The Finisher's Anointing | 8.29.21 | KCC Sunday Morning 8am Worship Livestream

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and let us exalt his name together i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord so if you are glad this morning come on and shout out praise if you're glad this morning come on and lift up the highest praise lift up a hallelujah lift up for glory lift up for praise hallelujah lord god we adore you we adopt you this morning being thrown with our words just this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we give thanks to our mighty god he is worthy to receive all adoration all praise come on clap your hands [Music] oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good yes he is good he is [Music] is [Music] unto the lord for he is good yet he [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for he is good [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] he's been [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] we've been real good real good real good real good real good [Music] is [Music] come on and give our great god seek honor give him the fruit of your life he is worthy of all the honor worthy of all the adoration worthy of all the praise we worthy of the lifted of our hands worthy of the praise from our sins worthy of the dancing come on and give him glory this morning come on and give him honor he is indeed worthy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah where are the true worshipers hallelujah can we lift our hands to the king of kings hallelujah yes lord hallelujah we honor you lord [Music] you are worthy [Music] and no one can worship you for me hallelujah for all the things you've done for me thank you lord and no one can worship you for me so here's my worship all of my worship receive my worship all of my worship come on here's my worship is [Music] [Music] yes oh hallelujah [Applause] oh [Applause] and we you [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] and i will not be silent i will always worship you lord forever and ever as long as i am breathing i will always worship you god i will always worship you lord come on listen i say i won't be silent i will hallelujah [Music] i will always worship you lord as long as i have breath in my body i will not hallelujah silent i am so here it is [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] we love you we love you [Applause] [Music] receive my worship all of my worship come on and sing here's [Music] my hallelujah [Music] your best hallelujah come on and give him moderation come on and give him glory hallelujah come back to father lord with me let us exalt his name together hallelujah oh glory to god come on give it to him give it to him give it to him thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah god we worship you very worship [Music] of you [Music] oh hallelujah to god [Music] [Music] i present [Music] here's my words church my heart to you i present my life to you [Music] here's my worship wanna put a smile [Music] you so here's my worship here's my worship come on somebody make them smile say here's my way oh come on stretch out and be relieved come on [Music] ladies just let me hear you say smile come on let's worship a little while somebody says oh come on let's enjoy them for a little while come on lift your voice like a trumpet in zion's heart is [Music] i wanna make you smile i wanna make you smile i wanna [Music] my heart to you yes [Music] oh glory to god come on rededicate yourself to him come on say hey [Music] hallelujah here guys i present my life right oh we're gonna have some church today i can already tell somebody give them glory in the house now oh phantom thank them is that right you oh come on out of yourself and thank him i said come out of yourself and thank him hallelujah hallelujah elevate your imagination your soul your feelings my soul makes her boast in the lord hallelujah good [Music] glory glory glory glory hallelujah my mama oh blessed be the name of the lord i i sense the presence of god oh bless his name hallelujah bless his name hallelujah hallelujah glory glory hey hallelujah thank you lord oh blessed be the name of the lord you gotta learn how to stir yourself up i command my soul to rejoice i said i command my soul to rejoice somebody command your soul to rejoice or elevate your mind church command your soul to rejoice hallelujah i want you to encourage somebody next to you and i want to say this you know i used to think that encouragement was just an additive but i was talking to my friend last night and i said if encouragement weren't necessary it wouldn't be in the bible the bible says encourage one another with these words is that right david encouraged himself in the lord is that right so i just want you to nudge your neighbor and just tell me everything's gonna be all right yeah if you obedient to god encourage somebody next to you so really everything's gonna be all right it is oh yeah oh find somebody and let them know i'm talking about the righteous everything's gonna work out just fine max it's gonna be just fine oh come on let's edify somebody in the room build them up thank you lord thank you lord why because we win y'all you haven't forgotten that have you come on we win we win we win hallelujah hallelujah it's going to be just fine thank you lord bless it be the name of hallelujah lord to the name we win anybody excited about that i said are you excited that we already have the victory thanks be unto god who always causes us to try oh hallelujah so when you've already won you ought to act like you've won you ought to put on winning put on victory hallelujah [Music] we win thank you all oh hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you thank y'all thank you thank you laurie roy glory well boys it's shouting time to let him dance a little bit let him shout a little bit i see some people dancing and that's where your joy comes from come on come on get some of that joy out come on we win we win we win thank you hallelujah thank you hallelujah thank a world you i win thank you thank you thank you all praise him boys praise him ladies thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] all right all right oh praise him praise him hallelujah amen hallelujah