Fr. Donald Calloway: "The Virgin Mary: The Masterpiece of God" | SEEK2019

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a new book ten wonders of the Rosary so you'll have to check that out and please welcome to the stage father Donald Callaway all right oh man you guys are here to see me right wow that's sweet I was so worried cuz I saw the program I'm like Scott Hahn Lila Rose Deacon harrowed I'm like nobody's gonna be at this but my mom you know I was I was like thanks guys really it means a lot to me that you came to hear me that's pretty cool it does it really makes me feel good all right so let's crank out a Hail Mary okay together so that I don't say anything stupid because I can do that it's not an election year so I don't have that on my back yeah I can get in big trouble in election years let's pray a Hail Mary okay in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen Saint Joseph guardian of the virgin pray for us the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen all right so uh maybe in Scott Hogg's room they were watching me who knows he's my neighbor actually he lives on the same street five houses down from where I do in Steubenville so uh he'd be cool with it I guess all right so I got a lot of ground to cover and a short time to do it so this is an impact session so I got to make an impact so I'm gonna come at you hard heavy and aggressive okay because I look to the program I'm like dude I'm the only guy or anybody a speaker giving a talk about the Virgin Mary so I got to cover all of it [Applause] all right so are you ready to be married eyes are you ready to be married are you ready to enter the merriest sphere because you're going to okay we're gonna we're gonna get serious you're gonna walk out here with a greater love for our lady than you've ever had before at least that's my hope okay I could tell you a ton of things about the Blessed Virgin Mary because she's my lady she's my woman she's my princess she's my life my sweetness of my hope I love this woman I could tell you so much but you'll have to buy the books okay to find out about that I don't want to give you my perspective I got one for sure okay but I want to give you God's perspective on Our Lady and I can do that actually you could do it too I'm just up here I got a Roman collar on my neck and a microphone so you got to listen to me but anybody could do this see God's not an alien off on Planet Zeno you know in the some strange constellation he's got a divine mind perfect flawless and he has done something so remarkable that I think it's gonna it's gonna change a lot of maybe how you think about the Blessed Virgin Mary okay and this is what I mean we can know what God thinks about this particular creation of his Our Lady if we just use reason if we just unpack it from a rational perspective and that's what I want to do with you to start this talk okay because you've got a noggin you've got a head and you got a brain in it and you're gonna be able to deduce logically these arguments and this understanding on your own it's just something to kind of assist you with it and now I didn't come up with this ability to do this Fulton sheen did I actually don't come up with original stuff I wish I could be original and it's only in my statements I just steal stuff from the Saints you know it's kind of holy plagiarism I guess I get him you know I attributed to them but he did something in a book called the world's first love which is one of the best books about the Blessed Virgin Mary ever okay but I want to take it a step further so I want you right now to imagine with me because we're going to talk about the Virgin Mary the masterpiece of God I want you to imagine right now that your God congratulations right you just got your own impotence you're all powerful you're a mishit you're all knowing you you're god you're you're you're the real deal okay you've created this world and giving them free will in all of its beautiful places but they jacked it up right and they made a mess of it you know how the story goes you are so good you're not just you didn't just wind up the clock and send it off you know that's that's not the God we're talking about that's craziness you're so good that you're going to enter into the world the world that you made that's fallen and become one of them how you gonna do that rub-a-dub-dub Shazam poof out of the heavens you appear as a 33 year old Messiah ready to accomplish my saving mission father God who you are right now that's magic you made an anthropological order you set things up in a system of laws you're gonna abide by that you're not gonna break it so you're gonna come into the world now one of you only one of you of the triune God is going to come in so let's just say right now that you're the word and you're gonna enter into the world hey what are you gonna do what's that mean well we know what it means you are gonna make your own mom yeah okay that's like a no-brainer but somehow we missed that Jesus made his own mother never hasn't been heard that a child a son precedes his mother right I didn't come before my mom neither did you we came after that's just how it works but in this instance God made his own mom whoa what does that mean it means a lot I want to put myself in this little experiment with you and I'm gonna act like I'm God I'm not trust me hang out with me long enough you'd be like when we'll pray for father you