Fr. Donald Calloway - 2020 E6 Catholic Men's Conference

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[Music] all right thanks guys if you don't know about bishop athanasius schneider that dude is awesome he is he is hardcore big time other people that inspire me today are definitely cardinal burke he's awesome um i don't know if you're aware of father rick heilman you know you know him yeah he's awesome he's such a brother to me and i want to mention him briefly in the context of something we know what first let's pray a hail mary okay so i don't jack this whole talk up okay all right in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen saint joseph terror of demons pray for us in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen yes so uh a while ago you may have heard uh my new book is out which uh was so awesome i was in the hallway and uh i heard dr han talking about saint joseph he's got such a great love for saint joseph so my new book is out called consecration to saint joseph now my talk is not on this but i have to do a plug for it because this is kind of my life's kind of apex man i mean outside of celebrating mass and the sacraments this is the greatest thing that i've ever done in my life and it almost didn't happen uh there was so much going on that you know i don't want to tell you too much because it was probably scandalize you there was so much going on that was going to prevent this book from being published but now it's available you can get copies here and it's selling like you mad you wouldn't believe how much it's selling because we need st joseph today right when families are under attack and men don't know how to be men women don't know how to be women and the world the culture is trying to emasculate us telling us simply because we shave that we're toxic hi man you got to be high to think something like that right i got hair on my face what do you want me to do you know so we got confusion today we need the model of what it means to be a good father and a good husband so i'm going to encourage you to get a copy of this and it was father rick heilman who really rallied the troops last year to pray for me that this book would come to fruition so i i i love that brother priest he um really helped me through some difficult times so i'm going to be signing and selling these later all right guys i hope you're not here to hear my conversion story because i i'm not giving that talk a lot of people i've been a priest 16 years and i've got about 15 talks that i've i think i nail really well on all different topics but still the most frequent talk people want me to give is my conversion story i'm like dang just youtube it homie i'm like it's free it's it's i've given that thing so many times which i love to do i i love doing it but i got a lot of other material so today i'm going to talk about the rosary now you might be like oh seriously that's for like grandma that's from my wife wrong wrong very wrong guys okay now we're going to go through a little talk here that's going to give you an insight hopefully that's going to make you pray this on a daily basis because you know a lot of people do have the misconception that this is just for nuns grandma's in church before mass or some relative dies at a funeral and then you're so lame a catholic you don't even know how to pray right so many people i meet like this it's not primarily for women it's not primarily for nuns it's for them yeah of course it's for everybody but you know who this is primarily for men you do you know who this was first given to it wasn't a nun it wasn't grandma it was a man that this was first given to saint dominic that's huge brothers huge so i want to give you a little bit of a kind of a chronological uh overview of the rosary to show you what it is because if you find out what it truly is you're going to want to have it on your person you're going to want to wield it wield it every day see what you what you see me holding right now is my rosary i got a sweet rosary man this sucker is called the warrior rosary you ever hear this one yeah the crucifix is a dagger as i'm talking about right you probably can't see it on the screen maybe you can but my friend designed them in florida they're made in italy but it is so nice it's a little dagger it just looks really cool a warrior rosary right people some people might be offended that i've actually met people who are offended like that they're like um that's a little too militant that's a little too aggressive you know i don't i don't like that you refer to the rosary of our lady as a weapon well i got news for you that's what it is but you don't have to take my words for it just uh it's 2020 right now i think it was about four years ago maybe five years ago now check this out this dude's still alive in nigeria there's a bishop named bishop oliver domay still alive you can watch this dude's youtube videos and he'll back up everything i'm about to tell you in that area of nigeria and as you know you hear about nigeria all the time with boko haram one of these insane demonic organizations that kidnaps little girls and does horrible things with them and then gives them to others to do horrible things decapitates people burns people in cages christians right horrible horrible they had kidnapped 700 girls do you remember that yeah it was all over the news worldwide and this bishop was he was distraught because his people were coming to him saying bishop what do we do he didn't know what to do so he went to pray before the blessed sacrament his rosary and asking the lord for for help what do i do my people are crying out to me and i'm the bishop here i don't know what to do guess what happened he says a bishop he's not lying to us watch the videos guess who appeared to him jesus guess what jesus our jesus man the one that we love and adore guess what jesus had in his hands a sword a sword holy moly that's not normal right that's we don't you don't normally think of something like that now the bishop didn't know what