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welcome so i've been watching a lot of iceberg videos you know how these work right take any media subject and order random facts from surface level known stuff to the deeper weird obscure stuff it's a nerd scale kinda anyways to talk about these things you'd have to be a pretty big fan of the topic to do so in which case pokemon mystery dungeon is one of my favorite game series which is kind of a fraudulent thing to say because i haven't actually beaten gates to infinity but i'll offend that game's music if you think super mystery dungeon has a good soundtrack then you think gates has an amazing soundtrack too because there's a good amount of reused songs regardless i figured who else to talk about this iceberg than me spacey soundy well actually a lot of people could do this a lot better the pmd fans on reddit know their nose but you gotta understand i was obsessed with this series like when super mystery dungeon got revealed i was making all these crazy theories i was straight up crying when i saw grovile was recruitable you gotta understand i remember even writing down my top 100 mystery dungeon songs on a piece of paper so gather around and let's talk about some random neat things about this series i love so much this iceberg was made by the bug catcher will spoiler alerts for most of the series by the way all right yada yada mishkas you already know that you've got your team ready items apples okay then let's enter this dungeon multi-hit moves okay so multi-hit moves and mystery dungeon are just insane like broken and still are to this day the fact that there are so many memes about this is just proof these moves are kind of a joke in the normal pokemon games but man in history dungeon i feel like everyone has a fear of a certain pokemon with a multi-hit move for me it's firo and mount blaze dude gets me every time the craziest part is that if you faint from a multi-hit move and then use a recovery seed the move will keep going so you're just sitting there losing like 12 revival seeds because you're just getting slapped over and over by five hits at least on the flip side if you can learn a multi-hit move you're basically golden for the rest of the game it just gets more busted in the later games too because you get skills that increase crit rate and accuracy if you ever manage to survive a multi-hit attack without a single hit doing a crit give yourself reward because you got lucky the mystery dungeon world is crazy man where a random pokemon with pin needle is more threatening than the final boss zod 2 is ticklish i'm assuming this is just a reference to the part of the story and rescue team where you need to get zatu's attention by either attacking or tickling them i'm judging you if he actually attacks is a homie man come on but yeah they just laugh and that's about it am i missing more to this caps locked yalga this is kind of just a meme that whenever dialga and most legendaries in this series like polka 2 whenever they talk they just yell in all caps even in a casual conversation at the cafe they're just yelling it's pretty funny bad ign ratings yeah hygiene kind of hates this series or at least whoever reviews these games from ign it's weird how often they give the same score too and they complain about the games being repetitive huh most infamously was their review on explore to the sky which got dislike bombed on youtube i guess the complaint was that it was just a rehash of explorers of time and darkness but i mean i mean oh no i didn't always got the whack reviews i swear i remember them giving yokai watch too like a two out of ten or something bonker like that but maybe they just edited some of these because these have changed i swear these scores used to piss me off when i was young but i mean we really shouldn't care what a random viewer we know nothing about has to say right reviews have a lot more meaning when you understand the person behind them like oh yeah i'd expect this guy to not like this game but honestly reviews don't really matter because you may end up really liking a game that people don't and if you only try highly rated games you may potentially miss out on what could be your favorite game like my favorite game of all time next to explorers the sky i suppose it's a mother fan game and the biggest review for it is just a guy saying it's pretty average but yeah don't seek validation by having the same opinions as someone else especially someone you don't even know love yourself and what you love um this is just something wigglytuff says a lot i don't know why i stuck with people so much but yeah man humec i don't think it has any meaning but maybe i just can't comprehend the sheer power and genius that radiates from wigglytuff in his utah diglett has feet this is a pretty well known one just a little bit of dialogue from rescue team where diglett exclaims that his feet feel like they're still walking on air and it's kind of a big thing i guess because you never really see diglett's feet in the pokemon games it also doesn't seem to have a footprint when shown in the pokedex but i mean what do you think this is a hot dog sticking out the ground i'm sure they got feet man anyways i guess let's go and oh my god [Music] it's a monster house this is a pretty famous thing in mystery dungeon the farther you get in the game the more times you'll find a room full of items you see a gummy in a room get ready for some hell suddenly pokemon from the dungeon will reign in and surround you if you don't have a room that hits the full room you're in some trouble man this honestly leads to some of the most memorable moments in the series because so many crazy things can happen maybe a trap will go off and screw over everyone maybe you use an orb and send everyone around the floor so now the floor