The Rosary as the Weapon! with Fr Donald Calloway

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I'm happy to be here with father Donald Calloway and he is the vicar provincial and vocation director for the mother of mercy province of the Marian fathers of the Immaculate Conception he is an Emmy Award winner and the author of 13 books and he leads pilgrimages to Marian shrines around the world for their dark hallway welcome back yeah good to be back my brother yeah your got good stuff going on on your channel thank you thank you you you too this new book father just put out a new book called ten wonders of the Rosary and I've spent the morning in it it's awesome I love it so well done on it we did a we did a video a while back on your previous book on the rosary help me I can't I blanked out what's the name of it champions are the wrong champions of the rosary with Saints and yeah it's excellent but this one everybody go get this one this is this is great I love it and you go through here and you give you know ten wonders of the Rosary and you talk about you know it's divine origin you talk a lot about the rosary as a weapon the work the rosary is a force of grace in the world and man that gets me fired up I try to end every one of my videos with pray the rosary we got to pray the rosary it's our weapon especially as laypeople we take our orders from Our Lady of Fatima that's you know we can't worry about you know what the bishops know how to do our job she told us to do is pray the rosary yeah and so that's what we you know we faithful we need to do that so well we just kicked this off and you know let's talk about the divine origin of the rosary we talked about that before I've written on it before there's all these people out there who say the rosary was just kind of made up mmm by pious people over time but that's not the story in tradition the story notion is remarkable and why'd you share the the original story the divine origin story yeah and it's I love that you said tradition because that's what it is you know and a lot of times people today especially like in the last 100 years they talked about it as a legend and you know I have to say that whenever I hear that word I get upset because I'm this isn't a legend I don't base stuff off of legends you know yeah or the rings yeah exactly you know and our lady when she comes an approved apparitions she's not telling us you know pray a legend pray pray something based on a legend you know it's it's grounded in more than that and it's tradition granted with a small T it's not in the same level as you know dogmas and things but nonetheless it's it's it's valid and to date there's never been a pope who has contradicted it even though we've had some pretty pretty shaky Pope's you know so there's a whole story to this so in the 13th century I'm a very holy priest who was from Spain but he was in southern France at that time we'll call him father Dominic at this point he's uh he's on a preaching campaign to a win back heretics these guys known as albicans Ian's who are attacking many of the mysteries of the face and they you know basically held that things in the spiritual realm were good matter was bad it's a dualist dualism and never get a lot of people away from the faith well his father Dominic fired-up went out into the streets to preach to bring him back but he wasn't having a lot of fruit so tradition says he went on a retreat in the forest and that's when our lady came to him and she gave him the rosary so she told him specifically to preach my Salter so what does that mean because that could be a little confusing so prior to that time there was a form of devotion to Our Lady in monasteries known as the Marian Salter because there had been something previous called the the Potter no stair beads where monks who couldn't read Latin would say 150 our fathers as a substitute for praying the Psalms in Latin but then you know from like st. Bernard of Clairvaux and a whole bunch of other medieval monks they developed the equivalent in a Marian way the Marian Salter so they would pray 150 Hail Marys at that time what was the Hail Mary prayer so she said preach my Salter and tradition says that she gave him the mysteries to preach on the exact mysteries that the alba gentians were attacking what we now know as the joyful sorrowful and glorious the luminous would come later because the Luminous Mysteries one under attack at that time so so he took this out into the streets and used it he weaponized the Marion Salter made it an evangelical tool and a spiritual weapon and went out to the streets and used it and won back so many people to the face and then he founded the Dominicans the order of preachers and is known now as st. dominic and the rest is history it's 800 years now we've had the rosary it's remarkably cuz the Manichaean the Alba gentians were denying you know he said matter physicalities evil spirit is good and so that fundamentally dava denies the role of Our Lady in the economy of salvation because she is the one who gives birth you are Lord you could touch him you know you could hear him but I was there he was fully he was fully divine but he was fully man and so that's the that's the fundamental target of the alba gen seon's is that mystery right there that the word became flesh and so it's no surprise that the antidote would be Marian you know the Marian Salter but then attaching it with kind of like nuclear warheads and that is that is the mysteries that the people now are doing a Marian Salter but now they're attaching the New Testament to it and they're thinking about the stories we see in the Gospels of Mary and Jesus ya know well said and and that's it I mean we say that flesh is the hinge of salvation right specifically the flesh of Christ unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you don't have life that's what our Lord says and and where is that flesh and blood come from it comes from Mary's flesh and blood he's not a robot he's not a phantasm he's not an angel he's the god man you know has a human nature and that's what they were attacking so yes it is interesting how so many of these heresies you'll find our lady is the one who will overcome them and conquer them and that's why we call her the the conqueror of all heresies that's one of her titles you know so let's move on here that's the divine origin and I think is as devoted Catholics this is we believe this if a person says why you pray the rosary I think we tell them the story right right and you know what's amazing you know this as well as I do as a historian you know when you go to churches in Europe or South America or whatever and and I mean a lot of them this has been around for a long time what the catechesis are we being taught in art is is are we being shown legends or are we being shown Our Lady giving the rosary Saint Dominic I mean are we looking at things that aren't true because if that's the case we've been deceived brother I mean these things have been prints are prayed before these popes have laid roses before these artistic depictions of the rosary tradition so this isn't a legend this isn't a myth this isn't a fable or a fairy tale it's real and so it's worthy of our belief yeah Our Lady instituted this she gave it so it is effectual yeah now that with what you already touched on already but let's talk about the rosary as the weapon I remember last time we talked you taught you taught me something I didn't know and that is the reason the religious wear the rosary on their bill actually goes back to the Crusaders mm-hmm join us again that story is a great story yes so you know a lot of monks especially who were in the Crusades they would wear either the Paternoster beads or the Marian Salter on their left side because you know a lot of them especially if they were monks and in vows they weren't wielding a sword of steel many of them somewhere but not all of them but the ones who weren't you know they decided to to substitute it with this form of devotion and so you know bringing that into the founding of the Rosary the Rosary was was born in a time of chivalry of knights in battles and so that's why the early mendicant orders with the Dominicans Franciscans and the others that would follow when they decided to wear it on there as part of their habit they wore it on their left side because most people are right-handed you know most not all but most so you would unsheathe your sword from your left side and so that was the symbolism of that and to this day if you look at almost all almost all religious when they have the rosary it's on the left and for that reason and didn't you say also that the first historical mention of the actual beads and the rosary is is in the Crusader time or related to a seder what would be called the rosary yes right before that you know that name was around the Rosary but it wasn't used for that particular devotion yet so it did develop a little bit people were a little hesitant at first to use the word rosary because there were people who were using that word for immoral practices meaning they would go off behind rose bushes and do immoral things so initially there were people who said well should we really call it the Rosary that's being used for something else so it the name Marian Salter stuck around for a little while it really wasn't until blessed Allen de la Roche in the 15th century when it really stuck the word rosary yes and doesn't that relate to the visions of seeing of the saints mystically seeing placing a crown of roses rosarium on the head of our lay yeah yeah absolutely and the interesting thing is you know the rosary was given a saint dominic and his sons you