Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Fatima and the Rosary April 22, 2017

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[Music] all right so how about we start by saying a Hail Mary okay all right in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women unless it is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen st. Joseph st. Faustina st. John Paul - the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen okay so before I do start though please do I know a lot of people know me because of my conversion story but don't forget about the other books everybody's like wow father your story I'm like yeah I'm glad you read that book but I've got like eight more so this is the latest one it's intimidating it's a huge book but it's really really good I mean I you know it sounds arrogant because I'm it's my book but you know I don't know how an author doesn't promote his own stuff you know so please get a copy of that and then also we just put out these these are brand new hot off the press I mean smoking hot right $3.99 for these little things they're small enough to fit in your purse or a back pocket but they're powerful enough to save a soul it's how to pray the rosary and you know we want these to go into parishes the pews to hospitals to seminaries to prisons all over the place and there's so it's such a nice little booklet so we've got these as well and then also and I'm sorry to make plugs for this at the beginning but if I don't you're only going to remember my conversion book I get okay for this special anniversary of Fatima the 100th centennial anniversary right a new DVD Mary 101 really good stuff okay got that there and then these I call these my my Catholic version of a harley-davidson biker shirt they're really cool we should actually get these leather for like guys with beards and ponytails so it's got that shield image on the back they're coming men's and women's are really nice so you know my mom is sporting this thing all around the place now it's so funny my mom looks like a little biker now you know okay alright so let me get started on this talk because what I'm going to talk about is just a sampling from what's in the book almost nothing at all because there's so much in here and I want to focus on of course the Rosary our ladies call from Fatima as well and st. Faustina because you know we're here for Divine Mercy Sunday weekend but it's also a very important year for the Fatima apparitions you know a hundred years that's that's huge who knows if the sun's going to spin or something next month or in October but I'm kind of praying it does we need a wake-up call you know in the world so spin it Lord you know yo yo the Sun yo yo it you know do what you got to do to get our attention you know okay so I just need to give you a brief since I'm so in my mind is so on the rosary these days I'm traveling constantly giving talks about the rosary so I want to start with that because everything with the rosary kind of crescendos um in the last century and even in our current times but you might need to know a little bit about the history of the rosary so where's the rose wood come from well in the 13th century so 800 years ago there was a priest in France but he was originally from Spain Dominick Guzman st. Dominic and he was up against this terrible heresy at the time that we're going against Christianity and all the truths of Christianity and he as the tradition says was given this powerful form of Prayer to go against falsehoods so it was understood from the very beginning to be a spiritual weapon and he used it to bring people back who were in this heresy called Alba jansenism and if I use a lot of words you don't know or not familiar with just get the book it's all in the book so I'm still plugging the book so but he did so much good and brought so many people back but Satan you know did not like this Satan never does and try to destroy it so just a century after Saint Dominic was given the rosary the Black Plague hit Europe and killed one thing of the population of Europe we're talking millions and millions of people died and even documents were burned on the rosary Satan does this all the time he tries to burn sources of new devotion to God and Our Lady which remember he even did with st. Faustina's diary remember the first version you know she was tricked by the evil one to burning the first you know version of it what she had began to write ok the devil does that he wants to burn these things to get rid of them because they're going to bring about so much good and then there were other times when the rosary would be used heaven would speak to us still does in apparitions or through pokes you know the Vicar of Christ on earth or through Saints telling us about the importance of the Rosary when we need it I mean we always need it but there are certain times throughout history when we really need to focus upon the sacred mysteries of Jesus Christ because we forget and we go astray so you will have tons of every century we'll have times when you will have Saints who will champion it and who will be raised up you know and and and tell be telling people we need to turn back to the rosary we've forgotten this or you'll get Pope's who will do this and there have been so many popes who have championed the rosary I mean think about the 16th century when Christianity was divided because of Protestantism right you had you had a sadly a priest Martin Luther the founder of Protestantism who fell away from the Catholic Church and did so much damage and many of them abandon the rosary but then you had a holy Pope who said we need to pray this and he realized that radical Islam wanted to take over Christianity