The Power of the Rosary with Fr. Donald Calloway

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I want to share with you some of the wonders of this rosary because it is just that it's wonderful and I want to start this talk by giving you an example of just how incredible it is and how to some people initially it can seem rather bizarre and strange because it is on one level now if you don't know me maybe something I am curious how many you don't know my story no shame okay shame on you no I'm just kidding suckers no cool I'm nobody my story is in a nutshell this I was a bad really bad okay I'm not here to tell my conversion story it a lot of people get bummed out by that they're like you're not going to tell your story I've told that thing so many times it's ridiculous I love it but you can buy it on video DVD YouTube it there we're all yeah the essence of it is that I was not raised in a Christian Catholic household of any kind and I went through a very tumultuous youth I was in two drug rehabs I had long hair down on my waist I get attached with a Grateful Dead I got kicked out of the country of Japan I was in jail I was homeless that's why the shortest version I've ever given on my converse story and then I had a huge conversion obviously because my parents converted to Catholicism and then two and a half years after they did I trailed along and I had a huge conversion well after well what what what helped my conversion was brought about my conversion was a book that my parents newly knew Catholics of to over two years had purchased a book on the Virgin Mary I didn't know who that was or what it was that was how ignorant I was of Christianity I read that book on their bookshelf one night it was about Our Lady and some alleged Marian apparitions and it changed my life next day next day I went to a Catholic Church in my long-haired funkiness I dressed like an alien you don't even know okay I went to a Catholic Church and I went inside reluctantly I really didn't even want to go in but I went in and when I went in what I experienced was this in that little church it was called Our Lady of Victory naval chapel on Norfolk Naval Air Station largest naval facility in the world because my stepfather was a military officer go into that chapel and right in the front nobody else in the entire church but right in the front by the door I came in were five Filipino women now I love to say this because it's true you don't mess with Catholic Filipino women okay there are special forces in the spiritual life they are green berets they will take you down okay they mean business you know they do in a certain sense we wouldn't even be here tonight without them because you know our Lady of Pena Francia the whole Filipino connection thing you know they're responsible for so much so I walk into this church because my my mother had become a Catholic by one Filipino woman this woman helped my mom talked to a priest my mom brought my dad they became Catholic I go into this church and there's five Filipino women sitting there and I freaked out because I know what these people are capable of they they make people Catholic I didn't you know I go back of the church and all of a sudden these Filipino women start some kind of seance so it look like to me one of them goes up and fires up candles on some altar looking thing and there's a boat hanging from the ceiling because it's in the naval chapel and she goes back to her place and she goes into her purse let in like often happens and you know what I mean if you know Filipinos there's always a self-appointed self-appointed matriarch who tells everybody else what to do you know I guess I love Filipinos how to not become a priest out of married a Filipina be living in sura gal sir for my brains out but that does not God's plan okay I love Filipinos but there's always a matriarch who tells everybody else what to do you got to do got to do got to do and you better do it right so this one woman goes into her purse and I'm in the back and all the way in the back and she pulls out this thing like a necklace looking thing and she starts doing some incantation to the boat the mystical ship hanging from the ceiling that she fired up candles underneath I don't know this is my first time in the Catholic Church I'm clueless and she's all I can hear is this okay now I'm not making fun of Filipinos I love Filipino salamat Oh to you forever okay for everything you've ever done I love you to death I love you not making fun of you but to a white boy when he hears a Filipino speak it sounds a little funny so all I heard was this Filipino woman leading her four sisters in this hail maybe for good oh but I got a bad I got up a cow what what on earth is that right Hale something and then the other for reciprocated together saying holy Mary forgot about a cation men and it kept going back and forth and I'm in the back like what on earth is this yeah and after a few minutes and they're going man they're like in fifth overdrive they're flying through this incantation and then this lady cuz Filipino women are bold these women are serious man this woman turns around to me all the way in the back long-haired freak in the back and she puts up this necklace in my face and looks at me and yells out across the void of the empty pews young man do you want the parade of next decade next Nicky I don't know what this Filipino woman is trying to communicate to me okay because I'm not educated I had dropped out of high school you know I was I didn't have a lot of education but I wasn't stupid decade means 10 years to me right so I'm looking at her I'm like what I don't even know what to say because she's asking me to pray for 10 years so I'm