know in the Dominicans but it was a Franciscan novice in 1422 that he had a vision of Our Lady where our lady made it very explicit to him that when he prayed this former devotion he was crowning her head with spiritual roses and so from that point on it kicked in in all forms of Mary and Salters because they were actually quite a few there were in existence at that time st. Brigid of Sweden she actually had a form of a Marian Salter the servants they had one and today we call that one the Seven Sorrows rosary that's got a long history you know so there were all kinds of Marian Salters but then in 1422 with that vision they all became known as rosaries but they became like the dominican rosary the Franciscan wrote at the corona the Brigid een rosary the Seven Sorrows rosary and so then Blessed Allendale our Oaks at the end of the 15th century he people were like wow there's so many options which one's kind of the real which one's the original and that's when blessed Alain de LaRoche did a little research in history and said well it's actually st. Dominic and that became the the father of all rosaries yes now up until I think even the Second Vatican Council these various rosaries were used by the various orders and there was a franciscan rosary I think people still pray it isn't that right yeah there is it's the crown the corona rose it's a beautiful and I was I was talking to some Franciscan friars the renewal and they were kind of lamenting that one of the reasons why the other variations have essentially disappeared is that when Paul the six changed the practice of indulgences that those other ones lost their indulgences and only the rosary that the Dominican rosary the one we're discussing the official one retain its indulgences and so therefore that's the one you do is that right yeah it may be right I've heard something similar I'd have to do a little research on that but they may be correct on that because there were a lot of changes which is a bummer I mean when you lose that and people kind of put that down and don't do it but you know at kebaya ho you know the approved apparitions are of Our Lady of Kibeho in Rwanda our lady talked about the Seven Sorrows rosary and trying to bring that back so I have to do a little digging on their own indulgences thing but I think that the CFR sort of the Friars who told you that probably are correct yeah because they were lamenting there like we'd like to bring it back but and we also want to get the plenary indulgence which is attached right to not reciting the rosary so you know you can I guess do both but there's only so much time so what about the siege of Malta that's a good story as well yeah I love that story I'm actually so excited because I'm going to Malta this summer I've never been you know Malta lately has been a place of a lot of drama so hopefully I'll avoid that you know stuff but I'm gonna go and I'm actually gonna see some of the things associated with the great siege of Malta so so in the sixteenth century most people are familiar with Lepanto you know when you hear Lepanto you just think oh of course that's that's the key one but even before Lepanto there were you know Ottoman Turks and other Muslim groups who were seeking to get to Rome that was the ultimate goal and kind of still is and they they went they knew that if they went around you know Italy and they went up to kind of through the West they could attack Rome and so Malta was a key island and you know Malta historically you know it was st. Paul who was shipwrecked there you know you read about that in the Acts of the Apostles that's where the venomous snake bit him and he didn't die and people started worship him and he's like what are you doing you know anybody but he brought Jesus to the island so and a lot of other tremendous things have happened there so before uh I think it was about six or seven years before Lepanto there was an army I think it was like thirty thousand Muslims that were going to take the island and use it as a strategic point to get to Rome well there was about seven thousand men on the island that were gonna defend it and they weren't even that skilled but there was one leader his name was John Parris salt this guy phenomenal man he goes to a blacksmith he's not playing games he's not gonna dialogue about it you know he's gonna we're gonna pray but we're also gonna you know do something a little more than prayer here because we're under threat which makes a lot of sense so he goes to a blacksmith and he asks him to make him a sword and he says I want you to engrave on the sword a rosary and he did now those 7,000 men held off 30,000 Muslims they never got the island of Malta that sword is still in existence today and that's the sixteenth century at a church it's a little museum attached to the church in the city of burgoo in Malta so when I go there this summer I'm actually our group is going to go see that sword so it's gonna be awesome that's good so it can you touch it what's the state status of that think it's behind glass yeah do I need to make a special request maybe I don't know I want to see a picture of you with it holding it up right totally right yeah it's so old I hope it's you strong enough to be held but um you can actually do a google search you can find it and you can see it okay yeah you know that sort of goes against a common misunderstanding in our time that rosaries are kind of for old ladies mm you know that's the old ladies after mass or before mass that's what they do the G rosaries and and guys I guess go smoke cigarettes or whatever but that's not at all the tradition no tradition of the rosaries is actually I mean of course the convents and the women are doing it everywhere but the tradition of it over and over again as you see really mighty men right Saints male saints using the rosary as a weapon all the way from Dominic to Padre Pio and pius v and it has a tradition of battle I mean it shares the feast day of Our Lady of victory yeah which refers to military victory not just the usual victory so can you speak to that I mean I think there are there is still this idea that rosaries for old ladies yeah no there is and it's unfortunate and it is certainly for old ladies and it is for nuns and convents no doubt about that right but again according to the tradition who was the first person that the rosary was given to a man I mean that's huge I mean that's a huge statement and so I think that you know in my research because I've written five books on the rosary now and I've just you know spent so much time doing this and I came up with what I call twenty-six champions of the Rosary that's the title of one of my books and of those twenty-six champions I think like twenty three of them are dudes they're men you know Pokes and saints and priests and even lay people you know not don't even have to be a saint but they're men now there have been then the main promoters of it you know many times because they were bishops and they were prominent figures I think we all know that it's probably women that do pray at more than men you know how many grandmothers have you know interceded for the grandchildren and and so many other situations so I think there's something to say there about women probably do pray it more than men but in the history of its motion it's been men bishops priests and laymen who have promoted it and written about it and that's I think women would have done the same thing but we know the history of it you know a lot of times the women didn't know how to read him right that's no detriment to them it's you know thank god we've grown past that obviously but that was just how history went and so they didn't they promoted it by praying it more than writing about it or preaching about it you know women didn't preach but the men did and so some people when they saw had a a commissioned artwork on these 26 champions and when I did classic man some people went off on me they're like why aren't there more women in the picture and I'm like dude you want me just make up stories I mean I'm doing historical research here this is the way it went down you know I got nothing against women trust me the grace person whoever human person River lit was a woman you help all those men know that women are better than us but this is just the historical facts of it you know women pray it more than men but men have historically promoted it more so men I always tell my brothers man up guys cuz you're you're not doing what you should be doing if you're not praying and promoting the rosary that's right one of the things that's great about the Rosary I think for men in particular and again it's for the ladies just as much as for the men but for the men you know we're very I think we're task oriented and generally especially in my life my wife's much better at multitasking than I am I'm a single Tasker right it's a sequential process most of my day and the Rosary is just perfect for that yeah I mean of course you have you're moving the beads which and you're doing the mystery so there's kind of two things there but it's very clear of where it begins where it ends and what I should be doing I love it for that yeah I do too if you said go spend 20 minutes and for another statue of Our Lady and pray I don't know it'd be varied it's very difficult for me to imagine doing that but if I had a rosary I could get it done and I think that's that's part of the genius of it it is part of it I totally agree with you and I think it's it's you know for men in particular you nailed it because I if I were asked to go do something that was kind of nebulous though spiritual I just get I wouldn't know what to do the rosary is perfect