Solid Tools Lattice - SketchUp Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys it's aaron so we get a lot of requests and and we encourage it i love hearing what you guys want to see models what you want to see done in sketchup and we get requests for things like workflows or for specific tool sets and sometimes it's just how do you model a thing so what we try to do as much as possible is take those requests and kind of mash them together how can we make modeling a thing uh involve a specific tool set or something like that so today is a clear illustration of that a request we've gotten several times is how to model lattice i guess i never thought about it it seemed like a pretty straightforward thing to model but i get if you're not really confident in sketchup it could be a little tricky that worked hand in hand though with a couple things that have come up recently with solid tools so we're gonna hop right in and take a look at modeling lattice and using solid tools to modify it here we go okay so i have this little genericy deck looking thing pretend this is a house pretend this is a nice manicured yard and this is a freshly built deck i want to keep it simple this is not the focus so what we want to do is we want to build some lattice and fill in this space below pretty simple um disclaimer i i don't know a whole lot about lattice so i'm going to estimate some sizes if they're incorrect please bear with me and when you make your own feel free to make it whatever size you like so having said that let's uh let's jump in so the bulk of a lattice is going to be a small piece of material usually on a 45 degrees repeating running one direction and then running another direction so let's go ahead and create that piece first so i'm going to go ahead and grab my rectangle tool and i'm going to draw a rectangle on the ground i'm going to make this rectangle like i don't even know at let's say like two inches by a quarter inch it's not very big material so something like that all right so i'm going to take that piece and i'm going to extend it up you know pretty far let's say let's say like six feet all right i'm going to take that i'm going to triple click to select all of that and i'm going to use rotate to rotate it right now to 45 degrees so i'm gonna go ahead and just i'm just snapping to 45 degrees because my 15 degree snap point is falling on 45. if you're if you're doing this and you're not snapping to 45 you can just type in 45 that's fine too i'm gonna click there i have not at this point made anything a group this is going to be repeating geometry but i'm not yet bothering with with cleaning that up or with with uh grouping that up all right i'm gonna do a couple things before i create my copies that specifically is i'm gonna go grab a line and i'm gonna draw a line across like this and then i'm gonna grab the bottom and push it through so i get that 45 degree cut you'll notice i just ran the line long when i'm modeling in small spaces rather than you know zooming in or whatever to make sure i'm i'm i'm right where i need to be a lot of times i'll just run a line long like this snap it and then hit erase and just drag it across there obviously that's not the most precision the most precision of course is going to be to make sure you're on the red axis and snap to the other edge that works too uh it's really just a preference thing sometimes i'm just in in the zone modeling drawing and i just kind of run those long because it's quicker for me than to go in and you know zoom in to snap perfectly all right so there i have my one piece i'm gonna take it i'm gonna use move and i'm gonna click the modifier key option on mac control on windows and i'm gonna bring that over i don't know uh let's say six inches that's a good gap and i'm going to say do that 29 more times so i'm going to type 29 x all right there we go that's half our lattice at this point i'm going to go select select it all right click and make it a group i'm not making it a component um i'm not really worried about i'm not going to have yes this is repeating material but i'm about to merge this all together both sides into one piece so i'm not really worried about making a component a group works just fine for this one all right so what i got to do is take this make a copy flipped the other direction so i'm going to come in here i'm going to rotate again i'm going to get down on the blue axis grab a corner i'm gonna hit the up arrow to lock there and i'm going to option rotate 180 degrees so again i'm snapping there but you could type that in if you needed to all right that looks pretty good now i'm going to take this and i'm going to slide it over this way here's the thing now we can get as as specific and tight as we want to if i want a line that ends up i could say bring this across until it's right here against that point i could line the ends up here where i could grab this piece by this corner and slide that right into this corner the lattice i've seen really doesn't seem to be too well lined up anywhere particular the poor parts just those pieces overlap so that's the first part so what i would do at this point i have these two groups i would look at this and say okay how big do i need this to be how long do what's the longest piece of lattice i'm gonna run so if i'm actually using pieces maybe the hardware store sells them in eight foot lengths i would just you know not go longer than eight if i look at this and go well i want one piece to continuously cover all this it's not quite long enough so maybe what i'll do is select both of them and i will go to move and i'll grab this end right here this point option and i'm going