Three Dates to Forever (2023) | Full Movie

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[peppy music playing] MADDIE:<i> Good morning, L.A.</i> <i>You're listening to</i> On the Move with Maddie McKenzie. <i>Temperatures are pushing 85,</i> <i>and traffic is,</i> <i>well, bumper to bumper</i> <i>as usual on the 101.</i> <i>But we're still here</i> <i>to bring you the lowdown</i> <i>of what's happening</i> <i>in the City of Angels.</i> As always, I'm joined in the studio with my producer Bea Brooks, and for the next two weeks, we're coming at you live from beautiful Silver Lake in central L.A., home to the first Hollywood movie studio in 1909 and still one of the best places <i>to catch a celebrity</i> <i>enjoying some downtime.</i> <i>It's a beautiful day</i> <i>to be out,</i> so if you see our mobile studio, give me and Bea a wave. And on the flip side of this, we're talking online dating. This is lifestyle news with Maddie McKenzie for everyone out there, baby boomers to Gen Z. [chimes play] [sighs] Hey, how was your date last night? Oh, almost as good as this is gonna taste. - High praise. - Ehh. You know, single guys always have single friends, and we should so be double-dating. Shows before bros, Bea. [scoffs] All work and no play. Look, when the right guy comes along, I will know it, and I will not need a dating app to find him. Besides, after all the work that I've been doing for this show, modern dating seems like a headache I can totally do without. Well, as your producer, I admire your dedication. Thank you. But as your best friend, I do wish you would just... cut loose a little bit. And I don't mean reading an extra chapter of your book before bed tonight. [laughs] I've had my heart broken too many times in this city. Not everyone can find true love in L.A. - You never know. - [chimes ring] Online dating. We want to hear from you, Angelinos. I want to know your best and worst experiences, the good, the bad, and the ugly, from cocky Casanovas to crafty catfishers. Bea, you've got some experience with this, don't you? Oh, yes. I could tell you some stories, Maddie, but let's save it until we're off the mic. Party pooper. Now, I know you're a skeptic when it comes to this, but I want to get your take on a new dating app. Yet another? It's called TripleDate. It was developed right here in L.A., and it's already got a lot of test users in the city. It's been getting some real interesting attention on social media. How interesting. Get this. TripleDate claims that it can find you true and everlasting love in-- Are you ready for this? - Go ahead. - Three dates. Okay, that is clearly insane. Well, according to its designer, the app has a revolutionary A.I. algorithm that is always one step ahead of the user and evolves as you put information into it. So you're trying to tell me that the app knows who you want to date before you do? Pretty much. [laughs] And who is this designer? His name's John Reed. You might recognize him from some of his online videos. He was the one that programmed his microwave to play the national anthem. - Classy. - [laughs] I mean, it got 2 million views. Yeah, well, something tells me I'm not in his demographic. Well, the real question is, do our listeners believe in this app's three-date, true-love guarantee? [music playing] [typing] John! - Hey! - [music stops] - Mom just called. - She okay? She's fine. But you know that radio show that she loves? MADDIE:<i> I get it. Everyone</i> <i>dates online these days.</i> <i>But whatever happened</i> <i>to good, old-fashioned,</i> <i>face-to-face conversation?</i> <i>This John Reed guy sounds</i> <i>like he should really</i> <i>just stick</i> <i>to musical microwaves.</i> BEA:<i> Tell me what you</i> <i>really think, Maddie.</i> Did we just get roasted by Maddie McKenzie? MADDIE: <i>This TripleDate is clearly</i> <i>either a joke or a con.</i> Like that, you mean? <i>But tell me what you think.</i> <i>Remember, we're here</i> <i>broadcasting live</i> <i>from Silver Lake all week.</i> <i>We're looking to hear from--</i> - [turns off] - I hate to say it, but she probably speaks for a lot of people. TripleDate is amazing, but it does sound too good to be true. That's because nobody's ever done anything like this before. Yes, but we're over a week away from the national launch, and we still haven't secured an investment partner! All right. Level with me. How are we looking financially? We have enough money to make it to the launch of the app. - That's only a week away. - Mm-hmm. What happens after that? There is no after that. Seriously? Why didn't you tell me? Since when did a big brother listen to his sister? Okay. Wh-What can I do? You and I know that you created this app for a good reason. We just need the rest of the world to believe it, and they need to get behind somebody that they can trust. Well, I made a bunch of funny videos that people loved, right? I mean, that raised our profile. Financial backers are looking for something a little more substantial than star-spangled French fries. You need to make them believe that this is a serious company and that you're serious about it. Right. - I've got a great idea. - John. Looks like a lovely day for a run around the neighborhood. What are you planning? What are you planning? Whatever you do, if you could just please-- just run it by me first. [music playing] <i>I don't care how advanced</i> your technology and hardware is. You can't reduce relationships to binary code. Well, that rant was only five minutes. Next you'll be telling us you have a real strong opinion on this. [laughs] [chimes ring] [soft music playing] And we've got our first caller. Dave, you're on the line. <i>Hi, Maddie?</i> <i>First-time caller.</i> <i>Big fan of the show.</i> <i>And I've gotta say</i> <i>that you are so right</i> <i>about these dating apps.</i> <i>I've been on dozens</i> <i>of online dates,</i> <i>and I don't want to think</i> <i>about how much it's cost me,</i> <i>and I'm still no nearer</i> <i>to finding the one.</i> [laughs] <i>Uh, but while we're talking,</i> <i>I-I don't suppose</i> <i>you're single, Maddie.</i> Oh. Thank you, Dave. I'm flattered, but I'm gonna have to cut you off there. And now we're transitioning to the news. - [news jingle plays] - Hey, can I help? Hi. Yeah, I'm a big fan of the show, and I was just listening to it. I know Maddie was asking for callers, but, uh, I was passing by, and I've got quite a bit of experience in the world of online dating. Really? Is that where I know you from? Maybe. You look really familiar. Well, I mean, I also live around... the neighborhood. Okay, one second. Who's the guy? A listener, apparently. Who has a lot of experience with online dating. Did you do a preinterview? - Yeah. - Bea, come on. You know I don't like when there's a guest in the studio, I don't have any notes. Maddie, you and I have known each other since high school. In all those years, have I ever steered you wrong? - Really? - [sighs] Okay, repeatedly, but that's not the point. The point is, for the show, I know what's best, okay? Okay. - Good to go. - Yeah? - What's your name? - Oh. John. I'm Bea. Follow me. John, this is Maddie McKenzie. - Hi. - Maddie, John. Thanks for letting me on your show. Oh, no problem. Here. Take a seat. - Okay. - So you've got something to say about online dating? I think so. For starters-- Oh, let's, uh, save it for the air. Oh, I will. And we're back. Talking about online dating and dating apps. Joining us in the studio is a listener with some experience on this. Hi, L.A. I heard you talking about TripleDate. Oh! You know it? - I know the designer, too. - John Reed. What do you think he'd make of today's show? Well, I think that he'd want to speak to you in person. In fact, he'd probably talk his way past your producer by telling her he was a big fan of the show and then sit in this exact chair. [mouths words] Pleased to make your acquaintance, Maddie McKenzie. And yours. John Reed? Hello again, Los Angeles. All right, let's do this. Mr. Reed, you claim to find users true love in three dates. You can't be serious. JOHN:<i> Well, Ms. McKenzie,</i> <i>if you're gonna stand out,</i> <i>you need to offer</i> <i>something no one else can.