Fr. Don Calloway, MIC: The Rosary: Spiritual Sword of Our Lady

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fuck outta here with that bullshit

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/marykateandashley94 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] so tonight we're gonna talk about the Rosary or I'm gonna talk about the Rosary and if you're not aware his father already said I just published a book it's about three months old now but it's still doing really well people are soaking it up and I'm amazed I'm humbled by how many people are telling me all around the world that they've got a copy of it it's just you know they're loving it so this is the book and it's a big fat one it's it's a it's a honker man it's like over 400 pages it took me two and a half years to write and research and do I had to do all this stuff places all around the world and get nuns in Croatia to help me translate things and about battles that I pretty much guarantee unless you're Croatian or something you've never heard of some of these things I had never had so what I'm going to talk about is the contents of this book and I wish I could do it all but there's no way there's so much in this book so tonight I'm gonna be signing signing them and selling them afterwards they're normally 1695 but we're gonna have them for $10 I wish I could just give it to you for free but I can't I don't have a benefactor who's just buying me thousands and thousands so I can give them away so my community has to make some money so I'm gonna do that afterwards I think you don't want to copy this how many of you out of curiosity no shame I already have one okay so most of you don't shame on you no just kidding just kidding okay it's a really good book guys okay all right so there's a lot of books that are out there on the rosary there's a lot of people that talk about the rosary and there's great books for sure and people give great talks about the rosary and so you you people have wondered so what do you got to say what's what makes your book any different from the others well I think it's probably the most comprehensive book it's not the best book on the rosary that was written by st. Louie de Montfort the secret of the Rosary three centuries ago he's a saint I am NOT I want to be but long process but it's the most comprehensive because I built on his foundation and did didn't did things that he wouldn't been aware of and the research that I conducted you know today we have technology I can I can go into libraries in France and look at their holdings and do research you know it's amazing what we can do today so it's the most up to date / hence a book on it and the whole theme as you can see from the cover is medieval shields battles Knights chivalry all that kind of stuff that I love myself and I think that you're gonna love it too once you hear this talk and once you get the book alright so to start off how many of you have heard about bishop oliver domain anybody no way this Franciscan University bro you guys don't know about this guy okay I'm some surprise I think you're gonna know him you just by I don't know the name okay so in December of 2014 so just a couple years ago in Nigeria now is that ringing about maybe it's um okay alright so in Nigeria in his area it's been infiltrated by Boko Haram radical Muslim terrorists who do horrible things to people they put them in cages they burn them alive they kidnap little girls and they do horrible things with those little girls and then they sell them to others so they get to the horrible things it's horrible horrible demonic organization well there was a bishop in that area where they're doing all this stuff he was at prayer this bishop bishop oliver domain before the Blessed Sacrament he was praying his rosary and all of a sudden and he gives testimony to this when you go back to your dorm tonight you can do a google and you'll find the videos of him talking about what I'm about to tell you he's a prayer praying his rosary before the Blessed Sacrament and Jesus appears to him now this is a bishop telling the stories and that he's not lying to us guess what Jesus had in his hands our Jesus that Jesus said you and I receive in Holy Communion that we love that we've given our lives to guess what he had in his hands a sword a sword a sword of Steel that's my Jesus now I'm not saying these my Jesus is Conan or Braveheart or you know but it was a sword our Jesus came with a sword to his bishop in an area that's plagued by radical Islamic terrorists and he he held out the sword to the to his bishop in a gesture of taken he didn't say anything to him but he held it out and so the bishop went to take the sword and as soon as he touched the sword it was mystically transformed into a rosary and Jesus then spoke to his bishop and said three times Boko Haram is gone Boko Haram is gone Boko Haram is gone after that the bishop went and told his priests what happened and he started rosary Crusades that was two years ago just two and a half weeks ago that Bishop went on air in England and said that in his area in Nigeria Boko Haram is almost all but vanquished because of this rosary weapon this sword in other areas of Nigeria they're still there Boko Haram where they don't have the rosary Crusades heaven spoke to him and to us and that's what I want to go through tonight is you know you see this in my hands and it doesn't look like anything you know just looks like a wooden rosary it's a really cool world's RIA I have to admit but it doesn't look intimidating you know what what damage could you do with this thing you know every now and then these things break in my pocket they get snagged and I got to get a new one but what you can't see is what I'm holding in my hand right now but God can see and the angels can see both the Holy Ones and the fallen ones what they can see that I have in my hand right now is a sword of unbelievable power you can't see it but they can it's here demons fear this thing nobody slays a dragon without a sword that's what this is and you know as you've heard in your theology classes I'm sure and from the preaching here the whole book ends of human history are about what for Genesis to Revelation what's in that book a woman doing battle against a serpent dragon Lucifer Satan the devil and is her divine offspring her firstborn son who conquers him and her other offspring you and me God set this up this way this is the bookends of human history of everything he knew that this woman that he made was going to be the one to crush Satan's face and that she was going to be the one who would bring into the world the one who would give to us the saving sacred mysteries to slay the dragon so he was going to create a weapon a special weapon he could have done it at the beginning of time right away but he chose to work throughout time and in his workshop he was almost like acting like a blacksmith in a certain sense forging a weapon that would be a Marion weapon for that chosen woman that she could give it to her children and they could use it to cut off the heads of the wicked Hydra seven-headed Hydra you better have a very powerful sword if you're gonna come up against a beast like that so god works slowly letting his church cooperate with him in this workshop of the Catholic Church and there were things that would be called antecedents of the weapon because you know when you read a lot of books about the Rosary a lot of the people are well-intentioned but they don't do their research well and they start regurgitating things that have been said by what I would call modernists in the last hundred years especially saying that this the Rosary is a more human origin than divine origin that we just kind of made it up know one of the greatest Pope's ever Pope Leo 13 said that the Rosary us is a more divine origin than human origin it was made by God he crafted it he forged it together and at a specific moment in time he unsheathed it and gave it to his woman so that she could then give it to her chosen serve so it starts with the angelic salutation when the Archangel Gabriel comes to our lady and says hail full of grace and then the other component st. Elizabeth's greeting to our lady filled with the Holy Spirit blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb and then we get the beautiful prayer from the lips of our Lord Himself