Karla Estrada Shares The Moment With Her Children That Broke Her Heart | Toni Talks

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We are here in the studio of her future daughter-in-law. - Right? - Yes. We are claiming that already. Of course. Because that's where they're heading anyway. That's right. And everyone is already anticipating that. And I hope that becomes God's will already. Wow, telling God what to do. "That should be Your will." Because you feel the same way, right? That's what you want? Yes, because my son is so blessed to have Kathryn. Very responsible. And even Daniel. Responsible. Especially my son. The good thing about them is that they matured in their relationship. They grew. Imagine, they started out during their teens to their 20's and now their mid 20's. That's challenging. Super. There were a lot of challenges along the way. But that's okay, because if everything was perfect, they may not have been able to handle the problems well. So the reason why I invited Ate Karla today is because there was one time in her life that she became a part of Home Sweetie Home. And I remember that in one of those setup times, she told me a story, very shortly and briefly about her challenges in life. And it really explained why she is the woman that she is today. When you see Ate Karla, you'd know that she has a strong personality, a tough exterior. Because she had to be that way because of her experiences growing up. It started in Tacloban, where you were born, right? Yes. But the story is, when my mother gave birth on November 21, 1974, my father arrived after a few months. But my grandpa already said, "You don't have a daughter. Karla died." When my grandpa said that, my father left and all his life, he thought he had no child. He thought I was dead. Your mother knew about that? Your grandpa told your dad that? Yes, she heard it. That's why I really am a street kid at heart, very tough and boyish. Because my uncles were always there with me, my mother's cousins. So you got to Manila because of your uncle? Uncle Roland, yes. He brought you to Manila and he brought you to work where he works. Yes. Actually, his promise was for me to take up high school in Manila. So right after graduation, of course, I was old enough to remember everything, until now, I could still hear the conversation my mother had about not bringing me here. But I already told my classmates that I wanted to focus on being an actress. You were still very young? I was. My mind was always on being that actress. Who was your idol? Janice de Belen, when I watched her in Flor de Luna. So, your uncle brought you to Manila. Where exactly did he bring you? Here in Hero's Hills. Uncle Roland was a family driver. The house was so huge when we got there. We passed by the back entrance, there was a driver's quarter. Do you still remember the first audition you went to? First audition for That's Entertainment. I sang Better Days live. That live was make or break. If I did not make it, I'd have been sent back to Tacloban, because it'll be too much for my uncle already. After that, Tito Germs said, "Let's put her in the Wednesday Group." Who were your batchmates in the Wednesday Group? Of course, the late Isabel Granada, Sheryl Cruz, Romnick. - That was your batch? - Yes. What year was that? 1990 to 1991. I was there for one year only because that whole year in That's, I was being offered a lot of movies already. At a young age, Tito Germs did not want us to do kissing scenes or to wear two-piece swimsuits yet. But since I was doing a movie that required that, he said, "Karla, I need to let you go already." I felt like I really wanted to spread my wings already. I felt like I was so boxed in when I was in That's Entertainment. So I said, "Okay Tito Germs, but I will miss you." I was still so young. - How old were you? - 16 years old. I was really hard-headed. Mother Lily was always mad at me. "You're so hard-headed!" "They say you don't do as they say..." I didn't have any companion with me so I always feel the need to guard myself. How old were you when you first fell in love? I was 18, with Rommel. Where did you meet him? Because I was always with Ruffa. But of course, I couldn't tell Ruffa's story. Every time I'd bring her home, she'd ask Rommel to be there, who would diligently be by my side too. I was well-protected. Really well. So there. But, since I had a ten-year age gap with Rommel... He was 28, you were 18? So I said, "Why do I feel like we're rushing? I still have a lot to achieve." When did you find out you were pregnant and how? I found out on the 6th month. Yes, because I did not have regular cycles. - Your period? - Yes. So I remember Direk Wenn, there was a scene where I had to play Chinese garter. - You were 6 months pregnant already? - Yes. He said, "Why do you look bloated?" "You're pregnant, aren't you?" I said, "No, Direk." "Tell me already because you have a Chinese garter scene." I said, "I'm not." So I did the scenes. Six months pregnant. Maybe Daniel was already holding on to dear life. "Oh, mom!" "Why are you playing Chinese garter?" So I thought about it when Direk Wenn mentioned it. "What is this? He's right..." Because as a kid, you rarely get nauseous or dizzy. - You should have felt sleepy and craving for odd things. - Nothing. Because I was very active. I play badminton. So I wasn't really feeling