The Princess and the Bodyguard | Hallmark Romantic Movies 2023 | Holiday Romance Movies 2023

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[Music] she saw him last time she saw the man who had stolen her [Music] heart oh Eva you killing [Music] me ah Gabriel August I've already pre-ordered my copy I know I said it's like that whole weekend just to read it I'm almost as excited about the new book as I am about seeing his face I bet he's so handsome I can't do it I can't let the world know that I'm Gabriel August it's part of the deal Liam you knew that when you signed yeah but I never thought the first book would actually be successful I did didn't I tell you it would be a bestseller I just assumed you were being nice I've known you since you were born I don't need to make nice you can't stay Anonymous forever readers form connections with the books they love they want a relationship with the author you're a success Liam why can't you embrace it oh speaking of which manuscript for your next book is doing and I haven't seen any chapters oh I have written plenty of chapters and then promptly thrown them in the trash well you are going to have to find the inspiration somewhere because you still owe Harris kingsfield to books you sure there's no way we can just get to postpone the whole Gabriel August reveal it's been almost impossible holding them off this long it's time why don't you go up to the cabin in Portland for a couple of weeks and I'll see if I can get the reveal moved out there you wrote first star of evening there in less than a month I wrote it as a joke you wrote it because Catherine broke your heart Portland has always been a great place for you to get your Senter again just like it was for your parents I remember when your mom told me they were buying a place up there I thought they were crazy so far from everything but they came their little Hideway get out of town for a while clear your head and get ready for the best chapter of your life the next one is going to be a great one this will serve as the final boarding call for flight 782 to Denver and continuing on to Portland I'm here welcome aboard sorry here I'll take your B the Cal driver dropped me off at the wrong terminal I can barely walk in heels much less run one see right up here in first class are you sure your upgrade went through you're kidding that never happens must be your lucky day thank [Music] you hi hello first class feels so special leave I'm bringing you glass of champagne if you want no no I I shouldn't well maybe just one but I I have lots of work to do so don't worry I won't be talking your ear off the whole time do you live in New York no I'm heading home Portland I was just in the city for a couple of job interviews I hope they went well we'll see everybody was really nice maybe too nice it's just so hard to know what people are really thinking I wish they would just say what they mean things would be so much easier that way not always sometimes the truth hurts hurts a lot less than lies sounds like the voice of experience talking that obvious champagne to uh definitely to a great fight with lots of fabulous Le [Music] you see very focused it's good it wants to be if that makes any sense the new Gabriel augus thought that go in out I got an advanced copy you read Gabriel August no but I've heard of him yeah you don't you don't really seem like his typical demographic so you don't like this one no I I do it's just his first book first star of evening was so good really I I think the first novel was such a success because it was just so honest you you really felt like you knew those characters sounds like I should give it a read absolutely I just maybe skip this one it's a little disappointing it doesn't feel real it's it's like he took the first book and stuck it in a blender and mixed it up and put a new title on it oh that's harsh I guess I just I hate to see such potential go to waste have you heard about this he has this whole marketing gimmick he's very mysterious it's a little ridiculous you think it's G what else could it be sure he has his reasons whatever it is I guess it's working because along with every other woman in America I am actually curious to find out who he really is ladies and gentlemen the captain has begun our descent in Portland and will be landing shortly well this has ruined me I don't think I can go back to co I'm going to [Music] finish hey hey there you look like you're in a hurry it's after meeting at work I'm barely going to make it do you want me to help you with your bag looks like you're the the one that could use the help oh sorry got to run it was really nice meeting you yeah you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] too [Music] it's not usually so jammed up at the taxi line just my luck my boss will kill me if I'm late again I'm happy to give you a lift my mom always told me never to accept rides and limos from strangers I met on airplanes your mom gave you very specific [Music] advice come on it's got just as much leg room as first class we can even split the tip if that makes you feel better I don't even know your name Liam Sophie well I guess we aren't strangers [Music] anymore so you said you live in New York mostly I like spending time in Portland though