to bring that and copy it down to the last piece right here directly overlapping so my groups are right on top of each other they're perfectly lined up at that point i'm gonna grab all four pieces the four pieces of of two two in each direction and i'm going to use my solid tools to click union and or actually i clicked outer shell union would do the same but i'd have to do two at a time with union where outer shell will do all four and then just give me one group of all the geometry so there we go see that now it's all just one piece one big piece like that if you wanted to you could save this part right now as a component to be used later on so you'd save this save it out into its own file or you know save it into your components part of the template if you use it a lot but this is what you'd actually want to make a component potentially and reuse the issue with making the component of course is what i'm going to do right now i'm going to take it and i'm going to grab it by maybe i'll say this point right here in the middle and i'm going to slide that point up right underneath my deck like that the issue is what we're about to do right now is we're going to come in and start cutting up this piece if it were a component i have to be very careful right now because if i have multiple copies of it and i cut one they're all going to get cut that's one of the reasons i left it as a group all right so again i want to use solid tools i could come in here and use intersect surfaces like just create a face right here want to cut it and cut it but there's so many overlapping pieces of geometry and this is already a solid group so this is one of those spots that using solid tools is going to save me a lot of time so i'm going to grab a rectangle and i'm going to use what i want to do is i want to cut this off at the edge of the deck so i'm going to hover over here hold down shift and just pull a nice big rectangle like this that rectangle covers the whole side and i'm just going to pull it out triple click make it a group and then say subtract that geometry from this geometry and that's just going to chop it off boom right there on the edge see important point if i do want to do this kind of work like i said it's easier it's definitely easier than going in and manually breaking a bunch of geometry but you do have to make sure that the rest of your geometry is grouped so as i look as i do this if this back here wasn't in its own group this geometry would merge with it fortunately i put in its own group like i should and now i know i can just grab this make it a group and then say subtract that group from this piece and boom it's going to cut it all off right at the edge right there now remember i did make this kind of an arbitrary size so it is going through the floor too so make one more rectangle this time underneath pull it down triple click to make that a group and then again just subtract that from my main lattice oh that's pretty nice well that looks awesome let's go one step further let's run some lattice up here you can see there's a little bit of a little bit of a hill right here what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab this piece right here i'm going to rotate and rotate on the x-axis like that and i'm going to modify our key to copy and just rotate a piece around 90 degrees like that that looks good but i want to cut it right here right because it's so it's sticking it's not sticking below but it is if i peek my head inside it's cutting into my house and my hill here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come in and create a line that goes from here drop that straight down to where it hits that the bottom of the hill i'm going to come down to right here all right and now what i need to do is make a solid out of those lines that cuts off the rest if this piece were a solid which it's not this group is not a solid i could just cut that since i have to make my own solid what i'm going to do is right now i'm just going to take this one temporarily hide it and i can see my lines here's my lines so it's really easy for me to just go click around click around click over here i don't have to be i don't have to be very accurate with this i just have to get a shape that covers up what i want to get rid of then i can push pull push pull triple click make a group and then subtract that again from this piece and one last thing then well almost last thing i can say unhide last to bring that back i only use hide temporary like that all right last piece i'll grab this option copy that straight across over here i think i gotta just tuck that back in like that and there you go pretty pretty quick and easy lattice work using solid tools like i said that was a suggestion we've had requests for solid tools and requests for lattice work and the two just kind of perfectly no i didn't intend that to be a joke but they meshed together not unlike lattice hopefully like that hopefully that helped you out if you did like it go ahead and click like down below and if you haven't already please subscribe we create several videos a week around here and you'll be notified of each and every one if you subscribe most importantly though and i keep saying this leave us comments down below this video is a direct response to requests that we've had we like making these videos a lot like even more when you're showing something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 8,947
Rating: 4.9827585 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, SOlid, Tools, Lattice, Group, Subtract
Id: Bywgva6s5YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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