Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC - Mary Talk

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[Music] alright the rosary this is good stuff guys okay all of you hopefully I've been blessing them so I think you were given a rosary today right H Oh in Mexico or China one of the two but it's school you got a rosary all right so you see mine I hope you can see mine too because mine is sweet see this puppy it's called a warrior rosary it's a Cruz it's a dagger the crucifix can you see it well it's called the warrior rose my buddy in Florida came up with that made them and and now he sells them it's a sword it's a little dagger for a crucifix I don't think our Lord minds I real I really don't cuz this is a weapon see what you see me holding in my hands and when I'm myself holding in my hands doesn't look like a weapon it's just a beads on a string not very intimidating alright what would you do with this to cause any harm to anything with this not much physically okay these break in my pocket on occasion they probably break in yours you got to get a new one but what you can't see and I can't see either but what God can and what what our lady can and what the Saints can and what the angels can both the Holy Ones and the fallen ones is that I'm holding a sword seeing we like swords if you don't like swords and you're a dude you're a little off okay seriously nobody wants to follow pee-wee Herman into battle you want to follow the guy with the sword like Braveheart okay or whoever you know gimme gimme Conan off all that dude into battle okay but pee-wee Herman not so much okay we know this instinctively as men we're drawn to these things I mean look at look at the disciples of our Lord these are dudes and a love that our Lord referred to them in Manly terms because every now and then their manhood came out and all of its brutal ruggedness and our Lord didn't rebuke them for their manhood he needed to refine it but remember there's a couple occasions which I totally love man where James and John right they're walking down with Jesus one day and some people on the sidelines and they're kind of yelling out they're kind of being annoying and they basically this is my modern translation they basically turn to Jesus and say you know I smoked these suckas okay this is annoying that's what they basically say they you know know then they try to stop them and that's a manly response you know shut up but Jesus he's not upset by their manhood or their even their aggression their masculinity right today everybody toxic masculinity mmm don't even get me started right don't even get me started our Lord refines their manhood he loves their managed so what does he call them when when he has to refine it he doesn't refer to them as oh no my little tulips my little butterflies No sons of thunder that's what he calls them manly terms they would have loved that if Jesus would have called me a son of thunder I would have been like yeah that's right did you hear that who are you oh you're you're you're the rock see then he called Peter he didn't call my little pebble right follow me my little pebble no call him the rock and on my rock I will build my church that's manly language granite he's using the etymology of his very name you know Peter pay truce but still it's rock it's a rock and these dudes especially Peter on one occasion you know what he does he loves our Lord but he's got to be refined he's impetuous I love that dude sticks his foot in his mouth so many times before he thinks it through in the garden right they come to take Jesus and Peter's like oh no you don't takes on a dagger heat up mmm stabs a dude and you know he got his ear he cut off the guy's ear with this dagger or whatever it was but that's only because he missed his face he wasn't aimin to cut off his ear he was aiming for a mortal blow he wanted to kill the dude whoa now our Lord rebukes him put away the sword those who live by the sword die by the sword and it's true but you know on another occasion this is where a Tim staples and guys like this are just awesome cuz they interpret these things in such a great way our Lord on another occasion says what does he say I came not for peace but for a sword do you remember that part in the scriptures yeah he says I came to give a sword whoa now he's not talking about a sword of Steel okay Jesus is not Conan okay but he came to give us a weapon and we've got the weapon it's called the Catholic Church with it's sacraments and with its teachings that is the Word of God and it's powerful stuff but what is this what is this little bead in prayer it's the Bible on a set of beads brothers when you pray this you are praying the Word of God this was made in a time of chivalry of knights a battles in the 13th century is when this came into existence and just to show you because I want to go through the history a little bit with you to show you what this is all about because today unfortunately I meet a lot of men who say oh no no no that's what my grandmother that's maybe what my wife does every now and then but you know that that's more for ladies no it's not who was the first person that this was given to on this planet a dude Saint Dominic and there's a reason that they began to wear it on their left side which I'll get into because it's a sword we all know that unfortunately it is probably women that prey it more than we do but that's because you need to step up your game men really and truly how are you gonna defend your families your beauty and your children against a seven-headed dragon these vices it'll come into your life and will threaten you and your household how are you gonna cut the heads off of that wicked Hydra without a sword nobody slays a dragon without a sword how are you gonna do it you're not gonna be able to do it that's why if you were to ask any saint in the last 800 years since this has been in existence if they prayed it I guarantee you unless they died as a martyr when they were five or something they prayed it there is no saint who is going to hold this in disdain I guarantee you that because you can't hold the scriptures in disdain this is the Bible on a set of beads now just to show you that you know this isn't just ancient language we're talking about you know 800 years ago that they described it in these you know military terms and he's aggressive battle terms five years ago five years ago in Nigeria there's a bishop who's still alive you can go home tonight on YouTube and plug his name in and you'll see the videos in Nigeria as you know I'm sure there are radical Islamic terrorist groups and they are doing horrible things to people especially