Ranking EVERY Cut Pokémon Design From Worst to Best

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in the last couple of years we have gotten access to an absolute gold mine of pokemon history that we were never meant to see thanks to several leaks we have gotten a rare glimpse at the development process of the pokemon games and these leaks have also included tons of pokemon that have been cut from the various games it's one of my favorite subjects to talk about on the channel so today i thought i would go ahead and rank every single cut pokemon we have seen so far from worst to best in my own opinion by my count there are about 110 cut pokemon that we know of however this does not include designs that were revived and eventually became official or became another pokemon these are only pokemon who were cut from a game and have never been seen again at least as far as we know for some of these pokemon i will also be showing fan art of them the artists of which will be credited in the description so be sure to check them out and with that said let's get into the list okay so starting things off at number 110 we actually have an interesting entry because it's four pokemon at the same time and the reason why they all take up this slot is because we don't know what any of them look like according to ken tsugamori in interviews he did for pokemon black and white there were a number of pokemon that were considered for those games that just didn't make the game for one reason or another however even though he mentioned them as actually existing we never got to see what they actually look like in terms of artwork or a picture so it's a complete mystery what their designs are which is why they have to kind of be the worst by default in this ranking but nevertheless they consist of as tsugimori described them a snail pokemon a third stage of the petal and liligant family we don't know which stage it was we just know it was a third stage to that line a litwick pre-evolution which is pretty cool as chandelure or rather lampent was originally going to be the final stage of that family and then finally an ant pokemon to which as sugimori described was going to be the smallest pokemon in existence which would have been pretty cool but it's hard to say any more about these pokemon because we don't know what they look like so they sit at number 110 but are still pretty interesting regardless at number 109 is a similar sort of pick because we don't know what this pokemon looks like but it sounds like it really appeals to me so i decided to bump it ahead of those other pokemon and that would be a rabbit pokemon that was described as having a flower on its nose for pokemon x and y this is another pokemon that was mentioned in interviews that was considered for the kalos games but just got cut for some reason we never got to see what it looked like but it sounds pretty cool another pokemon that was mentioned but not seen that got cut from pokemon x and y at number 108 is the infamous mega flygon mega flygon was going to be a thing but ken sugimori said he got artist's block when he was trying to come up with the design he wasn't able to come up with something that he was happy with so they just scrapped the whole idea and let me tell you i have never heard of such a darn shame in my life and we still haven't got a mega flygon or any other like extra form for flygon it's it's truly a tragedy at number 107 is cactus and this guy was first seen in the satoshi tajiri manga that tells the story of how he created pokemon and the picture that we have of it isn't really all that good we can only see part of it sprite it's not that clear so it's anyone's guess as to what this pokemon was going to be about but nevertheless it seems really interesting at number 106 are these guys that were discovered in a leak of pokemon red and green's beta assets a couple years ago we only have their back sprites unfortunately and in this case it's really hard to tell what they are which is why they're lower on the list but i mean it's a cut pokemon it's still super cool next up we have a number of pre-evolutions that were leaked from both the gold and silver beta demo that was recently leaked a couple years ago as well as this red and green beta leak that i just mentioned these pre-evolutions would consist of in this order ponyta goldeen paris zubat and vulpix all of these pokemon are super adorable because they're baby pokemon i personally really love baby pokemon but they're lower on the list because all of these pokemon i don't think needed pre-evolutions which is why they were probably cut in the first place so they're kind of just not really necessary so yeah they get lower on the list next up we have this weird parasite eel worm looking thing that was once again discovered in the pokemon gold and silver beta leak that happened earlier this year in fact so it's a newer discovery and it's an interesting pokemon but not necessarily my favorite so that's why it sits where it sits following that up we've got this frog guy who's got a really long tongue and while really interesting he kind of just looks like a frog doesn't really look like he's got many pokemon traits to him maybe that's why he was cut so he gets the lower end of the list as well next up we have this squid pokemon followed by its pre-evolution these