like so she tried to clarify it because she could see I was like a deer in headlights so she goes the second side of for me study is the second side of for me study I have no idea what the second smartphone mystery is and I'm thinking to myself you know your little coven your little cult sisterhood when yet priest comes in you're going down right this this ain't Church that's what I'm thinking right I don't know what church is supposed to do but this don't seem right well they can't carry on with this thing at mocs be there flying through this and they finish and that was my first experience of a rosary no idea what what it was doing what they were doing well long story short within a week they had taught me the whole thing I became their little project they gave me rosaries like I had rosaries in my pockets and my you know everything all around me I learned them these mysteries and then I was you know leading the decades I found out what I wasn't I fell in love with it and then you're within a year I became a Catholic and now here I am you know as priests well I say that because a lot of people think that this is just some little silly thing for old women and weak people and it's not this thing it looks weak right just like it's not a sacrament it's a sacrament all meaning it disposes you to receive sanctifying grace but it looks I mean if I wanted to I'm strong enough I could break this apart it's not strong physically would you believe that this thing right here Satan hates you can whip the daylights out of the forces of darkness with this little 53 stringed beaded rope you can it's proven fact I just ended yesterday actually a what's called the ear resistible novena a54 de rosary novena to our lady for my book begging her to kiss it I want our lady to kiss the book anointed with your lips mother so that everyone who reads it knows what the rosary is that it's a sword that is for warriors it's to take down falsehoods and raise up saints please mother hold it in your hands kiss it anoint it three weeks of that novena 27 days are for the intention the following three weeks the the following three novenas twenty-seven days are in thanksgiving for the petition where does it come from now if you thought I was bad which I was let me tell you this story how many of you have heard of a guy named blessed yes blessed Bartolo Longo how many you have heard of him a few here and there not many let me tell you about this guy okay there was a guy in Italy in at the end of the nineteenth century beginning of the 20th century who was raised Catholic grew up in Italy right but then he fell away because there was a strong anti-catholic movement in the colleges he grew up in Naples he got educated and he fell away from the faith and he got involved in spiritualism today we would call it New Age a lot of New Age out here right Sedona and whatnot right he was a New Ager he was he was into you know if we could make analogies hand palm reading and doing tarot cards and looking at the Stars trying to find meaning you know I thought he was super intelligent and he was on some level and he was searching but he got wrapped up in spiritualism and he started going to seances and participating in occult practices and you know what happened he got ordained a satanic priest I'm not making this up he was ordained in a cult and began to worship the devil and it got so bad that he got depressed this often happens when you're involved with the occult it's really even minor things I'll spare you some of the things I slam normally you can get my books it's in there because because a lot of dangers out there today and people think things are just exercise mmm not just exercise your yoking yourself to spirits really and truly and people think it's just a mat no it's a prayer rug and the postures you do our postures of the Hindu religion not kidding and they're inviting and occupant saying it's an it opens you up to things that are anti-christian not my words the words of the Church of Christ the Catholic Church so he gets involved in so many crazy things and he gets depressed is suffering from anxiety and at one point is even thinking about committing suicide it's how bad it got and then you know what happened he talked to a Dominican priest there's a lot of connections as we'll see as we go through this this Dominican priest told her about the promises that our lady had made long time ago to st. Dominic the founder of the Dominicans that P for people who propagate and promote the rosary they will find salvation in Christ he clung to those words and he had a huge conversion thanks to that Dominican priest and he changed his life around renounce spiritualism even one time busted into a seance right in the middle of the seance and renounced everybody in there held up a rosary and told him all to repent because they were searching but this contained the truth and the truth was Jesus Christ in His saving mysteries and and then he actually became a third-order Dominican and took the name brother Rosario brother rosary and went to Pompeii on a on an errand a business errand he was a lawyer by profession and he goes down there and he sees the the dilapidated state of the place the geography geographical situation but the state of souls there they were wrapped up in spiritualism many of them had a band in the faith they didn't know the you know the the Catholicism of their youth of their ancestry and all that and he felt horrible because he knew he was partly responsible because he had brought many souls away from the faith and once again even after his conversion he contemplated suicide because he thought he was so bound Satan by his ordination that Satan was just allowing him