The Power of Components - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys it's aaron so we do a lot of different kind of skill builders around here sometimes we do training we're going to teach you how to do something new sometimes we deep dive into a tool or look at what's new in a certain version of sketchup sometimes we just model something really cool you guys have already seen the thumbnail for this video so you know it's going to be one of those latter let's hop in and look how to make a really cool shape in just a couple of clicks all right first things first actually the first thing i have to do is give credit where it's due this is an idea that came from instagram user milad piertavari he is the guy who did those native sketchup challenges where you use just native tools to create crazy shapes and this is one of them this is an awesome shape you can create with just native tools so let's take a look at how to do this i'm going to start with a circle you can see it's just the standard 24 sides nothing nothing special about circle i mean it's special it's a it's a circle that's cool it's cool to be a circle um i'm going to just draw that out 24 sides i'm going to double click and right click and say make a component i'm going to just call this circle because i'm good at putting definitions in you should always do that i'm going to create that and what i'm going to do is take it and i'm going to rotate it right now i'm rotate it by the middle point i'm going to rotate it from one of the edges and hit the modifier key to make a copy and see so you can see that there's my second copy sliding over the first i'm just going to go to the next edge like that and i'm immediately going to type 23x and hit enter what that's going to do then is give me 24 copies 23 copies in the and the originals 24 copies all on top of each other each one one segment rotated around the other this is the important part so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to click into one of them i'm going to select the surface of the circle and i'm going to go to rotate i'm going to go on the green axis i'm going to click to this point right here click over here and start dragging it up now remember i'm not just tilting up one circle i'm actually tilting up 24 circles all around that same middle point and look at that that's a cool shape i can do something to add a little girth to this little bit of material by push pulling that shape and it gets cooler i think we do something with this though so i'm gonna undo a couple times to get back here i'm gonna grab these 24 modifier key to copy over here there's a couple things i want to try out so um if i come in here and i start modifying this right now all of these are copies so they're going to do the same thing so i'm going to grab these 24 over here right click and say make unique that's going to make this batch of 24 separate from this batch which is good because i'm going to come in here and start making some changes i'm going to start by maybe doing offset offset a little bit select the middle delete it let's select this surface same thing i did before go lock on the green axis start tipping it up yeah something like that i'll push pull oh yeah very cool i can play i can play with that too by just push pulling that's a cool shape but let's take that a little further too i'm going to convert this one double click again i'm going to offset again just that ring i'll take it and same thing i'm going to tip it up i'm not doing anything like specific degrees or anything and now i want to do something else i want to go so if if i come in here i'm going to go just off center so i'm going to come over like this maybe and rotate that a little bit and look what's going to happen as i do that that shape's going to open up and offset off of itself and if i push pull that a little bit look at that cool shape oh yeah i want i have to have this i'm going to grab all this geometry right here and i'm going to hit union on solid tools and that's going to go through and find where all these pieces intersect each other and then give me a single solid that's cool if i if i come in here select all of it soften smooth edges turn that on that's going to soften where these pieces hit together same thing on the bottom oh man that is one cool shape and only a couple clicks we only had to do native tools we did a component did a little off setting and we created something really cool in almost no time at all so i know that's not going to help you put doors or windows and walls or anything like that but it's a clear illustration of the power of components and it's also a neat party trick because i know you guys i know the parties you go to you bring your laptops and you whip out sketchup to show people stuff do this and your position as sketchup ninja will be solidified like i said that was kind of a fun one we'll get back to hardcore learning next week maybe i don't know we'll see but uh hopefully you did like that if you did like that at all go ahead and click like down below and if you haven't already please subscribe we do several videos a week around here and you'll be notified of them if you click subscribe most importantly though please leave comments down below most if not all of our content nowadays is being derived from comments from viewers like you we like making these videos a lot we like them even more into showing something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 18,329
Rating: 4.9814601 out of 5
Keywords: 3D modeling, Component, Copy, Shape
Id: -K039A2ODaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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