Who Will Win The Succession War? | Hunter X Hunter

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hello and welcome to the new world review your source for everything anime and manga and today it's time for more of my ever beloved Hunter hunter and quite specifically we are going to delve into the question of who will win the succession war now if you are not on top of the succession more as it currently stands look I don't blame you because it has been almost a year since a new chapter has been published and even if you were completely up-to-date it's a pretty dense art class far but I do have a quick succession will recap available which briefly covers all of Prince's monks other things and that might give you some good preparation for this video because our task today is to examine who has the best chance of actually coming out on top and to do this we'll be examining the princess by Tears beginning with who I believe have no chance of winning whatsoever followed by those with you know a maybe chance of winning and finally we'll cover the cream of the crop with the frontrunners to take this entire contest now to begin let's actually address an even lower tier which are the princes who barring some sort of incredible Resurrection NB s have already been removed from the running due to their unfortunate and gruesome demise Prince's that fall into this category are 12th Prince momma's heir who was brutally strangled by an assailant after she had become exhausted invoking the powers of her nan beast shortly after 10th prince Cacho met her end by attempting to escape from the battlegrounds although the exact nature for her death is still rather mysterious I guess it has something to do with lots of scary hands and such by the way she's gone well sort of I mean her nan beast is currently impersonating her but we're not going to be considering that and finally 8th Prince Alice Allah was assassinated by one of first Prince Benjamin's bodyguards and the way his corpse was found very much mimics the way Silas Allah chose to live which was entirely naked in a pool of his own filth but that's it for that these are the three princes that are definitely not going to win may they rest in peace or if they were particularly awful people in may they rest in torment or whatever moving on though I would like to now present you with the four princes who are highly unlikely to win which are mariam to pepper tyson and forget sue starting with xiii prince mariam this little guy is in a pretty rough spot he is both a child and one of the lowest ranking princes within the empire meaning that he does not possess the personal strength experience or resources to be a proper competing force in the war he does have a couple of decent factors going for him of course one of which is obviously an n beast although every other parens also has an n beast so that would cancel that factor out at best and in fact worst Mariama is probably even at a great disadvantage because of it because the other older princes would likely be wilting their beast powers in much more efficient ways than he is able to but Miriam does also have both Biscay and Hanzo currently serving as his bodyguards and that certainly is not power to scoff at they're both incredibly profound figures within the hunt underworld but I don't think they're enough to keep Miriam safe at all costs so to be honest all of the remaining princes I think Miriam is in the worst possible situation and while killing children you know it's pretty dark it's certainly not beyond Takashi to invoke Plus even in a situation where the war ends and Miriam is somehow magically alive he is not going to be the winner and look maybe this will be the biggest plot twist in history and I'm going to look like quite the fool 10 decades down the road when the sock finally concludes but as of right now I'm sorry my boy but you've got no chance similarly I honestly don't think the fifth Prince to Peppa has a great chance of winning here now I do want to be clear she has a better chance than Miriam but at the same time I think all of the remaining princes do so that doesn't mean too much the main thing that really worries me about Tibet is that her NIMBY seems like a very squishy existence like it does seem to contain some very nice power in regards to synthesizing various compounds which to bepah is in a great position to wield being a science goddess in all however her beast is also very very timid which on the one hand is great because it would signify that the Beast is very careful but it also likely implies that if the beast was caught in a singular bad situation and it would be very unlikely to come out of said situation in a good way by which I mean it's a goner now some evidence that may be in her favor is that she appears to have made a temporary alliance with 4th Prince erratic but I honestly believe that that makes her situation far far worse because that man is not to be trusted under any circumstances and even if he could be trusted in this specific situation allowing sir I'd Nick to outlive the first three princes were practically in short to Peppa's death anyway because with them gone there is going to be almost nobody who could stand in his way so to Peppa's path to victory is an extremely cautious one she is a contender who cannot afford to make a single mistake and as intelligent as she is there are too many variables at play here with eleven other princes each plotting and scheming for absolutely no mistakes to be made and that makes a beast and therefore her highly highly vulnerable going down the line we have the immediate consecutive Prince being six Prince Tyson now ty has an incredibly powerful nan beast that has essentially turned her into a cult leader who dreams of reshaping the world in her own image so Tyson's an invisibility kind of follows Alice Alice in that it essentially converts people into thinking of her favorably well they've IRA a completely different mechanism and you know that didn't work out very well for Sally Sally being dead and all but I do have to say that Tyson is a much more proficient wielder of the power the big issue is that Tyson unlike most cult leaders seems to genuinely believe her own words that love can change the world and that she will oppose any form of violent action now that obviously means that Tyson's chances of winning become much more difficult because it would take an absolutely incredible series of lucky events for her to win by doing nothing and yeah I know she's not strictly speaking doing