know I'm far from being divine you know but for the sake of argument what would I do if I were God and had all power all knowledge all ability to make my own mother oh I would make her a masterpiece I would make a flawless model of maternity of femininity so amazingly beautiful there would be no other creature like her I would do this for my mom because I had the power to do it you know if I had this enemy called Satan Lucifer the devil and I was gonna make my own mother why would I if I were God leave any kind of stain in her why would I do that you know what I would do hmm let me think of a word what would I create my mother oh yeah immaculate flawless absolutely ravishingly beautiful on every level is what I would do it would make my enemy so mad because he would probably hope that I would you know maybe come into the world through a creature but she'd still be a sinner oh no oh no not my mother because I'm making my own mom flawless immaculate perfect matter of fact you know what I would do I would write a book as God a big one I'd call the first chapter Genesis I call the last one revelation like apocalyptic stuff dragons and stuff and in that book you know what I talk about I would talk about my mom's delicate little female foot crushing Satan's ugly face I do that I really would they finally got hold early but I wouldn't stop there oh no no no I'm gonna I'm not gonna deprive my mother of any blessing that a woman could have I would make my mother and immaculate creation you know what else I would give to my mother the gift of virginity a perpetual virgin as a matter of fact I would astound the nation's it may make it so that my mother was a virgin before and during my birth that's kind of a no-brainer that's easy to understand but even after my birth because of your God that's a temple that womb of that woman is now a sanctuary nobody else abides a nice sanctuary but me I made it that's my abode see took to us we think yeah that is something you know how can a woman be a virgin and a mother that's like contradictory how does that even work for us we can't do this but if you're God remember your God you can do this this is nothing to you right you can make things pass through things without breaking their integrity for example that there were daytime and there were windows in here it'd be perfect light passes through a window right does it break the integrity of the glass no but it really passes through the window leaves it intact who is Jesus light from light true God from True God begotten not made he's God he could do this he can pass through things and leave the integrity of that thing intact that's what he did to his mother's womb that's what I would have done just like in the morning God can make a flower do pass through a flower and it doesn't break the integrity of the flower and actually makes the flower fruitful God did not deprive his mother of any blessing immaculate perpetual virgin see this is the teaching of the church this is what we believe and he's not a stingy God you can't create a masterpiece of maternity and then get stingy and say she's all mine whoa uh suckas right now you can't if you're stingy you're not God what you made you're gonna share see this is what I would do if I had made my own mother I would want everyone to call her mother and I'd find a way to do it I would probably do something crazy like be half naked a little elevated and I would say to people behold your mother and if you didn't get what I said well you got problems okay if there's any ambiguity or if that's not clear to you I'm not sure this is working right right how much more clear do I need to be I'm just saying that that's what I would do okay that's what I would do but I wouldn't stop there I would make it so that my mother's name would be the most common female name in the history of the world I would your culture will call your daughters Maria and you Marie and you Miriam and you Mary I would I would like demand it they wouldn't even be aware of it but they do it that's what I would do we're talking about my mom right but I wouldn't stop there you know what else I would do I would make it so that my mother would never die mmm you guys are gonna love this one you're gonna love this one I'm gonna save how that works at the end of this talk see my mom and your mom sadly someday they're they're gonna die they're not gonna be here now I say that with I don't want that to happen I love my mom when I was a teenager we rub no doubt right but now she's like my best friend I love my mom so much the day that my mom dies I'm gonna lose it I know I'll see her again I have faith but still it's my mom if there were a way that I could prevent my mother from going into a tomb six feet under the ground you bet I would prevent it because that's my mom well I can't and neither can you you're not God but Jesus is God and he can and he did and he did it in the most ingenious way that's gonna blow your mind when you hear this at the end of this talk you immediately are gonna go on Google and be like whoa what was that word really I'm not gonna say it now because you're gonna be trying to figure out how to spell it it's amazing okay that's just remember we're just the first person the Incarnate Word now I want you to act like you're the father because Mary is a Trinitarian masterpiece now your God the Father your you you have a pullet part in this creation what would you be