The PA and the Manhattan Prince (2023) | Full Movie

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well, hello. I've changed my mind. I can't have red flowers. Tomorrow. No way. I already have orange. Orange? Yes. You can fix that for me, can you? By eight in the morning. Yes, Rhiannon. It's no problem at all. I'll see you tomorrow at summer day. One more day. There's been a monumental mistake. Really? The orange flowers. They got to go get me red flowers. You can do that, right? Of course. I had read on Stand By just in case. Good call. And I need a coffee, double espresso, soy milk and a goji berry in a tall cup. The usual, of course. Who should I make it out to? Okay, Della. I'm almost out of breath, even though I didn't really walk anywhere. Whoa. That was awesome. I think I have carpal tunnel from all the books I signed, but. Wow, I moved product. So much product here. I have a copy assignment. Thanks. I'm so glad it's gone well. Thanks, Lucy. You were great. I'm so glad you liked my idea of the red flowers. Your suggestion, The orange one that just wasn't going to work. Red was definitely the right choice. So tomorrow, I need you to swing by to. And I'm not going to be here. Do I authorize a vacation? No. This is my last day, remember? of course. Lucy. Look at you. Moving on in the world. You have been. Are May Zheng. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without you. You've saved my life so many. Hello, Patricia. I'm so glad you called. Look, look, I need you to do something now for me. I need you to get me on the front row at your. Well, if you're going to be my personal assistant, you'll get it done. Then I need you to swing by Tiffany's and pick up my diamonds. Yeah. There weren't enough on the bracelet there fixing it. I'm so sorry, Gloria. I had 101 things to do. Think nothing of it, darling. I knew Rolando wasn't going to let you finish on time. That was delicious. Thank you so much for dinner, Gloria. I should get going soon. How to prepare for tomorrow. Any idea who this mysterious new client might be? None. I've been trying to get my agent to give me some insight, but nothing. Also tell me is that this client is leagues above my usual celebs. So it's a better class of client. Someone who doesn't call you all hours of the night. I'm hoping it's royalty. I mean, that would mean a whole new level of international experience dealing with heads of state and delicate diplomatic situations. It all sounds wonderful. I'm sensing a but. Well, maybe a little one. If you get this, you'll still be working the same hours. I guess so. Similar, but less chaos, hopefully. When was the last time you went out and enjoyed yourself? I had an evening off and saw friends. Had time for a date. Gloria, you don't understand. If this client really is super high profile, the experience could help me launch my own company. Training. Top level pays to work for the real movers and shakers. International CEOs. Royalty, presidents. That's quite a plan you've got there. It is. And in the meantime, this new job can't be as stressful as working for Rhianna. Excuse me. Anyone? Wait. If you could just. Do you need help there? no, I'm actually. Yes. Missy. I just. I need to get these cakes back on the table. I see. It's just that I've heard that the prince is a real stickler for neatness. Really? I've heard that, too. It does sound frightful, doesn't he? I'm so sorry. I'm. Never mind that. Do you want me to clean? I feel you only make it worse. No, no, I have some I can. I've got some weights in here somewhere. I'm sure that. Just give me a second to. I assume you are a candidate for the position of personal assistant, madam. Yes, I am. I'd offer to shake your hand, but. thank you. But no. You may restore yourself in there and meet me in the Citigroup. I mean, I'm not sure, but I think he was talking to you. The role is quite unlike anything you've done before. I know, but I'm adaptable and discreet. No, I mean, your role is quite unlike anything most people have done before. You see, this is a different world, Lucy. There are rules and rituals to observe details to remember that you wouldn't need for any other job. I'm here to learn. Good. For instance, do you know that you should never leave the room before the prince does? No, but I do now. When he enters. It's just right, Your Highness. Right isn't quite the word I'd use. Don't mind me. I thought I would just sit in on the interview and offer some pointers. Very well, sir. If successful, your role will be to answer the prince's correspondence. It's very dull. Right. Help him navigate New York's high society. Arrange the prince's schedule. It's very busy. I see, sir. And assist with the preparations for the first Pomeranian Royal Masked ball to be held at the Queen's insistence outside the Kingdom. He'll be hosting it here in New York. Well, that sounds exciting. The organization of the ball will serve as your probation period. If you can help us successfully stage this important event. We will confirm your position here in the royal household with all the privileges that entails. Running after me basically. I should stress, this is no ordinary bowl party. No, no. The masked ball is a royal reason ritual at which the prince will be presented with three eligible debutantes short listed by Their Majesties, the King and Queen of Pomerania from the suitable nominations. You see, it is the bowl at which the prince would choose his bride. The idea is that when I've made my decision, I will take the Pomeroy's betrothal ring and place it on the winner's finger. The prince means the chosen bride's at first. Sound romantic, sir? Anything but duty and formality, which my parents uphold above all else. and your duty will also entail helping the prince prepare for the interview with the three princess that are being considered. Interviewing princesses. Kind