M I love it here what do you do um freelance project Consulting so you have any plans for tonight uh actually I do um my two best friends have their engagement party well they were just friends for years this whole falling in love thing has kind of come out of nowhere it's taken a little getting used to but it's a good thing it's a great thing looks like the streets blocked ahead I can't be any later the office is only a couple of blocks away I I think I'm going to Hof it from here oh right okay well if you ever right we we were going to split the tip oh stop stop stop stop okay my friends are never going to believe that I got to fly in first class and ride in a limo on the same day do you mind if I take a picture oh no of course not wait my [Music] turn well um bye I guess thank you happy to help hi I'll be right [Music] back [Music] hey to see you [Music] to [Music] how was New York actually pretty good the job interviews went well a couple of the magazines were interested I'm just not sure I want to move to New York you may not have a choice I don't know how long this paper's going to survive really what's going on burkman fired four more staffers while you were gone it keeps getting worse instead of [Music] [Music] better [Music] [Applause] Sophie who are [Applause] you he's cute not as cute as you of course but he's definitely hot who is he we sat next to each other on the plane and then he ended up giving me a ride in a limo can't believe you you rode in a car with a guy you just met he was in first class how dangerous could he be so when are you going to see him again he wasn't like that I don't even have his number why not are you not into hot guys anymore okay it's nice if a guy isn't n too hard on the eyes but that kind of thing being really important never again I wonder why was he in a limo you think he's famous or just Rich neither he was some kind of consultant he's he's just a regular guy hey man you want to play Man coverage on the outside Fun by me just don't be surprised when I shred the secondary Harris you might changing the [Music] channel heads up St Louis you're next come next Sunday we own you there we go good ridd too good for that low life anyway you okay sure I love seeing my ex on TV screens everywhere I go I also love having the whole world know that he cheated on me but the thing that's so annoying is that I had no idea I mean how could I have had no clue it was a sneaky rat that's why so what am I supposed to do just assume that every guy I meet is lying to me not every guy just most of them you just got to wait till the right one comes along trust me you'll meet someone much better well maybe she already has limbo guy sounds interesting honey that that's a terrible idea she's just been through a big breakup public breakup she should just take her time no no way Sophie needs to get right back out there and start daing no she doesn't yes she does okay will you two stop I will be fine I would have preferred not to have the whole world read about my love life on practically every gossip website but that's what you get when you date a famous person I promise you though I I'm totally fine totally fine well I'm getting there it's only been a few days I'm really starting to get into it though uh get that old Gabriel August and revved up in racing again so it's going well absolutely Portland was a great idea good I was starting to worry about you you haven't written a thing have you why do you think that because you sound way too relaxed maybe you should shake things up a little go out with friends or on a date or something well I did meet a nice woman on the plane perfect call her up I don't know her last name and I have no idea where to find her can't ever do anything the easy way can you oh I changed the Gabriel August reveal to Jasper's book Loft out there in Portland so you won't have to fly back to New York for it oh so this is really happening I'll be there it'll be Liam and Jackie just like always but I'll be the one up there in front of all those people I know it's going to be hard for you to let go this Gabriel August Mystique but you can't keep leading to lives like this this is a good thing have I ever scared you wrong before is that a trick question I'll call you when I get out there you can show me your town Mr Portland is it a date yeah it's a date bye [Music] bye well as you probably guessed we got our new numbers back and they're not pretty circulation is down 23% from the same time last year so going forward forward I have it from on high that we need to spice things up I need your pieces to jump off the page get noticed if you want to do a Feelgood puff piece on a peeee baseball team scrap it and find out when the Trailblazers are firing their coach they want us to make noise get retweeted or Facebooked or whatever the kids are doing these days books movies restaurant reviews nothing's just okay anymore they're either fantastic or the worst thing you've ever seen I'm talking extreme opinions you don't want us to write reviews we don't believe in do you well if that's what it takes then yeah it's how we generate Web Hits and subscriptions look I don't love it but it's a hand we dealt all right I'll have new assignments for all of you in a few make me proud okay