creating in the mystery of Mary the perfect little girl your perfect little daughter your princess all my friends you know as well as I do that there is nothing more beautiful on this planet than a little girl there isn't I've been around the world I've been in New Zealand there's no place more beautiful in New Zealand I've been Australia been to Fiji I've been to Islands I've been everywhere nothing compares to the beauty of a little girl she's a spark of paradise the poet's talk about this the musicians talked about this authors talk about this everybody knows this God made the most beautiful little girl and he is so protective of her if you mess with her Shh Papa's locked and loaded okay it is not gonna go well for you okay really yeah I mean we've got we've been understanding this even in the Old Testament if you touch the Ark of the Covenant you're toast you don't touch daddy's little girl he loves her with the serious love with the protective love and she knows that this little girl knows she's still secure in her father's love it's not even good enough for him that she's a princess you know what died he's gonna do for his little princess he's gonna raise up his princess and make her the Queen of the universe all man they don't matter if you're a pope Bishop priest Saint bow down to the princess to the queen of the cosmos all angels if you don't serve her you're gonna get your angelic face crushed to okay because we're talking about daddy's little girl he does amazing things for that little girl because he's madly in love with that little girl because he made her okay so let's go into the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit's gonna have a say in making this masterpiece of femininity what's the Holy Spirit gonna be making I love this one the perfect bride oh my goodness see this is where me is a dude oh yeah right yes I'm a priest but I'm not a robot right I'm a natural dude right naturally drawn to the feminine mystery and all of its wonder and everything my brothers can you imagine if you had the ability to make the perfect woman do you imagine we didn't see we as dudes yeah I hope you weren't sit next to your girlfriend bro sorry see we think about this as guys it's normal okay I remember when I grew up I'm dating myself now you guys are so young you're probably born in this century or something okay when I grew up people there was a movie that was out called weird science two dudes cut out you know pieces from magazines of a girl this part and this part and they put it together they tried to make her and she appeared and she was I you know but God can make her and he did God made his own woman God made his own bride is a matter of fact in that book I talked about that he wrote do you know what the greatest book is in it the Song of Songs it's about God singing to his doves to his princess to his lady God made his own lady and he's madly in love with her he can't get enough of her he's ravished by her sight really he is so in love with what he has made that has never been anything like it there never will be as a matter of fact he demands that she is the most painted woman in the history of the world and it's true you can crank out your Mona Lisa's and your so-and-so's but they got nothing on the Madonna the most painted woman in the history of the world people you know artists if you go to Europe and you go to the museum's you'll see pictures of pears and whatnot that's nice that's nice but everybody who wants to be a true classical artist has to at least attempt a Madonna and Child really everybody knew this in days of old now we forgotten it and you know people throat drop a pencil on the floor and call it art you know it's crazy God made her and you know what every artist does you've probably heard these analogies before I think it was Michelangelo or one of them dudes when they made Moses or David but hit it with like their their their instrument and they said to it speak because you want your creation to come alive but we have the ability to do that you and I but God does he made a masterpiece and he made it a living masterpiece and you know what he did he took up residency in the body his masterpiece yeah that's how much he loves her madly in love with her now how much does he love her he makes her smell like roses he has grown men and little children when she comes on the scene fall on their knees and cry demons jump out windows when she comes on the scene and God will make the Sun spin like a yo-yo for his woman he does because he can the Sun stink to God and he makes it spin for her on occasion because he wants to show us who she is she's the masterpiece of the Holy Trinity see God knows this he's the one who did it the Saints know it it's actually a key to sanctity you're not gonna become holy unless you have a relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary why because you're not gonna be fully conformed to Jesus Christ unless you have a relationship with her she's the one perfect blueprint model prototype of what it means to be a disciple of Christ all God wants to hear come out of all your mouths is one word it's already been said you're never gonna do it greater Fiat be it done to me to me to see God's not a polygamist there's one bridegroom and one bride you have to conform to the pattern of the bride you have to become a saint paul says without blemish spot or wrinkle holy and immaculate that's what the