of questions would you ask? What's your favorite throne? Where do you buy your crown? Actually, I do have a question. What made you become a P.A., Ms.. Woods? Well, I. I like helping people. Making things right. Making things run smoothly for people who can't do it for themselves because they don't have enough time or whatever. You see, when I was little, my mom got sick, and so I had to organize everything. I had to look after her clean and iron, get myself to high school and cook for us both. When I got back and I realized that organizing my time and doing it well made life easier and it made her happy. Is that true? Of course it's all true. I know the difference a well-run life can make. Well, Miss. Which will let you know if you've been successful, Right. Thank you. Well, there's no need. We can tell her right away. I'm so sorry about the cakes. And if I said the wrong thing and for my terrible curtsy, I hope you find the person you need. Sir, we have. Very well, sir. When can you start? Can you begin tomorrow? yes, sir. Remember, Mrs. Lucy, please. You might want to research where princesses by their crowns. So we might have found more suitable candidates. Have we seen anyone more suitable chaps. She's highly capable. She'll be a breath of fresh air in this place. This is going to be fun. Anyway, she'll only be here for a while when she. She might even last a few days longer than the last one did. Here's to you, kiddo. Your new job and the start of the rest of your life. As long as I never see another cake stand again, I'm happy you made yourself memorable. That's what matters. Here's to fabulous royal events. Acute manners and glittering tiaras. I haven't seen any tiaras, but they still have this. Now, that's what I call a showstopper. How fabulous. You've got to try that little beauty on. It's for the Prince's chosen one. It's stunning, though. Worth getting hits just for that, I'd say. Gloria. Rod, I'm a realist. A realist? The ring shouldn't come into it. You marry for love, and the ring symbolizes that love. Dear, sweet Lucy, who has no time for love. Let me tell you, as one who has lived. You grab your chances where you can. Otherwise, you end up like me, wondering where the love of your life went. Gloria. it's fine. I'm over it. You don't sound over it. So what do we plan to run away together? There's not been a day in the last 30 years that I haven't wondered what might have been. Or what happened to Jimmy. I'm sorry, but that's the thing, darling. You never know when you'll meet your soulmate. Don't let your chances pass you by off. I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Any good? I have notes. Your knees shouldn't touch the floor. It should look as though gravity is calling to it. But it shouldn't touch the floor. Okay. And your eyes should be straight ahead. In a word of caution. If I may somehow gain the impression that the prince has a certain, how shall we say, warmth. Some might even call him charming. Do not be fooled, Lucy. No. Charm is his armor and shield. His method of escape. Should demands be made on him like a squid's ink cloud? I wouldn't quite put it that way, but yes, it does have a similar effect. You may need to take a firm hand with it, Lucy. I'm afraid the other candidates have been rather dazzled by it all, and it's run rings around them, giving them certain little test. My advice is be prepared. That's my motto, too. Your Highness. So we were just taking a break from the correspondence. Well, if Lucy needs a break, maybe she should accompany me in my daily schedule. I don't actually need a break, sir, but if you'd like me to do that, I'm happy to help. See you, James. Highly capable. With respect, sir. The schedule is demanding today, and I'm not sure that Miss would. Lucy. Lucy. Mr. Woods. Miss Lucy. Lucy has time for that. And the royal correspondence today. Well, let's see if she's up to the job then, Miss Woods. Or do you prefer Miss Lucy? Lucy is fine, sir. Do you accept the challenge? Lucy? Be prepared. I used to be world number three, you know. so you played in all the major tournaments, sir. Not the official world rankings. The unofficial tournaments amongst royals around the world were rather good. I'm seeded third or was until I went off on a world tour and discovered they played on without me. Do you play? a little, sir. I am now. Went into the racket from the other. You can drop that stuff, you know, Just take so much longer adding it to sentences, you know? Hello, sir. Good bye, sir. There's a phone call from the palace for you, sir. Precious oxygen just eaten up a nonsense. The hours of your life wasted. that's a nuisance. What is it? Duke Otto is delayed at the airport. Looks like he won't be here in time. I'm sorry to hear that. well, what will be will be. Not so fast, do you see? You said you played. I mean, not really. I know the basics. Well, that's probably enough. You should see some of the other royals. Hopeless. All of them. How do you think I got to number three? Let's play. I really couldn't. I mean, I'm in a suit and I don't have a racket. I won the play offs with this one. It'll bring you luck. I really can't. I thought you said you like to challenge. Be prepared. You know, you're not supposed to let me win. Believe me, I'm not full of. 1543. And now the match gets interesting. That was most enjoyable. It was certainly a workout. I think I might have a long, hot shower. You have 5 minutes and 20 seconds for a shower, hot or otherwise. What? Your next appointment to the car will be picking us up. Can I cancel? Can you? No. Suppose I can't. Don't worry. I produced a briefing pack and go over it together. After you've changed. No, actually, I've got a couple of errands I'd like you to run. Of course. I need a gift for my mother. Something that says New York without it actually having the words written on it. I understand. Nothing