is all crowded is crazy depending on the pokemon that show up this can be very bad it's always fun to see a bunch of items on the map and be like yeah that's a monster house all right sometimes you just spawn in a monster house at a floor start great stuff cheating on the personality test this is sort of a dishonest thing at the start of the earlier pmd games your starter would be determined by a questionnaire this has always been kind of iconic to me and many other mystery dungeon fans so much so that they screened blast for me when gates didn't have it but honestly y'all just cheated anyways restart if you don't get what you like and try again or just look up the answers to the questions to get what you want oh i was never a fan of starters being locked behind gender i don't really get what part of personality that is but maybe i'm not allowed to say that considering where i fall huh grovile was a good guy the whole time i mean that's just part of the plot to explore did you play the game well good then you know grovel is one of the dopest characters to ever get put in the game by the way definitely up there with my favorites along with these guys if you're ever confused why people would want a normal grow ball in smash it's because they're talking about the grow mile i guess for context if you don't know grovel was presented as a villain throughout a majority of explorers until it's revealed hey he's actually good and pretty important honestly he's so cool that when you get to play as him in a bonus episode it's like who even cares about the hero and their partner this is the cool crew all right that was a tough floor i mean a monster house on the first floor that's crazy but we need to go deeper an entire game behind post game this is pretty normal for most of the mystery dungeon games you think you beat the game in the final boss it's all over the credits roll well actually the game's just begun mystery dungeon post games is usually when the game really starts and honestly ends up longer than the main story the story continues too like straight up new areas new arcs new villains new characters it really makes all the final boss stuff just seem like a simple ending of another chapter the one-off anime specials so yeah rescue team explorers gates they all got anime adaptions they're definitely pretty whack and come off more as advertisements more than anything else like there's only like one episode for each and usually they're just speedrunning the first few story points of the game the one for sky straight up just gets the grovile being a cool guy and doing all the stuff with dusknoir it doesn't even get to the end of the game where you fight the elga it just cliffhangers you so it just spoils the big twist and then blue balls you effective advertising i guess was the twist really that interesting if you don't have it built up from several encounters and hours of gameplay that's the benefit to being a game i suppose maybe the real unknown stuff are the official pokemon mystery dungeon mangas am i the only one bro look at primo dialga on the cover of this one you know at least the anime gave us this i honestly have no comment but i feel a little older now dark ride caused the planet's paralysis uh i guess maybe it's revealed in the post game that dark ride was behind all the events and honestly i completely forgot about this like yeah sure dark cry you're the real puppet master or some dick i don't care i'm not sure if it's outright stated that dark gray caused the plans paralysis i thought it was like the dielga going primal mode after getting salty about the temporal tower breaking i know it's been a while i guess darkrai could have something to do with this i mean i'm sure they had to have a reason to dick around with the hero and grovel so i guess it makes sense i feel like i'm probably going to get corrected on this one my bad lucario bonsley and munchlax and red rescue team and blue rescue team so this is pretty cool rescue team is part of generation 3 however it came out in 2005 gen 4 coming out in 2006 so as a cool little easter egg you get some cameos from some gen 4 pokemon statues of bonds lee lucario mime jr alongside an extremely rare event where you can find munchlax imagine how cool it must have been as a kid before gen 4 came out and seeing these pokemon that were straight up unheard of never seen before and they really gassed up lucario with dialogue on how he's the greatest rescue team guy and now if you max the rank on your rescue team you become lucario rank which is pretty corny but i mean with how popular lucario is nowadays i guess they knew that they had a hit on their hands even back then [Music] that insoft just got word of some gen 4 pokemon that would be funny to put them in the game i don't really know how it went down accuracy and evasion depend on gender i'm surprised this isn't lower on the iceberg because i never knew about this it's kind of hard to explain but also not really i think it only applies to explorers basically males and genderless pokemon have higher evasion and females have higher accuracy apparently this bonus is so small it doesn't really matter that much although magazines have also said that males have a higher crit rate but i don't really know if that's also true if i had to say how well educated i was on a subject using something like zero to five time gears or something like how the other iceberg videos do i'd have to put like a three because i don't think i understand this fully reoccurring characters between games this is a surprisingly common thing there are an absolute ton of characters that go across games and mystery dungeon like for example the wigglytuff and rescue team i mean he says you can tattoo so you can only assume then he shows up in super mystery dungeon also i mean the big game is super