core of Christianity if you miss that you're gonna miss a whole bunch of stuff about Jesus and everything that he wants to give you you're gonna have a skewed understanding of who he is what he taught what the church is about confession the sacraments you're gonna be off you may be right on many things but if you don't know her you're not gonna Foley in the totality know Jesus Christ I guarantee you this I guarantee you this this is how God set it up see the Saints know this that's why it's early as like same Agustin he talks about Mary being a mould of Christians a mould st. centuries later would pick that theme up like st. Louis de Montfort who would talk about the role of a Christian is to become docile supple to the Holy Spirit and be poured into the Marian mold Mary's not a cookie cutter she's a saint maker you're never ever gonna become holy according to how Jesus wants you to be holy unless you conform yourself to that mold nobody will ever be beatified or canonized who doesn't love the Blessed Virgin Mary how can you become holy unless you powder yourself off of this perfect flawless model there's only one if I were to line up here to you st. Francis st. Dominic Saint Benedict sending nations all the great founders of religious communities and say to them and your presence brothers why did you found your group what would they say first for Jesus Christ yes because he's God first always Mary's not God what else you got brothers I gave it to you every single one of them would say that those who follow my charism apostle of spirituality that they seek to become like our Lady another Mary for Jesus that's at the core of Christianity st. Maximilian Kolbe will say what you have to become transubstantiated into the Immaculate whoa here's Harris see here's Colby like super-close right but that's where you get the good stuff right you retain your own identity you're your own person but you have to become like our lady that's what it's all about that's what it's all about see God knows that the Saints knows it who else knows it say Ted he ain't stupid he's a fallen angel he's got angelic intelligence it's just he's manipulative and tricky and you know very very crafty with it but he ain't dumb he is well aware of what's in the good book about his face getting crushed by a woman's foot that's why he hates her and everything associated with her so a few years ago I wrote a book and I was thinking what do I call this thing you know I got a bunch of sweet titles I could put on this thing but I kept reading in the Saints live under the mantle place yourself under the mantle under the mantle under the mantle so I'm like that's it under the mantle that'll be the title of the book it was perfect you know why because you know what Satan's been trying to do in Christianity for 2,000 years dismantle Christianity see it works perfect in English if you take out our Lady Sings not gonna be afraid of you seriously whose foot is it again that crushes his face hers why because she's God no because God lives in her God chooses to do it through her that's why whenever you see most images of Mary standing on the serpent with her foot she's pregnant because Jesus is there he's the one who does it because he's God but he chooses to do it through her you have to live under the mantle if you don't you're gonna be in big trouble the world will get you the pull of the world will get you your own weaknesses will get you but if you live consecrated to Our Lady if you live under her mantle you're safe doesn't mean you're not gonna have trials and you're gonna fall flat on your face that's gonna happen well you're gonna be protected she will be there with you trust me I know you heard my little litany of getting kicked out of a foreign country drugs rehabs and all that craziness I would be such a dead man right now were it not for the Blessed Virgin Mary there's no I should be told toast right now and in the lake of fire because of my life but because of that sweet woman I now know Jesus Christ I now got one of these chapter on my neck and on my own free will made vows of poverty chastity and obedience I would have never done this had I not this beautiful woman before my eyes cuz every man has to fight for a beauty I'm not here primarily to fight for an institution I'll fight for Walmart right please you fight for beauty and you go and you slay dragons for that beauty see that's what we is all Catholics we're supposed to be doing and our lady will bring that dimension into your life you know we can't have any of this without our lady think about that gee I mean did you ever really sit down and like think about that Jesus is not a phantasm he's not a robot he didn't just appear he chose to come to us through that woman he could have done it in a million other ways no doubt about that but he didn't and the fact that he did means that we are now dependent by causation I could break down a whole bunch of totemism stuff for you we need her she's not an option she's an absolute necessity an obligation in your spiritual life really if you can't have Jesus without her that means you can't have life without her what did Jesus say unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you don't have life and where is that where did he get his flesh and blood from the flesh and blood of Mary without Mary you wouldnt have Jesus without Mary you wouldn't have the Eucharistic Body of Christ without