vulgar. And I need some white socks. There must be Himalayan salt for breathability. I don't seem to have my speech. There was nothing in the notes about a speech. I wrote it by hand. Go back to the apartment, fetch it, and meet me at the event. Another test, then. you seem to have come with quite a bit baggage. You had me playing tennis in my suit. Although many would have walked out at that stage. Hang on. He sets the same tests for everyone. He said there have been other. But I didn't realize it. it amuses him. How can he focus on the masked ball if he spends all his time thinking up tests? That's my concern. Exactly. So why all the sports paraphernalia? So I'm not caught out again. Badminton, football, baseball. There's even a table tennis paddle and probably a falcon in there somewhere. I'm prepared. Forward planning. Admirable. All right, Now I'm looking for his speech. Speech? He says he has to give voice. let me help you in your search. You should look through the filing cabinet again. Hello, Lucy. Watch. Don't worry about the speech. I found it. It was in my pocket all along. How annoying for you that I could check it before you left it. Not at all. I'm so glad you found it. hello, sir. Drilling better. We need to do more work on dropping that, sir. There. Well, I've completed all of your errands. Really? Yes. I got your mother's present. A singing fish is singing there all the rage among royalty, apparently. I read that even the English royals have one. Sounds unusual, but fun. And I have your Himalayan silk socks. Jolly good. Was there anything else? We might need a ton of time and pain for the ball tomorrow. Tartan Pink. Can't have her get something that doesn't exist. I'm afraid the prince is pulling your leg. Lucy. With respect, sir, my role in your office is not to provide you with amusement. I'm not a game. I'm not here for your sport. What? I am an experienced professional with a job to do. don't be like that. I had to see if you up for it, didn't I? Not like this. I take pride in my work and doing a great job in anticipating and solving problems before they've even arisen. Thinking one step ahead. I'm not here to just make the tea and entertain you. well, that's a shame. Tomorrow I was hoping to take you on an actual firing range that will get the blood pumping. We'll see if you can catalog my cufflink collection. This is quite a lot of fun, though. Wasn't it? No, sir. It was demeaning. Enough with the sirs. I mean, I'm not the person you're looking for. I can go. No, no. I'll find another client. No, no, no. I'm sorry. I underestimated you. Your trials have come to an end. Whether it hasn't you done well, James. Well, I better brace myself for a proper day of work tomorrow. Then we can discuss whose job it actually is to make the tea. Then. I'm sorry I spoke out, Sir James. I just didn't feel I was being given a fair chance to show what I can do if I'm not the person you're looking for. But you are. Lucy. Well done. he would have gotten rid of £5 by this stage. No, I think you've demonstrated to us both how much we need you. Thank you. Insufferable. This is what happens when you move to the next level, I suppose. And he won't take anything seriously? No. We're supposed to be planning this masked ball, and he prefers to play pranks on me. Well, maybe he's had a lifetime of taking things too seriously, and he's just letting off steam. Maybe. What's he like? Annoying. Evasive and infuriatingly charming. Although I'm told that's a trap. He's a completely different breed to what I've dealt with before. But I can handle him. He doesn't know it yet, but he has met his match. Just have to understand why he behaves like this. And then I can find a solution. Perhaps he can then focus more on being Prince. Truly charming. Hey, can you curtsy? Of course. How did you learn that, darling? One doesn't perform at countless Royal galas without being able to bob up and down. Can you teach me like that? well, I'm not. I've been calling all day, and I haven't gotten any response. Morning. So what is going on? Why isn't it here? The code you promised it would be, sir. Well, that's evidently a broken promise, you know, terrible overlook. But we could do laser. That'll have diplomat Matic incident written all over it, wouldn't it? We can't delay. We can't continue. Is this something I could help with? I heard the word courier, and I'm on first name terms with most of the big firms in New York. That's kind of you. But I don't think there's anything to be done. However, contact Benson's and find out where my black Palmer is. And Rose has got to. Right. Black Rose. His Highness has a planting ceremony in the Memorial Gardens here in New York to twin the park in the Royal Palm. Trees in Botanical Garden, encourage collaboration, mutual project, share expertise, that sort of thing. But it's not here, so I've got nothing to plant on it. Hi, Bensons Bank. It's Lucy Watts chasing the late delivery. We're running out of time. I will go to the park, Bring it to me as quickly as you can. James Kennedy. To bring it to the park. Within the hour. Within the hour. Got it. Thanks, Mike Palmer. Asian, black wire, flowers. But the end of my existence does it. Lovely to meet you. Pleasure to meet you. Yes, Lovely day. It's very happy to be here. yes. We're very. Is. Okay. Surrealism here. I get it here. Yeah, There's a problem. It's dead. Dead? Well, there are no leaves or petals on it. So that means it's dead, doesn't it? Well, it certainly doesn't sound good. Where can I get another one? Well, you would have to go to the Upper Hills submarines here. It is, of course, a very rare plant. But it was brilliant. Simple. Top of the world. It's almost impossible to find even more impossible to grow its own national flower. Of course it is. Well, we'll have to postpone the ceremony and wait. I can fix this. I've done