</i> MADDIE:<i> Okay,</i> <i>so how does it work?</i> First you take our unique personality quiz. Then you're matched up with someone. If you both accept, that's date one. Our app even suggests an activity based on your personalities. Doesn't sound revolutionary. Well, the revolution is in the technology, but judging by the things you've been saying, I don't think technology is your field of expertise. And what do you think my field of expertise is? Oh, I don't know. Jumping to conclusions? Doesn't every new app claim it's got some fancy tech that makes it unique? Well, if you're so convinced that TripleDate is a con, like you said, why don't you join the test group? [laughs] That's an amazing idea. Maddie, you're single and ready to mingle right now. Shocking. But if your app is in the test phase, then that's not a lot of users to link with. How is anyone supposed to find their ideal match? Well, we've already got 10,000 users in the L.A. area, and obviously they have something in common, because they were all adventurous enough to sign up to begin with. I'm guessing you've already found your soul mate, John. Well... no, not exactly. Shocking. BEA: It gets better. Okay, but Maddie should definitely give TripleDate a try, since she's so desperate to prove it doesn't work. MADDIE: I don't think anyone wants to hear me navigating the L.A. dating scene with your app as my guide. Actually, Maddie, I think they might. We're getting a lot of social media buzz right now. 767 tweets already? 780? I think our listeners want you to give this a go. See? Both of you. - What? - What? So why don't you go home and fill out your profiles tonight and then come back on tomorrow's show. I already have a title for this. "The Three-Date Challenge." Okay, you know we're on air right now, right? Like, people are actually listening? - Uh-huh. - I'm game if you are. And I can say whatever I'd like about your app? Sure. All right. You've got yourself a deal, John Reed. Great show. BEA: Well, for the record, that was a fantastic interview, and it's got us buzzing big time on social media right now. This is exactly what we need to get our numbers up. You never cared about our ratings before. I'm a producer. I'm always worried about ratings. - I just don't tell you. - Okay. But now you are? All right. I was waiting for a better moment, but... Max Kenton, our station CEO, has emailed all the network producers. And? He's got an open slot for national syndication! - Bea, are you serious? - Yes! If this happens, everything changes for us. - Oh, my gosh. - We can finally have the show we've always dreamed since college. I mean, we could have a proper studio... - Yes. - and you could even have that book review segment you've always wanted. Oh, "A Reading Frenzy with Maddie McKenzie." Okay, well, that title definitely needs work, but... So in order to get that, I need to spend more time with John Reed? Eh... Okay, I guess we gotta go for it. [squeals] [laughs] Finally my folks can be proud of me. Come on, Bea. They already are. Yeah, but being a small-time local radio producer isn't exactly exciting news. Being a nationally syndicated radio producer, on the other hand, now, that's a story. Do you remember our college radio show? Oh, yes. The 2 A.M. slot. I think we had a peak of about, uh, five listeners that one time. National syndication could multiply that by a million. We can do this. [gasps] There is one other thing, though. What? I heard a rumor from Max Kenton's P.A. that he might be axing some of the less popular shows altogether. Okay. Well, then better download this app. [squeals] National syndication. BEA: Are you kidding me? And we'll be going live across the country in just a few days. Mm-hmm. Hold one moment, please. John. I heard you on the radio. And I hate to admit it, but one of your stunts has finally paid off! I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that. Did you just say your big brother was awesome? Yes! We have had a 500% increase in web traffic, and the phone has been ringing nonstop. Really? You and Maddie McKenzie are a hit together. Well, didn't we just argue? And people loved it. You're going back to do the Three-Date Challenge. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. That is not happening. I was just making a joke. John, if we don't get financial backing for TripleDate, we will be the joke. [sighs] You've already signed everything you own into this, and if we want this app to work, we need exposure. And Maddie McKenzie can provide it. Does it have to be her? She is a professional, and she comes across as one. You could learn from that. Ohh! Harsh. Hi. So I'm back. Ow. I'm on the phone. [mouths word] Mm-hmm. [music playing] That Maddie McKenzie's right. My son spends months developing a dating app, - yet doesn't use it. - [laughs] - Eesh. - Oh, honey. You know all your father and I ever wanted was for you to be happy. I am happy, Mom. Mm. Mm-hmm. [John chuckles] Well... wouldn't it be nice to have someone special to bring to your birthday? Bring them to what? I told you I wanted to keep it casual this year, you know, not a big fuss. Which is precisely why he doesn't have a girlfriend. All right, leave your brother alone. It's true. Although your sister's right. It is true. Okay, why are all the women that I meet today giving me such a hard time? Well, I can only speak for myself, and I know that you deserve someone really special, so hopefully doing this show with Maddie McKenzie will help you find her. Now can we dig into that lasagna and see if it's as good as your app? You mean full of bugs? - [laughs] - Really? - Really really. - Really really? [music playing] [footsteps approach] - Thank you. - Mm-hmm. Well, come on. Let's get on with it. National syndication. - [chuckles] - Fine. [laughs] Okay. Profile picture. Mm! My specialty. I'll handle that. It's only a picture. Just take it. Only? This is the billboard on Main Street to Date Town. [giggles] Oh. My hair looks terrible. Okay, one more. I thought you didn't care. My left ear is at a funny angle. I can't help that. - I meant in the photo. - Oh. [laughs] All right, take another one. [scoffs] This is your high school yearbook picture all over again. [music playing] [camera clicking] I think it's the outfit. BEA: Let's try again in the morning. [camera clicking] [chuckles] Cute. Thank you. Ehh. There's gotta be one in there that we can use. At least two. What's next? Okay. [sighs] The personality questionnaire. Mm-hmm. Mm. Oh, that's a lot of questions. What does it want, my life story? We have to give this app a fair try. Do we, though? Yes! L-Let's just skip the quiz for now. BEA: Ooh, the profile. Okay, this is what I wanted to see. What are you gonna put? Um... Just sell yourself. Well, I mean, I enjoy-- well, I enjoy work. Ugh. There's more to you than that. - All right, I... - [laughs] like books. You can't date a book, Maddie. Don't think I haven't tried. Okay, what else do I like? Um, all right, yoga. BEA: Okay, well, it's a little early for champagne. Thank you. But I thought we could celebrate our success. Your worst interview ever got picked up - by dozens of blogs yesterday. - [groans] I know you don't care about that, but maybe you'll be impressed by this. We got featured on a news site. [sighs] We've