to make of it either and jesus didn't say anything his gesture was holding this sword and the bishop says it was a really fearsome looking sword and jesus basically was going like this like take it but he didn't say anything so the bishop went to take it from jesus and as soon as the bishop touched the sword guess what happened it was transformed into a rosary and then jesus spoke to his bishop three times and said boko haram is gone boko haram is gone boko haram is gone the bishop says he didn't need a prophet to tell him what jesus was signifying the rosary is a weapon a sword use it unsheath it to slay these dragons to overcome this these falsehoods and these darkness that's going on now jesus is not conan he's not braveheart he's not telling him to slice people's throats that's not what jesus was saying right but he's to get the point across do you see what i'm saying here sword rosary use it wow that just happened five years ago or whatever it was you can look it up it's all detailed that bishop right after that started rosary crusades in his parishes in his diocese shortly after that almost all those girls were returned from the islamic captives if you remember and then those same islamic terrorists handed over their weapons to the nigerian authorities and nobody asked them to everybody was like why why did they do this all of a sudden duh right they met their match we're talking about a spiritual battle going on not even they would have known what what was the deeper you know reality here but this has power i'll give you another example just a little over a hundred years ago there was a dude in italy named bartolo longo raised as a catholic of course he was in italy but he went off to college to study law and he left the faith and yet he was still searching but at that time it was a very nationalistic movement in italy basically saying catholicism is stupid it's unscientific it's old wives tales and we now have been you know enlightened by science so we don't need all this old medieval antiquated archaic doctrine would do it on our own now well he was still searching even though he ditched catholicism he had a whole bunch of friends who were into spiritism today we call it new age so he was going to seances and all kind of weird stuff man and he felt like he belonged and he felt like it was a group that he could you know hang out with so he got so deep into it now these are not my words i'm not saying this for dramatic effect these are his words he got so involved in this that he became an ordained satanic priest okay i i was a bad dude but i never worshiped the devil right that's crazy man he did crazy what was the fruit of it oh my goodness like he was having uh nightmares anxiety thoughts of suicide it was it was a disaster eventually over a period of time he realized that this was not good repented went to a dominican priest which will be significant in this talk the dominican told him about the rosary and he said this is your way out of the occult this is your anchor to ground you to the truth he repented he he he barged into a seance one time and told him to repent and he had a huge conversion became a third order dominican and he built the world's most famous shrine to the rosary in pompeii our lady of the rosary of pompeii a former satanic priest is now blessed bartolo longo the greatest promoter of the rosary in that era unbelievable this has power my friends so let's back up so in the 13th century there was actually the 12th century there was a lady in spain who was pregnant her name was juana jane and during her pregnancy she had a vision and this is really weird man if i was a woman and i had a vision like this i'd be like get this thing out of me she saw herself giving birth to a dog wow weird right that dog had in its mouth a torch and it leaped from her womb and it raced throughout the world setting the world on fire at the time she didn't know what that vision meant and didn't think much of it other than it being very odd when she gave birth to her son months later she named her son dominic and they grew up you know in in spain and he discerned a call to be a priest became a priest and then he was in france as a priest and there was this heresy a falsehood that was attacking catholicism especially its incarnational mysteries these heretics these called albigensians from the town of alby in france they said that spiritual things are good material things are bad and they actually encourage people to commit suicide it was a horrible horrible group well this priest was fired up and he got permission from his bishop father dominic to go on a preaching campaign to get him back but it wasn't working which was weird because that dude could speak he he was unbelievable orator he would go out and preach to people but it wasn't bearing fruit which was frustrating for him so he went to a field in france and tradition says not a legend not a myth i hate those words right because they try and debunk what what is something true and took place tradition says he cried out to heaven for help help me i don't know what to do our lady came to him and she equipped him with a new form of preaching and devotional preaching gave him a weapon to use it to bring back the heretics there had already been been uh sets of beads where people prayed our fathers even they would pray hail mary's but there were no mysteries attached to it there was no it wasn't an evangelical tool it wasn't something you meditated on you just did it because you didn't know latin to substitute for the for the bravery but now she weaponized this beaded prayer and told him to go out and preach my psalter she said so that man went out into the streets and wow the power of this prayer the rosary and the mysteries that were equipped with it the joyful sorrowful and glorious the same mysteries that were being attacked it was unbelievable unbelievable the fruits of it who didn't like that the devil see this made basically every home into into a little church you didn't have to be educated anybody could