The Perfect Man (icure) (2022) | Full Movie

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(upbeat music) (upbeat music) - And within the white polycarbonate shell there's a state-of-the-art microprocessor. - No kidding? (chuckles) And what's that thing? - That's the battery. It used gravimetric density energy to power the nano cameras. - Nano cameras, microprocessors... It's no wonder that thing makes a beautiful manicure. - Well, it takes a gear head to appreciate another gear head. - Ah, I'm good at fixing things but to create something like that from scratch, that takes a special kind of genius, kid. - Thanks, Carl. - You remind me so much of how your dad used to be always tinkering around with stuff. Which reminds me... - You need me to take another look at that hybrid that just came in this morning? - Aha... how'd you know? - Heard you muttering earlier. Come on let's see what we can do. - Aw... - Okay, I replaced the battery terminal and checked the motor. That should do it, try turning it on. (car chiming) Incredible! You're so good with these fancy new models. You won't forget us little folk when you make it big. - I am just trying to make enough to move out of my mom's place. - Well, I'll support it as long as we keep getting the free coffee. Your mom makes the best cup of joe in town. - Well, I'll tell her you said so. (doorbell chiming) - Oh, business calls. - No worries, I'm supposed to meet my friend Daria for drinks anyway. Daria is my friend from Beauty Labs. I'm planning on pitching her Phenomenails over drinks. - I admire your hustle, kid. Remember to buy the drinks, grease the wheel, grease-- - Oh, I will be greasing. - See you later, kid. (doorbell chiming) - Hey buddy, how can I help you? - Hey I'm picking up for my sister, Rachel Johnson. - Oh, yeah. You're going on a trip? - Just uh... just landed actually. Took a taxi straight from O'Hare. - You just landed and your sister's already got you running errands? - That about sums it up, yeah. (chuckles) - Well, you're a good brother or a schmuck. Either way I'll pull it up front. - Thanks. - Oh, I got that. Here! Let me help you. - I'm fine, thanks. - You have a thing against accepting help from handsome strangers? I have a thing against schmucks who can't take no for an answer. - That is the second time someone's called me a schmuck in the last two minutes. You're really not going to let me with your little globe? - Excuse me, it's not a globe it's my machine. - Your machine? Did you invent it? - Yes, actually I did. - Oh... What is it? - It's a mobile manicure system. - Cute. - Cute? I'm gonna need you to let go now. - Beautiful and independent, quite the catch. - Do lines like that usually work for you? - Usually, yeah. - Well, if you really want to be of help, you could grab the door for me. - What's the magic word? - Uninterested. - Ouch. - You're really not gonna tell me your name? - No. - Thank you. - See you tomorrow! - Who was that? - That is the inventor of Phenomenails, smartest woman I've ever met. Ah, second to her mother, of course. Key? - Thank you. - Have a good one. Watch yourself. - Phenomenails... Phenomenails? That's actually a really catchy name. - So you bring this with you everywhere now? - No, not everywhere but I could. It's incredibly lightweight, which is one of the many benefits of the polycarbonate shell. - Well, just in time 'cause I just chipped a nail. - You know, Phenomenails is really powerful. The gravimetric energy density and the cycle life allow the Phenomenail machine-- (yawning) (Katya chuckling) - Wow. - To last for hours without being charged and within the polycarbonate shell there are these nano cameras which are basically doing all the work. - Hm... - Anyway... Yay you can bring your hand out. - Wow, that actually is the perfect manicure. - Well, it takes off the old polish, manicures and repolishes in any colour and design of your choice. - Huh. - And I am actually looking for a partner maybe someone like Beauty Labs to help me market my machine. - Well, do you want to know my real opinion? - Absolutely. - As a professional. - Yes. - It's an interesting prototype, impressive but expensive. The tech specs don't matter to our higher-ups, it depends on if they'll make a return on their investment. - Well, I have no doubt in my mind that Phenomenails is the future of nail art. - But will it fly off the shelves? - I mean what's your vision? - I'm... I'm sorry? - Well, why do women need to have this machine in their homes? Why did you need to create it? - Without talking about the nano camera energy gravity whatever. This is a sales pitch not a Ted Talk. Look, I think you're on to something here. I really do, but you just need to figure out your vision. What's your story? - Well, I appreciate the honestly. - Well, the Beauty Expo is coming up in a week and I know this is pretty last minute but if you can score a vendor badge, everyone will be there. You can get some good practice to pitch to a lot of people. - Well, that's great. Thank for the tip. - Now can we stop talking business for the rest of the night? (chuckling) - Yes, we can. - Ah-ah, no, after my other hand, please. - Okay, for sure. - Now, tell me about your love life, 'cause mine's an absolute nightmare. (laughing) - Yes, but is there anything you can do? I have to be at that expo. No, no, no, I completely understand but I'm sure once you heard more about the mechanics of-- Hello? (sighs) - Still no luck? - I don't know what I'm going to do. I have put everything into this prototype. All of my savings and even moved in with you because of it. - You say that like it's a bad thing. (sighing) - It just all feels hopeless. - Oh dear, Chekov women don't sulk. But we do eat. - I have one week to find my way into the Beauty Expo and figure out my story. - Oh! You've always been an amazing story teller. That's why I kept all those boxes with your grade school essays. - I think this is going to be a bigger challenge than a three-page how-to essay. - Your writing really did improve once we hired that tutor from down the street. What was his name, Kevin? Kyle! Kyle. - Steve. - Steve, that's it. Such a smart boy. A few months with him and you were already writing above grade level. Oh and he was really good-looking too. I never did understand why you two never hit it off. - Mom, that's it! You're a genius! - I am? - If I can't get myself into the Beauty Expo then I'll hire someone else to do it for me just like a tutor. - Honey tutors just don't write it for you, they give you the tools... wait. Kevin wrote all those essays? - Steve and yeah. I'll hire someone in marketing and PR to gain access into the Beauty Expo. Okay, small independent women owned beauty business seeks a marketing professional who is creative, passionate and embraces new challenges. - You know, those are perfect for a boyfriend too. - And there it is. - Oh... you're not getting any younger. - I'm aware but they'll be time for dating later, right now I have work to do. - Well, I just worry about you that's all. - Well, if you really want to help me, would you mind if I used the cafe for the interviews? - Well, you might as well, not like there's gonna be a crowd