a man in prison he knows how to interpret dreams yes god's going to honor you you're finally is coming you can sit back down i love y'all y'all can see me it finally is coming it's turning around but that's a difficulty of faith you know when when circumstances just don't seem to be turning around things just don't seem to be getting better i'm doing everything i possibly can and it still doesn't seem to get better that's the difficulty of faith and it takes a strong person to walk in faith now as much as we teach faith i hate to say it everybody doesn't walk in faith because these things man it just it just knocks them off the horse and then they start saying it doesn't work what am i doing wrong all those kinds of things instead of for the joy that's set before you you endure this there's a shame isn't it right yeah you're endured the cross the spies and the shame and so these things are real now number number five time a difficulty of faith is time how long will it take god i don't know i just know his character he's a god of integrity he watches over his word to perform it i i don't have an answer to how long but i'm going to stick with him until it happens and that's what we have to do we're talking about a difficulty of faith and that is time abraham had to wait 25 years isn't that right for the birth of isaac is that right that's right well i don't have 25 years well god knows what you do have and just trust god to turn it around within the time right he's able to do that so we're talking about faith and we're talking about the difficulties of it and we have to understand the enemy uses these things to try to knock us off the uh out of the saddle all right so time how long etc then hebrews 6 12 it goes along with that the bible says you follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises you inherited and the next is our mind our mind another difficulty of faith is the mind the mind will tell you there's another way the mind will tell you well what you saw what happened to them what makes you an exception the mind will tell you all kinds of things and so the bible says as pastor said earlier as he was ministering you know you cast down imaginations you bring it into captivity you capture that thing and you bring it in line with the word of god because you we have the what of christ mind of christ the bible tells us be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know your labor is not in vain in the lord be steadfast stay with it stay the course immovable this won't move me it's been it's been six months it's not going to move me it's been 12 months a whole year i'm not moved it's been a year and a half i'm not moved it's been two years i'm not moved i'm treading water until my change comes i'm not going anywhere god will sustain me in the midst of it all he'll strengthen me with might in my inner man so so time and and the mind those things they they they go hand in hand as it were you know hand and glove the next one is discipline the difficulty of faith is discipline and we just talked about that in essence staying the course not giving up the bible teaches that in first timothy 6 12 fighting the good fight of faith second timothy 4 paul says i follow the good fight i kept the faith finish my course second timothy 2 1 acts chapter 20. so you've got scriptures that deal with discipline and you know what paul said in first corinthians chapter nine i bring my body under what subjection all right let's after i have preached to others i myself might be a cast away number eight staying in the unseen world okay you know that faith is staying in the unseen world not coming out of the unseen world okay faith is the substance of things what hope for the evidence of things what not seen because you can't see it doesn't mean it does not exist it's up there and we pull it out and our job is to stay in that unseen world and the devil's job is to try to keep us a stay-in-the-scene world right and he's a good devil right he's a good devil he does his job well does he not tell the truth somebody told the late kenneth hagin he says well you even speak good about the devil he says well he does his job well the thing is will we do our job will we submit ourselves to god and resist the devil that he might flee from us will we cast out devils see well we do our job all authorities given jesus he gave it to us tread upon serpents and scorpions and of all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt us all right so let's do our job tell your neighbor do your job let's stay in the unseen world and then number eight uh number nine is that right number nine the words and attitudes of others we're talking about difficulties of faith the words of other people and the attitudes of other people notice not your words but their words like i spoke about the richard roberts those words cut they hurt oral roberts the later oral roberts other people's words other people's attitudes you know you know like david david david went to fight goliath what not went to fight he went to you know visit his brother see how things were then he found out what was going on his brother treated him with the wrong attitude saul treated me with the wrong attitude you're but a youth you're not able to do this just total disrespect right and so other people's attitudes and other people's words can be a difficulty of faith if you let it say i won't i absolutely won't let it in jesus name so we must learn when not to give attention to what other people do and say you have to learn not to give that any attention at all that's right period you got to know when you're talking to a devil and when you're talking to somebody's saying and when somebody's saying they're going to treat you right and when they're full of the devil they're going to treat you wrong you have to say oh that's the devil see you later just that simple my mom as much as i loved her she's in heaven now there were times pastor she was full of the devil yeah period and then we deal with that right i mean i know you don't want to tell now but man you know right mama said robin i just can't deal with your mom when she a certain way and she began to learn spiritual things you have to you have to call them by name and when you and when a lot of times when you call their name marlin then