do this men women children could do this it was catholicism 101. if you can pray the creed our father and hail mary you're good to go it can't get any more basic the devil realized that something tremendous had been given to the world and he wanted to destroy it so less than a hundred years after this was given to saint dominic a plague hit europe do you remember do you know about this it's unbelievable i'm not making this up you know i'm not fudging the numbers one-fourth of the population of europe died at least at least 25 million people died in about eight years from the black plague the black death every historian knows this unbelievable why well there's the the physical reason of course the right things got rats got infested with some disease and it spread everywhere okay yes that that's true nobody denies that but there's a spiritual component to it a spiritual component to it centuries later saint louis de montfort would talk about this a third-order dominican who would say that the devil unleashed this to try and destroy the rosary and all documentary evidence associated with it because that's what the devil always tries to do burn documents burn documents so he almost succeeded almost it was unbelievable why because all these documents that talked about this were housed in convents monasteries libraries but that's where a lot of the priests and the nuns were taking care of people who had the plague but then those places had to be burned because there were i mean so many people dying had to be destroyed well that priest who had been given the rosary before you know his death obviously he founded a religious community called the order of preachers and isn't it strange that to this day the man who founded the order of preachers those who preached the sacred word we don't have one word written down from his hand not one from saint dominic wow because they were burned all that stuff was destroyed in the black plague when he founded the order of preachers shortly after he founded them they became more affectionately known as the dominicans they're awesome now remember the vision of his mother the dog with the torches womb they they became known as the dominicanis in latin perfect the dogs of god that was his mother's vision her son would found this order of preachers and they would be like dogs sniffing out heresy and getting rid of it a good dominican you can't match those guys i mean studying books is like a sacrament to them i've actually studied at the dominican house of studies in washington dc when one of their brothers dies like they raid his room that night for the books seriously the superior had to lock the room when one of them died when i was there was hilarious these guys are hardcore in the books you know he might have something we don't have you know sorry brother we'll pray for you but you got some good books you know dominicans are awesome i love a good dominican oh my goodness they're amazing and then right after the black plague there was a renewal that happened in europe called the observant reform movement because the franciscans had lost their initial fervor a lot of the carmelites a lot of groups even the dominicans lost that initial fervor because they were worried about surviving during the black plague but then god unleashed the holy spirit and there was a massive renewal franciscans got a form of a rosary called the corona the crown rosary uh the bridgeteen saint bridges of sweden and a whole bunch of other groups got versions but what about the original right well that's when jesus our lady and saint dominic himself began to appear to a dominican in brittany like northwestern france and they said to him renew the rosary renew the rosary now as a good dominican you know he was you know into his books so he wasn't doing what the visions were asking him to do until one vision jesus appeared to his dominican and said to him this verbatim this is cool man jesus said to him the world is filled with ravenous wolves and you unfaithful dog know not how to bark dang wow that seems like rough jesus is calling him a dog unfaithful dog that seems like wow why would he say that because you're a dominicanis and you're not barking you're just stuck in your book there's nothing wrong with that of course but you need to get all that to preach and you're being asked to renew this that was given to your founder so he did father island de la roche and he spread it all throughout and he renewed the confraternity of the rosary which had been founded by saint dominic it didn't have that name at that time but it was an association of prayer so he renewed it father allan de la roche kings joined that confraternity it spread all throughout europe everywhere and dominicans franciscans and many other religious communities began to wear this as part of their habit and do you know what side they would wear it on their left side why why would they do that because this was made and given fashion in a time of chivalry of nights where most people are right-handed not everybody but most and when you unsheath your sword you take it from your left side that's why whenever you today see a religious who wears a habit as part of their rosary most often it's on their left and not on their right because that is signifying it's a spiritual sword wow see a lot of people don't know that but there's a long history to this stuff now satan did not like that a dominican had renewed the rosary in in the 14th century in the 15th century didn't like that at all so what happened shortly after that in europe god used a priest to renew the rosary do you know what satan would do use a priest to attack the rosary do you know what priest that was father martin luther that man was a catholic priest right oh wow i mean he really did some damage okay oh yes he retained a lot of stuff you can't ditch everything you lose christianity but did you know that there's a book that's still in existence today in germany uh in the in the university library holdings of the university of jenna that was