anyway. Oh, but you got to help me with the espresso machine it's on the fritz again. - Sounds like a deal mom. - Don't forget the little one. - Oh, thank you for pointing out the obvious. - You got it. - Don't worry, I got it. (Rachel sighing) (Rachel): Ooh! You good? - I'm tired. - Oh yeah, you look tired. (sighing) - It is so good to have you here. - Yeah free manual labour's great. - No. No, it's not just that. You're always jumping for gig to gig, you never get a chance to just hang out. - Glad it's making you happy. I don't really know what to do with myself. I haven't been between jobs in years. - Any leads? - There's a marketing director position in London that I'm up for but I haven't heard anything for a couple days, so... Hopefully, I'll hear in a few days. - In London? Does it have to be on the other side of the world? I'm just saying, it would be nice to have you closer to home. - I don't have the job yet, so can we just enjoy the time I am here, while I'm here. - Yeah, fine. Are you sure you don't want to stay here? I mean, we have the guest room. - No, I appreciate the offer but you know I just-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. You need your space. Well, while you are here, we can get a lot done. Because I still need to paint the nursery, assemble the crib, send thank you notes from the baby shower and I'm not sure when was the last time we cleaned out the garbage disposal. - Where's your husband in all this? - Greg is busy saving lives. - Rachel, he's a podiatrist. - Exactly, the feet are the foundation for our entire bodies. (scoffs) - You need more coffee young lady. - Oh, Mom, stop. I've had three cups, I'm plenty caffeinated. - Oh, you need to be on the top of your game. - And if I have two more sips, I will be over the top. Mother, I love you. - But leave you alone? - Yes, even just for the interviews. - Okay, good luck, sweetie. Just remember even though they may not be a match for the job, maybe one of them will be a match for you. - Well, I'm interviewing for a business partner and not a boyfriend. - Well, either way I'm gonna do background checks on them, okay? - I have a speeding ticket or two when you run that background check. - If you don't date him, I will. - That's my serious look but I do comedy too. Knock, knock. You do realize you're applying for a marketing position, right? - Honestly, I just go where my agent tells me. - Well, you should probably get a new agent. - Do you want me to take my shirt off now? - No. - Yes. - Okay, thank you. - Cute. - Mom! - He was. (sighs) - That one's a no. - Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be a fit but I truly wish you the best of luck in your essential oils business. - Namaste. - Oh. Namaste. - May you go in light and love. - Okay. - Namaste. - Thank you. (Rachel): Why are you so dressed up? - I can't look nice for my sister? - Okay, we're going baby shopping, it's more of a mom jeans and spit up stain sweater crowd. - Hey can we stop at Chai-town Roasters on the way? I have a thing I want to take care of. - Shut up! I love that place. What... how do you even know about that spot? - I looked it up online yesterday. - You know, it's a little disorganized but their regular black coffee, oh, it's so good. You know, I haven't had caffeine in six months? I would love nothing more than to watch you drink a cup. - That's not weird. (sighs) - Well? - Let's just say I won't be moving out any time soon. - Great. (phone ringing) - Go ahead, take it. - Are you sure? - Yeah, I have one more interviewer but he'll be here shortly. - Hello? - Aloha! How's my favourite employee? - I'm your only employee Derek. The espresso machine is on the fritz again. If we don't invest in a new one, we might as well close down the cafe. - You're right. - I am? - I'm opening a smoothie shack here, I'm selling the cafe! - What? - Hey! Did you get my gift? - Gift? What a farewell gift? (sighing) Derek, I really think... (beeping) - Ah! Jeez, you scared me. (chuckling) - I didn't see you back there. Nice to see you again. - Again? - We met at Carl's shop yesterday. - Oh, you're the pushy guy. - And you're-- - Still uninterested. Wow, what a small world can I get you something to drink? - I'm not here for coffee. - You're not? - I'm here for the interview. - You're Ryan Johnson? - And you're Katya Chekov. I got your name after all. - Ah, well, as much as I'd love to continue this awkward moment, unfortunately the position has already been filled. - Oh, what are you talking about? You said that all the earlier interviews were a failure. - Well, that's great news. Guess we're still on then. - Fine, the interview starts now. Follow me. So, have you ever worked in the beauty industry? - I started an agency and our clients ran the full gamut, beauty, health, food. - So, you don't have any real expertise in beauty then? - Wouldn't say that, I've done my research. - Okay, well, what are the top three beauty brands based in Chicago? - Beauty Labs, Bee-Eve and a men's grooming company called 'Stache Stash. - What you would you set as a market value for a machine like Phenomenails? - I don't really know how to answer that. Your product is set to revolutionize the manicure industry so, it's hard to put a number on that. - I thought you kids could use a drink. - Thank you. My sister's been raving about your brew. - Oh! She has? - But she's pregnant so she hasn't had a cup for a while. - Oh, pregnant, how exciting! And how about you, you planning on having children? - Mom! - Well, can't I ask a few questions? - Technically, that last one is illegal during a job interview. - And he's a legal expert as well! - I've been told I'm too focused on the mechanics of Phenomenails and not the story. So, let's say I have a pitch meeting with I don't know... Beauty Labs. How should I sell my story? - What's your typical rush hour? Early morning commuter, afternoon? - Oh, um, we're pretty quiet all day. I mean we have our regulars and they're really loyal but not a lot of foot traffic. - What's your best-selling drink? - My standard, hot coffee, black. - Wow. That's amazing. But I didn't see it on the menu inside, it was just a bunch of mocha drinks and espressos. - The owner Derek thinks the kids just want these cold drinks with all the syrup and foam. - That's fine, but they're not your market. And even if they were, how do you expect them to find the place? There was no real signage out front. You have an amazing product, a classic regular cup of coffee. Embrace and get your name out there. - I said the same thing to Derek and I just can't get anywhere with him, though. - Maybe you should be your own boss, like your impressive daughter. (laughs) - How does any of this apply to my question? - You asked me about your story. First, we need to figure out who your customers are, what's the market? What's the lifestyle you're trying to sell to people? And how can you as an owner reflect that dream back at them? How do you get your name out there? - Well, how do I find my customers? Especially if I only have the prototype right now. - Get out there, do some field research. Beauty Expo's next week, it's a perfect place to practice your pitch. - How do