nothing she is converting people and building a legion but she is still a passive player and I just can't see her finding a path to victory in this field of contenders and finally for the incredibly unlikely to win tier we have xi prince forget su now I will start off by saying that forgets who has unknowingly inherited quite an incredible power and essentially has tune in beasts on her side at the moment one of which is the door and the other which is the late 10th Prince Koch O's beast which has assumed her form and this is very important because forgets whose beast can only be fully utilized in concert with Cacho and what it does is it basically allows them to travel anywhere they want within the bounds of the battlefield so of all the contenders in this tier forgets who is definitely the one who is going to be by far the hardest to actually kill because her mobility is second to none however the problem is that forgets who is more or less a normal teenage girl very kind very timid and very soft-hearted she has no place in this contest all she can really do is run until either she or catches an end beast gets caught not who I'd be putting my money on because like Tyson there would need to be an incomparable series of lucky events for foo get sue to win whilst doing nothing but hiding but with that tier out of the way we can move on to the next batch of candidates which actually have a chance of winning not the best chance in my mind but a chance nonetheless and they consist of Zhang Li losers Camila and Benjamin now 3rd Prince angley is in quite an interesting spot I would definitely say that he's probably not in anybody's personal legitimate favourites to win and I definitely questioned his ability to remain in this wall for the long run and my main reason for thinking that he has a maybe not so great chance of coming out of this victoriously as entirely to do with his nen beast and while we don't know anything except speculation regarding it at this very moment speculation in Hunt Honda can be incredibly influential because the beast is modeled after Zhang Lee's thoughts personality desires essentially everything that makes him him so when Zhang lei speculates about a beast modeled after himself well then that all of a sudden becomes pretty meaningful and Zhang leis current theory is that the power of his nan beast will kick into true gear after the war has ended and he's had the opportunity to spread the coins it generates throughout his kingdom which is super cool and all but if that is the case then it's going to be less than helpful in a war with some pretty insane enemies powers that he'll be going up against however in Zhang leis defense he does have the resources and intelligence to do quite well especially since he has an alliance with one of the three great mafia powers of the cocoon underworld and that is what keeps him in the maybe tier the fact that he does have manpower and the wisdom to put it to good use so even in the situation where his nan beast is entirely useless during the contest which I don't think it will be but let's say that it is for argument's sake I can't deny that he could still potentially maybe pull this off next up is 7th Prince losers and this made gunner a weird response at first because it really doesn't seem like he should be up here with the first three princes of the car cane Empire however there is almost certainly a hell of a lot more than meets the eye with this man so just like Zhang Li Lu xerus is also a benefactor of one of the three great mafia powers within the cocoon underworld and that should not be underestimated because one man power is always great and two because it sure is a very shady and deceptive side to loser Asst that has not been made apparent in any of his appearances thus far to add to this loser ass as an NB seemed to be entirely based on the concept of deception and is able to conjure whatever a person desires to lure them into a trap of some sort so I would honestly put losers in a similar role as Zhang lay intelligent and powerful and on to that loser er certainly has an end beast that can actually help in the contest so if left unchecked I think losers could present quite a danger to the others not enough to be considered a front-runner but definitely enough to be a dark horse moving along we have second Prince Camilla and this might shock some of you to have her being so far down in the rankings because she does seem to have an exceptional combination of power to begin Camilla is already an end-user and has even developed her in hot sue which takes the form of a big ol kitty cat that absorbs a life force of those that kill Camilla and to add to that her guardian n beast has the power to take control of people so this right here is a potentially overpowered combination in the Camila could theoretically force people to kill her and then have them die instead of her what I find tricky about Camila though is that death is an activation requirement for her heart sir so for argument's sake well you'd really need to do to defeat Camila is keep her alive but maybe heavily injured or sedated I also think that such a powerful ability is bound to come with more restrictions or conditions that haven't been literally conveyed to us yet for example and has been implied that Camila may need to be in a state of zetsu upon her death in order for her heart so to activate in which case you would not be able to have her nan beast materialized which takes away the idea of her controlling people but another factor is that Camila also doesn't seem very keen to be using her guardian Beast in the first place and it would appear that she is putting all of her stock into her existing nen talents which is kind of arrogant and she's also very very aggressive in terms of putting herself in danger due to the safety net that she believes her hot sue is so all in all Camila seems like a very risky individual and her abilities and personality a kind of ill fitting for a contest like this and now we have first Prince Benjamin who is quite possibly one of the most threatening singular individuals in the entire rock in terms of everything to do with raw power this guy has it and just like Camila he comes into this war as an end user with another pretty crazy ability known as Benjamin baton and essentially with this Benjamin is able to inherit the nen abilities of soldiers who are part of his private army and as of right now he is the proud user of three separate in abilities as a result now at the moment we're not clear on