they'll snap out and then you'll see where they are and you can have a sane conversation sometimes but when they're not when they're not in there right now you cannot you cannot reason with them you cannot negotiate with them you cannot nothing with them some of y'all got family like that my mama was like that yeah yes sir and so we have to understand spiritual things this is a difficulty of faith and we have to learn how to ignore what they say in their attitudes and know when to walk away when does when they're in their right mind there were times my mom was in her right mind and she was the most pleasant person is that right you better say yeah [Laughter] there were times she was in her right mouth and she was so pleasant and loving and caring and gentle and considerate but pastor my god when that spirit came over here she'd be wicked and mean and attitude and everything else just night and day and so when you deal with people like that you have to learn not to give attention to their words or their attitude don't try to you know let's talk it out no this thing no no talking can be done how many have seen something like that oh yeah look at all these hands how many that's you no i'm just playing yeah so so you have to learn to ignore their words and their attitudes etc because what did what did david do he walked away from his brother i don't like what you said bro i'm not going to stand here and argue with you and i'm going to stand here and try to defend myself either you're crazy just walk away you got to know when to walk away otherwise you're going to get hurt you're going to get wounded you're going to get offended you're following me you're going to get discouraged you're going to think your faith isn't working but it's working but you don't understand how to flow with your faith you cannot deal with everybody at any and every point of time all right and so the last one i want to give you i think that's the last one yeah it's doubt the difficulty of faith is doubt and doubt really sums it all up you know there was a lesson years ago the doubt the thief of god's greater blessings or something like that you know and all and the late dr sumrall feeds your faith and starve your doubts to death starve them starve your doubts whatever you're doubting starve it with the word of god and we can do that all right so some scriptures you can look up on your own we won't turn to it hebrews 12 verse 2. i kind of alluded to it mark 9 24 and particularly in that amplified bible in second thessalonians chapter 1 verses 3 and 4. all right but we want to know want you to know that uh we can win when we stay in faith i think i want to give you one other thing and that is this uh look at first corinthians chapter first kings rather chapter 18 and let's look at the 21st verse because our responsibility i'm going to give you three or four things very quickly first uh there you go first kings 18 21. and elijah came to all the people and said how long will you falter between two opinions king james says how long will you what halt between two opinions if the lord is god follow him but if they'll follow him but the people didn't answer the word now our responsibility pastor and everybody in here our responsibility is don't get double minded faith doesn't work when you're double-minded you either believe in god for your son or you're not either believing god for your healing or you're not you've been believing god for favor on your job or you're not but you can't one day be this way one week be this way and another day another week a different kind of way our job is to be single-minded i believe god anybody else believe god let's give you another scripture our responsibility in this faith walk is not to be double-minded not be between two opinions look at numbers chapter 14 they'll put on the screen verse 22 our job is not to provoke god not to provoke god numbers 14 22 because all these men who have seen my glory and the signs was i did in egypt and in the wilderness and have put me to the test now these ten times king james talks about provoking me ten times they provoked me ten times they challenged me ten times they questioned me ten times they wondered you brought us out here to die why do you do this moses why didn't you do this moses our job when we're walking by faith and dealing with the difficulties of faith is not to provoke god by the words of our mouths by our actions are you following me by our attitudes what did what what did david say to his soul why are thou cast down within me why are you cast down hope now in god and and then he says in psalm 103 bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me and listen the difficulties of faith will challenge your soul to challenge your soul and you won't even realize sometimes that you're looking discouraged you won't even realize sometimes that the oppression has come and then all of a sudden you'll somebody say what's wrong and and then you'll catch it or the spirit of god if you don't stay away from god too long the spirit of god said you know what you better get it together i'm here i love you you've won i'm on your side all right so you have to bless the lord don't don't provoke god by your attitude your words your actions etc you stay consistent with the things of god another another thing is remembering remembering remembering not forgetting the tither's promise don't ever forget the tither's promise regardless of what you go through don't forget the tither's promise now now what is that you know it he said that it will bring the tithes into the storehouse what will he do open up the wounds of heaven and pour you out what a blessing you won't have rumors to receive and he will also what rebuke the devourer for your sake now let me hear you call the devourer rebuked devour your rebuke in the name of jesus i will rebuke the devourer for your sake but what else did he say come on you should know it all right you don't know it your vine will not cast forth this fruit before the time in the field you know what he's saying right there i'll see to it that every need is met right on time i'll see to it that it all your seed in the past that that that the vine will produce right on time you don't have to worry about where your next meal is coming from you don't have to worry