hit the big time now. I mean, it is just a start, but maybe Max Kenton will see this. Thanks, radio producer. Are you sure you're not nervous about today? No. No, it's just... it's one thing to co-host a segment, but to have to go on these dates... I don't know what you're worried about. I mean, either the app doesn't work and you get to prove him wrong, or it does work and you get a great guy. I mean, win-win. - Morning. - Morning. This is my sister Mel. She handles all the important stuff. Don't worry. I am nothing like him. [laughs] Glad to hear it. All right, come on. We got a show to make. BEA: Oh. This is our first live test of the app. Don't mess it up. I've got this. You know my brother can be a bit of a joker, right? Oh, we know. Maddie can handle him. So I thought that these would be useful. There's some notes, talking points, bits of trivia. Nah. I like to keep it more loosey-goosey. You know, it's better that way. If that's okay with you. Sure. JOHN: It's more fun that way, right? Like--Like yesterday. Yeah, fun. Okay, this might be the way old media works, but I'm used to a more fast-paced online culture, know what I mean? I know exactly what you mean. [chimes ring] And we're back with our special guest in a new segment, the Three Date challenge. Yesterday, as I'm sure you remember, John Reed, inventor of the TripleDate app, surprised us on the show, and he's here again. Welcome back, John. Couldn't keep away. As we were saying yesterday, your app claims to find users true love in a remarkable three dates. Or your money back. So we thought it would be fun to put the app to the test, so both John and I have created profiles, filled out the questionnaire, and we're gonna see what the app has in store for us. Are you ready? I was born ready. [chuckles] Okay, so take out your phone. We're gonna hit the heart emoji at the same time. Okay, it's finding a match. Shouldn't take long. [laughs] Well, my first match is with John himself, so that can't be right. - Hah! Yeah. - Decline. Okay, glitches can happen in the, uh-- in, you know, the test mode. Uh, maybe Maddie's using an older version of the app to go with her ancient phone. Well, who have you got? Okay. Some guy named Kevin. Just looking at his profile, he has a nice picture. A surgeon. Nice. Now he has to accept you now, okay, and, uh, it might take a while, because he's got to find your profile and read it-- - [chime] - Oh, okay, so he accepted. Okay, the app's suggesting that we go to an old bookshop, and it's given us the activity of finding each other the perfect book as a gift. Aww. That sounds so nice. I mean, we all know how much you love books. Ah, you see? The app is figuring you out already. BEA: What about you, John? - Ah. - [chime] Jenny. Senior partner at a big law firm. I'll be clicking "yes, please." As you said, it could take a while for her to accept. - That is, of course... - [chime] - Oh! - if she even does. - Yeah, she's accepted. - Oh. And we'll be riding scooters in the park. Makes sense. You know, we're both motivated go-getters, and electric scooters are all the rage right now. Very on-trend. Oh, yeah. [chimes play] Okay, that went a lot better than I thought. [chuckles] I told you. She's a pro. Yeah, that was fun. Yeah? Right. Told you. Loosey-goosey. So loose... Just the way I like it. [music playing] - Had to be a glitch, right? - I don't--That's your side. This is free advertisement, so we're gonna go online. - I need you to be nice. - Nice? - Face it. You're-- - But she's-- Oh, you guys are still here. Looking forward to your dates? Yeah, Kevin. - Good luck. - Thanks. - I meant that for his sake. - Ah hah. I'm sure you're gonna have a great time, really. Really. Shall we? - It was nice meeting you. - You, too, Mel. - 'Til next time. - John. I think it's working out fine. Is there any way I can get out of this? With the social media buzz you two are generating, sorry. [music playing] [sighs] BEA: Nope. - Nope. - What's wrong with those? - [groans] No. - That's my favorite skirt. Ooh. I didn't know you owned this. But I'm proud of you. [giggles] Okay, well, I am not wearing that. Why not? For starters, it's a first date. But it would look great on you. Uh, no. It doesn't even have any pockets. - What? But-- - No. Pockets. Right. An essential for any date. Well, I need pockets for my index cards. Maddie... Bea. I'm your best friend, and I love you, but what-- and I mean this sincerely-- are you talking about? Well, I like to have talking points, you know, a plan of attack. A plan of attack? What kind of date is this? You know what your best shows are? The ones where you just go with it. You know, when you just relax and be yourself. Yeah, well, I don't always know how to be myself on a first date. Well, why would we stop at index cards, hmm? Why don't we find you a teleprompter, oh, a sky-writing plane. Right? Okay, I see where we're going. Yeah, take that back. [music playing] Maddie, right? - Yeah! Hi. - Hi. - I'm Kevin. - [shop bell rings] Thank you. Now, before we get started, I should warn you I'm doing this for my radio show. Right. Yeah, on your, uh, profile, it said that you were a presenter. - Yeah. - So does that mean you'll be dissecting the date on air? Oh, yeah. But don't worry. I'm just reviewing the TripleDate app, not you. Right. Well, it's L.A., right? It wouldn't be the weirdest date I've been on. It wouldn't? No, um... when people find out I'm in medicine, you would be surprised the things that I end up talking about over dinner. That reminds me, you should really check out my hockey scar. [laughs] That was just a joke. - Right. - I-I have a hockey scar, but you don't really need to look at it. - Yeah. - Yeah. Uh, the app said that, um, you know, we should go present hunting together. So what kind of books do you like? Oh. Well, the classics, of course, but I also love romance and thrillers and sometimes sci-fi and anything to do with travel - or history-- - Right, so everything. Yeah, pretty much. Um, what about you? Uh, I gotta be honest. I thought everyone kinda just pressed the "I like books" button. - Say it isn't so. - Yeah, I--No. I'm trying to sound all classy. - Okay. - Um... I don't really read much. Well, let me educate you. Okay, come on. JOHN: Well, here's our first date. [Jenny laughs] Yep. You ready? Have you ridden one of these before? Oh, yeah. These babies? We go way back. All right, well, let's get rolling. - All right. - [engine whirs] Ah. Hold on. Uh, hey! This is, uh-- I think-- What the... I wish I brought a pen and paper. What for? Well, I just-- I really should be making a list of all the books you need to read and cross-referencing by genre, author, and period. Can't we just look at the covers, see what looks good? Well, there's literally a phrase that says don't judge a book by its cover. [chuckles] Right. Isn't the point that we, uh, spend time together? Yes. You're right. I'm sorry. I just got caught up in the task. I'm really not so good at this. [chuckles] It's fine. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're just trying to find something nice. I mean, you could maybe relax 10%. [chuckles] Ouch. [both laugh] Um... [engine whirring] This one is broken. Oh. Mine's okay. Do you want to swap? Well, sure, yeah. Good luck riding this thing. I'll risk it. Okay. Leave you in the dust now. - You ready? - Ready? - Yeah. - All right. Let's go. [laughs] Ahem. Guess that one's not broken. Let me help you. [music playing] Seems like I'm really getting the hang of this, huh. Yeah, doing good. Oh! [laughs] Here we go again. So, uh, you run your own business? Well, my sister Mel does all the boring stuff. You know, I do the coding and come up with all the ideas. How 'bout you? Uh, I'm in charge of asset division for high-profile divorce cases. You know, the boring stuff. [chuckles] High-profile cases? Hah. Dinner's on you, then. [chuckles] I'm kidding. [chuckles] [grunts] Come on, buddy. You're making me look bad. Y-You've never... Ridden one of these before? Nope. Guess that's a no to our dinner then as well, huh? Bye. [music playing] So everyone's dying to know how you're doing on the Three-Date Challenge. How'd your dates go? Well, I met the guy, and he was nice. I can see how we fit into your algorithm. But as people, I'm just-- I'm not so sure we connected. Okay, and you gave the guy a fair shot? Yes, John. I know how to go on a date. I admit it's been a while, but-- I can certainly confirm that. But I know how to enjoy myself. I certainly can't confirm that. Well, okay, was there anything about the date that worked? I admit the location was nice, but it doesn't take magic for your app to work out points of interest after that lengthy survey. Well, that was only date one. And how was yours? Oh, it was fantastic. We hit it off from the start. We were in synch. We had a great activity. It was a perfect date. Oh, I see. And, uh, what was her name again? - Um... - [Bea chuckles] Sounds like true love. Well, there you have it, folks. We're one date in, and neither one of us is any closer to finding our soul mate. Yet. [sighs] So you sure you want to keep going with this? Yeah. The more we talk about TripleDate, the better, even though you keep making fun of it. Have you never heard of the saying that there's no such thing as bad publicity? Good point. You know, you, uh-- you're very quick, Maddie McKenzie. [chuckles] You sound surprised. Nah, I can see why your listeners love you, my mother being one of them. Well, she clearly has impeccable taste. Oh, yeah. What's with the sudden burst of compliments? Well, I'm very impressed that you're willing to give this whole Three-Date Challenge thing a try. I know how much you were against it. Well, thank you. And since we're going down this path, I have to hand it to you. Most CEOs wouldn't put their reputation on the line so publicly. Yeah, well, let's see how the second date goes. Heh. We're doing that tomorrow, right? Oh. No, actually, Bea wanted to space things out a little bit, you know, keep the audience hooked, so we'll just be talking about dating and apps in general on the next show. Mm. If that's okay with you. Well, if you can, you know, stand being around me. Oh. We radio hosts are very patient people. [laughs] These stats are great. They are? Everyone loves the back-and-forth between you and John. Just keep saying to yourself, "National syndication. National syndication." I know. Eyes on the prize. So just don't go get cold feet on me, okay? Don't worry. I'm genuinely curious to see if this app is as confident as John himself. I like confidence in a man. Sure, confidence is nice, but I need to be with someone who takes life seriously as well. Not everyone's like you, Miss Index Cards. But at least I don't just wing everything like John does. I mean, him and I are just so different. Have you ever heard of "opposites attract"? Yes, I've heard of it, and it sounds just as unlikely as finding true love in three dates. Mm-hmm. John... how do you feel about an interview? You know how much I hate those. MEL: I really do. But we've had an inquiry from Taking Stock. The financial website? What do they want with us? They want to know if you're available later today. They're one of the best financial news outlets on the West Coast, so you have to do this. Yeah, but who even reads that? Businesspeople, John. Executives, bankers, serious professionals read Taking Stock. You know, the people we want to attract for TripleDate. [groans] Okay. I don't know. I just heard those reporters really like to play hardball. Which is exactly why you need to tread carefully. But you'll be there? Actually, they want to get a sense of you on your own, "undiluted." No, w-we're a team. But you're the face of the app. So handsome. [sighs] [music playing] MADDIE: Where's John this morning? Oh, he's doing an interview with a reporter at Taking Stock. They're gonna eat him alive. I thought you'd be happy about that. Well, I mean, yeah, but he's still human. Well, we have more important things to worry about. Like what? Like I heard a rumor that we are on Max Kenton's short list. The syndication one or the ax one? The good one. Bea, where did you hear that, and do not say your neighbor with all the cats who claims she's psychic. Not this time. I heard it from one of Max Kenton's personal assistants. [sighs] <i>Imagine yourself</i> <i>as a pebble in a stream</i> <i>as the stresses</i> <i>of the world trickle past.</i> Easy for you to say. [knock at the door] Bea, if you are coming back to tell me about-- Hey. Uh... come on in. What are you doing here? Bea gave me your address. I hope that's okay. Have you ever heard of the financial website Taking Stock? Yeah. She said that they were interviewing you. [sighs] Ahem. "I met dating guru John Reed today "about his new app, TripleDate. "Seems I may have just met a man "so staggeringly unprofessional, I doubt he even knows what CEO stand for." Ouch. Right. Goes on like that. They can be savage. I noticed. It's my own fault. I went in there unprepared, and I made a fool of myself. Isn't that kind of your style? I see your point. But I think it's starting to affect my business. You know, what if I'm just not cut out for the big leagues? Me acting a fool is one thing, but my sister has put so much of herself into this gamble, too. Okay, I just can't put her at risk like this. [groans] I need your help. Oh, you do? Of course I do, okay? You're so great at this stuff, right? You have those people on your show all the time, and you never make a mistake. Mehh. I just need advice on my public image. You know, how do I come across without looking-- Foolish? I was gonna say, "unprofessional," but yeah, sure... - that, too. Mm-hmm. - That, too. [both laugh] Yes, of course. Take a seat. I'll make some tea. Maybe I can give you a pointer or two. Thank you. You'll have to excuse my get-up. I was just doing some yoga. You are the last person that I'm gonna judge right now. <i>You are a strong woman.</i> [chuckles] <i>- A strong woman...</i> <i>-</i> Oh. [laughs] Yep, that's just a playlist. My mom and sis listen to, uh, positive-affirmation stuff all the time. Okay, if you're gonna start making tech jokes-- I just meant it's good to see a different side to you. Look, you're the face of your business. How you come across is how the app comes across. So no more jokes? No, there's nothing wrong with jokes, but try ones that acknowledge your flaws. It shows that you don't think you're better than people. And I know you like to just wing it, but your audience comes in cold without information. They're expecting you to provide it. I'm not saying that you have to plan every single sentence, but it's important to have facts ready. It shows that you care enough to do the research. And if you're gonna be public speaking, we need to talk about tone of voice, articulation, and projection. Really? You started this. Come on. Stand up. Okay. You know you need unique New York, but does unique New York need you? You know you need nunique-- - [chuckles] - Try again. You know you need nunique New Nork-- [laughs] Just when I thought I knew how to talk. You need to clearly enunciate each vowel and syllable with clarity and confidence. I understand most perfectly. I am currently speaking with eloquent diction and confidence. Why is it so hard for you to be serious? [chuckles] Right. Okay... no mics running, off the record, why did you really start TripleDate? I wanted to bring people together. And money doesn't factor into