The Phone Call That Made Kim Molina Cry | Toni Talks

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She won in 2017 as Best Female Recording Artist in Awit Awards. And then 2019, The Most Promising Movie Actress in the Guillermo Memorial Mendoza Foundation Awards... Kim Molina. Hello, Philippines. Hello, world. Congrats on your new movie. Thank you. Was being an actress unexpected for you? Yes. - Your dream was to really become a singer before? - I wanted to be a singer. Yes. - The original dream was to be a singer. - Wasn't it the same for you? Yes, I was surprised too. I wanted to be a singer. Who was your singing idol before? Sarah Geronimo. I would always sing her songs as well as Regine Velasquez's and Whitney Houston. I joined contests, too. The usual; Regine Velasquez, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey. - Those were the famous pieces. - And I was a TFC girl. I wanted to be part of Pinoy Dream Academy. Because I'd watch that through TFC. You grew up in Saudi, right? Yes. Born and raised in Saudi? Born here. - Oh, you were born here? - Yes. I was four when we flew to Saudi. Your parents were both overseas workers? Yes. Your dad is a dentist, right? Both of them. They were classmates. - That's cute! - Yes. So you never thought of being a dentist? Supposedly. Since I was a kid, they molded... Molded! Dentist lingo. Molding. Yes, awesome. Very quick thinking. Yes. So, you were molded. Yes, they molded me to become a doctor. Supposedly, in the medical field. - Because almost everyone in your family is in that field? - Yes. But from whom did you get your talent in singing? Daddy. Your dad is a professional singer? He was part of the first batch of Center for Pop Music Philippines. So, when you were 14, you joined in Saudi- Do you remember the name of the competition? It was... ABS-CBN TFC Pop Star. Yes, TFC Pop Star. I wasn't supposed to join. But my dad told me he'd buy me a cell phone if I join. So I auditioned. And I got in. What did you sing? I Will Always Love You. Powerful song. There were others too. Did you win? Yes. So that was the first time you were exposed to television, media, singing competition? It was called TFC Global before, so there'd be celebrities and shows. But ever since I was a kid... You'd be the front act? Yes. Life is really like that as a singer. You start as the front act. Yes. Me too, I was always the front act. Even the famous ones too? Jolina Magdangal, Side A Band. They'd always need someone to sing - before the main act. - Yes. Who would you do a front act for? Bayani Agbayani. You were the front act for him? Yes, I was the front act for him in Saudi. I was young that time, 7 or 8 years old. Who else did you do front acts for? Hajji Alejandro, April Boy. They'd go to Saudi. And when did you decide that you were going to live here? When I was in college. We couldn't afford the college tuition fees there. So where did you take up college? College of Saint Benilde. What was your program? Music production. Did you graduate there? I didn't graduate. Because? I pursued theater acting. Why theater? There's a story for that. - Because you wanted to do singing competitions, right? - Yes, I just wanted to sing. I was 18 years old, and I joined WCOPA. Such a long name. - WCOPA had Jed Madela and Vina Morales. - I don't know why they made it like that. World Championships of the Performing Arts. Isn't that WCOPA? WCOPA. Okay. It's now called "Why-COPA." I was representing Saudi in WCOPA, not Philippines. You were the champion? Yes. That's amazing. 2009. When you were a kid, were you bullied? Yeah. I was bullied especially when I was growing up in Saudi. So, I don't really look... You feel like you don't belong. Exactly. I don't feel like I belong because I'm from a different country and there was a bit of discrimination. But, I got used to it also. I just used what I could offer in school. But was there a time that you were trying to fit in? Because when you're young, you try your best to fit in, right? Yes, I really forced it. - Even the accent. - Yes. You were trying your very best to fit in just to belong. Yes. When you're really born to stand out and be different. I don't know. Because AIS... Kim studied in the Al Jazeera International School. This host is such a good researcher. This is Toni Talks, you know. Studied at Al Jazeera International School. If you're in an international school, it means it's different nationalities, right? Yes. So, is there still discrimination? Yes, there still is. So what type of bullying did you experience? It varies. There's physical, mental, emotional, verbal bullying. No physical for me. It's more of verbal. What did they say? Rumors. "She won because her dad's part of the big Filipino community." Because my dad- We have an organization called "Filipino Pop Music Center." I was very young when my dad started