Sophie got something for you that might be interesting after your little speech I'm almost afraid to ask that review you're doing on Gabriel August's new book I I'm not going to turn it into a hatchet piece just to get more tweets I got something even better I just found out that Jaspers is hosting Gabriel lus little coming out party tomorrow night right here in Portland I want you to cover it we'll run it with the review wait he's revealing his true identity here why Portland it's your job to find out [Music] breath this is a good thing once this is over you can stop leading to lives never just be leam Bradley all everyone will care about is Gabriel augus that's who I'll be from now on it's going to be okay I promise and it's going to feel so good to finally get this off your chest okay I think it's time okay we don't want to keep them waiting I'm going to go and make the introduction you wait here I point to you and that's it and the world meets Gabriel August for the first time okay I'm as ready as I can be you're going to be great they're going to love you you should take that seat in the front got it if I can have your attention I think you're all about as excited to be here tonight as I am with millions of books sold worldwide over the last 3 years Gabriel August has touched all our hearts he has made us fall in love and he has made us cry it's my pleasure to introduce to you The Man Behind These incredible stories ladies and Gentlemen please allow me to introduce you all to the writer you've come to know as Gabriel [Applause] augus [Music] I had a feeling I might find you here this was always your favorite spot to write I can't fool you can I no and you'd best remember that I am what were you thinking I was standing there like an idiot pointing at no one I'm really sorry I just I panicked your publisher is furious they're threatening to release your name and information themselves well they can't do that well they won't not yet I told them if they did we'd sue them and we'd make a big ugly public spectacle you must not be very popular over there it's not my job to be popular it's my job to look after my clients even the ones that make me crazy more bad news one of the first reviews for by the lighthouse it's pretty disappointing tepid attempts at conveying human emotion it's her oh Sophie the girl from the plane in limed that's why she was at the bookstore it's right about Gabriel augus this is incredible incredible I'd hate to hear what you think a bad review looks like I got to go I'll talk soon Liam I got to [Music] find Liam we still have to talk about rescheduling your re I'll call you later l oh sorry Liam Sophie sorry that that was totally my fault no no it was all me they need to pass a no texting while walking belt like New York they have those there right so where are you heading in such a rush home I just got off work I write book reviews for the Portland record really oh that sounds interesting look I realized we just met you know again but maybe you'd like to grab the bite te sometime that's really nice but I have a lot of work to do come on you E I eat let's eat at the same table persistant aren't you well I'm usually not but it seems like this might be worth it one meal couldn't hurt right I suppose not I think I'll take that as [Music] [Music] yes no way [Music] so you just ran into him on the street that's like fate don't get carried away but here's the interesting part his parents are Devon hman and Helen Bradley the movie stars you're kidding are you sure I saw a picture of him with them well that's why he rides at limos and flies first class his parents were celebrities it's just 19 when they died in that plane crash that was so sad that's awful do you think it's weird that he didn't mention it to hide something so important you hardly know him why would he tell you the most traumatic story of his life when you guys haven't even been on a date yet I know you're right I I'm just you're being paranoid that's what not all guys are hiding things like James you need to give Liam a chance who's this Leon the guy that Sophie's going on a date with it it's not a date it's just dinner why are you holding back you either like him or you don't I I do like him I just I wish I knew him better hello that's what a date's for to get to know somebody I thought I knew James I never liked that one that's right you didn't you guys knew there was something wrong before I did that's how I'll know I'll introduce them to you and you can tell me what you think you want us to crash your day brilliant right yeah let let me check him out first thank [Music] you just because you don't answer the phone doesn't mean I'm going to go away I honestly was not trying to avoid you okay maybe I was but not for the reason you think I I was actually writing today that's great well it wasn't great but it was something anyway the words they are coming I don't like the ons they on the page so kind of less of a writer block issue and more of a heart not being in it issue and don't you look dapper I found her sopie we're going to dinner you really like this girl don't you I I haven't seen you like this in ages you know I I felt something when I met her something strange she's not like other women she's interesting and and