because Christianity was now divided because you had the Catholics and the Protestants and there was wasn't unity and so Islam and this powerful Ottoman Empire was called at the time Muslim Turks wanted to conquer Christianity but the Pope promoted the rosary and so we have basically the saving of Western civilization and the saving of the church in a real way a lot of people don't know about this they they've forgotten right the devil sometimes wants us to forget these lessons from history but it shows us the importance and so many other instances during the French Revolution instances in so many countries many of you menu coming in and we took pictures and signing books so I was hoping to make it to the front at some point to give this talk you know your culture if you dig into your culture I almost guarantee you that probably your country or some aspect of your culture was saved because of the rosary if you're Filipino if you're from South America if you're you know Latino basically in of any kind pretty much all Asians at some point the rosary has played a major role in saving your culture and your country from political ideologies from some crazy regime that wants to take over and bring communism or socialism or whatever it is you know into that country just look into your history and you'll find the rosary there I pretty much guarantee you now in this history which is eight hundred years and as I said it all the time to go into the whole thing so many things happen that I want to bring you just kind of we're going to go from the 13th century to right up until the beginning of the 20th century because that's when things start to get really serious so serious that God wants to show us the power of the Rosary before Fatima happens and before st. Faustina comes on the scene and before john paul ii now what do i mean specifically well we're gonna have a pope at that time so a little over a hundred years ago named leo xiii how many have heard about pope leo xiii oh so many of you that's awesome I love this guy why this man is not a saint blows my mind you know I'm like canonized that guy already you know just like Fulton sheen I'm like canonized that man you know so pilla 13th he was a you know the Pope who transitioned from the 19th century into the 20th century and he wrote eleven encyclicals on the rosary you believe that on the cyclical is like a super important letter that the Pope writes super important it's almost like you know you couldn't get any higher of an importance 11 of those received you know mystical experiences about the rosary was given the st. Michael prayer was told by heaven you know the he heard this battle taking place between Saint Michael the Archangel and the evil angels and that there would be a period of a hundred years where satan would try to destroy the church and this pope was just on fire with love for the rosary on fire would love for it also during his time heaven was trying to speak to us to show us the power that the rosary has a an ordained satanic priest had a conversion through the rosary and now built the world's most famous shrine to the rosary in pompeii italy have any of you ever been there to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary and Pompey it is unbelievable it's one of most beautiful churches you will ever see in your life I guarantee it when I walked in there I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing is so gorgeous founded by a former satanic priest now that guy's name is blessed Bartolo Longo he's a blessed of the church do you remember that letter in 2002 that um st. John Paul put out on the rosary where we got the Luminous Mysteries do you remember that he kept mentioning this guy in there that I have to confess at the time I didn't know he kept mentioning Blessed Bartolo Longo and I was like who is this guy I've never heard of this guy cool name right sounds a Bartolo long way sounds mafia you know but I'm like who's this guy so I did some research and I was like wait a minute on this guy was an ordained satanic priest what like why do I am I not aware of this and I started asking people even priests have you heard of this Bartolo Longo guy no I never heard of him so what is incredible so heaven was trying to tell us really important things to have an an ordained satanic priests have a route of conversion built the world's most famous shrine to the Rosary and a pope who would write eleven encyclicals on the Rosary why all that well because the 20th century was going to be chaos it was going to experience more war and more death from wars than any other time in human history there was going to be so many bad things happen so quickly in the 20th century that we were going to need the power of the rosary and even new forms of devotion on ordinary rosary beads that would that would come into play and and this is what God would do in a powerful way you know think about it and in when our lady came to Fatima she came to the children which they kind of knew the but they kind of cheated you're here those stories about him I love these little kids they go out with their sheep and they they wanted to play so they would pray a rosary but they would just go Hail Mary Hail Mary Hail Mary Hail Mary Hail Mary Hail Mary Hail Mary you can do a rosary like that in about 45 seconds you know and then you play the kids gotta love them so you know they were familiar with it but Our Lady came to really focus upon this message there are many aspects to the Fatima message which father Chris is going to talk about in his talk but what I want to emphasize is that the Fatima apparitions are basically rosary apparitions because Our Lady really emphasizes the importance of this