for me as a guy yeah you know you also mentioned that the rosary is feared by the devil and when a time now or post-christian and we're seeing the occult rise up everywhere or cease outright Satanism but I also just think like Wicca and things like that and we're also seeing a need for more exorcists and the rosary is also a solution there preventive Anna care tell us about why the devil hates the rosary yeah well the rosary I mean is basically grounded in the Word of God and you know as st. Paul says the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword it has the ability to pierce through you know bone and marrow it's it's powerful so the the rosary is basic basically the Bible on a set of beads and you can whip the daylight's demons with this weapon he's like spiritual nunchucks you know you go out on these guys and they're gonna be jumping out windows because when you're praying the Our Father you're praying the Hail Mary and that has power you know as the prophet Isaiah said or God said to the prophet Isaiah when I send out my word it comes back to me yielding fruit so when you pray that rosary you're praying the Word of God and there's gonna be fruit from that demons are gonna be crushed and conquered lives are gonna be changed people are gonna come back to grace virtue is gonna be acquired sin is going to be overcome addictions it's it's so powerful that we really do need to emphasize that because you're right today I mean demons have been unleashed on the earth and and you know we really need to realize that with this short prayer we can we can overcome you know these forces it's it is in a certain sense like a mini exorcism the rosary really is I mean the movies you know even though they're movies I am sure that if someone was possessed and you put a rosary around their neck they're not gonna be happy about it you know the devil knows what that is yeah there's this tradition that you know in genesis 3:15 where the lord places emiti between the devil and the woman and we know that that woman was really eave it was our lady the new Eve but that M de T is the reason why she's the Immaculate Conception the devil's got nothing on her but there's also this tradition that the devil really really is afraid of and hates our lady because you know he was the highest angel but now she's the highest creature you know what she superseded him by by so far now I think that really hurts his pride because he's prideful right and do you think that's one of the reasons why the rosary is so hated by him it's a mystery the Incarnation but it's a devotion to the lady who outdid him yeah I think so and once again as you alluded to earlier it's the Rosary is grounded in incarnation or mysteries those mysteries of the flesh and Satan's not into the flesh you know he'd rather see it destroyed so again grounding it in that fleshly reality of an incarnation or religion that's huge and that's why Satan yeah that's why he hates it yep you know you as a priest hear this a ton I hear it some just as a Catholic teacher but you know so and so my daughter my son my uncle is left the church or you know my spouse or whatever how what can I do what book can I give them what DVD can I give them what CD can I give them right and all of those things are important I'm not discounting that's part of what I do is part of what you do you know we're making books for making lessons so that's very important and key but the rosary if you leave out the rosary you seemed like you're kind of undermining your whole task like the power of conversion yeah in the rosary can you talk about that conversion yes yeah oh no absolutely I think I've got there's a great quote in the book from Saint Louie De Montfort about that he says something that basically says in his book the secret of the Rosary which is the greatest book ever written on the Rosary you know I mean that guy is phenomenal league of his own he says that dear reader I'm going from memory and here dear reader I promise you that you will gain more by praying the rosary than from reading any spiritual book I mean that and that's a powerful statement and why could he say that because when you again when you pray the rosary you're the Word of God how are you going to do better than that you're really not and so if you are seeking to bring a loved one back to the faith or trying to give them good material that's good that's good that's great and we need to do that but it definitely needs to be grounded in prayer and if you can get people to take the time to meditate upon the saving mysteries of Jesus and pray those anointed words from the scriptures the Our Father and the Hail Mary the Holy Spirit's gonna do is work you know we don't have to because I'm not faulting Sheen I'm not as articulate as Fulton sheen I can't put it in pity little statements like he did you know and that's okay you know that's okay yeah you don't you know the Cape no I actually actually yeah I got one of these kind of case that the priest would wear like forties or fifties but it just didn't look quite right I thought you know this is a little odd people kind of think it's Halloween or something you know I can understand what I'm doing so it's in the closet but the rosary yeah I mean it's it's that allowing the Holy Spirit to come in and to really move a heart and a soul in ways that we're not going to be able to do that we're not God but if we if we give him that ability teach people the rosary it can happen yeah tell us that can you tell us a story about the devilish Italian lawyer love this guy I love this guy yeah so okay so just a little over a hundred years ago now there was a guy named Bartolo Longo in Naples and of course he grew up Catholic yeah I'm using Naples but then he went off to college and unfortunately he left the face you know he was it was a time of real nationalistic movements in Italy and he got swept up in that he left the faith but he was still searching so he had some friends who were going to seances and they were doing all kinds of weird stuff so he went with them and he thought that it gave a meaning you know and purpose and power and influence and he got so wrapped up in these that he actually became an ordained satanic priests I mean that's you can't get any worse pretty bad right yeah I mean makes me look good I did a lot of bad things you know I never do anything like that and what was the fruit of that he it led to depression anxiety and even thoughts of suicide he was horrible so eventually after a period of time he broke down and he humbled himself when he went he found a priest and thank God he found a Dominican priest and the Dominican priest told him about the rosary right thinking what we just said this priest could have probably given him a ton of books right Dominicans especially could have given him some really good stuff on Grace and oh you know but it would have been the right time so what he told him was the rosary so this man Bartolo completely bought into it and he said this is my way out of the vehicle so he renounced the occult he became a third-order Dominican himself took the name brother Rosario and had a massive conversion massive conversion ended up rebuilding this destroyed city of Pompeii you know Vesuvius and the third or fourth century whatever it was nothing had been done there since then and so he rebuilt it and he built started building a shrine to the Rosary Our Lady of the Rosary in Pompeii which is probably one of the most beautiful churches in the world have you ever seen that I have it oh my goodness that when I watch the same one that Padre Pio was devoted to right absolutely yeah that's it yes it'll blow your mind I mean I went there only once I walked in and I was like I don't want to leave I mean there's so much to see there's so much it's like just a powerhouse and that church is so important that it's actually its own diocese the church yes it's own diocese it's its own guys don't bishops it has its own bishop right there yeah it's amazing it's a Pontifical Basilica its own diocese with its own bishop so he did that total was there anything there before no there wasn't so he said I'm gonna go and build yes Cathedral diocese that's the power of the rosary Yeah right and a lot of people were skeptical super separate because they're like this dude used to be in the occult what's you know what's going on here and even some of the higher-ups at the Vatican were skeptical but thank God guess who was the Pope at that time leo xiii right that guy was all about the rosary love it yeah so when when it was near completion Bartolo Longo handed it over specifically to leo xiii and leo xiii was like wow this is a great gift to the church so I think that Bartolo Longo died in 1926 and then incredibly the guy who was a former satanic priest is now blessed Bartolo Longo he was beatified in 1980 I think by John Paul - I mean it's incredible this guy needs to get sainted right totally and people need to know about him cuz yes I have so many people come up to me and they say father my son or daughter is involved in the occult in some fashion and I tell them about this guy and I'm like you have a friend in heaven who can help yes this is the patron saint of those who Appledore in the in the occult or all the way in yeah yeah think about it do each abort today how many will make movies about this craziness and so many other things and things that are not necessarily explicitly the occult but they're real close you know like yoga and Tai Chi and Reiki you know I talked about if other people get mad at me but I talk about it tell me about it brother I'm like stay later than that yoga and all the thinking you started you know I