How Dra. Belo and Hayden Healed After The Scandal | Toni Talks

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i'm very happy to sit down with them today because i've known them for a very long time pero never patella gaming in conversation about relationship marriage and love so we have with us the power couple doctor vicky bello and haydenko mr and mrs kohl i really wanted to discuss this with you guys let's start off with young relationship malaching challenge was a relationship you age difference i think for most people it will be challenging for us because of her personality hindi shash challenging i would say the scale of one to ten ten being the highest i would say for for vexigoro mama eight for me because he personality is very childlike young at heart very young at heart yeah so so in that sense i think in many ways hayden is more mature than me so i think his frustration is always why are you such a child so 2005 you first met i need your first impression okay when you're in med school [Music] oh i was late [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] to 35 years old oh my gosh because he was the president of the interns association where i also interns 24 25 okay so when i actually when i arrived home that night the first thing i told crystal i found on your husband guess what i said darling i found a dad your husband he's a doctor he's tall he's handsome he's funny and he's smart so you know original plan 2005. friendship because we exchanged numbers so my third month i visited her i asked if i could visit and witnessed my surgeries and so that happened and then we became friends m is so when you guys became a couple [ __ ] controversial because when i attended the dinner here yes wrote about it it was a secret we were dating we're having lots of fun okay one day you saw it and then it became public and then it became public and suddenly all right who is this guy and then because of course my friends like how young but i'm a little of a rebel so why why can't it be you were dating a younger guy and you're a girl it's such a big taboo but if a guy is dating a 30 year younger girl i don't know so of course i go i have to make things equal so then because number one he's a doctor number two's grades are really good it's president of the internet it's mysterious because i wasn't anywhere 25 was married but my achievements are 25 so in my mind nobody will look at hayden typical boy [Music] [Music] [Music] his idea is [Music] i guess it's one of the biggest things i regret [Music] well i never imagined we'd go through what we did and so publicly yes they don't know about my private life but at that point in time um but everybody knew and you know the one thing about me tony i think um they've gotta really try siri because for example what's important to me is to always look intelligent i don't like to look stupid then i want to be you know kind of respected my gosh i think at that time i looked so bad like why is she protecting this man who did all these things to her but i look so dumb like i i know the perception is you're this old lady still loves this guy in spite of everything but i want she do it never broke up though we did but you know what people don't understand because everything in december 2008. you know when we went through it together so december i found out we broke up january february you broke up the relationship yeah so we were apart for four months in 2007. what about 2008 2017 2019 videos we already broke up because of our issues and then 2008 then so the guy released it on my birthday video it's a mixture of uh definitely there's a lot of humiliation there's a lot of fear um and there's a feeling of uh desperation uh what am i gonna do to fix this for a minute to fix this the roller coaster human emotions to survive so i think my family vicky interestingly and most importantly i think and people might find this coiny but it's really god looking back now i realize that it's very true that uh sometimes god allows you to go through shameful things because that's actually grace and mercy now experiences just to wake you up to me although it was more shameful um it was already in the mercy of god in order to wake me up moment that i felt alive again which i was really dead i know in my in my part of my spirit was already there i was uh i remember um young but i think i think it was the senate here in mississippi and i said hopelessness because really i think most people who commit suicide um who are who are invested in that path even feeling relational when you went through that dark face i was just so worried were you crying every day um in the beginning because in this song because i saw the videos so the december 8th young guy from the girl fight and then december 9 and he tried to kill himself that night he said the friends told me all about what was going on i had suspected about one girl because people were telling me when i confronted it obviously of course it's not true and you know i guess you don't want to believe or something but i i really have a hard time believing people like to meet so i believed him but when i saw the videos it was all there already so um while we were here his friend one of his best friends had dinner with him the friend said by the way we went to vicky we told her everything that's been going on she's of course breaking up with you and then you got all your hard drives you're all you're like that so that same evening already he decided to kill himself didn't but when he talks it's okay now to be there it's okay what people don't know is that he really he fought him for three days he didn't wake up so i was so who else was going to take care of him but i was the one right so we decided this neurologist decided to do an eeg which is a brainwave measurement energy and it was