The SUCCESSION WAR Explained (HXH 2022)

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a death game is currently taking place aboard the black whale 14 princes 14 nbs far far too many bodyguards and only one winner hello and welcome to the new old reveal sourceford well mostly hunter hunter my name is liam and today i'm going to tell you everything you need to know about the succession war this is part two of a recap series designed to prep you for the return of the hunt hunt manga with part one having already covered everything we know about the dark continent as well as why we're trying to get there and in this part we're going to explore one very very big problem with this mission as well as why we may never actually reach the continent because unbeknownst to the v5 or the hunter association this voyage has become a battleground for an entirely separate issue known as the succession war this is a contest held by the kakin royalty who were the primary benefactors of the dark continent journey and the entire royal family are housed at the very top of the black whale in tier one which is a maximum security space completely off limits to the rest of the vessel one for obvious security reasons and two so that nobody interrupts this very meticulously planned war the succession war also known as the succession contest is actually an ancient ritual instituted by the very first king of the karkin empire this was done because in the ancient days the empire was very weak and constantly at threat of being engulfed by neighbouring nations so our first king guy had to come up with some sort of method to ensure the safety and prosperity of kakin and the solution he found was to conjure an object known as the cedar confirming that the first king was an end user and an incredibly powerful one at that because this object is easily one of the most overpowered uses of conjuration that we have ever encountered in the series which i find fascinating because it's very unlikely that the first king was a trained nerd user the study of nen is actually a fairly recent development in the grand scheme of history so this object was developed out of raw desire to see kakin thrive and that kind of raw desire is generally what spawns some of the most terrifying abilities and this is no exception the ceo itself is a parasitic type nine ability which means it requires the interaction of others to activate and in this case what seems to happen is that in exchange for a drop of blood the seed iron or more accurately this like funky conjured fairy of the urn then bestows an egg onto the person who provides that blood and that egg will shortly thereafter hatch into a fully fledged nen beast at the commencement of the war in the series these nen beasts have been designated as guardian spirit beasts but you know the term is essentially interchangeable now barring the absurd abilities of dark continent creatures the cedar is one of the single most powerful abilities we've seen and it's because it has the potential to give birth to an infinite number of new nan abilities and in the case of this most recent succession war it has created 14 guardian spirit beasts each with their own unique set of powers but like all things nen great power can only come at great cost and you can't just conjure 14 immensely powerful nen beasts out of absolutely nowhere so there's an incredibly layered and complex system of vowels and restrictions in place to make it possible many of which we don't know yet however what we do know is firstly you must be a prince of the kharkian empire a blood descendant of whoever the current king happens to be secondly these beasts are sustained by the aura of their hosts basically meaning that their life force is derived from the life force of an accompanying prince and thirdly they can only be summoned under the conditions of the succession war which states that only one prince and one beast will survive the ritual so this war is designed to determine and cultivate the strongest possible leader and ability to continue growing the khakian empire growing it through a bit of the old kill murder for example though king nasa be won the previous war and he got to keep his beast which is this very grotesque collection of like female sex organs and fun fact here maybe these beasts take the shape of the desires of their hosts so you can really see where king nasib's priorities lie the beasts themselves also have a set of sub rules though firstly being that they are invisible to all participants of the war including the owners of the beasts themselves however they can be seen by other general nen users secondly the guardian spirit beasts cannot fight and kill one another and thirdly the guardian spirit beast cannot kill the host of another beast so not being able to kill your opponents with your primary weapon or in fact for that matter not even being able to see your primary weapon that'll that sounds pretty counterproductive for a death game and the reason for that is because this contest is designed to be a silent war which reflects the policies of the kakian empire forbidding any prince from murdering another prince even during the succession war so the goal is to use these beasts as well as any other resources to quietly assassinate the other princes without implicating yourself oh and i think it's also important to note that all of the princes must participate whether they like it or not most of them do like it though they like it a lot and we'll start off with the first prince benjamin and second prince camilla and also just a note before my comment section gets flooded with this within the kakin empire prince is a gender-neutral term so everyone is called a prince the reason why i've paired these two together however is because these princes have the distinct advantage of being trained in end users prior to the contest benjamin in particular even has his own private army full of nen users which well that seems a bit unfair but hey i guess that's the benefit of being popped out first and it gets a bit more wild than that because benjamin's personal non-ability is called benjamin baton and it allows him to inherit the non-abilities of his soldiers once they die potentially limited by the amount of fingers that can hold these funky star things but either way it turns him into a sort of budget crawler camilla's personal ability is startlingly relevant to this whole