about how that bill is going to get paid you planted seed there's a tithe of promise on on your life and right on time here comes the vine yielding what you need i i'm talking about what our responsibility is not forgetting the tither's promise okay and then he also said and i'll bless you in a way we're all nations so call you blessed instead of nations we say people all people will call us blessed they'll see they recall by his name are you here and then another another responsibility as we deal with these difficulties of faith another one is found in second corinthians chapter six all right and uh and let's start around the 13th verse 14th verse and we're going to read all the way into the second corinthians 7 verse 1 and then i'm going to sit down let's go to the 14th verse be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion has light with darkness and then it says next verse through 7 1 and what concord hath christ with belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel and then it says next verse and what agreement hath the temple of god with idols for you are the temple of god say i am the temple of god of the living god as god has said i will dwell on them and walk in them and notice it says i will be their god and they shall be my people let's read on it says here wherefore do what wherefore come out from among them and be separate says the lord and touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you now notice this next part see our responsibility is doing all of that and then what will he do next verse and i will be a father to you and you shall be my sons and daughters says the lord almighty listen our responsibility is to separate and stay separated from the world so regardless of what the devil tries to do whatever the difficulty of faith is our father will be our father are you understand he'll take care of us say he'll take care of us and then notice notice the next verse please 7 1 having therefore these promises what are these we just read promises god is not a man that he should lie right having these promises that if you'll come out i'll be a father and you'll be my sons and my daughters nobody can take better care of you than god i'll be a father to you just come out just turn off the secular music let go of the beer and the wine get out of the wrong bed just come out yes sir get out of the counsel of the ungodly just come out are you hearing this he said and i'll be a father to you you'll be my sons and my daughters and then it says having therefore these promises dearly beloved cleanse your sins cleanse yourself that'll stop the devil every time holiness will sanctification will cleanse yourself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit and you perfect holiness in the sphere or reverence of god okay this is a time where we have to walk by faith and live by faith all right understanding the difficulties but also understanding god is with us he's for us he's in us and all we have to do is maintain those four responsibilities and we win every time are you hearing what i'm saying all right let's stand to our feet come on let's give god some praise come on give him some praise for the word [Music] oh my god help us to understand your character help us our father in the name of jesus [Music] to understand our responsibility in the midst of the difficulties of faith and thank you lord that the devil is defeated and jesus is lord the victory's already won we just have to do our part to demonstrate it and lord we make a commitment to do that in the name of jesus we will not get weary and well doing for in due season we know that we shall reap if we faint not thank you lord for victory in and because and through our faith in the name of jesus so lord everything that's in front of us god we speak victory in advance we say that we triumph over it in the name of jesus we say the blessings of abraham come upon us and overtake us father we decree as your covenant sons and daughters we're in the world but not of it and you will make a distinction between us and the world what comes to the world won't come to us because we are your people and the sheep of your pastor you are our shepherd and we still not one so bless my brothers and sisters god we thank you for victory in every area of our lives [Music] in the name of jesus amen and amen all right i love you guys so much we'll turn it over to pastor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes sir love you amen come on give god a praise for pastor gold amen amen and amen i i hope you heard the clearing call in that um there's a word of preparation uh you know pop dealt at our anniversary last year with fortified being made stronger and he said something that we've been saying for a long time y'all you gonna have now you're gonna have to walk and live by family is that right pop you know we we we got to be done with this world we've been teaching that i've been telling you church those youth kingdom just how you can't be engrafted in this world you can't care if you can't go to your favorite restaurant anymore [Music] the rules change amen find pleasure in the things of god that's where we're going y'all that's a reality amen so we received that word and we thank god for tonight and there there may be one here tonight two three fifteen doesn't matter i know this is a believer's meeting but we don't wanna take it for granted might be somebody here tonight you don't know jesus you're not sure that you know him which is indicative of not knowing them this is a question i love to ask are you 100 sure that if you stop breathing tonight that you go to heaven that's the only way that you should stay in your seat that you just know without a shadow of a doubt that if my heart stopped this evening i'd go to heaven for whatever reason we're not speaking death over anybody i said for whatever reason amen if there's you and you are not sure of that we got time for you we're not going to be here much longer i want you to come and let's lead you to the lord tonight it's so important so important to be sure in this time amen pop was talking about no faith and and it reminded me of something paul talked about when he talked about the unfeigned faith that right you can't fake it now y'all the unfeigned faith so you can't fake your salvation