Deforming Components - Skill Builder

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hey guys i'm aaron and today we're going to take a look at distorting components without distorting the geometry inside [Music] was that description mysterious does that make you have to stick around and find out what i'm talking about so when you create geometry you can always use things like scale or or move or rotate to change uh where that geometry is how it looks when you create a component you create two levels of potential potential modifiable geometry so you could always go into a component and change it we know components are linked together so if you change what's inside one they all change or you can change the outside the component wrapper and what's inside will stay the same so let's take a look at how to do that right now i do of course have to give credit where credit is due this is something that i saw our forum user box uh sage over on the sketchup forums do in a gif and it just got me to thinking about you know what was being shown there so here i got the shape i got this i just kind of created a 2d shape out of arcs and then you know did a little bit of auto fold to kind of poke it out simple shape like this i have it selected it is currently a solid component solid part's not really important for what i'm showing component is so i'm going to grab this i'm going to grab by this corner right here and i'm going to put this in the corner of my frame right here so this is just you know again wall with an arc on there kind of emulating a window it's kind of the thing we're looking at here and there we go that goes in there i want to make a run of these across and just have them fill the width of the window so i'm going to grab one copy i'm going to modify our key option or control to copy it over hit scale and i'm gonna scale to negative one and then oh that was close look at that dang that might have been perfect i'm gonna move that one so it directly connects right there then we grab both of them grab them from here again modifier to copy to here and i'm going to type 2x all right so there we go so i got my first issue here of course this is too big this isn't this wasn't created in even increments or anything like that so i could do a couple things one is i could figure out okay i have one two three four five six so i could take this edge for example and divide that into six pieces and then take this length and then oops take that length right there go into this component open it up uh grab this geometry squish it back so it match i could do a whole bunch of stuff there to make sure that's that's perfect but what i will choose to do instead i'm going to grab one of these real quick and set it over here just to copy this is our master our master uh geometry what i'm going to do instead is i'm just going to grab all of these right there i'm going to hit scale spin around back and see a little bit easier there's my scale i'm just going to scale them to the window i'm also going to make them a little bit thicker this way fill up that window and i'm going to bring them down making a little bit shorter so that's that's more what i'm looking for but notice over here i just re-uh imagined recreated totally adjusted the geometry in the window this piece over here didn't change at all it's still the same component so if i grab all of these and grab all six of these and i'm going to click right here modifier key to copy and bring that up just about where the where that arch ends right that arc ends right there and i'll take those and i will scale those vertically make them stretch up a little bit more like that cool all right and then i will copy those again option i'm just go to right where that arc ends right there with that there we go and then i'll scale that third one so it comes just almost to the top so there we created out of this one component three different sets of geometry and my original geometry is still the same so why does this matter why does it matter this is still the same well if i did want to come in and i don't know maybe i wanted to paint it or i wanted to make a change to the way the arcs worked or something like that i'll probably make a horrible mess here but if i grab these two and i scale and just kind of squish those down so if i want to do something like that if i come over here that's reflected all the way through see those arcs are now pulled wider because i changed this one so i can kind of automatically come in and adjust all of that one of the pieces that's bugging me right now is this this extra line we have in here like the last video we talked about this too i can always come in here delete this bottom face grab these bottom lines and hide them and then that gets cleaner but uh yeah so by keeping this a component and distorting the outside of the geometry you can do things like have these pieces repeat like that and then manipulating the interior geometry what's inside the component will then scale to match the deformations you've made on the outer shell the component to give you unique geometry so kind of a cool quick and easy way maybe maybe i'll take these slide it down a little bit and grab this top set and scale that up even even oops scale that up even a little bit more there we go i like that better oh yeah so i'm sorry i'm playing now but you get the idea you can create unique geometry from one piece of of geometry and then make changes manipulate that make huge rippling changes uh just by changing that specific geometry i could even change it back so if i come in here i grab these two and i hit scale and so you bring them back up oh no i didn't scale those parts i scaled these parts yeah so cool thing to play with get you some self yourself some neat unique geometry based on deforming a single component so that was kind of a fun one like i said i saw what box made when he created his thing and he did the same thing where just create one geometry i think it was kind of similar shape and just super cool and i just think well like how what else could you do with that and uh yeah just a fun way to do that remember the geometry inside the component can change that will affect everything but manipulating the component itself the shell that the container will only affect that specific instance if you like that video click like down below and if you haven't already please subscribe we create several videos each and every week around here you'll be notified of all of them and our live streams if you subscribe most importantly though let me know what you think of that like i said it was a little weird was a little off the normal training path but we like to mix it up around here do you have a tip like that that you think would make a good skill builder we like making these videos a lot but we like them even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you [Music] you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 3,529
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Component, Deform, Scale
Id: IgLTI-Mf6M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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