situation because it's called cat's name and it makes camilla nigh on unkillable because if someone successfully murders camilla it triggers a counteractive ability spawning this delightful kitty cat that then sucks the life force out of the murderer and uses it to revive camilla from death so one cannot kill her via conventional means which is problematic because the goal of the other 13 princes is to kill that one as well as 12 more that's not it though because they are of course both graced with a guardian spirit beast camillus has been identified as a basic manipulator able to take control of people once certain conditions are met whilst benjamin's beast is a complete mystery but it certainly doesn't look like something i want to experience our next contestant is third prince zhang lei who is a very patient and diplomatic persona he is nowhere near as bloodthirsty as many of his siblings seem to be and generally prefers to find a pacifist solution to any problem now with that said he also will not hesitate to brutally murder people so we can't give him too much credit his guardian spirit beast is one of the more obscure of the contest taking on the form of a dhamma chakra a symbol of the buddhist religion representing buddhist teachings and a sense of universal moral order and with that in mind its ability is to produce small coins it was speculated by one of zanglai's bodyguards that these coins can be used in exchange for benefits from the nin beast however zengley himself holds a completely different theory speculating that these coins are supposed to be given out to the people of kakim bestowing the empire with a power that would consolidate his rule and potentially make him the greatest king in all of the history which is great if he actually becomes king but it's problematic because that means that his guardian spirit beast is less than useful during the actual war itself which is actually perfectly representative of the third prince because he prefers not to act violently so his nan beast will accommodate this by not having any combative powers whatsoever next up though is certainly our most sickening contestant fourth prince nick and he is evil in every traditional sense of the word saradnik is a twisted art enthusiast whose body of work consists primarily of bodies specifically the bodies of young women who seradnic lures into rooms before brutally murdering them for the sake of quote-unquote art it's a bit deeper than that though because one of seradnik's core character traits is this deep hatred of women in general particularly those that he labels as dishonest women and he tends to view them more as livestock and his guardian spirit beast reflects this by taking the form of a sort of frankensteined animal with the head of a woman furthermore the beast's abilities are directly linked to lying as should someone lie to saradnik three times the beast will activate and the person who committed seppai will quote cease to be human of all of the terrible princes which is most of them but of all of the terrible princes radnick is undoubtedly the worst possible candidate to win which is very unfortunate because he also happens to be a natural nen genius surpassing the talent of even gone and killer in fact aside from marowan we have never seen a more naturally gifted or a wielder having surpassed his siblings within mere days of discovering that nen even exists during this short time he's also manifested his own completely separate to the contest and beast as well as developed a personal hatsu that allows him to see 10 seconds into the future to make matters worse he's also a specialist which means that his abilities are limited only by his personal drive and desire moving down the spawn hierarchy we arrive at fifth prince to bepper she is dedicated to the world of science and holds the values of modesty and humility above all else which is why she absolutely despises her older siblings that we just covered because they are bad bad people and so it's actually to beppe's plan to kill the first four princes but to make peace with her younger siblings which is nice and noble and all but sadly the vows and restrictions required to create the succession war will never allow for that scenario to occur having said that tibet has currently formed a temporary alliance with serenity recognizing that the first three princes are more of a threat or so she thinks and as for her nin beast it's said to be capable of producing a wide variety of drugs within its body however it's only able to do so with a research partner which we don't exactly know what is yet sex prince tyson is and i mean this in the nicest possible way a blatant cult leader who is completely opposed to violence and believes that love will change the world and by the mere age of well however old she is now it's not clear this age she has committed her teachings to a sacred text known as the book of tyson the guardian spirit beast is directly connected to this text as well as it produces a series of smaller nine beasts known as eyewogs these creepy crawly things latch onto people and suck their aura in exchange for providing the person with happiness but that amount of happiness provided is in direct correlation to how well someone has studied the book of tyson now if that sounds familiar then 10 points to you because this is very similar to the dark continent creature pat who sucks out life force in exchange for providing pleasure to the sucky the goal of tyson's beast is to accumulate an overwhelming amount of aura and in fact it was even described by one of the characters as being like a spirit bomb from dragon ball z it's a fair bit more sinister than that though as should anyone break the teachings of tyson after being affixed with an eyewog then they will suffer a severe punishment and that sounds like a thing it is that we do not want seventh prince loserus is for lack of a better term the dumbass of the family not the sharpest of minds however to his credit he does seem like a pretty cool dude interested in helping people out in particular he's come up with a plan to rehabilitate drug addicts using basho's clean leaf so that's nice that's a nice thing to do but he also happens to be the main benefactor of one of the three major mafia families within the kakin empire so he may not be all amazingness all the time as demonstrated by his guardian spirit beast which we vaguely know is designed