at one point somebody asked the visionaries what is the most important aspect that our lady emphasizes in her messages do you know what they said the daily rosary that's what she put the emphasis on and she was telling them that this has so much power that it can stop Wars World War one was happening at that time and she said if by praying it you can stop wars now that's powerful my friends a lot of people they look at this and they think wow that's something that you know people do at funerals and you know for for old ladies at church no remember this actually was first given to a man to Saint Dominic so this is very important for us to remember that this is a spiritual weapon and that it has power and so every before every apparition the children would pray the rosary and all the other people would gather in and our lady you know have a rosary wrapped around her hand and emphasizing the importance of this so much so that what happened at the last apparition right we we call the Fatima operations Our Lady of Fatima but what did our lady call herself on October 13th 1917 the Lady of the Rosary right and then God spawned the Sun like a yo-yo you know in front of the people but that's interesting because remember well maybe you don't know this it's it's in the book though when when our lady gave the Rosary to Saint Dominic in the 13th century the tradition says that the Sun spun you may not know that history and not a lot of people do but it's recorded you know in in the last 800 years of the tradition so heaven is trying to speak to us about the importance of this because of the crazy things that would begin to take place in the 20th century and I want to mention some of these these aspects because I don't sometimes I think we forget or maybe we we haven't known these things because you know sometimes we associate the Fatima message just with 1917 but that's not the case you know sister lúcia who by the way hopefully will be a saint - I always feel like she got left out you know she's like what about me yo I I lived down here for like 97 years you know she was the victim you know she's the one who had to deal with this fallen tears you know plays so after the the little blessed soon-to-be saints Francisco Nia sent to died you know sister Lucia became a nun and she at one point was living in Spain and in 1925 Our Lady appeared to her and and said this to her okay and this is part of what we understand to be the Fatima event you know in its totality Our Lady said this look my daughter at my heart encircled by these thorns with which men pierce it at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude you at least strive to console me and so I announce I promise to assist at the hour of death with the grace necessary for salvation all those who with the intention of making reparation to me on the first saturday of five consecutive months go to confession receive Holy Communion say five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the rosary once again emphasizing the Rosary do you know that our lady actually told sister Lucia that she needed to learn how to read and write so that she could write down her memoirs and promote the rosary sister Lucy didn't even know how to read and write a lot of people didn't back at that time but heaven asked her to learn that so that she could promote the rosary and she did now after this experience sister Lucia and others were wondering why five four Saturdays why not six one at seven that's a biblical number right eight even you know well haven't answered that when in 1930 Jesus appeared to sister Lucia and told her that it was to make reparation for the following things now this is really important this is really important I got to find it here it's in this little I got a little booklet on it here a little pamphlet on to plug another thing here these are a dime a dozen by the way you get a million of these things it's in here somewhere but our Lord says this it was these five things this is why five for Saturday's for the blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception for blasphemies against Mary's virginity for blasphemies against the divine maternity that Mary is the mother of God for those who publicly implant in children's hearts indifference contempt and even hatred against Mary and in the fifth for those who directly insult her sacred images this was in 1930 when Jesus said this to sister Lucia imagine what would happen you know during that time where all these things were taking place let me just show you because they're happening now do you know when our lady was the dogma of the Immaculate Conception was declared in 1854 right so before Fatima but the Immaculate Conception made a Dogma in 1854 do you know what happened in 1855 the invention of synthetic rubber Satan brought about what we today call and I hate to even say the word I won't say the word you know what it is Satan invented something to prevent contraception in 1855 the year after the church declared the dogma of the Immaculate Conception Satan came up with a device to prevent conception whoa there were going to be blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception beginning in the previous century and coming into the last century and even today all over the place you see this you hear it blasphemies against Mary's virginity all you got to do today is turn on the TV all you got to do is take notice of and I'm not condemning anybody but when I say this but some of the most major players of our times have been using our lady's name the Madonna Lady Gaga hmm interesting are we not if we pray we pick up on these things Satan is using people and what they do to basically blaspheme the Madonna our Lady through