his book a rosary handbook it's been verified his handwriting in the margins do you know what he said about this he hated this thing he called it a myth a legend right the first historical critic of the rosary in his tradition was a fallen away catholic priest how often does that happen that it's the priests who jack up the word of god see this is a bible on a set of beads brothers if you you don't attack the bible you might take some books out that's going to be problematic too change the little words here and there because you don't like it but then you go after this i mean this is a gift this is something so powerful but why did he attack it because he called it a work a stupid work those are the words in the margins that he wrote prayed for no one gaining an indulgence for no one see these are the things that he started to slowly get away from and people after him would totally ditch things like indulgences and purgatory and all of that he didn't ditch all those things entirely but it was there hated it talked about it being a stupid work prayed for no one wow what was the fruit of that and so much more of course so many people began to leave catholicism so many what did god do when millions of people were leaving the one true church god sent his mother to a little nobody named juan diego in mexico and filled in the gap in less than 10 years 10 million people converted to catholicism on basically what our lady gave to the bishop an unattached rosary and a man's cloak a telma and it transformed his civilization conquered their false gods crushed their deities and their blood sacrifices that's why mexico is what it is today although it's struggling for sure wow and there's so much more i could tell you uh about that you have to get the book and we're not gonna have a lot of those because we didn't send any of those but you can get it online and all that amazing stuff was happening amazing things but see god uh the devil didn't like that oh he tried to to break the brotherhood in europe which he did you know through the protestant revolt wasn't a reformation as always a rebellion and then you know god raised up 10 million catholics in in in mexico to fill in the void then what happened satan instilled in other people a desire to attack the wounded brotherhood of christianity because you have people believing in jesus but some said well he would have taught this or he would have taught that interpreting the good book on their own right so satan instilled in certain people a desire to attack now they're weak they're wounded they're not united now is the time to destroy them do you know who that was now don't take this the wrong way i'm not against anybody i'm not an islamophobe i'm not a hater but it was islam they've been trying for a long time to destroy christianity right long time you talk about hagia sofia and all that stuff and all these battles over there well now they saw the time was ripe to destroy it and they amassed a huge naval fleet to come and attack rome they had tried before a few years later and they tried to attack the island of malta because if you get malta it's the southern gateway to go around to the west and attack rome from that side but they couldn't get it and that was in 1565 that that happened there was a leader on the island of malta i was in malta last year it was amazing this dude was hardcore man he went to a blacksmith john paris salt and he said to the black smith that the muslims are coming i want you to make me a sword on the sword i want you to engrave a rosary do you know that they held off the muslims so that they never got the island of malta therefore never got rome you know that sword is still in existence today i saw it last year with the rosary engraved on it it's old and it's hard to see but it's still there unbelievable well the muslims weren't happy about that defeat so they went back and amassed a massive naval fleet massive naval fleet and in 1571 they were coming and word got to rome and there was a man who was a pope at that time do you know what he was the pope at that time a dog of god a dominican yeah boy wasn't gonna dialogue about it right when they got there he knew what to do he's gonna pray about it sure we're gonna pray about it but that man a pope formed a militia a militia he called upon all of christianity come to the defense of christianity because we're about to undergo a serious battle everything is being threatened right now all we're going to pray sure but we need to take up arms that's what he said wow and he called upon you know germany come to the defense please they had already fallen right with all the rebellious stuff going on there england england the great dowry of mary come to the defense of christianity please they were taking our nuns to the guillotines confiscating our monasteries and burning our lands they didn't care about defending rome who came spain uh don juan cervantes remember him the the he one of spain's greatest authors he was at this battle uh vienna or not vienna uh venice i think it was one of those came several places were like their own countries at that time but not a lot the pope blessed them sent them out gave them an indulgence if they fought for christianity because see you're not just fighting at that point for for christian people think oh christianity is so violent it's a cause of all the problems no it's basically saving civilization from really bad stuff see if you're a man and let's let's say that you are aware that there's really bad people who are going to come to your house tonight and they're going to do horrible things to your wife and your daughter are you just going to wait till they knock on the doorbell and dialogue about it good luck good luck locked and loaded come on in suck us right you have a right to defend yourself okay everybody today is a pansy everybody's so weak they're like oh we just you know group hug kumbaya we'll make s'mores talk about it that would be great yeah we dialogue there's nothing wrong with dialogue right but when there's