whether or not there is a limit to the number of hot two that can come under his command but even if there is and even if that limit is quite low this is still pretty insane because gives him a whole range of versatility before his own guardian beast even comes into the mix Plus as stated before he has control of his own private army so in terms of pure power this is the guy to beat and I think that he will be a serious and destructive force going forward my issue with Benjamin is that I don't think that he is well placed mentally to become the true victor of this war I mean yes he is a shot military tactician but he is exceptionally and easily moved to anger and aggression and I believe that a man like him could be quite easily played by any about three remaining candidates speaking of we're finally here these are the three princes that I believe have nothing short of a spectacular chance of winning this contest and becoming the next case of the cocking Empire and those three princes are Hawken burg sir I'd Nick and just stay with me here wobble starting with ninth Prince Hulkenberg though in him we have a true revolutionary and an honourable human being initially he entered the war with a pacifist attitude refusing to commit bloodshed and if that was still the case then I certainly would not be placing him in this tier but as time went on Holcomb Berg's resolv'd became firm to the point but he was even willing to kill his own father in order to stop the succession war and later on he even committed himself to winning the contest in the hopes of forever changing the car cane Empire now halkan Burke's inner strength I would say is unequaled amongst the entirety of the in royalty and that is reflected in his nan beast which not only makes Holcomb Berg more powerful but also his loyal followers thus putting him in a position to muster a truly incomparable force and in fact it has already been speculated that Holcomb bugs newly acquired power could potentially wipe out first Prince Benjamin's entire faction which is a pretty big call to make but it was made by one of the soldiers of Benjamin's own army so I do trust that judgment but Hawken Berg is a true contender because he is a pure believer kind of like Tyson except that Holcomb Burke inspires his loyalty naturally but also he has the will to actually fight for the future that he believes in weirdly enough Falkenberg has a poor relationship with his entire family except for 4th prince or idak and I find that incredibly strange because the to adjust such polar opposites in terms of personality but this positive relationship may be halkan bugs one major weakness because if he hesitates even for a second when confronting sorry I'd Nick then that could very easily spell his doom speaking of let's examine 4th Prince ironic and I think if you took a poll of favourites to win this contest he'd quite comfortably come out on top and for very good reason because he's one of the most gifted individuals that Honda Honda has ever produced with a rapidly growing and downright sinister mastery of NIM and just for one example of that so right Nick is the kind of man who is capable of subconsciously summoning a second and Beast which is ridiculous but he has also developed a heart su that in a rather complicated manner gives him access to a former Future Sight not only that but Sir I'd Nick is more than intelligent enough to wield that power to great effect making him by far the most dangerous individual in the contest from a perspective of men but sad Nick like his two brothers is also a mafia benefactor and so commands a very sizeable under both power and you know while sir I'd Nick might not have shir drive to win that Hawken burg has he does possess the lust to soar to his siblings which is also a very compelling force to be feared and all in all I don't see any weaknesses for sir I'd Nick right now in terms of personality or power there's just no opening and to be perfectly frank every second that this man is allowed to live makes him an infinitely more difficult obstacle to overcome a very strong contender indeed and finally for our top tier candidates may I present 14th Prince woogle so you might be thinking that wobble does not belong here or indeed anywhere near here I mean she is a baby she has the least resources available for her of any of the princes and as far as we are aware her nan beast has not even manifested yet sounds like wells in a pretty bad situation the thing is though Roble has something going for her that could single-handedly decide the outcome of this entire war and that is karateka this man is far more valuable than any nan beast or hot suit crop ACCA's intelligence is through the roof in fact he may well be one of the smartest characters in this entire world and he can back that up with phenomenal nan usage as a natural conjurer with the option to become a specialist I wholeheartedly believe that crop ago could do anything that he sets his mind to and if that job is to protect verbal and that's what's going to happen and really if anybody can overcome the natural genius of surat Nik it's definitely karateka and furthermore krupka also has a vendetta against her I Nick as he is the owner of the last remaining batch of scarlet eyes which means that our blonde protagonist is going to have his sights set on taking out the prime candidate to win and remember what I said earlier whatever crop occur says his mine too well it's as good as done that and that alone is why I believe that wobble is a prime candidate to win the succession war and that pretty much does it for this discussion on who will win the succession war if you enjoyed this video and the content this channel produce in general and please do consider donating to the New World review patreon because the support of all of your amazing people is what continues to make this channel 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Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 594,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview, new world review, hunter x hunter, succession war, recap, succession war recap, terror sandwich, tserriednich, benjamin, zhang lei, camilla, dark continent, everything we know about the dark continent, ging, pariston, kurapika, woble, kacho, fugetsu, togashi, hiatus, who will win the succession war?, nen, nen user, specialist, nen beast, guardian beast, black whale, contest, succession contest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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