this sort of thing before. How? It's dead. We only need a suitable plant for the photograph. Right. Then we can have another one delivered and planted in its place. Well, finding any black rose in 20 minutes is impossible. Leave it to me, comrade. Yeah. What's happened? It's all in hands. Is it? This is. This is a splendid day. The beautiful setting of the rose should be on its way. I don't know how you did it. I'll tell you later, Perfect. Curtsey. And your flower fighting skills are exemplary. No notes. Thank you, Your Highness. So you have secured. Allow me to hand over. What happened there? The rose arrived, but it was dead. Trying to find a black one, but had to settle for a red one. And. And I got artsy. Well, that was inventive. If a little messy. The Duke and Duchess of Albury Frightful boars. So should I see if they're attending? yes. They have to come right. Lady Merryweather, discharge in the most bounces I've done is 382. Perhaps we should take a break for lunch. Best idea you've had all morning. We do have to finish the guest list at some point, though. No can wait. The masked ball is in a few short weeks. Let me have some fun, Lucy. Okay. What can I have running for you? We could go out to eat. What's a typical lunch menu? we could go to a cafe. That would be exciting. What's that? Which one? All of it. I usually just get brought dishes of food. I didn't know you could choose from pictures. Well, here you get to choose what you want. Okay. One turkey club combo on rivals. Two of those, please. I mean, one for me. Not too. That would be excessive, though. I probably could. No, just one kind of. You seriously never done this before? We've got that amusing here. No more amusing than being asked to fetch tartan paint. I'm sorry about that. I misjudged you. It's okay. I've heard worse. I heard of this one, Pierre, who was forced to dive into the Hudson River to retrieve her boss's phone. we'll have to try that one when I get back home. With respect, if you did that to me, I'd be leaving your phone to the fish. I don't do water. Don't do water. You can't just decide that. Yes, I can. I'm scared of it. So no scuba diving vacations for you, then? No, I can't swim. Well, I can order from a menu. We all have our weaknesses. I've always prided myself on working in my clients best interest, making their lives easy and stress free. Well, mission accomplished. I'm feeling pretty stress free right now. That's because we're having lunch and not working on the guest list. Hope I'm not talking out of turn, but you do seem to be not entirely on board with the masked ball. It's the schedule. Talking of which, I better get my sandwich to go. Is that the phrase? I've seen it in the films. I only wanted to know if there's a problem. I could help with this. hello, Henry Triana. Peace be with you. Hi, Ryan. Can you just call me when you get this message? I just need to make sure you're okay. And you've not just left your keys in the car. Hello? No. No need for it. That's really very good. Well done. Thank you. I just wanted to. I was a bit curt with you at the cafe, and you're right. It was wrong of me to give you those tests, and I just wanted to, you know. That's all right. I appreciate your honesty. And sometimes honesty is not always what we want to hear. What's that? Nothing. And if I had to be honest with you, I'd have to say I'm rather dreading the most boring. Go. Do you want to answer that? No, it's fine. You see, it's my duty, and it's tradition. Something that I have to go through. But I don't know why I have to be a part of it. It makes me want to run away and live in a cave with no wi fi, no phone. No, Sir James. Actually, I keep Sir James. He can come. Not a lot of caves in New York. that's a shame. But I have to do something I don't like. I try to find that the least worst thing about it. A novel idea. What would that be for you? The music. You could make a playlist for the quartet that might make it all a little more bearable. Yes, that's great idea. I'll have a think about the playlist. The music. You really ought to answer that. Lucy, don't let me hold you up. I can't actually leave until you leave. of course. Yes. How silly of me. I'm going to have a lovely evening, whatever you do. Thank you. I don't think it'll be lovely for you. I won't be able to make movie night. I'm sorry. What's happened? I don't know. I just find Amy. But she won't see what it is, so who knows? You've stopped working for her. I couldn't just leave her in lurch. She could be in real trouble. What if it is an emergency. How quickly can you get there? I'll get a cab. Nonsense. That would cost you a fortune. How else am I supposed to get there? Kind of like the control from harrowing. I won't hear another word. Get in. We need to get going for you. I can't thank you enough. Lucy. What are you doing here? You said to come. You said it was urgent. that. I lost my password to my lady's account. I thought you'd be the one to remember it. No drama. But then I found I'd written it down. Can you believe I actually made a note for myself? That's great. The thing is. Couldn't you have asked Patricia? Who? The part that replaced me. she was two opposite. Go. They come. They go. Anyway, thanks for stopping by. So sweet. Have a happy life. We've got a late reply from the house. And the hosts are still waiting for a reply from dawn. He probably won't reply until the morning of the poll. Lucy? Yes, That sounds wonderful. Well, the prince be joining us this morning. Sir James? No, he's chosen to go to his boat. It's a little vexing, to be honest. I say a little vexing, but what I mean is a huge, badly timed, very inconvenient problem. Why do I always say that? The prince is delighted. He's delighted to hear this. Delighted to hear that. Always delighted. It's because the prince is always delighted. Lizzie, one of the secrets to