you know about the Beauty Expo? - I told you, I do my research. - Well, it's completely sold out so how would you get us in? - It would take me one, maybe two phone calls. - Why do you really want this job? - I'll level with you. I'm up for this new gig in London and it's neck and neck between me and one other person. - And how does Phenomenails fit into that? - Company was started with a female inventor out of her garage. With a product like yours in my portfolio, I can show them that I understand their roots. This is a win-win for you. It's in my best interest to do an amazing job and if I look good so does Phenomenails. - Refill? - Yes, please. - You're hired. - Thank you. Not gonna regret this. - Oh! Here. Oh, congratulations. - Oh, yes. - I need two minutes alone, just two full minutes. - She's a hugger. - Yeah. - You can't do in a job interview either. - I know. - Chamomile tea? Caffeine free. - Oh, finally! What took you so long? - Well, I wasn't just grabbing coffee. I had a job interview and they hired me. - Sorry, as a barista? - No, no. I, uh... it's for a new project and I think it's gonna put me over the edge for London. - Ugh, really? I mean, why would you do that? We never get to spend any time together and we still have to paint the nursery-- - We talked about this. We talked about this. I need something to keep me centred. - Fine. - Ow! - Yeah, well... I guess I understand but can you at least just try to make a little time for me, please. - Of course, I still have all of today. I don't start until tomorrow morning. - Oh, wow, all the things we could do. (chuckling) - I figure we start with the basics. Gravimetric energy density, micro processing units, polycarbonate interfacing. - Right, the basics. - Hey Carl. - Oh, hi Katya and hybrid guy? - Ryan. - Wait, are you two? - No. - No. - Ryan is helping me market Phenomenails, it's temporary. - Oh, you two have at it. I'll be over here if you need me. - Thanks again. - You bet. - Do you work out of here all the time? - Yes, I think we should start with the cycle life battery unit. - And you've known Carl for a while? - He and my dad were good friends. - We could call him a mentor of sorts. You know, girl scientist learning under the tutelage of a neighbourhood mechanic. - You could just say scientist. - Right. - And what are you on about anyway? Are you here to talk about me or my machine? - Both. We already know the machine's impressive. - Thank you. - I don't really care how it works, just that it's unlike anything else on the market. - I've been told I need more than that. - Exactly, we know the machine is unique, now we need to figure out your unique story. Kid genius, girl next door, rags to riches. - Why can't I just be me? - You can. You can be the version of you that sells. - Marketing is all about being personal and authentic but also easily digestible. (phone ringing) - Sorry one sec. - Mom, I can't talk right now, I'm in a business meeting. - Honey, it's an emergency. - Are you okay? - I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just the espresso machine is on the fritz again. - I can be by later, it's just I'm busy right now. - Normally I could wait but I've actually got customers waiting. - You do? - Yes, I took Ryan's advice and I put a sign out front and it's actually working. I can really use your help. - I'll be there as soon as I can. - Oh, thank you, thank you. Oh, it's hot and it's good. Thanks. - Um, my Mom needs help with something at the cafe, so we'll have to reschedule this for later. - Nonsense, I'll come with you. - You really don't have to do that. - I'm happy to. Besides I can get another cup of that amazing coffee. - You guy's going to Mila's? - Yeah. - I'll drive you there. - Are you sure? - Absolutely. No trouble at all, come on. - Hey, Mom. - Oh, Katya! Ryan! Oh, hello Carl. - Mila. - I haven't seen this many people in here in a long time. - I know, six customers at once. Did you notice the sign out front? - I did. - I took Ryan's advice and it's paying off. - See at least your mom takes my business advice. - Oh, I hear you got a machine on the fritz. - Oh... It's doing that thing again with the... the stuff. - Is that what the manual says? - Oh, you know what I mean. Oh and I also have a delivery out back, I'd really like some help moving it inside. - I can do that. - No, I'll get it. - Oh, well, your back! - Nonsense, Katya's got this and Ryan can help her if she needs help. - Ryan can help, yes, now that's a good idea. - Yeah, I can help. - Okay, so... how can I help? - You can start by not getting in the way. - Sounds simple enough. - Philips? - That's the one with the... - Pointed edges that make a cross. - Cross, right... - Screwdriver. - Could've just said that. - Mhm. - You've always been so handy? - Ah, no, my dad taught me. - What does he do? - He was a mechanical engineer but he passed when I was a kid. - I'm sorry. - It was a long time ago. - Were you close? - Are you actually interested or are you just trying to find another angle for my sob story? - I'm actually interested. - Because my dad's off limits, I don't want to use him for the pitch. - I understand. Tell me about him. - Well, he was smart and funny and so creative. He always made little machines to do odd chores around the house. - Sounds great. - Yeah and um... I just wanted to be just like him. So I decided to make the perfect doll. I took pieces from other dolls and the mechanics from a remote control car. - How did that go? - Oh, she was fully robotic, but she looked like Frankenstein's monster. (laughing) But my dad just told me how proud he was that I had tried and that I did it all on my own. - Sounds like a really great guy. - Yeah, he was. - Oh! (laughing) It's bad, isn't it? That's what I get for wearing designer. (laughing) - Wait, you're serious? - Yeah. - What happened? Oh, quick, take that off. - No, it's fine. I'll take it to the cleaners. - No, trust me that has to go underwater right away. - It's fine. - It's designer. - Ryan, this is a laundry emergency, take that shirt off immediately. - Okay. (clears throat) - Don't you have to get that underwater right away? - Um... yes, right away. - Do you want a coffee? - Uh... machine. - You know, this might be a new look for you. I think it's really going to impress in London. - Have your laughs. - It's not designer but I think it really works. - I have only ever seen you in some version of overalls, okay? I don't think I should take fashion advice from you. So, maybe we should give you a make over. Follow me. - What? - Come on. - Ryan? - We got places to be, let's go! Look at them, really look. The hair, the makeup, the outfits. These women put time and money into their appearance. - And? - Wearing overalls. - Uh, they are practical. - Yes and they go with your quirky inventor vibe. - Did you just bring me here to insult me? - I mean it, it is endearing. But you need to be aspirational for your customer base. Look at me. The only people who would aspire to be right now are Jimmy Buffet fans and early retirees. (chuckling) - Yeah, you do look pretty ridiculous. - Exactly. Please, please, this is a good idea, just try. - Okay, fine. We can do the