that's right julian that's what you do that's what you do max you praise it oh hallelujah that's right serena praise them friends of church thank them cause you win you win you win thank you hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you together thank you thank you come on max i want to dance with the winners hallelujah thank you oh come on we win we win we win we win thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] lord thank you lord [Music] hallelujah [Applause] thank you [Music] hey right here [Music] [Music] thank you thank you lord oh hallelujah don't you tell me church isn't worth it hallelujah i said don't tell me i'm not supposed to be in church when i'm going through i'm supposed to be right here because this is how i win this is how we win this is how we overcome hallelujah thank you thank you [Applause] the best place to be when you're going through you were right we win hallelujah oh hallelujah if my grandmother was here she would say now don't that feels better oh hallelujah anybody feel a little bit better come on the joy of the lord it's all strange surreal come on somebody shout we win we got the victory we got the victory we got the victory mario victory show we win we win [Music] thank you [Music] that everything is already is already all right is [Music] [Music] today [Music] all right well come on let's get some of this word out man let's let's try [Applause] hey man hallelujah amen it's all right with me if you shout your way back to your seat knowing that you got the victory amen hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we win brother amen oh hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh yeah [Music] amen amen and amen hallelujah oh bless his name the best place when you're going through is the house of the lord yes yes yes yes hallelujah well we're thanking god our feet are already shot with the preparation of gospel peace and so we don't have to go through that litany today but i do honor my sweet wife this morning i thank god for her for you the people of god all of my friends and you may be seated and i want to drop a little bit of this on you today i i i won't be as exhausted because i think uh the word for the day is we win that's what i think i think i think we already know the word is that right and i think it coincides with what god gave me to teach it this morning so i want you to go back to genesis chapter five verse number one through three and they'll cool it down a little bit for you but genesis 5 1-3 i do honor my precious wife while you're turning there i think uh for her one more time people of god everywhere and over in genesis 5 1-3 the bible says this is the book of the genealogy of adam and the day that god created man he made him how church in the likeness of god male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name adam and in the day when they were created and adam lived 130 years and beget a son in his own likeness and after his image and called him seth so he created something in his own likeness after that is adam after god created adam in his own likeness and so a lot of people were blessed last week as we launched into that theme of productivity and today i want to talk from this thought the finisher's anointing that's what i want to deal with because there is a finisher's anointing anybody here besides me you ever started something and never finished it amen things in your life that you want to see finish is that right and this goes from just a practical theme but it goes spiritual god is a finisher i want to tell you that if god were a superhero he would be called the finisher amen because that's what he does he creates and he finishes and notice that when god created the heavens and the earth like this passage here notice that god was regimented in his creation that implies that when he was to make the sun in the moon he didn't let that bleed over into making the sky when he was to make the sky he didn't let that bleed over into making the earth and when he was making the earth he didn't let that bleed over into making man he was on the schedule are you all getting this he had six days to get it done and he put everything in his six-day window and of course on the sixth day he made us somebody said so we wouldn't take credit for all the wonderful things he had already made how do y'all know man can't be arrogant amen but god's a finish he he's a finisher and that that's one of the reasons why we don't have time to go to all these but in ecclesiastes 12 and 1 says remember your creator in the days of your youth start early be on it is that not right get on it get at what god has called you to do be a finisher in your purpose be a finisher in the things that god called you to do that's why paul said in ephesians 5 he told us in verse 16 that we should redeem the time because the days are evil redeeming time and then he told us don't be unwise but verse 17 know what the will of the lord is is that not right church how many y'all know we don't have time to waste we got to go ahead and beat some finishers is that right so god is a finisher and i do want you to flip through a few of these verses with me over in hebrews 12 and 2. and i love this and it's so many contexts on this one verse so much illumination that comes out of this one verse in hebrews 12 and 2. but i want you to look at it with me because not only is god a finisher but he's going to finish those things pertaining to you is that not right there are some promises in your life that god's going to come through with is that not right church and i want to prove that point i want to demonstrate that all morning long over in hebrews chapter 2 the bible says looking unto jesus who is the what author he doesn't just start it he's also the what is he the finisher finisher of our what of our faith peter says it well that that christ would show us the end of our faith the product of our faith the salvation of our soul that we would ultimately see the outcome of the things that we have been believing for who this is going to get good today amen that's why you can't quit in the middle that's why when the bible says weep and may endure for a night don't get stuck there cause joy still cometh are y'all in here joy cometh when church in the morning