to see that so that he could prepare him for eternal separation from God what did he do he turned back to the rosary and he said I will stay in this valley and I will dedicate the rest of my life to promote this rosary and he did and he started in little ways and he built this huge church and then he bought a basilica today the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii the most famous largest church in Catholicism dedicated to the Rosary was started by a former Satanist really and then because in those days that in the Confraternity of the Rosary you had to have an image dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary which showed Our Lady given the Rosary to st. Dominic so he got one but it was horrible image it was it was so bad that nobody thought it was worth anything that they actually brought it from Naples where it was purchased to Pompeii on a pile of dung that's how bad it was in condition he fixed it up cleaned it up and put it up for people to venerate well a few years later a little girl named Fortuna a granny was sick super sick to the point of almost death doctors had given up on her but her parents started a novena a rosary novena and they were going to pray it three of them 27 days well during that novena Our Lady appeared to the little girl Fortuna and the little girl pleaded with her and called her specifically Our Lady of the Rosary please heal me please ask God to give me health and our lady said that he would through her intercession and that our she was very pleased that she had used that title Our Lady of the Rosary and she said to little Fortuna when you're done making the the three novenas for your intention make three more in Thanksgiving 54 de novena called the irresistible novena I just finished it yesterday it works one of my intentions was to get the endorsement for my book that I haven't even fully written yet although I have it manuscript I've just cleaning it all up and everything and it's a project I sent it to a bishop of who I'm probably some of you may have heard now in Nigeria who last year had a vision of Jesus go on YouTube tonight and read about this or blow your mind he's in he's a bishop in Nigeria where Boko Haram radical Muslims are kidnapping girls and doing unbelievable things that when I mentioned here and there decapitating people and they're destroying things cuz that's what they do he had a vision of Jesus this Bishop and Jesus appeared to him with a sword with a sword of steel and he's handed he held it out for the bishop to take it the bishop went out to take it from Jesus when he touched it the sword changed into a rosary and Jesus said to the bishop bishop oliver - dom that's his name he said to the bishop Boko Haram is gone Boko Haram is gone Boko Haram is gone three times I sent the manuscript to the bishop as part of my intention I want that bishop to endorse my book because I talk about the rosary as a spiritual sword guess what happened he endorsed it already I don't know this dude right I haven't even finished the book yet and he's already endorsed it I put a lot of other intentions in there as well for conversion of my family members for healings for different things I trust that our lady in her time and our in God's time will answer those prayers according to what they see best these are amazing things that so many people don't know about today I only heard about Blessed Bartolo long ago do you remember in 2002 st. john paul ii wrote a letter on the rosary do you remember that and he gave us the Luminous Mysteries which basically turned the rosary not just into a sword but a modern light saber updating it for the times that we live in right Luminous Mysteries light saber he gives us these mysteries and in that document he kept mentioning this dude named bless apart all along go I'm like I never heard of this dude I know Saints I mean I love the Saints but I'm like who is this guy I looked him up and I found that the dude was a former satanic priest and I thought I was bad I never did anything like that holy smokes right that shows you the power that this rosary has because it does have power where does this come from and why does it even exist well for over 800 years now it's been basically in the hands of every saint I pretty much guarantee you that any saint since the Year 1208 has prayed this I pretty much guarantee it what was happening in the year - in the 13th century that this was given to us well in Europe in France in particular there was a heresy that was spreading like crazy it was called alba jinseyun ISM and it basically said that Jesus is not God that he's not you know special that the flesh is bad so why would God become flesh when the flesh is corrupt that doesn't make any sense and therefore they denied the Incarnation that God became man things like the Eucharist his passion that he would suffer that God would suffer for us in the flesh they denied it and they were preaching all over and they were getting a lot of converts like big-time people being drawn out of it he was a huge threat but there was one man who was a regular diocesan priest he followed actually a thing called an Augustinian order but that's another thing I understand your rule he was preaching and he was trying so hard he was zealous he was on fire and he was preaching everywhere and he walked around but he wasn't having a lot of fruit and he was kind of getting bummed out and he went to a forest in France and he prayed for three days begging heaven for an answer for help from on high to help him and our lady came and she gave him this as a spiritual sword those were medieval times there were times of chivalry and knights actually in those days founders of religious