Mary you would have the mystical body of Christ the church you wouldn't have the Sacre's confession the priesthood you wouldn't have Jack without the Blessed Virgin Mary seriously nothing that's how important she is guys oh my goodness if people only knew this but so many don't oh I don't need her she's not important why do you pay so much attention to her because Jesus did you know what Torres and Maximilian Kolbe say don't be afraid of loving her too much because you're never gonna love her more than Jesus does it's logic right again I'm not God but I'm a dude I got a mom right if you came up to me and you said to me father you know your mom is amazing she's such a beautiful lady would you mind if I gave her some roses would you mind if I wrote this little song to your mom would you mind if I sang it oh I'd be a weird son if I said how rude I'm so offended the horrible son would I be right I'm not upset by that I'm you a matter of fact you know what I there you would so move my heart might my human heart that I would be like wow thank you so much is there anything I can do for you see if let's just say you were on my bus those who honor my mother won't you come up to the front okay I made let the other ones on but you're gonna be in the back is gonna be a bumpy ride okay but if you if you honor my mother I'm gonna give you everything within my power to give you do not think that Jesus wouldn't do this of course he would he's not offended no way no how see this is why certain saints and I love this I love the saints man because they teach us certain things that are just so basic to understand did you know that st. Maximian coal Bay st. john paul ii and say teresa of avila Doctor of the Church loved to play the game of chess did you know that it's pretty cool there's actually picture I know at least one picture of Kolby playing chess with his novices pretty soon he's got the hongcun beard you know just came back from Japan what what's up with that why do they like to play chess because it can teach us something about theology like 101 chess as we play it today it comes out of a Catholic culture right hopefully you know what I'm talking about here with chess you guys are on the video game stuff for your honor okay it's pretty simple black and white it's all about this dude called the keg okay it's all about the king anybody who says the game of chess isn't about the king they don't know what they're talking about but who's got the most mobility on the board the queen she can move any number of squares in any direction and the king isn't jealous he's not like huh pay attention to me pay attention to me he gave her that mobility he delights in that mobility and if you fight for the Queen you're fighting for him and everybody knows that if you lose the Queen game over but did you know did you know that if just one Bishop just one works with the Queen on the battlefield you can conquer the enemy and four moves did you know that really see the New Evangelization ain't rocket science all you got to do is allow the queen mobility it's her foot that crushes the enemy but we come up with strategic planning programs and all these useless ways of trying to evangelize people when we need to bring them to her because she is the surest fastest and easiest way of bringing them to Jesus Christ you don't have to be the next Fulton sheen really I mean what did we venerate today and that was so sweet by the way I had no idea that the heart of st. John Vianney was gonna be hanging out here you know did you guys saw that right at Mass whoa I was just in ours France a couple months ago and his heart wasn't there because he told me it was on tour which was hilarious cool like tour dates be on ease heart tour dates you know so he was here I was like oh that's so sweet I couldn't see him there before he came here where I was that's pretty good deal little French dude okay not intimidating at all to look at you know st. John Vianney but what gave that dude so much power his love for Our Lady in the Eucharist its availability people hearing confessions duking it out with demons at night not the raw call to that you know if demon punches me I'm going to motel eight you can I'm out I'm out you know I say that as a priest I jump scares me you know but I'm out your blood down the hall I'm out I'm moving with our lady you can have power you can have such an incredible credible closeness to Jesus Christ like that little French place you can transform hearts quickly effectively that's the ability that God has given to this woman okay so she's our mother we can't have nothing without her which means she gives us life she's our spiritual mother what does a mother do for her children after she gives him life she feeds them you know our mother does this for us in the most amazing way really and truly you know if any of you are mothers or you're dreaming about motherhood or you and you have a mother you know that when you were a little child your mother gave you broccoli and spinach and she was like eat it you'll grow up and be strong right good but it's not gonna give you everlasting life spinach you know you know put a few years on you but you're gonna live forever but imagine if there was a mother who had the ability to make a food that if her children ate that food they would have everlasting life would you not want it sure you would well there is a woman there mother this is what the Saints say