this world is consistency, Consistency and everything. Even correspondence. If all let us say the same thing, then no one can claim that they've had a more favorable response. Can they? Clever. Hello? Lucy speaking. Lucy. Your Highness? Yes. What do you want? You called me. I didn't know. I was just joking. It's nice to hear you so relaxed. There's nothing is good for the soul is getting away. And on that note, Lucy, I wondered, could you come to my boat, please? Me? Yes. I need my back. Some of the fellows from Newgate. That's another test. Stretching and caring for who knows? So he's playing us both? Of course. I'm on my way. Excuse me. Excuse me. I'm looking for Prince Rupert's yacht. The royal yacht? Yes. Thank you. well, this can't be right. Lucy. But I need a bigger boat. Hello, Lucy. Hello. Come across. remember that thing I said about being scared of water? Kind of still applies. Come on, take my hand. You can do it, Lucy. Thank you. Here. Of course. My friends will be back in a while. They just went for a bite to eat. Are you going on to a wedding? this? No, I just thought it would be more formal. Bigger? I mean, more formal. Yes, well, it's surprisingly spacious. Would you like a cup of tea? I'll make it this time. I should get going. Stay for a cup of tea. It'll fortify you for the walk back down the dock. I would have had a go, but I wasn't sure of the procedure. Milk? history. Not too much. Otherwise, it'll be a milky horror. As Gloria calls, it sounds best avoided. A milky horror. Not Gloria. What time will your friends be back? I don't know. by the way, here you've written a playlist. You were right. It helped me feel better about the ball helping conquer my fear. I'm glad. That's why I wanted to return the favor. I didn't need the backgammon set. Nursing. I asked for it because I wanted to get you on the water. Help you cope with something, too. You remembered what I said about being scared of the water. Sorry if I was. I know. It's okay. I appreciate you helping me. I can't say I'm totally over it, but I feel a little better. Same here. Is that why you came out here? And the most of my own destiny here. No duty, no tradition. I just wanted to enjoy my last few days of freedom. That's such a bad thing. Surely you don't have to do this if you don't want to. It's your choice. Choice is something you have in your world. It's not how it works. And one. If they don't, they at least ask you. You must have some input shortly. Who you're attracted to. Who you love. Love? My family arranged suitable candidates from suitable families who nominated their suitable daughters. Our parents decided I had to choose a bride from a prearranged list. They are prepared to enter an agreement which would benefit their families. Love isn't a factor. Well, it should be. I no, I can see why you come out here to escape. It'll do you good not to think about the ball for a little while to. Well, one of us should be thinking about it. It's a big deal. You have to participate in it. What, are you, like it or not? You can still shape it in some way. I've got an idea. Why don't you telephone Sir James and tell him that we're finalizing the play list, and we'll be back later. And what will we really be doing? Are we moving? Not just yet. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. Do you trust me? Did you enjoy it? It was delightful. So you enjoyed it? Yes. Especially now that it's over. Well, at least it wasn't just another day at work, was it? Well, I suppose I'd better go. Need to prep for the interview with the princesses tomorrow and get everything in place. Okay. Do you want me to order your car to take you back? It's fine. You see? I think I'll stay tonight. Will you be back in time? Yes. See you tomorrow, then. Thank you for the tea. Good work, Lucy. I'll see you tomorrow and I'll be there. So you sail? I sailed. And you feel you understand him a bit better Now He's unhappy. And the weird thing is that makes me unhappy. It's not weird. You like you want to be in his company. There's no future in it, though. Tomorrow I'll meet the woman he's about to marry. You sure you need me for this? I want you to be here and see what I'm getting into. Here are the pre-agreed questions for the princesses. Are we ready? Shall I present the first candidate? Isn't she going to stand with what they'd be served to? Through? You know, commoners should get on their feet. I'm extremely relaxed about Lucy sitting. Please, Lucy, remain seated. Who is this? This is Lucy, my new pair. Awfully small courtyard room. If your family hasn't fallen on hard times. Don't be like that, Carrie. We've known each other since we were tots. Our parents had this arranged when we were in nappies. Let's get the formality over with, Ruth. I don't really know why I'm here. What do you need to hear? My plans for our living arrangements. Just as long as you don't interfere with my riding. What's your favorite setting? My floors asked me a proper question, Roo. Well, I'd like to know. No. Okay. But how is you sound, New York. It's frightful. I was in Central Park. Just let one of my ponies have a run around. Suddenly, there was an almighty hullabaloo. What happened? Yes, Carrie, What happened? Well, rather silly. The police turned up, shouting at me through their megaphones. So boring. I got two of them suspended. So that was fun. That's awful. I know the pony wouldn't harm anyone. No, I mean, getting two people suspended. Sounds a testing time, Caroline. I you to let your staff judge me like this. I'm sure Lucy wasn't being judgmental. She was just taken by your predicament. You're wasting your time. Just tell them you've chosen me, and let's get on with it. The first thing I'll do is find you, and you pay. She seems nice. Who's your last medical? July. Any problems? I don't think so. What is your annual household profit? Personal. Household, Not