these things foul disgusting things not chaste and modest against Mary ultimately virginity and we we entertain ourselves with this nonsense today is how filthy and sick we become this is why our Lord appeared to her and said these are why five Saturdays blasphemies against the divine maternity you know I tell you I'm seeing this more and more more and more you know people take the name of our Lord in vain which is wrong of course but you know sometimes I turn on TV which is almost always a mistake and I'm watching a sitcom and you know what they're doing now they're using the name of Our Lady in vain blasphemies against her divine maternity where they say and I'm going to say it in a reverential way but they don't mean it in a reverential way they will say mother of God that's a blasphemy against the divine maternity of Our Lady and they're saying it now in the media all the time I hear it I'm sure you've heard it too the fourth aspect right those who publicly implant in children's hearts children indifference contempt and even hatred against Mary that's happened as well all over the place that's happened sometimes people you know are telling their children that Mary is of no consequence to the Christian life that she's of no importance whatsoever the fifth aspect and this one really breaks my heart those who directly insult her sacred images when's the last time you went to a modern art museum oh right what is that stuff you know some crazy stuff going on in there where they literally do things with statues and images of Our Lady that are so sick and disgusting and they call it art they call it art you know in Estonia you probably heard about this in the media two years ago just two years ago the first thing that you did when you walked into this modern art museum was to kick and destroy a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary do you remember that in the media just two years ago in Estonia so you they had it like in a hologram and so the first thing you to get in you got your ticket and then you kicked this and it sent our lady statue spinning and then it shattered that was required to get into the museum it's in crazy what's going on today that was this our Lord said these things in 1930 all the things that would happen after that are just we know they're horrible and you know it's almost as though we we've forgotten about these five first Saturday's and making reparation to our lady's heart and the emphasis on the rosary that heaven began to speak to us again so we get the calls from Fatima and you know many people did respond but many did not but heaven kept speaking to us trying to get our attention so what did heaven do gave us apparition after apparition after apparition emphasizing the rosary and the seriousness of the times so during the same time that our Lord would be giving Saint Faustina you know her messages we also had Bano and Boo rang approved in 1932 and 1933 where our lady came with the rosary and during the same time st. Faustina's apparitions in messages which once again you know a new form of devotion given to the world is going to be given on ordinary rosary beads ordinary rosary beads almost because we kind of didn't really pay enough attention to Fatima for example do you remember what happened in 1916 when the Angels the angel came to the children father Chris might talk about that more I know he emphasizes that a lot it's really important because in 1916 an angel came to the little children and taught them certain prayers the angel of peace prayer from Fatima Most Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit I adore thee profoundly and I offer thee the most precious body blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ present all the Tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrageous sacrilegious and in differences whereby he is offended and is there's a little bit more but does that sound familiar Eternal Father I offer you the body blood right so it's like having a saying to us okay look you guys are so weak right now that you're not even spending twenty it's in prayer on the rosary I'm going to give you something that takes five give me five minutes okay this the Divine Mercy chaplet it's like the Rosary on training wheels you know heaven is begging's I cooperate with me five minutes okay focus you know that's how merciful God is to us with these messages to us and they keep hammering these messages to us and speaking to us through you know these apparitions and not a lot of people know this but you know the power of this prayer is so important because every day on this planet you know there are approximately 150 to 200 thousand people who die every day we're not aware of that we hear an ambulance coming down the road we throw out a Hail Mary which is a good practice to do right but every day almost 200,000 people die on this planet and so many of them are not prepared for death they're not ready for death and so what does our Lord say about the power of the chaplet of Mercy you know this I think I'm probably telling it to the choir here but let me remind you of the promises this is from the lips of our Savior the souls that say this chaplet will be embraced by my mercy during their lifetime and especially at the hour of their death at the hour of their death I defend as my own glory every soul that will recite this chaplet or when others say it for a dying person the pardon is the same when they say this chaplain and the presence of the dying I will stand between my father and the dying person not as a just judge but as the merciful Savior when this chaplet is said at the bedside of a dying person unfathomable mercy envelops the soul and the very depths of my