that Mary's womb is an oven and in that fiery hot sacred oven mama Mary makes for her children the bread of life and if you eat this bread that mama Mary made for you you will live forever see that's why our Lord was born in Bethlehem what does Bethlehem mean in Hebrew House of bread what does it mean in Aramaic the language our Lord spoke house of flesh or house of meat really that's why our bread was placed in a manger mangiare eat Catholic Church didn't make this stuff up this is how God gave it to us all through Mary she feeds you she wants you to live forever you've got to be attentive to this you've got to know the importance of her in your life so after mother gives life after her mother feeds her children what does every mother do my mom did it your mom did it she cleans her children we are filthy we make a mess of things okay I'm gonna get real descriptive here when you were a child you soiled yourself you did you made a mess of things a lot it was nasty whoa what are the nasty smells ever right but you had to have the confidence that you're gonna get cleaned up again and again and again and again every single time like seventy times seven a day and it's free what mother would say to her child hey five bucks is junk a free right no it'd be a horrible mother if you charge a child for a diaper change you can't pay for it right or what mother would say hey like two hours ago I did this I mean no no no go away tomorrow no and everybody knew when you did this you can't act like you could you ever see those videos on YouTube it's hilarious when everybody in the room can smell it and the babies like acting like it's clueless you know everybody is aware that you know what's going on here you need to get cleaned up see this is what our lady does for us in the spiritual life this is why do you know what confession is for God's children it's a spiritual diaper change okay really you're never going to forget confession again now you're gonna remember that because you stink you spiritually so yourself a lot it doesn't matter if you were 21 years old 46 years old or 82 you were gonna make a mess of things all the time father God supplies the diapers and he gives them to his bride an endless supply and they're free of charge and it's not something that's done in public who goes into McDonald's and changes her baby on the counter nobody same thing in God's house you go behind a curtain where Mother Church patterned off of our lady cleans you up you could go every single day if you had to free of charge you'd wear us priests out but it can be done this is how much God loves you how he's given all these gifts to Our Lady to give to you you know that the Saints could smell the stench of sin on a soul st. Padre Pio st. Faustina even could smell sin on a soul nice that would be a horrible gift to have right give me that soul reading thing over that one you know smelling sin because it's horrible and by the way when you go for the spiritual diaper change you go to get a complete deal you don't say just the left side that's weird it's a whole package okay so when you go to confession you need to tell everything you need to get everything out they already know but you need to have that humility to get it out see only those and I say this you know with conviction only those who know that they have a spiritual mother go to frequent confession ask a random Catholic on the street excuse me sir you're Catholic cool do you go to confession oh you don't do you have a relationship with Mary or you don't interesting I wonder if there's a correlation you bet you there's a correlation those who have a devout pious relationship with their spiritual mother will know where they can go to get a free spiritual diaper change really this ain't rocket science it ain't hard to figure out when you stray from Our Lady you'll start thinking crazy things like yeah I don't need to go and confess to some dude I could just go directly to Jesus oh you think you can oh sure you can but you got no guarantee no coming into language of i absolve you through my bride so this is my house this is what God says to us you you think you're some kind of hero that you can go and do it on your own when I've established my household for you with my woman my lady my wife my bride I've given this to you why are you not using it don't turn away from it don't run don't think so highly of yourself that you you you think there's another option for you because you're special no take advantage of this Our Lady if you have a relationship with her we'll help you do this confession isn't always easy that's for sure trust me when there's a Nigerian priest in town I hit him up you know I'm saying I'm like sweet you're here for a mission all right dude you got time for a confession because I'm gonna dump some stuff on you homie all right you don't understand much English perfect I get it I totally get it right somehow I think heaven does too you know we're crazy we're children we're children God loves that about us okay our lady is that important for you and your spiritual life you absolutely need her in your spiritual life is it always easy to pray the rosary on a daily basis no I've never prayed a rose or a perfect rosary in my life I'm like the priest writing books on the rose and I bring my five books on the rosary last four years I've never prayed a perfect rosary say transit was you the little flower everybody loves her