Follow Me - Square One

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hey guys i'm aaron and this is sketchup square one where we take a look at the fundamentals of using sketchup today we're gonna look at one of my favorite tools follow me now this we didn't have to do this in other ones follow me is actually kind of a big tool there's a lot of ways to use it and there's some advanced ways you can actually use follow me so i'm going to do everything i can to cover the basics of how to use follow me in here and then we may actually do a part two which would be like uh tricks and tips to follow me maybe but this right here is gonna just the fundamentals i've never seen or used follow me before how do i use it that's where i look at right now let's hop right in okay so first thing is getting to follow me so unlike the tools we've looked at so far follow me does not have a place on the default toolbar it's not up here it is up here under tools you're gonna see follow me we can also turn on the large tool set going to view tool palettes on mac toolbars on windows and turn on a large tool set if you hover over right here in the middle you can see there's follow me you can see the default shortcut key is shift f all right so let's talk about what follow me does what follow me does is it's kind of like a uh a 3d push pull it goes more than one path so i'm going to put a rectangle right here i'm just going to put a rectangle i'm going to put it on the green axis so i'm going to have it come upwards like this there we go and let's make two of them i'll take this i'm just going to make a copy of it right over here all right so now i want to take this and if i use push pull which we've used before somebody's push pull i can make that long like that that's that's what push pull does i'm going to grab a line now and i'm going to bring a line back like this and i'm going to have it turn what i can do with follow me is i can actually say okay follow me i can click on the surface and i can actually drag it right along this surface like this so i can go as long as i have interconnected lines to follow i can go in any shape and that was i'm going to hit undo real quick i'm going to add another line i'm going to take a line here and go straight down and then maybe come back all right so now if i hit follow me and click here and go like this this this as you can see i can go out of plane i can go any direction i need to to to make that follow that's really cool one of the things i just did there i'm gonna hit undo again is i i chose the the command first which like a lot of tools i have the option to choose the command and then hover over to highlight the actual geometry that i want to use the tool on that is an option the preferred method for using follow me though is going to be to use select and go in and select all the pieces i want to follow first so here i'm going to click and just drag my window open like this and select this one two three four lines first then click follow me and then click that surface and see how that just boom goes real quick this is going to give you cleaner results and a much more pleasant working experience than if i were to uh you know try to drag along it's real simple with this obviously i got four lines floating in space if i'm doing this on a full building where i have hundreds of lines all over follow me can the auto detect the path you're trying to hover along can be a little funky and uh attempting to drag it along the line can get a little bit painful so it is recommended that whenever you come in to do follow me you do pre-select the geometry then choose follow me then pick the surface you want to have follow so this is kind of cool because this is pretty simple this is a rectangle let's go over here and let's make a new shape let's go say gonna come up like this when i come over um yeah like something like that and then that's a fun shape let's have that and we'll follow all of these lines you notice this lines it's not just straight either we've got some arcs here so if i grab all that geometry and then i choose follow me and then pick that shape look it automatically does see it automatically rounds that really cool shapes really cool geometry that you could make otherwise but using follow me lets you create these things like molding or trim that sort of thing boom in just a couple seconds things like pipes are super easy too because you just do one circle and have it follow everything so this is an additive follow me this was adding new geometry you can also take existing geometry like this i just this is just a box pulled up and i put a little arc on the back so what i can do is i can tell it now i want to pull that arc and cut out all the way around so again in the spirit of pre-selecting i want to pick my my map first like where do i want this arc to come in where do i want to go well i want to go here here here and here right i want to go all the way around if i have a closed shape like this i can just choose the face that it creates choosing this will automatically set the exterior boundary the edges that make the outside of this face into the path that will get followed when i click follow me and then choose the shape and look what it does there it goes in and cuts down all the way around so this is great because things like these corners aren't necessarily easy to manually come in and cut that out follow me just goes around the corner and chops it right off one of the other things that follow me is used for a lot is things like this shapes like this i'm going to go ahead and take all of this and i'm going to make a copy so i'm going to move it over with my modifier key because i want to do this a couple different ways so what i can do here again is pre-select a shape follow me and then pick this profile look what it does it spins it around and it gives me that shape so the important thing i'm going to undo the important thing here is as it spins around if i want this to be symmetrical i want to make sure that this point right here is directly over the center of the circle so if i was to drop a line from here straight down there's the middle circle that was not on accident i did that on purpose by having it down here having the shape that i'm following you see it's not actually touching in all these other options we started touching i don't actually have to do that so what this is going to do it's going to take this path and take this shape and spin it around and from that create what we'd call a radial follow me i guess i don't know that doesn't have to be a circle either so i come over here i'm going to grab my rectangle tool and hit the modifier key to draw from the center i'm going to drop in the middle here i'm just going to pull it out like that and then i will use my eraser tool to get rid of that line now i'll select this say follow me and pick right here so look same thing it took that shape and it just pulled it turn 90 degrees pull it turn 90 degrees all the way around so the same profile gives me two very different shapes in the end depending on your the path that i'm actually using for follow me so those are the fundamentals of follow me i'll make another video for next week that goes into some more advanced use cases if you've already been using following you already knew all this stuff that's cool hopefully you pick something up hopefully you're like oh hey i didn't know about that or never thought about that that way if not come back next week and maybe we'll offer you something a new opportunity to learn something you didn't know about following like i said it is one of my favorite tools you can create some really cool geometry using it but hopefully that's enough to get you started and try out using follow me in a model of your own if you like this video please click like down below and if you haven't already please subscribe we create several videos a week around here and you'll be notified of each and every one if you subscribe most importantly though please leave us a comment down below what do you think of these square one videos they're working for you are you learning uh which tool would you like to see next well that'd be fun too we like making these videos a lot but we like them even more i want to show something you want to see thank you foreign
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 14,362
Rating: 4.9760766 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Follow Me, Tool, Extrude
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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