makeover. - Yes! Oh... (laughing) - That didn't sound too good. - I think I ripped your mom's shirt. - Well, she'll consider it a favour, trust me. Wow. (Ryan): Nice, right? (Katya): Um, it looks expensive. - Oh, it is. - I put all my money into my machine, so. - Relax, my sister knows the owner. - Does that mean a friends and family discount? - - Exactly. - Okay... - Paige. - Katya, hi. - Hi. - You are gonna look great in everything. - Thank you. I have to be honest, I'm not the biggest shopper and I'm kind of dreading this. - Today is all about fun. And you must be Ryan. - That is me. - Your sister didn't tell me you were so handsome. - She always leaves that part out. - Your shirt is completely ripped and we need to get you something new right now. - Thank you, yes please. Okay, so... not the-- - This colour's really not working for you. - It's just not working? - No, no. Maybe this actually would be really great for you. - Oh, much better colour. Thank you. - Um, anyways, so I've pulled some options. Day wear, nightwear, formal, casual. When you think about your own feminine power, what comes to mind? - I'm not sure how to answer that. - Perfect, we'll try it all then. - Okay, why don't we start with this? - Oh, wow, great. - Oh, and these shoes, definitely. - Awesome, thank you. - Alright, done with this one. - Next. - Ready? - Yes please. (upbeat music) - Oh... no, no, no, no. (chuckling) - Thank you. - Okay, next one. Wow! (stifled laugh) Get back in there, come on. (Katya): I'm ready. - Well, this was your idea, so, what do you think? - You look stunning, really. - Are you sure it's not too much? - You're perfect. - Well, it's not very practical. - No, not like overalls. - No. (laughs) (phone ringing) Sorry. It's Daria. - Beauty Labs? - Yeah! - Answer it! - Hi, Daria. No, I'm not busy, I'm just... I'm doing some shopping. - Jealous. I've had a crazy week at work, I've barely been able to get my five-mile runs in. - Five miles, like all at once? - Guess what? I've been getting so many compliments on my nails all week. - Well, that's great. - And it would be greater, more great? Whatever, it would be nice if I can tell everyone they'll be able to see your pitch at the Beauty Expo. Have you been able to get a vendor pass? - Um, well not yet. - Oh. - But I am working on it, I hired a marketing consultant to help clarify my vision like you said. - This, is amazing. - Yeah, it's been surprisingly helpful. - This salad is amazing. Mm, have you ever had the salad from Doc B's on the north side? - Um, no, I haven't. - Oh, you got to try it. Oh, sorry, you were saying something about marketing. - I hired a marketing consultant to help clarify my vision. - Mm, that's smart. I'm impressed, Katya. You've been really showing initiative. - Well, thank you. - So hopefully I'll see you and this consultant at the Expo. Our entire executives are gonna be there and are interested in hearing your pitch, no pressure. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, no pressure. Uh, but hey, Daria do you think that-- (dial tone) Oh, she hung up. Okay. (both laugh) (♪♪) - So, how'd it go? - Well, they said if we can make it into the Expo the executives of the Beauty Labs are very interested in hearing my pitch. - We're gonna sell this. - Yes, but we have to make it into the Expo first. - I was gonna wait and surprise you later. - What? - We're in. I got confirmation this morning, Phenomenails officially has a vendor's pass. - We do? - We do. - We're gonna sell this! - We're gonna sell this! (clears throat) - Okay, so we have the passes, we have the outfits. Now we just need to perfect your pitch. - And how are we going to do that? - Practice. - That's nice. - Wow! You look very nice. - Oh no, is it too formal? - No, it looks great, really. Okay, welcome to your first test. Paige is a regular so she was able to get us a booth. - Oh! Just be careful with that, that cost me my apartment. - Noted. So, today is about getting you in front of a crowd. - Great, I made flash cards. - Flash cards? - Yeah, so I don't forget anything important. I get very nervous speaking publicly. - Can I see those? - Sure. Oh! What are you doing? - Katya, did Steve Jobs ever use flash cards? - No, but-- - Cards make you look unprepared. Revolutionaries don't use cards, you should be comfortable in yourself and in front of a crowd. - But I'll be comfortable once I'm out of these heels. - It's the perfect time to practice, ready? You look the part, now be it. Ladies, ladies, ladies! Who would like to come and hear about the new revolutionary beauty product Phenomenails? Okay! Katya. Katya, Katya. - Uh... yeah. Well, um... the... the machine is incredible, it has a state-of-the-art microprocessor which is great, right? Yeah, no, it is! And um... what's so amazing is the battery life lasts so much longer than something of its size and power Which... Oh! Oh and um... um... The white polycarbonate shell, it houses the nano cameras which it makes very durable, extremely durable, um... Oh, but there's so much more to say... - Okay, what did we learn? - That I need my flash cards. I forgot half of the technical specs. - You forgot to tell them what the machine actually does, which is way worse. - Oh... that I did forget. - It's okay, we have all day to get this right. (sighing) - Okay. - Come on over. - Phenomenails is your one-stop shop when it comes to a fresh manicure. - Smile. - No more lines at the salon, easy to use, affordable and state-of-the-art, have a look for yourself. (whispers) You're doing great, they're loving it. - I feel like I'm selling vacuums on an infomercial. I just don't feel like myself. - It's 'cause you're better. Trust me, it's working. - I was never great at the beauty stuff but I loved building machines. So, I basically made this to do my nails because I can't do them myself. (camera shutters) Thank you so much for coming, I really appreciate it and I hope you have a great day. - Bye. - Take care. (sighs) - If I had a trophy for most improved, I'd give it to you on the spot. - You know, I'm still mad that you tore up my flash cards. - Oh, take it out of my pay cheque, boss. (laughing) Mom, how did you know where we were? - Oh, a mother always knows. And I turned on location sharing on your phones last week. - You know if the cafe doesn't work out I think you have a future in the CIA. - You know, I'm not entirely sure that she's not already working for them. - Anyway, I brought coffee. You've been working all day, take a break. - I'm fine and I know that you're-- - No, your mom is right, we've been at this for a while. - Why don't you two walk around and I'll watch the table? This park is so romantic. - Mom. - No, I'm just saying that later the lights are nice, not for you, just for anybody, for everybody in general. - Alright, thanks Mom. Goodbye. - Have a nice time! Tootle loo! - Hi. - Hello. - Oh. - Wow. - If I don't hear this immediately, I might scream. - I think we have to. (gasping) Oh... okay, "Why Not?" and "Boogie". - My favourite song. - "Do you feel me?" - Second favourite song. - And "Let's party tonight". - Oh, that's my top ten. (chuckling) - There we go. (folk music) - It was nice your mom came to support you. - Yeah, she