just talked to some actresses folks don't know you don't play so let's talk about leo xiii I loved leo xiii you love Leo the 13th every time I go to Rome I visit his tomb every time you go to Rome you was at his tomb before we started out saying I visit Li the 13th because I used to be an Anglican priest and he's the guy who said anglican priest on real priests I read his encyclical apostolic Caray and eventually I became a Catholic Catholic layman so I have that that I owe to him but I also love that he wrote is a 15 encyclical for the rosary I think it's 1330 n yeah who's counting at that point right I mean he this guy is writing encyclicals on the rosary and every quarter he is the Pope of the rosary wouldn't you say absolutely without yeah yeah and why does what's the origin do you know the origin of his devotion in the Rosary why is Pope why is he the Pope of the Rosary yeah one of one of the reasons there's there's several reasons one was he was very familiar before he became Pope with Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Lourdes came with the rosary in her hand and prayed parts of it was st. Bernadette so he knew that but then also he's the Pope who beatified Louie De Montfort so when that process was going on all of Louie De Montfort writings have just recently been rediscovered in that chest in France it was buried in a field I did that story - yeah yeah that's incredible right so so he was part of that kind of investigation reading okay what's authentic what may not be authentic and so one of those writings was the secret of the rosary I mean the best book ever written on the rosary so he was involved with that and not knowledgeable about that and then he'd be out of fight Louie de Montfort and so when he began his pontificate the rosary was just like a major part of it and I say in one of my books did a lot of research on him and he grew up in kind of uh on a farm basically and he was aware that harvest time was in the fall so that's why almost all of his encyclicals on the rosary were put out in October because he knew that that's harvest time if you want to reap a harvest of souls you need to promote the rosary and to make that not just one day in October October 7th the whole month he turned October the whole month into the month of the Rosary he's the one who did that Wow it is he's seeing in his saving souls that's right yeah incredible yeah all right tell us the story about the box in the book in the field the lost works of some Lu de Montfort yes so you know what's sad is um this guy never had any of his marian masterpieces published during his life you know the true devotion to the Blessed Virgin secret of the rosary the secret of Mary never published nobody was interested I mean apparently he had cop someone read the cup copies of it or read the original write they shared it with someone yeah they did but what happened you know right after his death was the French Revolution right so you know in a certain sense I'll be honest with you it's a we can almost be grateful that they were buried in the field because had the authorities of the French Revolution found him they would have burned him yeah you know we wouldn't have it so God has a way of working through things but his religious community that he founded one of them they wanted to promote it and but the leaders of the French Revolution you know they were really right on their tails and and they didn't his community didn't flourish at the beginning they only had like a couple members and so I think it was like for a hundred and fifty years almost all of his writings were buried in a field in France and they weren't discovered I don't think it was until like around 1846 or something like that and somebody came upon it and they're like what's this you know and it was like an unbelievable discovery took place and then they began to be translated into different languages and published and what blows my mind and this is incredible to me the first English edition of the secret of the rosary was not published until I think it was like 1940 or something like that that's crazy that is crazy it's brand-new yeah because I know some of you have read it yes a popular book totally oh yeah it's just in time for the immaculate conception to 18 mid 1800s to that that that came the discovery was made so that's remarkable and it would be like for the cowboy dies and then one day someone finds a thumb drive and there's like the ten extra books that you wrote right oh I gotta break that thumb drive so my stuff is not worthy you'd be reading oh man yeah but leo xiii i just to go back to him if you want to do that his tomb it's at the ladder at st. John Lateran go up to the main altar and hang a left there's a big statue of them right there but there's also an interesting video on YouTube have you seen the video of him on YouTube praying the Hail Mary right isn't isn't yeah I don't care I know he gets he's like getting on a carriage it looks like a Charlie Chaplin movie like yeah you know like really slow you know and yeah there's no sound but it's the first video footage of a pope ever it's leo xiii yeah it's kind of interesting to watch but he looks very frail and small and actually it was the little flower she's the one she met with leo xiii I believe that's right yeah and she sit remark to her sister that he looked like he was about to die or something like that you know that quote he was a little guy very old he was very old he fought it to the end yeah so what a great Pope and do you recommend people reading his encyclicals are they relevant today oh they're so relevant today it's unbelievable I mean it's like they were written yesterday yeah you know what I wouldn't do to have a document like that written today mmm kidding me yeah I mean clarity and conviction and power no oh man take me back a hundred years man yeah or you know may I tell you if I could live in one century I'd go back to the 13th which is when the rosary came right with Francis and Dominic and Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas and right brother s and all that yeah that's a great century but we're here yeah we're in this century another blessed that I really love is Maria Agreda Maria and Greta there is devotion to her down here in Texas because she by located to Texas that's right and there's uh I believe down in San Angelo is where where she would appear and I think there is some sort of a mural or something that commemorates her there our state flowers the blue bonnet and it's in honor of Maria a great it you know that I did not know that yeah I was a ficus she wore a blue mantle that's right yeah and it said that when she would appear here and catechized the Native Americans when she left there'd be blue bonnets left behind which they associated with her you are blue mantle so yeah that's our state flower some but most people I bet right now watching 90% of them have never heard of Maria Agreda you know and why she's important to the Rosary so share that with us yes so um she was a nun in Spain in the 17th century and you know her kind of claim to fame is the mystical City of God you know which is the kind of hidden life or the Blessed Virgin Mary and it's a masterpiece it's awesome for volume you got the four days yeah don't get the abridge one folks get the four volume that's right that's right my what's it whatever I can't sleep my wife says well get the blues Maria greater and I just read that I fall asleep that's my sleeping pill so peaceful you read it just kind of all asleep beautiful it is absolutely beautiful so before missionaries had come to what we today called the you know the southwest of the United States especially western Texas and it was parts of New Mexico this tribe of Indians claims that they were having visits from a woman dressed in blue and then she was teaching them the faith and she was telling them that Catholic priests are gonna come and they're gonna give you the sacraments I've been telling you about and so when a few years later the missionaries came up through Mexico they came upon this tribe that already knew the faith and they said to them we've been waiting for you the lady in blue told us you were coming we're ready you know and the tribe already had in their hands rosaries so the Franciscans were like what is going on here you know this is this is a little sketchy so but back then the missionaries kept really good journals you know because they were they were not only commissioned by the religious communities to you know go to the new world but also by the king and queen of Spain you know I mean these were also secular endeavors and so they were sending back their journals about maps everything yeah and so they were like they were thinking initially that they had seen apparition of the Virgin Mary his lady in blue you would think oh it's our lady seems like a no-brainer right but then after some time that the Indians they said no no it's not for the Virgin Mary we know who she is the woman in blue told us about her but it wasn't the Virgin Mary so after a period of time there was this famed mystic in a convent in Spain named you know Mary of Agreda and she had the ability to by locate you know which basically means that you can be in multiple places at the same time you know Padre Pio could do this st. Faustina could do this many saints can do this well God you know did it for them so she was being sent by God to a place she'd had no idea where it was and she was teaching them the faith and in her convent in Spain they made rosaries so she was like well we have excess I'll just take some with me you know and so she gave them to the Indians that's how they had them