a serious threat like this you have to man up so the pope manned up and he formed a militia he sent him out and he prayed at the church it's still there in rome santa maria soper minerva the dominican church and everything was against us they had more men their ships were better half the guys that were on our military were like farmers they didn't know what they were doing you know but we won we won that battle in 1571 and that's the only reason that you're not a muslim today that when you pray you're not facing towards mecca and reading from the quran that battle of lepanto in 1571 saved western civilization from islamic takeover that's the facts jack but see everybody tell you so pc oh that's so nasty it's the facts i can't rewrite history to please you because you're offended everybody's triggered today right it is the funniest thing i was with father mitch pacqua last week on ewtn and he said you know what's funny everybody's everybody's against gun rights today but everybody's triggered it's the funniest thing so we won that battle right we won that battle and then it was unbelievable the things that happened in that same century the great missionaries were sent out to the ends of the earth the jesuits you know go into india and the franciscans and dominicans going to south america and what did all of them take with them when they went on those rickety boats across the high seas to to evangelize the natives did they take huge liturgical tomes in latin to read to the natives no ain't gonna work you'll get there but not initially what did they take with them all of them this wrapped around their waist or even sometimes around their neck this was what evangelized the world in the 16th century ever if you can teach people the basics our father creed and some mysteries catholicism 101. it transformed the world and it went everywhere and amazing things continue to happen right i don't have time to get into all the details but i'll tell you a few in the 17th century in what is now new mexico where am i right now indiana oh so in new mexico my life is insane i travel so much ridiculous i don't know why i wear a watch it's never right it's just for looks at this point you know in new mexico there was a tribe of indians called humano indians they're not even in existence now they were rather small not like the bigger navajo and apache and all them they were rather small there were missionaries that arrived there in 1629 who came upon this tribe who already knew the catholic faith already knew it said we've been waiting for you the woman in blue told us you were coming now the missionaries had come up from mexico and they were franciscans and they said who who was here before us who beat us you know to evangelize they said nobody's been here but the woman in blue so they thought maybe like you're thinking oh the our lady she appeared to them and evangelized this tribe of indians no the indians said no we know who the blessed virgin mary is the woman in blue told us about her but the woman never identified herself guess what they also had rosaries physical rosaries how in the world did they already have the faith and already have rosaries well as these missionaries kept great journals back then they would send these things back to spain because this was an endeavor for the church but also for the king and queen of spain right so they kept journals they sent them back and over a period of time it took quite a few years it was became known that there was a very very famous mystic in spain a nun called mary of agrada she could bilocate and she had a blue habit and she was writing a a work on the blessed virgin mary called the mystical city of god an amazing woman she was being sent by god to a people she didn't know just tell them about the faith telling them missionaries were coming and her sisters made rosaries in the convent and she took the excess ones and gave them to the indians all this is verified in historical secular documents wow if you go to that church today in new mexico uh forget the name of the town it's a small little town you go they have the the plaques which they copied from that time talking about this correspondence amazing stuff and then in the next century something incredible happened this will blow your mind guys 1754 in colombia south america they'd already been evangelized you know this whole village was catholic well this woman whose husband had already deceased she had a daughter who had a lot of health problems she couldn't speak she couldn't hear uh you know she had a lot of health issues one day they were away from the village gathering things probably would and a storm broke out a violent storm they took refuge in this huge slate cliff rock thing it's it's an impressive thing to see and they sought refuge from the storm when they were there they saw a beautiful woman and a little boy and they knew who it was because they'd been evangelized they were catholic they knew it was the virgin mary and the child jesus they were ecstatic right the little girl couldn't communicate this but it was obvious you know she was seeing it as well the mother wanted to tell people in the village but she thought they're going to think i'm crazy so they continue to go back there to pray to visit it and they never saw it again well shortly after that because the girl had horrible health the little girl died dead the whole village was preparing the funeral priest included they're about to celebrate the funeral mass the mother distraught takes the dead girl in her arms and runs out of the village everybody's just thinking oh you know she's just having a moment or whatever you know and she runs out of the village where does she go to the rock cliff she goes there she prays for her little girl guess what happens the little girl comes back to life now she can hear she can speak she can everything they go back to the village and both of them are telling the people what happened and everybody knows that everybody knew that girl was dead they were about to say the