Could Hisoka Defeat THE ROYAL GUARD? | Hunter X Hunter

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hello and welcome to the new world review your source for everything anime and manga my name is liam and what are your thoughts on coriander me personally i quite like it but today we're here to examine the age-old question of who would win the fighting three non-wielding mutant ant monsters or one times clown boy it's not quite as simple to determine as you may think and in the interest of fairness today's examination is not going to be whether hisoka could defeat all of the royal guard no no he would get artillery destroyed although to be fair he'd probably die in bliss whilst doing so with his a raging clown unit but to make this video well worth making we're going to be asking whether hisoka can defeat any of the royal guard one on one and i know there are going to be some oh they're going to be a lot of strong opinions on this but don't worry because this video is not just going to be the opinion of a dude in a room it will in fact involve the opinions of thousands of dudes in thousands of rooms because i put up a channel white poll asking for your opinion on the mata which we will be consulting regularly throughout the video what i'll also say is don't underestimate hisoka of every character in hunter hunter he is the one who is always most likely to surprise you but it's all going to begin with a quick round of pentagon a very simple minigame the rules of which are as follows gone for reasons has made another stupid nen vow which has transformed him into a rudimentary shape and it's going to be your job to guess which shape that is should you guess incorrectly then your punishment will be to form a nen vowel by subscribing to the new world review which will also result in consistent injections of hunter-based culture administered directly into your youtube feed and if you are correct then you shall receive a gold star on your hunter license but which gone shape will it be shape one two or the third one make your choice now and we shall reveal the answer in three two one and bam it was the square so if you guessed incorrectly then you know the thing to do and please do say hi in the comments below if you are a new member of our association welcome all right let's clarify some stuff i'll admit that this may be a bit of an uphill battle for our classy clown on almost every front because even one-on-one the royal guard and eye on insurmountable opponents which also has the result of granting hisoka an ion insurmountable erection but to make things as fair as possible we will be using post mortem hisoka our most recent incarnation following his battle with crollo in heaven's arena and if you're not aware of his new capabilities essentially he can now regenerate lost body parts by crafting them with bungee gum and he can even use texture surprise to make them look real and we're just not non god what let's try that again and he can also use texture surprise to make them look real and non-gummy but it's not just about strict regeneration because these new body parts end up being superior in every way to hisoka's old fleshy vessel because all of his prosthetics now wield the properties of both rubber and gum giving hisoka a whole new world of versatility and sheer trickery to deal with but and this this is the most important part after having engaged in post-mortem then hisoka is now just plain stronger his aura has been significantly boosted and the mental achievement of essentially having conquered death plays a large factor as well due to that whole thing when nen is intrinsically linked to mentality and desire the stronger the desire the higher the output which also applies to our royal guard one of the heavily underrated reasons why they're so powerful is because of their primal need to protect the king which means that even though their theoretical of knowledge of nen contains massive gaps perhaps chasms maybe even full on black holes they can still wield aura to an above world-class standard through raw instinct and desire alone meanwhile hisoka's greatest advantage going into this context is his knowledge of the art form to the best of our knowledge he has no formal training but hisoka is a student of the hard streets of nen he's well and truly up there with the likes of karapika and crollo which is great because if he wasn't then the video would end probably about now but he isn't and it's not so instead of ending let's beginning and hisoka's first ant based opponent will be mentho the yupi who i think is a great candidate to start with because he is a pretty simple guy he has lots of power coupled with minimal brain function and on paper he's a pretty great opponent for someone like hisoka to take on however something we do need to note about up is that he is one of if not the only rare chimera and who doesn't contain a single shred of human dna up was conjured into existence via the consumption of magical beasts so while he may be a bit dim when it comes to human communication and customs this lack of humanity gives him a tremendous advantage in combat because he gets to abandon his mind and let instinct take the wheel and that worked really well for goku in a series that is not hunter hunter so let's come up with a better example actually killua's godspeed is a good example of raw instinct taking over killua basically programs his nan to bypass the nervous system and respond to any stimuli with well godspeed and while yupi's nature is obviously inferior to this particular ability that's the way you need to think about him he isn't bound by human thinking so he's able to act much quicker than those who take even a fraction of a second longer to consider implementing some sort of strategy now with that said that also leaves up quite vulnerable to someone like hisoka because while his movements will take comparatively longer to complete humans generally tend to outplay the primal instincts of animals and a character like hisoka is honestly yupi's worst nightmare because forgetting whether or not he can win for a second hisoka would just be phenomenally frustrating for yupi to deal with yupi has never had to deal with a genius level nen combatant in full force the closest he would have come would be against moral who was missing his pipe at the time and let's be real even if he had it izora was far too depleted by that point to be any real threat and very problematically we can't rely on yupi getting in a lucky hit for victory either because let's say that a tentacle or even tentacles hit hisokur and manages to take off an arm or something well in that case hisoka just regenerates a more powerful and much more annoying arm to take its place but again on the flip side of that yupi has pretty much the same advantage because even if hisoka can pull some bungee gum shenanigan ray to disable parts of up well he can just morph his body to however he needs it to be grow extra arms legs wings eyes maybe even heads so we end up with two competitors who who effectively can't hurt each other i mean one can hurt the other significantly more i suppose and i think that the association has the right idea with this matchup because when this was put to a poll up came out on top with over 57 of the vote but hisoka did come a lot closer than i thought he might taking 33 percent and even nine percent of voters thinking that this would end in a tie that or being too lazy to think about who would win the problem is the fight does become a stalemate for quite some time which means that it