Christians but not only Christians to others as well one organization is called Boko Haram you've heard of them of course well in this one area in Nigeria where this bishop was and still is Bishop Oliver dome a he is so worried about his people and what's going on because I think it was 700 girls had just been this was 2014 just been kidnapped 700 girls were kidnapped by this Islamic organization and you know what they're doing with them sick twisted evil demonic men kidnapped him so he goes to prayer in his Chapel before the Blessed Sacrament and he's praying the rosary guess what he says happened you can watch the testimonies he's a prayer and all the sudden Jesus appears to him in a vision guess what Jesus our Jesus right the Jesus that we love guess what Jesus had in his hands a sword a sword that's awesome you know a lot of people today they get the wrong understanding of Jesus they think that Jesus is some tree-hugging hippy who's just gonna you know everybody group hug that is not Jesus Christ yes he's all about love and affection oh of course but the Lord is a warrior Lord is his name it says in the songs really no again he's not Conan okay because what happened next is amazing the bishop didn't know what to think of this mission you wouldn't know what I think of I wouldn't either that's not a normal vision to see Jesus with a sword of steel in his hands Jesus doesn't say anything he takes the sword in a gesture of giving it to his bishop no words are said the bishop seeing what's taking place reaches out to take the sword from Jesus guess what happens as soon as the bishop touches the sword it's mystically transformed into a rosary really and then Jesus speaks to his bishop and he says to him this three times Boko Haram is gone Boko Haram is gone Boko Haram is gone and then our Lord disappears and he is left holding the rosary that Bishop says he didn't need a prophet to tell him what it meant the rosary is a sword and we need to unsee it we need to use it against these forces of darkness that Bishop started rosary Crusades in his diocese meaning and parishes they would start to pray the rosary for the overcoming of Boko Haram do you know that shortly after that like a little over 600 of those girls were returned Boko Haram fighters of their own volition surrendered the girls back not all of them because some of them didn't make it but over 600 were returned shortly after that 700 Boko Haram fighters turned themselves in to the Nigerian authorities of their own free will nobody saw it coming how did this happen how is this possible this my friends history if you read that book I told you champions of the roser you will see that this has the power to change history it saves cultures it saves the church it saves your marriage it saves your manhood when you keep clicking that Mouse this is the antidote to get the poison out to overcome the darkness that's why it was our lady the Queen who gave this to us and she gave it primarily to be used by men as a weapon to defend the good the true and the beautiful so let's back up a little bit so in the 13th century there was this phenomenal priest originally from Spain but he was in southern France at the time and there was a heresy that was attacking Catholicism called alba gentian ISM they were attacking what would be classified as the Incarnation Ulrika ste ana T the joyful sorrowful and the Glorious Mysteries of Christianity though they weren't really cold that at that time but they were attacking them they were mocking these things they were getting people to leave the Catholic Church well this priest was on fire he's like I've had enough I'm getting permission from my bishop to go out into the streets and preach and bring these people back so he did but he wasn't having a lot of fruit it wasn't very much fruit which is odd because he was a super articulate preacher but I wasn't working so I went into a field in France and he prayed he made like a retreat he did penance and he prayed his heart out and that's when tradition says not let not myths not fables tradition says and it's been affirmed by so many popes and saints it's ridiculous Our Lady came to him Saint Dominic and gave him the rosary equipping this form of prayer that had been known as the Marian Salter but it didn't have any mysteries associated with it it wasn't meditated upon it was just saying the Hail Marys she weaponized it and told him to go out into the streets and to preach it and she gave him mysteries she loaded the weapon and she told him to go out and preach a new form of prayer and preaching came into existence because it was the perfect timing with the new mendicant orders that were gonna be coming about the Dominicans the Franciscans the Servite sand tons of others he went out and he won so many souls back to the one true church it was amazing then he founded an order called the Dominicans one of the most amazing orders that there is the order of preachers but see this when it was unsheathed who the devil didn't like that because you know what began to happen men in particular began to wear this that was the time of the Crusades men began to wear this on the saw on their side both religious priests and brothers but also laymen why why do they do that because see it those times and still today most people are right-handed you wear your sword on your left so when you unsheathe your sword you go from your right to your left and you pull it out so they began Dominicans Franciscans tons of other orders began to wear the rosary on their left side to symbolize that it's a sword that's why today almost if you see almost every not every one but almost if they have the rosary as part of their religious habit it's on the left side to symbolize that it's a spiritual sword now who didn't like that idea who didn't like that this sword had been weapon had been unsheathed Satan not liking this at all because now it turned every house into a small church this the catechesis that would go up around you didn't have to know had Latin you didn't have to be some theologian you could pray this anywhere portable prayer anywhere walking going to work waiting for something no matter where you were you could pray this Satan was not liking it do you know what he did shortly after that in Europe in the 14th century do you know what happened one-fourth of Europe died the Black Plague really at least historians say at least twenty-five million people died in about a span of eight years can you imagine something like that happening today 25 million this is historically factual it really happened those are just the ones that they're aware of because it struck all of Europe but