funeral mass now that girl can talk and speak and she's talking about what happened a whole village goes to the rock cliff when they get there they see a painting on the rocks life-size not like something weird like people give me all the time father do you see it i'm like dude it's a bug on your camera okay i have them so frequently to me it's crazy right maybe it's a gift it's a gift for you i guess i just see a bug homie you know i don't know but i don't i don't want to ruin anybody's day but it's a bug anyway so this is life-size i mean huge just as clear as you're seeing me right now even clearer with beautiful colors and everybody was like did you paint this this is amazing and they said we've never seen this this wasn't here this has never been here the priest came and they knew who it was immediately it was our lady of course holding the christ child on one side was saint dominic and our lady was giving the rosary to saint dominic on the other side is saint francis and he's being given a friar's cord like you see them wear right and they thought who did this nobody confessed to painting it well as time went by people began to go there and pray there and spend a lot of time there nobody confessed up to painting it people being people i probably would have done the same thing they started to chip at it i'll take a little piece you know take it back to home their house you know people being people but it didn't go away sure a little chunk was missing but the colors were still there just a little deeper what's up with that right odd paint going deep into a rock like that people being people probably teenagers no offense i probably would have done something like this stupid too in my youth they tried to smear it they tried to smear it right guess what it didn't smear at all what's up nobody could explain this thing until geologists came and bored into the rock three feet deep took a core sample out you know what they discovered there ain't no paint there's no pigment this ain't a painting god put this life-size image in the rock at least three feet deep science all fields of science today that have gone there and studied it have zero explanation for this none it's just as miraculous in many ways as the tilma which by the way i love how scott han talks about the tilma in guadalupe you ever hear him say that our lady basically took a selfie and left it in mexico city you know i love that that's perfect pretty much well in colombia god put this image in a rock and you know it's still there it's a shrine it's actually a basilica john paul ii talked about it during his pontificate it's an approved place our lady of las lajas in colombia not a lot of people jumping on a plane to go to colombia these days right no offense if you're from columbia but you know it's a little sketchy especially for a white dude okay so that's real that happened in 1754 and almost nobody knows about it mind-blowing stuff guys who didn't like that satan see god remember what he says the rocks will cry out because people had begun to deny the rosary again especially priests and so god put it into a rock satan not liking it satan went back to the where the rosary was given to to the world france remember saint dominic and he stirred up a revolution the french revolution it always cracks me up how people celebrate the french revolution do you have any idea what the french revolution did to the catholic church holy moly these lunatics took nuns to the guillotine what man cuts off a nun's head you're crazy this is what they did but they didn't stop there during the french revolution they marched into the cathedral of notre dame remember the one we watched burn on tv last year they went in there the leaders of the french revolution brought in a prostitute not making this up and they had her lie half naked on the altar and they shouted out something to her repetitively do you know what it was hail goddess full of reason to a half-naked prostitute on the altar in our ladies cathedral hail got us full of reason interesting if the devil could mock the hail mary i wonder what he would say certainly not hail mary full of grace hail goddess full of reason satan went back to france to mock our lady to mock the sweet ave horrible oh god was not pleased with that ave of the rationalist not at all god would raise up a whole whole wave of rosary promoters god would send our lady again back to france to a little girl named bernadette subaru and our lady would hold a rosary in her hands you can get no greater endorsement for the rosary than when the mother of god holds it and prays it the part she can she's she's not a sinner so she doesn't pray forgive us our sins and our father but our lady prayed parts of the rosary with little bernadette subaru it spread everywhere and then god raised up great people like bartolo longo remember him the satanic priest god basically said to satan okay i see what you've done you think that you can do this i'll raise up a man who worshipped you to build the world's most famous basilica to the rosary in pompei which is what he did i've been there it's unbelievable that basilica that's what a church should look like holy moly it's gorgeous built by a former satanic priest and then wave after wave would come with major rosary promoters a pope leo the 13th who would write 11 encyclicals on the rosary guys what the heck else was he doing right 11 encyclicals that's that's just encyclicals apostolic letters other letters to bishops conferences he was on pope leo 13. why that man is not a saint blows my mind it's unbelievable that guy was so on fire and then after him you had amazing things happen with our lady of fatima which is interesting when she came to fatima in 1917 we call it our lady of fatima and rightly so nothing wrong with that but how did our lady identify herself what title did she give herself i am the lady of the rosary and she told the children to pray it every day because it'll change history it'll stop wars because it does this is a history maker it changes things