building that. He taught me how to sing. And he was happy when people recognized me for my singing. I was 6 years old. He founded that organization so that kids would have activities. So I'd have playmates. Ever since then, my dad would provide the sound system too. In events. So they'd say that, "She can only sing because her dad owns the microphone." Stuff like that. It's like your talent was being discredited. Yes. They'd say, "She's not even good enough." Stuff like that. Even Pop Star, there was a time when I was 14 years old, they'd say, "She won't win because she's not popstar material." Those things. Always the same comments. "She's not good enough." "She's not pretty enough." "She's not tall enough." Everything is not enough. When you're young, you really go through those things. Yes. That sinks in. Yes, especially as a teenager. Yes, we'd take those things to heart. We feel like what they say makes us who we are. So, you felt that? Yes. There was a time where- I'd think maybe it'd be better that they'd hear me sing, but not see my face. Yes. Ghost singer of some sort. I thought of just doing that. That became your dream. To be a ghost singer. I thought of it as... maybe that's how I was meant to end up. While you're being bullied, of course, you get discouraged. Thinking of fighting back or not. Yes. But me, because I've experienced all those, I would fight. Something changed, because you fought for yourself. You didn't hurt anybody, through words or physically. You just lifted yourself up. And you've proven them wrong. Yes, because no one will ever help you but yourself. Yes. And it is our decision to listen or not. So why didn't you listen to what they were saying, like- "You're not good enough, tall enough, pretty enough?" What kept you going? The people around us really help, don't they? They'd tell you that you're meant for something. "Just do it." "Just continue on singing." Even if you fight off your insecurities, sometimes, they still find a way to resurface. Yes. And the insecurities, that's easily triggered especially in an industry like ours, right? So when you got into the business... I went crazy. I went crazy. Why? I don't know. You were shocked, right? - My eyes were opened. - Until now. What shocks you? Everything. Even now, I'm shocked, because I'd only watch you in PBB before. Until now, I get shocked with everything that's happening. But because I am shameless, I'm here. Yes. Sometimes I'd think, and I'd tease my parents, "Could you imagine what your push has done to me?" "You now have a daughter who's shameless." "We made it here." Stuff like that. So, I still couldn't believe it. You asked me why theater, right? Viva had a partnership with a theater group called Atlantis Productions. During that time, all the Viva artists were asked to audition for Tarzan, Carrie, and Ghost the Musical. I got in. Where did you get in? In Tarzan. I was a monkey. Are you serious? An ape. Because apes do not have tails. So guys, I did my research. Monkeys are different from apes. But they're all primates. Okay, monkeys have tails. Apes are almost human-like. Evolution. Yes, so I was an ape. So that was the first role you got? Yes, and I was so happy. Did you have speaking lines? Singing lines? The ape did not have speaking lines. Who was the lead before? Rachelle Ann Go. Oh, yeah. I was the- If you've seen the cartoons, Jane, was chased by a baboon. So, you chased Jane? No, I was the reason why she was chased. But in the musical, there was no baboon. They were just plants who'd eat bigger plants. How did you get into Rak of Aegis? How did you get the role? Because of that season, I got into the 3 musicals; Tarzan, Carrie, I was one of the bullies, and then Ghost: The Musical. I was the sister of Ima Castro in Ghost: The Musical. She's an amazing and brilliant theater actress also. I played her sister. And I had speaking lines, because I'm human there. I'm proud of you. Thank you. It's such an achievement to have speaking lines, right? That was my dream before too. To have speaking lines. I want to give you a high five, but we can't. Pandemic. It's difficult. So what happened there was, my parents were so happy. It was an achievement to speak even a single line. Yes. I said, "Dad, I'm part of all the scenes." "Are you playing a human already?" "I am. I play the sister of Ima Castro. "Are you serious?" He'd say. So my line as her sister was- There's a singing part for a one-liner but it had runs and was difficult to sing. It was the closing night of Ghost: The Musical, and apparently Mike Solomon and Aicelle Santos watched, they were looking for an alternate in Rak of Aegis. After that, there was a celebration. Closing night party. Aicelle came to me and said hi. I said, "Hello!" That's Aicelle Santos. I would always watch her before. She even had a variety show. Yes. GMA. As a