are more pokemon that were discovered in that red and green beta leak so we only have their back sprites but once again pretty interesting getting another squid pokemon would be cool and then there's also this other one that i don't know if it's the same exact pokemon as the pre-evolution it was discovered in the recent gold and silver beta leak i thought it looked similar enough that it could have been the same so i decided to consider it the same all in all interesting pokemon but not my favorite next up is this kiwi pokemon that has some serious attitude and spunk and i respect the heck out of it for just that attitude that it has but the design isn't really the best either this next thing i don't even really know what it is it looks really interesting but i i genuinely am not even sure what it's supposed to be so i can only put it so high this scorpion guy that also came from the most recent gold and silver leak looks really cool but it also kind of just looks like a scorpion doesn't really look like it's got a lot of pokemon qualities to it which is why i put it where i put it this bird pokemon which may or may not be a hummingbird or just some other kind of small bird is once again cool i i don't want to repeat myself too much i think all of these cut pokemon are super fascinating but once again the design here is kinda basic so it's not my favorite cup pokemon this yeti looking pokemon was once again discovered in that red and green beta leak which is why we only have the back sprite and it's possible maybe this is purely speculation that it could have been a male counterpart to jinx possibly it looks similar looks like it could have filled that role nevertheless super interesting i would love to know what this guy's story and his full design actually is following that up we've got this guy who was discovered in that first major gold and silver leak a couple years ago and he actually might have grown into huntell but i thought that was up in the air enough to where i would still include him in this list uh he looks really cool but also once again just a more basic design uh that kind of sort of explains why he got cut in the first place this guy right here is another guy that i just genuinely don't know what it's supposed to be it kind of makes me think that it kind of looks like a hippo like i don't know if that's right or not it's face just sort of looks like it might be a hippo it's really hard to tell so in that sense it's really unique and cool and it gets points for that but i can only rank it so high once again if i have no idea what the heck it's even supposed to be speaking of things that i don't know what the heck they are is this one once again gold and silver beta leak earlier this year is where it comes from and i just can't even tell where this thing's face is let alone what it's supposed to be it looks powerful it looks like it probably would be cool if i knew what it was but i i just have no idea this next one is interesting comes from the red and green beta leak and it looks like it's supposed to be a third stage to the magnemite magneton family because it's considered a cut pokemon and just not magnemite or magneton according to helix chamber the people that publish that leak but it looks very similar at the same time so it's probably a third stage to that line which is pretty dang cool next up we have an evolution or a pair of evolutions to weedle that were introduced before cocoona and beedrill actually became weedle's official evolutions these guys are a lot more beetle-like in their design which shows a completely different direction for weedle at this stage that is a really really cool concept that wheel made it in but these guys didn't and they just have a really cool story to them this bug pokemon from the recent gold and silver beta leak earlier this year is really cool and interesting looking but also doesn't necessarily look like a pokemon to me at the same time it kind of looks like a generic video game bug enemy type thing which maybe once again maybe that's why it was cut this puffer fish looking thing looks really cool i like it a lot but there are also a lot of other cut pokemon that we know about currently that i like a lot more this weird plant looking thing with one eye definitely has an interesting design i'd like the creativity but similar to that bug that we just talked about a couple positions ago it doesn't necessarily look like a pokemon to me this bug on the other hand looks a little more like a pokemon which i appreciate um it just i don't know there just once again are a lot of other pokemon on this list that i like a lot more but i do really like this guy and i think he has a lot of potential if he actually became an official pokemon next up we have this honkin bird that has a a weird megaphone thing on its face for its beak it looks like it would be very loud and annoying uh if they're if it's supposed to be based on a particular bird you guys can let me know in the comments i'm not exactly sure but once again there's just a lot more cut pokemon out there that i like more than this one i certainly do not dislike it however moving along we have another batch of pre-evolutions and one evolution consisting of in this order a pre-evolution to grimer a split evolution to weep and bell that would counteract victory bell a pre-evolution