[OLD] The PlayStation Classic - Caddicarus

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls after a long hiatus in the beginning of a new year it is my pleasure to welcome back to youtube today cad digress now caddy please tell us how are you feeling are you ready for 2019 that's great because here's how it [Music] starts what are you playing at what have i got to do this what do i look like a fall to you [Music] happy new year everyone welcome back my ass welcome back my ass i haven't had such a cold welcome back to anything before since the last time i forgot to add hot water to my bath and jump right on in the neighbors thought i sat on the cat i mean come on sony i built my entire career on youtube off of the games that occupied the ps1 the great and the terrible the iconic and the desperate the games that i was raised on and helped mold me into the person that i am today yeah i learned a lot of life lessons from ape escape so to see how blatantly bad the playstation classic turned out to be after so much promise and a brilliant teaser showing off five of the 20 games featured that were all a pretty damn great start doesn't even make me angry just totally apathetic to the whole thing i'm sure many of you out there were expecting me to get totally enraged over this thing but to be honest i just don't have the heart for it today and sometimes that can be a worse sensation than being completely fueled by hate over something it's like my teachers always said to me i'm not angry i'm quite drunk and i couldn't believe i would be saying this today i mean after all not only were playstation themselves kind enough to send me the ps classic in time for christmas with my own special christmas card but even after tearing through the adorable custom wrapping paper to feast my gaze on the packaging for this thing my god this is like junk food for my eyes i'm just going to spoil it for you right now they put more effort into this retro styled nostalgic packaging than they did for the bit of plastic bum inside it and once you get the thing out itself admittedly it is just as cute to me as the nes classic and snes classic it's the system that defined my childhood but babyfied i can't handle it even the controllers despite being basic usb wired controllers have custom ends so it doesn't feel out of place plugged into the mini little thing even the snes classic doesn't do that but the rest of it is alone of all to start with the thing didn't even work for me initially and to show you in a little bit more detail as to what i mean we have to make our way over to the telly okay so the ps classic it's there do you see it okay so usually the system would have a small glowing orange light to let you know that it's on standby mode but my light isn't on why is this because it isn't plugged in yet what is plugged in is my snes classic it's connected directly to the usb port of my tv and that is enough to get it to oh yep there it goes it's on how lovely when it comes to the ps classic though well we need to go behind my tv with my special plug cam so you can see me working on it in real time so here we are with the plug cam and so here we are with the maximum fire hazard cam and as you can see right now the snes classic is plugged into the tv you saw it working a second ago with it like that but what happens when i switch the cable around to the usb plugged into the ps classic a big load of fat useless nothing who made this soldier boy yeah the ps classic doesn't work with the power off of my tv or any other usb device the only way for me to get this thing working was by plugging it into the mains with a usb adapter which i just so happen to already have but this is a major flaw in the design of the thing right out the box the snes classic doesn't come with a usb mains adapter yet works perfectly well directly off of my tv's usb slot the playstation classic doesn't come with a usb mains adapter and yet doesn't work at all without it plugged into a wall i know they're assuming we'd all have spare adapters in our modern homes but if that's the case why include a hdmi cable i've got so many hdmi cables lounging around my house i could hang myself with them but adapters are not as common as you'd assume sony enough complaints though we haven't even started the thing yet so let's boot up the ps classic and see how much better it could possibly get [Music] yeah even i must admit that the ps classic boots up as perfectly as i could have ever imagined it's simple and probably means nothing to a lot of you but this is everything to me and as soon as the system loads up the main menu it crashes into the brick wall of piss off mars an hour this thing has possibly the blandest damn menu i have ever seen in my life i know it's trying to replicate the bios menu when you boot up the ps1 without a disk inside but to be honest not only did i not grow up with this ugly runt of an art style our pal ps1 my family had looked like this but would it have killed to have some music or something at least anything to give this any character that it rightfully deserves hell it would have been better if they made the menu look like my old ps1 demo discs from magazines years ago and used the songs that were on those discs [Music] compare this again to the snes classic you turn it on and are immediately smacked in the face with its charm it's not only a vastly superior user interface with a better layout but listen to that upbeat giddy music look at the amount of things going on the snes classic embraces its