when they when the missionaries came there and they showed the Indians at one point like a drawing if you will of Mary of Agreda and they said that's her and then she herself kind of fest up to it yes it's me I've been going to these people so it became known and that's uh that's also not a legend you know that's a tradition and it's verified and it's been approved I mean everybody knows about this in in you know circles in the church you know two other great stories to back up on the ones that you put there is when one of those missionaries went back to Spain and he of course was trying to figure out try to connect the whole thing together and he met with Maria Greta she told him the day that you baptized however many Indians at that River with the tree that looked like such and so I saw that and he remembered it and so that's how he knew Wow that she was being able to by located and seen was gone going off that tribe another great story that is related there is when the when they came and presented the gospel and was they already kind of knew I had heard they basically already knew the Apostles Creed from her catechesis okay right and then when he they asked the tribe who wants to be baptized everybody raised their hand and the mothers raised the hands of their infants for them they were ready yeah and they even knew that they needed that their babies baptized as well so yeah a pretty neat story and I encourage everybody get the mystical City of God for volume that's her having mystical visions of the entire life of Mary it's almost like one of the four Gospels but it's just recounting the history of our lady from her Immaculate Conception all the way to her coronation it's yeah it's beautiful it is beautiful because you've also got stuff in there about st. Joseph's mmm you know which is great I mean we need more on him and and there's little hidden gems in there on him as well yeah yeah it's it's a it's a great a great book so I had not heard that about her distributing the rosaries before I not heard that in tradition so so I'm glad to have learned that one what about the Spanish gypsy that takes a bullet oh yeah this guy so um this wasn't terribly long ago you know Spain was going through a lot of turmoil and there was this gypsy in Spain blessed seffarine Oh mala I think is his name if I'm pronouncing it correctly so he was very devoted to the rosary and the priests in Spain at that time were being persecuted and they were being incarcerated and sometimes even killed and he stood up for a priest he defended a priest which meant that he was being interrogated by police and being threatened to go to prison and when he was there he had a rosary in his hand and the guard saw it and they said to him you know get rid of this stupid thing and he said absolutely not and he said give us that they tried to take it from his hand force it forcibly but he didn't and they threatened him that they were gonna shoot him unless he handed over his rosary and he said absolutely not I will never surrender my rosary so they shot him and they killed him but now he's a blessed of the church he was beatified by a saint john paul ii and the homily that the Pope gave for that the application is really incredible because he calls him a martyr of the rosary this blessed seffarine oh this gypsy and then after him Benedict the sixteenth maybe it was on his feast day or something he also gave a homily about blessed seffarine oh and reiterated that he is the martyr of the Rosary so pretty awesome that's pretty cool yeah yeah you talk about in this book wrote the Rosary changing world history changing the courses there's a story in here it's called routing a communist leaning president in Brazil yeah can you tell us that one yeah I love that one because I actually when I was doing my research I didn't know about that you know I I discovered so much in putting this book together and that was one of them and I you know it's funny because I almost challenge people if you look at your nationality you know wherever it is you came from your people came from in the old country or whatever I almost guarantee you you're gonna find a story of old ladies in the streets or in some fashion praying the rosary to overcome some you know dictator or leader who was oppressive or whatever I mean it's pretty remarkable so in the last century Brazil which is you know of course a huge country there was a guy who was making his way up to the ranks in in a political system and he wanted to turn the whole country into a communist country a little bit of socialism a little bit of communism and and he was having rallies in the major cities and in Rio and Belo Horizonte and a whole bunch of these places and he was really getting the people I'm convinced of his ideas well thanks be to God these ladies rose up and they took it to the streets and they started to gather these huge rallies to pray the rosary in the exact same cities that the communist rallies were taking place and on one key one key one I think it was in the city Belo Horizonte down there they had so many people praying the rosary that it was louder than the Communist rally with their megaphones and everything they had it had to shut down the the guy who was the up-and-coming president was in a panic and he actually fled the country and so it never it never happened and everyone if you talk to Brazilians they'll don't tell you the story and how it went down because even non-catholics were in the streets praying the rosary really yeah I've actually noticed it's I've always thought that a Protestant would be opposed to the rosary but I've note I've known over the years Protestants who do pray the rosary and sometimes you know we do a family rosy rosary in the evening if there's someone who's over who's not a Catholic under say you want it for the rosary in those same sure and one of the kids runs over set of beads and sometimes they pray with us yeah that's from our it is remarkable it it reminds me that we don't need to be ashamed of the rosary we don't do be embarrassed we don't need to think oh this is this is something that's kind of Loony or you know secret Catholic only you only if you're really Catholic you know about it it can be a tool like you said Protestant showed up at this thing and they took a rotary too and they started praying the rosary right don't don't underestimate it no right and you know what's interesting saying that that reminds me sold the book write the full word is by Bishop Athanasius Schneider who's like yeah yeah two thumbs that three thumbs up right now absolutely brother this guy oh yeah I love this guy he's appropriately named Athanasius after seeing a tenacious you ain't kiddin oh my goodness I love this guy man he's on fire so when I was thinking about man who could I get to really kind of give a little oomph to the book you know I just rolled the dice I said you know what I'm gonna ask a few priests I know if they have his email and it was a father do you know father Rick Hyman up in Wisconsin great guy yes I know the name I don't know him yeah Roman Catholic man is his site I think he's fired up he's got recap so he said oh here's his email you know check to try it so I did and I sent on the manuscript and he brought back and he said I'd be delighted to write the foreword so I was like wow this is out of control but in the full word he says and I didn't know this you know she lives in Kazakhstan but his last name schneider he's of german descent his father was in a gulag in the former soviet union in a hard labor camp I didn't know that right what I also didn't know and he put it in the foreword is that his father and many of the others in the camp including Lutheran's who were in that camp prayed the rosary every morning on the way to their place of work and he said that the Lutheran's would join in especially because when it came to the last part of the Hail Mary where they said now and at the hour of our death he said they would all shout it out really loudly because they didn't know if they were gonna survive through that day it could have been that hour that's right so it was Catholics but also Lutheran's in praying it and he talks about that in the foreword I credit my conversion to Catholicism partly to the rosary and to Our Lady because as an Episcopalian priest I spray the Rosary in fact I remember going to Planned Parenthood with other Episcopalians to pray in front of the you know abortion mill and of course they're already Catholic priests and Catholics out there they were praying the rosary so I started praying the rosary yeah and disor know you never know that the rosary is it's like a net you know you can catch catch fish with it it is it absolutely kind of relates to the 153 in John's Gospel that's right I read that some years ago and I was like well that's an interesting thought you know yeah yeah Fathers talking about how in John's Gospel when they catch the fish they count them it's 153 how many Hail Marys are in the traditional rosary 150 350 for the 15 decades running the three which are the intro right intro ones we did that tradition of adding the in our father three Hail Marys and a glory be before the Psalter does that go back to Dominic I don't think it does what is it you know yeah there's been quite a few developments and and that's one of them so there's several kind of stories about the origin of that but when the Rosary began to be indulgences you know to get an indulgence you have to do certain things like pray for the intentions of the Pope you know receive Holy Communion either before after a short period time go to confession so in order to get those indulgences people started to pray few