it? Okay, you really want to know what TripleDate's about? Yes, I really do. [sighs] Okay. - Well, when I was a kid... - Mm-hmm. my dad passed away. Oh. John, I am so sorry. No, no, no. It's okay. I've made my peace with it. But the point is, I will always remember the relationship he and my mom had. They were so good together. [laughs] And I guess I just want to give people the... opportunity to discover the kind of happiness that they got to share, even if it was only for a couple years. I was not expecting that. [chuckles] I honestly believe TripleDate can help people. I mean, the world's crazy enough, right? If my app can make it easier for you to find your soul mate... why wouldn't you want to give it a try? Well, when you put it that way... [chuckles] doesn't sound so bad. [music playing] Morning. What are you doing here so early? I got a surprise for you. A surprise? Wait there. [wheels scraping] I thought you could do with some new chairs. [John chuckles] Well... Huh? This is so much better. Right? I also brought this. And what's that? It's a new suite of software I wrote for Bea's sound monitoring system, if you'll let me upload it. We go live in an hour. It's all pretty straightforward. Even I could run your show with this. Oh, well, must be simple, then. Ho ho ho. Nice. Yeah? Okay. [laughs] You're gonna love this. Hey, you know this won't influence what I say about the app, right? I know, but with this new software, even I'll be able to hear you roasting me in full stereo. [laughs] [music playing] Thank you so much. I love the show. Oh, well, thank you for listening. You get that all the time? Every once in a while, maybe. That's cool. Haven't you heard? I am, very. I never doubted it. [both laugh] So, John, the new chairs and software, seriously, what was all that about? Well, don't tell anyone, but, uh, kind of like being on your show. - Can I get that in writing? - [chuckles] Watching you and Bea, you really love what you do. Passionate. You're dedicated. I respect that. You know, when people like our show, they usually just tweet us. How is our segment going down with your listeners, anyway? I have to admit they do like it. I know you think that I don't have any integrity, but I take TripleDate as seriously as you take your show. But I thought you liked everything all loosey-goosey. Okay, this may come as a surprise, but I am always working on the app. In fact, I'm doing some research this evening. - Research? - Yep. You know how TripleDate finds activities. Well, I like to go check them out from time to time, and I think maybe tonight you should come with me. You're taking me on a date? It's not a date. We're scouting an activity for a date. Yeah, sounds like a date. Not a date. Well, as flattered as I am, I have a lot of work to do for tomorrow's show. Okay, you know how I said that I respect people - that are dedicated? - Mm-hmm. I also respect people that take the evening off. Come on. Let me text you the address to where to meet me later. All I ask for is a half-hour of your time. Okay, if you don't like it, you can go right back to work. Really appreciate your opinion. [groans] That sounds like a yes. [music playing] [ducks quacking] JOHN: See? What'd I tell you? MADDIE: It is a beautiful location. Thank you. And you never would have tried it if it wasn't for TripleDate. Yeah. I definitely wouldn't normally be sitting in a swan at this time of day. But come on. The whole three-date part of it, you can't actually be serious. That's why it comes with a guarantee. Three dates, or your money back. If it was really just about making money, then I'd have people paying for years, like every other dating app. How'd you get into the whole online dating scene, anyways? Well, if you really want to know, I can take you to where it all began and explain it to you, but it's gonna cost you another couple extra hours. Ooh. Should I risk it? I mean, I did convince you to get into a giant swan with me. Ugh. You did, and I have no regrets. [both laugh] And I bet I could even persuade you to give steering a shot. Ooh. I don't know. You think that's a good idea? Come on. Yes. You haven't seen me drive yet. - I trust you. Just-- - Okay. - Just don't crash us, please. - All right. [quacking] JOHN: Are you hungry? Depends where you're taking me. [restaurant chatter] - Hmm? - Wow. This is where it all began. How did you even find this place? Oh, I been eating here since I was a kid. Oh. When I first started designing TripleDate, this is where I'd come. Wow. It's really pretty. - Johnny! - Lorenzo! [both laugh] Johnny? I told you I been coming here since I was a kid. <i>Che bella sorpreso.</i> You look well. - You, too. - Ah. And? Oh, this is Maddie, Maddie McKenzie. Oh! From the radio. Yes. Nice to meet you. <i>Piacere.</i> I-I get your usual table ready. <i>- Grazie.</i> <i>- Prego.</i> I've known him for forever. You know, I don't think I've ever gone to dinner with someone who has a usual table. Ah! So you're gonna stay for dinner. Maddie McKenzie approves? Well, I mean, you've taken me all this way. Oh! Well, thank you. This is such a beautiful place. Ah. I like her. You bring her back. Oh, yes. I know just what to cook for you both. So is this one of your TripleDate locations as well? Nope. Some places, you have to keep for special occasions. All right. You said you'd tell me the story of TripleDate. Yes. So my mom and dad had their first date here. Aww. They would take Mel and I here every week as kids, and in all those years, I rarely saw a couple who had what they had. It inspired me to want help people find the kind of connection that my parents had. That got me thinking that maybe there was... an algorithm for compatibility. I've always been good with tech, so one thing led to another and TripleDate. Oh. Oh, wow. - Whoa. - [laughs] <i>Bistecca alla griglia.</i> Enjoy. Thank you. - Wow. This looks incredible. - Oh, yeah. If I was on a date with a man that could cook like this, I would definitely come back for seconds. Well, I do cook, you know. - Is that so? - Yes. Lorenzo taught my dad and I. My mom insisted that a man should know how to cook. Hmm. Okay, I know that you're the interviewer, you know, but I've talked enough about me. I want to know about the famous Maddison McKenzie. Well, what do you want to know? Well, beyond the radio show, beyond filing and indexing... [chuckles] what do you enjoy? You're gonna think it sounds boring. Try me. I love books. I love reading them. I love collecting them. I love the smell of them. I love the feel of them. Okay. Yeah, I'm more of an e-book kind of guy, No, there's no romance in e-books. I thought Maddie McKenzie didn't do romance. Well... Favorite book. Oh, it's gotta be <i>Wuthering Heights.</i> Ooh, Emily Bronte. - Yes. Yeah. - Nice. My mom had this beautiful edition. It was really rare, with the Bronte family crest right on the spine. Although, when I was two, I took a bite out of the corner of it and left teeth marks. [laughing] It had been in her family forever, and I chewed on it like a candy bar. Okay. Anyways... when my mom trusted me enough to read it and not eat it... [laughs] it became the first adult book that-- that I ever really got lost in. Heathcliff and Cathy, the world's ultimate romantic lovers. You are full of surprises tonight, John Reed. It was my mom's favorite book, too. She even named me after Cathy. Wait a minute. Your name is Maddison. Oh, you are quick. But my middle name is Catherine. - Ah. - In fact, after I read it, I had everyone call me Cathy for three weeks. [laughing] I was 12. Well, okay, when I was 12, I wanted everybody to call me Butch. Butch? - Cassidy. - Oh. You know, the cowboy. You know, now I kinda see it. [chuckles] My parents were book collectors, but they sold their entire library, that edition included, to send me to college. I can't tell you how many bookstores I've gone to looking for one like it. I knew there was a romantic in there somewhere. Well, I'll have to say, I did not think that you'd know<i> Wuthering Heights.