heritage and makes something new and unique from it that you just wouldn't get from basic emulation on a pc this this just doesn't cut it i've seen plug-in and play sets that have more effort put into its presentation and that's including the spider-man one where you move him around with his dog even with the snes classic you can pick different borders and backgrounds for the games for yet more charm and character to your experience you can order the list of games on the menu based on lots of different criteria turn on screen burn in reduction if your tv is susceptible and even make the games look like they're running on an old crt tv the ps classic well you can not only turn the entire system off if it hasn't been used for longer than 60 minutes but also dim the screen after five minutes and that's it i'm not joking that's all you can do with this thing and so even though all the games have the same 720p output that the snes classic has you'll find that the ps classic just doesn't do much else besides well run the games i am also fully aware that emulation on a pc itself isn't legal at legal but but you'll find with things like this is that you're paying more for the novelty of the thing than the value of having all the games on one package so my question is why not make the thing that you're paying for more novel i mean why don't you make what you have a better option by default than emulation you know what else emulation has over this thing save states this thing only has one save state per game one save state per game it does have a virtual memory card built in but come on the snes classic once again surf and turfs you out of the salad bar with four save states being available along with built-in save options if the games included allowed it perhaps we should have a look at the games on the little grey grandma then and see if that saves it in any way shape or form well i'm very sorry but that is what you buy this thing for over anything else the games so let's see if the official set list can save it in any way at all this console a better start getting good where i'm gonna leak out of all my hulls well immediately we know this isn't gonna be the best way to play many of these games by default since there are no analog sticks on the controllers bundled with the system which not only means that games like ape escape or rc stunt copter wouldn't have made it on here period but also means that other games that potentially benefit from analog control like siphon filter or metal gear solid don't have that option out of the gate let's give it a fair shot though onto the games number one battle arena thank you well to begin with i don't think i've ever seen a versus match be labelled on the main menu as versus human before sounds like the castle itself is alive but following that i'm not too sure about these characters either sophia looks like someone glued a barbie head on a sandcastle and i don't think i need to say anything about foe where's his chin what's he looking at is that a mustache or a fish stuck up his nose okay well i personally can't let go how much i love foes folks and my stepdaughter is going with duke who looks like he's saying his own name like our battle begins and oh wow oh my good god holy [ __ ] i'm so sorry to any battle arena to shinden fans out there but i feel like i'm controlling a dump truck stuck in a valley of jam no matter what either of us do we can't get the game to respond to our inputs in a reliable way it's the stiffest 3d fighter i've ever played and i'm saying that as someone who's played tekken 1 which funnily enough came out on the same year for the ps1 what's going on here i can appreciate how the game looks and the amount going on with being able to sidestep in and out of the environment that's pretty ahead of its time but this is at the expense of how hitboxes work and responsive button inputs and i must question the body proportions of rongo here he's either hidden a mattress up his shirt or has bigger breaths than lara croft i know we both don't know how to play the game at all but i equally know nothing about how street fighter works but can still jump into a match and enjoy myself this game is just a slog to me no thank you but if you're curious this is worth a look if you ever wanted to play a game as wolverine's left nut laugh at me like that one more time and i'll see you in court game number two call boarders2 i actually made a video about cool borders 3 a long ass time ago and absolutely couldn't stand it so with this being the game that preceded it when the company had even less of a clue of what they were doing yeah yeah i didn't like this game either if i couldn't get my character to jump off of a ramp i then could but then wasn't able to move in mid-air to perform any tricks or i just glitch the camera out otherwise on the racing side of things i'm sorry cool borders fans i just don't get this series and i never will this is me trying to play the game to the best of my ability this is me trying to get speed and the game keeping me in eighth place indefinitely no matter what i do this is me trying to make remotely sharp turns and the game just not allowing me to do that because of one particular button being pushed down that shouldn't be even though you need to slow down and speed up accordingly with the same buttons no this is not what i think of when i see the words playstation and classic together off game three destruction derby i've said this so many times and will say it once again this is not only the worst of