tender mercy are moved for the sake of the sorrowful passion of my son and priests will recommend the chaplet to sinners as their last hope of salvation wow what a gift we have in this bless these blessed beans and heaven is constantly reminding of us of this after the apparitions of Our Lady and our Lord to st. Faustina and all these gifts that we've been given having continued to speak right we have our lady of Akita 1973 Quapaw basically Our Lady of the Rosary in Nicaragua almost nobody knows about that one but it's approved the rosary was the main emphasis kebaya ho you've heard of kab a ho right our lady cab a ho our lady came to tell them about the rosary and another ancient form of the rose of the Seven Sorrows rosary very important right then you have San Nicolas Argentina just fully approved I think it was last year the visionary is still living and the message is up to that pointer approved at that point and then God raise up great apostles of the rosary to remind us of this so we don't forget Fulton sheen right Patrick Payton how many even heard of Patrick Payton fella Patrick Payton oh what a guy right the rosary priest the 20th century so amazing and then Saint John Paul the second you know what saint john paul ii did he basically resharpen the ancient blade of the sword of the rosary and made it into a modern day light saber by giving us the Luminous Mysteries you know it's funny because every now and then I meet people who are resistant to the Luminous Mysteries and I go I don't pray that that's a post Vatican 2 thing yeah I'm not into it mmm st. Louie De Montfort promoted four of the current five Luminous Mysteries it's just that he didn't call them the Luminous Mysteries it was actually a priest pre-vatican to name st. george Preta who's now a saint from malta st. george prescott he invented the Luminous Mysteries he called them the mysteries of light john paul ii simply said they're called the Luminous Mysteries so they're pre-vatican too for sure why these mysteries on ordinary beads to combat the falsehoods of our time and to console the hearts of Jesus and Mary think about it the mysteries that were given to st. Dominic 800 years ago combatted those who are attacking the the mysteries of Christianity when it came to the Incarnation when it came to the Passion of Jesus and his resurrection they denied those things so heaven gave the mysteries to Saint Dominic today what are people denying baptism so many people don't think about that right think about my story if you're Merrill Meister I wasn't baptized till I was 10 and I wasn't even baptized in the Catholic Church certain people today don't baptize their children so we get these mysteries that we've forgotten that we need to get back to marriage I mean today you've got people trying to marry anything I mean it is weird we're nuts a couple years ago a lady civilly and even legally in England married her dolphin guys yeah I mean we're nuts so I mean that's that's that's insane but then you've got you know Tom trying to marry Larry it's insane what we're going on today at the wedding feast of Cana it was one man and one woman very clear so when you pray that decade you're reminded of marriage and you are in a real sense consoling the heart of Jesus of Mary because they're not happy it doesn't please their heart by some of the crazy things that we're doing today people today don't think that they need conversion they think that Jesus is just another guru that he's like Zen Buddhism everybody's into Zen today and it is that nyeah or part of Buddha or or whatever that Jesus is on the same level as Muhammad mmm wrong very wrong Jesus is God and we need conversion in Jesus Christ there's no other way to the Father he said that what about the the fourth luminous mystery the Transfiguration right he's not just a guru he's not just some prophet he is the god man he is a savior of the world and the Eucharist you know what's so sad today so many Catholics don't believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament they don't remember all this is crescendoing remember that prayer that I just read for all the offences and all the Tabernacles around the world our Lord is not being correctly genuflected - he's not being acknowledged sometimes in churches the tabernacle was down the hallway not in even in the sanctuary mmm this is not pleasing to heaven we've got to get this stuff back heaven is hammering these issues with us and in a certain way we've work Rochon doing right now we're in the centennial anniversary of the Fatima apparitions that's why my prayer to God is this this is bold and I know this is being recorded so I might be a martyr after this if certain people hear this my prayer is that either next month when the Pope is in fátima or October 13th whatever spin that Sun God spin it wake us all up we need it in our times we need something serious my prayer also is this and this is bold this where I might be martyred I pray that our lady because there's a deep connection with Our Lady of Fatima and in Islam Fatima was one of the daughters of Muhammad and so there's there's a reason here Fulton sheen talked about this that can you imagine if so many Muslims had a mass conversion just like remember in the sixteenth century when our lady went to Mexico right when so many people were leaving the true church in Europe the Catholic Church because of the Protestant you know rebellion our lady filled in the gap eight to ten million people converted to Catholicism in the matter of like a decade massive conversion the Aztec you know false gods were crushed and Mexico became Catholic can you imagine today if there was a worldwide mass conversion of Muslims to Catholicism see