</i> Well, maybe there's more to both of us than meets the eye. This place is really something. It's very special to me. I want to return the gesture and take you someplace that's special to me. What are you doing tomorrow night? - Okay, keep it open. - [chuckles] You're not scared of heights, are you? [music playing] JOHN:<i> All right, I admit it.</i> <i>I'm impressed.</i> <i>Wow.</i> <i>Incredible.</i> MADDIE:<i> Breathtaking.</i> [music playing] [birds chirping] Okay. I think I've finished up the feedback. Ready for date two. [chime rings] - Hmm. - Who is it? Uh... - ohh. - Mm! [sighs] You know you need nunique New-- [chuckles] [sighs] Let's see who the fates have in store for me. [chime rings] [music playing] [sighs] [cheering] [overlapping chatter] I know what you're all waiting for. It's time for our lovebirds to give us an update on the Three-Date Challenge. How are you doing this morning, guys? Well, I have some exciting and surprising news. TripleDate has paired me up to go on a second date with Kevin. Really? Yeah. I gave the app my feedback, and this is what it suggested. Well, it must think you're a good match. [chuckles] Well, I accepted, and so did he, so we're going on a couples baking class. Oh, dear. I know. I am sorry, Kevin. You are about to find out what a truly terrible cook I am. I mean, at least if you give him food poisoning, he's medically trained. Okay. [Bea laughs] And how 'bout you, John? What does TripleDate have planned for you? Well, the app's paired me up with someone new. Um, her name is Annie, and she's an interior decorator. And where are you going? Boating in the park. Well, those sound like two very interesting stories. KEVIN: Why is it that I can extract an appendix, but I can't get a handle on this recipe? It is a beginners class, too. - Thanks. - [laughs] Okay, surgeon, how 'bout you cut up these, and I will get to mixing. That, I can handle. Hey, Maddie... thanks for giving me a second chance. You didn't seem that into me on the show. [sighs] You were listening? Of course. Well, it wasn't you. I just wanted-- To make John Reed's app seem stupid. Oh, dear. Okay, you know me already. Not as much as I'd like to. Okay, you keep your eyes on the strawberries. So why do you think the app paired us together? Well, apparently it thought we'd be a good match. Okay, I have to admit I know who you are. The tech guy from the radio? No, no, it's cool. I heard you setting up Maddie McKenzie the first time you went on her show. Yeah, actually feel really bad about that. She's--She's really great. Well, she might be really great, but she's not really here now, is she? [chuckles] Nope. No, you know why I think your app picked me? Because we both know what we want, and we're both not afraid to take charge. You think? Oh, I've got your number, John Reed. - Okay, no phones on the date... - I just-- unless we're gonna take a selfie. Oh, no, I'm sorry. I just wanted to check one thing. Wait. Just be careful, please, 'cause-- ANNIE: Ohh. Don't suppose you got any scuba gear, do you? Nope. [chuckles] [music playing] KEVIN: Uh... doesn't-- It's supposed to be risen. I did tell you I was the world's worst cook. Yeah, I didn't believe it until right now. How can something smell like it's burning, yet still look undercooked? Yeah. Okay, you just gotta be merciful on the show if it tastes bad. - No, absolutely not, no. - Wha-- I am totally blaming you if it tastes bad. Okay. Ahem. Why do I feel like I'm taking my life into my own hands right now? [clears throat] Mmm. Uh--[clears throat] I'm a--I'm alive. - No. - I don't-- No! How does that taste bad? ANNIE: So you been boating here before? Once. And did it go differently than this? Very. Hey, I, uh, have a question. Uh, if TripleDate pairs us for a third date, would you be down? Let's just see what the app says. [chuckles] Right. Well, thank you for today. - [chuckles] - And good luck with the show. Thank you. And good luck with... surgery. [both laugh] - Thanks. - [sighs] Well, thanks again. Bye. Bye. [cell phone ringtone] JOHN: Hey, Mel. <i>Hey, John.</i> <i>Just relaxing at home.</i> Now come on. Spill. [sighs] I don't want to talk about it. <i>Oh, no.</i> Yep. <i>Well, what's wrong now?</i> She just wasn't... Wasn't what? The one. You know, this "one" that I keep telling people I can help them find. If TripleDate's designer can't find love, that doesn't bode well for marketing. What do you want me to do? Tell people that it was a hit again? Why not? Yeah, because Maddie was so convinced last time. No, I just-- I don't want to play games anymore. Like Maddie said, if the app's gonna be taken seriously, then so do I. I'm glad you've got some integrity. I just wish you found it after the launch of the app. Good night. I'm not saying I'm one date away from my forever partner, but I had fun. Ooh. Well, that sounds like a breakthrough, Maddie. Um, yep. See, I told you TripleDate works. I'm very happy for you, Maddie. Thank you. And if I'm being honest, my own date wasn't a great success. Aww. I'm sorry to hear that, John. Yeah, Annie was enthusiastic, but, uh, definitely... not the one. I told you to pretend! [sighs] Well, we still have the third date left. Who knows what will happen then? Another good show, guys. You know, I'm really glad things are working out with you and Kevin. I must say he is quite the dish. Slow your roll, Bea. I only said I liked him. - Yeah. - Listen, um, I'm not gonna be able to be in for the next show. Oh. Uh... Yeah, I have my, uh, press conference for the TripleDate national launch, so I really need to be on my A game. Well, do you want some more help with your public speaking? No. Nah, you seem busy enough. John, best of luck on your launch. Oh, and happy birthday. How did you know about that? I am the best producer in town. [laughs] When is his birthday? Today. Why didn't he say anything? Look, I have to pack everything up and meet with Max Kenton's P.A. for another covert coffee. Oh. Well, let me know if you hear anything. Will do. John, wait. You left without me saying happy birthday. So happy birthday. [chuckles] Thank you. Why didn't you mention it on air? It's your show. I didn't want to make it all about me. Yeah. Uh, so are you excited for the launch? Yeah. It'll be good to finally get TripleDate out there. Yeah. And then the Three-Date Challenge will finally end. You won't have to deal with me anymore. Ah. MADDIE: Are you walking this way, too? Well, this is me. [chuckles] You know, this wasn't what I imagined. Do I want to know what you did imagine? - No. - [laughs] Look, John, I want to thank you for helping out with the show. Figured we were better as allies than adversaries. Yeah. Well, have a good birthday night. [chuckles] - Thank you. - Have a good one. - Have a good night. - Bye. Surprise! Mom! [laughs] What did you do? I know you didn't want a fuss, so I only invited a few of your friends. Ah, guess it's okay. Maddie McKenzie? Do you know how much I love your show? Oh, that's so nice. John told me that you listened. Listen? I never miss it. Come on in. Oh, no. I don't want to intrude. I should-- No, come on. Every party needs a celebrity guest. - Ohh. - [mouths words] [mouths words] - [music playing] - [party chatter] MEL: Uh... strange wiggle line. Uh, she said it was a book. Is it spaghetti? - Uh... - It's not spaghetti. Uh, uh... Hmm. <i>Oliver Twist.