places that were even unknown at that time experienced it why well obviously it was because rats were infested and so it's like that but there's a spiritual reason as well don't take my words for it st. Louis de Montfort who wrote the greatest book on the Rosary called the secret of the Rosary centuries later said that this was Satan's way of trying to get rid of the weapon trying to destroy it and you know it almost worked it did because the documents the original documents that talked about this and its origins were housed in monasteries libraries and in convents and you know most of those places were burned during the Black Plague the Black Death because they were taking care of the sick and those places became infested with the plague and it had to be burned Satan always always tries to burn the documentary evidence associated with a powerful weapon really maybe if you're not aware of the chaplet of divine mercy of Saint Faustina in more modern times Satan caused her to burn the first version of her diary really he appeared to her as an angel of light the devil can do that he's a fallen angel he tricked her and she burned the first version the one you read today is version number two because our Lord then appeared to her and said my that was not who you think it was and she started to write it again because there was going to be a new weapon given to the world a chaplet of divine mercy what I call the Rosary on training wheels no we can't give got 20 minutes so he's like give me five you losers right come on guys step it up give me five minutes he's so good he's so good there's gonna be a play throughout history a back and forth not that this yin-yang see a lot of people get that in false understanding Christianity like God and the devil are duking it out and we got to sit back and see who wins no there's no ying yang okay it's not 5050 the devil is toast to God could smoke him in a second but God wants our cooperation as creatures with freewill we have to cooperate with him to overcome evil God could make up to remember Jesus at one point says do you not think I could call down a legion of angels and take care of this situation of course he could like that but he wants our cooperation he wants us you know to be participants in this and so when this happened to plague Satan thought he'd won but he hadn't won there were people who still held on to it and after the plague certain other people began to promote different kinds of rosaries like the the Brigid een rosary the franciscan corona rosary and then there was a dominican blessed allen de la roche in the 15th century who started to receive revelations from our Lord Our Lady and Saint Dominic telling him to promote the original rosary the dominican rosary and he eventually did he was a little resistant because it was a dominican stuck in his books but he eventually got around to doing it and it spread everywhere Kings joined the Confraternity of the rosary in Europe and it spread everywhere it was being promoted everywhere but who didn't like that Satan oh he was having none of it God used a priest to renew the rosary guess what would happen shortly after that a priest would attack the rosary do you know what his name was father Martin Luther the founder of Protestantism really truly yeah you know it's funny just a couple years ago people are like oh we need to celebrate the Protestant Reformation bunk it wasn't a Reformation it was a revolt it was a deformation all there were issues that had to be addressed but you don't go off and do what you do and then have others go even further and that's the problem we have today Jim each new churches are started every day by Billy Joe Bob and what Tim said John and Larry's Church of fun I love that title whatever he said that's hilarious I was cracking up because it's true I could do it if I wanted to I would make Bank I would have mad money a private jet some nice cufflinks I could you kidding me right but that I could just smile all the time mega church right no this was a problem my friends a Catholic priest although he kept many of the truths of Catholicism of course you can't ditch everything or you lose Christianity but you know he attacked this he did there's still a book owned by former father Martin Luther in the university of uh I forget that I think it's Jenna but I forget the name exact it's in my book in Germany in the library Holdings it was his book rosary Confraternity book confirmed his handwriting in the margins you know what he did he said this is stupid this is stupid it comes from a legend that never happened the first his critic of the rosary tradition was a Catholic priest father Martin Luther he slammed he called it a stupid work why because he wasn't a big fan of works and he also said it's prayed for nobody why because he went after indulgences especially their abuse but this had so many indulgences attached to it but he went after it it's a stupid work prayed for nobody and it's a legend oh that was a problem that was gonna be a big problem the devil was going to take advantage of this the devil knew that now there's a divided brotherhood you've got the Church of Rome you've got other people who were Christians but they broken off so what did Satan do used a religion to try and attack Christianity and overcome it and conquer it Islam now don't think I'm an islamaphobe or something I'm just telling you history I'm not a hater you can read the books yourself it's just that so many people are so PC today nobody wants to acknowledge history and the facts of what happened cuz it's come full circles brother it's coming back around again it already has remember what happened just five years ago in Nigeria with the bishop guys trying to get our attention again not that we kill people or hate people it's the last thing that he wants us to do but then we bring them to Jesus Christ that we bring them the fullness of truth see what the dividing Europe now and Christianity the Ottoman Turks saw a great opportunity to conquer it and they wanted to for a long time oh they've been trying for a long time with great success in many instances like in the East when when they took Constantinople and turned it into Istanbul turned our greatest church over there into Hagia Sophia into a mosque and little victories here and there well it was a ripe opportunity for them to take advantage of this and there are great stories great stories you know probably Lepanto I'll mention it briefly that's the most well-known one associated with this but there were other battles before this like great ones all my goodness the great siege of Malta happened like six years before Lepanto lopata