communities like this one called the Merced Aryans they beautiful white habit similar to the Dominicans do you know what it was part of their habit a sword literally a sword these were days of men well we've come a long way from those days really and surely he was given this by our lady not to be a physical sore but to be a spiritual sword and to take this into spiritual combat and she said that it would be a batting or battering ram against heresy and it by preaching on the mysteries would draw Souls back to the truth of Christ if he showered them with the angelic salutation hail full of grace the Lord is with you these are not man-made words and if he said the Our Father these words weren't invented by you and me these are the words that came from the lips of the god man the Messiah Jesus Christ spiritual power when you combine them when you put them around one simple thing and meditate on the mysteries of the life of Christ it has power do you know he went out and started preaching and did so much good that became the greatest preacher of his time he formed a community called the order of preachers and they went to the ends of the earth and began to spread this well you know what happened Satan got in the mix Satan can't have a weapon like this so he tried oh he tried so hard to destroy it to get people to stop praying it and on some level it worked less than one century after the life of st. Dominic this was almost forgotten it was documents were burned why well do you know what happened in the in the 14th century the Black Death the Black Plague one-fourth of all Europe died not making this up google it one-fourth of Europe that's just Europe parts unknown yet undiscovered at that time also suffered from this but we don't know the numbers one-fourth of the population of Europe died and as people were trying to save their lives they were burning lots of things places that were contaminated so many books were burned that would have been about this Satan doesn't want any evidence of the weapon I'll give you an example in modern times st. Faustina when she received the revelations of our Lord hopefully you know who she is from our Lord about divine mercy and our Lord said to her basically write it in the diary you know what happened a lot of people don't know this Satan tricked her appearing as an angel of light and said to her burn it you know what she did thinking she was being obedient to an angel of light she burned it she burned her diary what was in that diary the message of divine mercy Satan's gonna hate that message a new form of Prayer on ordinary rosary beads she burned it then our Lord appeared to her and said my daughter that wasn't me that wasn't an angel of light you were tricked start writing again and she did Satan will try to destroy what he himself can't have and sometimes sadly he has great success in this he did for like a hundred and fifty years and then you know what happened amazing things happened our Lord our God provided a place where this would be held for a while in the 14th century England became known as the dowry of Mary in England it was offshore it wasn't on mainland Europe it had its own plague stuff going on but they didn't abandon this right after the death of Saint Dominic in 1221 the Dominicans his friars went to England and they brought this with them and this flourished in parishes they would leave these in baskets at the front of a church so that people if they didn't possess their own could pick one up and use it these things are recorded in documents they would have it so that in Kyle the students were required to pray it even in some the President himself was required to pray it every day it was held offshore for safekeeping until the Black Death was over and then it would come back to mainland Europe in an amazing way at the beginning of the 15th century there was a movement among groups to reform to become more zealous because they become lakhs during the Black Death they were more concerned about saving their lives obviously and they become kind of mediocre and lukewarm in that and they're living out of their commitments the Franciscans the Dominicans and a whole bunch of others this is called the observant reform movement and during that time there were certain other groups that were even given different forms of a rosary how many of you have heard you've heard about the Bridget Bridget teen rosary from Saint Brigid of Sweden how many have heard about that one or the Seven Sorrows of Mary rosary probably heard about snot from Quebec oh right others founders were given different forms of rosin there was even Carthusians who were kind of coming up with a really contemplative version well where would be a really good place if you're gonna make that leap back from England to reintroduce people to the ancient rosary the first rosary where would be a really good place to do it the country closest to England right on the shore well there was a dominican house there and there was a guy named blessed Alain de la roche who was a part of the observant reform movement our Lord our Lady and even Saint Dominic began to appear to him and said start renu-it teach people about the rosary renew the Confraternity of the rosary and he did and he started it up again and it spread like wildfire it spread everywhere and I mean it was going everywhere then guess what happened Satan aware of what's going on not liking it do you know what what happened in the sixteenth century you'd have people fallen away Catholic priests one named Martin Luther a fallen away Catholic priest yep I hope you know this stuff the dew was so had so many crazy ideas that he started attacking the church said purgatory isn't real