to create traps so there may be something quite dark lurking beneath all of the stupidity here 8th prince salazar is a sex-obsessed glutton with no real purpose for living other than placing things inside and excreting things from his body and i actually think that's a fairly generous description because he spends pretty much all of his time in the series in bed with an army of women pleasuring him although to his credit he is an allegedly amazing rapper however the person who alleges that is salasali himself so then take that thought you will his guardian spirit beast doesn't matter in the scientists because salazar wasted it and he's dead now murdered rather easily am i tired by one of prince benjamin soldiers it's safe to say that he was definitely the most pathetic contestant of the war and that includes the literal baby that cannot defend itself before examining said baby we have another fully grown man in ninth prince hulkenberg and if the succession war was unrelated to hunter hunter then hawkenberg would be our series protagonist he's an empathetic pacifist who genuinely cares for his family and subordinates in fact he was tricked into participating in the war at no stage was he told that this would be a death game so in order to stop the war and protect his siblings hulkenberg was willing to kill his father however king nasa be his own guardian spirit beast prevented this so hawkenberg then tried to kill himself to win the war but his bullet was stopped by his own beast in a moment that can only be described as ripped straight out of jojo as can a lot of this arc by the way the guardian spirit beast take clear inspiration from jojo's stance hawkenberg's guardian spirit beast is more of a support creature it marks those who are genuinely loyal to the ninth prince and buffs their aura quantities and not only that but there's a multiplying effect whenever hulkenberg's bodyguards gather together in a group they become so strong that it's hypothesized that a handful of hawkenberg's gods could defeat prince benjamin's entire army hawkenberg is also one of the rare princes to have recently developed his own personal non-ability called possession error an unblockable attack said to be invincible in one-on-one combat after being hit with an arrow the target is injected with the consciousness of one of hulkenberg's bodyguards so essentially it's a one-hit kill and you get to control the body of the person afterwards which is good for all of the you know sneaky espionage stuff hawkenberg is a genuinely kind-hearted man however it seems like his arc in this war is set up to be rather tragic an examination of what pushes a person to do increasingly horrific things double prince action now with the 10th and 11th princes kacho and fuguetsu who we are covering together because they are intrinsically linked these sisters grew up together and have what i would describe as i guess a typical family relationship which is pretty rare for this video bugetsu's guardian spirit beast is quite abstract it's a creature called secret door and its power can take fugetsu and kacho to any destination but it can only be opened by kacho and of course it can only take them within the bounds of the war battlegrounds which we did rather unfortunately discover when kacho and fugetsu tried to escape the war and kacho was killed by these like miscellaneous ghost hands however that then activated kacho's guardian spirit beast called without you which only triggers once either kacho or fugetsu dies the beast then assumes the form of the deceased one and stays with the other to protect them so fugetsu right now for all intents and purposes has two nine beasts twelfth prince mamasay is uh well she also exists she's a character who i would describe as a bit personality-less we didn't really get to know her a whole lot but she seemed perfectly pleasant and lovely i guess a guardian spirit beast was a rather annoying mouse that would repeatedly ask a target if they were free and once someone said yes the mousey thing would take control of them tragically mamazi was murdered by her own bodyguard named tufty in order to gain favor with whoever ultimately became king however this backfired pretty tremendously as tough dee was then later killed by hanzo in exactly the same way he murdered momozu so a bit of a sad situation there but mama said was the first prince to die which directly led us to a rather important twist mamasa's body was taken to the prince's burial chamber a room composed of these 14 coffin-like things 14 being an interesting number because in theory only 13 princes are meant to die during this war so exactly whose body that 14th coffin is designed for is unknown but this may be a part of a greater plan from king nasa be making a grand sacrifice of all of his children in exchange for utterly insane power that or the last coffin could be phenopy himself because once a new king is selected there is very little need for the old king to the opposite of old we now have young 13th prince mariam a small child who enjoys video games and has a pet hamster that's all we know about him i guess it's kind of sad that he's participating in a death game but it is what it is his guardian spirit beast appears to shrink and grow in correlation with mariam's feelings specifically it became a lot more hostile after the death of his sister momza it's also suspected as the being responsible for placing a barrier around mariam's room which transports anyone who tries to enter it into a completely different room so mariam is very well protected right now which is more than we can say for 14th prince wobile who is a literal baby almost always being cradled by her mother queen oito now at this point wobel's guardian spirit beast is the only one that still has yet to show itself however she has something that is in my opinion far far more valuable prince wobile currently has karapika employed as her bodyguard and he has sworn to protect her at all costs however those costs are probably going to be rather severe as karapika despite not being a kakin prince has quickly become the central figure of the entire succession war which we will be exploring further in part three
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 387,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: D2p5goH56EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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