anything. Maybe because I was young. So someone told me- I checked and didn't get to any conclusion. So I needed to go to the doctor already. And the doctor said I was pregnant. And he said, "You won't be for long..." I was so happy. - Really? - Yes. You did not feel like crying? No. I had some musings but I really imagined how happy I was. What was on your mind when you realized Karla was pregnant at 19 years old? I was driving in Mandaluyong, so it felt- Actually, the feeling is hard to explain because I just felt like I was floating. My mind couldn't keep still. I wasn't stable. So I parked for a moment. And I began to think. When I looked up, I saw a huge sign, that's still there, a billboard of Jesus Christ holding a baby. I let out my breath. I felt so relieved. And when I got home, I told my mother- My mother said the same thing actually. "That pregnancy won't take long anymore." "You'll be able to go back to work soon." Oh, really? When did you tell Daniel's father? Right after, I told Rommel. What was his reaction? He was okay. It was a happy reaction at that time, How is your relationship? We barely saw each other. Because their world was getting crazy already. And I didn't want to be part of that. So when I saw that things weren't going to turn out fine, I chose to stay away. So when I told him that- When I told him, after a few weeks, he was already imprisoned. He was already taken in. So when you were giving birth, who was with you in the hospital? Just me and Do. But you shared with me one time that the first time you held Daniel, - you told him something. - Yes. There was a window, sunlight beaming through it. I stared at him. I told Do, "Do, I have a superstar right here." Why did you say that? I saw it in him. I felt it. Really? You know that feeling like you're with angels? Hallelujah? Yes. Oh, really? It's amazing. So of course, Do said, "Are you going crazy?" "Hey, what the?!" Do was the one who really believed in what I said though. Because on that day we met, everything I told him, came true. That time when I said I will become an actress and we will go to Manila. You will become this, that. It all happened. And he believed. And of course, because he's my friend, he thought I was just crazy. But it was amazing because that's where you'd prove that words that come from your mouth are powerful. Because that's where you'll lead your life. But when you declared that Daniel would be a superstar, it wasn't that easy, right? The journey. No, because it wouldn't be a sweet victory if it was easy. So, I really worked hard. I was really tested. Not just during the birthing, but everyday after that. Like that time when they cut out our electricity. And I remember that story when you were fanning him, and all the siblings. And you woke him up so he'd be the one to fan. And when he was done, you saw him before going back to sleep, he was crying. I heard him softly crying. You didn't ask him about it? So of course, at night when I fan, I fan them to sleep. Carmela and Magui. JC was with his dad at that time. So I felt tired at some point. I said, "My child, can we take turns?" So, he did. What time was that? Almost midnight. Because when it's past midnight, it gets cold already. So, we won't need the fans anymore. Carmela, Magui and DJ. After he was fanning, he turned to the side. I heard him crying. Why was he crying? Until now, I don't know why. Because I don't want to ask my son about something that makes him sad. I always want him to be strong. He's the big brother, right? I said-- I heard it, but didn't bother him anymore. So imagine how it felt. He was just softly sobbing, but I was crying. It's hard to try to hide it. My children never see me cry. You were crying back to back, literally. Yes. I did not want them to feel that we were pitiful. I turned my back, I was crying. So when I woke up the next day, I said, "Son, can you message your dad, he might have some money." And Rommel was-- With him, even in his absence, I never doubted him because in the most important times for the kids and I, he was able to save us. He paid for the electricity bill. And DJ found a way to do that. Rommel even told me that it took DJ a while to say it. He was finding the right timing. I said, "Because that's what I taught him..." "We will find a way as long as we can." If there's really no way anymore, that's when you'd ask for help. He was shy to ask from his father. He didn't know him so well so there was a wall between them. Actually, there's another story I know about Daniel. That he had an audition at ABS-CBN. And he asked permission from the people in that audition if he could go first. Because he needed to cook rice - and look after his siblings. - Yes. There were instances like that. Because I was already taping in the other network. So Daniel was in the condo looking after his siblings. So he called me. He said, "Mom, I'm last in the line again, I might need to come home." So I called his handler. I said, "Maybe he can go first because nothing's happening already." And the handler said he couldn't leave because he was chosen already. We just did not want to cut the line short. What show was that? Growing Up. And Kathryn was the one who said it. "In this line, who do you think would be your love team pairing?" Kathryn said, "That skinny one at the back." - Oh, that was the time? - Yes. That's so perfect. That