the Our Father what better prayer you know could there be and it slowly grows and they don't come together until centuries the Hail Mary prayer wasn't developed until the sixth and seventh century of the church and a prayer in the liturgy people were already pregnant our Father prayer but the Hail Mary it took time to come together and then there was a certain thing in the church in that blacks this the divine blacksmith's workshop of prayer beads did you know the Saint Jerome the great biblical scholar used prayer beads to pray on not the Rosary no but there were many people during that time that used little pebbles or stones and they would do their penance their penitential prayers Irish monks and others that would use this form to make sure they got their number of prayers in and eventually they developed this a beaded form of doing it but none of these things that come together they were slowly developing the antecedents of what would be the components of making this sword there was even something that came into existence called the Marian Salter I don't know if you've heard of that but there were you know back in those times when the monks came to pray the Divine Office if they didn't know Latin they couldn't do it so many of them start to substitute that our Father prayers and they would pray a hundred and fifty of them and became known as the Paternoster beads and then the Cistercians and their great love for our lady would like saint bernard of clairvaux and others they said why don't we make a parallel also to honor the Virgin Mary so we'll pray the Hail Marys on those beads as well that became the Marian Salter but it wasn't a weapon it didn't have any mysteries attached to it it was something for monks who did a devotional form who couldn't participate in the Latin monastic hours it wasn't for taking it out into the streets for an evangelical tool not yet but then the 13th century came and there was a lot going on in the 13th century I'll start by telling you about a particular woman in Spain who was pregnant her name was Juana of anza in Spain she would become blessed Jane avanza when she was pregnant with her son she had a vision and it's a weird vision she was pregnant and she saw herself giving birth to a dog yikes right yeah totally I just saw some of your faces you're like wait what I know whack it was trying to portray something else she didn't know what it meant at the time well when she gave birth to her son she named her son Dominic Dominic would grow up to be very skilled in being able to speak and so he became a priest he became an Augustinian cannon which is basically a glorified diocesan priest back at those times they use dasa priests who lived a certain way of life around the cathedral and his time there was a heresy in the church called alba gentian ism which was basically a dualistic understanding of life spiritual things good material fleshly things bad therefore Christianity bad why would God become flesh and it denied the Incarnation 'el truths of Christianity and very specific ones the birth of Jesus Christ that Mary you know was a virgin all those fleshly realities they denied well this particular priest will call him father Dominic at that point he went on a preaching campaign to go against them and he thought with his ability to speak he'd be able to conquer them easily but mmm he wasn't able to and he was pretty bummed out so he went into the forest to do like a retreat in southern France and he prayed and he asked heaven I need help I need help and that is when tradition says popes have said Our Lady came to him and said to him preach my Salter remember the Psalter was already in existence but it was not the rosary it was not a spiritual weapon it had no meditations attached to it the mendicant orders were about to be born and they would take the monastic Psalter out of the monasteries into the streets as an evangelical tool to bring the heretics back and to bring others to the truth so when he was given this commission by the Blessed Virgin Mary she told him that it would be a weapon some accounts say that she used the word a battering ram against heresy he went out and he converted so many people brought people back to the face and then he founded a community the order of preachers to join him in this and to spread all around the world the Dominicans and you know what they became known as in Latin because you know back then the Latin phraseology though many connie's the dogs of God that was the vision that his mother had that's why whenever you see an image of st. Dominic you almost always see next to him a dog with a torch in its mouth because when she had that vision the dog had a torch in its mouth and it leapt out of her womb and it went throughout the whole world lighting the world on fire with the saving truth of Jesus Christ so he founded the Dominicans and they started to win souls back in an unbelievable pace and then he died in 1221 and this still went by the name of the Psalter it wasn't yet quite known universally as the rosary that would that would come but it was called the Psalter still at that time you know who was not a huge fan of this Satan he knew what had been unsheathed that the Queen had been given the weapon and now it was in the world and he was going to go on the attack and he did he did do you know what happened in the next century in Europe the Black Plague the Black Death one-third of Europe died did any people that was estimates are that it was as many as 25 million people died whoa why yes it was because of rats infested things and so forth that is spread but there was a spiritual component these are not my words so don't write me up in the paper and say father says the plague is because we're you know st. Louie De Montfort said it centuries later in the secret of the Rosary he would say that the black death the black plague in Europe in the 14th century was a result of Satan seeking to get rid of this the weapon had been unsheathed he wanted to destroy all documentary evidence associated with it and by the way this is a frequent tactic of the evil one when some new form of devotion is given to the world he will seek to burn the original documents look at almost any mystic and visionary who's given a chaplet of my mercy for example st. Faustina burned her first version of her diary and so many others if you do the historical research you'll see that satan goes on the attack and he did st. Louie de montfort says that he went on the attack because he knew that these infestations would go into convents monasteries that had libraries and those places would have to be burned because they were infested with the plague and they were burned they were so many lost and we don't have much of the original documents at all associated with this it's a matter of fact we don't have one single word from st. Dominic did you know that the guy founded the order of preachers who speak we don't have one word historically preserved from the mouth of Saint Dominic not one are we therefore supposed to think that he never talked of course not he preached that's what he did he founded the order of preachers the dogs of God Satan was on the hunt for this but when Saint Dominic had died in 1221 he sent some of his brothers right before his death to England that was key move because you know what England became known as during that blue century of the Black Plague the dowry of Mary you can look all this up historically why was it called that for many reasons one of which was this went off of mainland Europe to go for safekeeping during the plague that struck mainland Europe oh it hit England too but it ravaged mainland Europe during the 14th century in England colleges were founded where the the the presidents and founders of the colleges mandated that this be prayed by the students and the president they would put these extra ones in little bowls at the entrances of churches so people didn't have their own they could take one to use the dowry of Mary kept safe offshore during the Black Death so after that was over in the next century the the 15th century there was a renewal movement happening and my brother friars who could tell you about this the observant reform movement where after you know they people survived many religious communities that were founded the century before or essentially a half before wanted to