to meowth and a pre-evolution toto duo that ironically has three heads so it has three and then it goes to two and then back to three once again very similar to that last batch none of these are really necessary which is why they're lower on the list it's probably why there was why they were cut most interestingly is the split evolution to weep and bell this was definitely intended as a counterpart to blossom because those two families are very similar and are already counterparts to each other and blossom happened in gen 2 so this was going to be the equivalent to that it was deemed not good enough i guess i mean it i could see that its design leaves something to be desired but nevertheless all of these guys are super super interesting next up we have this stork pokemon which is a really creative concept for a pokemon and it's kind of like the bird version to kangaskhan because it's carrying a what looks like a baby version of itself in the little in the little bag thing it's gotten its beak i really like the idea and it'll be interesting to see if this ever comes to fruition as an actual pokemon in the future next up is this fire seal pokemon that once again came from the gold and silver beta demo leak a couple years ago and it was intended to be the very first fire water type as it is a flaming seal the concept is really really interesting but i don't know it does seem kind of like a little too obscure to be able to pull off i don't know if that's the reason they cut it but nevertheless they cut it and who knows if we'll ever see it again another pokemon that we first originally saw in that satoshi tajiri manga is this pokemon that i will refer to as elephant because it's an elephant but we can only see once again about half of its body that's the only true look of it we have so i can't really say any more than that which is why it sits where it sits on the list but really really cool to know that so many pokemon even from gen 1 got cut before the franchise even got started this is another line of pokemon from that red and green beta that we don't like we don't know what they are it's hard to tell because we only have that backsprite they look kind of uh lizardy they kind of look like they would be that type of pokemon which is really interesting that offers a lot of potential but i can only give them so much credit when i can only see what they look like from the back and it's a gen 1 sprite that's really like not good quality so yeah another set of pokemon that suffer that same fate we only have the back sprites of them available but are much more clearer and what they actually are it seems like are these two pokemon these two pokemon seem to look a lot like the cheap cheaps from mario so it could be a pokemon that is based on the cheap cheap as sort of an homage uh and there's also an interpretation that is going to be popping up on screen that was drawn by rachel briggs the artist that draws a lot of these fan interpretations you're seeing throughout this video check her out with the link in the description uh overall even though we have only have a limited view if it was supposed to be a cheap cheap pokemon i really like the idea of sort of having that homage and i would have liked to have seen what they became if they would have actually became an official pokemon instead of getting cut this next pokemon is also from the red and green beta we only have the backsprite but it is speculated to be a pre-evolution to blastoise back when blastoise wasn't actually the final evolution for squirtle it was its own separate pokemon that alone got it this far on the list because that is a fascinating concept but we have a very very limited view of it and frankly that might not even be what it is so i can only rank it so high when we know so little about it another pokemon from that satoshi tajiri manga is known as kraki and kraki we can actually see his whole body but the picture of him is just very very low quality uh it's very this guy is very interesting it's speculated that maybe parts of him were taken and recycled into other pokemon like totodile possibly possibly or dreepy from generation eight who knows if that's true but nevertheless i think the concept of cut pokemon from gen 1 is super interesting because like i said they were pokemon that were cut before the franchise even started and it's just really interesting to know that there was so much stuff going on behind the scenes of even the very first pokemon games that we never got to see next up is a pre-evolution to giraffa rig and there's actually two different forms of it there is this form that looks like two ghosts tied together and then there's a form that we only have the back sprite of that comes from a more recent gold and silver beta leak that was earlier this year i believe it's the 1999 space world demo if i'm not mistaken uh that looks much more like it would actually be a giraffe rig pre-evolution the ghost one is just super just out of left field but it was genuinely intended as a giraffe pre-evolution and that on its own just the wackiness and just the complete it just doesn't look like draft rig at all that's super interesting and earns it this more middle tier spot on the list moving on we have this pokemon that was originally going to be the evolution of chikorita before bayleaf as we know it today