unique and she tells it like it is right how did you know that I know you pretty well after all these years honey I feel nervous around her but it's it's a good nervous yeah I'd be a bit nervous too if I was going out with somebody who hated my book so much she doesn't know really yes come up yet I'm going to let you get ready for your date Liam but please be careful I worry enough about your ability to lead one double life I don't think you have the heart for a [Music] second hi hi these are for you thank you they're beautiful come on in hi um hello it was the strangest thing I was getting ready and Drew and I were in the neighborhood and wanted to return a book to Sophie this one where are my manners um Drew and Nina this is Liam no limo tonight uh I have a car here in town so you have a place here and a place in New York you don't really see that very often exactly what kind of Consulting do you do Drew you don't need to interrogate poor Liam here I thought that's what I was supposed to do how about a glass of wine wine sounds wonderful and it gives us the opportunity to get to know a little bit more about Liam here great so how long were you in Guyana I did the full two-year volunteer rotation it's really an amazing country that must have been tough though volunteering was the hardest thing I ever did but I wouldn't trade it for anything oh you're full of surprises well this has been fun uh we should all go out when we have more time absolutely and Drew I'm going to hold you to your offer to play Hoops I know LeBron James but maybe do a way all right but I will warn you once I lace up by more like 66 with a 40in vertical so have fun tonight kids bye and thanks for um bringing the book [Music] back I think they liked you well that's great but they're not the ones I'm trying to [Music] impress I like you too now that's what I like to hear you ready for dinner I have the perfect place I I was surprised me ner and I have been friends forever so what made them start to dat actually I think they've been in love for years but they were both just so afraid of ruining the friendship that they never gave it a chance how's the cobbler wonderful Paris as always everything is delicious you mean that or you just saying what you think I want to hear no it was really good oh sorry I've got to take us [Music] work so Liam you ever been married uh no why not something wrong with [Music] you so no alarm Bells went off for either of you we loved him even Drew who was prepared to Duke it out with him beforehand how's dinner going we're having a nice time but he still hasn't mentioned his parents and he keeps changing the subject every time I bring up his work give him time how's it going with [Music] Harris it doesn't look good maybe I shouldn't have left him alone well let me know how it goes cuz he seems really great I that's her recipe for peach cobbler you're eating it's the best I've ever tasted honestly am I interrupting not at all come sit I was just telling Liam here the story of Lola and why I name the restaurant after I thought you didn't like to talk about that well the story's not for everyone but Liam here seemed to understand I'm sorry you lost her so soon well it's better to have loved and lost and all that right I like to think she's here with me every day nice to meet you leam you [Music] too the next time you you've got to try the chocolate MSE it's not to be missed can't [Music] wait what wow he must really like you to open up about Lola is that a good thing yes it's a great thing here's actually liked him loved him sounds like he passed your little test right with flying colors but he still won't talk about his work or his family it's it's like he's an open book about some things and then completely mysterious about others it sounds like the problem isn't him it's you what are you talking about I get that you have trust issues who wouldn't in your position you need to be careful not to project your stuff on the Liam it's not fair okay well what about just just one more test I felt so much better after he met you guys last night and you liked him Sophie okay just hear me out I want to see him at work just find out what this whole Consulting thing is is all about I mean what can it hurt come [Music] on can't talk now finally in the zone failed to hear it but we still need to meet to go over the details of the rescheduled reveal today is not good so today at 1:00 the River Village Restaurant I've book a lovely outdoor table you can walk over from the Marena can we do this later this week see at [Music] one hey I was going to call you but I didn't want to bother you at work I was worried about the same thing I I'm not interrupting am I not at all really enjoyed last night me too I what was that are you are you at the marina uh uh yeah I'm uh meeting a client at River Village restaurant at one a business meeting a client um that's good maybe we can figure out a time to see each other again yeah I I'd like that um I've got to go bye bye so I've rescheduled the review for Friday at 600 and I will handcuff you to me if I have to it's such terrible timing Sophie and I are just starting to get to know each other you haven't told her have you once she finds out I'm gabri logus that's all I'll be to her that's all