opened the door. Did you and Daniel ever talk about making it? Daniel doesn't like that. He isn't dramatic. Just like you. Yes. He doesn't like that. But when I grew older, I became dramatic. It will really happen to you. As a mother. You can't help it. I am dramatic too now. That's so early. What was your mistake in love that you always tell your kids to learn from? Especially the girls. I really do not believe that when relationships end, only one person is to blame. But, I always tell my kids that if they're not happy anymore, pack up and go. Because... there's no point for staying. "We were there," Magui said. We were there. Was there a chance for you to fight for us? So you'd stay. It wasn't bad because there's no one night stand. We had years of being together. During those times, I'd fight for them. Most of the time I was fighting for everything to be settled. And that wasn't something for me and I don't want you to see it. When did you feel that it was time to leave the relationship? If I couldn't wake up happy anymore. If I wake up and I end up not being to swallow what I eat. That's still food. - Food is important. - Symbolism. How do you handle the people who do not understand you? They don't understand why you had to be this tough. The bashers, the criticism, how do you handle that? You know what Toni, your experiences in life will give you the confidence you need. It will give you strength and understanding. And the kindness. You wouldn't notice anything anymore. At present, and in my life now, it doesn't matter to me what people say anymore. But imagine me, in my 20's, that I just kept on getting pregnant. Heartaches after heartaches after heartaches. Breakups after breakups. Stuff like that. Imagine during that time, people talk about you a lot. "What kind of kid is she?" What was the harshest thing people said about you in your 20's? That I was wasting my life away. Hard-headed, doesn't listen to anyone. I heard all of those. Because it was true. But the thing is, that's all they can say, because that's the only thing they see. But me, I believe in the core of who I am. Because I knew that I just loved. It wasn't a situation of me not knowing who their father is. It wasn't a one-night stand. There was a relationship, there was love. And something came out of that love. So that's what I always tell my kids. A while back, we were talking about the mistakes you made in the past. So with all those mistakes in life, what is one thing you know you did right? I kept all my children. In the middle of all the challenges, struggling with how to keep them fed, I never thought of aborting them. Because at that time, I was very young, you would hear a lot of things said about you. You couldn't figure out if they feel bad for you because you're pretty and you're just starting out. Right? But I didn't listen to all that noise because I knew what my core is. That I am a good person and I will be a good mother. Even if I need to work odd jobs, I'd do it for them to be fed. Especially me. I wouldn't let myself get hungry. And I will be the first to say that there's a lot of ways to provide. Because you were able to do it? Because I did all of it. I did not steal or cheat on anyone. I borrowed money. I worked hard to pay for my debts. And yes, it is a good feeling and a blessing to see all you've worked hard for. So with all the struggles in life, if you'd think about it now, what's the most important lesson you've learned? We should be open. We should listen. Because we are not always right. You have to fall a lot of times so you can tell yourself, "My mom was always right." All parents don't want their kids to stray away. If you don't know how to listen to your parents, you'll keep making mistakes. Especially the youth. Because if that happened to me, I couldn't say that it's because I did not a have a father. No. Right? I mean there will always be a friend that will tell you. It's just your choice to not listen. And be selfish for your own happiness and you fail to see who you hurt and neglect. It's very important that while you're in your journey, and you're climbing a steep ladder, the ladder full of trials and challenges, don't take out your sense of humor. Always give your life a little smile, laugh and a little craziness too. Because it helps a lot. Don't walk around the streets like a crazy person. Not like that. But guys, there's a lot of reasons to laugh. I'm not saying this just because my life is okay now. Girl, you wouldn't dare go through what I had to. I survived because it was my road to conquer. It was my own road to clean, walk through, destroy and fix again. That's my road. My way. Wow, I'm going there. And I did it my way. That's it. That's where we end. In my way. That's the summation. I did it my way. That's it.
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 2,635,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toni Talks, Toni Gonzaga, Celestine Gonzaga Soriano, Toni Gonzaga Studio, Star Cinema, You Are The One, Olivia Lamasan, KathNiel, The Hows Of Us, Got 2 Believe, Got To Believe, Kathryn Bernardo, Blockbuster, Daniel Padilla, Rommel Padilla, Ruffa Gutierrez, Magandang Buhay, ABS-CBN, That's Entertainment, Karla Estrada, Karla Ford, Daniel John Ford
Id: a6Hb16t-6Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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