god's gonna finish it amen he's not gonna leave me here to die he's not gonna leave me here in a drought he's not going to leave me here in the middle of the relationship break up amen he's going to heal me he's going to deliver is that not right he's not going to leave me here in the middle of the pain or sorrow that you may be feeling associated with the death of a loved one god is gonna finish that work is that not right amen that's why we don't grieve as those who have no hope because god's gonna finish it he's gonna bring us into hope he's gonna give us beauty for ashes come on he's going to comfort those who mourn because god is a yeah who for the joy that was set before him what did he do endure the cross and guys you got to get some marquee goals you got to get some joy set before you you got to get some things that you're looking towards that give you the oomph every day to get up and finish what god has put on you amen how many all know this year i'm going to finish we started our 21-day fast already and the truth is by the time these 21 days are up melvin cyrillia i'm gonna have some things finished i'm gonna be complete i'm working on some things and they're gonna come into fruition but what's causing me to get there cam i i look at the end product i look at the joy mom that is set before me be it clean out a garage home y'all know you enjoy being able to walk without twisting your ankle all right but greater than that being walking in your purpose being getting married be it finally losing this weight come on somebody's gonna be seeing a totally different human being when i get done with this process i'm gonna look so different y'all gonna say is that joanne is that bobby so i say this time i'm a finish and how do you finish you look at the joy that's set before you because if you can look at the joy that's set before you the pain in the middle won't make you quit can i say that again if you can look at the joy that's set before you guys the pain in the middle it won't make you quit i won't give up i won't become hopeless the bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick well i'm not going to let my hope be deferred i'm going to keep on understanding every day i'm gradually but surely becoming what god has called me to become somebody shout it's working say it's working even when i don't see it is that right so i'm gonna focus on the outcome and focusing on the outcome is gonna help you to finish you'll despise the shame and you'll know that most notably jesus endured the cross for two reasons number one he wanted to save us he loved us but then number two he knew that he had a seat at the right hand of the throne he understood that there was an end point to what god had called him to do in the earth realm somebody say god's going to finish it go to philippians 1 and 6 let's just study the bible is that all right amen philippians 1 and 6 and this is so profound i want you to get this because somebody shout i got confidence come on say it again i got confidence over in philippians 1 and 6 being confident of this very thing what are you confident in church he that begun a good work are we preaching about the finisher are y'all getting the theme yet he that did what begun a good work in me is going to do what he's going to complete he's finish it until the day of jesus christ amen it's not stopping in the middle i'm not giving up on my children god's gonna finish it amen god teaches me that if i would pray my household could be saved so i'm not gonna give up on my household god's gonna finish it is that right i'm not gonna give up on my wife god's gonna finish his work in her i'm not going to give up on my husband god's going to finish his work in him because he that started the work he that begun to work good for you damon amen he that begun to work is going to do what finish it and what's one of the ways you get to the end point you take authority over yourself you take authority over your life come on you make a determination that we're not going out like this are you listening to me i may have taken some hits but i'm not losing like this i may have had to go through some things but i'm not going down like this i am a finisher lift your hand if you know you got a finisher's anointing hallelujah i'm not losing in the middle i'm coming to the end are y'all getting this revelation finisher is anointed this finisher's anointing is so profound that god exemplifies it jesus exemplifies it the bible says it so well in the new living translation of ephesians 1 and 6 it says and i am certain that god everybody say i'm certain i'm confident i'm certain that god who began to work within you will continue his work until it is finally what does anybody get in that revelation now i know we shouted in the beginning but we might shout some more when you get to revelation that you're not losing like this you're coming all the way through it you're going to get beauty for ashes you're going to be thinner you're going to be smarter you're going to be richer you're going to be in your purpose you're going to be productive you're going to finish somebody tap yourself there i'm a finisher and i love that revelation stephanie behalf because psalm 136 and 8 says it so well he says god's going to perfect the thing that concerneth me god's everything pertaining to your life are y'all getting this in psalm 138 and eight everything pertaining to your life everything that god started in your life god is going to perfect that word perfect means to mature that word perfect means to complete to bring around the corner and guys this is the revelation i know it is because many of you are in the middle right now you're in the in between are you with me you have to point in the mission to where it don't look or feel good but i'm so glad we walked by faith and not by so i'm not going off for what i feel i'm not going off of what i see i'm going off of what i know and i know in whom i have believed and he will deliver me somebody give him great praise in the house of god because i'm a finish are you all with me are you going to work with me somebody shout i'm going to finish it i'm not quitting like this this this won't take me out and it's one thing to look at god and to look at jesus and so many times we