became a thing and all i can say is thank goodness for the modern bay leaf because this thing is kind of frightening also from that red and green beta leak we have a psyduck middle evolution this was supposed to be in between psyduck and golduck was probably cut for redundancy reasons because it looks a lot like psyduck doesn't really look much different but still really cool to know about nevertheless from the more recent golden silver beta leak we have this fox pokemon and fox pokemon are always intriguing i feel like the fox has a lot of interesting and just a lot of potential to be a pokemon in whatever way you decide to take it this one is no exception but it doesn't necessarily look like it's got a whole lot going for it uh so you guys are gonna have to let me know what you think but that's why it ends up where it sits for me next up we have this raccoon pokemon and i it's hard to tell what it's supposed to be doing other than being a raccoon pokemon but it looks like it has a lot of personality so i had to give it some points for that next up we have a very interesting pokemon because it is an evolution to pincer this was discovered in the 1997 space world demo league for pokemon gold and silver and was probably replaced by heracross because heracross didn't exist at that time and this guy it was probably for a good reason because this guy looks a lot like pincer but just if you removed its face and made it look weirder so it wasn't the best evolution concept in the world so it's probably a good thing it got cut and possibly replaced with heracross next up we have this rather uh unsettling family of pokemon based on voodoo dolls and some other kind of doll from japanese mythology for the evolution i'm not 100 sure these guys are really interesting but their designs are somewhat basic as well uh so that's why they sit where they sit on this list i really like the idea though because like having a pokemon like this that's just based on something that's unsettling or disturbing is pretty cool and i don't think it would hurt to have a few more of those also from that same gold and silver leak is this original evolution to far-fetched it was known as madam so probably a more feminine focused evolution of far-fetched we ultimately got surfetched in sword and shield which is ironic because it's a masculine sort of focused design with it being named sir fetched funny how that works out but yeah farfetch'd originally had an evolution all the way back in gold and silver and that's pretty cool coming up next we also have another pair of pre-evolutions first off a pre-evolution detangler and then following that a pre-evolution to growlithe these two are ones that i genuinely like up to this point i mean i like all these pre-evolutions we've talked about but i felt like they've all just been redundant and unnecessary these ones kind of are too but i really really like the design for the tangala pre-evolution it seems like that is a design that could actually work and wouldn't be it wouldn't necessarily be that unnecessary if it did happen because i think it's actually that good and then the growlithe one is totally unnecessary in my opinion but it's a puppy it's a baby puppy how could i rank it low in any way if it's a puppy it's a puppy from the more recent golden silver beta leak though is this snake looking pokemon and it is really really interesting looking i don't know what its whole uh whole shtick is if you will don't know what its whole inspiration is but it looks like it has a lot of potential and would have been pretty cool it also kinda looks like dunsparce in a way too so i wonder if there's any connection there this pokemon right here i don't know what it's based on but it looks very pokemon like i think of all of these cut pokemon this is one that looks the most inherently like a pokemon which is why it got this uh better ranking next up i'm not a hundred percent sure what this pokemon is supposed to be but it kind of looks like a jackalope to me because it's got those antlers it looks like it's a smaller like bunny esque type of pokemon if it is supposed to be a jackalope that would be amazing having a jackalope pokemon would be so cool but it's kind of hard to tell at the same time this bird pokemon right here is also really interesting i think it does have a very pokemon-esque design as well similar to that other pokemon we just covered but also i can kinda see why they cut it at the same time it looks like it does need a little more refinement to it before it could be an actual pokemon now this guy right here is really interesting because he's supposed to be essentially a lake monster of some kind some lake reptile dinosaur type thing but he's also a viking ship because his fins are the oars that the viking ships would use and its body is shaped like a viking ship i think that's really cool i would love to see this pokemon become a thing someday this next pair of pokemon are really cool because they are pokemon that were once again from the gold and silver beta demo leak a couple years ago but also they're based on like yeti creature things that wear the hides of presumably other pokemon or other dead animals that they kill and that is a really interesting uh concept for a pokemon and they also kinda they look like they would probably need a little more uh refinement