get back to the original charism of their founder recover that original fire and everything Franciscans were first start doing it then you had Dominicans follow and you had a whole bunch Servite sand a whole bunch of others and heaven started to speak to certain individuals about different forms of rosaries particular to their order so you had the Bridget and rosary given the Saint Brigid of Sweden you had the Sir ancient survivors ray which by the way was also founded during the century of Saint Dominic how many of you have heard about kab a ho related kab a ho right well we'll get into that a little later it's an ancient rosary the Seven Sorrows of our Lady Rose was founded in the 13th century right after our lady gave st. dominic the original one well the survice said we need to recover that Saint Brigid of Sweden was given visions she was given a form of a rosary and the Franciscans in the year 14 22 this is Franciscan history here was given to a novice named Jay James who was kind of bummed out because he in the novitiate he was not able to make Ruiz to crown our lady with roses and he was he felt you know disappointed that it wasn't able to do that so our lady came to him and she gave him a Franciscan form of a rosary the Franciscan Korona the franciscan crown' rosary and she specifically let him know that it was to be an understanding of crowning her with roses and then it kicked in that all forms of Marian Salters whether they were the Dominican Servite bridget een Franciscan would be known as rosaries that's when it got the name so although it was originally given to Saint Dominic the church is perpetually grateful to the Franciscans for that vision given to that novice in the year fourteen 22 and as the century progressed the Dominicans fully surrendered to this movement and one of them living in Brittany like the Shore Northwest France close as you can get to England he started to receive visions but he was an academic and academics sometimes aren't too friendly towards these kinds of things and so he thought well I'm involved my books you know I don't have time for this and he was receiving visions the tradition says from Jesus Mary and Saint Dominic the founder of his community and they were asking him to revive the Dominican rosary the father of all rosaries but he was reluctant until Jesus said to him on one occasion I love this jesus said to him this this is powerful stuff he said the world is filled with ravenous wolves and you unfaithful dog know not how to bark yikes how'd you like to be on the receiving end of that great that's God saying that to you it seems harsh but it's not why would he call him an unfaithful dog because he's a Dominican you are a son of Saint Dominic you are a dominicanos why are you not barking against the wolves you're in your books you've got this weapon so that's when he kicked it in gear and he began to renew this and he wrote books about it and it renewed the Confraternity that st. Dominic founded even though it may have gone by a different name at the beginning as an association of Prayer and there's actually in my book I have the references of how he set one up when he went to Rome Saint Dominic he renewed this the Confraternity of the Rosary and people started joining and another Dominican brother founded another one in 1475 father Jacob Springer and it spread everywhere everywhere but guess who wasn't like in it Satan the dragon he knows the power that this has and you're gonna see this constant give-and-take Satan is gonna go on the attack to seek to destroy this God through his church and through his Saints specifically we'll try and resharpen the blade it's gonna happen in every century so the next century the sixteenth century what happens well lots of stuff tons of stuff well you've got a disgruntled man who leaves the priesthood Martin Luther marries a nun that he helped jump out of the window of the convent no joke right will you just not be exalting this guy by the way okay this guy's a total heretic he was a fallen away priest and he marries a nun that he helped escape from the convent and he had a Confraternity rosary book that he owned it's still in the library holdings of the University of Jena in Germany to this day and in the margins what do you see that he wrote he hated this oh yes there were certain parts of Our Lady that he still held to but the rosary oh no he called it legendary mythological stupid work done for no one why because he would only attack against indulgences and this has indulgence is attached to it this was being prayed for souls in purgatory and eventually him and those who came after him will get away from those aspects of our faith and he slammed this thing I'm not making this up it exists today in the book that he owned in Germany whoa no I'm not saying the guy was a Satanist but the spirit behind what he was doing was not the Holy Spirit and things continued with the game God raised up phenomenal Saints and what's called the Counter Reformation st. Charles Borromeo and Saint Philip Neri you name it so many even the Jesuits came into existence and they founded the sodality of Our Lady the Jesuit counterpart to the confraternities of the Rosary where they would seek to renew Catholic life and society by means of the rosary see the Pradas try to get rid of it but they didn't do that at all they actually made it flourish because what happened that was the century of the missionaries the Jesuits they went to India and they went to the Far East in Asia and the Dominicans and the Franciscans went to Central America South America and when they went across the high seas on those boats did they bring big bulky tomes with them no did they take huge liturgical items with them no they took the Bible on a set of beads and they evangelized the world and it worked this is the essence of it all and they knew it and you know beginning with the founding of this I forgot to mention this they saw this as a weapon to conquer the falsehoods and to me it's interesting that they wear it on their left most religious where the Rosary on their left if you they have a habit do you know why that that is because it comes out of the time of chivalry when when Knights would unsheathed their sword most people are right-handed not all but most you unsheath it from your left that's why that's worn on the left side from almost all of religious who wear a rosary oh as part of their habit when the Dominicans went to Mexico in 1525 do you know what happened six years later Guadeloupe Europe was ditched in the faith millions were leaving the one true faith this did not make heaven happy a gap had been created and God basically said to Europe you don't want it fine I'll send my mother to a little nobody Huang Diego and within 10 years he'll raise up 8 million to fill in the gap through this image this Marion selfie that's given to the world I really wish I could say it was the originator of that Scott Hahn told me that it was awesome it's true selfie and she just left it there so transformed and conquered the false gods of the Aztecs and their human sacrifices and did you know that 4 copies were made of the original and touched to it and sent back to Europe one was given to the king of Spain who a little later in the century would give it to a man named John Doria who would be on a key battleship in the in the Bay of Greece called Lepanto the conquistadora came to the Americas and conquered the false gods of the Aztecs now she was going to go back to Europe and conquer radical Islam oh you don't mess with her she has power my friends she has power see as all these missionaries were doing their great work and these Saints were being raised up there were warriors of the Rosary champions of the Rosary Satan once again struck back he been striking back during a century in many ways through the Muslims specifically even before that in 1453 the you know they conquered Constantinople and turn it into Istanbul and turned Hagia Sophia into a mosque and they tried other strategic places to conquer one that I found out that I mentioned the beginning I talked blew me away cuz almost nobody knows about it in modern-day Montenegro a city called kotor there was a young girl who converted from orthodox christianity become a catholic and became a third-order dominican and the muslims were threatening to conquer that place because