can be a bit much sometimes. - At least you know she cares. - In a lot of the wrong ways. - I'm a little jealous. - Really? - Yeah, my family doesn't have that kind of relationship. - Well, what are your parents like? - They're both military so hard to get a read on them. I think they like me, hard to tell, though. - I'm sure they do. - Yeah? - Yeah. What's not to like? So, you probably should've invited your sister today. - Why? - Well, if you want to be closer to your family. - Huh. Never really thought of that. - Wait, is Ryan Johnson actually admitting he doesn't know absolutely everything in the entire world? - Okay, take it easy. I'm still a bona fide marketing genius. - Oh, sure, sure. - Yeah, maybe you're right. - I'll bring her by the cafe tomorrow, introduce you guys. - Yeah. (people cheering) Okay, what is happening right now? - It's a silent disco. - What? - You worked hard today, I think you've earned a bit of fun. - Okay. - Trust me. (laughing) - So, you put these on. - Okay. - And you dance. - What? - You dance. (dance music) <i>♪ Day after day ♪</i> <i>♪ Day after day</i> <i>day after day ♪</i> <i>♪ There's long interesting</i> <i>morning breeze ♪</i> <i>♪ Is there any reason that I got</i> <i>the world at its knees ♪</i> <i>♪ Is it love ♪</i> (slow music) <i>♪ Will you wake me up</i> <i>from this dream ♪</i> <i>♪ Painted pictures ain't just</i> <i>what they seem ♪</i> <i>♪ So close</i> <i>yet still so far away♪</i> (phone ringing) - It's a London number. - For your next job? - Hopefully. (buzzing) - Hello. - Um, hi. - I caught a bit of your earlier presentation and I have to say I'm incredibly impressed by your work. Especially your work with gravimetric energy density. - Well, you should've stuck around because it got much better. - No, it was great. That's why I came back to your table. - You did? - A very nice woman told me to where to find you and that both you and your machine were available. - She did what? - No, it was great. And I was hoping that was the case. I'm Paul, I'm in acquisitions with Bee-Eve. We love innovation and like I said your machine really caught my eye. - I'm Katya. - Well, Katya, love for you to come by our labs. Maybe I can give you a tour tomorrow, what do you say? - That would be amazing. - Great. - Great. - See you then. - I will see you then. (squealing) <i>♪ Heaven on the dance floor ♪</i> <i>♪ I gotta dance some more ♪</i> - Absolutely, I am so excited to join the team and I'm really glad you enjoyed my work Phenomenails. Um... about that. I'm just wondering if there's any wiggle room with my start date, could I just push it back just maybe one week? Thank you, thank you, yeah. I um... Just need a little more time here. Yeah. Yeah, you could say I found my passion project. Ooh. <i>♪ Heaven on the dance floor ♪</i> <i>♪ I gotta dance some more ♪</i> (Rachel): This is going to be so fun. Just like when we were kids. - It's just for a few days, the hotel couldn't extend my reservation. - And why did you decide to stick around? Because you were so adamant about your timeline. - How about you be excited that I'm staying like you wanted, ok? - I wonder if it has anything to do with your new boss. (air pump) - It's strictly business, okay. - What was that, Ryan? You've never met anyone like her? - No, it is... I said... that's it. I'm going home. Thank you, see you later. - No, no, no, no. I'm done, I'm done. - Yeah? - Yes. - Okay. - I just think that I should be introduced to Katya so that I can see why you're so invested in her. Invention! Why you're so invested in her invention? - I'm sorry... I can't hear anything you're saying, the thing is going and it's-- - So happy you could come. - Well, how could I turn down an invitation from one of the best beauty companies in Chicago? - Here I thought it was my winning personality. (laughing) Should we take the tour? This way. - Thank you. Wow, this is amazing. - I thought you might like it, follow me. I meant what I said last night, your machine really impressed me and I thought you were very informative. - I was very nervous and just talking about the technical specs. I'm not a very strong public speaker and the only reason we were doing that yesterday was to practice because I will be presenting at the Beauty Expo this week. - Well, I happen to think you're a wonderful speaker and my opinion, I think the Expo's a bit of a waste of time. - Really? - Why jump through all those hoops? You said it yourself you hate public speaking. - I have to sell Phenomenails and I think presenting my vision and brand at the Expo is my best chance at doing that. - Or I could put in a good word for you here. I'm quite certain that Bee-Eve would be interested in acquiring Phenomenails. - Seriously? - Some of like tech specs. What do you say? - That's a very generous offer but I think talk to Ryan first. - Ryan? - He's my consultant I hired for the Expo. - Ah, gotcha. Well, why don't you talk to him and tell me what he says over dinner tonight? - Dinner? - I know this great spot, I'll text you the details. - Oh great, I'll give you my number. - Actually, your mother gave to me already last night when I came looking for you. She was really smooth about it, though. You should bring her tonight, I owe her for the introduction. Well, knowing my mother she probably already knows about it. (chuckling) (Ryan): I'll tell you what, I'll wash the dishes I get dirty. (Rachel): No, you'll wash the dishes I tell you to wash. - Oh, look who decided to finally show up. What did I wear you out on the dance floor yesterday? - Ok, I say this with only love, don't ever do that again, no. - Well, I thought it was pretty good. - Thank you. - Well... - Katya, I am so pleased to meet you. I'm Ryan's sister, Rachel. - It is so lovely to meet you. I'm sorry, I just had a really productive business meeting and that's why I'm late. - Business meeting, do tell. - You know what? Why don't I take your lovely sister and give her a manicure instead? - Oh... I'm sorry Ry, looks like I'm up first. - What? - Don't look at me. Look, why don't you make yourself useful and give that gentleman a fresh cup of coffee. Go on, go on. - Why? - This machine, it looks incredible. You know, Ryan really undersold how small this thing is. - Well, thank you. Now keep it nice and still and let the machine do the rest. (sighing) - I need to savour every minute of this. You know, when the baby comes I'm not going to have a minute to myself. - Well, that's what Uncle Ryan is for, right? Free baby-sitting. (chuckling) - Yeah, we'll I'm not sure how that's going to work. Now he's for sure moving to London. - Oh, he got the job. - Last night. He didn't tell you? - I'm sure he was going to. - Okay, you can take out your hand now. - Ah! Amazing. Well, now I have two things to thank you for. - Two? - The manicure and Ryan. 