the entire royal. Well, the prince wouldn't have access to that information, I'm afraid. Well, not without consulting. What is your projected forecast for the next five years? Again, the prince would have to consult on that. I see. Is there anything else you'd like to ask for? The prince asks his questions. Those sandwiches. Could you pack them for me? Have the ambassador coming. He can have them if he has an overspent. This should be Princess Ariella. Where is she? I like your earrings. Can I have them? Well. don't worry. You can present them to me at the end. I do like presents. Do you know Mommy gave you my own singing room at home? It was one of the palace cellars. She had soundproofed and everything. Really? Yeah. Mommy said super thick walls create the best acoustics. So what did you think? Well, sometimes positivity isn't enough. Research. what am I doing? It's all awful. Which is released? Well, the illusion of choice. The thing is, none of them want to marry me either. I know. Sorry if I'm like, a broken record. It's just that sometimes I wish I could just run away. That's it, Lucy. I could run off to see. I just need some time to think. But you're running out of time. Just one evening. Just one evening. Away from all of this. What are you doing now? I'm so sorry. I'd love to, but my friend Gloria, the one I told you about, the ballerina. She's hosting a charity event tonight. We promised her I'd be there for you. Are you allowed? A plus one. Lucy, this is not the way to the royal box. Royal box? It's upstairs. It's not down here. This theater doesn't have a royal back. Full theaters have a royal box. I've never seen one without a yes. Still, that makes me probably the first royal to come here, doesn't it? Jolly good. You could probably ask them to put one in afterwards. Holloway. I don't think I've ever had that before. What? People in front of me. What happens if you get a tall fellow with that or something? Well, you just keep like this. You've got a little snake like thing going on there. More like this. It might be able to work. At the end, there's a charity auction. Top prizes, dinner at our seniors. Two tickets, please. But if we get more tickets, surely we have a better chance of winning. Yes, but a whole bucket. Are you sure? I don't actually carry any money. Have any other guy said that to me? I think it was the worst line ever. Don't worry. I'll get it this time. Thank you. I'm royalty. I don't think she. Believe me. Here she is. You know, I think I saw Gloria's nutcracker at the Royal Albert Hall when I was young. Was she delightful? No, she was brilliant. Great. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Delightful to meet you, Gloria. That was quite the performance. Your Highness is too kind. It's my absolute pleasure. And many congratulations on your prize. Who would have thought, with all the odds in my favor, that I'd actually win? The question is, who do I take with me to see nerves? I could see if one of the princesses, even owe me more is just one of those. This is a better question here. What is the worst decision you've ever made? My worst decision? Well, that's an interesting one. I've not made a bad decision as far as I know. Really? Well, no, because most decisions are made for me. So James has made some shocking ones on my behalf. Going to have to make a decision for myself soon, though. Do you have a favorite? Isabella is bossy. Caroline is mean. Ariella is Ariella. So from them? No. And I'm not sure any of them would choose me if they were free to do so. Maybe we should finish up. Thank you for walking me home. Nonsense. Sighs You never find a taxi in a city like this. Thank you for your help. Your company has made this process so much more enjoyable. I've enjoyed it too. It's been great. Is that what you said about your job with the bookstore woman when that was coming to an end? Honestly, no. You stay in touch with many of your old boys. It can be hard to let go. Can it? Yes. You still want to make sure they're okay? Remember the other night when I was getting all those texts? That was Rhianna, the book. What ended up traveling most the night for her on a pointless errand. She was still working for her. No, no, I just answered her cry for help. That kind of labor in a lurch. She can't really manage on her own. This is me. Do you care so much about all the people you work for? Yes, But this is a special job. So it must have been hard for you when you were younger. Looking after your mother. Maybe that's why you're so dedicated. But it's fixed. You on one track to one track. I mean, it's not just about putting everyone else first, whatever the job. No, You have to write your own happiness. The right to enjoy, your freedom to choose. That's the true privilege, isn't it? The freedom to make your own choice. You're very fortunate. So make the most of that freedom. If see for both of us. Sorry. Goodbye. Listen. good morning, sir James. Good morning, Lucy. The chefs say everything is nearly ready for the tasting. Can't have come at a moment too soon. You are the. This dessert fork is too close to the placemat. What measurements are you working from? I just think of the guests contribute to the cost of the ceremony. You're less likely to be out of pocket, aren't you? So you don't write me. Have. I'm still. So let's your Highnesses, if I may have your attention. I know you've met Miss Woods yesterday. The Prince's Trust today just hired help. And she will kindly oversee the menu tasting, secure opinion on the proposed dishes and ensure the smooth running of the event. I need to find the prince. Have you seen him? He's proving rather elusive. Not since last night has he? We had dinner. He walked me home around 11. I think I might, Your Highness. The first dish will be ready shortly. Sir, if you graciously take your seats. The ganache was too runny and the