</i> - Uh... - Yes! Uh, what? I still don't get it. "O" liver twist. That's a liver? I thought it was like a map of Kentucky. [laughter] [pop music playing] ♪ Ba da bum ♪ Ba da bum ♪ Ba da bum ba dum [thinking]<i> Do we</i> <i>know anything yet?</i> [sighs]<i> "Zilch."</i> Not joining in? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a bit distracted. You and John seem to be in your element, though. Yeah. Well... we weren't always like this. No? Has John told you about his father? Yes. Uh, a little. He truly was a wonderful man, but he had no off switch. But he did all of this for us. How I miss him. [sighs] Anyhow, uh, after he--he passed, the three of us decided, "That's it. Life is for the living," and we've just been throwing ourselves at the world ever since. I'm starting to see the benefit of letting go. Yeah, it's something I need to learn, and I'm glad John had taught it to me. Although if you ever tell him... Mmm. Mm. Mm. [imitates explosion] [both laugh] Well, I know that you had a good effect on him. Really? Maddie, John is really talented. He could be like the next tech billionaire if he could just focus that big brain of his. And I think, thanks to your show, he--he finally has. Look, all I know is, since he met you, he seems a lot happier. [pop music continues] [singer vocalizing] [music fading] JOHN: Hey. MADDIE: Hey. Oh, I'm fine. Oh, chivalry is not dead yet. Well, thank you. What are you doing out here on your own? Oh, I just got a lot on my mind. Hey, your mom is great. - [chuckles] - You know, she... Yeah, she is. She's been my biggest supporter since day one. I used to work in insurance, you know? - Oh! - Yeah. It was very cutthroat and boring. [chuckles] So one day, I thought to myself, "What am I doing?" I had to march into my boss' office, quit. Started TripleDate the next day. You just up and left your job. - [chuckles] - Sounds like a John Reed move. Mm. When I told my mom, she didn't even bat an eye, just told me to follow my dream. Everything I got is riding on TripleDate. You know, if it's a success, then it could be a game-changer for people like my mom who want to meet someone again. But if it's a failure... This really means something to you, doesn't it? E-Enough about me. What--What's on your mind? Oh, it's nothing. It's just, you know, I envy your ability to seize the day. You don't care what people think. That is not true. I care about what you think. MEL: John. You're neglecting your guests. Right. I'm on my way. You coming? Yeah, I'll be right there. [music playing] [music fades] Um, my ride's almost here. Oh. Uh, do you want me to wait with you? No. No, it's okay. Well, Ms. McKenzie, been a pleasure working with you. - Oh, well, likewise, Mr. Reed. - [chuckles] Once we stopped hating each other. Yeah, that helped. But don't forget you have to come back when we select date three. Wouldn't miss it. [cell phone chimes] Okay, well, ride's here. Really, thank you. You were the life of the party. You're just saying that. [chuckles] Well, thanks for having me. Happy birthday again. Thank you. [birds chirping] [wrapper crinkling] You know, the point of joining me for an early-morning workout is to actually exercise. I am exercising... my jaws. [laughs] [cell phone ringtone] Hello. This is Bea Brooks. Oh! Good morning. [laughs] Yes, of course. I understand. [chuckles] Okay. Thank you, sir. [laughs] Who was that? That was Max Kenton. He wants to come to the studio this morning to watch the Three-Date Challenge. But John's not on the show today. He's setting up his press conference. Oh. JOHN: You know you need unique New York. Does unique New York need you? Remember... just stick to the script we wrote. No going off-road. I got it. And just stay focused. We don't need any distractions. Nothing is gonna happen to pull my focus from today, I promise. John. - [sighs] Perfect timing. - JOHN: What's going on? Our network CEO wants to come watch the show today. That's fantastic. No, you don't understand. He wants to see us pick our final dates together. - John. - I wouldn't ask - if it wasn't really-- - Let's go. - Wait. John. - No. I'll be back in plenty of time. Don't worry. Thank you. Thank you. But, John-- This is important, okay? <i>This</i> is important. You've worked so hard for it. Trust me. [John grunts] Good-luck charm. You ready? No, not at all. Hey, you can do this. Look, I know what this means to you. Syndication is a massive deal, but you deserve it. What about you? I just dragged you away from your press conference. - I am so sorry. - It's okay. It's okay. It's a big day for both of us. But we got this, right? You're right. We can do this. - Okay. - Okay. [both chuckling] Great! John, thank you so much. - You're welcome. - Okay, before you go in there, I know you're gonna want to kill me, but just please look past that and trust my instincts, okay? What did you do? Oh. [chuckles] Hi. - Seriously, Bea? - Well, I figured if the app paired you and Kevin together again, that it'd be great to have him here in the studio. And what if it doesn't? How awkward will that be? Well, I thought you said you liked him. Yeah, but that was before things got... complicated. I've messed up, haven't I? You think? Come on. Hi! Thanks for coming. H-Hi. [laughs] Uh, hey. - Hey. - You a fan? Oh, no. I'm--I'm Kevin. We went on two dates. John Reed, inventor of TripleDate. Oh. Right. - Right. - Well, cong... ratulations o-on the app. I can do it. I can impress Max Kenton. Yes, you can, and that's good. Because I think that's him right over there. [music playing] Mr. Kenton. Max, please. Thank you so much for letting me stop by, and I'm keen to see how it all works. Well, hopefully you're not disappointed. I better not be. - I'm kidding. - [both laugh] I'm sure you'll be terrific. Okay. Well, let's get going then. Follow us. Everybody good? Good morning, L.A. This is<i> On the Move</i> <i>with Maddie McKenzie.</i> I know you're all waiting to hear the next big development in the Three-Date Challenge. Well, we're about to discover who is our third and final date and maybe our soul mates will be. Joining me for the last time in the studio is the inventor of TripleDate, John Reed. Morning, Maddie. Happy to crash the party one last time. Of course. And for his first radio appearance, is Kevin, who, as my regular listeners know, has been on two dates so far with yours truly. Morning. All right, let's dive right in. You all know that I've been very slowly coming around to the idea of online dating, but what do you think, Kevin? Uh, I think it's fantastic. I mean, I can't speak for you, but, uh, I had a lot of fun on our first dates. What do you say, Maddie? Should we close this up? Let's get to it. Are you ready, John? Yeah, I sure am. Hey, thank you for coming down, by the way, especially since today is the day that TripleDate goes live. I wouldn't miss being here. Are you two ready? Ready as we'll ever be. All right, I will count us in. In 3, 2, 1... go. [app beeping] Maddie, you're killing us here. - [chime rings] - Well, in a shocking twist, the app has, uh, suggested John again. This app is trying to tell you two something. Is this your idea of a joke? The app suggested you for me, too. And I think that's the perfect time for a cliffhanger. We'll be back after these messages. MADDIE: Just hang tight for a moment, folks. Just when I think I can trust you, you go and pull a stunt like this? What exactly are you accusing me of? Why would the app pair us up unless you messed with it? Well, maybe the app is right. Maybe you should listen to it. I can't deal with this right now. I need the show to go smoothly. If this show is all you care about and you don't even trust me, then I am clearly wasting my time. I'm sorry, everyone. I have to get to my press launch. Wh--John, wait. Mel? Yeah, you were right. I shouldn't have done the show. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm on my way. Hi. Hi. [sighs] Hi. And where is the famous Mr. Reed? On his way. Don't worry. [clears throat] <i>Andiamo.</i> Lorenzo, thank you so much for doing this. How could I miss the big day of my favorite family? Where is Johnny? He's on his way. [sighs] Ah,<i> bellissima.</i> Mwah. <i>Ciao. Grazie.</i> - Mom. - Honey, hi. [kiss] I'm so proud of you. You look so beautiful. [gasps] Where's John? On his way. Honey, if you don't mind me saying, you seem a little stressed. Stressed?! Why would I be stressed? It's just the launch in 30 minutes, and John's not even here! It's all fine! Tell me it's gonna be fine. Honey, it's gonna be fine. You two have always come through for each other. Come on. Kevin, I am so sorry. I know you didn't sign up for all this drama. Honestly, it's fine. Are you okay? You good to go? Ahem. What happens now? Just watch her. [clears throat] And we're back. During the break, John and Kevin fought a duel for my affection. Just kidding. But unfortunately John did have to run to his press conference. People are busting down the doors to get in. What can I say? This is live radio. I know I speak for all of us when I wish him very good luck. As for whether or not I'll take the app's suggestion, well, we'll have to resolve that another time. All the more reason to keep listening. Well, that was quite the show. I just want to apologize for everything you saw in there. You mean that little spat? Yea--Everything. Are you kidding? Not only did Maddie keep her cool, she kept the audience hooked and wanting to hear more, all without missing a beat. Well, she is the best. [laughs] And that's exactly what I need, Take her skill for broadcasting and your instincts for drama, and your show is something really special. I'm picking you for syndication. Do--Do you mean... I'm making you guys the flagship of my network. [squeals] All right. - Oh, sorry. Sorry. - It's--It's-- Oh, you're the richest person I've ever hugged. [laughs] Kevin, I cannot apologize enough. It's--It's fine. You have been so patient through all this... craziness. Wh-What'd I say the first time we met? Online dating, L.A., you expect some weird things, right? Yeah, you're definitely right. Uh... John left this. Oh. Um... what should I do with it? Open it, obviously. [sentimental music playing] - [gasps] - KEVIN: That looks rare. [gasps] I can't believe it. How did he... [sighs] It's... [laughs] It's my family's copy, the exact one. I-I recognize the teeth marks. [laughs] I'm sorry. What? JOHN: Maddie, you of all people know how much I enjoy the sound of my own voice, but with you, I find myself lost for words. Maybe this will help you understand. I know how precious this book is to you. I'd like you to know how precious you are to me. John. We got the national syndication! Oh, that's awesome. [laughs] Maddie. - [sighs] - Are you okay? Maddie? Hey, um... I know I'm not the one for you. You should be with someone who you really match with. Or... the app matches you with. Thank you. [chuckles] Please. Come on. Please, let there be an Uber. Please. [light music playing] Well, I guess I'm not going on a date tonight. Oh, well, you could be. I'm free. Uh... sure. [car engine rumbles] Mr. Kenton! - Max. - Uh, right, Max. Um, look, I hate to ask a favor, but-- You need a ride. How'd you know? Uh, just because I'm a businessman doesn't stop me being an incurable romantic. [laughs] Thank you. Thank you so much! Thanks. Besides, I'm interested in seeing his press conference. A little birdie tells me he needs some investment. You are the best! JOHN: ...which my sister and I believe will change the dating world forever. Everyone deserves love, no matter how hard it is to find. You know, I wasn't gonna say this, but... recently I guess I've learned a couple things. - John. - It's okay. I know that I've done some crazy publicity stunts in the past that didn't allow you all to take me seriously. But TripleDate does come from a very meaningful place. Our father died a number of years ago, and as you can imagine, that's never something you fully get over. Our mom thought she'd never meet a man who could measure up to our father, but she can, and she deserves to. We all deserve to find that special someone in our lives. So that is why I designed TripleDate. [chuckles] Mom... thank you for everything, for coming here. I know this place has got a lot of memories for us. Come on up here. Come on, Mom. - Love you. - Love you. I wouldn't be standing here today without the support of these two beautiful women in my life and one other, who couldn't be here right now... Maddie McKenzie. - Mr. Reed. - Yes? You mentioned Maddie McKenzie. I heard her show earlier this afternoon, and your app paired you together again, but you've already rejected each other once. Is your app faulty? It most definitely is not faulty. I'm very confused, Mr. Reed. Well-- MADDIE: There's no need to be. What are you doing here? You really think I'd miss it? There's nothing to be confused about. The app wasn't wrong. I was. I accept your offer for a date. [John chuckles] MEL: Uh, John. Uh, right. Uh, sorry. Thank you, Mel. Okay, I think it's about time we handed over TripleDate to everyone else. - How do you feel about that?! - [applause] [laughs] You ready? 3, 2, 1... [cheering] TripleDate's live! [laughs] Enjoy! Thank you so much for coming, everybody. [laughs] Ohh. [party chatter] [no audible dialogue] Ms. Reed. - Hi. - Max Kenton. I gotta say I'm very impressed with you and your brother. Am I right in thinking this is your first business venture? Yes. Well, I couldn't tell from that presentation. You seem to know just what you're doing. [laughs] Oh, thank goodness. And the idea of using my radio station to boost your profile was inspired. Your station? How does free advertising for six months sound? That sounds amazing. Okay, so tell me, how do I invest in TripleDate? I've been listening to Maddie McKenzie and tracking your progress, and I just know you're gonna make it big one day, and I want a piece of that pie. This pie? MEL: Don't mind if I do. [laughs] [party chatter] [clink] Oh, honey. I'm so proud of you. Couldn't have done it without you. [chuckles] Daddy would be so proud. Oh. Looks like somebody else wants to congratulate you. Hey. Hey. I'm sorry for what I said in the studio. I shouldn't have accused you. I was just caught off guard... again. And I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I'm sorry, too. I don't even know where to start for thanking you for this. How did you... You did something clever online, didn't you? Ah, you can't always find everything you want in bookstores. You never know where you're gonna find something special. Sometimes it's sitting opposite you in a radio station. Or in a boat shaped like a swan. Or in a twilight helicopter ride. Everything I told you about TripleDate was true. It means the world to me... And so do you. Well, maybe I should have listened to the app in the first place. Well, personally, I never doubted it. I know. [laughs] Well, should we see where date three is gonna take us? We don't need the app anymore. This is where my parents began their relationship. Let's make it the place where we start ours. [music playing] [music fades]
Channel: Movie Surf | English
Views: 243,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel One Entertainment, #englishmovies, english thriller, thriller movies, #MovieNight, #FilmLovers, #FilmRecommendations, #MovieTime, Chelsea Gilson, Adam Huss, romance, comedy, family, hallmark, hallmark movies
Id: tvF2KSgGGkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 16sec (5416 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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