'Cause ever since he started working with you he's been... different. - You don't have to thank me for that. - No, I do. I was worried he was going to use this job as an excuse to keep his distance but he has been the complete opposite. You've been good for him. Well, don't tell him I said this but I don't know what I'd be doing without him. What Phenomenails would be doing without him. - Right. You two are lucky to have found each other. - Why I don't I get us some tea while you finish up? - Oh, that sounds great. - Okay. Okay, I'll be back. Mom, do you mind grabbing me some tea, please? - Two? - Yes, thank you. Are you working for my mother now too? - I thought my father was a drill sergeant, he has nothing on Mila. So, tell me about this business meeting? - Well, I was approached by an executive at Bee-Eve and he loved Phenomenails. - Really? - Yeah, he gave me a tour of the facility and it was amazing. Paul, that's the executive's name, he thinks that Bee-Eve would buy Phenomenails. - He told you this? - Why do you sound so shocked? - Well, that's just... That's just really fast. - You wanted to work with me after bumping into me for like three minutes. - That's cause you weren't susceptible to my charms and I love a challenge. - Hm, you call that charm? - Maybe. - Hm... Are you even listening to me? He thinks that Bee-Eve would buy Phenomenails, I thought you'd be ecstatic. - I am, I'm super excited but what's the catch? - Catch? There is no catch. - There's always a catch, trust me. - Well, Paul seems to think that the Expo would be a waste of time. - He doesn't want us to do the Expo because he doesn't want competition. - If the offer's good, why does it matter? I'm dreading the presentation anyway. - Katya, I'm so happy that Bee-Eve is showing interest but you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket. - But I-- - You were great yesterday. And you're going to be amazing at the Expo. The more options you have the better, right? - I guess. - How 'bout this, why don't we set up a call with this Paul guy and we'll talk it out. - I'll actually be seeing him tonight, so I'll tell him. - Tonight? - Yeah, he asked me out for dinner. The one you gave my number to, Mom. - I just thought it was business related. (chuckling) He's very charming and very handsome. - Good to know. - Well, I'd invite you. - I have plans anyway. Paige and I, we're gonna get dinner. - Great. - Great. (phone dialling) - Hey Paige, it's Ryan. Are you free for dinner tonight? - They're clueless. That's enough. Yeah, the guy doesn't know the difference between fuchsia and magenta. - This place is so nice. (Paul): Gotta go. - Paul picked it. - Good thing I have my good points. - Good thing! - So glad you two could join me. - So glad to be here. - Right this way. - Thank you. - You look lovely. - Thank you. - Oh, here? - I took the initiative and ordered already. - Oh, you did? - I come here a lot but if there's something you don't like we'll send it back. - This is all so new for us. - But very nice. - Well, when your daughter's a household name, you'll be doing this every night. Cheers. - Cheers. (soft jazz) - Boo! I'm so sorry I'm late. - It's fine. - There was an emergency at the store. - Oh no, what happened? - This woman was trying on a designer dress and it completely clashed with the colour of her hair. - Right... Thank you. - Um, I'd like steamed vegetables, no oil, no butter, no garlic and a mineral water, cold but no ice, thank you. - I'll just need a minute. - Thanks. Already knew what you wanted. Uh... (phone ringing) - Ah, so sorry, I have to take this. - Yeah. - I think this thing's still alive. - Mom, be nice. - I am being nice. When are you going to tell Mr. Executive that you're keeping your options open? Katya, what about all the things Ryan said to you? - What about it? Why would I drop a perfectly good opportunity that's right in front of me? - Ryan only wants what's best for you. - Does he? He didn't even tell me that he got the job in London. Rachel told me. - Well, he obviously has a good reason. - Or he's gonna leave as soon as he can and I'll be left here with nothing. - Calls, calls, calls. I can't catch a break. - Is everything okay? - Absolutely, I just needed to remind my assistant to pick up my suit at the cleaners. There's this VIP garden party right before the Expo. All the big players in town get together to kick it off. - VIP, wow. - Yeah. It always turns into a bit of a schmooze fest. - Oh. - Actually... It might be a great networking opportunity for you and you would get to meet my team. You want to be my plus-one? - Really? - Absolutely. If we're gonna be in business together, we need to know what Bee-Eve connections can get you. - I would love that. - Great. - Well, bon appetit. - I'm just ready to travel, get out of Chicago. I want to see fashion week in person, in Milan. That's what I like about you, you're constantly on the go. - Rachel seems to think I should settle down. - Some people can't be tied down, you just gotta go with the flow like wild horses. - I guess. - Ryan, can I ask you something? - Yeah, of course. - Can I take a picture of your plate for my socials? - Yeah... Uh, sure. Um... There. (camera shutter) - Oh, perfect. - Awesome. Does look good. (laughing) - This was absolutely lovely. - Unbelievable. - Thank you. Oof, and I'm so full. - Well, I had a really nice time with you. - Me too. - I'll see you in two days at the kick-off, Ms. VIP. - I can't wait. - See you then. - See you then. - I'm starving, you want a burger? - Yes, let's go. - What do you think, the dress or the blouse and pants? - The... dress. You'll look great and you don't want anything with pockets. - What do you have against pockets? - You'll be tempted to put your hands in them. We're trying to sell a manicure machine, your hands need to be front and centre. - Oh, you know what would put my hands nice front and centre? - No. - Flashcards! - No, flash cards. - Flashcards! (sighs) - Okay, let's go over your pitch for the Expo. - Phenomenails is your one-stop shop. (clears throat) - You're gonna need to be standing. Great, from the top. - Phenomenails is your stop shop when it comes to a fresh manicure. Forget about the lines at the salon, it's easy to use, affordable. In fact, it's so easy a baby can use it. Your baby can use this easy affordable machine that super easy and affordable. - Ha, ha, ha, very funny. - Why are we doing this? - You said it yourself, you need practice public speaking. - But none of this feels like me, the presentation, the clothes. - You saw what happened at the street market. This works, those women got Phenomenails to trend online. - Well, Paul liked the tech talk and so do I. - Paul is-- - I know you think that he has some ulterior motive but you don't even know him. Why don't you meet him and find out for yourself? We're going to the VIP garden party and I'll ask for an extra ticket. - Third wheel another date? No, thank you. - It's networking and I'll ask for a plus-one and you can bring Paige. - Uh... I don't know, it just... - Ryan, you're coming. (sighing) - What does she see in this guy? - He's a sure thing. My daughter likes stability. - No kidding. (laughing) - Paul seems to be all in. He's going to be here next and not half way across the world. He's promising her a future and sticking around. (Katya laughing) (Katya): Okay, thank you. Okay, Paul took care of it. - Great. - It is a pretty fancy party so I'm sure you have a summer tux lying around somewhere. - Oh, I got something nice. - Of course you