distance the divine from ourself and we say well that's god and that's jesus and of course they could finish of course they could do this i mean who could stop god after all he's god who could stop jesus but the word of god says these works would you do in greater works ephesians 5 1 says that we ought to be imitators of our father as dear sons are y'all getting that revelation there is nothing in creation that god let be undone he looked at it and said it is good so it brings us to our text in genesis 5 when he created man in his image are y'all getting that in his own likeness he looked at you and said you were good so if god put his stamp of approval on you from the beginning who is the devil to stop you in the middle y'all didn't get that revelation i said if god put his stamp of approval on you in the beginning who is the devil to stop you in the middle you ought to flex your muscles and say if god brought me through that he'll bring me through this and i'm going to finish it and i'm going to win big lift your hand and shout glory in the house of god oh i feel the anointing in this place today why because we are we are finishers we've been anointed to finish and you would still contemplate yeah but that's still the holy ghost that that would cause me to do the greater work what about other men pastor gabe is there anybody else that finished let's look at second chronicles five and one and i want you to see this revelation because the things that have come out of god's mouth he's not going to alter it and if you won't alter it it will come to pass in your life the only person that can alter it is you because god said the word that i release out of my mouth psalm 84 i don't alter psalm 89 34 i don't alter i keep with what i say so if you don't alter it it's going to stay the way god called it if you stick and stay to the fact that he who god has blessed no man can curse he who god has smiled on no man can frown on you will see a brighter day than what you see right now because god is he's a finisher i'm almost done this morning y'all not gonna let me finish this message but god is a finisher over in second chronicles five and one let's look at some men who were finishers the bible says thus all the work that solomon made for the house of the lord his god was what church well that's another man that did what what did solomon do church he finished am i teaching okay say cool and according to acts 10 and 34 god's no respect to a person hallelujah if solomon can finish i can finish too oh i'm not going to hold you along today but i said if solomon can finish oh i can finish too that's enough to prove my case in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established so let's go to nehemiah 6 and 15. somebody say i'm a finisher oh hallelujah camera i'm a finisher oh single sister you're getting married you know why because you're a finisher oh you're going to lose that weight you know why you're finished oh you're going to bounce back from the job loss you know why cause you're a finisher you're going to bounce back from losing mama brothers and sisters you know why because you are a oh hallelujah i'm getting ready to get out of here but over in nehemiah 6 verse number 15. the bible declares so the wall was now we're not talking about god in this text we're yet talking about another mere man nehemiah who much like god who was regimented did what he was supposed to do in day one did what he was supposed to do in day two all the way up to day six and day seven when he finally rested from his work read the whole text the wall was finished the twenty and fifth day of the month of elul in how many days church 52 days nehemiah finished that whole wall america couldn't build a wall in four years of trump's presidency but nehemiah finished the wall it's because the anointing was on nehemiah to finish the wall and i stopped by to let you know that just like the anointing was on nehemiah that same anointing is on you hallelujah and you're going to run through troops and leap over walls because you are a [Applause] oh don't push me too fast but if you know you're a finisher lift your voice and shout glory in the house [Applause] hallelujah come on take your seat i'm almost done [Applause] so the only two more verses i want you to see because the truth is you can't die until some things are finished amen you you can't leave here until some things are finished and there are three things that you must do to manifest anything that you want to occur in your life number one you've got to decide amen are y'all with me somebody say decide what you want amen you got to decide what you want but then you got to decree what you want is that right declare decree same word but then you got to do amen i could not only be one that's proclaiming but i got to be a james 1 22 believer i got to put the foot to the tar and decide that finally this time when i come into the christmas season i'm gonna be six dress sizes smaller when i come into the christmas season some things are gonna be different in my life i have decided amen that i'm gonna finish 2021 on the women's side of everything that god said i can have somebody say we're a finisher how to manifest anything you want you got to decide decide what you want get out of the valley of decision get out of that place of i don't know if i'm valuable enough get out of that place of i don't know if god wants to bless me like this decide what you want but then begin to say it out of your mouth say what you've already had once you've decreed it thank god every day for it until you see it but somebody say then act like you know yeah act like you already got it if you're moving into a new house how come you haven't brought up all the pictures in hobby lobby yet oh hallelujah if you're buying a new car how come you haven't ordered new floor mats yet oh and if you're gonna get married oh you're gonna get this revelation how come you hadn't tried on some dresses somebody say i'm gonna act like i already have what i already have because i already have it and if you know you already have a savior [Applause] all right come on let's go to the bible now let the word do the preaching go over to ii chronicles chapter 6 verse number 15. you don't just want my opinion hallelujah you want to