all the destruction derby ps1 games but perhaps the most boring racing game i've ever played and i don't get the undying love for it when people fondly remember the glory days of the ps1 this is a very early 3d racer and hot damn does it feel like it no matter what track and what car i pick destruction derby one never reaches any peak of excitement even close to what two or raw are able to accomplish and even worse it never seems to make sense because sometimes i get points for wrecking the other cars but most of the time i don't cap this off with bland repetitive music that never fits the mood of wrecking cars and you get a game that's fun for around three minutes before making you want to quit it before even finishing lap five of an eight lap game four final fantasy vii now this is gonna surprise you all when i first played this game years back i got about three hours into it and totally gave up it just wasn't gripping me i even brought this up in the ps1 series of normal boots madness i did recently so why is it that after all this time with no major interest to revisit it i'm suddenly getting really hooked and want to keep the game going if it weren't for the time i needed to make this video i would have kept playing this honestly to see if i could see something in it a second time around but until then stay cool final fantasy 7 i'm sure i'll pick you up off of the shelf before you go sour also for most people you can't think of playstation without thinking of final fantasy vii the game is as iconic as can bloody be so it makes perfect sense for it to be on here hang on a second can i just boot that game up again quickly licensed by sony computer entertainment america but wait the last three games before this were all european are you [ __ ] me sony are you pushing me out of your rectal cavity if you don't know why this is a bad thing well with european power games back in the day like the ones i have on my shelf they were released at the time at 50hz to comply with the tvs we had available at the time american ntsc games and identical copies of the same games ran a much smoother and faster 60hz which you can see in something as simple as crash bandicoot the game runs fine on pal systems but once you see how it's supposed to run on american systems the issues become abundantly clear pal games are more choppy and slower by default and the ps classic in the most baffling move i've ever seen for a retro classics collection actually mixes in european and american versions of these games on the same damn console meaning some games run like they should and others feel like a goddamn slideshow in comparison especially when playing on a big tv and i can't fathom a single logical reason as to why this was done at this point with so many european games on here i could just grab them off my shelf pop them in my ps3 and then play them that way in hd with wireless controllers chances to have up to four players analog sticks more game selection and with more options to play with to suit my needs oh well i mean obviously minus the singular saves this is even funnier to think about when hackers discovered you can simply plug a usb keyboard into the ps classic itself enter a debug menu by just hitting the escape key and actually choose the regions for games on the system why not just have them all at ntsc by default and you know what i'm not gonna do that because i'm judging this thing as it was given to me off of the shelves and because of that i feel like i bought myself a really nice burrito but it had a fresh turd in it next game on the lineup number five grand theft auto which i found surprisingly fun i've never played the original gta before but i really want to give it another go it's like micro machines and once again if i had a little bit more time i would have kept playing the driving physics are fun the writing is dark and witty it doesn't look half bad for a ps1 game and my god you know you're playing one of the best games ever made when you have to accelerate your main character running around the street by pushing the x button game number six intelligence cube also known as qurushi in power regions i've said this many a time before and stand by my views this is a great puzzle game for the ps1 and one of the most memorable for me personally however i can only get around five to ten minutes of enjoyment of it at a time before getting all itchy and wanting to shave my eyebrows off i will always remember this game from my childhood though if not for the simple and addictive nature then for some of the most daunting sound effects for a puzzle game i've ever heard in my life number seven jumping flash a game that has dated by a fair amount with the advent of first person games just being better as technology has increased but still a fascinating little ride for anyone looking to get into ps1 and well worthy being on this system i was able to jump in and have a blast with this straight away like i always have done every time i replay this game while at the same time appreciate all that it did for the games of his genre especially for the year 1995. this must have blown people away back in the day and somehow it controls decently and it's pretty clear where to go and what to do it's amazing it's cute engaging artistically unique has a totally boring soundtrack and you're a cybernetic rabbit flying around shooting frogs in top hats what's not to laugh game eight metal gear solid do i even need to try explaining why this game was included on this console it must be pretty