sacraments most remember this nonsense and he especially went after this he hated it there's a book that exists to this day in Germany that has his writings in the margins of the Confraternity book on the rosary and he slams it what is this nonsense why would you pray this why would he not like this because to him it was a work that in like works to him the the indulgences that were given by the church he didn't like indulgences he didn't believe in him purgatory why pray for something that doesn't exist if you're praying the rosary to help souls in purgatory that's nonsense he said in the margin of that book and he got a whole ton of people to go against it tons and tons then you know what happened something a sixteenth century was a battle century after the Protestant rebellion guess who else started to attack the church in a huge way they've been attacking it since they came into existence Islam mm-hmm just like today ain't nothing new we think this is new mmm is a centuries-old story here my friends they wanted to conquer Rome literally just like today they say I hope you guys see these videos because you won't see this stuff on the news media today they still want to conquer Rome they want to wrap a turban around the Pope's head and turn st. Peter's into a mosque that's a fact they wanted to do this hue in a huge way in the 16th century and they were very close to doing it because Christendom was divided many people were leaving the Catholic Church and there was division amongst Christians a right time to pick as they called it the apple of Rome and take it they'd already taken Constantinople right and renamed it Istanbul and turns Santa Sophia the greatest basic Catholic Church in the East into a mosque now they wanted Rome that's what I've always wanted and they were so close to doing it that they formed a militia a huge militia massive in numbers was skilled men to armed the boats unbelievable Navy that they had guess who was Pope at this time dominican god provides saint pope pius v you know what he did he mandated that all Christendom pray the rosary as a weapon against this threat because if they took over Rome the West is lost he knew this and he mandated that this be prayed and he himself pray to this at the dominican church in rome santa maria sopra minerva in that church he himself rated i could go on and on about the story of the battle but it was a miraculous battle everything was against the christian naval navy but they won the wind came turned in their favor put a fog in on the Muslim side and they came in and they won in a miraculous way and it saved the West basically saved Christianity as well and they were not happy and they've never been happy since and they keep trying my book will detail pretty much every single story of how they've tried to conquer Christendom and still do and want to and are thirsting for its destruction they've even got something that looks like this and kind of mocks it I ain't kidding this is a spiritual battle it's a clash of Creed's it's warfare spiritually they if they could they would destroy this there's a battle going on but you know what happened God raised up Saints great Saints great men like st. Charles Borromeo and Saint Robert Bellarmine and Saint Philip Neri and tons tons and tons the litany could go on and on and on who preached promoted this and then you know what happened incredible things happened our lady goes to Mexico to a little dude named Juan Diego converts 10 million people in like eight years Dominicans arrived they set up confraternities of the rosary the great Catholic missions begin around the world in the 16th century and what happens every single missionary from Saint Francis Xavier you name it took this with them everywhere they went when they went to the Philippines what happened Our Lady of Navarre Our Lady of the Rosary of neva went there no matter what country people the missionaries went to they brought this there's even stories and I'm not making this up of a woman named venerable Mary of Agreda a nun in Spain during this time who was able to by locate I don't know if you know what that is that means you can be in multiple places at one time their Saints can do this st. Padre Pio and a whole bunch of other ones st. Faustina tons of them could do this she was a nun in Spain nobody thought anything you know she writes books she's praised a lot well in this country actually in your area you're gonna want to look this up before this was all mapped out and out in this was Arizona and this was the United States and whatnot there was a tribe of Indians that were kind of in this area more in New Mexico and in West Texas what we call that now of called Yamano Indians guess what was happening to this tribe there was a woman coming to them and teaching them about Catholicism and she was telling them this is what the Eucharist is this is who the Virgin Mary is there's going to be Catholic priests who are going to come soon and they're gonna tell you everything I've been telling you and they're going to give you the sacraments guess what happened Franciscan and then Jesuit missionaries came to that area and came upon a tribe in the middle of nowhere of Indians who knew Catholicism how in the world and the tribe said to these missionaries yes the woman in blue has been coming to us for years and telling us that you would come and she told us and you know what they already had in their hands rosaries cuz she when she was by locating in her convent in Spain she had piles of them not being used she took him with her and gave him to the Indians the missionaries thought that these Indians were talking they had a vision of the Virgin Mary a woman dressed in blue but