she talked about her struggles with the Rosary so many do man I'm three Hail Marys deep into it I'm already forgetting which mystery I'm on really I'm picking up smells I'm like ooh did I respond to that you know I'm like nope no back bring it back bring it back but see God I don't take whatever he can get because we're children when your mind gets distracted just bring it back and you know what you know in prayer one time it came to me when we do that God is he's so good to us he's such a good father it's like we're giving him butterfly kisses like a little child we get distracted to work ooh what's that a nibble okay I see you and then we're back to distractions and we come back with a a partially held prayed Hail Mary you know you know take whatever we give up okay but we got to give him and our lady will package it up she'll make it better I love that story about Saint Juan Diego this is a classic guy thing a girl if our lady had appeared to a girl and wouldn't went down this way probably but she's like here's you know you're gonna go to the bishop and you're gonna yo tell them what went down so he's like all right cool so he runs off he's not worried about the you know how they're arranged to dude so our lady stops and she's like Juanito hold on a minute she rearranged them okay pretty okay now go he's a dude he's like whatever you know they matter but our lady does she makes things better she puts her touch on it and everything is better it's more beautiful it's more presentable to our Lord this is what he wants for us in our spiritual life okay she remember at the beginning I talked about how if I were God and I know that you would do this too if you had a way to prevent your mother from dying and rotting in a tomb and six feet under you do it of course you would Jesus did when I was in seminary I've been a priest almost 16 years now so when I was in seminary one of my brother priests our brother seminarians came to me with an article in The Washington Post compost and he said to me dude yeah yeah yes I'm not afraid to offend people by the way so so he's like did you dude did you read this and I'm like what is it so he says you got to check this out so I start reading it and I'm like woah woah holy moly I'm like what the heck is this it was just a secular pure scientific thing but it talked about this thing called here's the word fetal micro Kemmer ISM right that puppy down okay fetal micro Kemmer ISM the Kemmer ISM is CH not a K okay it's a hard ch fetal micro Kemmer ism so some scientists in different universities around the world had discovered this on just a secular level they were doing Studies on women and like Sweden even in Washington State in a couple places around the world simultaneously you know one women and they discovered that during these research some of the women got sick because there's a long term study and they found that there were cells in these women's bodies living cells that were not hers and they were like okay this is interesting what do we make of this and they discovered that when these women were sick they thought well these cells through their studies are the cells of her children now some of these women had not been a mother in the physical sense of having a baby in them recently at all like a long time ago but they discovered that it was the cells of their children living cells still in her body but they thought well this doesn't bode well for motherhood it looks like the cells of her children are causing the illness this is not good they kept studying guess what they discovered oh that's not the case it's the opposite when a mother becomes sick the cells of her children all the children she's had rushed to the area of her body to fight for her life scientifically proven fetal micro comunism whoa but he some amazing things were discovered as well other than that many of these women when they were having the testing done didn't put down that they were mothers so the scientists were confused because there are cells in your body that are not yours and you didn't put that you were a mother this is weird well they were but you know they didn't put certain things on there maybe out of embarrassment or just you know it's it's difficult to deal with miscarriage right so many women experienced that but you're a mother but they didn't put it on there but then it was understood oh okay well you were a mother right and you had the baby there for a period of time because this cellular exchange happens within the first trimester of the pregnancy amazing stuff but then there were others who said that they didn't have a miscarriage you know what they said they had had an abortion yeah making obviously the wrong decision terminating the pregnancy taking the life of the child a horrible decision of course but you're a mother and isn't it ironic that the life that was terminated now fights for yours yeah scientifically proven fetal microcamera ism and you know the studies are still being done because they found that women still in their old age still have cells of their children alive in their bodies fighting for them this is mind-blowing stuff mind blow one of the scientists and one of these articles after that I did a whole bunch of research one of them was kind of making a funny he said you know we've always thought that mothers have an intuition a sixth sense my mother would I could come home and be faking a smile and she'd be like