was 1571 but I think it was 1565 the great siege of Malta because they knew the Ottoman Turks knew if they get Malta it's the Gateway to attack Rome from the West and to conquer Christianity so they wanted it they were thirsting for it so they amassed an army of thirty thousand men to take the island of Malta really this is history I'm not telling you this you know making it up 7,000 men was all the island had to defend itself if the Muslims got Malta you got Rome you could take it 7,000 defended it and many of them were not skilled at this Malta's a rocky island you know they weren't trained for war well there was a man who was appointed to be the commander of the 7,000 men Jean Paris sought you know what he did he went to a blacksmith and he said to the blacksmith make me a sword because they're coming and I want you to put on the blade a rosary and graft a rosary on the blade of my sword you know we're not just gonna dialogue about it we're men we've got wives and children to defend we may not be the aggressors in this but if they attack he's gonna stand here and talk about it at the doorstep we got families to defend that's when men were men man so we made the sword you know they held off the Muslim fleet they never conquered it never you know that that sword is still in existence in the Church of Our Lady of Victory in this town of burgoo and the museum attached to the church it's still there I'm going to Malta in June I'm gonna go there and see it myself with my own eye but you can do the Google search you'll be able to see it the blade with the rosary on it thanks be to God after that was Lepanto because the muslims were ticked they'd amassed a huge army I think was like 70,000 70,000 and they weren't coming they were just gonna go all the way around this time not messing with Malta this time we're taking our ships and we're going in heavy and strong with the Pope at that time you know who he was I don't men again right he was gonna pray about it yeah yeah we're gonna pray about it we're also gonna do a little something-something about it to boys right rally up I is the Vicar of Christ I'm telling you we've got a serious threat here if we don't do something about this more than just prayer we're gone we're gone we're toast and your families and your rive your wives and children daughters are gonna be raped and killed there's gonna pray about it we're gonna do something about it so he formed a prayer groups and He blessed the militia he did Oh what great days those were oh my goodness and he sent him out he gave him an indulgence cuz he knew what was coming we're gonna wait for them to come he sent them out to meet them head-on while he asked all of Christianity to pray the rosary and did they know many of them did but many didn't Germany please he asked Germany to pray the rosary for the defense of Christianity remember Germany had just fallen to the Protestant revolt pray the rosary please England they were terribly interested either they were killing our priests stealing our property burning down our monasteries England didn't come to the defence but Spain did Venice did which was like its own country at that time and a few other places but not a lot and he appointed a man Don Horn from Austria to be the commander and they went out everything was against us the numbers the skill the quality of the ships even the weather was against us but this was for us and we won that's why we celebrate today basically our freedom in the West that is the Battle of Lepanto to save Western civilization from Islamic takeover every true historian knows this and you know you're not saying you're a hater by acknowledging history it's what happened the reason that you're not a Muslim today and facing towards Mecca when you pray is because of that battle really but today everybody's PC oh no we don't dare say that let's just let's cover up the Columbus let's cover up the images let's cover up all this other stuff cuz we're a bunch of pansies seriously we've become so weak it's not even funny so if I were to say this and this talk gets on CNN they're gonna so look at this guy he's so violent he's so aggressive I'm just telling you history it's factual make this up and it repeats itself so many times so many times and it has throughout the ages see this battle that's going on between God and the devil God wants to put this in the hands of his warriors his knights and his soldiers Satan wants to strip it out of your hands because if you're not packing this weapon you got no power how you gonna slay that dragon you're not you think that you're every now and then just cranking out a little prayer before you eat your chicken is gonna suffice it ain't if all you pray is bless us O Lord and these like how does it go again I can't remember you don't remember it right if you don't have a serious prayer life you're toast and your wife is toast and your children are toast and our civilization is toast that's why we find ourselves in the situation that we're in because so many men have shelved the weapon don't use it it don't even know how to pray it don't raise your hand you'll embarrass yourself but I bet you many of you don't know how to pray it Wow I mean that's sad brothers it's so sad because so many guys have thought well that's for the weak you're darn right it is you think you're strong you think you've got the ability to take down Lucifer are you aware that he's a fallen angel he can smoke you in an instant you're made from dust but if you have this weapon based on the Word of God you've got a sword more powerful than any other sword able to cut through bone and marrow because it's the Word of God and you'll have the ability to do this don't think that you're somebody don't think that you because you've got a Doctorate have you've been educated because you can think of speak three languages that you're able to be more intelligent than the evil one you've already lost if you think that you're not God wants you to have this guy's after the Protestant revolt after the Battle of Lepanto you know what God did to the church he sent missionaries around the world Jesuits Franciscans Dominicans Carmelites and when they traveled the high seas in the 16th century to evangelize the globe and those ships what did they take with them bulky tomes written in Latin to preach to the natives in Latin no did they take huge liturgical things to set up the know what did they all take this this evangelize the globe in the 16th century Satan tried to get rid of it through a Catholic priest and then through Islam God used so many holy men to transform this planet through this they all took it they all took it when saint