that's the Indian said no we know who the Virgin Mary is she told us about her but it wasn't her it was somebody else but we don't know who she was she was when in those days the missionaries kept great logs and some of these missionaries were actually from Spain so didn't take very long for them to discover that it was this nun who was reported to be a mystic who was writing a big fat volume about the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary who was by locating to this tribe look this up it's a fact it was even in secular things of the time not the Catholic Church making this up is true God wants this everywhere cuz it has power to change people you know something interesting in that battle I was talking you about against Islam called the Battle of Lepanto was near Greece do you know what was on one of those ships an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe a lot of people don't know that when Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego in the 1530s the bishop was so in awe of what happened he immediately had four copies made and sent to various dignitaries and so forth one of them was sent to Spain in Spain the president gave it to one of the captains Daurio was his name on one of these ships and he brought it to the Battle of Lepanto Our Lady of Guadalupe was at the Battle of Lepanto that conquered the Muslims Wow leave it to our lady to do this see when there's a void created by Satan when tons of people are leaving the one true church that Jesus founded and others are attacking it what will our lady do she'll bring about 10 million converts in eight years because she can do it she can do amazing things like that and she has throughout history this thing is has so much power so much power I don't go anywhere without it after my little experience with the Filipinos and my conversion this pretty much has never left my pocket I mean this isn't the original one obviously but I carry this thing everywhere right it's got so much power you know how long it takes to pray this 15 to 20 minutes that's it do you know how much time you waste on Facebook every day I do to pray for me just like you ain't 15 to 20 minutes that's it do you know how long most temptations against purity lasts 15 to 20 minutes it's a fact this is the antidote my friends for the things that that are against us by meditating upon this it's the way out it disposes us to want to go to confession really I bet you I totally bet you that if confessions were going on right now on both sides of the church and I went up to the people and I said excuse me I'm very edified that you're in a line for a confession that's awesome may I ask do you pray the rosary I bet you almost all of them would say that they do I bet you but if I went out to the street and just asked a random dude excuse me are you Catholic and he said yes and then I said do you go to confession and he said no I almost guarantee you that he doesn't pray the rosary Our Lady leads you to the sacraments this leads you to Jesus Christ's really it doesn't lead you again you know this is a biblical prayer a lot of people think Catholics making up this stuff just mumbling it over and over and over no that's not what we do would Jesus really be offended if we meditated upon his scourging crowning and all of these Glorious Mysteries of our salvation is he gonna say hey what are you doing don't think about that 20 minutes is that really going to be offensive to our Lord absolutely not no more offensive than if I were a married man and I said to my my wife every day honey I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I mean if I I think I know women pretty well she's not gonna be like okay fine right she's gonna be all over that she's gonna be like yeah that's right mm-hmm because when you're in love you can never say I love you enough everybody wants to hear that cuz you're in love well basically every Hail Mary that you pray on this is saying to Jesus and Mary I love you I love you I love you you think that's gonna offend them absolutely not the more you say it the better as a matter of fact this is the secret this is the secret you know continue on with our little history lesson here after the great missionaries spread it to the whole world guess what happened probably the greatest marian saint of all time st. Louis de Montfort starts cranking out books true devotion phenomenal read it best book about Mary ever period nothing compares and he also wrote another one called the secret of the Rosary but you know what happened and that evil one got agents to put him in a chest and bury it for a hundred and fifty years nobody knew about the masterpiece the greatest book ever written on the Rosary was buried in a field in France for over a hundred and fifty years Satan didn't want you to know then you know what happened scholars and theologians sadly even priests start to say what is this this this we don't need this stuff this little devotionals and all stuff we've we've got methods now the show that st. dominic didn't found that this thing called historical criticism same thing that basically destroyed people's understanding of the scriptures Jesus didn't walk on water you know when he when he multiplied the bread that was the miracle you know the miracle was they shared [Music] historical criticism basically said this is a man-made thing not of divine origin existed before Saint Dominic blessed Allan Dave LaRoche was basically a lunatic seriously priest said this well-known priest in Catholic encyclopedias and such it's true and you know what happened in the 1960s and 70s I was only born in 1972 so I was just coming on the scene but many of you were around and you know this