I'll be to everybody how can you know that if you don't trust her enough to tell her the truth and you know how it was with my parents people treated them differently because they were stars hi oh no this is not happening it's her she's pretty hey Sophie this is a surprise I I was um covering a story just around the corner and I remembered you saying you were having lunch here so so you just stopped by that's weird isn't it it was all very spontaneous um I'll leave you to your lunch here Jackie bck literary agent oh I'm I have to say I'm not used to being recognized outside of New York I saw you speak in 2011 at the Brooklyn publishing symposium you you were so inspiring Jackie this is Sophie ainson it's wonderful to meet you Sophie I actually write book reviews for the Portland record and I probably owe you and Gabriel August a bit of an apology my review wasn't very favorable no apology needed you were just doing your job I can't believe you didn't tell me you knew Gabriel August agent well it's great to meet you I'll let you two talk oh no no no no no this is just a social call Andy way please join us please oh thank [Music] you I keep telling Gabriel that he'll feel better if he tells the world who he is but men you know so stubborn but but it is really happening oh yeah next Friday if I have to drag him Kicking and Screaming okay at the risk of sounding like a teenager what is he like well he's uh smart quite smart when he wants to be he is genuinely talented he is very handsome he's also obstinate he is private to a fault and sometimes he exhibits the same amount of judgment as my beagle I I felt bad writing the review I did but the truth is I really want his next book to be great like the first one and maybe not having Secrets will help maybe his next book will be his Masterpiece I hope so Sophie well I've got a deadline that needs some love Jackie I'm so glad we got the chance to talk same here and next time you're in New York give me a jingle we'll have lunch I would love that I will see you later can't wait I'll call you not to wow thanks for that Jackie you need to tell her before this whatever this is between you two goes any further well it's easier said than done I never said it was going to be [Music] easy so beautiful down here I never think to do this I come here every sunset helpes clear my head it's one of my favorite things about the city why Portland I I have a feeling you could be just about anywhere right now oh yeah well I can ask you the same thing Portland's my home truth true it's spent some time here as a kid always loved it what okay I I'm really bad at this but I have a confession to make oh good confession or bad confession I actually know who you really are oh I see you're not mad at me why would I be mad because I didn't tell you the truth you're entitled to your privacy I imagine growing up with famous parents must have been hard you meant my parents right yeah it was complicated life in the spotlight could be rough believe me I know yeah I had a bad experience dating a famous person actually we were Eng engaged it it ended a few months ago engaged I probably should have mentioned it earlier oh not at all were you okay it was hard at first but much better the last few days I'm glad to hear that one of the magazines I interviewed at in New York wants me to come work for them that's a big change I may not have a choice it seems like the daily days are numbered oh sounds like a great opportunity I was thinking of it more as a huge disaster I just mean you know it gives you a chance to figure out what it is you really want to do maybe make a change if you want sometimes I give anything to just start [Music] over this is me you know you're really easy to talk to not always but it's easy with you [Music] thank you for what I don't know just King Le and [Music] Bradley John if you have time I'd love to meet I I have some ideas about a website and I need some tech advice jy's perfect see you then oh [Music] yeah you should come it's so much fun I'm afraid that much answer I'll give you a few pointers you'll be an expert by the end of the night remember 8:30 it's called Frankfurt over on Vern side hope to see you there nice to meet you you [Music] too hey oh hi I just missed this totally gorgeous guy did I I think he liked me but who knows it's so hard to tell sometimes but I asked him out do you think that was too forward I don't know what did he say I didn't give him a chance to say anything I hate being rejected guess I'll find out tonight huh come on we I'll kill us we're [Music] late hi I I wasn't sure if you would call tonight I stopped by your office earlier I thought you might want to grab lunch oh yeah um sorry I missed you it it sounds like you're in the car are you going somewhere special tonight uh you know just clearing my head I'm actually way behind on this project I'll probably spend most of the night working working um that doesn't sound very fun yeah I'm not looking forward to it but we're still on for tomorrow right I guess if you still want to of course I do I'll see you then okay okay bye [Music] bye working all night huh you could have just told me Sophie oh you're not this isn't this is my friend Peter what are you doing here good question I felt like the world's