mystery dungeon any pokemon you can recruit that was a character in the previous game is here it's a party dude even if half this stuff doesn't really make sense like how are groville celebi and dusknoir here i don't know about that one i bet new people would probably be pretty confused by this stuff like why is it grow vile with a pink celebi but it's fan service so it's okay this one is absolutely nine tails though when they talk about the previous hero from rescue team this might be my favorite bit it blew my dick away and it honestly opens up so much for the perceived canada mystery dungeon that i know nobody actually cares about it but me the combined cover art on the gba and ds versions of rescue team i'm glad this is here this is pretty cool the rescue team had two versions one for ds and one for game boy advance the only time where splitting the pokemon game was actually a good idea anyway so on the cover of blue you see a rescue team looking down a hole and for the cover on red you see a rescue team in a cave staring up at a hole towards the ceiling they're connected it's really cool i'm glad that they kept it for the remake nice so in the mystery dungeon games you recruit pokemon by beating them and as you would imagine tougher pokemon have lower recruit rates like you know zapdos has 30 percent mew has point nine percent latios has point one percent and keklian has negative thirty three point nine percent wait what [Music] you see keklians are the shopkeepers in mystery dungeon and if you steal from one they come on your homies and they beat you up these guys are ninja super fast endless spawning if you aren't max level you're gonna get hit by the one shot not not that one this one you get wiped by these guys then they rob you and replace all your items with plain seeds you became a victim of the cycle man and now they're probably selling your items to some other fool so as you would guess you have no chance of recruiting one if your recruit rate is at its base to level and i know what you're thinking spacey based on what there's an item called the friend bow that increases your recruit rate by ten percent if your leader pokemon is between levels 90 to 100 you get plus 24 recruit rate so yeehaw you got a one in one thousand recruit rate chance on beating a cat creon when compared to explorers this is easy in explorers you need to be between level 99 to 100 have a specific iq skill that only certain pokemon can learn and get a tough to obtain item this crap takes hours man i was on the grind myself for days but once you recruit one they got max stats hell yeah no legendary can stand to keklian what a god maybe the sickest joke is that these guys actually suck at the level one dungeons what a cruel world the japan only we wear games so japan got a mystery dungeon game we wear exclusive it's always kind of been an enigma to me like i've heard about it but never really cared to check it out well luckily in april of this year a team got together to translate the game let's take a look oh god oh so this is like pokemon rumble i mean all right yo wait hold up they're stacking well they're like doing a chicken fight hold up this might be good okay so the gimmick with this game is that it's split between three versions pokemon mystery dungeon keep going wildfire adventure squad pokemon mystery dungeon go for it radiant adventure squad pokemon mystery dungeon let's go oh oh god uh tempest adventure squad so basically depending on the version you choose it changes the different pokemon you can get and start with as you would imagine now you're even more limited on pokemon the amount of exclusive pokemon here is insane you barely get anything here though i guess pokemon fans are kind of used to that by now huh i was actually going to play this but while it's easy to find the translation finding the actual game maybe someday apparently there are a lot less story focused i don't really know how the fans feel about this one but it looks like mystery dungeon but without a focus on story well you gotta wonder i mean you aren't even a human turned into a pokemon for this one but you know what that's a breath of fresh air it'd be cool if you got a game like this but like you play as a pokemon who lost all their memories everyone says you're the human turned into pokemon or something so you think you're some kind of hero destined to save the world but then it gets revealed you're just some amnesiac loser and that one of the other characters is the transformed pokemon and maybe they're the villain too and they're just like trying to do whatever they can to be a human so they can go home again it'd kind of be like metal gear solid 2 or whatever you know and that's the best one it'd be cool trust me i'll play these someday maybe if i ever get to that mystery none in retrospective humans are extinct you know this one is kind of interesting you never actually see humans in these games you play as a human turned into a pokemon but you never see any others the real kicker is that the pokemon here despite seemingly being in a different pokemon world with no humans they know what humans are how would they know what humans are if there aren't any humans here they would have had to exist at one point right i mean weren't tms and stuff man-made why are they here and what about this stuff like the power plant friend area did humans make this or pokemon if grovel was with you when you were human does that mean you two came from a different world and every game seems to have some weird reason a human gets turned into a pokemon i don't know man i mean the manga actually shows the main human character in a world of humans before going to the pokemon world but then it was a dream maybe not the concepts presented here match up to that of the original writers i don't care we're moving on before i