francis xavier's set out on his voyage to go to india you know what he took with them this really when when the Dominicans and Franciscans went to South America and then they came up to our country from Mexico what do they all have with them this this is catechesis 101 this is Christianity 101 you can't get any more simple than this if you can't remember these prayers and think about these mysteries there's no hope for you it doesn't get any more simple than this this is why God wants us to know about it and to use it you know we are so blessed in this country because after the sixteenth century when the missionaries spread it all throughout the world God did amazing things amazing things from 1620 to 1623 this is a you may have heard of this one this is I still it just boggles my mind when the missionaries went to South America and Mexico where it was today Mexico they came up to what is now the United States through Mexico and they came upon a tribe of Indians called who mono Indians who already knew the faith are you aware of this it's amazing it's in a place in New Mexico in western Texas primarily in what we call New Mexico today in a town called a slate de New Mexico they come up and they come upon a tribe of Indians who already have been catechized and already have rosaries in their hands what who's been here before us nobody but the woman in blue they said they said to the missionaries there's been a woman coming to us in blue who has been teaching us about Jesus and about the Catholic Church and she gave us rosaries and she said that you would come and we've been waiting for you now the missionaries of course thought initially that they had were privileged with visions of the Virgin Mary the woman in blue right you think it seems like a no-brainer but they said no it wasn't the Virgin Mary we know who she is because the woman told us but the woman in blue never identified herself well in those days the missionaries kept great journals not just to their religious superiors back in Portugal or Spain but even to the king and queen of Spain because these were not just holy endeavors they were secular endeavors for the kingdom of Spain right so they kept these great journals they were sending him back we don't know what to make of this we've come upon a tribe that already knows the faith and already has rosaries well as the years went by they just covered that there was a famed mystic in Spain named Mary of Agreda she was by locating do you know what that is it's where God can send a person to multiple places at the same time it boggles science and no explanation but God can do this Padre Pio could by locate Saint Faustina but could by locate many Saints can he was sending her to these people to teach them the faith before the missionaries got there and in her convent in Spain they made rosaries she took the excess ones and gave them to the natives guess what color her habit was blue so when they sent over an image of her when they said the Indian saw it they said that's her that's the one who had come to us sister now venerable Mary of Agreda wrote a book called a mystical City of God about the hidden life of the Blessed Virgin Mary a masterpiece unbelievable stuff see God was gonna do amazing things amazing things to spread the Rosary in the next century this my friends to me is right on the level with the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe which you know about right should have should have deteriorated a long time ago built on cactus fibers the colors are not known to the human color spectrum they say that the colors are actually hovering above the fibers not even technically touching it it's a miraculous image the tilma I love how Scott Hahn describes it he says our lady came to Mexico in the 16th century and took a selfie and left it in New Mexico City you know brilliant pretty much pretty much still there I just was there three weeks ago right I go there every year on a pilgrimage amazing amazing but in 1754 do you know what happened in Colombia South South America does it may know about this Our Lady of las lajas you do my friend this is amazing amazing and it's still there but almost nobody knows about it 1754 missionaries had already gone there was evangelized a woman and her daughter were outside of the village one day gathering things and a storm broke out and the little girl had serious health issues major health issues she was mute she couldn't speak she couldn't he you know she had a lot of health problems they were out of the village and a rainstorm broke out they sought refuge in a cliff this huge slate cliff big big cliffs from the rain and like a little grotto when they were there they saw both of them a beautiful woman a mother and a little baby a little baby boy they knew who it was because they'd already been catechized it was Mary and the child Jesus they go back to the village and they want to tell where the daughter can't she can't speak so she can't tell anybody but the mother wants to tell people so bad what happened but she doesn't because she thinks that they're gonna think she's crazy so they continue to go back there to visit they never see it again division but they wanted to keep going back there after a period of time not very long because the little girl was so sick she died dead the little girl's name was Maria and the mother's name was Rosa she died the little goat dead the whole village knew the little girl was dead because they were preparing the funeral and the priests are getting ready to celebrate the funeral do what the mother did in a panic took her dead daughter in her arms ran out of the village everybody saw it ran to the cliff nobody knew where she was going because she never told anybody what had happened they just thought wow she's in a panic she's freaking out she runs with her dead daughter in her arms goes their praise for the little girl the little girl comes back to life everybody in the village knew that that little girl was dead they were about to celebrate the funeral she goes back the little girl's alive now and can speak and here nobody could deny what had happened they all race with the mother and the daughter to the cliff because they're telling them what happened they get there they don't see anything any vision but they see something there's a huge painting on the cliff life-size just as clear as you see me right now I mean even clearer it's amazing you know a lot of times people come up to me and with the pictures and they're like father do you see it I don't want to break their hearts but I'm like dude it's a bug no I don't see nothing bro maybe it is maybe it's a gift for you but most times