Hail Marys before they actually got into the decades of the Rosary so then they just start to make the rosaries that way well everybody seems to be doing this let's just do it this added in to the making of it now it's interesting in Europe in some countries not everywhere and a few I think in Austria for example the people there pray those three at the end yeah they don't they don't pray it at the beginning many of them though they ate a story they just started where the three strings meet and they would just pray our Father there to begin I'm not even sure that they do that I think they pray the Creed and then they go right into the mystery so they'll start within our Father like we would with each decade yes the Our Father and the Hail Marys they sometimes they say for the end to get to so they use it as a tail yeah and I didn't know that until a sister who was from Austria told me she said father you know in our country in many places we pray that at the end I said oh I didn't know that interesting mm-hmm it's legit yeah it gets it done okay let's let's get politically incorrect and talk about Islam okay yeah I was pleased to see that you have a section on there in this new book and again for those maybe just tuning in ten wonders of the Rosary father cow waise excellent new book you talk about the the role of the Rosary in overcoming Islam and if you go all the way back to the 600 or you read someone like Saint John Damascus he's saying that Islam is a satanic corruption of Christianity mmm and the words they Revere Jesus Christ they talk about our lady but they deny that he is the son of God right right yes it's it's a it's a form of Arianism in a sense they think that Christ is just a human oddly enough they believe that he has no human father but they don't say God is his father so it's it's it's a jumbled up mess and it is an attack against Christ and against Our Lady as a religion and so kind of going back to Dominic who is fighting against the Alba gen seein's and them misunderstanding the role the incarnation that the word became flesh Islam has the same in a different way has the same problem they don't see Jesus as the Word made flesh or Mary as the mother of God so it would make sense that this devotion also would be helpful when encountering Islam so we saw some stories on that oh yeah no this is that's why on the cover of the book I got the scene from the Battle of Lepanto yes that was commissioned by leo xiii and is in the Vatican Museums to this day every time I go through the Vatican Museums I look up and see it and look at it and that's why I wanted this image well I've never seen this in the Vatican Museums whereabouts is it okay so when you know when you are in that long line to go in to the Vatican Museums if you're going through it's called the the Chapel of the candelabra so there's a whole bunch of candles and light fixtures after you get through all the naked David statues and then beheaded you know the Greek for the first place you come into this place it's up on the ceiling so you have to be looking up that's the problem a lot of people miss there yeah it's it's awesome I guess depicted there is the angel of like a victory or something that's right yeah and that's Don Juan of Austria yes who's you know the one about of Lepanto so and can I just say something on that father Don Juan you know historically wasn't like the most saintly guy in the world was he no he wasn't yeah but but God chose him that's right that's right and I think we need to be mindful that in our time that there are there are people out there men and women who may not be the holiest you know saintly as person that you know but God can still use them as an instrument for his His purposes on earth no absolutely there's no question about that and even I mean one of the other people that was at the Battle of Lepanto James Cervantes right yes Don Don Quixote right I mean Spain's basically greatest author he's like their Shakespeare yeah right and he was at the Battle of tanto and he wrote about it and he actually took a serious wound that he had for the rest of his life there and he said there's never been a battle like this and there probably never will be you know so anyway you're right God can use anybody so Islam yeah and you know I probably go on the run after this video you know but uh it's it's it's false I mean Mohammad is not the savior of the world you know he's not on the same level with Jesus Jesus is God and so you know a lot of people that get really upset with me when I say this that I'm not being good at you know acumen ISM and whatever look I'm not out to hurt any but I'm not an Islamophobe you know or anything like that that's crazy talk but I have to be Who I am and faithful to Jesus Christ as a Catholic priest you know Muhammad did not receive a true revelation it was a deception it was a deception and so you know what about a faendal people sure but you know if I if I start saying that it's on the same level or it's just as legit as Christianity what why do they make a vow of celibacy what am I doing here you know I mean it's not so but the interesting thing about it is it does have some elements as you say of Christianity in it so it sure it mentions Jesus although it denies his crucifixion it says basically another man took his place at Calvary which is insane right but the only woman that is mentioned in the Quran is not Muhammad's mother not his wife or many of his wives or is Mary the mother of Jesus and also there are three of the mysteries of the rosary that are actually in the Quran you've got the visitation you've got the Incarnation although they don't see it as God becoming flesh you know but it's that Mary giving birth to Jesus and one of the other one another one which I forget at the moment and it's it's fascinating because you know Muslims have a prayer that they pray on a string of beads it looks almost identical to the rosary of - the crucifix really now what they're praying is what they say are the divine names of Allah that's what they say that they're they're doing and they're invoking those okay you know what would be so easy to do is get them focused on the sacred saving mysteries of Jesus Christ the only way to the Father it would be an easy transition for just put a crucifix at the end there already you know thumbing beads through their fingers get rid of the Quran given the Bible you know where talks about the only way you know to heaven through Jesus Christ and have them you know in a certain sense take their unashamed Ness to pray in public because they're not afraid those people are not afraid to pray in public and even where religion on their sleeve literally imagine if we had a worldwide event a Guadalupe type event right we know what happened in the 16th century where our lady came in and converted like 10 million people to Catholicism a whole civilization because of a miraculous image on the tilma imagine if we had something like that to happen today and we had massive amounts of Muslims convert to Christianity I mean it would be unbelievably would be put to shame immediately brother because these people would probably live it if they'd be super devout they'd be praying those beads they'd have modesty you know in their attire and in their dress they pray five times a day they basically start doing the daily office right we just have to shift their direction from Mecca you know you know to the east you know or towards the altar you know so and there's there's other connections you know Fatima for example you know what is that all about what a lot of people don't know that Fatima was one of the daughters of Muhammad so when our lady came to Fatima Portugal you know there could be a serious connection there before machine talks about that that maybe God is gonna use the message of Fatima to convert the Muslims I pray for that you know I don't desire the death of any Muslim I don't desire any bad for these people I want them to know Jesus right I wanted to experience the joy of the Eucharist absolutely yeah and you know Fatima the message of Fatima is pray the rosary daily that's right that's right yep so Our Lady's saying hey here's your here's your assignment yeah exactly yeah I think there's something I mean I'm speculating here I don't know I'm not a prophet I'm not Padre Pio or anything but you know if if I could come up with the way my you know that I could bring this about you know what I would do man I'd send Our Lady to Mecca in an apparition standing on top of the Kaaba the black box and in one arm holding the Child Jesus and then the other rosary yeah basically meaning take up the word and this form of Prayer yeah I think I'm home stop playing around goofing off coming up with these crazy ideas and you know come home could happen yeah I know appreciate once said you know if you look at the medieval air you got the the Normans and the Vikings who are all you know persecuting that they are pagan they're persecuting the Catholics of Europe and then God converted them you know they became the Normans and they became great from the in the clergy and in in the Crusades and all sorts of roles so it could be that our persecutors get converted and even one-up us and their devotion to Christ maybe so maybe so we should actually be praying for that honor rosaries we should we should because you know I think about that in in in light of our current situation in the world and in the church right with all the confusion the chaos and division I mean I think it is going to take some kind of major event biblical event you know of serious proportions to shake us up and get us back could that mean the conversion of Islam to