explode talking to spin does hello i never knew about this man so there's a post-game sidequest and rescue team where spinda wants to know about the mirage pokemon ho-oh you diddle some dicks and meet up with hello relay the info to spinda and they dip out but if you finish the quest by talking to spindle with ho-oh you get special dialogue with the spindle popping off i'm glad there's footage of this out there good stuff pmd gang pmd sky retcons time and darkness with the groville special episode yeah that kind of does happen in time and darkness you see groville push dust going through the portal back into the future and you never see them again you just assume they kind of that they died you know well skye adds this whole grovel special episode it's like hey they actually live happy ending yay you know what though i'm glad special episode 5 was the peak of mystery dungeon in my opinion best music best characters it's a weird hill to stay on but i'll stay on it with all my life i guess it kind of ruins the original intention that celebi and groval were planning on sacrificing themselves no matter what and for them to just live it's weird but hey i don't know if i'd like grover as much if it wasn't for everything this special episode talked about this changed me as a kid man and hey it's cool to see dusknoir become a good guy although maybe in an alternative version where everything went the same but groville's crew actually do get erased would have been a lot cooler and fitting either way how the hell did they show up in super mystery dungeon different timeline basis is the future that they created and that's where super takes place in the future world put that theory on this iceberg rescue teams are morally gray i feel like the majority of rescue teams you meet in these games are just jerks like teams that don't help people unless the pay is good or teams that just straight up want to stop other teams then we've got teams like team charm they're just going on treasure hunts they aren't rescuing anyone what the hell you guys just killed that guy that guy's dead what are you guys doing gengar was the cursed human you know one thing i don't like about this iceberg is that some of the things on here are just like what happens at the end of the game i'll make this quick so basically everyone calls the sustain rescue team because apparently there was this cursed human that was turned into a pokemon and that human is going to bring destruction but if you play post game you'll find out it was actually gengar the guy who called you out for being a human he got turned into a pokemon because he touched a nine tails tail now here's the interesting part does that mean he was a human in this world why does a nine tails have the power to turn someone into a pokemon maybe being a human transformed into a pokemon isn't that uncommon then maybe the reason humanity is extinct is because they all got turned into pokemon now that's interesting getting turned into an apple so there's an orb known as the itemizer orb that when used transforms the enemy pokemon into an item like an apple that you can eat does that count as murder cannibalism or all of the above regardless if you use this on a pokemon that has mirror move it gets reflected and oh shoot dude dang and that's it man the game's over we actually just get kicked out of the dungeon not even a reviver seed can save you from this now here's a disturbing thought so assumedly so assumingly you get transformed back into a pokemon but if you were to transform a pokemon into an apple would that happen if you ate that apple would the pokemon transform back but like in someone's stomach you know honestly i'm not going to continue that ah finally the staircase let's get going i have a feeling this next one is going to get pretty strange the nightmare this is a pretty odd dungeon that you can only visit once in the explorer's post game this is actually because you're in a zeros nightmare kind of weird that you can just dive into a pokemon's mind but this dungeon can be kind of scary because there aren't any apples so make sure you're prepared but maybe the most interesting part is that a lot of the pokemon you fight here are npcs you would see in the town although not all town npcs are here which makes you wonder why it's only certain ones even including that of wigglytuff i know it's a nightmare but still just imagine having a dream where like your best friends are going out to kill you and then you wake up and it's like i don't know you look at them differently for a bit you know maybe the craziest thing is that you aren't supposed to recruit any pokemon here but i've heard stories of pokemon being recruited from this dungeon a glitch in darkness and time supposedly now that's interesting what would that pokemon be like because these pokemon aren't real they're just dreams no past just a representation of someone else because this is the nightmare that make this pokemon evil this whole recruitment thing could be false but i can't really disprove it which is what makes it pretty cool the keckleon brothers raid dungeons to supply their shop this is one of the ones that would put like two out of five time gears in terms of how much i understand it i mean it makes sense where else would they get their items you could also assume that they get orders put out for the keckleons that are seen in the dungeons which might not seem that profitable but i mean do you see how much the purple caction charges for a tm god dang dude for some reason i always assume that all keklions were connected in some sort of chain like they all have shared items between each other they just kind of have a complete monopoly on the item market you can also assume that they get all their items just from knocking out pokemon in the dungeons i mean when you get knocked out