it's a bug on the camera or you know lighting that's weird but people I don't break their hearts I'm like it's a gift for you you know I don't know but this was super clear beyond clear life-size painting and they asked who did this where did this we've been we people had been there but they were like what is this who pay did you paint this they said no we didn't ever been here it wasn't just here but we have no idea where I came from priest come and they I obviously know who's in the painting it's Mary holding the Christ child and in Mary's hands she's giving a rosary to Saint Dominic who's clear life-size kneeling on her side see this is to confound all the critics who began to say oh it's just a legend it's just you know fairy tales no no it's not God will put it into a rock because of our stubbornness and we think we're such academics and we start to get so critical of these things and call them legends on the other side is Jesus handing a friars chord to Saint Francis but nobody fessed up to painting it time goes by people go start to go there to pray because it doesn't go away it rains it's still there people being people I probably would have done the same thing we're such a stupid people right you know what they did they started to chip at it oh I'll take a little piece right they started to take it it shows a little chunk gone but it's still there the color is still there even though it's a little piece is missing how is this possible people being people they start to try and smear it it doesn't smear they'll they try people try what it nothing doesn't go away geologists come scientists come guess what they discover there's no paint there's no pigment it's not a painting the images life-size life-size brilliant colors they bore into the cliff three feet deep it's three feet deep at least in all the detail of the belt of the hands of the veins of the colors everything this is impossible science has zero explanation for this to this day it's boggles the mind of every single person who's gone there no explanation for this at all disc is impossible nature could never do this over a trillion years ever it's like you know when people say is it possible for four monkeys to eventually you know get be playing Scrabble and get good Edgar Allen Poe's works will never happen ever same thing with this do you know it's a minor basilica now fully approved by the church john paul ii talked about it during his pontificate look it up on google our lady of las lajas it looks like something out of Lord of the Rings is this beautiful Basilica over a deep canyon that just looks like amazing but almost nobody knows about it 1754 that it's still there I've got an invite right now to go there and I'm probably gonna go pray for me Colombia is a little sketchy you know but I'm willing to take a bullet for this I want to see this that's probably why it not a lot of people know about it you actually had to fly into Quito Ecuador in it you have to go up that way it's on the southern part of Colombia it's amazing that's how much God wants us to know that he's not playing games if we start to think that this isn't important he's gonna he's gonna make the rocks cry out because we're not paying attention so what happened after that remember that was 1754 you had people back where the rosary was born in France do you know what happened at that time wicked men in the birthplace of the rosary rose up to mock this do you know what that was called the French Revolution these were people who hated the Catholic Church it was cracks me up when people say oh the French Revolution was great you don't know jack about how bad that was they took our nuns to the guillotine what sicko takes a nun to a guillotine really this is what they were doing horrible things do you know what the ultimate sacrilege that they did they went into the Cathedral of Norodom in Paris and Notre Dame doesn't mean football by the way it means our lady that's what Nora Dom means doesn't mean football okay so they march into the Cathedral of Our Lady and guess what these sick twisted leaders of the French Revolution do they bring in a prostitute I'm not kidding half-naked they have her lie on the altar and do you know what they chant out to her hail goddess full of reason I'm not kidding see that's to mock the sweet Ave given to the world the beginning of our salvation hail full of grace the Lord is with thee if you're the devil what do you want to do you want to mock that woman cuz you're not stupid if you're the devil you know that it's that dainty woman's little feminine foot that crushes your face God put it in the bookends of history Genesis to Revelation her foot crushes your face he hates that woman he wants to mock her he can't destroy her she's untouchable but he wants to mock her and everything associated with her so if you can get leaders of a revolution to go into her Cathedral will have a prostitute lie on the altar and make fun of the hell Mary do it and they did all God was not pleased with the ahve of the rationalists at all do you know he was gonna do shortly after that he was going to send our lady back to France the birthplace of the Rosary and where Satan was mocking it to a little girl named Bernadette Soubirous and our lady herself would come with this in her hand and pray parts of it with little Bernadette the parts that our Lady could pray she doesn't pray for the forgiveness of sins she's not a sinner you could get no greater endorsement for the Rosary than when your mother comes with it in her hands and she tells you to pray it a rosary revolution began after Lourdes unbelievable stuff the writings of Louie de montfort were rediscovered because they've been buried in a field in France during the French Revolution which is kind of good because had they been discovered they would have been burned we wouldn't happen today well you wouldn't have true devotion the Blessed Virgin Mary today the basis of basically all modern Marian consecration had it not been buried in a field God saved it for a later time when it would be needed the secret of the rosary the secret of Mary buried in a chest in a field they were discovered translated and disseminated throughout the world God basically said to the devil you mocked my woman you mocked my lady in her Cathedral watch what I do there was a dude in Italy from Naples who was raised a Catholic but he went off to college to study law his name was Bartolo Longo he abandoned Catholicism it was a very nationalistic movement at that time in Italy and people were were mocking Catholicism saying it's old wives tales it's nonsense you don't have to buy that stuff anymore we've been