do. (Katya): Well, you clean up nice. (upbeat music) - Wow! You look... I'm so good at my job. - Okay, well I had something to do with this too. - You're right, you're right, you're right. You did a very good job at putting on the clothes I picked out for you. You look great. - So do you. So, where's your plus-one? Paige is running a little behind. - Oh. - Where's Paul? - He's already inside. - Punctual. - Very. - Shall we? - Shall we? (laughing) - Be nice to Paul, okay? - I'm always nice. - I'm serious, this could be a really good opportunity for the both of us. - We'll see about that. - I am nervous, okay? I don't want to have to worry about you too. - Come on, you're gonna be great. This is... - This is really nice. - Wow. Thank you. - Thank you so much. - Cheers. - Think this is real champagne? - Well, only if it's from France. - France, that must be an easy trip from London, right? - Uh, yeah, just a quick train through the Channel, actually. - Well, you must be really excited for the big move then? - About that-- - You don't have to explain anything to me, I knew it was only temporary when I hired you-- - Hold that thought, you are about to find out why hiring me was the best decision of your life. - Andrew Swartz, is that you? - Do I know you? - He doesn't. - Ryan Johnson. I guess I should hope the man behind the best selling at home foot spa in America should remember me. Can I introduce you, Katya Chekov? - Hello, Andrew, nice to meet you. - Andrew, I hear you're looking for the next big thing. - Always. - What if I told you I know where to find it and it'll bring you a whole new market of revenue? - I'd say you have my attention. - What do you think Katya, should we tell him about Phenomenails? - No? No. - I'm so sorry, Andrew, um... She's one of those Silicone Valley types. You know, little temperamental but a complete genius. She is pitching tonight, so hopefully she talks then. Um... I am really sorry. - Where is he going? Why didn't you let me tell him about Phenomenails? - Everyone he meets pitches him. By making him wait, you'll stand out. Trust me, by the end of the party he'll be asking everyone asking what Phenomenails is. - I'm impressed. - I'm impressive. - And I immediately regret saying that. - Katya. - Daria, you're here! - Well, I just did my bench goal so this little shindig is my reward. - Oh, well this is Ryan, my marketing consultant. - Oh, well, it seems like you hired the right person. I overheard Andrew Swartz asking about Phenomenails a second ago. - Andrew and I go way back. - Impressive. - Oh, careful, positive reinforcement does go straight to his head. - Well, then I shouldn't mention how genius it was to have Phenomenails trending online. - That was a team effort. - You made it! - Oh, I did. - Looks like I brought you a drink you already have. - No, I was just holding it for him, thank you. - Paul. - Ryan. - Very nice to meet you, Ryan. - Katya has an incredible machine on her hands. - That she does. - Oh, you're not the only horse in this race, Paul. - Daria Simmons, you already know Katya? And here I was thinking I was finally getting to show off. (chuckling) - Oh, no, no. I beat you to the punch, yet again. Well, I got to make my rounds. It was great catching up. And I can't wait to see you pitch tonight. The entire Beauty Labs team is very excited. - Bye Daria. - Was that awkward? - We may be competitors but tonight we're all friends. - So, Paul, I hear that you are inter-- - Oh, friends! I would like you to meet Katya. Katya is a wonderful inventor that you have to meet. (Indistinct chatter) He sings karaoke, yeah right. - There you are. - Wow, you look amazing. - Thank you, so do you. - Thank you. Clean up pretty good. - Thank you for inviting me to this, this is beautiful. - I'm glad you were able to make it today. - You know what? I would love to get a selfie. - Let's do it. - So, you're keeping busy? - Yeah, it's kind of my brand, but you get it. You're always on the go too. - Yeah. - This is not working. You know what? I'm going to grab some champagne and I'm going to look for a better spot, is that okay? - Uh, yeah, sounds good. - Keeping tabs on our girl? (laughing) - Thank you. - She can handle herself, I'm just giving her some space. - If you care about Phenomenails or more specifically Katya, you better get in there. - Why do you say that? - Don't let her be charmed by this guy. He's a shark, just like Bee-Eve. Beauty Labs may not seem as glamorous but we care about the vision of our partners. - Thank you. - Yeah. (laughing) - Look at you, everyone loves you. - Well, that's because you're making all the introductions. - No, it's that big beautiful brain of yours. - Well, thank you. - You know, I spoke to our CEO this afternoon and we spoke about your machine and yourself. - Oh, he did? - He wants to make an official offer. - That's incredible. - It is incredible and it's an exclusive deal which means you can't shop it around which is good considering you don't want to pitch tonight anyway. - Right. - So? - Yes. - Congratulations, we have a deal. - Uh, hey, sorry, can I steal Katya away for a second? - Sure, but don't keep her too long. There's plenty of people in the Bee-Eve family for her to meet now that it's official. - Official? Hey you uh, mind telling what's going on? - Bee-Eve officially offered to buy Phenomenails in an exclusive deal. - What's this? - The offer, do you see those zeroes? It happened! We did it, all because of Paul, we sold Phenomenails. - You didn't sign anything, did you? - No, a napkin is hardly an official contract. Why aren't you jumping up and down right now? - Let's just slow down, I think we should think about this. - But what's there to think about? We did it, mission accomplished. - It's a good start but I think we should look into Bee-Eve as a partner, I have some concerns. - Concerns? - Yeah. - Is this about Paul? - No. Yes. - You can't take the first offer that some guy gives you. - He's not just some guy. We are here because of him, we've met all of these people because of him. How do you not see all the good he's done for us? - Because there's something in it for him. I've seen guys like him my whole life, okay. They wine-and-dine you but it is all for show, he is using you. - Well, isn't that what you've been doing? - Are you kidding me? - You said it from the start that you just wanted this job to pad your resume. You don't really care about Phenomenails or about me. (scoffs) - Do you know how much time I put into this? Working with you on your brand and your pitch, helping you polish your tech gibberish into a real mission. - My brand? You've shoved me into uncomfortable clothes and make me talk like a generic health cult leader. All you've done is try to change who I am. - I like who you are! - Well, you have a funny way of showing it. There's no point in auguring. This was always temporary and you were always going to leave. So, just leave. - I delayed my start date. - What? - I was gonna tell you after the Expo. I wanted to give this another shot so I asked for more time. - I didn't ask you to do that. - You didn't have to. I believed in you, Katya. I did from the beginning. (Paul): Katya, do you mind if I