by a hexagon they rob you of everything these guys are strong enough to kick your dick so wigglytuff has committed multiple felonies sorry i was just processing this one i needed backup on this one so luckily marie is the best squid got us with the list i'm no lawyer but i'm gonna defend my man's wigs real quick aiding and abetting a wanted fugitive as a child first of all let me look at what a betting means uh-huh yeah i don't get it second he was like a three-minute old kid is that actually a felony think about it knowingly hiring children for what is effectively mercenary work okay children is kind of debatable the only pokemon the guild that might be a child is the partner which even so i'm not sure if it's ever mentioned but i wouldn't be surprised if it is and you could argue the hero is too but i mean that dude was out there trying to save the world with grovel i mean how's a human going to save the world if they don't have a weapon what i'm trying to say is the hero is a 30 year old dude that definitely knows how to use a gun i know my defense is looking pretty flimsy at the moment you can argue that all unevolved pokemon are kids but then you would have to be ready to fight on the case that the expedition society is actually just a bunch of kids and that's some grounds to die on hey maybe this is the real dude stacking up the felonies you ever think about that using a gang ritual to enforce employment by instigating a massive brawl every anytime someone wants to quit oh yeah that does happen when you try and leave the guild on the post game i mean you could kind of twist it that the guild is just a gang that extorts its members for money while the leader just sits around and takes the profit threatening anyone who tries to leave with a brutal beat down all i'm saying is that i think we just got an acquittal sorry prosecution you may have a case of afros because let's be weird that guy gives off bad vibes but you're gonna need more to take out wigglytuff arceus save the pokemon of the ruined future so in the fifth special episode after defeating primo dielga it seems like everyone from the future is about to disappear when suddenly they all live even diogo is back to normal when asked the elga says that of being higher than themselves is what saved them and when you're the god of time there can't really be any higher being that is in god which is really weird because you never see arceus a mystery dungeon the most i can say is in the post game of super mystery dungeon where they show up after the world already got saved like dang man the world is ending every other month in this world and you never show up are you just asleep for all of it i always assume that these guys were saved because when they were about to disappear the pokemon of the past aka you actually beat dioga and save the world and maybe dialga talking about a higher being isn't actually talking about someone but a concept the power of the past affecting the future the kind of stuff that you can't change that kind of power all i'm saying is that arceus is looking kind of fraudulent right now ghost types can possess corpses this is probably referring to the part of the fifth special episode where duck nor attempts to possess grovel's body in order to fool the main characters he does so by trying to remove his soul and then entering his body that way which is really messed up especially if things did work out and he did go back to the past walking around the corpse of your best friend this could also refer to grovel being taken over by spirit tome in the future where he says spirit tone took control of his body and he didn't even need to die for that to happen and with spiritone being a collection of spirits you gotta wonder if they made a deal with dusknor to take growfow's spirit when he gets killed if you ever think living in the world of pokemon would be cool think about stuff like this does nor grovel celebi are in a love triangle wait hold up so this is kind of just referring to the love triangle between groville and celebi and grovile in dusk north i don't really have a lot to comment on this one i mean kidding me but i will say i've always been a fan of grovel x dusknoir send any and all fan art of that my way but i've probably already seen it all but i think in reality everyone just loves grovel man i mean how could you hate him do you hate groville thought so the interconnected continents this might be complicated so sit down and try to understand super mystery dungeon was the big coming together of the mystery dungeon games it was a game for the fans i remember when trailers were first being shown people including me were going crazy at what looked like the setting from rescue team being a place where you could visit this brought all these crazy theories like could you visit the town from the original game i was hoping you could see the human turned pokemon from rescue team imagine if you teamed up with all the different heroes in super that would have been awesome a lot of hopes were dashed but super did reveal that the continents were connected rescue team took place on the air continent explorers took place on the grass continent gates on the missed continent and super on the wadded continent and basically everywhere else it's kind of cool to get this kind of world building drop so far into the series even if you don't actually get to visit cool places like treasure town sure makes me wonder just how unexplored these areas are it's really cool stuff the planetary investigation team special episode 5 again huh this is a really strange line said by groville apparently there's a team of pokemon that have greed to give their life in order to change the world this is something you can really wonder about just who is this team you never see or hear them beyond this line that grovel threw