obvious by this point metal gear solid one was considered by many to be one of the best games if not the best game ever made when it first came out and if crash bandicoot or final fantasy 7 didn't say to the ps1 this game did i'm also thrilled to report that even though i only jumped in for 10 minutes or so it's still a really damn fun and tense game to play despite the limitations don't need to say much else it's bloody metal gear solid number nine mr driller okay well this is a game that far from springs to my mind the second i think of the word playstation but i'm sure i can give it a fair shot i've never even heard of this game before until now but yeah i'll give it a fair shot [Music] well i would give it a fair shot if this game wasn't 20 decibels louder than every other game on this plastic grey paperweight why this game in particular is so loud don't ask i have no idea although my theory is that if the music didn't kick you in the sack the second you booted it up you wouldn't remember the game at all otherwise so congrats on that sony i will never forget mr driller ever again and that's because the game itself is well it's it's fine it's a game you run around and try to dig your way to the bottom of a mine shaft all the while trying not to let the above platforms and materials fall on your head and being quick enough to grab air so you can keep on drilling down that's really all this game is it's like dig dug but without sonic the hedgehog inflation i mean even if there were some people out there that considered this a ps1 classic good on you i guess but really the game's fine there's nothing really wrong with it but there's also nothing really that much to it and because of that i'm bored now game 10 oddworld abe's odyssey now i really would have preferred abe's exodus personally for all the extra features and vast amount more game to it but i mean it's goddamn abe's odyssey i would have kicked and screamed if any kind of oddworld game didn't end up on this collection their playstation royalty as far as i'm concerned and abe's odyssey is one of the most unique artistic visions in video games ever made with some of the coolest and out-there game mechanics of its time let alone just on the ps1 and i suppose the major issue with it causing frustration being the lack of quick saves that abe's exodus has is mitigated by the save state feature built into the console so aside from emulating it this is probably the best way to play the first aid game as it is hello hello follow me okay game 11 halfway there rayman 1. i did a full video about this game a while back and where i love half of it the other half is some of the most trial and error cow deposit i've ever experienced in the platform however i can understand this inclusion as a ps1 classic lots of people associate rayman 1 with it and unfortunately rayman 2 on ps1 isn't the best version of that particular game so yeah i do get this choice even though i'm not the biggest die-hard fan of it oh wait what oh no what is going on here oh my god really okay i know this is one of the usa region roms but what the hell is going on with this snagging in the gameplay i never got this while i played it on my emulator so what's going on here rayman is too beautiful of a game to be subjected to this i wasn't too interested to get far into this game for this video but now i feel like i'm losing my eyesight next game number 12 resident evil what i mean aside from it being the choppier pal version this is as untouched and pure resident evil one can be it's got all the great gameplay all the great atmosphere all the great voice acting master of unlucky and even got the version different from the ps store with the correct and much better soundtrack let me take care of this thank the lord for that game number 13 persona so this is the first game ever in the persona series that i do earn the fourth off on vita but have yet to play once again i didn't have anywhere near enough time to probably dig into it but i can tell you two things one i thought the art style was really cool and two i was absolutely smitten by this world the game gave me i had no clue what was going on but i was so desperate to see where it was going and it was kind of spooky actually especially when the most slender of men appeared out of thin air and started talking at me about monsters that live inside you like alien but not quite like alien because it's actually magic and not my name is philemon what villain phil lamar villamar ah right okay i've got you i could swear i popped a rather nasty filament on the back of my neck yesterday and when i was allowed to run around my school in first person i gotta say it looks pretty damn impressive and runs well for early first person ps1 games especially in something as huge as an rpg but i mean i'm not here to give you a review of the game i didn't even get to any combat or whatever you do in this game i even named my main character crisps that's how seriously you could see i was taking it chris are you okay game 14 ridge racer type 4 where i don't think this game has anywhere near the same cultural impact or iconic ps1 status as the other ridge racer games like ridge racer revolution for instance i can't deny that this is a very good arcade racer and arguably the best ridge racer for the ps1 so all things considered i understand his inclusion but it is just racing over and over again not much else i can say for now so let's move on i think a test drive game would have been a better option here game 15 super puzzle