Christianity maybe maybe could be a meteor or a comet who knows you know but we need something we need something what's the story on the the bishop in Nigeria yeah this guy's amazing and he's still alive this is the incredible thing and this just well it's 2019 now so this would have happened five years ago now in 2014 so in Nigeria which you know is really got a lot of problems with militant Islamic groups decapitating people burning him alive in cages horrible so that's the Boko Haram guru Boko Haram is one of them yeah and so in his diocese he was he didn't know what to do he's like my people are being decimated here so he went to prayer with the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament in his in his Chancery and he says and you can watch the videos he says that during his prayer Jesus appeared to him and this is amazing to me because this just uh I love this kind of stuff guess what Jesus had in his hands a sword a sword right yeah I mean I reckon the book of Revelation he has a sword yeah that's right that's right because a lot of people get the wrong interpretation of Jesus it's just some tree-hugging hippie kumbaya let's all group hug you know small group breakout sessions nonsense right he is a warrior the Lord is a warrior Lord is his name right that doesn't mean that he's Conan okay don't any of your listeners watch it I'm not saying you know Jesus said put away the sword those who live by the sword die by the sword but he also said buy swords yes read by thoughts right yeah so it's like okay interesting there now what does it mean though so when this bishop saw Jesus with the sword he was just as startled as you and I would be seeing a vision like that but Jesus didn't say anything he had a gesture of handing the sword to his bishop so the bishop reached out his hand to take the sword from Jesus as soon as he touched the sword it was transformed into a rosary yeah huge huge statement there from Jesus and then Jesus talked and spoke three things and he said Boko Haram is gone Boko Haram is gone Boko Haram is gone said it three times and then division ended the bishop bishop Oliver DOMA is his name he says he didn't need a prophet to tell him what the vision meant yeah Jesus is telling him the rosary is a weapon it's a sword use it unsheath it go to battle with this weapon now in that bishops diocese he started rosary Crusades which means parishes praying the rosary so in his diocese there has been an unbelievable defeat of Boko Haram 700 of these soldiers surrendered their weapons shortly after this a group of schoolgirls I think it was 600 had been kidnapped like for over 400 of them were returned shortly after this so and the bishop still gives testimony to this he's still alive it's amazing we have to pray the rosary totally you know we have a lot of confusion in our time in the church with doctrine and people all over the ground are confused I read this the New York Times I read this in the Washington Post we have this whole situation the aftermath of X Cardinal McCarrick scandal some priests say attendance is up at their parishes some say attendance is down everybody says giving is down no the Pope has been sending messages USCCB just had a big retreat it's kind of a rough time and if father oh there's no doubt you'd have to be living in another cosmos not to be aware of what's going on I mean it's pretty bad it's pretty I'd say what we're at pre-renaissance levels of disgust for the church for clergy even even even though even the good ones I mean the word bishop is almost like a pejorative now he's a bigot but uh people talk he's a right he's one of those bishops the rosary help us here I mean what father give us some guidance absolutely to me you know the rosary is an aspect of it it's not the sole solution of course but it's a huge part of it because I mean you think about it how much time resources money is wasted on coming up with strategic plans for you know evangelization or for helping our diocese get better you know it'd be huge if a bishop a bishop just one man if he led by example on his knees before the Blessed Sacrament showing his people his Chancery and his soldiers his boys with the collars on that he's a man of prayer praying 20 minutes 20 minutes you can do this right I mean Fulton sheen did this there's a picture I have a sweet picture on my phone a Fulton sheen as a bishop praying with the people in his staff every day he did it the rosary I mean that's a huge statement because I guarantee you if you do that your meetings are going to be shorter because you're gonna come to resolutions quicker dots on a you know enhance your fruitfulness if you take time for prayer you know I was just mentioning this the other day with somebody you know I said there was a bishop who's a saint st. Anthony mayor Clarett yes yeah this dude was awesome talked about last week on the show is that right yes yeah he he was from Spain but he ended up becoming a bishop in Santiago Cuba right and our lady actually appeared to him on several occasions it's in his autobiography and she said that you will be the new Saint Dominic for your times right now once again our lady doesn't promote legends okay so she was telling him basically that the tradition is true and you're gonna be the new Saint Dominic and promotion of the rosary so what did he do he mandated in his diocese in Cuba that every priest was to pray the rosary with their people in their churches on Sundays and solemnities and he would go around to churches and make sure it was being done he would walk in the back if it wasn't happening he would march right up to the front and he do it himself that's a leader that's a guy you want to follow into combat that you know nobody wants to follow pee-wee Herman into battle you know I'm saying you had a brain fart yeah you want to follow the guy with the sword that's right Mike no you don't slay a dragon without a sword so if you had a guy who has a pan who has a plan right so to me you know this is huge the rosary is a big part of it there has to be solid preaching as well of course and a bishop man you could light souls up if you took advantage of that opportunity you got a pulpit that you've got you know people are listening to you you could fire those souls up man and here's the other thing now I wrote about this in one of my books you know the game of chess right it's basic so it's it's black and white it's all about the king everybody knows this you know but not a lot of people know that the game of chess comes out of a Catholic culture it chess predates Christianity but the way that we play today it comes out of a Catholic culture so you got the king you got the queen you got bishops rooks pawns kind of vocations in the church now it's all about the King everybody knows us but on the board the Queen has the most mobility she can move any number of squares in any direction and to fight for the Queen is to fight for the King if you lose the Queen game over right but what most people don't know is that all that it takes on that battlefield is one bishop just one if he works with the Queen you can conquer the enemy in four moves the New Evangelization ain't rocket science brother all you got to do is unleash the Queen right right with the bishop with the bishop exactly and here's the thing don't be afraid of being taken out of the game you can come back in and you'll even be stronger than you were before all right be willing to lay down your life for the king and the queen because that's that's what it's all about and so that's the method that's the model for the New Evangelization for conquering souls for Jesus is to work with our lady whether you're a bishop or a rook or pawn a night whatever it may be but especially the bishops especially you made a connection just now about your preaching or the bishop or the priest preaching and the rosary and I will say that the priest that I've known who are devoted to the rosary and preached the rosary are the good preachers right they break open the Word of God they inspire us to follow Jesus to become his disciples it's also notable that the order of preachers the Dominicans are also the advocates of the rosary the ones who received that gift from Saint Dominic so the order of preachers Saint Dominic preaching the Rosary they go hand in hand so fathers priests if you're your preacher pray that rosary we need it we need you to pray the rosary what are you doing you're just meditating on the gospel right right and the presence of Our Lady yeah and look at the page for Saint Preux Saint John Vianney right that little frail French dude scared the daylights out of Satan you know I mean that was not an intimidating-looking dude you know but spiritually the devil was terrified of that man he actually said to him on one occasion if there were a few more priests like you I would have no power really that little French dude yeah because he was super devoted to the Eucharist to the rosary he loved the rosary he promoted the rosary Confraternity he promoted the Living rosary Association of st. Philomena started by a Pauline Jericho in France he was a friend of hers so you know you don't have to be articulate you don't have to be most eloquent you don't have to be the most educated but if you're faithful and you're a man on your knees you have power yeah what would you say to people who are watching and maybe they you know they pray the rosary with grandma or maybe they'll pray at church if someone's praying the rosary but they haven't taken the rosary and placed it into a plan of life and my plan of life I mean you say all right every two weeks or a month I go to confession I go to Mass every Sunday and then in