know what god has said about it because it's not you that's getting it done anyway well hallelujah albert that's how we get out of our own resources it's not us that's making it happen it's the anointing to finish it's not my ability to finish it's the anointing to finish let's see if we can't find that in scripture over in second chronicles 6 15 listen to how the king describes god he says you have kept what you promised y'all missed that that's enough information to throw a chair right there god is a promise keeper i said god is a promise keeper hallelujah you have kept take your seat what's your promise to your servant david my father those who don't know he promised david he'd always have somebody to sit on the throne he promised david prosperity throughout his bloodline so solomon stands up and says look you you kept what you said you would do but where do you get that do and speak and declare uh revelation from pastor where do you get that decide from well watch this you have both spoken it with your mouth you all miss that he smoke it with his mouth and how y'all know i need to say what he said out of my mouth hallelujah he's not a man that he should lie with his mouth so i need to believe that what i say out of my mouth is going to come to pass too are you with me you have spoken it with your mouth and you fulfilled it with your hand as it is this day whatever god says he gets to work on and then he gives you the credit for working with him it's not gonna be me that does it anyway thanks be unto god that always causes us to triumph somebody say i believe god we get ready get out of here what god speak he does his word doesn't return to him void i said it i meant what i said come on take your seat look at the track record look at everybody who god spoke over who either he or his angel got mad at because they didn't believe what he said is that right come on sarah you're gonna have a baby she starts cracking up the angel said what did i say that was funny i didn't know i was telling a joke is that all right come on candice they told me that there was a great ministry for you on tuesday about marriage well what what was it about what god said that was funny about that what part of this was laughter driven no i i said you're gonna have a baby zachariah but since you won't shut up i'm gonna have to silence you to bless you and some of you in here need to get the revelation to shut up when you don't feel like it's working you need the revelation to be quiet when it doesn't look like it's working and hold fast to the things that god god that said take your seat i'm almost out of here somebody say god's gonna do it because it's a finisher's anointing oh i didn't acquire this campus in five years under my own volition under my own strength i thank god for phd but phds don't get it done it's the anointing that makes the difference it's a whole lot of pastors today with phds and their churches are closed because it's the anointing that makes the difference not six foot eight come on israel chose saul because he was tall enough he was good looking but guys when god chose david it was the anointing to finish are y'all in here today or am i talking to myself that makes the difference how do you manifest anything you want number one decide decide what you want now do you want to be skinny or do you want to be fat now stop all that in between decide what you want do you want to be married or do you want to be single decide what you want do you want a scholarship or do you want to pay for it out of your pocket decide what to want [Applause] make that quality decision of which you will not turn back take your seat but once you've decided declare it it don't look like it but keep saying mark chapter five the woman with the issue of blood kept saying i said mama she kept saying she kept saying it didn't look like it she was supposed to be outside of the house but she kept saying if i could touch the hem of his guard i don't care what y'all think blind baltimore's i'll cry out even the more i'll keep saying i'll keep saying it because i believed up decide what you want declare it but then do something about it because it's not you that's going to get it done y'all i know it's an oxymoron because on one end you got to do something but on the other end he goes before you and he makes crooked places straight and does all the doing so you got to do something by faith but god gets on the heart of the underwriter and turns the ball in your direction you got to do something knowing that you've been healed of cancer but it's god that dissolves the cancer come on somebody cause he heals us from the inside out give them great praise if you believe god i'm getting ready to get out of here i only got one more passage and mama i thought about you uh beverly when i read this and i believe it's god for you this morning i believe it's god for you and for my rest of people in this room god took me to this promise and he wanted me to remind you the people of god that there are some things that have to happen before you die yeah that's why you can't die with the culture are you all with me i said there are some things that have to occur before you got now guys it's amazing how this works because we know the rapture can happen any moment now yet god is not a man that he should lie so let me clarify that the only other thing that can happen before your manifestation if you stay obedient to god is the rapture did you get that revelation well news flash if the rapture happened you ain't gonna want a husband anyway who wants to sort through all that junk when every day is hotty hottie and never if the rapture happened who cares about a mercedes-benz if the rapture happened who cares about a seven-figure job are y'all with me that's the only thing revelation knowledge that can usurp the promises of god in your life if you stay obedient to god if you remain an isaiah 119 christian be there are some things that have to happen you're another one dominique in your life before you die god's got to do it because he's not a man that he should love and that would mean sekou that his word came back void that would mean that if you have a funeral before this happens i'm talking about somebody who was willing and obedient that means god lied