Tony what's wrong I'm like how do you do that how do you know what well this guy said it's not like mom's watching over your shoulder she's in your shoulder why because it happens both ways all of you right now have living cells of your mother in your body right now even if your mother is no longer here she's already deceased she's still here on a cellular level in your body that's amazing you know sometimes people who will say in life and rightly so is just we never fully understood it if a mother experiences the death of a child or when like a child experiences the death of a mother what do we say part of me died when my mom died yeah literally now scientifically this is proven this is incredible but see if there's a particular mother and child that weren't in that article because that was a secular talk but see Jesus isn't a robot an angel a phantasm he's the god man human nature full components of manhood our lady gave him what he was needed from those chromosomes and Heavenly Father supplied the rest in some way we don't fully understand but he wasn't anything other than a full man human nature the god man he has all of it so there's a cellular exchange that took place between Mary and her son so when the angel came to her and said hail full of grace the Lord is with thee uh-huh Yeah right for the next nine months for sure but even after he interests into the world he still remains in her body on a cellular level Our Lady is a walking living Tabernacle a monstrance that's why so many saints will say in mystics then when our lady in st. Joseph took the baby Jesus to Egypt fleeing from Herod the idols of Egypt fell because our Lady whent is a pretty was a Eucharistic procession basically of the body of Christ and two pagan territory whoa that's amazing stuff that's why st. Joseph is the terror of demons and so is our Lady when our lady comes upon the scene she never comes on and if those cells that from us God puts in our mother's body will fight for our mother's life who sells were those again in the body of Mary oh yeah God is Mary going to experience a corruption in a tomb never God loves his mother so much he implanted himself in her body see this is why for the beginning of the church we have never talked about a resurrection of Mary ever August 15th we don't celebrate the resurrection we celebrate the Assumption or the Dormition in Spanish dormir what does that mean to sleep the transitive mariae in the early church and you have artistic depictions of it many of them are apocryphal and they're just rying to figure it out but they get it wrong would never approve those apocryphal renditions we've never celebrated a resurrection of Mary why because she never died not like you and I died many will talk about her experience of your death but it's not the same kind of death that you will know I will experience we died because of sin she experiences a passing a transition a Dormition of falling asleep that you can call death but it's not like you and I God put himself inside her because he loves her that much I would have done the exact same thing if I were God well play God well played if I had the ability to do that wouldn't you do that if you could do that for your dear mother God did another sign of how special this woman is of what a masterpiece of motherhood and femininity she is don't be afraid of love and marry too much it never gonna love her more than Jesus when I was ordained 16 years ago I'll end with this because I got a time up here somewhere I'll think I'm out of time when I was ordained I was driving on the Massachusetts Turnpike and I saw a bumper sticker it was brilliant theology I don't know who it was I drove up to the guy he probably thought I was a lunatic is on the tailgating I'm trying to find out who who owns this car this dudes brilliant you know what it said wise men still find him with his mother yeah that's brilliant theology my friends see when those wise men and Shepherds came to that cave they found Jesus and the arms of Mary you know what they didn't do they didn't say who are you woman you're in significant step aside that's called kidnapping bad and if you kidnap bad baby that's not an ordinary baby that's the god baby okay if you want that baby you got to humble yourself and you got to ask Mary can I hold him can I smother him with kisses can I put my blips into his little baby divine fat belly see this baby loves you so much he was born to be consumed by you we love babies right when we see a baby we all get silly I'm gonna eat you up we don't need babies that's a problem that would be serious issue but this one was born to be consumed Mary's baby mama Mary's baby born for you to give you eternal life so you keep reading those rosaries don't you think you can walk away from Mary and do this you can't if you struggle with it pray about it if you struggle with the rosary pray a decade a day he'll build up the strength to get to the whole thing but don't walk away from this masterpiece of Maternity because God made her for you god bless you my friends thank you so much [Applause]
Channel: FOCUS Catholic
Views: 610,684
Rating: 4.853528 out of 5
Keywords: SEEK2019, SEEK 2019, FOCUS, Fellowship of Catholic University Students, conference, encounter something more, Fr. Calloway, Calloway, Virgin Mary, Mary
Id: hhdAiEVme0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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