basically began to disappear from parishes even from seminaries this was banned from many seminary chapels during the 1960s and 70s that's a fact tell me that ain't from Satan but you know what happened once again Jesus and Mary raised up heroes martyrs that would lay down their life for this great people started coming on the scene how many of you have ever heard of the Legion of Mary yeah the servant of God Frank tough this dude an Irishman who spread this thing this Legion of Mary is the largest Marian group in the entire world he's dead this the early 20th century because God knew what was going to happen in destruction that would become st. Maximian coal Bay everywhere he went say Padre Pio almost never left his hand Saint Faustina we were given a whole new form of devotion on this so it wasn't just a weapon of truth anymore but now it would be an instrument of mercy when Jesus gave the revelations to Faustina about the chaplet it wasn't he didn't ask for a new set of beads with maybe seven or somebody same amount on this now we basically have got spiritual nunchucks you know the one-two punch in the spiritual life with the rosary 20 minutes this the chaplet how long's the chaplet take to pray five to seven minutes it's like it's like the rosary on training wheels five to seven minutes pack in a punch other great Saints came up upon the scene how many who have heard of venerable father Patrick Payton nobody compared to Patrick Payton and the promotion of the rosary this guy was able to go around the world and in places especially the Philippines able to gather literally tens of millions of people and pray the rosary in streets because the United States where he lived although he was born Island but in the United States people are basically abandoned it said it was useless and pointless so he went to Brazil in the Philippines and they listened and miracles happened many miracles ask a Filipino about the Marcos regime and how they were able to pray this in front of tanks loaded tanks not one bullet was fired and the in the in the guards the policeman there in the Philippine Army later told cardinal sin I know that's a funny name but his name was cardinal sin whenever people went to his house he said welcome to the house of sin he did he was funny so the guard said that before they were going to basically plow over the people with their tanks they saw a woman who said stop these are my people ask any Filipino about their devotion to this I've been all around the world trust me there ain't basically no culture like the Filipino people who praised this thing right here my friends oh my goodness you know what the Filipinos are now they're the new Irish look back in the old days the Irish missionaries went to the whole world every parish had an Irish father oh oh Shannon or father O'Connell or whatever right now you got Filipino priests because Filipinos move in flocks in family units wherever there's one Filipino there's a hundred more coming grandma grandpa auntie auntie sister brother they're all gonna be living in that house you know and wherever they go they bring this they bring novenas to our Our Lady of you know Pena Francia or lady van T polos everything you name it right some novena praying people this thing has power and God wants you to know about this I guarantee you that if I asked you right now how many of you got out don't raise your hand or you really embarrass yourself how many of you got a messed up marriage got funky kids got delinquent kids who are shacked up with their significant other and Sedona or San Francisco or Key West I'll bet you you do or you know somebody who is really how many of you recently had you know you went on your Facebook and it was just rainbows all rainbow it's a rainbow right how many of you put a rainbow on yours yeah no way is right because we're in a spiritual war right now and it's serious and it's gonna get a lot more serious a lot more serious in the last century you know there were more reporter Marian apparitions than any other time in the history of the church many of these are approved there's many that are not many are still under investigation by Vatican commissions and local bishops and whatnot but many of them are approved many I'm gonna put on my glasses and read to you a few of them and you know all of them are rosary related and in some of them our lady is very serious and these are approved by the church what are some of them well we've got obviously Fatima right 1917 we're coming up on the hundredth anniversary of that one boo rang Belgium 1932 to 1933 approved rosary Mary came with it in her hand Bano Belgium 1933 same thing she came with the rosary in her hand Saint Faustina we know that one there's one right now this controversial that may end up being approved this September Lipa Philippines we'll see very interesting stuff there key to Japan 1973 Wow read those messages our lady basically says that a less man kind of repents we're gonna bug wiped out there's only going to be two things left a sign and the rosary you know she says in there Cardinals will be against Cardinals bishops of against Bishop so there would be great confusion do we not see this today are we living on the moon we're seeing this played out in the media bishops against bishops it's chaos that was 1973 and that's approved co-op Anika d'água where our lady even gave a history of the Rosary to confound the critics and the skeptics you don't think it was founded by st. dominic go read the approved apparitions in nicaragua where she gave the visionary bernhard who became a priest a vision of men and white Dominicans praying the rosary and she says that from the Dominicans it was given to the Franciscans