steal you away? There's someone else I'd like you to meet. Is everything okay? - Everything's great, let's go. It's a party after all. - There you are, I found the perfect spot for a photoshoot back there. What's wrong? Are you okay? - Yeah. Actually, no. Um, I'm leaving. - The party's just getting started. I'm going to London. - Oh, you mean like leaving, leaving. - Is everything okay? - I'm fine. - Good. - So we should probably start talking about the marketing strategy for Phenomenails. - Marketing strategy? - Yeah, which retails stores we should sell it to or talk about mass production for salons. - It might be a bit early for that kind of talk. - But with Bee-Eve's resources think how easy it would be to get Phenomenails out into the world. - Katya... That's not why we want to buy it. - What? - We want your battery. It's integration into our existing line is going to be huge. We're not going to manufacture Phenomenails, I thought you knew that. - No, I thought... That's why you pushed me to skip the Expo. - I was doing you a favour, you were dreading presenting. And to be honest, you need this deal more than we do. - I guess I should've listened to Ryan, there's always a catch. Well, we're done, for good. - Okay, fine, say it. - Well, you're doing the same you always do. You're putting distance between yourself and the people that you care about. - No, I'm not, it was just a job. - Yeah, right. - It was. - I'm not judging you. Okay, look, we had a weird childhood Ryan, Mom and Dad were basically robots but that is just no excuse to run away as soon as things get a little difficult with Katya. I mean, think about it. Hey, hey! Think about it. When have you ever gotten this bent out of shape for a job? - I don't know, I guess never. - That's because you care more about this job because you like her. - What are you five? I don't like her. - Don't deny it. - Sure, I think that she is smart and driven and yeah I get excited when I see how happy she gets when she talks about her little gadgets and stuff and I thought that she looked beautiful today. - Uh-huh, keep going. (sighs) - So, I like her. - Well, delaying the start date of your dream job was a dead giveaway, idiot. - Do you even want me to stay? - Hey, I'm not complaining. We've never been this close. - Yeah. It's been nice staying here, talking to you. - Yeah, I want us in each other lives. - I want that too. - So, what are you going to do about Katya? - I don't know. I mean, she doesn't want anything to do with me. - Well, Ryan you better use that big old head of yours and think of something. Because if you don't, you'll regret it. (laughing) - So bad! - Mom, Carl? - Sweetheart! - What are you doing here? - Oh, you think I'd miss my baby girl's big night, huh? (chuckling) Is everything okay? - I'll go grab us some drinks. - Oh, thank you, Carl. (sighs) - I think I messed it all up. - What happened? - Well, Ryan was right about Paul. Bee-Eve doesn't want to manufacture Phenomenails at all, they just want to incorporate my tech into their machines. - Aw. - And I just don't know how I could've been so stupid. - Hey, don't call yourself stupid. Little naive maybe. - Mom. - Look, so this Bee-Eve thing didn't work out, who cares? - But it's just not that simple. I messed everything up with Ryan. - Katya Chekov, you cannot keep stewing in your own sadness. - What else am I going to do? - Where's the daughter I raised who won every single science fair she ever entered? Or the young women that got a full scholarship to college all on her own? - I don't know, I just haven't felt like myself lately. - Look at me, Katya. You did all of those amazing things on your own. You don't need Paul or even Ryan to get what you want. I mean sure, Ryan has been a great help and he's smart as a whip and it doesn't really hurt that he's also very handsome. - Okay, Mom, I think you're missing the thread of this pep talk. - Sorry, you're right, you're right. What I meant to say was, your father and I raised you to be strong. So be strong and be yourself. - I love you, Mom. - I love you too, sweetie. Now, get yourself together and go pitch your little heart out. (chuckling) - Are you on a date with Carl? - Strictly business. - Oh, really? - Mhm. - I think you've said that before. (laughing) (clapping) - Uh... okay. I'm excited to present... (Ryan): Katya. - Ryan? - I'm here. What did I say about flash cards? - I am so-- - As much as I would love to hear what you're about to say, you're about to go on. Look, I need you to get everything I told you. - What? - You're right. All I did was try to turn you into something you're not and you are the best at just being yourself. - It's a little late for that now. - No, it's not. I had some help, but... I think this is a little more you. Go get 'em. (♪♪) (clapping) - Oh! Hello, hi. I am very excited to present this, um... Advanced mobile manicure system, um... It's... well it's called Phenomenails. And um... - Shake it out. (clapping) - I'm not very good at this. It's so much easier to tinker away in a garage. Well, at least for me. I know everything about the minute details of programming microprocessors and nano cameras, but to tell you about that would be a whole other story. Someone very important to me told me that I shouldn't bombard people with the machine specs, and sure enough he was right. So, I will just show you. (clapping) For the longest time it had just been my Mom and I. She's the hardest-working person I have ever known and so selfless. She would never take any time for herself, so I would watch her and think what could do to help her feel better? And so I took out my notepad and I starting sketching. And that's how I came up with Phenomenails. In five minutes, my mom could have a fresh manicure and could feel like the best version of herself, even if it were just for a moment. (crowd cheering) Everyone deserves to feel their best, whether they're at home or at work or even just at the grocery store. It saves time and money, it's a win-win for customers and technicians alike. There are countless applications and multiple markets and it's so small you could even take it with you wherever you want it to go. Phenomenails is for everyone. So, who would like to go first? (clapping) Come! You can pick any colour you'd like. Um, here, why don't you put your hand in and I'll be right back. Well, what do you think? - I think it was phenomenal. - Well, thank you, I had a great teacher. - You did. - So what about London? Your dream job. - Turned it down. Think I might've been about what my dream job was. - Is Ryan Johnson finally admitting that he was wrong? (chuckling) I'm impressed. - I'm impressive. - Yeah, you are. - So are you. (♪♪)
Channel: Movie Surf | English
Views: 189,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel One Entertainment, #englishmovies, english thriller, thriller movies, #MovieNight, #FilmLovers, #FilmRecommendations, #MovieTime, Marlie Collins, Madison Smith, romance, comedy, family, hallmark, hallmark movies
Id: tT7YvSlK9Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 49sec (5029 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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