and god's not gonna lie because god is he's a finisher i want you to see it over in joshua chapter 14 verse number 10 and i want you to get this revelation uh because this is so profound in fact start at verse number eight i'm in the amplified and this is caleb talking and this is so profound the bible says in verse number seven i was 40 years old when moses the servant of the lord sent me to kadesh barnea and i reported back to him what was in my heart verse number seven how many all know there's some promises made over your life years ago he said i was younger when i got the promise oh hallelujah but look at verse number eight my brothers and fellow spies who went up with me made the heart of the people melt with fear but i followed the lord completely oh there were a lot of people that flopped and dropped but i stayed with god completely are y'all with me somebody say i'm gonna stay with god and look now at verse number nine so moses swore an ultimate on that day somebody say the word of the lord saying be assured that the land on which your foot has walked what was the land that his feet had walked the promised land be assured that the promised land that you visited caleb the land that you walked will be an inheritance to you and your children always because you have wholly followed god somebody say it will come to pass he said be assured of this now what's so profound about this text is the vessel that god used to make the promise is already in heaven moses has long since died but the word god spoke through moses over caleb didn't die with the prophet y'all gonna get that tomorrow night what god said over him even in uncommon times was still relevant even though that whole generation had died off some of you came in with friends who have died off you came in with friends who didn't make the cut but the word over your life as you've stayed with god is still relevant for today and i want to get to this revelation and i'm going to let you go and in verse number 10 he says and now look the lord has let me alive are y'all getting that the lord has let me live just as he said y'all missed it oh let me say it one more time and now look look at what caleb two verses later give me my mountain give me my heel i'm in that promised land look the lord who made a promise made sure that i didn't die until it came to pass just as he said now i'm 85 years old but just like he said it in the wilderness just like he said it when it didn't look like it when it didn't feel like it now look what god has promised me has come to pass and we're getting ready to get out of here this morning but i just want to let you know that god is a promise keeper and there are some things that must come to pass before you die barring the rapture amen it's got to come to pass borrowing jesus coming to get his church out of here it must come to pass because i'm not a man that i should lie nor the son of man that i have need to repent if i spoke it i'll do it hallelujah if i said it i will bring it to pass so when you know that god is a promise keeper the last thing you need to do at a time like now is quit you ought to get a resolution in your mind that come hell or high water come ups and downs in life i refuse to quit hallelujah i've come this far by faith leaning on the arms of the lord and i will not quit well there is a resolution that comes with not quitting you put to bed all of the information all of the promises of god and you rest on them knowing that what god has said must come to pass everybody shout not maybe somebody say this is imminent oh hallelujah this is what the psalmist says he said i would have fainted lest i believe to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the limit they're talking about famine they're talking about delta they're talking about everything in this world but god made me a promise hallelujah and come hell or high water if god's got to stop all the disease to get that promise to me he's going to do what he's got to do come on boys let's fly our kite for a little bit slap your neighbor high five and just remind them today that uh god made me a promise amen and uh chances are if if god made me a promise he probably made you one too because he's not a respecter of persons hallelujah god made me a promise and i'm not about to quit in the middle somebody in here needs to be like popeye the sailor man you millennials don't know nothing about that but when he got tired of brutus pushing him in the corner he said i've had enough and i can't stand snow more you ought to remind the devil that i've had enough of all of your lies i've had enough of all your pontificating i've had enough of all of the thoughts that say i'm not becoming who god says i already am i've decided devil that no matter what you say i'm gonna rest on what god said and god made me a promise and i cannot die until it comes to pass that's why i'm gonna leave dance and praise god that's why i'm gonna act like i'm already there because now look i am there by faith i already got a husband by faith i already got my new job by faith i already got my healing so i'm not gonna wait till the battle is over by faith i'm already healed of my hurts so even when it hurts so bad on the inside i'm going to praise god on the outside and i'm going to demonstrate that thanks be under god who always causes me to triumph i was triumphant before the trial ever begun and there's no way in this world that now while the trial is here that i'm going to turn into a wimp i've decided to follow jesus all the days of my life and i'm going to manifest everything that god says is mine i'm not going to quit right now when it ain't in my genes the only thing in my teens is victory if you're in here and you know you got victory you ought to lift your hand and give them praise if you're in here and you know you've already won you ought to stomp on the devil and just remind him you don't have enough demons for me remind him you don't have enough weapons for me to remind him that when jesus died he got up with all power in his hand when jesus died he rose if you're in here and you're glad that he rose you ought to lift your hand and rise like him you're the makeup in your mind that i'm not dying in the middle i'm coming out on the other side and how you're gonna