your daily life I make an examination of conscience at night like basically being intentional about being a follower of Jesus Christ which of the people who have not said I want to pray a daily rosary I'm gonna place the time every day whether it's in the morning or before bed or before dinner they haven't done it yet yeah appeal to those people why it's important that they actually make it a 365 day a year practice yeah I mean basically because you know like lifting weights you're gonna get stronger you know as you do it maybe you're not gonna start out you know bench in some massive amount okay that's understood that's that's legit but don't let that deter you you know because that happens to a lot of people it's kind of normal I mean I remember back in the day I'd go to the gym if I wasn't Arnold Schwarzenegger tomorrow I was like you can't forget this you know I expected immediate results that's just not how it works what's the same thing with acquiring virtue turning away from sinful habits and you know certain things in life that are harmful to us you got to start somewhere so even if it starts with just praying a decade a day and then you can build it up and then before long you're gonna find yourself praying an entire rosary a day meaning one set of mysteries but then you may be like you know what I can squeeze in another one you know I got I got a drive home from work that takes 30 minutes up 20 of it I'll pray the rosary and before long it becomes such a pattern in your life that you kind of you feel like your day isn't complete unless you do it actually was Saint Alphonsus day Liguori who in his old age he started to kind of lose his mental faculties a little bit he would actually ask people did I pray my rosary today you know it meant so much to him that he wanted to make sure that he got it in and that guy's a doctor of the church so it's a good example yeah I would say as a father of a large family too that the family rosary is absolutely critical in raising your children in the faith so many people who are committed to the church committed to the church say I remember praying the rosary for my parents yeah and you're you're passing on the faith you're passing on devotion to Our Lady the mysteries all those things so dads and moms commit to a family rosary and I've I think the best way to do it is you have dinner and then everybody helps put the dishes up or bring things to the kitchen and then we have a little bit of downtime and then get the littlest ones in their pajamas and if they're if they're not too Wiggly you know they can stay there if they need to go to bed they can go to bed with the older kids and then do a rosary and maybe if they're Wiggly and you look if you do one decade you did a decade right maybe not maybe you get two or three as a parent just make the call and it tonight's a one decade it's okay that's right so when you have a little you know three year olds and 1 year olds and even 7 year olds sometimes you know sometimes teenagers let me tell you get distracted even I get distracted so just try it just say if we do one decade in that's just a couple minutes like you know two three minutes but it's time where you as a family pray together before a lady and it will change your family it'll protect your family which is what we really need right now we need protection from the devil on our families and so the rosary you can't get an exorcism every day but you can pray the rosary every day that's right and you know and the benefits of it I mean when you pray a family rosary its persistence specifically says this in the book of indulgences that you get a plenary indulgence I mean hello I mean what what more could you want for your children than to get an indulgence like that for them you know I mean we never know when we're gonna die we never know when that's gonna happen so to have that it's just incredible but then also you know studies have been shown that if a if the home it's the father who leads by example when it comes to prayer it has staying power it sticks more because then they think well that was just mom's thing it's just a woman's thing now I'm free I'm not under the roof you know I can do my own thing but if they see that example in their father studies have shown it sticks they'll tend to go to church even after they leave home they'll tend to keep up these practices even when they're out of the house so that's huge it is and hopefully keep up praying the rosary yeah right you know write it as a parent you can you know if you're in the car maybe you're doing a two hour drive pull the rosary out your pocket your teenager goes oh I got for the rosary yeah we're gonna pray the rosary come on it's no big deal all right worth it yeah it is and to be real with it too because you know I mean st. Louie De Montfort talks about this and I'm glad that he does you know nobody has ever prayed a perfect rosary you know we do not have an gellick intellect I can just penetrate one thing and stick on it for 20 minutes you're gonna think about what's that smell or who did I respond to that email or you know normal that's gonna happen saints razzle is you right everybody loves the little flower she struggled to pray the rosary you just get distracted we all do but if you keep at it you keep bringing your mind and your heart back to the mysteries it's what I call giving God butterfly kisses right yeah you you would accept every little distracted kiss that your daughter gave to you right absolutely Yeah right so does God the Father even we're children to him we get distracted but as long as we come back and give a little peck on his divine face you know with getting our mind back on the mystery he'll take all of them yeah yeah well father thank you so much for this time I've learned a lot and your book is excellent I haven't finished reading it and I skipped around a little bit just to get get a feel for it and it's really good it's it's short - what is it how long is this 162 or under 70 pages so I mean you can you can read it in a few a few sittings anything else you have to share I mean you're you've become over the years an apostle of the Rosary it's wonderful we need more priests that way but anything else when I share maybe relating to the crisis or people who are discouraged and some people are saying they're not even going to church anymore Tumi's crazy I mean if you know the ship sink and you don't jump off the ship that's right no I know but what would you say to people yo I would say them using that same analogy I mean you know in the days of Noah you had to be in that saving arc to you know make it now in that arc there was a lot of animals which meant there was a lot of other stuff in there it states right now in the church it stinks man I mean it's it's deep you're gonna step in it every now and then it's gonna get on you and it's um it's not good it's not pretty but don't jump don't jump you know if you do you're not gonna make it yeah and we just got to pray through this our lady will get us through this and pray for us priest because it's not easy it's not oh man it's not it's it's tough I'm working on a special project right now that I would ask all the listeners and viewers to please pray for I can't reveal the topic yet because I I don't want it to be revealed so somebody else tries to do it before me and Jack sit up and doesn't do it right you know so I'm spending a lot of time on this project so I'll be in touch with you Taylor about it in the future and get people excited about it's gonna be awesome very cool very cool the great thing about the rosary folks is you know our our King is Jesus are clean as Mary you'd had talked about that and when it comes to rosary you don't you don't need a cardinal or a bishop or whoever a priest Deacon religious to pray the rosary right right it's this intimate prayer it binds us to the heart of the church and in a way we can we can be with our lady we could be with our Lord I can pray the Our Father we can experience adoption of sons in Christ all these beautiful mysteries happen in the Rosary and so I think it's kind of a way for in a crisis when you know maybe you live in a diocese and there is a major scandal right or maybe you're landed Isis in the world and the bishop does have to resign the rosary is this sacramentals not a sacrament but it's a sacramental that puts you right into the presence of divine realities heavenly realities so it's wonderful yeah you know and that's true and in in England when there was great persecutions they had the rosary you know he got him through the tough times I think about in Vietnam when there was like a quarter of a million martyrs they were in the woods doing what praying the rosary and our lady came Our Lady of Labine you know and so the Rosary it'll get us through these tough times absolutely great well everybody pray the rosary every day and father would you mind ending us with a prayer and a blessing absolutely Heavenly Father we thank you for the gift of the Rosary the gift of Our Lady we ask you to bless all the listeners viewers their intentions and our church in this difficult time and we ask this blessing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen amen all right father Dahle Callaway thank you so much everybody get his book ten wonders of the Rosary all right god bless you too
Channel: Dr Taylor Marshall
Views: 112,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr Taylor Marshall, Fr Donald Calloway, Rosary, Blessed Virgin Mary
Id: 65lqTItHzms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 45sec (4845 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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