singer. Yes. All the singers. I would even sing your songs. All of it. My song made it to the lineup. I saw Aicelle Santos coming near me. "Hello, I'm Aicelle Santos." "I know you, of course." I said. And she goes, "Do you want to be part of Rak of Aegis?" I said, "What's that?" I didn't know. The musicals I only knew then were the foreign ones. Yes. Lea Salonga type. Les Miserables, Miss Saigon. Yes, because I was named after Lea. - Kim of Miss Saigon. - Oh, yes. Oh, now I know. Yes, I was named after Kim. From Miss Saigon. - Yes. - That's awesome. My parents were die hard fans. My mother is a fan of the Lea-Aga tandem. I said, "Oh, Rock of Ages?" She said, "No, Rak of Aegis." "Oh, okay, sure." "What's the role?" She said, "My role." I said, "Huh?" "Okay, if that's what you wish." You did not know? I didn't know anything. You didn't know it was the lead role? I didn't. When did you find out? During the rehearsal. When I got to PETA, I was the only one there. And then they asked me to sing the songs of Aegis. I was an expert contestant, and an OFW's daughter. Yes. Aegis? Hello. I'd know especially when they tell me, "Sing it as if you were being taught by your dad how to sing." It's true. It really is me. The story is also about a mother, right? A mother, teaching. That's the story of Rak of Aegis. "Okay, I'll do it." "How did your father teach you how to sing?" "You move like this." And true enough, Rak of Aegis was about the moves too. You watched, right? So, he'd teach me those moves. And the stance. Yes! Stuff like that. I know you're familiar with those things too. Yes, dads teach that. When you join a lot of contests, you'd eventually get those nuances. Because the judges need to feel you right away. And I think it worked. When did you find out that you got chosen? I think there was a workshop, and then I got a text. They said, "Kim, you got in." "Huh?" And I was screaming. "Okay, I'll do it." And then I told my parents that I'll do Rak of Aegis before school. Because I'd earn something there. It's hard to let that opportunity pass. So they allowed me. And even until now, I'm in that- - The rest is history. - Yes. I'm at that realization that I was just allowed to do this for three months, but I ended up doing it for years now. Rak of Aegis did a lot for my life. Career-wise, lovelife-wise. Yes. It's like all the doors of opportunity opened after Rak of Aegis. While I was listening to you, I realized that everything that happens in our lives is a preparation for the next stage. Because if you gave up before, you wouldn't get the role. If you did not do Rak of Aegis, the door for your lovelife would not have opened. The door to becoming a movie actress would not have opened. I still could not believe that I'm a movie actress. How did you become a movie actress? Let me think. It started when- It always starts with being a friend of the lead or a supporting actress. Right. It's always like that. I was lucky to start of as a friend. Of? Nadine. Lustre? Yes. In the TV series, 'Till I Met You. As friend? As friend. That was a constant thing. And then I also became Alex Gonzaga's friend. But she really is my friend too in real life. Yes. I also became Dimples Romana's friend. And I was also Angel Locsin's friend in General's Daughter. And Savannah, of course. - So, I became the best friend of Dimples... - Yes, all best friend roles. You were also Sarah Geronimo's friend in Miss Granny. Yes! All as friends. Until now, I still get all these- "Oh my gosh, I played Sarah Geronimo's friend." The person you idolize. Until she had her second movie, Unforgettable. That's when we became friends. Yes. As characters. But, she really was my friend too already. Oh my gosh. Right? Life's fun. So funny. I even have stories of when Sarah would text me, and there would be a time that I'd cry, and Jerald saw me. He goes, "Why are you crying?" "Sarah Geronimo texted me!" That really happens. Time flies fast. Right? It's amazing. Yes, it is. I really feel like... I just watch all of you on TV. You know what, thoughts are really powerful. Dreams are powerful. It is powerful because if you set your mind on something, - you'll get there. - True. - You'll get there. - Law of attraction. Yes, your life is meant to lead you there. So the lead role in Jowable was given to you, and it made a hundred million... I did not expect that. I really did not. Why? What were you only expecting before? Nothing much. That it was just going to come out in cinemas. When they told you, "Congratulations. You're a certified box office actress." "100 million." I remember when the bosses called, and I was walking along Morato. Because it was payday. So, I was walking around Morato. You were getting a paycheck? I got my paycheck and I was about to pay my bills. And then the bosses called. "Hello?" "Kim, congratulations. It's a hit!" And I said, "Huh?" And