Ranking The Zoldycks | Hunter X Hunter | New World Review

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old man xeno classic exotic transmuter doesn't often engage in conjuration as a result however when he does it is to conjure a subscribe button for the new world review the pricing of which will grant you regular hunt onto content uploaded straight into your youtube feed hello and welcome to the new order of your source for everything anime and manga and today we are stepping into the household of the world's most famous clan of assassins in an attempt to rank the zoldic family now how are we ranking them you ask well by the only decent metric that we are able to generate which is sheer popularity so about a month ago i put up a straw poll in our youtube community section which as of right now has received an astounding 14 and a half thousand votes so i feel like we're going to have a pretty good indicator of zoltic popularity on display here today and before we get started i want to give a shout out to this guy who took the time to click the straw poll link and even leave a comment saying no thanks sorry which i love because i am certain that it would have taken them more time to actually do this than to just vote in the poll itself so just to amend my previous statement i guess more accurately we have 14 and a half thousand votes and one abstaining there's always one but let's jump into things pretty immediately now with our 10th place contender kikiozodek and 10th place probably sounds a bit too glorious because in reality she is dead last with a mere 121 votes with that said i am kind of shocked that there are in fact 121 people out there who would claim that kikio is their favorite zoltik whether it be a real opinion or even just a joke however looking at this more positively kikio has one very solid thing going for her which is a fairly stunning and intriguing design of all of the zeldik family she is the most visually distinct most of the other members tend to be quite understated in this area which to be fair makes sense because they are assassins and probably shouldn't be dressing to capture attention so i suppose that you can definitely tell that kikio married into the zoldic family and in fact we do know that she was originally from meteor city as many in the series are but she is much more than just a maternal figure and kikyo is also a trained assassin herself which throws a lot more credit behind her name but to me personally kikio is just the most i guess boring of the bunch which is pretty crazy considering her ornate design but i think that just speaks to the sheer level of character presented within the rest of this clan so speaking of in 9th place we have piggy i mean milikey who practically doubles kiki's vote total sitting at 241 ticks of approval and you know i'd never go so far as to call milikey a popular character in fact the sentence just sounds weird coming out of my mouth but i can at least see where these people are coming from a lot easier than i can with kikio anyway miloki is a pretty fascinating zoldic because much like killua he doesn't really fit in with this family he's definitely that disappointing middle child who grew up to be a weeb with an extensive collection of anime body pillows but despite that he is to be taken very seriously in every respect because milike is of course a trained assassin and that is an interesting fusion of features the otaku assassin i mean that could be a series all on its own and i was always hoping that he would play a bigger part in hunter hunter especially when he got involved in all the greed island stuff and maybe even become a primary antagonist of that arc as opposed to say gen through but we got what we got and what we got isn't all that much which i suspect is a huge part of why milike lands so close to the bottom of the zodic barrel here today so moving on to number eight we have the eldest known living member of this family maha zoldik who garnered a fairly impressive 355 votes although that vote count much like the series of hunt hunter itself may be very much sleeping on this character in fact maha has been vaguely praised as one of the most powerful characters that this series has ever featured as it was stated by zeno that the only person who has challenged maha and lived to tell the tale would be isaac netaro but it's very important to dwell on that statement for a bit because it doesn't actually say who if anybody won that confrontation just that netro survived which is a pretty alarming thought the fact that there may be a human in this world whom even netro could not overcome and a figure who is still very much alive and well to this day potentially even still capable of devastating power that is the great mystery of mahatho a story which we will likely never get to know in any great amount of detail and much like milky's role in hunter hunter that has no doubt contributed quite strongly to maha being one of the more neglected zoltics in the minds of fans so stepping into number seven then we have a slightly less neglected zelda being zigg and if you've not read the manga continuation of hunt hunter beyond the anime events well this face thing is probably pretty new to you zig zoltik is a man who has appeared in a grand total of one count of one panels during the short flashback of a young isaac netro landing on a dark continent zigg was one of two companions that netro took with him in this endeavor and with that you are now caught up to speed with everything that we officially know about zigg i think that zigg trumps maha here today because he is a relatively more recent addition to the story and fresher in the minds of fans with all of that said though i do need to state that there is a very very real possibility that zigzaldik and maha zaldik are in fact the same person this is primarily because they're aesthetically similar they should be around the same age and maha's name was not actually given in either the anime or the manga it was just stated in a data book and that kind of information has been known to change or just be flat out wrong when it comes to hunter hunter however right now we have no real definitive answer to that inquiry so we do have to treat zig and maha as different characters although given that they are side by side here today i don't think that their ranking would change all that much if they were indeed the same character but now in sixth place we have probably the most forgotten about zodiac family member being kalito however at the very least 536 people did remember him in fact they very fondly remembered him but carlito is a pretty stunning enigma of hunter hunter specifically when it comes to his decision to join the phantom troop a position which he maintains to this very day and allegedly carlito has done so in order to quote get my brother back which is a line that can be examined ad nauseum and i have plans to do just that in the future but that's because it is not clear