Duchess of York snaps. We can lose the gold leaf on top and extravagance. I like the cold, though It didn't really taste like anything though. Time a taste of guilty and what did you think of the dessert, Your Highness? It's cheap and tries far too hard. The prince seems to like it. What can I say? Sadly, Rupert can often be distracted by common little things. Maybe there's an honesty to it that he finds refreshing. It's an eminently forgettable, set hardly suitable for his station. Your Royal Highness. May I? What are you doing, girl? Did I tell you I'd finished Getaway? Honestly, I don't know why Rupert finds this useless in it. People. You're being unfair. How dare you? I'm sorry, Your Highness, but you can't treat people that way. Maria was merely preparing for the next course. I'll do exactly as I want. Like this party, this confession of me. And. I just don't understand. Or Cena's was so great, but I haven't heard from him since. I don't know if I did something wrong. Things were going so well. He's really honest with me about things. I don't think he talks like that to anybody else. Could he be gone to his boat? Probably. I know how unhappy is about a situation. I just don't think he can face it. What's expected of him? He's so different when. We're alone away from the royal residence. You miss him while he makes Dealing with the princess is a whole lot easier. But not just because of that. It's ridiculous. I know. I've got to keep my mind on the job, and I just find it hard not to think of him. How much he's dreading this ball, I. I find it very hard not to think of him. You feel something for him, don't you? I've seen the way you look at each other. You think he's interested in me? Isn't it obvious? I just. His charm, though. I wish I knew where I stood. Look, you're both trapped. You by your job, him by his position and sense of duty. It's so frustrating. I wish we had a chance to just see where we both stood. Now see ourselves as we really are. For once. Well, you could, but you both have to take a risk for that to happen. Think, sir. Hello? Are you escaping, too? Good to see you. And you? I was worried about you. I just needed some time. I understand. Where have you been? just a few places I knew in New York. I'm sorry I wasn't there for tasting. How does it go? Fine. Really. It was like herding cats. It all happened. Everything will go as planned, and my parents will get the happy ending they desire. how rude of me. You've come all this way and I haven't watched you make yourself a cup of tea. Are the princesses ready? Nearly. I really need them down for practice now. Good heavens, James. Why are they taking so long? Well, they're in the suites, getting ready soon. I'm sure they'll be down shortly. Unfortunately, we had an additional delay as we had to get a new hairdresser for Princess Caroline. She sent the other one away in tears. Well, I've got that speech to give at the Science museum. I really can't wait that much longer. Maybe I can hurry them along. No. Perhaps you could fill in for them at the rehearsal and Sir James could stand in for me later. So they've a chance to practice. That's most unusual, sir. Nonsense. Three princesses to dance with. You have a lovely time. I really won't. Lucy, I have two left feet. That's okay. I have to write to come to port. Your Highness. May I present Princess Caroline, first daughter of King Gustaf of the Oslo States. She curses. He takes her home and music stops. He sings. May I have a dance? She said. You bet. So why not be serious? I would be honored. I think that's enough. We'll stop the music then. Yes. Don't worry. She'll take it more seriously. Where's the fun in that? I'm saving my voice. Amusing, you know, Steady. So much fun. Hi. And this concludes the dance with the second princess. I think it wants us to stop dancing. What do you think? I'm not going to do what's expected. Just this once. Stop the music. I'm here now. we were just practicing. You can send the staff away to give me that. And that. Thank you so much, Lucy. It was a pleasure. I will leave you both to practice, but I don't know why you're wasting your time on that little upstart. Yeah. No. Can I help you? I don't know how it stuck. It's not coming. Try again. It is most insulting that you're checking up on your staff instead of dancing with me. Well, Sushi's. And then I'll try again. my word. She's trying to steal the betrothal ring. No, I was just trying it on stealing it. No, I'm sure. She wasn't. I just walked by, and it looks so amazing. And I thought in the spur of the moment that I. no. No harm done. I'd wager she was the one who stole my brooch. Are you talking about what? Brooch? Check her handbag. But this is most irregular. This is crazy. If it's crazy, you won't object to the search. I hope you're ready to apologize. Caroline. I had no idea. You have to believe me. I didn't put it there. I was right. She's a thief, an upstart commoner, and a thief. No. Obviously, there's been a misunderstanding. I'm sorry. I had no choice. And under the circumstances, I regret to say that I can't give you a reference. But it's my dear Lucy. I wanted to write to you to thank you for your service. I also wanted to let you know that I am sure there is a simple explanation for what happened and hope there are no hard feelings between us. Thank you for making the past few weeks such a delight. I wish you a happy life. Yours sincerely, Rupert. It's been three days. I just can't let it go. I keep going over it. I was totally unfair. And you were treated poorly. But you know, he doesn't hold your response fully. He thinks it's all a big misunderstanding. And forget her. She just saw you as a threat to her arrangement. It's not her I'm thinking about. I'm sure he knows the truth. His letter suggests as much, doesn't it? Tonight's the night he'll pick one of the princesses and start