come out leaping dancing and praising god if you're in here you know you got the victory lift your hand and say it say i said yes hallelujah i'm not dying like this i'm a finisher hallelujah sunshine i'm a finisher hallelujah come on do the post grant post game interview hallelujah come on your gospel for breath now hallelujah it came down to the fourth quarter but you shot lebron james in the last three seconds and you scored and you won let's do the post game interview well how'd you do it lebron well they just got me the ball the devil hit me with his best shot but i just kept shooting i just kept shooting i just kept shooting until the ball went in i just believed that when the ball left my hand an angel was going to grab the ball and put it in the hole i just believed god was going to help me i just believed god was going to bring me out oh somebody lived in south glory hallelujah [Music] you ought to write your post game energy cause we win that's a disposition i'm a finisher and i'm not quitting in the middle if you're in here you don't care what the culture does you don't care which way it goes what god has promised you is going to manifest if you believe that lift your hands and thank him oh you may be in a tough spot now oh but trouble don't last always i say trouble don't last always well hallelujah say cool it don't last always weaving may endure i believe god wants to encourage some people this morning thank you lord and joy does cometh is that right it coming cometh is a preceding word it's like the word going just keep going you'll get there i remember on occasions i'm from connecticut and we would drive home to connecticut or i would drive home from college break and boy there are a couple of stretches between here and there that make you want to turn around oh boy they make you just want to give up man that's a 14-hour drive one is 85 at night so we understood that petersburg was a milestone is that right circle if i can get to petersburg virginia i know 85 is about to come to an end hallelujah another stretch was always the jersey turnpike jersey turnpike oh my god what a long drive i used to like riding through new york because at least you could see the statue of liberty in the world trade towns but that jersey turnpike oh no rest stops you better use the bathroom before you get on it because when you get on the jersey turnpike you in trouble buddy it's straight 14 exits something like that but i knew if we could break through going and coming into maryland are y'all with me at various points if we could break through amen we coming into the tappan sea bridge amen we're getting closer and there was one more stretch and i'll tell you why i'm telling this story because some of you are close to the finish line you've already come through 85 you come through the turnpike but there was one more stretch before manifestation when i get to the signs felicia that said welcome to connecticut oh my god coming through greenwich in bridgeport to where i live was a stretch you kind of feel like i'm in connecticut but i ain't home yet hey guys you're in connecticut look at where you are you're right next to the door keep driving don't stop don't quit in the middle [Applause] and pretty soon you'll be pulling into your loved one's house isn't that good news pretty soon you'll see what you've been believing for i decree over this house today a finisher's anointing the whole church is an altar call a finisher's anointing right now in the name of jesus that we would quit that we would not get weary and well doing that we would know in due season we'll reap if we faint not it's worth fighting for your joy your peace the hard places you've come through are yet coming through i speak it over you right now the peace of god that would pass all understanding right there in the middle of what you're dealing with all over this room god just perfect peace in the name of jesus that passes all understanding i thank you lord for your keeping power i thank you for the anointing that does destroy the yoke over everybody in this room god the whole church is an altar and we thank you right now god that the best is yet to come i don't care what's going on in the economy the best is yet to come i don't care what they're doing in the labor markets the best is still yet to come father you made us a promise and we believe we receive by faith that we will see the end of our faith so father give us a finisher's anointing god we meant exactly what we said we make a determination that's not an insult i will not finish this year overweight i'll make a determination i will not finish this year without that project i've been working on coming to completion come on god is ministering to the whole church right now i make a determination that i will not finish this year without the gpa to the college student that i've been believing for i make a determination that i believe you for the new job so far i'm gonna apply i'm gonna keep shooting until it comes into fruition and we believe we receive it done and by faith in jesus name my marriage is getting better by the day my emotions are getting better by the day he that began to work in me shall perform it because he's a finisher and i am too i'm an imitator of you father father i'll finish as a pastor i don't know what every other pastor is going to do in this culture but i know what i'm going to do i'm going to obey you and so father we will finish and finish strong in jesus name amen if you're motivated to follow god all the way come on give him a roar of praise thank you lord [Music] thank you lord [Applause] now god ministers grace to you in this season in this window the peace of god all that you do i got to order a business while we're still standing because this is anointed too the bible teaches us to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice and um you know syria this morning got on my heart and uh i know where you are right now but you can be vulnerable with us and uh i'm gonna do this as an outward show of my love and our love but on the other side of this week and melvin helped me see it through this is five big ones i want you to go on a shopping spree because sometimes you know shopping is therapeutic okay and i say that in a comical way but i really