to their designs before they became the actual thing but the concept is super super interesting this thing right here is from the most recent gold and silver beta leak and i am personally convinced that it might be a beta cast form just because it's got raindrops next to it it's a similar shape it could be possible but i can't say for sure so i'm counting it in this video and i just think it looks really endearing it looks like a cute little thing and i would love to see it happen if it isn't actually cast form this next thing is interesting because it reminds me a lot of aerodactyl uh maybe it could be an evolution because it does look rather large it's hard to say uh there is no information i believe right now that says that it is an aerodactyl evolution but it looks like that similar kind of pokemon um looks like it would be very powerful and it just looks cool so it's a shame it got cut these cat pokemon right here that are from the original uh 1997 gold and silver beta demo leak uh they are very cool i love their concept i love their idea the whole bell aesthetic that they've got going on in addition to being black cats i like these guys a lot it's definitely a shame they got cut yet another pokemon from the satoshi tajiri manga is jagu jagu looks like it had a lot of potential it unfortunately didn't see the light of day maybe it's got recycled into other pokemon but in this form didn't happen and that's a darn shame another pokemon from the satoshi jujiri manga is deer that's literally what it's known as is deer uh it's thought that this pokemon probably became stantler later on who knows if that's actually true but i really like its design i think it's got some potential and if it never be if it did not become stantler and it still is just sitting in the vault over at gamefreak i would love to see it revived someday from the most recent gold and silver leak is this middle evolution to natu and zatu i just think the concept of lost evolutions for various families of pokemon is phenomenal it's really really cool and this sort of in-between stage for nacho and zatu is fantastic as well i really love it next up is this skull looking pokemon that looks very very interesting and tough uh it doesn't necessarily look like a pokemon to me though every time i look at it it reminds me of skull greymon from digimon and that's just the vibe i get from it but it definitely looks super super powerful and interesting nonetheless meanwhile this little guy right here i don't think he's related to zygarde at all i highly doubt that but for some reason he just reminds me of a baby zygarde uh it doesn't have an evolution as far as i know in the data that was uncovered as part of its leak but i just think it looks really cute and charming and that's why i gave it this higher ranking next up is a pokemon that got cut and sorta didn't get cut at the same time because it is this uh shelder evolution if you will that we saw on slobro's tail in gen 1 but in gen 2 it was originally going to become its own separate pokemon that wasn't meant to be which is really unfortunate because that would have been a cool concept but i love the fact that it was actually considered at some point this pokemon right here along with its two evolutions that were discovered later on in another gold and silver beta leak are really cool and cute and charming it's thought that maybe based on the fact that they have that little light antenna thing that these guys eventually became chinchou and lantern who knows but i love the way they look the way they look right here because they're just they're just cool next up is this original evolution 2 quillfish and not only is it really cool that quillfish originally had an evolution but it's my personal theory that this guy became wishcash because it and wish cash look very very similar and i think that just adds to this pokemon's coolness so i had to i had to rank it this high it's just a really cool cut pokemon following that up we have the kurusu family which was the original water starter of generation 2 before totodile became a thing this guy was known about for a while but then we learned about his evolutions in the gold and silver beta leak that happened a couple years ago and what can i say this is a cut water starter that on its own is a really cool concept and the designs aren't bad either next up is this evolution of ditto and what else do i need to say other than it's an evolution of ditto i don't even think anyone thought that could ever be possible and the fact that it was considered is basically mind-blowing this pokemon right here is known as gaiun or gaian i probably am pronouncing that wrong but it is one of the oldest known pokemon ever it originates all the way back from when pokemon was known as capsule monsters when it was very first pitched to nintendo and it just didn't end up being a thing it also had a pre-evolution as well most likely that was discovered in that red and green beta leak uh it is possible that it became tyranitar because they are similar godzilla-like pokemon but to this point we don't have that connection like definitively we don't know that's for sure true so nevertheless this is this is a really interesting pokemon and one of the oldest to ever exist that also never became official remember when i said that blastoise was originally