it was kind of a gateway to the rest of that area the Adriatic coast and so forth and she told the people she ran through the streets saying to them pray the rosary pray the rosary and they did and they never conquered it blessed Hosanna of Kotor look her up she's she's real she exists amazing and before Lepanto you had the great siege of Malta how many of you know about the great siege of Malta my friends this was a phenomenal battle before Lepanto everybody knows Lepanto but before Lepanto they were gonna conquer Malta the Muslims because that was a gateway to Rome because that's been their desire really from the beginning to conquer Rome all I gotta do is listen to them we try to be so PC today well they're telling us this they wanted Malta they had 40,000 they were going to attack it what was the Catholic militia like 6,000 6,000 of 40,000 the leader of the Catholic militia Jean Paris Alton you know what he did I love this he went to a blacksmith and he said I want you to make me a sword for when this battle goes down and he said on the blade I want you to put into it a rosary and he did and they slaughtered them they never conquered that Island and you know what that sword is still in existence today and the city of burgoo on the island of Malta there's a Catholic Church there with a museum next to it it still has that sword you believe that stuff that's unbelievable and then we have Lepanto oh my la Pont oh here here I want to read you something you how many of you read Don Quixote or know about Don Quixote right okay written by Miguel Cervantes right did you know that he was at the Battle of Lepanto he took some serious hits there he was seriously wounded for the rest of his life and after the battle he said this age is gone by have seen nothing like unto the Battle of Lepanto nor has our age witnessed anything to compare with it and in all probability ages to come we'll never record a more beautiful or glorious triumph for the church why because basically the reason that you're not reading a Quran right now and then you're not bowing down to Allah is because of that battle it saved Western civilization from Islamic takeover all historians know this but today you know read about it in the books it was a serious moment in the didn't wait for them to come to st. Peters and come knockin he went and formed a militia an army a holy league but the sad reality is that many people didn't respond why because he called upon England England come fight for Christianity not interested matter of fact we're already right now pretty preoccupied ransacking your monasteries murdering your priests they didn't come Germany not interested they were doing the same thing practically getting tons of people to leave the church Spain came in Venice which was like its own Kingdom at that time and some others but not many so the Pope a Dominican Pope st. Pope Pius v sent this militia out and bless them and he went to prayer at santa maria sopra minerva in rome and he asked the confraternities and all of Christendom to pray this for the battle that was about to take place he knew what was going on he knew and they won everything was against them many of them were unskilled in a naval a bit ability many of them were farmers that were willing to go fight for their God and for Christianity many of them did die but they came up a crock against everything the Muslim fleet was huge massive and they were skilled but they destroyed them the fog and the wind turned in their favor God was with him and before the courier could come back to tell the Pope he had a vision he was in like meetings and he's all of a sudden he went into like ecstasy and he said victory a great victory has been given to us this day and then later on the courier arrived and said that his naval fleet had won and conquered the Muslims and that's where we get the feast of Our Lady of Victory which over time became the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and we used to have rosary Sunday also which is kind of sad that we still don't have that you know how the Franciscans have the great ports young Killa indulgences on August 2nd what a blessed indulgences it is the Dominicans used to have one like that too called rosary Sunday and it was called you could get a plenary indulgence not just once a day as many times as you went through the Dominican Church on that day can you imagine it was one of the most indulgence days ever in the history of the church but with the reform of the liturgical calendar over a hundred years ago it ceased to exist God was winning victories but remember the play the game Satan not gonna be happy about this and he's going to go on the attack again horrible things are going to happen as time goes by in the next century there's going to be martyrs unbelievable amounts of martyrs in Ireland in Scotland in England because there's going to be so much persecution going on from the Protestants that they're going to literally if you have you were forbidden to own a rosary if you were found with one you could be taken and you could be killed you can have your head cut off there was one in particular a man named Oliver Cromwell who was the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and he went over to Ireland and this is the report that he wrote back to his superiors all is not well with Ireland yet you gave us the money you gave us the guns but let me tell you that every house in Ireland is a house of prayer and when I bring these fanatical Irish before the muzzles of my guns they hold up in their hands a string of beads and they never surrender see it's the Irish that basically became responsible for the family prayer of the Rosary which we passed down to Irish sons like Patrick Peyton which we'll talk about in a little bit powerful martyrs during this time at the towards the end of the century do you know me martyrs died in Vietnam at least 300,000 they would have you know those things do you brand cattle with they would brand Christians with these things with the word pad ow which means false religion and then they would disembowel them but our lady came into the forest especially the one called la vang and she began to appear to them and encourage them and pray for them and told him to pray the rosary at least 300,000 Vietnamese people were massacred during that time unbelievable stuff was going on the play was going back and forth back and forth and then sadly some of this Satan got a hold on even some people in the church I hate to be the one to say this Jesuits there was a group that was formed called the Bowlin disks and they were good they were supposed to be studying the lives of the Saints and putting them into books and cataloging all this stuff so that was accurate and true and that's good and Noble but they got jealous that it was the Dominicans who were given this and the church only allowed images of this to be shown with Saint Dominic nobody else at that time they were images that people tried to paint that actually Sol showed Saint Francis being given the rosary from Our Lady and they were condemned images with Saint Ignatius of Loyola same thing condemned why because that's not the pious tradition had they been shown being giving the Franciscan Korona fine but not the Dominican rosary so these Boland Astellas and they started to attack this tradition and say it's legendary it's not true the rosary is purely simply manmade and nothing more so what did God do he raised up another Dominican Pope the servant of God benedict xiii who said no you're wrong but just to prove it I'm going to assign my best scholar in charge of the Vatican Library to study it and he did for several years and came to the conclusion it's not a legend it's not mythological it's true and provided documentary evidence which I have quoted in my book it's there this thing my friends is so powerful in the sight of heaven that there's a battle going on around it many of you probably wonder in your own life while you struggle praying as so many times I'm not gonna blame it all on Satan but there's definitely a battle going on for this because this thing has power after the bowl and aswer started this confusion for so many people God gave the world an incredible gift my friends how many of you have heard of Our Lady of Las Lajas in Colombia so my brothers have prepared to get your mind blown right now