educated now so he left the church he got involved in the occult still searching and he got started going to seances he became an ordained satanic priest I'm not saying this for dramatic effect these are his words he was an ordained satanic priest Bartolo Longo what was the fruit of that depression anxiety wanting to commit suicide nightmares all of that that's always the fruit of the occult you think it gives you power and you end up being tricked deceived and miserable miserable that's what happened to him eventually after a period of time he was so miserable that he humbled himself and he went to a priest a Dominican priest and that priest told him about the rosary and the 15 promises associated with it and how it's a weapon an anchor to get you out of the occult Bartolo he believed it he repented he even barged into a seance and he told the people repent this is what you are searching for they mocked him they kicked him out of the seance he renounced everything he became a third-order Dominican took the name brother Rosario he built the rebuilt the destroyed city of Pompeii remember Vesuvius in like the fourth century he began construction on what would become and is now today the world's most famous shrine dedicated to the Rosary Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii mind-blowing that church is its own diocese it's a Pontifical Basilica it's its own diocese it's bill and Bishop lives right there that's so important it is do you know that former satanic priest is now blessed Bartolo Longo a blessed out of the Church beatified in 1980 by saint john paul ii if God can bring back a satanic priest ^ the rosary he can help you okay you probably haven't been a satanic priest but even if you have there's hope because I know I talk to a lot of people they say father my son is involved in the occult they're in Arizona doing crazy stuff or there wherever dude they're crazy there's hope this has the power to slay the dragon you've got to unsheath it you've got to use it no matter what it is that you were suffering from especially because I'm we're men pornography brothers I can't tell you the content of the confessions I hear but I'll tell you this there is nothing else right now plaguing the hearts of men like pornography it's everywhere it's in your face it's so easily accessible and in all likelihood almost all of you have fallen to it seriously it's everywhere it'll find you you could be innocently going to check your email and up pops that Victoria's Secret thing on the side and you're like what's that nobody around one thing leads to another you find yourself mmm stuck stuck see this is why in the age of pornography we live in the age of more reported Marian apparitions than any other time in the history of the church why because beauty is being fought for right now the devil is trying to get your heart through it because we're naturally drawn to it it's one of God's greatest mysteries it's unbelievable mystery the feminine wonder Satan can get you because he knows we are drawn to and gets you addicted to lust with this gift God wants you to become victorious through the aid of a woman you're never gonna become a good man without a woman in your life me either I'm not married I don't have a wife but that doesn't mean I don't have a woman I have the woman she's my lady my queen my princess my sweetheart my everything my life my sweet is my joy my delight I fight for that woman and fighting for her I'm fighting for everyone else like a game of chess chess comes the Catholic culture right I hope you know that that's why I say Maximian Kolbe a love to play chess see Teresa of ávila doctor of the Church has a chapter on the game of chess and her book called the way of perfection saint john paul ii loved to play chess why because it's an analogy for the spiritual battle and the Christian life black and white all this gray nonsense everybody oh it's complicated no it's not it's black and white let your yes be yes and your no me no you got actually people today Sally breaks my heart I take no pleasure in saying this in the church today who say that two plus two does not equal four it can equal five are you an idiot sadly yes they are you can't take her with mathematics it was around before you were here to be round after you're gone it's outside of us to play around with you don't dork around with a tweak it nuance it it is what it is it's outside of you and me it's the same thing with this spiritual battle and the truths that will never change black and white and it's all about the king it's all about the king everybody who plays chess knows that if you search somebody says it's not about the king they don't know don't listen to them they don't no idea what they're talking about but who has the most mobility on the board the Queen and the King isn't jealous he isn't saying pay attention to me pay attention to me if you fight for her you're fighting for him he delights in her power he gave it to her any number of squares in any direction everybody knows if you lose the Queen you lose the game game over boys if you don't have the Queen but did you know that there are two bishops on the board just two but it only takes one of them just one if one Bishop cooperates with the Queen do you know that you can overcome the enemy in four moves I'm serious the New Evangelization ain't rocket science brothers you've got to unleash the Queen give her mobility in your life in your family in your parish in your diocese and you will crush the enemy if you do not you will come up with stupid programs of evangelization strategic planning projects that waste time and money give it to our lady it's her foot that crushes Satan's face to say you don't have to be brilliant you don't have be articulate you don't have to be the next full machine the patient's sainted priests st. John Vianney that little weak look and French dude scared the daylights out of Satan why I've always wondered that when I became Catholic I was like seriously that dudes the patient saying to priest I would have liked Conan you know in an image that dude yeah that dude why because he loved our lady he loved our lady he had power he had so much power the Satan appeared to him one time and said to him if there were but a few more priests like you I would have no power wow that's amazing but see that applies in general to manhood in general are you doing what you need to be doing brothers to defend yourself and the beauty that's been entrusted to you and your family but also in the church or are you part of the problem have you shelved your weapon are you so wrapped up in things that you're just carefree and whatever who cares