want you to go and get some relief okay all right you do that okay all right hey guys we went keep that winner's mentality okay we win rhonda you go on one two all right say cool give her the money you got money yeah that's that's all my money you you give her the money okay take all the shopping spree i don't know why that melvy got money i don't know what i was thinking but um giving money to people with money i'm just teasing though i totally meant to do that i believe that was the spirit of god but you hey you guys go get some relief man y'all come out of this world is that right and be happy i i hate to make myself the example all the time but paul said we're being your example hey guys be like your pastor find a reason to laugh is that right mom june you know one of the reasons why i go to mama june and miss pat's table up in the cafe every sunday they don't know this but i go over there cause they just encourage me i call myself checking on them but they give me a reason to laugh they tease each other get around people that make you laugh and make you happy is that right i'm doing the holiness pizza preacher lean every time i say something you seen your old pastors do that ain't that right that's the holiness preacher lean do something make you laugh is that right all of us who had old pastors know something about that they would lean with their talking in that right church amen that's where i picked that up from i grew up around old pastors amen so the whole church was an altar call and you're a finisher now if you're here and you're not saved though we want to lead you to the lord come on down and get to know him we're going to be happy today come to the next service too i'm gonna teach in the next service come to the next service i'm gonna teach you how to not get your mind warped in this culture come on out and be a part of that but if you're hearing you're not saying come on down we're getting ready to go get ready receive our morning offering but if everybody here is born again let's do it for somebody streaming in come on say it with them if you're here and you don't know jesus is lord and you're streaming in pray this prayer with me come on dear jesus i believe you died on the cross for me and i believe you rose from the dead for me so i confess with my mouth and believe in my heart jesus christ as lord of my life as a result of this prayer i am saved father filling with the holy ghost yeah you can celebrate fill them with the holy ghost and fire in the name of jesus amen amen you may be seated come on let's receive our morning offering this morning what a blessing man did we just have church today or what i just wouldn't miss church i'm telling you i would have felt bad if i didn't see certain ones in church today because all that joy and and yeah the teaching but you know really the shouting that you needed needed to get that praise relief and that is so good and then take that word go back and listen to it a lot of scripture's in there but what god speaks with his mouth he performs with his hands isn't that good so believe that walk it through and it'll be a blessing to you all right let's receive our morning offering i want to say if you're in between churches you don't have a church right now i hadn't said this in a long time but i say it with no conflict of interest kcc is a great church to plant your tithe and offering while you're praying to see where god would take you this church is doing so much in the kingdom of god ministering to so many people on so many levels from tv ministry on up to other mechanisms of outreach and in reach so a great place to sow your tithe and offering until the lord should lead you somewhere and perhaps he will lead you right here amen so we want to encourage you to to do that as well you can also become a partner with kingdom christian church i want to keep talking about that every so often this is a partners offering all right some of our own members are already partners and that's great but if you're here and you just visit frequently but you say man i want to partner with that church every month and i want to give a seed of blank no seed is too small and no seed is too big to continue to help us the furtherance of the gospel amen so we're thanking god for you in that so let's believe god for an abundant abundant harvest of finances today for the kingdom of god and we know that god will be pleased amen we're praying for people uh you heard me mention a few uh at the beginning some of you were already in class uh but and heard about different things going on in the kingdom but let's keep max and julia in prayer they'll uh bury their grandmother later on this afternoon so encourage them amen let's keep cerulia you're aware in prayer uh as her mom also went into eternity last week and uh sister rhonda's only three weeks away from her dad having gone into eternity and say so myself she's doing good amen a lot of people in the room doing good despite the challenges uh sister tanya davis father went into eternity and now i talked to her yesterday her 21 year old nephew uh she's down in mississippi right now uh funeralizing him so just just be praying for people guys let's pray for our culture let's dance and shout and stay encouraged and then let's lift our brothers and sisters up all right and help them get through amen and everything will be just fine do you all believe that i do i believe that all right they're coming to receive our morning offering now let's put our confession on the screen can i give you that secret let's put it on the screen say it with me church i'm blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed coming in and blessed going out i'm blessed in the basket and blessed in the store my bank accounts investments health and relationships flourish the blessings of the lord overtake me in all areas of my life deuteronomy 28 1-14 let's believe them thank you lord amen amen i'm really excited about the next service i'm excited about teaching that
Channel: Kingdom Christian Church
Views: 488
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pAqiOfPF6iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 26sec (5126 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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