okay you know about the tilma and Guadalupe and it's a miracle I mean that tilma is alive you know they've studied the eyes and everything it's just it's a miraculous it should have disintegrated it's the color spectrum is not known to us it's hovering above the fabric it's unbelievable but in 1754 in Colombia way back in in the middle of nowhere a woman who had a daughter who was mute and deaf and had a lot of health issues they were walking through a rainstorm one time away from their village and they sought shelter in this huge like grotto looking thing but was massive rock cliffs like slates of rock and they sought shelter from the rain and while they were in there they saw a beautiful woman and a little boy child and they knew who it was because the missionaries had already gone there and they knew about Christianity and everything they knew it was Marian Jesus well they didn't want to seem like they were fools and fanatics when they went back to the village so they didn't tell him so they kept going back there they never saw Mary and Jesus again but they kept going back there and they would pray there well after a period of time the little girl died she was just a little girl she died everybody in the village knew it everybody they were preparing for the funeral the mother freaked out last hope took the girl to the rocks the lajas and in Colombian Spanish for some reason that means like slight rock so they they go there and she prays and the girl comes back to life and now she can speak and she can hear they go back to the village and everybody knew that that little girl was dead everybody knew it so everybody was all sudden interested what happened take us to this place so they all go the whole village and then the villagers say look at that look at that it's so beautiful did you paint that they see this huge huge painting they think it's a painting life-size and super clear just like you're seeing me right now not like you would look at it and go yeah I can't really make it out super clear beautiful brilliant colors and the mother and the daughter they never seen it before either they said this is this is new this is not this was not there so they inquired priest came and they knew who immediately who it was it was our lady giving the rosary to Saint Dominic and a friar scored to st. Francis so the friars and you know the the priest the the missionaries they're thinking who painted this nobody fest up to it and time went by and they can't figure out where it came from finally somebody goes up as people do and they start chipping at it and they're taking pieces of it and it's not going away it's still there and so then after a period of time geologists come because they start to realize there's no paint on the rock there's no pigment there's no point nothing is on the rock and the more you chip at it it doesn't go away they bored into the rock three feet deep the image is the rock and it's three feet deep science has absolutely zero explanation for this zero there is no paint on the rock when you go to your dorm tonight put it I have the picture in my book I could show it to you but you won't be able to see it well Our Lady of Las Lajas fully approved by the church it's a minor basilica now it looks like something out of Lord of the Rings it really does it's it's awesome looking I want to go there so bad it's probably easier if any of you ever go like mission trips to Quito or Ecuador actually it's probably better to fly in there because it's extreme South Colombia like right on the border of Ecuador I want to go there so bad fully approved john paul ii talked about it that happened in 1754 to confound the academics you think you know you don't know when you get too involved in your books and you just not even have the piety and the devotion and you're not trusting there's a problem and heaven will respond you know what happened before that - I I don't want to leave without saying this because we're privileged here in in the United States that this happened in our land how many of her about Mary of Agreda venerable Mary of Agreda the mystical City of God huge four volumes on the life of our lady beautiful stuff well before the missionaries had gone to what is now Southwest united states like New Mexico Arizona Western Texas there was a tribe of Indians I don't even think that this tribe exists anymore it's called who mono Indians maybe they do but I don't think so that were receiving visits from a woman dressed in blue this is from 1622 1623 I believe it was so I'm jumping back a little bit here they were receiving visits from a lady dressed in blue and this woman was telling them about the Catholic Church and about the priest who would come and administer the sacraments to them and give them Jesus and in confession and she brought them guess what she brought him rosaries rosaries so in 1629 the Franciscans made their way up through the now what we call the Americas into that part of our country now up and stumbled upon this tribe of Indians Native Americans right and they found that they already knew the faith and they all already had rosaries and they told them we've been waiting for you the woman in blue yeah we've been waiting for you the woman in blue told us that you would come and you would give us the sacraments they said what are you talking about what woman in blue they thought you would obviously you would think the Blessed Virgin Mary had blessed them with apparitions you know but they said no it wasn't the Blessed Virgin Mary they knew who she was so they said well who was it they said we don't know but she was dressed in blue those missionaries were from Spain as many were back at that time and back in those days the missionaries give great journals they were corresponding with their superiors and so forth and it took a long period of time but it became known that there was this renowned mystic in Spain Mary of Agreda who had the gift of bilocation and she was writing the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary called the mystical City of God and she would by locate at night and she would take the excess rosaries from her convent and give them to this tribe seriously I mean that's amazing before we were even a country the rosary was here this thing my friends has power and meaning it encapsulates it enshrines the sacred mysteries of the god man so jumping ahead again okay so after Our Lady of Las Lajas 1754 what's gonna happen in Satan's gonna strike hard very hard through rationalism through the so called enlightenment through the French Revolution were you're gonna get remember where this was born Pope's have said this it was born in France so Satan's gonna hate that land in so many ways and so he's gonna go in the attack through this French Revolution this reign of terror and the leaders of this are going to mock it by doing what by bringing a prostitute into the Cathedral of Our Lady of North freedom Our Lady's Cathedral they make her lie on the altar basically naked as they shout out to the prostitute hail goddess full of Reason sounds familiar doesn't it hail Mary full of grace when you want to tech God and his woman and the weapon you shout out hail goddess full of reason and he put a prostitute on the altar of Our Lady it happened oh it happened and there were resistance movements not many but there were some the von de resistance movement in western France were they this was the badge for them they wore it around their necks and they prayed the three mysteries every day and almost all of them were slaughtered by the leaders of the French Revolution it was also during that time that the books some of the greatest books ever written on the Blessed Virgin Mary by st. Louie de montfort were buried in a field almost by divine design because had they been found by the French authorities they would have been burned and we wouldn't have them today his masterpieces true devotion the busts of Virgin Mary the secret of the rosary and so many others were buried in a chest in the field for like a hundred and thirty years they'll be needed at another time right now if they're found they'll be destroyed Napoleon Bonaparte during that time you know what he did this dude in the year 1810 stole the Vatican archives 3000 boxes of them do you know where in those archives lots of stuff some of which was historical documentation on the