biggest jerk I should have trusted Liam you're not the world's biggest jerk I mean there have to be at least two bigger ones you you were completely right this was just about me being scared hey don't beat yourself up too much nobody blames you for being careful about who you date but eventually you need to take a leap of faith and jump back in and that's exactly what I'm going to do I'm seeing Liam tonight I'm just going to come clean about everything and tell him the truth you think that's a good idea what kind of relationship can I hope to have if it starts out being dishonest are you sure the doesn't fall into the what he doesn't know won't hurt him category we just don't want to see you get hurt again we need to do this you have to tell her the truth I am tonight how are you going to do it I'm taking her to the camp and I'll tell her there I just hope she doesn't freak out I mean if she thinks I've been lying to her this whole time stop Liam you're doing the right thing look at the bright side this will make your big reveal a whole lot easier one way or another and I am proud of you for doing that too not like have much Choice okay hugs like the good old days I'll let you know how it goes yeah I'll be thinking of you kiddo good [Music] luck that's so cozy makes me want to curl up with a good book and a glass of wine I always came here with my parents do you have one of those spots you go to and you just feel safe for Park there's this old wooden bridge surrounded by trees when I get stressed I just stand there and listen to the water and all the troubl Melt Away it's a magical place it sounds wonderful everybody needs some place to escape to exactly that's what it's like for me out here dinner awaits it's beautiful I didn't realize you were such a romantic yeah I didn't either this is delicious I can't cook to save my life but I am fantastic at ordering one uh look there's something important I need to tell you but I'm not really sure how to say it more tus I I'm fine right uh all right uh the thing is when we first met I didn't think things would progress so far and Liam wait before you say anything I I have to tell you something I haven't been totally honest with you you haven't remember how I told you I recently went through a bad breakup you're getting back together with them what no I absolutely not never I I just the whole thing actually hit me a lot harder than I admitted he was a professional athlete and the breakup was very very public and pretty humiliating honestly my terrible love life went viral must have been awful yeah a word of advice never date a famous person it won't make that mistake again the worst part though was that this man that I Thought I Loved ended up being someone completely different than I thought he was I guess I just lost my ability to trust men and so when I met you I was like Wow too good to be true and so I've kind of been giving you little tests just to prove that you aren't too good to be true tests yeah this is embarrassing I my friends interrogating you me dropping by during your lunch with your client I I kind of arranged those things just to help myself make sure that this was real oh and the girl you met in front of my office Tabitha we actually worked together and I overheard her asking you out you're the only woman I wanted to go out with I know that now and I should have trusted it from the beginning I'm so sorry Liam I I don't know what else to say so that's it that's what you haven't been honest about you hate me don't you Sophie I don't hate you I'm falling in love with [Music] you okay that went better than I thought it [Music] would [Music] I feel so much better having that out in the open I I've been so nervous all night there was something you wanted to say to me what oh oh nothing are you sure I'm so sorry I I feel like I kind of hijacked your moments ah it's not important more one please I can't it's for [Music] dessert what was I supposed to do you were supposed to tell her the truth well this athlete she was engaged to broke her heart and half the country was talking about it she swore she'd never date a famous person again what do you think she's going to do when she finds out who I really am why can't just dump all this on her you've run out of time the reveal is tomorrow night well then let's postpone it we can't get me a meeting with the the Publishers I'll find a way to change their mind it won't be easy to convince them Lam well I'll find a way to convince them I have to they can't do that unfortunately the suits call the shots and they can do whatever they want but just to cut all the book reviews that that doesn't even make any sense want more space for video games and movies they're even making me create a whole new section on celebrity gossip book reviews just don't have enough juice these days look I have been a team player Phil covering music and movies whatever you needed but you know the book reviews are what I love that's the reason I came to the Daily what can I tell you Sophie it's a business lots of people read books I I mean sure it it's a changing industry but more book reviews I wish it was [Music] [Applause] [Music] different then I don't know if I can stay I need to figure out what it is I want to do well that's a