then I remembered the call inside the bank and then I cried. Why did you cry? It's overwhelming that the people watched. People told me before that nobody would watch or listen. Why am I crying now? I knew it. Who told you that nobody would watch? In school... I'm really crying. Why is this happening? That's true. This always happens when we look back. You will really remember that. That's why it's sweet- Wow, you're ready. I am always ready. I always am because I cry too. But I'm not kidding, it's true. You can savor your success through the pain you went through. Yes, because there will really be people who'd say... And when I remember those words where people say nobody will watch and listen to me And I'd remember- So while you were in the bank, you cried? Yes, I cried because-- People watched and supported. So, it's an amazing feeling. Because I know that I'm not- I did not have the looks of a superstar or an actress. So, I'd remember my dad. And even my mom, who'd always push me. They were the two people who really pushed me. And that's what's important. Your family and friends are the ones who push you. And me, I'm always game. I'd always fight. And when I found out that people watched Jowable. I realized people found a way to appreciate it. So after Jowable, everything fell into place. "I could get my dad to come back home." Because I really wanted to get my dad. He's in Saudi. What was your dad's reaction when you told him about the hit? He was so happy. Although my dad, he's proud already. It was only a bonus- A bonus for him because he knew you were worth it ever since. You were only 6 when your father knew his daughter would be a box office star. I never knew. Maybe because I look like him. So he fights my fight with me. "She looks like me. I'll fight for her." I really look like him. You know what, that's really important. True. You just need that one person to believe in you. Sometimes, even when you don't believe in yourself, all it takes is one person to believe in you despite the criticism. Yes. I always get asked about my advice for aspiring artists like me. You should never stop learning. Because when you stop learning, that's it. If you think that you don't need to learn anything else, if you think that you're already good, if you think that you're the best of what you are now, then that's it. It's going to stop there. So you need to just accept what people tell you and their advice. Constructive. Yes, constructive of course. You have to listen to them because if you stop listening, you stop. You stop growing. Didn't you say that you accept constructive criticism? Have you accepted the fact that you deserve whatever it is you have today? So I always have this thought that I have to prove myself still. Because I feel like my dad's still there. So there's still a lot that needs to be done. I still need to push more. So that we can be together here. That's how I see it. For as long as we're not yet together, I feel like I still have to work more. I have to prove myself more. So that they don't need to work as much. So what is success for you? I think... if I feel like my dad is 100% proud of me already, I think that's success for me. You think he isn't proud of you yet? I think so. You know what, that's just how we see it. Only children have that feeling. We feel like they are not proud of us, but when you get to talk to your dad, he'll tell you, "You've done more than enough." "Everything you did was already enough for me." The mere fact that you are his daughter already makes him proud. Of course I'd know as a mom. Even when he's not exactly doing, anything I'd still say I'm proud of him. As a parent, I know that parents are always proud of their children. Whatever their children achieve is just a bonus. Because for who you are and what you are today, they're already proud of you. So, what did you learn from your journey? Don't stop. If you have a dream, a goal, you should never stop. At the same time, you should believe in yourself all the time. You're right with what you said. If you're just doing things to prove yourself to someone and not for yourself, it's not worth it. So you have to do it for yourself also.
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 2,532,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toni Talks, Toni Gonzaga, Toni Gonzaga Studio, Celestine Gonzaga Soriano, Kim Molina, Rak of Aegis, Jowable, Viva Films, Jerlad Napoles, PETA, Lea Salonga, TFC, The Filipino Channel, Sarah Geronimo, Angel Locsin, Alex Gonzaga, Dimples Romana, Nadine Lustre, Til I Met You, Kadenang Ginto, The General's Daughter, Miss Granny, Unforgettable, Carrie, Tarzan, Ghost, The Musical, Theater, Aegis, Saudi Arabia, OFW, Overseas Filipino Worker
Id: _VblwrJH-Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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