rosary years later when they sought to get them back you know what he did he burned a lot of them because it was winter when they were trying to get him back in shipments they were cold they burned it for heat many of them they just threw away that happened in 1810 bless it and Catherine Emmerich I think it was in 1820 she was a mystic and she started to say in her writings and her visions that she mourned for the loss of the rosary she said it's far and far away and only those who have a deep prayer can get it back God was gonna bring it back in a powerful way he had enough of the French Revolution what happened in 1858 in France the battleground of all this our lady came to little Bernadette Soubirous and what did she come with a rosary and she prayed it with little Bernadette the parts that she could not the Hail Mary and partly our Father of course but the glory be her delicate little feminine figures glided across the beads with little Bernadette and that that started a rosary revolution throughout the world everybody wanted a prayer card or a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes even people who were Jewish wrote books about Our Lady of Lourdes you've probably seen the film was made by a Jewish man it's amazing it's spread everywhere and then even more amazing things started happen we have one of the greatest Pope's of all time right 11 encyclicals on the rosary did you know that remember in 2002 when pope john paul ii gave us a letter on the rosary it wasn't even this if it was a letter pope leo xiii wrote eleven encyclicals on the rosary he turned the whole month of october into the month of the road's rosary why because he grew up on a farm and in around that time of year it's harvest season he knew that if you want to harvest souls you pray the rosary he turned the whole month into it he put the title Our Lady of the Rosary into the litany of Loreto he received a vision of st. Michael given the st. Michael prayer which we pray this many people pray the shorter version you know at the end of the Rosary now that guy was full-on hardcore our ladies boy why that man has not been raced the honors of the altar I do not know blows my mind that he's not even a servant of God I don't get it I've got to pray for that heck I love the Rosary do you what else happen to that time to confound the enemy Satan thinks he's got control no way God's gonna raise up an ordained satanic priest to be in one of the grace apostles of the rosary during that time a man named Bartolo Longo grew up in Naples Catholic went off to college and left the faith thank God that doesn't happen here many of you come here and you get it thank God for Franciscan University right but so many people go off to college and they abandon the faith that's what happened to him but he was still searching everybody searching he started attending seances he got involved in the occult and of his own these are his words not mine he got so deep into it that he allowed himself to become an ordained satanic priest in this cult and what was the fruit of that for Bartolo he suffered from bouts of depression serious depression like suicidal depression anxiety nightmares hallucinations all kinds of stuff he was at his wits end and then he surrendered and he went and he found a priest a Dominican priest father Alberto read Entei and this priest told him about this and he told him what the promise is associated with and how this can slay the enemy and bring you out of the darkness and he surrendered he renounced the occult he barged into a seance and he held this up and he said repent this is what you're looking for they laughed at him and you know kicked him out but he's life radically changed he became a third-order Dominican brother Rosario he took that name and then he went down on kind of a little trip to Pompeii the city that was destroyed by the SU vyas right and it was a mess nobody knew the faith it was an absolutely night nightmare and he felt responsible because he had led a lot of people away from the church when he was involved in the occult so he said I'm gonna stay here and I'm gonna rebuild this city and he did it's called the new Pompeii and he started the rosary Confraternity and he built the world's most famous shrine dedicated to the rosary have any of you ever been to the Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii I know my brother Michael has my friends if you are ever in bombing where your semester if you're ever in Europe please I beg you go you want to see the one of those beautiful churches that will make you cry when you walk into that that's how a church should be right there man ho man is that a beautiful Church I hope to go back as soon as I possibly can a former satanic priest built this thing he was he started orphanages and hospitals and all kinds of charitable works unbelievable stuff and then he gave the whole thing to Pope Leo the 13th the great Rosary Pope you can't this has the power to slay the enemy it worked for this guy who was beatified in 1980 and I'm sure he'll be canonized at some point amazing but remember what I've been saying back and forth after that happened in 1903 leo xiii dies modernism strikes hard Oh big time hard and what are they going the attack again this as soon as leo xiii died the scholars come out and they start saying it's legendary it's not true it has no foundation in reality there's no historical documents right because they were burned what does it take to get into your head that this is the held that devil works and popes have a firmness time after time after time after time and even a pope would write in a cyclical at that time against modernism but they still went on the attack and one in particular a Jesuit when the Catholic Encyclopedia came out was being written from like 1904 to 1917 1917 very very important year he wrote the article about the rosary in it and that spread throughout the world and pretty much everybody thought it was the official teaching of the church on it but that encyclical had absolutely zero Magisterial weight it wasn't a teaching document and the sense of you know was what were to understand like a catechism but people didn't think that way they thought it was true and that spread everywhere so to this day that's one of the main reasons why I wrote my book is to get rid of that modernistic nonsense and to refute it because it's been put in there and circulates all around the world most people who write stuff about the history the rosary they just regurgitate the vomit that came out of these modernist mouths a hundred years ago we've got to correct this nonsense this is more divine that it is human and heaven wants us to know this what happened after he did his bit in the modernists 1917 militia Immaculata founded Our Lady of Fatima comes in Rosary apparitions and in the very last one October 13th she reveals a title for herself I am the Lady of the Rosary and the Sun spins and 70,000 people see it and then in 1921 the servant of God Frank Duff founds the Legion of Mary the world's largest marian organization in the history of the church and it still is in the 1940s and 50s almost every Catholic parish had a Legion of Mary the leader of communist China at the time the mouth Satan he said that the Legion of Mary is public enemy number one because that woman with that weapon will crush you if you're against the truth she will unsheath it and give it to warriors who will fight for her and who will fight for the truth oh and she did she started coming an apparition after apparition you probably know the ones that I'm about to say to you but you might not know all of them you know about Fatima there's boo rang these are approved by the way I'm not going to give you any of the ones that are not approved boo rang in Belgium Bano and Belgium st. Faustina's revelations right where we get a new form of devotion which Satan burned the original copy of that's his method and then she rewrote it so the diary you read today is version number two we get a new form of devotion to to the God's mercy on ordinary rosary beads Our Lady of Akita in Japan very serious serious stuff co-op ah Nicaragua how many know about that one in 1980 yeah where heaven gave like a film showing them the divisionary a guy I think his name was Bernardo who was kind of older like a film of the origins of the Rosary and guess who was