they already pray seven times a day all we got to do is basically say yeah you've been doing it wrong here's the bravery right really they already got something that actually looks just like this - the crucifix but they got beads and they invoked the divine names you imagine if there was a worldwide conversion Muslims do and I pray for this is bold I know it's bold but that's just me Blessed Mother have an apparition on top of Mecca stand on top of that black box thing that they all go to and say to them like you said in an effort in SAFF tur 1917 when Our Lady appeared and it said grace is in mercy right appear on top of that black box in Mexico and have it say 'under you do whatever he tells you the true God right to Jesus Christ you imagine if something like that happened oh my goodness I pray for it I really do I really do and we need to be praying this more and more for every need that we have this is the call from Fatima this is in many ways an essential part of the divine mercy message st. Faustina loved the rosary she did she prayed it all the time all the time All Saints do by the way really if you want to go and virtue if you want to see change in your life and in your family pray the rosary it packs so much power in it that most people are not aware of it they do they just think that well I hang it from my rearview mirror of my car and nothing wrong with that right but take it off every now and then and pray it you know Fulton sheen I love he actually says that even if you you you can't pray the rosary physically God has you know set it up so we got ten digits you know you there's no excuse for you okay really there's no excuse he actually used to say this we don't have these anymore I kind of wish we did actually there is a guy making these in Iowa it blew my mind Fulton sheen said that on the old steering wheels you know the knobs that used to have he would use the knobs right to count the Hail Marys we have smooth steering wheels now but there's a guy in Iowa who's now designing rosary steering wheel covers you can put on your car you know so kind of interesting you know why not sure we need to get back to this we really do need to get back to this because when times are tough heaven speaks to us through the rosary time and time again and you know I won't ask you to raise your hand because I've done that before and people embarrassed themselves please don't raise your hand it's a rhetorical question how many of you have messed up family members I'm not going to look because you all do okay I do oh my goodness pray for the Callaway family my mom's a saint for sure my dad's on his way too but the rest of my family oh boy you know we got problems and I'm myself I'm still in need of conversion you know people read my book and like Oh father you're so great I'm like no I'm not no I'm not you know you see me for a weekend you think I'm great hang out with me for a week you'll realize who father needs prayer you know I gotta do sinker C's I got weaknesses and they'll manifest you know I'm still got issues we all do we all do most of you probably have a son or a daughter who no longer go to church they hate the church they think it's an outdated antiquated male-dominated Church at one ordained women and they're mad right or whatever we've all gotten messed up family members who just they got issues they're struggling with addictions of one kind or another or things that maybe they it's not even within their control a lot of people today are suffering from serious depression you know it because there's there's worse God and you know we kicked them out this is the way to get things back my friends this is the method heaven is spoken to us so many times and continues to speak to us about this the power of this so often and so frequently do you want healing in your life do you want healing in your marriage do you want your children to experience a conversion don't give up praying this will it always be easy no it won't now I say this almost making a confession to you right I love the Rosi I pray it every day it's but there are times I don't wake up sometimes in the morning and say yeah I'm going to pray it's tough and I say that as a priest because it requires sacrifice right it requires a commitment just like when you got married you know it there were the honeymoon lasted a week - if you were rich you know and then it was on with the reality of it's gonna be some sacrifice involved and you can't just abandon ship when things aren't going well you remember in good times and in bad in health and sickness when I like you when I don't like you when when you look great and then 40 years later when gravity gets you you got to commit gravity gets us all you know Fulton sheen once again I love what he says and by the way he was so in love with the rosary he came up with his own version called the world mission rosary you ever seen a rosary each decade is a different color you're to be praying that for a different geographical reason of the planet he's the one who made that venerable Fulton sheen he's the one who came up with that but he said that you know in marriage there are there are three rings right have you heard this I love this so only Fulton she could say something like this said there's the engagement ring the wedding ring and the sulfa ring yeah you know this better than I do right but see we're married to God all of us in our souls were espoused to God so there's gonna be joy there's gonna be the honeymoon we're gonna enter into prayer sometimes and it's gonna be yummy sugar sweet really good honeymoon but then a lot of times it's not gonna be what are you gonna do during that time are you gonna just put this back on your shelf are