decision you're going to have to make make it quickly I got a paper to [Music] run so you don't think it's a stupid thing to do not at all but it's a big step I'm terrified but I think it's what I want you're right that's what's important that sounds like a good plan I'm going to go with my gut I guess it worked with you yesterday that's right look I I found out that I have to go to New York for a meeting tomorrow so I'm a little frazzled I fly out in a couple hours wait New York why just a contractual thing I need to address but I have to do it in person how long will you be gone just overnight I'll be back tomorrow well do you think you might be up for a date night tomorrow night how about an early dinner say 5:30 sure I'm down for the early bird special how a safe FL okay bye bye that sounds so romantic dinner by candl light yeah it it was he told me he was falling in love with me and then we K Wow and you want to know the best part I trust him oh yeah not uh has the test kind of trust a trust where I want to kick myself for having ever given him a test in the first place never thought I would feel like this about someone again but just keeps surprising me this is so great I'm so happy for you he's on a trip to New York for one day and I already miss him when am I in high school you are in love oh okay enough about my love life I have something I want to show you I put it together last night and you have to promise me that you will be nice riviting what is it my new business your new business what about the paper oh Liam said something to me the other day about following my dreams and doing what I want to do and I think this might be it this is so fantastic I have a meeting with my editor later and then it goes live looks like Liam's good for you mhm so how are you holding that I'm nervous yeah so am I you're not supposed to admit that to me Liam I'm not going to sugarcoat this these people are sharks and I don't even know if they care enough to do what you're asking so expectations are low all right then Liam Jackie it's great to see you both hey are you as excited about the new sales as we are um yeah yeah you should be please have a seat so what can we do for you first off thank you so much for your time anything for one of our favorite authors I'm not so sure how to put this but for some personal reasons um I'm asking that you reconsider having me reveal myself as Gabriel August uh you do know the reveal his scheduled for tonight oh no I I I know and I'll eventually go through with it just not tonight I give you my word well we don't really need your word leam we have a contract that guarantees it right I just need you to delay the reveal a few more weeks Liam's not being unreasonable he's just asking for more time Jackie he has already canceled once this has all been time to the release of the new book we built a marketing approach not to mention a substantial amount of effort and money around revealing Gabriel August identity and obviously once that happens it's the demands on Liam's personal life are going to be extreme I just need a few more weeks that's all I'm asking Liam they won't do it I'm sorry I fought for you in there but the machine is just too far along for them to stop it now the reveal is on for tonight I'm really starting to hate Gabriel August you need to talk to Sophie meeting her for dinner tonight at 5:30 that'll be cutting that clothes we'll make it okay okay so we clear on the plan for later tonight Jasper's book L 7:30 actually make it 7:00 so my blood pressure doesn't get too high I'll be there bad news she's got to work meeting she just canceled dinner what are you going to do find her I have to tell her before I make the announcement it'll all be okay you call me let me know how it goes it's Sophie tell me what's on your mind after the tone hey Sophie I got your text I'm back in town I really need to talk to you like right away face to face so call me this second can get this okay I know but if you said it was background you got to keep his name out of it that's journalism 101 yeah okay okay let me know how it shakes out sorry I couldn't fit you in earlier I had to keep a reporter from getting sued what's up I wanted to let you know that today's my last day your last day so you're leaving the paper I'm starting my own website one where I get to do the kind of reviews that I want to do can you make a living doing that well it it may take me a few months to get enough advertisers but I'm going to give it a try well I hate to lose you Sophie I have to admit I'm a little jealous have the freedom to write about the things you love sounds like the perfect job so you're not angry I hope whatever you do next makes you happy thank you for everything don't suppose I could talk you into showing your gratitude by giving me an article in the Gabriel August reveal tonight I can't I'm already covering it for my own website [Music] call Sophie it's Sophie tell me what's on your mind after the [Music] tone hey it's it's tab right oh hi hey you kind of stood me up uh actually to be fair I never said I was going to meet you you work with Sophie ainson right you know Sophie yeah is she here she was but she just quit cleaned out her desk about 20 minutes ago do you know where she went Jaspers to