at the front guys dressed in white hmm I wonder who wears a white habit and then he saw the guys in white handing it on to the guys in like the brown kind of grey habit hmm wonder who that could be heaven is trying to tell us these things okay so then after that we get our lead of cab a ho where our lady tries to tell them to pray the ordinary rosary for sure but also the rosary of the Seven Sorrows and to one of the visionaries a little girl named Claire she says I want you to spread to renew the devotion to my seven sorrows to the world guess what happens to poor little Claire she slaughtered by a machete remember that when that happened in Rwanda nicob a hoe many of you probably don't you guys are super young but it happened over a million people died in a bloodbath at that time because the people didn't listen our lady said there will be rivers of blood unless you listen to what I'm telling you and they didn't listen and now you've got the famous woman immaculee Ilibagiza who's taken up that charge that commission was given to little Claire to spread this devotion to the Seven Sorrows rosary I even think did immaculately come here I think I think she did before right yeah Krita mazing story and now you've even got in the land of our current Holy Father in Argentina you've got Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas the visionary is still alive and it's approved amazing stuff God will raise up amazing warriors and he did do you know what he did with the militia Immaculata right the Legion of Mary father Patrick Payton this guy was a warrior for our lady in the Rosary he got more people to pray the rosary than anybody else who's ever existed he would gather millions of people in the streets in Colombia Brazil the Philippines in 1961 in this country in San Francisco he got half a million people to pray the rosary in a park 500,000 people in the 1960s that's crazy in the 1950s he went to Hollywood little Irish priests who kind of stuttered he had like a lisp he wasn't very eloquent he wouldn't got pretty much all the major actors many of whom were not even Catholic to pray the rosary on national radio programs and television programs across this country ask your parents your grandparents they would have seen it Loretta Young famous actress back then she said I have never seen a man so in love with a woman as Patrick Payton is in love with the Blessed Virgin that man loved our lady do you know what he did he was bold he was his heart was so hurting that people were starting to abandon this in the 60s and 70s especially from 1965 to 1975 that's called the decadent decade really it is because they ditched marry in a huge way I mean especially this they shelved it see when you don't think that there are dragons out there you don't think you need a weapon anymore you put it on the shelf what what dragons what what wolves remember you unfaithful dog remember the dogs are out there though the wolves are out there the Dragons are out there but that was a tough time his heart was so wounded you know what he did in his boldness he wrote to Pope Paul the sixth and said Holy Father I beg you to to correct this turning away from the rosary and declare this a liturgical prayer make it a liturgical prayer like the bravery well that wasn't going to happen it was a bold move but the Pope wrote a document in response to that letter by Patrick Peyton it's called Mary Alice koltes the letter of blessed Paul the six where he talked about bringing this back and you know that it went through four drafts do you know why sadly because the people who were commissioned to the ghost writers to write it in Rome priests wanted to radically change the rosary it had to go through four revisions and it took four years for him to finally approve it because he kept saying to them no that's not what I want to write no take it back and do it in four times they had to do this before he finally approved it and then the United States bishops also they put one out in 1973 on the same thing behold your mother the document was called talking about this miracles were happening through this you won't remember this I'm sure but in 1978 there was a serial killer named Ted Bundy who went on a rampage in Florida at the University in Tallahassee and he massacred two girls in a sorority house and he went into another girl's room to kill her he had the weapon the blood from the other girls on his hand on the knife he barged into the room and all of a sudden a mysterious force repelled him from the room and the weapon was thrown out of his hand why well the girl in that dorm that night had fallen asleep with a rosary in her hand before she went off to college she said to her mother that I promised to pray the rosary every night before I go to bed as for protection well that night as often happens if you try and leave it to the end of the day you're gonna fall asleep she fell asleep when the cops came they saw the girl in a basically catatonic state she was like paralyzed with fear she said she didn't talk to anybody but priests they got a priest a Monsignor came and she told the priest that what she had told her mother about making that promise years later when Ted Bundy was on death row he asked to speak to a priest guest which priest came the same one and they had a little conversation and Ted Bundy said to him you know there's something I don't understand that last night that was the last killing that he did I had killed those two girls and I went into the other room and some force threw me out of the room and threw the weapon out of my hand can you explain that to me actually I can't that's what the priest said he said I talked to that girl that night she had made a promise to pray the rosary and she had it in her hands you weren't aware of it but there was a power in those beads that threw you out of the room this thing my friends has power saints of old would simply lay it on people who were possessed and demons would shriek out of them you know today we look at this and we say oh that's yeah that's that's just nonsense that's you know no it's not nonsense this thing is a sword my friends a sword so what do we have now and we're getting near the end don't worry you're not gonna be here all night okay I know it's long but it's good Manny we need to know this stuff we need to know this stuff so then we get what one of the greatest champions during the crisis the 70s you know we were just everybody's thinking you know the rosary is gone we're never gonna get it back then a light from the east comes another one oh that named John the forerunner of the Messiah like Don Juan of Austria right in Lepanto the Battle of Lepanto we're going to get another Kwon he's gonna take the name John Paul to a Polish Pope and within two weeks of his papacy this man tells the whole world on Vatican Radio this is my favorite prayer and he begins to pray it over the radio vatican radio he begins to give it to youth to newlyweds and he takes it everywhere he becomes the most traveled pope in the history of the papacy and everywhere he goes he talks about the rosary he praised the rosary he promotes the rosary and everything that he does culminating in the year 2002 when he does what he resharpen x' the ancient blade of the sword and he gives the world the light saber the Luminous Mysteries yes modern times require a modern weapon right it's the Luminous Mysteries and why did he give us those particular mysteries and and I'm going to tell you something here that's really important because a lot of people today are still resistant to the Luminous Mysteries and it's so lame why there's why they're resistant to it I gotta pick up my glasses didn't want to step on a woman these things are expensive so he gives us a Luminous Mysteries why and here's something that you need to know john paul ii is not the originator of the Luminous Mysteries a lot of people think I would never pray them because they're a post Vatican 2 invention I stick with the original read some books man seriously Saint Louie De Montfort also wrote another book called methods for praying the rosary when it was discovered in 1842 with his other books he talked about other mysteries because it would go from being the Psalter because when you talk about salt you're kind of committed to the hundred-fifty but when he becomes known as the rosary you can adapt