the final evolution to squirtle well that's because this thing originally was i know it looks a lot like wartortle but it is indeed a war total evolution and basically it looks like they were just going for the stronger bigger version of wartortle type evolution for this family before they swapped in blastoise instead and ultimately that was a good decision but still really cool that we have a lost starter evolution in this pokemon next up is omega and omega is very very interesting because not only does it come from way back during the days of generation one so it's one of the oldest pokemon ever it also very likely became and was recycled into deraludon from pokemon sword and shield because this thing is based on mechagodzilla and duraladon is also based on mechagodzilla hence its relationship and rivalry with tyranitar so it it most likely was revived in sword and shield i can't say that for sure and obviously the pokemon look a lot different but i think that's really really cool and it's just cool what can i say this pokemon right here we know nothing about it it came from the most recent gold and silver beta leak but it looks freaking cool it looks like a really majestic tough lion looking pokemon and that's really all the qualities you need to make it this high on a list like this this pokemon meanwhile it's hard to tell what it's actually supposed to be it looks does look very reptilian and didn't have any evolutions as far as i know from the gold and silver leak that it came from but it looks very interesting it looks like it's got potential and that's what gets it on the list next up is this family of pokemon and these guys are really interesting because it's most likely the case that this is originally what pikachu was going to be before pikachu became pikachu and that is because pikachu according to interviews was originally based on a daifuku which is a japanese dessert pastry thing and these guys are that that is what they are and their design matches up with the description that was given for pikachu back when it looked like this so these guys are probably related and that's mind-blowing that pikachu was originally more or less going to look like this in all likelihood and then it also looks like it has a split evolution as well which is also just really fascinating so this pokemon is actually super important in the history of the series this thing right here i don't know exactly what it's supposed to be but it looks really really interesting it looks i it looks like it's got a good design going for it i love its huge ears and i would definitely love this guy to be revisited someday because he looks like he's got a lot of potential and finally we are now officially into the top 10 and at number 10 is this guy from the most recent gold and silver beta demo leak and he looks really really cool he looks like some kind of dinosaur thing it's hard to know past that he didn't have an evolution from what we saw in the leaks but i think this guy could make for a great pokemon and i would love to see him revived someday at number eight we have the infamous lotikin or latias blaziken combination pokemon that was seen in some concept art for ruby and sapphire ultimately obviously this pokemon didn't become a thing and latias and blaziken were split apart seemingly for to be their own individual pokemon but this thing nevertheless looks super cool and i would love love love to know the story of why it got split up into two separate pokemon next up at number eight is this songbird pokemon duo and i just really love the creativity that went into these guys i love how the evolution looks like a treble clef you guys know me i'm a sucker for anything music related anyway so i just really love these guys i think they look cool and i would love once again to see them brought back at some point if they haven't already at number seven is this guy and this guy gets this high on the list because he looks cool he looks like he would be a really good pokemon and i have no idea what he's based on but he looks like a really creative design and he just sticks out he just is a memorable memorable sort of uh pokemon creature thing uh so i i just really like him a lot that's that's really all i have to say at number six and you know this one had to make it this far is the evolution original evolution i should say to marowak that was discovered in the red and green beta that effectively confirmed the connection between kangaskhan and marowak because as we can see this marowak evolution has a baby likely baby cubone in its pouch that shows that that was going to be a thing before this pokemon essentially became kangaskhan became its own thing became separate the fact that that was a theory for so long and was proven true all these years later is amazing and is definitely gonna go down in history as one of the most important pokemon that never technically happened the way it was intended to and now we are into the top five and coming in at number five is burunda the reason why i love burunda is because of the story behind it burunda is a balloon pokemon and if that sounds familiar to you in the context of gen 1 especially with it most likely being a pink color although we never have got to see its official colors this was one of the original considerations for jigglypuff it was stated in the satoshi