very three days so they said you know if he wakes up he might be a vegetable i really prayed so hard i went to the ninth floor the chocolate wait i said and then i mean mama mary if you just make him horrible i won't leave him but since i promised not to leave him and i promised to make sure he'd be okay so i didn't leave so everybody said look at me like why are you not so naked the next day so during this whole time that the issue was all out in the news and it was a national issue why did you forgive him because i can see i was very sure that hayden was very kind there was no problem with me but i also know that he was molested um by a gay guy when he was like eight years old and that part of him which he would talk to me about but i really molded everything that went after that and then unlike other people who would probably tell her parents he didn't so he had nowhere to process is so and then yeah he's good nice but in his mind he felt so dirty but i know this guy's capable of so much he's such a good person getting he got the wrong breaks when he was young he couldn't control jenny but in the end i had a boyfriend before hayden that died of lung cancer and for me that was so painful because it's so finite but i'll never see him again no matter what i do and there always see him again in the back of my mind i love him i know we want to end up together but at some point in time in the future i'd like to see him mm-hmm so when and i know he's so capable of committing suicide so but i just wanted to make sure i knew god would help him to get together but until that time i know no man i couldn't i tried my best you know people who think they can change people by doing things you have to realize it's not you can't do anything but nothing worked until god came into this life and then i let go and he totally changed so so don't ever think you can change anybody just leave it up to the right just keep praying surrender your point of surrendering was the point uh god sent my mentor ravi who passed away last last year um and shared with me what how important it is to live your life according to work according to truth and that this that truth is not an idea truth is a person so that's when i discovered christ and i really got to know my lord and um without intending to really change i just noticed that my some of my friends were already commenting you're at peace my focus wasn't on myself anymore uh i was just really wanting to find out what is it what is he saying about me because that is the truest thing anyone can ever tell you and what did he say about you that i am precious that important that i made in the image of god and that i have a purpose so i think when you experience that kind of love that really transforms you when i met christ i learned i realized that love is not an idea love is actually a person in fact if i may quote a bible verse it says that this is how you know what love is jesus christ which means the implication is you can't know what love is without understanding who christ is when you experience new love for me it really changes who you are it really changes the way you think it changes your values it changes the the things you pursue it changes your behavior and the things that you do so because of that thank you because i mean yes it's god's love but it was god's love manifested i experienced god's love through through my wife vicky [Music] [Music] it's not just a ceremony that we did in in paris the whole idea that we that i married the person that god sent me the person who changed me and who changes me by by then by by her love that to me is the very very gift and that's why we have a small family you know with scarlet i really really treasure and cherish that if you think about it that's also the reason why we gave scarlet snow the name scarlet snow because that verse that's actually a verse i say of anything though your sins be read as red as card i shall make it wise so whenever i look at scarlet i will always remember that my life before my sin before us was as read as scarlet because of god's love transforming love it's now as well only imagine now he's the one he's the one who who leads me down the path and he's really the father and head of the family which is amazing since you know i'm such an alpha woman but i really respect his wisdom his kindness and he lives the talk it's not it's not just you know monologue i see him struggle i see him he's more a thousand percent you know better and and that's i guess the hope here that who would you know sometimes people don't believe but it's too good to be true but i promise you it's really true and we are living it's not a perfect life of course but the kindness and all that he shows me so after everything that you have been through in the relationship and in the marriage what would you say is your greatest lesson about love the only way you can truly love a person is if you know everything about that person everything all the darker secrets everything that that person doesn't even want to share with anyone because it's just too embarrassing or too dark but once you've known that person that well and still accept that person and still love that person that is love i think with god all things are possible i'm sure you all so shocked that we are here and we are so happy and we are so blessed and you know i think you just really have to have god in your life and everything if you put god first all will be added on to you all good states will be added [Music] you
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 3,536,722
Rating: 4.9511919 out of 5
Keywords: toni gonzaga, celestine gonzaga soriano, toni talks, vicky belo, hayden kho, hayden kho scandal
Id: bs3-V5p7MqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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