you can't faith your faith in god you gotta know paul in whom i believe i know i know what i believe i don't know what this culture is gonna do i don't know what terms are gonna make amen it's okay girl yes come on down yeah uh y'all give him a hand amen pam just come and rededicate lead them to the lord but you just you just have to know no i know in whom i believe i'm not i'm not shifty about it i'm not unsure that's the times we're living in and it's not sad look up your deliverance is not hallelujah oh come on give them praise for that we're getting out of here hey amen oh that's good news y'all we are so come lord jesus thank you lord thank you lord to why pam is leading these precious young ladies rededicating to the lord amen you're here tonight you you you're not filled with the holy ghost you want to be filled i i i sensed that a lot that already occurred but i'd be remiss yeah i do want the holy spirit we got some people that can help you tap into the holy ghost tonight you just need that not going to be here much longer so to be real quick doesn't take them long amen amen amen i i sensed a lot of that occurred already so we're thanking god for that we do honor god tonight but i tell you what all glory goes to god but the bible does teach us to honor men it does teach us that is that all right can we honor pop can we honor pastor tonight let's thank god pop thank you so much love you thank you faithful amen amen amen thank you pop i really yeah i want to do one thing that we always do every year this time is one of my favorite parts of the faith conference i get to do it at least twice it's my speaker's offering amen is anybody excited about that yes yes yes so this won't take long i want you to be seated just for a second i don't want to hold pop long i know he has um his things to get off too who enjoys this time to be healed on fridays amen that's live television and so he's got he's got to get back and do some things and so we we're not going to tame detain him and mrs gould but it is time to be a strong strong blessing this is one of my favorite things to do everybody has their areas that they just really enjoy and i enjoy giving i enjoy giving for admirative reasons uh a i like to see people bless that's that that makes me feel good i like that feeling but then i more importantly the anointing the draw paul said in philippians 1 7 you're a partaker of my grace and one of the ways you can partake in the grace of a man of god and this wisdom amen is to sow into it so tonight in kcc i want you to hear me this is one of those significant seed nights you know what that means i want you to sow uh uh abundantly bountifully into the man of god you all know my integrity by now every dime somebody say every dime yeah every dime and then something goes to the pastor is that not right that's how we do things over here at kcc amen so we're going to be a strong blessing to pastor ghoul i want you to hear god so as he leads you i do have a benchmark or two for sister rogers and i we definitely going to give a thousand dollars tonight i believe in my papa pastor amen and what god is doing and you know what paul said we learned it on increased night he said not that i desire a gift is that not right but i want to see your account grow amen aren't you glad to know that pastor gould is blessed is that not right he doesn't need our money praise god but i i believe that our accounts in the spirit realm grows it goes up amen and you reap an abundant harvest you're so bountifully what happens bountifully that is a rule that is a law it works every single time especially when it's in this good ground so we're going to do that and y'all we're not going to belabor the point we're going to do two things at once i want to be time efficient i know it's 9 11 and i want to be considerate of you the people of god and the man of god tonight and woman of god so we are while you're preparing your offering y'all play briefly those those quick the announcements they're about three to five good minutes go ahead and roll the tape while while the people of god are filling out their announcements and we will be having you out of here momentarily while they're filling out their offer excuse me all right welcome to faith conference 2021 dr gabriel rogers senior founder and pastor of kingdom christian church pastor robin gould a victory christian center pastor rodney long of kingdom church of houston the giants of faith are back the countdown starts now kingdom faith conference 2021 join us on friday night at 7 pm and then on sunday join us for our 8 a.m and 10 a.m worship service kingdom faith conference 2021 we do faith right have you been blessed by our ministry and want to learn more about kingdom christian church if the answer is yes you are cordially invited to join us on saturday august 14th at 9 00 am for our partners meeting as a partner of kingdom christian church you're not just supporting a ministry you are supporting the gospel please know partnership is much more than financial support we also solicit your continual prayers as we continue promoting the agenda of jesus christ are you or someone you know struggling with anxiety do you battle depressed feelings do you struggle with overeating and are you having a hard time losing weight perhaps you are recovering from a bad relationship or navigating the disappointment of a job loss these and all types of vices are spiritual barriers and obstacles that are designed to keep you from living in the victory that jesus won for us through his death and resurrection getting free and staying free is the new book release written by dr gabriel rogers as a pastor and mental health clinician with over 20 years of experience in the field of counseling dr rogers provides biblical truth and the practical tools necessary to get free and stay free once and for all getting free and staying free order your copy today by visiting gettingfreeandstayingfree.com [Music] all right praise god amen what a good night especially if you're battling through mental health right amen good night to get that and they have the ebook now back there so you can visit that booth in the vestibule you can get hard copy and or ebook okay that's that's enough announcements do want though just one more stretch here i want our