and then after that oh things were just kept going when you've got saint maximilian kolbe found in the militia immaculata where he told all of his knights that this was their sword their sword and then and then you had frank duff with the legion of mary who based his spirituality off saint louis de montfort's marian consecration and the rosary and the rosary then he had father kentonic who who founded the the schoenstop movement who talked about the rosary i have great quotes from him in one of my books and and now there's the the schoenstein rosary campaign which is worldwide it's unbelievable this stuff's spread everywhere and then other apparitions throughout the 20th century talking about the rosary whether it was uh our lady of cabeho talk about the regular rosary and also the seven sorrows rosary i don't have time to get on that another powerful one our lady of kawapa in nicaragua approved by the local bishop and almost nobody knows about it akita japan talking about the rosary but somebody don't listen especially us men we think that we don't need this we think oh no that's just for people who are weak and darn right it is how how are you going to slay a dragon without a sword you ain't you're not if you're not having a devotional life and if you're not doing these kinds of things brothers you're toast that fire from the satan is strong your hands what are you going to throw a punch at the devil your hand made from dust ain't going to do dank against lucifer but spiritually you've been given a weapon to unsheathe it to slay him on a daily basis this is what we as men need to know in a particular way because we thought we've thought for the longest time now that this is just for our wives our grandmothers and for nuns you are the one who should be doing it you are the one who should be doing it with your wife with your children leading the family in prayer studies show guys that if it's the man the husband the father who leads the family in prayer who's the one who takes the initiative and takes them to church it has staying power if it's only mom who does the religious stuff chances are studies show once they go off and leave the nest and go to college that's going out the window that was just mom but when dad does it there's something different when the little boy sees his dad on his knees praying it has power you know i remember my biological father is deceased now but before he died you know what he gave me he gave me his rifle that he used to go hunting with and he said here i want you to have this i this i've i shot this you know 10 point buck on this i got oh i'm like wow thank you i still have it i'm not going to chuck that gun my dad gave that to me imagine a father said to their sons son see this rosary it's tattered i've had to repair it many times this is the rosary that i i protected our family with this when i met your mother this is the rosary i was praying i your mother the joy of my heart i'm gonna give it to you boy he ain't gonna get rid of it he's gonna keep it see we gotta we gotta start these kind of things again we gotta get back to these kind of things and we've got to fight for what's right in our culture because today we've lost it today people don't even know which bathroom to use people are so confused identifying as cats i'm not kidding you know this right we've lost our mind common sense has gone out the window we are the leaders we are the heads of families oh people don't like to hear that oh how dare you don't patronize me well we got to get this stuff back we've got to be conformed to the pattern of jesus and joseph we got to be servant leaders sacrificial men not hoarding it over those entrusted to our care but showing that servant leadership lovingly sacrificing everything and then women will want to be under our care again and they won't want to dress like us walk like us and all that it's the funniest thing how the feminist movement says that they hate men and then they end up all looking like dudes i don't get it right i can't tell the difference half the time i'm like you hate men but you look just like one i don't understand this it's a strangest thing all right i'm gonna tell you lastly about this okay because you need to know about this because i meet some people on occasion who are great people well-intentioned well-intentioned right but they say oh i don't pray these luminous mysteries i'm our traditional rust i get it so am i right but when you've got new threats heaven can reload the weapon to to attack go after something that wasn't attacked in the 13th century right because trust me there have been many people before john paul ii who talked about other mysteries actually i'll give you a little secret here saint john paul ii is not the inventor of the luminous mysteries he gave them to us in 2002 as an option as an option but why would you not want to pray them right there are people way before him who talked about this even sister lucia dos santos the visionary of fatima talked about other mysteries father patrick payton one of the greatest promoters of the rosary in the 20th century even saint louis de montfort talked about other mysteries but his books were buried in a field in france for like 150 years nobody knew about it but now if you read his works you can see this guy actually mentioned other possible mysteries interesting why because there were certain things in the 13th century that weren't being attacked let's go through them the first luminous mystery the baptism of jesus and the jordan why would we meditate upon this today because so many people are not baptizing their kids i wasn't baptized until i was 10 years old and even then it didn't mean anything for the family they just got the 8 by 11 certificate to shut up the grandparents you know but i meet so many people today so many people who say to me well you know i i'm a spiritual person i don't believe in institutionalized religion but i'm a spiritual person i'm like right kind of like lucifer that don't mean dink homie right you're trying