and then it was given to everybody else mm-hmm that's what I thought cab a ho Rwanda right oh you remember this one this was one of the most prophetic sadly the people didn't listen the two tribes the the Tutsis and the hood seas or whatever they were I forget their names right the two tribes are they the one tribe basically massacred the other with machetes and over a million people died because they didn't listen to our lady that's approved our lady even her heart was so hurting from this she gave them what's called the Seven Sorrows rosary they thought it was brand new because nobody knew about it cuz Satan tried to basically bury it it had been founded by the seven holy founders of the order of Servite s-- in the 13th century same areas st. dominic she wanted to bring it back to life because the people needed it but they didn't listen and over a million people died by machete she said unless you listen to me there will be rivers of blood they didn't listen there were rivers of blood Saint Nick's and Nicholas Argentina from 1983 to 1990 actually I believe the visionary is still living approved Our Lady of the Rosary and countless others there are so many still happening right now we remember the Bishop I said just last year I had a vision of this this is a bishop we've been given great Pope's who have promoted this st. John Paul the tube was basically a new Saint Louie de montfort who gave us a new set of mysteries declared a year of the Rosary and everywhere he went around the world he basically said this was his favorite prayer and he asked people to pray it with them but did we listen I hate to say it but I don't think we did do you do you not do at least one set of mysteries 20 minutes you can do it when you drive to work traffic probably is pretty bad in Phoenix I don't know but 20 minutes driving to work doing whatever you know if you're waiting for something you can do it john paul ii actually said don't be afraid to do it in public you don't have to trumpet you're not to walk down i'm praying the rosary now [Music] got that right but there's nothing have you ever seen somebody do this I've seen it and I'm edified see I do just walk into his dog down the street and he's got a rosary in his hand or when people see you doing it they might want to do it too I guarantee you that if you pray this as a family you're gonna have a correction to a lot of your problems your little arguments are gonna seem stupid after you pray a rosary guarantee it you know there's a woman named sister Elvira who started a rehab if you even want to call it that she doesn't allow any medication what she does she has them pray the entire rosary every day do manual work and fast do you know what the success rate of sister Elvira's Janaka law means Senecal rehabilitation program is almost 100% focus your mind even if it wanders and it will nobody's prayed a perfect one of these probably since it was said by the angel right but when you keep refocusing your mind in your heart on our Lord healing takes place healing of memories healing even in your body I cannot tell you they're gonna be in my book miracle upon miracle upon miracle has happened with this this is medicine this is like a life raft thrown from heaven you better be packing this I'll tell you this story you know the in France there was a very educated young man studying science he was on the train he got on the train and there was this old man all wrinkled and you know stooped over and he was thumbing one of these through his fingers and the young science student said to him what old man what are you doing I mean this stuff is not that's that's fairy tale we science you know is now you know proven things and we don't need these little crutches and so forth and the old man is his humility said really III I'm I don't know what kind of science you're talking about please tell me I'm interested to learn so this young you know college student schooled this old man and told him about you know all these things he was learning and you know how the Catholic Church was you know the great oppressor of reason and people using their brains and so forth so at the end of the trip when the old man was about to get off at his station the young man said look if you want to learn more I'll tell you give me your name and contact information and I'll give you more information about science the old man went to his jack and pulled on his card and he gave it to the young man and on the card it said Louis Pasteur the head scientists in France who basically discovered so many modern vaccines the reason you don't basically have things like maybe polio and the reason you can basically drink milk today without getting some kind of disease or bacteria or so forth is because of him he wasn't stupid he wanted to be a saint when you combine the two intelligence in this you got power now is the time for us to take up this weapon of war let me read you this quote one of the more famous quotes that our lady said to st. Dominic when she gave it to him she said in 1208 you st. Dominic are to preach this devotion as a practice of piety most dear to my son and to me as a most powerful means of dissipating heresy extinguishing Vice spreading virtue imploring the Divine Mercy and obtaining my protection I desire that this manner of prayer shall be perpetually promoted and practiced the faithful shall obtain by it numerous benefits and shall always find me ready to aid them in all their wants this is the precious gift which through you I bequeath to the world
Channel: Jen mamafav
Views: 13,074
Rating: 4.8949494 out of 5
Id: U31xxJeDDfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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