church and partners here saturday don't forget partners meeting we're gonna have eight o'clock and i'm gonna show you the vision and some things that we're doing we have the rendering of the the buildings that we're believing to build here and things of that nature so do join us at eight and the meeting will start right at nine the kids will have fun watch movies and play ball and enjoy it and have lunch together and we're just gonna have a blast amen and uh didn't mean to skip a day what about tomorrow night are you ready for the train from houston texas hey amen hey man we are going to have a time in here tomorrow night you don't want to miss it uh we had a time in here tonight i i'm like uh pastor randy i'm gonna see if i can buy past school's notes after this uh as well uh i'm up the stakes amen with notes like that and so we're thanking god for both of these powerful men of god i was telling mrs ghoul in the back that we're still recovering from women's conference look at all the ladies see i told you between her her and sister rogers i just i don't know i i don't know where you get preaching like that that's kind of threatening to be able to preach that good amen so i just thank you god for them pop thank you one more time amen i appreciate you for coming another year let's receive our evening uh pastors offering speakers offering and uh be a strong blessing to pastor gould put the text to give up there one more time uh and let's make a confession if you uh have that text up there are you gonna text to give use that number uh melvin i believe what what is this tonight [Music] okay number six tonight the special offering tonight should be number six okay all right they'll time that that way they'll no partner offering tonight will go to pastor ghoul okay that's what the finance team wants you to do okay so number six on this offering and let's do our confessions come on let's put it up there one more time come on stay with me i'm blessed in this city blessed in the field blessed coming in and blessed going out i'm blessed in the basket and blessed in the store my bank accounts investments health and relationships flourish the blessings of the lord overtake me now you can shout about it come on give them great praise hallelujah amen thank you lord do you believe that we sown in good ground amen hallelujah all right you can continue to make confessions the gentlemen are coming now and we are getting ready to dismiss we're going to let you give your offering and then we're going to let you go how about all the healings are we excited for people and they're new amen their newness amen new health you name it praising god for that we're just so appreciative amen gappers we'll see you again tomorrow night pastor randy was awesome tonight with that group and see you tomorrow night at 4 45 looking forward to spending time with you eating dinner with you and we are just going to keep on climbing in the lord amen are we walking by faith church amen amen we're staying off the earth and believing god for some wonderful harvest so as soon as these offering plates move we're going to have you stand and we're going to let you go amen drive home safely and get some rest and take your vitamins amen cooperate with the anointing is that right take your vitamins zinc and build your immune system see all that kind of good stuff amen and uh let's let's be people who are spirit filled in this out ray man it's a lot of rhetoric going on in the world and part of those points was so rich about pastor tonight is you know a lot of those in spiritual influences can't get in if you turn all that news off tell some people you're not going to talk to them about that amen they start asking you protective health information amen you tell them that's my information i don't have to answer those questions amen and be people of god all right i think that's so crucial in this hour we got to have confidence in god and who we are all right just giving these men a chance to finish up that offering and then we're going to let you out of here out of my sweet mother-in-law over there pretty as ever thank you god for her amen thank you god and my four kids and uh uh one of them over here is preparing a love offering amen yeah he's not playing so pop it's not over you got it and he got one from pastor rondy too yeah they make they make their envelopes and they got they got your love offering so you'd definitely be able to go to hardee's off of that i don't you know we figure out what we can spend that on but it's gonna be good either way got one for pastoral lauren has them too they they like to give theirs to the man of god amen all right so we're done they're done back there let's let the people of god go hey y'all thank you so much thank you for being do you know that this us is what causes the flow can we come back tomorrow night believing together is that right amen come on let's stand to your feet god bless you god bless you man of god come on let's let's pray let's let you go father thank you so much thank you god for all that you've done thank you god for our mentor tonight and and uh our father and friend all wrapped in one and just for that rich seasoned anointing that he brought to the room and so father we we honor that we appreciate that uh father i know that uh pastor gould is not hurting for an appointment uh but just for him to take the time to come and mentor and to build up god we thank you for that i thank you for the people of god who are so richly blessed and who also blessed with their faith being a contribution to this atmosphere father may you get glory god i'm looking forward to all the letters that come into the church i went back and the fibroids are gone i i i checked myself it was me the lump was gone lord just all of that god that occurred on this night we thank you for it and we decree devil that you can't steal any of it in the name of jesus and we walk home decree walk go home decree in the victory in jesus name amen we love you god bless you drive safe amen
Channel: Kingdom Christian Church
Views: 803
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bQLzAiTcXK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 53sec (10253 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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