to impress me with your little merit badge being a spiritual person is not an option doesn't make that clear so what else you got and they're like well i i'm going to wait till my children grow so that they can make that very important decision for themselves that is horrible parenting 101. would you say to your little baby hey it's your call you want to eat i'm not that baby dead these are sacraments baptism is the gateway to the greatest sacrament to holy communion right so many people are not baptizing their kids today because today we're so confused that's why we have this mystery today what about the second luminous mystery this is a humdinger right here my friends cana the wedding feast of cana why of all the mysteries and the new testament we could meditate on would this be one of them because in the 13th century two dudes weren't trying to get married or two women even the heretics back then would have been like yeah no right but today we think this is normal we got modern families today who think this is actually legit this ain't legit look we all got problems i got wounds i got baggage i got quite a few relatives actually who are ssa same sex attracted i love them god loves them i don't condemn anybody we're all wounded carrying a heavy cross all of us but there's right and there's wrong i can't be some rabid heterosexual either well i'm a priest i ain't going to do any of that but nonetheless everybody's called to be chased in their vocation right but today we've got whole nations who who put this stuff into law that that larry and tim can get married sorry if your name is larry and tim okay but any random name will work okay so what this mystery is telling us that jesus is only present in a wedding that's between a man and a woman this is why we meditate upon this god is very much offended by how we've redefined marriage today how others have redefined marriage this is not pleasing to god when you pray that decade you're making reparation to our god who is so offended by this into our lady who is so hurt by this the third mystery the proclamation of the kingdom called a conversion convert what's conversion penance what's that people don't even know what that stuff is today they're clueless convert people today are basically told christianity is one of many options whatever floats your boat dude that's so wrong people so many catholics today are ashamed to be catholic and then when they do say they're catholic they got jacked up ideas like some politicians right now how could you possibly say that you're a catholic and you're in favor of abortion that don't work bro and yet that's what people think because they've been so poorly catechized and they just they don't get it we've got to get back to this stuff we got to get back to the fundamentals we got to convert our hearts jesus is not one of many options and that leads us into the next mystery the transfiguration why would we meditate upon that today because jesus is not a guru you know a lot of people group all these religions together today religious pluralism and just say well you can buddhism and shintoism and taoism and islam and judaism and christianity they're all the same pathways to nirvana what no they're not jesus is the only way to the father i am the way the truth and the life nobody comes to the father except through me and that's not me being arrogant that's the truth i'm not saying that all these other religions don't have parts of the truth they do and many of them are good people but we have the fullness of the truth and it's not arrogant to say that do we not live it many times totally me first i fall flat on my face father without confession i'm i'm big time trouble but i don't deny the truth just like i don't deny mathematics two plus two equals four always it don't equal five you know there's people today even in the church who say that it does we got some serious problems today we got today people who actually want to talk about islam being basically the same as christianity it ain't it ain't and i'm not an islamophobe i don't desire the death of any muslim but i want them to come to know jesus christ the fullness of the truth who wants them to be their brother and call god abba daddy that's what it's all about see i pray for the day when our lady comes in another apparition to mecca standing on top of the kabah with the divine child in one hand and a rosary in the other convert all of them just like she did in guadalupe transform all of them and make them all catholic then we'll have a revolution when this happens because all those muslim babies have become catholic babies because they got a lot of babies we're the ones contracepting ourselves out of existence because we're weak we're not willing to make sacrifices and then the last mystery the institution of the eucharist why would we meditate upon this today easy just last year a study came out i think it said like 60 some percent of catholics don't believe in the real presence of jesus christ in the blessed sacrament 60 some percent what in the world who duped us how have we been deceived this is jesus christ it's not just some little symbol he's really there even demons know this and yet we who claim to be catholic don't believe it 60 some percent oh lord forgive us forgive us for our placement of tabernacles down the hallway what have we done in our churches we need to get this back the centrality of the eucharist because we'll get everything else right and when it's us men who do it we can correct these wrongs in society in our parishes in our diocese we got to get on our knees brothers you have got to unsheath this weapon on a daily basis you need to carry this on your person and use it to slay the dragon god bless you brothers thank you so much [Music] you
Channel: All Saints Parish - We Are One
Views: 14,121
Rating: 4.8976235 out of 5
Id: -WVJfn2Lx5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 41sec (3161 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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