you just gonna put it away no pray it persevere through through it it has so much power to help you individually and your marriage and your funky children and your deceased relatives you know there's indulgences that are in the big book and the small little one which I talk about because I want to read you a quote from st. Louis de Montfort it's a stinger especially for priests actually for priests primarily he says this and when I first read this I was like ouch st. Louie de montfort who you really got me there but but he's right he's right he's talking about indulgences he says about the rosary people are often quite unaware of how rich the rosary is in indulgences this is because many priests when preaching on the rosary hardly ever mention indulgences and give rather a flowery and popular sermon which incites admiration but scarcely teaches anything oh right he's right he's right you know everyday you can gain a plenary indulgence by praying the rosary if you got deceased relatives you know probably did not die in a very good state or hopefully they're in purgatory you can be gaining a plenary indulgence everyday by praying the rosary for them see the the the chaplet has promises given from our Lord but this prayer right here at the rosary is one of the most indulgence devotional prayers in the history of the church you can be cleaning out purgatory imagine if we were all doing this we can make such an impact upon purgatory I know you know as I said I'm no saint I want to be but a long process I'm trying to be doing some serious purgatory time I want somebody don't forget me when I die that's the last thing I want off all the calories not gonna into our prayers I'm gonna be now like what helped you know pray getting get some indulgences give me one of those plenary indulgences you know think about uh st. John Paul to whom I loved and missed so much right think about him this guy to me he was just he knew what he was doing for the good of the world because he was Papa you know our Father our spiritual father but when he you know so in love with the Divine Mercy message even gave the church outside of the promise that Jesus gave to the chaplet right and the divine mercy celebration on Mercy Sunday but then for those who participate in Divine Mercy Sunday a plenary indulgence as well in addition to the promise of Jesus do you know what john paul ii did he died right on the after having celebrated the vigil masseter by Mercy Sunday gets the promise and in a certain sense the plenary indulgence and walks right into heaven brilliant brilliant now I'm not saying get a plenary indulgence and then walk in front of a bus that no don't write me up in the Boston Globe Father says go you know no but take advantage of all the graces that the church gives to you which you're doing this weekend because you're here for Divine Mercy Sunday you're going to be given unbelievable Grace's but when you leave and you go back to your parish in New Jersey or Pennsylvania or wherever it is and sometimes you go back to you you come here and you meet people of like mind and you see rosary packing Catholics and everybody's like praise the Lord you know but then you go back home and it's like everybody's dead Tabernacles down in the middle of the hallway you don't know where Jesus is in your church and stuff right you can make a difference you really can by praying the rosary if your parish doesn't pray the rosary maybe before after mass maybe politely kindly and with great humility ask your pastor if it can be done and start to do it this book will teach you how we'll show you how how to do it right not fast because a lot of times people when they do it they just walking through that thing you know just like slow down a priest in Ireland who's still alive I think he's a hundred years old father Gabriel Hardee's called the rosary priests of Ireland he always says remember what the sign says on the highway speed kills okay don't go so fast but don't go too slow either when you pray it in a group I talked about this in the book a lot of times why people don't pray the rosary before a mass with a certain group because there's one person it's like oh man like dude don't be weird right normal okay because then everybody's focusing on your voice and nobody it becomes basically a burden almost it's like normal breathing patterns normal you know and then I've you ever been to a place where you've got like a ton of people praying the rosary has one voice it's like spiritual thunder I mean it really is and st. Louie De Montfort talks about that he says one person praying the rosary is great is awesome but when you get a whole bunch of people praying in it praying it together it's like God takes a whole bunch of sticks and puts them together and Satan can't break it it's really really strong so pray this individually pray it and your marriage pray it in your parish begin to pray it okay more than you ever have before in both the chaplet the Seven Sorrows version or the rosary the the regular rosary but don't forget about this okay when you go back home keep it in your pocket keep it in your purse and use it it is a weapon for our times it is a call from Fatima it was the weapon Saint Faustina herself used it is the weapon that all saints use use it my friends thank you so much God bless you for coming today [Applause] you
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 155,980
Rating: 4.8858266 out of 5
Keywords: Fatima, Fr Donald Calloway MIC, Rosary, Mary, Our Lady, Divine Mercy, St Faustina, St John Paul II, Fr. Patrick Payton, Bishop Fulton Sheen
Id: V4R-UbpZASs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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