turns into a battle of pure attrition and in that scenario i just don't see a path to victory for hisoka yupi is just better built for a contest of endurance because even in a post-mortem world yupi's aura quantity is just insanely larger and the more aura one has the more you can regenerate which will likely result in hisoka running dry first so it's unfortunate but i think this opening round is going to go to the royal guard so next up into the bungee arena will be nephipito and this this is going to be probably controversial but i think that hisoka stands a much better chance against pito than he does against up vito kind of has the worst of both worlds going on firstly because unlike up pito cannot regenerate damage i mean that's not true actually they can but it takes invoking dr blyth in order to do so and when dr blyth is active it makes pito stationery and stops them from using men altogether both basic invocations and then abilities so pito's form of healing is rather ironically a death sentence in this kind of matchup so i guess what i'm getting at is that if hisoka can land a devastating blow then this fight is as good as his the big question is can and if so how does he go about accomplishing that a big factor that pito has going for them that yoopi did not is speed beto is certainly the fastest of the royal guard but also not impossibly fast high-level combatants can respond to pito as proven by kite when he was able to react quickly enough to save gone and gone sadly correctly noted afterwards that kite would not have lost his arm if he did not have two children to protect so it's not like hisoka would be instantly obliterated by sheer speed alone it's definitely manageable at his level even if he can't exactly match it one of pito's bigger problems however is that in addition to dr blyth their other nen abilities are also pretty much dead weight in this fight puppeteering for example is pretty much entirely useless even if pito is prepared with some sort of undead puppet army they are notoriously low quality and very simply programmed blaspito can't even use it on hisoka himself because it only works on dead bodies however this does leave us with turps core which is actually quite useful as it buffs up pito's already crazy physical abilities and that's what this fight will probably come down to a physical brawl and that is very much hisoka's home field because the biggest issue for pito is their inexperience with nen pito's abilities do not accurately reflect their almost godlike aura quantity the abilities that poorly constructed and based on whimsical desires rather than raw need with the exception of terp score which was developed to help protect the king and thus why it's the only truly useful one but peter runs on this like weird blend of animal instinct and human strategy however neither of them are particularly polished pito's instinct has repeatedly led them into trap set by strategic masters whilst pito's strategy was also woefully insufficient against world-class opponents all hisoka needs to do is land one fatal hit which can come in many forms or perhaps even disable pito's limbs with bungee comb meanwhile pito's task is much more difficult because landing fatal blows on hisoka with his post-mortem regeneration is a very tough ask and i know that you're all going to hate this but i'm going to be a brave man and state my opinion on the internet because i think that hisoka can do it and the reason why i know you're all going to hate my conclusion is that in the poll we conducted over 71 of all association members gave this fight to pito which is an absolute landslide and i get where you're all coming from i just i think that this is a surprisingly bad match for pito pito's new abilities are next to useless their speed is manageable their damage is negatable meanwhile hisoka is smarter right now he's weirdly more durable and all he needs is one opening to hit a win condition so fire away in the comments because i am giving this round to the clown which means that we are in a one-one situation with everything to play for in our final match against shirapuff and i think that poof is generally the most underestimated of all of the royal guard and that's probably because he's never actually had a proper fight there was a skirmish here and there but pouf's clowning legacy in hunter hunter is that he managed to avoid a lot of violence in an arc filled almost exclusively with non-stop violence that doesn't make him any less formidable though in fact speaking strictly mentally poof would be by far hisoka's toughest opponent because poof is something of a genius prodigy he thinks not only about physical strategy but also deeply analyzes the psychology of his opponents which is significantly enhanced by his spiritual message hatsu he's someone who much like crollo would be able to break down everything that is hisoka and make him much more predictable but the real clincher here is that even if hisoka can prevail in the mental struggle i still don't think he has any actual win condition shayapov's greatest strength in this matchup is his effective invulnerability in fact the hisoka pouf's abilities are even more challenging to deal with than yupi's body morphing in regeneration because should hisoka manage to hit or even capture poof in a bungee [ __ ] trap then all pouf needs to do is use beelzebub to split into thousands of nanopuffs and hisoka really has no way of dealing with them in order to snuff out all of these little dude bras you'd need a more area of effect style of attack like killer was electricity for example however he soaked over he's not an aoe kind of guy he's definitely geared towards one-on-one combat because that's what interests him at the same time though pouf kind of demonstrably lacks the ability to harm hisoka like at all weirdly enough we never actually got to see any offensive action from puff so it's hard to judge how well he could damage hisoka but again even if he does that their bungee gum is going to easily regenerate our magicians it's a really odd fight to think about in the end my prediction is that hisoka would become flaccid and lose interest in both because he's just not an interesting opponent hoof doesn't really want to fight ireland or his abilities geared to do so and it seems more likely that hisoka would just wander off elsewhere to seek new thrill rather than try to pursue this so personally i think this fight would be a bit of an anticlimactic stalemate however you all think quite differently because for the first and only time in this bowl the association has deemed that hisoka would be victorious against a royal guard member with over 47 percent of the vote it was quite tight when compared to european pito but an intriguing result nonetheless and maybe it could happen very maybe but hisoka i just can't see him ever being able to truly defeat poof which from my perspective leads us with a 1-1-1 the royal guards win with yupi they lose with pito and conduct a bit of a pointless exercise with boof leading to a really sad draw however according to the new world association the royal guard would have won with both yupi and pito emerging victorious whilst pouf is sadly defeated just as you should sadly defeat this next video by watching it because there's always more to learn explore and experience with this wonderful series so i look forward to seeing you there
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 380,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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