his new life. Well, someone should give him proper choice. What do you mean? I mean you. You should go. I wish I could, but I can't. You'll always wonder if you don't. Wonder What? What might have been whom he'd have chosen. He'd never choose me. Would you choose him? Yes. But who? Think. Give him a chance to choose you. He doesn't love these women. They don't love him. He's told you that repeatedly. This is crazy. I know what it's like, Lucy. I felt the same that night. I ran to the station. It's a risk, but I had to go. It's The only way you'll know when be able to put this to rest. What does your heart say? That I want to see him again. That's her answer. Yes. What? The purchase of first food. Once. Back yourself, Lucy. Trust and love. I don't have an invite. That's your invite. He'll be appalled. I've broken protocol. He seems quite happy to break it when it suits him. I don't have anything suitable to wear. Shall we? Royal gala, the Hamptons red carpet. He met ball. It's okay. It's more than okay. Wonderful. It's a nice ball. And I don't. A mask. you don't need one. We'll be late if we don't leave now. I don't have any mice for the pumpkin, but I do have my fairy coach parked outside. Thanks. Gloria. I'm doing the right thing, aren't I? Honestly, it's a tough thing you're doing. It would be easier to stay here. But if you do that, you'll have a life of never knowing. Evenings spent thinking. What if in days wanting to turn the clock back. So, yes, it's a gamble, but you're doing the right thing. Gloria, I've never done this before. Putting Myself first. Putting love first. It's scary. It is scary, but it's so worth it. Come on. I spent too long talking and not enough time driving like a demon. Is there a back entrance to the royal apartment? Yes. It's good. We might be able to sneak you in that way with the side entrance. You go on. I'm going to stay out here and keep watching, only to inside. But what are you doing? I'm sorry, Sir James, but I have to be here. I need to see the prince. He believes that that incident was a misunderstanding. He doesn't blame you. It's not about that. Don't you think he should be free to choose what he wants to do with his life? I'm sorry, but. that's entirely inappropriate. But you must leave and Gloria not to be. Why weren't you at the station? Why? Where on earth were you? I was at the station. You weren't there. Where you. I was waiting. So was I. No, you weren't. I waited all night at Central West, and you never were. I was at Central East. I waited on that platform all night until dawn. You never wanted to see me again. Same, Lucy. Let this be a lesson to you about the importance of communication. What do we do now? Right now, we need to get these two together. Then. Then we'll see. I missed you so much. We've both been given a second chance. Lucy needs hers. Presenting Princess Caroline of the Oslo States like the transcription. Princess Isabella of the Greater New Township. How much does this all cost? I never approved payment for decorations. Princess Ariel of Augustine. Sorry. I didn't know it was for me. There was four of us. Really, Mother, you do pick them. no. Stop that, Faith. She's here to steal the ring. She was sacked for theft, and now she's back here, sneaking around, making a beeline for the ring. Stop her. Have her removed. Call the police. No, no, She did it. Caroline. What? Not through her face. She was caught with stolen goods in her bag. Was there. You are only stolen because you put them there through a cow. I was told to always be honest. And that's what I saw. I saw her put the branch in her bag. She's a servant. Ariella Why are you defending a servant? You wanted me out of the way. Is it talking to me? I think you should go, Caroline. So James will inform your family of this much regrettable. And the engagement. Read the room, sweetheart. It's not happening. By now, she can hear me. Shall we sing a song to make everyone happy again? No. Well, I mean, later. Once everyone is gone. Okay. I'm so sorry. You were falsely accused. I believed you. My hands were tied. The palace insisted on taking Caroline's word. It's okay. It's all worked out. Is that why you came back here? To clear your name? No. You told me that I shouldn't live my life for other people. So I put what I wanted first. And what do you want? I want you to be able to choose your future. I understand what you're saying. What are you? Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention? Princess Isabella. Princess Ariella. I've made my decision. Thank you both for coming to the ball. You're both wonderful. Interesting and beautiful women. But you don't love me. You're polite enough to protest. But we have all been shown the importance of honesty. And to be honest, I don't love you. You should be free to find and marry someone you do love. So you're picking me? Or. Or not picking this with Ariella. You are free to find someone more suitable to duet with. I've been lucky enough to meet a very special person who has taught me the importance of choice and taught me the importance of following my heart, which is something I have never done until now. So finally, I've made my choice, and I'd like her to make her choice freely. This ring is only an offering, a symbol of my love for her to accept or reject as she chooses. Lucy, do you accept this ring? My heart. I do. And you do? Good.
Channel: Movie Surf | English
Views: 617,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel One Entertainment, #englishmovies, english thriller, thriller movies, #MovieNight, #FilmLovers, #FilmRecommendations, #MovieTime, Amanda Nicholas, Scot Cooper, romance, comedy, family, hallmark, hallmark movies
Id: RU4kV7ipOx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 59sec (5339 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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