jiri manga which is where this comes from that the staff of game freak voted on which pokemon they liked the best and that's how they made it into the game and it just happened that jigglypuff got the votes over berunda to be the balloon pokemon of pokemon red and green and i think that story is super cool and it gets even cooler when you consider that as an actual more traditional balloon pokemon that this guy could have likely been the basis for driftloon several years later in pokemon diamond and pearl as a balloon pokemon so just the entire backstory that this pokemon has or potentially has is just so fascinating to me and it'll it'll always be one of my favorite cup pokemon for that coming in at number four is honoguma and the rest of its family we've known about honoguma for a while we learned about the rest of its family in the leak from a couple years ago and i can't say i hate the fact that these guys were cut too much because they were replaced with my boy cyndaquil however i love the idea of them as firebear starter pokemon i think that's a phenomenal concept i would love at one point to see an actual firebear pokemon whether it was a starter or not i think that's a really really cool idea and these guys look really cool too so i definitely would love to see this concept revived and reused someday and now taking the bronze medal at number three is none other than gorochew we first heard about gorochu in an interview and then we actually got to see what its backsprite looked like thanks to the red and green beta leak and while we don't have any other looks at it officially other than this backsprite this guy was the third evolution to pikachu an evolution of raichu that speaks for itself in terms of the monumental coolness that is goro chu and just the fascination just the the the idea that something like that could exist is just so cool and that's why it absolutely had to get the number three spot on my list coming in at the number two spot and this was a very very very tough choice to make i have kotora rytora and then an unnamed third stage of their family now this family of pokemon specifically kotora are absolutely just beyond adorable they absolutely should have been official pokemon because they have everything that you need to not only be a pokemon but be a fantastic just super popular pokemon at that however they were unfortunately cut and if you look at them you can pretty much tell that their design was reworked into riko because they're electric tiger pokemon and that is exactly what riko is and riko did not look like ryko does at this time so that's most likely what happened it's also really interesting that these pokemon were not only considered for gold and silver where they were originally found in a leak from those games but they were also considered in red and green because they were found along with a third stage that did not exist in the gold and silver leak in the red and green beta league so these guys were caught were cut not once but twice and that is just a dang shame because these pokemon are way way too good to be cut twice let alone once and that's why they make it as high as number two and finally my number one absolute favorite cut pokemon that we know about so far is this guy from the most recent gold and silver beta leak this guy just looks like he could be a pokemon right now with that design that he has right now you wouldn't need to change anything and he would be super cool he once again looks like a fox type-ish pokemon but he's unique in the sense that he doesn't have any back legs and he kind of just has a long body and everything about him just looks like a pokemon that i would absolutely adore if it was real and it just really appeals to me personally it just i don't know for lack of a better term it's just really my kind of pokemon and for that reason he is my number one favorite cut pokemon that we know about at this point and with that said that is the list thank you guys so much for watching this video please please please let me know your own rankings in the comments below or at least let me know your favorite cup pokemon i would really love to know it if you guys aren't subscribed please subscribe for more new pokemon content all the time also liking this video really helps out and if you'd like to support the channel further you can check me out on spotify and listen to my pokemon remixes there and you can also check out my pokemon cardinal project and get caught up on that because that's been a ton of fun as well anyways with that said i will see you guys with another video very soon in fact the next one that is going up after this video is a new episode of pokemon cardinal so i hope you're hyped for that and until then as always i love you guys and i will smell you guys later [Music] you
Channel: HoopsandHipHop
Views: 236,820
Rating: 4.8328519 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, beta pokemon, cut pokemon, pokemon red and green beta, pokemon gold and silver beta, pokemon diamond and pearl beta, pokemon leak, cut pokemon designs, best pokemon, worst pokemon, pokemon black and white beta, pokemon x and y beta, mega flygon, gameplay, pokemon sword and shield, nintendo, Nintendo switch, hoopsandhiphop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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