out it makes you wonder if this was just some translation error you never really see any good pokemon in the future and to think that there was a group of survivors that are ready to make a change and do things like hey where because that sounds really interesting but i guess as it is we only have to assume who these people are oh we've hit the bottom the depths of this dungeon i expected to find great treasure but instead i found something far [Music] different the protagonist was manipulated into staying in red and blue rescue team this one is messed up so at the end of rescue team the hero successfully saving the world leaves to be turned back into a human however they decide to stay after everyone gets all sad and begs them to stay completely leaving behind everything from their human life their family their friends everything just to stay with these bricks like hey do you remember when nearly everyone here kicked you out and left you to die these guys are all selfish but maybe the hero had nothing to return to considering gardevoir erased their human memories anyways what the hell the media threatening to destroy the world was sent from the aurora's delta episode alternative universe okay you gotta understand i don't really care about normal pokemon at all nowadays unless if it's something dope like crystal clear so with that in mind i think i understand what this is about so i'm going to swing with confidence with the knowledge i might miss with destruction so in a post game content thing known as a delta episode in auras there's a giant meteor coming to kill everyone and this space station wants to pull a chex quest and just push it somewhere else by teleporting it to another world luckily hidden bali xenia shows up and stops that because instead the player can just use mega rayquaza and slap the oxes and destroy the meteor okay so assumingly it stated that ruby sapphire and emerald is an alternative universe where the same things happen but there just weren't any megas in gen 3. says theorized that in gen 3 zenya's plan failed and the meteor was teleported to a different dimension now in rescue team the main plot is that there is a giant meteor coming to kill everyone which in turn caused the human from the theoretically other world to be turned into a pokemon to save this one that or this is just an alternative universe and auras where it did get teleported honestly that's a pretty cool theory i like it theories like these are so cool and there's a lot of them too it's just fun to talk about all dungeon pokemon are kick leon so when you steal from a keklan in a dungeon all pokemon on that floor will be keckley and you won't see any others i'm not sure if that includes pokemon that are currently around when you steal i sadly don't know about that i mean this goes into my theory that all cactions are just part of a market chain and if one is getting robbed they call for backup and handle the problem because it's infinite kecleon will not stop spawning until you leave or until you get slapped i guess you could theorize that the keckleon are always there in the dungeon you just don't see them i mean they do got the camouflage thing going on you ever play the minigame in pokemon pinball bidoof's wish caused the events of time dark and sky i feel like most people know this but they don't think about it that hard in the first special episode of explorers of sky you find biduf exploring star cave at the end badoof makes a wish to jirachi to get new friends that will join wigglytuff's guild that being the hero and their partner cool right well then you have to consider if badoof's wish inadvertently put the world in complete peril considering that the human wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for the world being in danger in other words beedu's wish single-handedly almost caused the end of the world and explores wouldn't even have happened if he just didn't make that wish i think the part this may affect the most is dark ride being the one to turn the hero into a pokemon was that caused only because of badoo's wish maybe darkrai wasn't the true mastermind they thought they were right it's not like the partner pokemon would have joined if it wasn't for the hero being there to support them so the cause is direct although honestly maybe the plot of explorers should have just been everyone trying to find dorache in order to just wish to save the world the secret council gardevoir was under here's an interesting thing similar to that of the planetary investigation team when gardevo reveals the role of the hero and rescue team instead of using i to describe this process of finding the human jesus we which implies that there is a group out there dedicated to turning humans into pokemon when the world is in danger who is this group that is out there sending personality surveys in your spam folder well you won't believe it we don't know darkrai was sent to the ash universe losing its memory like in the movie okay so i don't really remember this movie i don't think i can show it here without being thrown in the slammer basically from what i understand darkrai is found all beat up with lost memories in this movie and the theory is that this is the same dark ride from explorers who attempted to escape through a dimensional hole only for the hole to get slapped by poggia leaving darkrai's fate unknown so maybe the movie darkrai is the same as the explorers one well in actuality the dark ride from the movie is actually darkrai from pokken after fighting my crow gunk sorry dude you never stood a chance and that's why they're all beat up in the movie in actuality you can find darkrai in several dungeons after the post game where they can be recruited but because it might not be the same dark ride i sadly don't have a dark cry on my save but there's an interaction