fighter 2 turbo another puzzle game but one of the more stand out for the system and incredibly stylish it's basically dr robotnik's mean bean machine but with street fighter characters and the better combos and larger connections you make with other colors the more damage you do to your opponent this is great fun with two players or even going against the computer it's satisfying has great music and sound effects looks really damn good for it being a simple puzzle game where you're looking mainly at this and never at this i've had this game on my shelves for a while now and i have been meaning to have a look at it so who knows maybe i will this is a good one game 16 siphon filter now where i don't think this game is terrible i've played a fair amount of it before and i personally wouldn't go as far as to call it a playstation classic it's a little bit too dated and slippery in terms of control for me to recommend you going back to it you know it's very triggers run left and right while you tank control gabe logan running around and making ridiculously heavy turns while you try and aim at people accurately that will kill you instantly which is funny because this game released in 1999 and yet the original tomb raider came out three years before yet despite a very similar control scheme is much more responsive and accurate plus it's easier to shoot things and swap through equipped weapons why isn't tomb raider on this thing i can understand some people having fond memories of siphon filter but for me nah this isn't classic material in my opinion unlike game 17 tekken 3. objectively the best tekken game for the ps1 even if i have a soft nostalgia spot for tekken 2. it's still a blast to play it still looks great it still has the crazy number of combos and grabs it still has all the additional modes and characters that make it as great as it is it's tekken 3 game 18 tom clancy's rainbow six well the first person view is very impressive and runs very smoothly for ps1 that is until i found a window shot it and went through it then found a wooden board shot it and went through and died before my feet even touched the ground okay game 19 twisted metal there we go much more ps classic material even though i've heard the sequels are better you drive around and bomb other cars with missiles and machine guns in destructible environments it's hectic violent car mourning that destruction derby one wishes it had and definitely fits more with the heritage of the playstation i mean the clown in the game known as sweet tooth even ended up in ps4 stars so so you know that means it's special and that finishes us off with game 20 wild arms once again i've never played this one before but christ almighty did i want to keep going i've heard from so many people how great this game is and how much it helped to find jrpgs on the playstation and even cooler it's set in the wild west well i assume it is if it isn't set in the wild west it's wild west and themed at least and that soundtrack i have only heard a few minutes of it but god damn it's great i've heard people call this a ps classic all the down time and after only a few minutes of play i'm hooked so i guess they weren't talking a load of billy ball a good way to close off the list of games if you ask me but yeah that is the whole set list of the ps classic kind of just exists doesn't it there are some great games in there there are some bad games in there there are even a couple of classics in there i'll give them that much but none of that means anything when you consider how inconsistent this system is in terms of quality and for how much money they were asking for it when it first came out the lesson here though after all of this is that if companies want people to stop downloading roms and emulating classic games from the past make getting access to your products worth a damn nintendo are really stingy when it comes to selling their classic games already but at least with the snes classic and even nes classic gave you an alternate way to have a large collection of some of the best games on their systems not only with a cute plastic emulator shell and charming spades for the ui but also made them both in total less than buying all of the games on the system via the nintendo eshop the ps classic is simply not worth the asking price and it definitely should not have been called the classic speaking of someone who grew up with love to death and is fondly nostalgic over the ps1 this doesn't take me back at all aside from a few games on the pack that do which i can just play on my ps3 for cheaper anyway or even on the go with my vita i don't know about you guys but i don't think playstation classic and think mr driller persona grand theft auto or tom clancy's rainbow six and the licensing doesn't even make that much sense to me i understand not including games like toy story 2 or tony hawk because they're actual out of game brands and even celebrities so copyright must be tricky but when they can get konami's ngs why can't they get castlevania or silent hill if they can get namco's ridge racer type 4 mr driller and tekken 3 why can't they get clonoa one of the best ps1 games of all time if they can get capcom's resident evil or super puzzle fighter 2 turbo why can't they get any mega man games how about the games that everybody immediately associates with playstation like crash and spyro the remasters are both on playstation systems nowadays and the original games are still ps exclusive so what's all that about and hey what about dead