it ok you can you can do other things with it he talked about three of the current five Luminous Mysteries three centuries ago st. Louie de Montfort the great Marion st. others talked about it to patrick peyton talked about this before vatican ii happened and a particular man named george Preta who was beatified strategically in 2001 why because he's the real inventor of the Luminous Mysteries and he lived on the island of malta he came up with the exact five mysteries that john paul ii in 2002 would give to the world and then pope benedict xvi would canonized him st. george Preta look him up you'll see he's the real inventor of the Luminous Mysteries john paul ii loved them so much that he gave them to us in his apostolic letter why those specific ones though remember the Alba Jensen heresy and how they denied you know the flesh the realities of Christianity well those these are the mysteries that are being denied today people don't want to baptize get baptized or baptize their children I wasn't baptized till I was 10 and I was baptizing Episcopal in church I didn't convert to Catholicism till I was going on 21 that's that's my story there's so many people out there like that today marriage why the wedding feast of Cana right why Metta phaeton upon the mystery because it's very clear Cana that it's a dude and a woman getting married seriously these are the things that are being threatened today these are the falsehoods and the darkness --is that are being attacked today and we need the sacred mysteries to combat them we need to unsheathed the weapon to slay the dragon of our times and when you pray that ii luminous mystery you're also consoling the heart of your God because he is offended by the things that happened today Our Lady of Fatima told us this God is offended by so many things that are happening today and we need conversion people think people today I just think that Jesus is another way he's just one of a prophet like Muhammad or a prophet like you know Buddha he's God he's God we need to convert there's one way to the Father and he's the only way Jesus how many people today don't believe that so they don't believe you know the Transfiguration how many Catholics today don't believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Sacrament so many so many and so we get the institution of the Eucharist we need these mysteries today big-time big-time and so we have them we have the lightsabre for our times and we need to use it my friends because abortion today this is probably a stream Leeloo number now but when I put my book out three months ago since 1973 at least 1.5 billion abortions have taken place that we know of 1.5 billion oh my goodness the whole issues that we're fighting today the homosexual agenda the so-called homosexual marriage contraception pornography all pornography beauty is the battleground right okyun and all the poets about this it's where it the battles being fought god knows this and the devil knows it that's why when we live in this age of pornography and filth and lust we have the age of more reporter Marian apparitions at any other time in history Our Lady is God's greatest asset but also in some sense the beauty is his greatest liability the hearts of men can fall and they'll fall fast once they start clicking that Mouse today studies have been done and they're backing them up almost every year now a few years ago it said that most men today by the age of 13 have already been exposed to hardcore pornography now they're saying that for most it's by age 11 whoa how are you going to slay that dragon without that sword you eight you're not that's why you got to turn to the Saints and those who are becoming things like Matt Talbot in Ireland who was an alcoholic and a drunkard and abused the flesh but through this he's on his way to sainthood now this is what we need today to conquer whatever addictions were suffering from whatever ailments that were struggling with we've all got them in one way or another whether it's you know suffering from a gambling or lust or whatever it may be we need this today to conquer this beast to slay this dragon the occult oh wow so many people today today yeah we got movies that glamorize a Ouija boards we got TV shows called Lucifer we've lost it we buy popcorn and Twizzlers and we entertain ourselves with the demonic we laugh at it as a family it's sick and people are lost and we're seeing a huge uptick and not just obsessions and you know deliverance need for deliverance ministry but people being possessed I've seen it you've probably seen it too I remember one of the first times I saw it was actually here don't want to freak you out or anything but it was in room no I'm just kidding in dorm was that little girl in the rocking chair and Colby no just kidding it was at a summer conference one of the youth conferences I heard and saw things coming out of some people's mouths you can't tell me that junk was natural yeah I mean it sent chills up my spine I was like oh a priest I was freaking out I was like wow and I've been to place like Trinidad where I've seen people projectile vomiting multiple voices coming out of their mouths and their slithering around on the floor yeah you cannot tell me that this stuff is not for real lukewarm Catholics and lukewarm clergy it's everywhere today everywhere but I think you'd have to be living on another planet not to know that the world is reached a climax on some level and we need a Guadalupe event we need the Sun to spin to shake us up to wake us up because we're not listening we're not listening how many of you are doing the first five Saturdays of reparation how many of you even know what they are heaven has asked us for these things we need to be doing it we need to be doing it I need to be doing it the clergy needs to be doing it from the top down are you called to be a champion I think you are because you're Catholic at least I'm assuming everyone here is tonight if not you need to become one that's my job you don't know what you're missing do you have one of these does it just hang from your bedpost or on your rear-view mirror do you use it use it you probably waste so much time every day on social media like in this and oh I'll put a smiley face who I'll do this I'm not saying that that stuff's bad okay but 20 minutes can you give heaven that that's all that they're asking of you and if you can't even do that they give you like the rules are you're on training wheels the chaplet it takes like five the heavens like work with me work with me give me five will build up so do it my friends you're not going to regret it and you know what we're gonna do right now because this is the way that was done I believe when Saint Dominic was given the rosary a man will preach and then as our lady said he'll water that see that he's planted with that angelic salutation we're gonna pray a decade right now of the Rosary together okay because that's the best thing that we could do together because when we pray together it has power and because the world is so messed up right now let's pray the third luminous mystery okay the proclamation of the kingdom and called a conversion in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus [Music] hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus [Music] hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus [Music] hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus [Music] glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit Oh My Jesus forgive us our sins save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven especially those that are most need of thy mercy of a Oh [Music] [Music] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen is that not sweet or what [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Franciscan University of Steubenville
Views: 1,729,571
Rating: 4.8307829 out of 5
Keywords: Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio, Catholic, college, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Franciscan University of Steubenville (College / University),, Faith And Reason, Fr. Don Calloway MIC, Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Rosary, Chapel Ministries
Id: dwVdYXyxln0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 27sec (4587 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2017
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