line with them stating that they have lost their memory or something i think that would clear things up a lot if you can check please let me know wigglytuff is trans so in super mystery dungeon you can recruit wigglytuff and shadot as you would imagine these are the same ones from explorer however shout out refers to wigglytuff as a she which is a first as wigglytuff was always identified as a male is this a translation error because the game was translated by different people from explorers maybe or wigglytuff really did just transition from the events of explorers to super if so good for her okay we're at the absolute bottom and i'm not gonna lie this may be the most terrifying one of all this may mess you up brace yourself no reviver seeds will save you from this [Music] truth the franchise birthed the series of furries it's true don't dodge the truth pmd has always been a furry izakaya series do you know how many people bought these games because they thought the idea of turning into a pokemon was cool all these pokemons didn't come from nowhere you know you know how many lucarios i know on twitter come on man this series may have been an awakening for a lot of people stripping away the pokemon it's a story about a human turning into an animal with magic powers so i mean all right that's the iceberg honestly the last sword was a lot more silly than you'd think you guys may have been upset that i was too jokey or opinionated on this and a lot of times i kind of just ignored the points and just did my own theories i didn't entirely mean to come off like that i just think it fits the tone of this iceberg in general i just like talking about pmd it's likely just bad writing but you can pull out so many wack theories for mystery dungeon and they kind of make sense although there are a couple things i kind of wish were on this list so let me drop mine memento i don't think there's enough gameplay quirks on this iceberg i was going to put how gummies are actually bugged when turned into shakes at the cafe and explore the sky and actually don't give you more iq if the gummy matches your pokemon's type it's bug making it faster to just eat the gummies instead of turning them into shakes but there is like no information on this so maybe i'm in the wrong but i swear i'm right on that so let me just talk about memento instead in pokemon momento faints the user pokemon in order to minimize the attack and special attack of the target pokemon in mystery dungeon it affects the whole room but instead of fainting it cuts your hp to one and teleports you to a different room this may be a personal experience but memento is far more broken than multi-attacks i don't know which dungeon it was but it was just full of pokemon that spanned memento and when you got hit by it you basically lost the ability to attack because you really do just become so weak and the pokemon that used it they just teleport to a random room ready to find you and use it again if you even manage to fix your stats it's a full room attack too so you can't just dodge it or stop it you just have to accept it and unlike multi-hit moves it's kind of useless in your hands because debuffing pokemon doesn't matter that much unless if it's a boss do that on a boss and you basically become invincible smeargle in pmd absolutely any pokemon can get max stats which in a way makes all pokemon the same in such case it becomes up to the moves to differentiate pokemon in that case would smeargle be the theoretical strongest pokemon in the pokemon world they can learn anything and hit max stats like everyone else well i guess ability and iq play a role but all i'm saying is that if you were born a smeargle good stuff dude you won sketching is extremely easy too because you can use sketch on your partners to just learn their moves every mystery dungeon i end up having a smirk with some crazy busted messed up moves i love smeargle dude i think in a perfect lore world these guys would actually be the strongest okay let's go into some more theories these are actually kind of freaky get ready stolen eggs sometimes a reward from doing a job will be an egg the egg ends up hatching into a pokemon from the dungeon you were doing the job in which means a lot of the time the egg isn't from the pokemon that gave you the quest and i mean where could it have come from other than the fact that it was stolen from some pokemon in that dungeon and now being handed out as a reward for someone else team skull is dead and explores one of the minor villain groups is team skull oh no not that one anyways the last one you ever see of them is in brian cave where they get slapped up skunk says he'll meet you again and then they just straight up never show up again or are ever mentioned it's like they just got written out of the story and erased not even the entirety of postgame do they show up what happened well they could have died but skunk tank does show up in super mystery dungeons so he's fine don't know about what happened to zubat or coughing though that or they did turn into humans and skunk tank is ghosma whoa comey maybe swanna this has to be the crackest thing but nobody ever talks about it y'all remember that carly ray jameson song that popped off you know call me maybe i don't know if this made it into the final game but at least in the demo to gates of infinity you meet swanna and she says call me swanna just don't call me maybe this line has puzzled me for years it's just so random like of everything to reference why that and gates came out later that year from the release of the song so the popularity was there but i don't get it was this supposed to be funny this is why you don't put memes in your media because a lot of people nowadays this just doesn't make sense in the future the sixth time gear this one always leads to the most