franchises that people would like to see return and that i can't see much licensing issue with like gexx or tombe i mean i'm not going to pretend i know anything to do with video game politics i'm no tronal dumb but when my ps3 has more and better options to download from playstation's online store along with the ability to play some ps2 games and all ps3 games why wouldn't i just do that why is medieval on the ps store but not on the classic especially with the currently ps4 exclusive remake in the works how about hot shots golf or everybody's golf in the uk or maybe even any of the wipeout games i mean these are still to this day sony properties why couldn't they use any of these all you're paying for with the ps classic is a plastic shell and i'm gonna wreck it actually i think i'll just hack it okay well i won't i'm not that skilled but thanks to this fine gentleman on twitter he showed me exclusive footage of the roulette wheel of games he has hacked onto his own playstation classic and since this plastic shell is too adorable to destroy for me i think this is the next best thing i'm gonna do with it give the system the setlist that it truly deserves in the end though i don't really need to say anything more about the ps classic other than what happened to the price of it in the uk this thing retailed when it first came out at 89 pound 99 which is by the way 20 pounds more than what the snes classic cost and i'm not even kidding after one month of it being out i was seeing it in sale racks for 30 pounds and even nowadays the base price of it has gone down significantly it really does feel like sony rushed this thing out to the shops to cash in on nintendo's success with the miniature console market and do it right before christmas 2018 hit so it could be the perfect gift for a playstation fan personally i wouldn't even be surprised if i found out that they had actually contacted multiple publishers and developers to get the rights for certain games to use on this thing but because christmas 2018 was so close and this thing really does feel like they made it at the last minute they didn't get any phone calls or emails back in time and so just throw on whatever they could instead and i'm not a marketer i'm not a publisher i'm not a developer so i can't tell you how these things work behind the scenes but i am just calling it as i see it and my advice to you is don't buy it don't even wait for a sale of it there's just nothing to it there's no point wasting your money on it but i suppose that the really dinky cute size of it makes it good for one thing honey what the hell are you doing i'm catching my poo [Music] hey everybody thanks for watching you want to see some outtakes from today's video there are some crackers in this what i tell you well just stay tuned for a second because i've got a few things to talk about first of all i'd love to thank every single person on the screen right now that supported me by patreon and secondly no it's these at all yeah these new headphones on my head well a couple of months ago the guys at sennheiser and mass drop were incredibly kind to me and sent me a brand new pair of their brand new hd58x jubilee headphones and so they are sponsoring today's video because these things are fantastic and i've been using them religiously over the last few months if you're looking for a high-end audio experience you'd try to find in a 500 pair of headphones but want it at a much more affordable price at 150 these are the headphones that you get they're rated five stars all over the web and are constantly selling out for a reason they're incredibly well built nice and solid yet lightweight and also they just give off this incredibly crisp clear yet bassy sound not to mention they're very comfortable and will last you many years and i have been using sennheiser headphones for the longest time i can remember so i really appreciate the sponsorship guys these are fantastic headphones thank you so much if you want to find out more about the headphones yourself go to the link in the description below and hopefully pick yourself up a pair and just before the outtakes come on today special special thanks to all the top tier patreon supporters for this month omar 2 basil karl hakkinen gamerman i have a portal gun exo pass matthew hubble mills kahai brandon brandon binary code kirsten b cyberpunk symphony nicole gennaro nathan young victor patrick bauer robert alamsha the game shed daniel leon braden kenny jake delahaye 2008 mitchell reed a.d thornton smith and maximilian ely thank you so much every single one of you amazing people but none of that really matters when you consider how inconsistency let me step back so you can see the full horror okay well i see i can get them up there it's so wrong i love it if i just i'll zoom into my head [Music] yes
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 2,094,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playstation classic, playstation classic review, playstation classic gameplay, playstation classic unboxing, ps1 classic edition, ps1 classic, ps1 classic review, playstation mini, ps classic, playstation mini review, playstation, sony playstation, ps1 mini, retro gaming, playstation classic mini, playstation classic games, caddicarus, hiddenblock, game review, game reviews, completionist, review, projared, spacehamster, peanutbuttergamer, Nintendo mini, NES Classic, SNES classic
Id: qczn1t9rOu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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