it doesn't matter no brothers we've got a man up to the challenges of our time and we've been even given a new set of mysteries for the things that are threatened today I meet people on occasion that really disturbed me because they say oh no I don't pray these Luminous Mysteries that's a post Vatican 2 invention and I stick with the traditional well then you also need to read ok because these there's not a post Vatican 2 and john paul ii is not the originator of the Luminous Mysteries technically it was 1957 st. George Preta from the island of Malta came up with the mysteries of light john paul ii didn't jump all too beatified him and benedict canonized that man st. George Preta but john paul ii did not create these he basically as Pope Vicar of Christ offered them to us sure they're optional but don't you want your weapon sheesh reloaded you should see in the 13th century the joyful sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of Christianity we're under attack certain mysteries were not under attack back then but now they are baptism how many people are not baptizing their children today tons I wasn't baptized till I was 10 and even then it didn't matter I meet so many people who say although I don't baptize I'm gonna let them grow up and make that very important decision that is stupid parenting 101 okay are you gonna allow your child to decide to eat no cuz if you don't if you do they're gonna die this is real this is a sacrament it brings grace into the soul yes they'll grow up and mature but did you need to baptize your children as a baby you're not doing it because you're a slacker because you're a moral cop-out that's why you're not baptizing your kids the responsibilities upon you you've got to live it that's why we have these new mysteries of light these are the mysteries being attacked today marriage why of all the mysteries of meditating upon today will we be given the marriage feast of Cana because marriage is under attack boys today we've got insanity people actually think that it's legit for two dudes to get married do you know what an insult to God this is we're broken wounded all of us baggage I pray for my I have friends who suffer from SSA they're my friends I love them Jesus loves them but in no way is this to mean that marriage between two dudes or two women is legit it's not it's wrong see this is why we have this mystery Jesus is at the wedding feast of Cana where it's very clear that it's a man and a woman getting married and that's the only kind of marriage that Jesus is act when you pray that decade you're making reparation to the heart of our Lord and our lady because they're very much offended by our arrogance by our sinfulness because we remain persistent in it we're all weak and broke but if you start denying that two plus two equals four you're lost today we're lost we think that these things are right and we put them in law it's not good it's not good why don't we meditate upon the the proclamation of the gospel because today people think that is just one of many options you can follow Buddha Muhammad or Shinto or Taoism or Sedona Arizona The Rock and your belly button to find nirvana it's just one of many options everybody goes to heaven that would be easy but it's not true there is one way to the Father and that's Jesus Christ he said go out and baptize all nations in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit they're not all on an equal level but today people say oh but how could you say that look how broken wounded the church is you bet you it is but just like the ship of Noah back in the day there was a lot of crap in it but you don't jump the ship you're gonna step in it it's gonna stink but if you jump out of that boat you're dead you're gonna drowned you're not gonna make it you got to stay in you'll reach the shore of time you've got to believe in Jesus you've got to trust him that's the slogan of our day right Jesus I trust in you even though so many people who represent you in the church with collars on suck I'm in it for you Lord not even because their preaching is dynamic and their you know the music is good because we all know that in most parishes the preaching sucks and the music sucks it's not about that it's about unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you don't have life where are you gonna go well you think you're gonna go you're not gonna go anywhere don't jump ship Jesus isn't one of many options he's the only way to the Father and what about the you know the the Transfiguration similar the Eucharist do you know how many Catholics today don't believe in the road presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament clueless it breaks my heart as a priest let me tell you it breaks my heart I'm not Padre appeal right I don't read souls but when people come up with the communion line I don't need to be Padre Pio because I can see by the way that they receive I say the body of Christ and the hands are down here or they don't know what they're doing they're in clueless if you went up to your average Catholic probably and you asked them do you believe that Jesus Christ is present body blood soul and divinity and the Eucharist huh seriously they've been so poorly catechized it's not even really their fault they'd have been catechized properly they've been taught to saving a tree is more important than these things you'll save tons of trees when you save these things when you get this things right and you prioritize things that really truly have everlasting meaning oh this is gonna melt away doesn't mean we don't try to preserve them and take care of them of course we do but there's a priority seek first the kingdom of heaven and then you get everything else but you seek first the kingdom of the earth you don't even get hurt the earth really Catholics need to know this that's why we have these Luminous Mysteries today the sword has been modernized it's a lightsaber that's what it is a modern weapon for modern times brothers are you using it are you a Jedi Knight so to speak are you willing to go to battle I hope so brothers because you are under attack the culture wants to take away your masculinity they want to call it toxic they want to attack you and your family don't let them you take up this weapon and you defend the church you defend your family you defend what is good true and beautiful and you too might be a saint because that is what you've been called to be god bless you brothers [Music]
Channel: Salt & Light Radio
Views: 137,619
Rating: 4.8961186 out of 5
Id: R22z1mKHByg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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