fascinating discussions it's a real debate whether or not this exists the partner mentions at one point it explores about a time gear in a volcano however you never actually go here or ever hear about this time gear again after this line and to reach temporal tower at the end of the game you'll only need exactly five time gears so what gives well there's a lot of theories on this maybe grovel took it at one point maybe this time gear is at the dark crater where dark right is another popular one is that it's just a rumor that the partner heard is not real but dude why is it on the title screen for explorers of darkness then it had to have some importance what happened to this time gear was it cut content does it truly even exist i don't know i don't think anyone knows man the wind in the dungeon this is something that has always bothered me staying on a floor in a dungeon for too long causes the game to play a scene where the music cuts out and the wind blows stating that something is coming after you and as soon as it gets too close boom kicked out of the dungeon by an unseen force what could this force be it doesn't matter who you are you could be the god of time you could even be arceus and you will still get blown out no pokemon can survive against this i think one of my biggest fears is the fear of the idea of something giant big slowly approaching you i don't know why even if it's miles away the fact that i can see it coming towards me that's scary and here it is coming for you but you have no idea where but if you wait around it always ends up getting you even when you move to the next floor it will be there slowly making its way towards you once again and maybe the scariest part nobody ever talks about it and i mean in the game nobody ever brings up what this could be maybe by this point it's so normal it's not even worth bringing up everyone's just used to whatever this unseen force is existing and controlling them i mean i know it's just a lore separated gameplay mechanic as an excuse to put a timer on floors but that's a boring way to think of it and with how you get several warnings about this thing coming closer hey man i think they were going for something with this wigglytuff was supposed to be the main character this one could be its own video i'll try and keep it short and hit the points so it explores there's a thing called the relic fragment it's need to go to the temporal tower placing it on this platform causing it to fly and all that for never explained reason your partner has it they just say that they've always had it and it said that it's held by one with the kindest heart and who's kinder than wigglytuff at the beginning of the game the partner gets the relic stolen from them by team skull who then run off into a cave the partner would have been too nervous to chase after them if the hero wasn't there to support them if the hero wasn't there the partner would had to have requested the guild to get the item back you see what i'm getting at there's a lot of ways this could be written but wigglytuff would have gotten his hands on the fragment and when the time came traveled to hidden land to stop primal dialga he was going to be the main character the one destined to save the world he had even previously met lapras who knew how to get to hidden land so it seems like it all would have lined up and played out that way but the heroes showed up instead so this couldn't have happened the two did retrieve the relic fragment and kept it to themselves why did the heroes show up because of bidu's wish it's all connected man i could also go to town on the crazy theories of pmd which is the fun thing about icebergs it gets people talking sharing their own theories and weird gameplay things that have happened to them there's been stuff that has happened to me in games that has never been reported on by anyone else case in point the locked elevator in the level grid from perfect dark nobody ever talks about this and when they do it's just a mystery on how to open it i've opened it man i remember i could never forget it's such a crazy moment i will always cherish old games were mysterious man i guess that doesn't apply too much to the mystery dungeon games i think weird glitches are one of the most fascinating things to me remind me to bring that up in my inevitable creepypasta games are cool video but yeah i hope you enjoyed the iceberg i mean i didn't make it but pokemon mystery dungeon is such an openly written series with no care on how things happen between games being written by the people who didn't create pokemon creating such a strange lore that you can really do a lot with it's why theories can also be so fun i could say that the between phase of wigglytuff's life after being an igly buff is being the jigglypuff from smash wild stuff anyways thanks for watching if you like this and you'd like to see more then don't subscribe to me because this is the only iceberg i'm doing this channel is mostly just me talking about random cool indie games nobody cares about feel free to follow my twitter too i post and talk a lot about my game that i've been working on for like 20 years four years man this game is gonna be dope man trust me who knows maybe you'll even change the world and if anything it may change someone just like how pokemon mystery dungeon changed me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SpaceySoundy
Views: 102,881
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon mystery dungeon, pokemon mystery dungeon iceberg, pokemon iceberg, pokemon creepypasta, pokemon mystery dungeon creepypasta, pokemon mystery dungeon theory, pmd creepypasta, pmd iceberg
Id: Ua4I9YQ4jnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 18sec (3078 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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