who kalito is referring to and for what reason there are all sorts of thoughts out there such as the target being kilauea or even alaka but one of the most fan-favored trains of thought is the phaeton zodiac theory which states that he is the missing brother within his family which is not actually as absurd of an idea as it sounds there's actually quite a lot going in that theory's favor especially having kalato join the phantom troupe specifically to retrieve a certain brother but i think we've gotten a bit off topic here so we will now take what is no less than a gigantic leap upwards in terms of votes with fifth place being inhabited by silversodic with a shocking 1668 votes which for the more mathematically inclined of you is more than triple the vote total of kalato so these next five zolticks are certainly the more favored within the series silver for obvious reasons he's kind of like maha in that he has an established legacy behind him specifically in regards to having fought against crolo in the past and having even defeated a former unnamed phantom troop member but silva has also had some nice crowning moments that we have had the pleasure of seeing with our own eyes such as a modern fight against crollo and having the honor of delivering the final blow to chitu during the chimera ant talk but silva is just the kind of character who i cannot help but be excited for whenever he appears because this man means business if he takes the time out of his day to be in the story then it is going to be for a very compelling reason and while his appearances are still yeah a bit rare for my liking he definitely does the best he can with what he has to work with and narrowly edging out a victory over silva would be a late addition to this clan in alakozodek who managed to generate just over 1700 votes this does make all the sense in the world because alika is one of the very few if not the only zodiac who has received an entire arc focusing on them and alaka also has a slight advantage of being the host of nanika as well who is quite literally the most powerful character within the entire series and that makes alika a compellingly scary presence but also adorable at the same time because her relationship with killua is the only one within this entire family unit that even comes close to the word wholesome normal you know what even functional alaka got to showcase a side of this family that i did not know was possible and it's great that kilauea is not the only zodiac with some form of heart and desires outside of murder for money the only slight thing that does bother me about alakar is that she is a fairly blatant deus ex machina that was designed to save gone from his own foolishness but then again that has nothing to do with alaka herself so congratulations on your incredible popularity but getting very serious now the bronze medal in the zoltic olympics will be going to illumi as one of the most prolific antagonists within this entire series illumi is very much to be expected at the top of pretty much any poll let alone one catered to his family name but really if it weren't for the existence of hisoka i think that illumi would act as something of a hunter hunter ambassador because he just has everything going for him he's quirky absurdly strong and comes with a sleek yet effective character design the combination of which demands the attention of any reader or watcher plus he's also the poster boy for manipulation in the nin realm really proudly displaying to us the degrees to which an efficient user can push pure manipulation which was far beyond what i thought it would be capable of when first learning of the affinity and very importantly illumi legitimately scares me i mean i like him i like him a lot as a character but if i saw him at any time anywhere in this world i would probably promptly crap myself and i think that that is a sign of a very well done antagonist as well as a character in general now as for who defeats illumi well our runner-up for this list is going to be one xenozoldic who doesn't just beat illumi but zeno actually thrashes him with almost a full 1000 more votes than his grandson and i think a lot of this is because zeno is the perfect combination of every profound zodic feature he has the legacy and seemingly godlike power of figures like maha but he also has the quirkiness and sense of humor of the younger family members and then again at the same time he's also a very strict professional like his son silva and finally not to be outdone zeno very much comes with a unique and ornate design very reminiscent of kikio everything that comes under the banner of zoldick is manifest in zeno to the point where whenever i hear the name zoldick this man is the immediate image that comes to mind zeno is my favorite zoltik family member is very much what i would like to say because i do love this character unfortunately the ultimate zodic killer just so happens to exist and it should be no surprise 21 that he has emerged as number one on this list with far and away the most amount of votes sitting at 4 524 which is almost a third of the entire votes cost and look maybe it's not fair to put kilauea as an option here but really we can't have a zodic popularity poll and not feature the zoldic the killer is not just my favorite zoldic he's my favorite hunthunt character in general so i could not be more thrilled to see him emerge victorious in any respect and there we have the official new world review zaldik family ranking and you know i'd still like to do some more of these polls because i find all of your thoughts really fascinating here so if there is a particular ranking you would like done then please do let me know down in the comments i was thinking about doing a chimera antoine but there's an awful lot of ants i mean maybe they could be separated somehow like squadron leaders or even a shorter one with a royal guard but yeah you guys let me know what you want to see but what do you guys think please leave your thoughts in the comments below or even join my discord server and if you're keen for some more hunt hunter content then please do go and check out some of my other videos or even subscribe to the channel for regular hunter hunter glory delivered straight into your youtube feed but for now this has been the new world review and i'll see you next time
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 426,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview, new world review, zoldyck, zoldick, killua, illumi, kalluto, zeno, silva, kikyo, hunter x hunter, hxh, hunter exam, zoldyck family, heavens arena, yorknew, greed island, vs, phantom troupe, chimera ant, election, dark continent, succession war, succession contest, meruem, cheetu, zeno vs, netero, gon, kurapika, leorio, canary, gotoh, hisoka, prince, chrollo, machi, nobunaga, feitan, maha, zigg
Id: Vhx1y1bTkRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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