How to create organic shapes with native tools in SketchUp - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey sketchy uppers its Aaron so one of the things that I've shown in some of my videos is the concept of organic modeling a lot of people push back and don't realize that organic modeling is possible inside of Sketchup a lot of times that we show organic modeling we talk about extensions things like sub D or artisan to get those smooth flowing shapes it does make it easier if you're gonna do a lot of organic modeling I highly recommend taking a look at some of those extensions but it's not the only way to do it there's actually it's pretty easy to get some decent smooth flowy shapes using just native tools so I want to take a look at that right now and right here I have a motorcycle gas tank that I modeled and Sketchup using just native tools so I'm gonna run through how I created this right now I'm going to look at reference images I imported I want to talk real quick about how I set up to do it and then actually show you how I did it so the first stuff is pretty simple I brought in this 2d image of the motorcycle and it had a shot of the tank so I went through and just traced the tank from three sides so from above from the back and then from the side I took those three shapes then I grouped each one and then I just lined them up I used a combination of move and rotate to get them lined up like this so that kind of gives me if I look at it from each side it shows me what that tank looks like now what I need to do is I need to actually take this shape this profile and basically resize it for the top and the side view so what I'm going to do is I'm going to resize this so that it is the correct size for right now for where it hits right here on these two shapes and then I'm gonna push pull it down a little bit resize that surface push-pull again resize that serve so I'm gonna work my way right down the tank push pulling and scaling so first I'm going to just make make this easy on myself is I'm going to put some extra lines in here I'm gonna come up here to where these two groups intersect right here and I'm gonna draw a line straight down to the bottom side I'm gonna draw one more line right here out to where it intersects this profile right here so I'm going to zoom in and make sure I get the edge so those are my going to be my reference lines oops so I didn't worry about putting a line on this edge right here because I'm not worried it's going to be symmetrical the left and right be the same so I'm actually do a symmetrical scale to pull the sides in from either side so I went ahead and I already did that actually I put all those lines in there that's a bore anything to watch so I did it while you weren't looking I was sneaky like that all right so what I have now this is my basically my reference cage you can see here's all of my lines and how tall I want to be vertically as measured by this line and how wide I want it to be is measured by this line so I'm going to do is take this surface and explode it I don't want that in a group anymore and we use push/pull and this is actually this gets a little tricky because my lines here these lines actually end up getting in the way and splitting my surf so what happens I try push-pull here so I'm gonna take one more step I'm gonna grab all of my lines and grab everything deselect my group in my group and click her out on that so now I have just my reference lines let me show you the one on the bottom tube nope got that all my reference line selected and I want to put them in another group just to isolate that geometry now I can come into this shape right here click on oops I didn't get that one all right there we go click here and when I come I'm gonna pull this one out to this first spot now now that it's here I'm going to select this face right here and I'm going to do scale 3 times scale first I'm going to pull down to the top then I look underneath and see if I have to scale up this actually has a large flat section where I'm not going to have to scale up very often and then we come on the sides and the sides I'm actually hold on the modifier key this is option on Mac ctrl on Windows and pulled that in to that point right there I'm gonna go to the next one push-pull click drag this out to the line click and then with it still selected scale and then pull down and then pull horizontally with the modifier key to scale uniformly to this point right here I can actually do this this first side to this is actually a little bit too big so I'll go ahead and scale and I'm pretty close to the top on that one my sides do have to come in some modifier key and snap that into the point so you already see it kind of taking shape it's already so you get a little bit of a bulge that are coming around so I'll go ahead and do that again let's select the end surface push-pull click out to here scale vertically horizontally about the middle and I'm gonna do it real fast right now and just work my way right down to the end all right I'm down towards the end now and this next piece is gonna have to start stepping up you can see that this was continuous playing down here because I didn't move anything so before I pull up the next one I'm actually the modifier key option and click here and pull that out to the next piece that's going to mean that I can take this one and as well as scaling like I have before top down and then sides in about the middle you can also grab this bottom and pull it up ever so slightly to start giving that you can see there's that break where that became its own new surface a couple more push pulls to get out to the end and this time top sides and bottom I mean here on the end just to get this I'll probably pull it out one more time and then see right right before the end just so I have a little bit of something else to snap to and then scale it one last time to give myself a taper down to almost completely found two nothing like that and then I'll do the same thing real quick on the front this of course is going to immediately I'm going to be pulling this up right away in the bottom because the shape is more extreme here at the front and there we go so from there I can triple click hold that shape away from my control geometry and final piece of course just smooth it all out is to go to soft and smooth edges and crank that up point that we have a nice even surface my issue right now that I'm running into I do have a couple of surfaces inside here so I'm gonna grab this piece right here temporarily hide it and delete these internal surfaces and a little intro line there these are where I had to create new geometries there we go you go to edit unhide all triple click again reefs often that and ooh there we go nice simple smooth it took it took a little bit of time to create that mesh we moving one at a time but yeah no extensions used and I got a pretty nice smooth very usable mesh created solely using Sketchup native tools so hopefully like that hopefully that's something that maybe there's a part of your workflow you could use that for this is a pretty simple shape you could use more complex shapes the big thing is it's a question of how often you want to do that push-pull resizing the more often you do it then the tighter mesh you're gonna have the more smooth if you do it less often go quicker but you'll just have a less dense three-dimensional mesh and be just bigger pieces and that all comes out of course to how you're gonna actually use this geometry once it's created so if you did like that give us a like if you want to see more videos like this click subscribe down below then you be notified when these come out we put two to three videos out every single week so good stuff if you want to see more Sketch up go ahead and click Subscribe most importantly of all though please leave a comment if you like this didn't like it you know of a different workflow or a different method that you want to see highlighted on a video like this let us know in the comments down below like making these videos like making them a lot more when the show on something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 109,131
Rating: 4.9452906 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Organic, Modeling, Smooth, Flowing, Native, Extensions, skill builder
Id: bOEb3wRgwdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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