find out who Gabriel August really is [Music] thanks come [Music] on come [Music] on no call [Music] Jackie where are you I'm on my way meet me at the back door of the bookstore in 5 minutes [Music] okay what is going on can't go through with it why because she's here oh you didn't tell her yet I tried I called I texted I went to her work she's out there I can't let her find out along with everyone else take a deep breath I will handle this stay here hello Sophie hi Jackie how exciting is this yeah very and a little terrifying too I I can imagine is he going to show this time he's already here it's really happening then oh I'm presuming you're here to cover this for your paper not exactly I'm not with the daily anymore I'm actually here covering it for my own website which just went online congratulations you let me know if I can help in any way thanks I I may hold you to that in fact um how would you like to scoop your old paper what are we talking exactly um how about the first real exclusive interview with the real Gabriel August himself never meant to mislead you I hope that we can Leo what are you doing here oh my gosh you not going to believe Gabriel August will be here any minute to chat with me Jackie got me an exclusive I'll be quick I just need to say what I wanted to tell you earlier actually it's what I wanted to tell you for a long time Dam what what's going on you're the first thing on my mind when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep and you're in there a lot in between twoo so um although it's way past the time I should have told you this here it goes that crowd is here for me for you I'm griel August and I'm JK Rowling nice to meet you we don't want to keep you waiting in suspense any longer ladies and gentlemen in a minute it will be my pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time the real man behind Gabriel August I'm sorry I didn't want you to find out this way that's crazy here you're serious I wanted to tell you before I should have I never meant to hurt you I promise how could I have missed this Sophie please I can't do this no please just let me explain please talk to me wait Sophie I love you they need to leave I wanted to tell you I swear here he is Liam [Applause] Bradley I can't believe I that been happen [Applause] again [Applause] [Music] [Music] so Sophie how you holding up I'm fine really this all you keep saying the new website is keeping me super busy I still can't believe he was lying to you all that time I can't believe I didn't see it I mean I told the guy about Lola you don't think he'll put that in some book one day do you he's probably forgotten about us already he's got plenty to keep him busy these days I'm not saying that what he did was okay but I can sort of understand it given the circumstances hone you can't be serious for all we know he was just using her to get a good review or maybe he wanted her to get to know him as a normal person not some celebrity author I I I don't know what to say I really like Liam not too often I'm wrong about people it's not your fault it's nobody's fault but my own I'll bring you a slice of Lola's cobbler that always makes things a little better thanks look I know it's been really rough and if I in the same place I can't say that I'd feel any differently but it's hard for me to believe that he didn't truly care about you not sure what to think anymore but I I do know one thing I I can't can't go back to this whatever we had it's or right [Music] now [Music] [Music] hi guessing this isn't a coincidence well I remember you telling me how much you love Forest Park that it was magical your place to escape and nah told me but don't blame her I called and practically begged her to help me out I just wanted to talk to you before I go you're leaving going back to to New York I can't be in Portland without you and I can't take back being famous now but I've been thinking a lot lately about how things went with us and and what we both made mistakes we each came into this a little broken in some ways but we both know we've never felt this way about anyone before if you can find a way to forgive me I know we can work past this I do forgive you Liam so you give us another chance part of you belongs to the world now whether you like it or not they're they're always going to be there I did that before and you know how badly it ended I'm not him I'm Liam Bradley and I love you don't I'm sorry I I can't do this again on that plane when we first met you told me that first St of evening was good because it was honest I I probably said a lot of things I'm sorry if I was no no you were right I spent the last few years pretending that I wasn't Gabriel Aus that I was better than that that I was meant to write real novels about people's real lives but what's more real than a love story with a sad ending [Music] I should go I have a plane to [Music] catch goodbye [Music] [Music] Sophie don't close the door I'm [Music] here one moment he was alone and [Music] lost and the next she was there feeling the empty seat beside him [Music] [Music] oh my gosh K Gabriel August right close enough do you mind signing something for me I'll be too uh you're going to miss your cab ah there'll always be another one I think you're going to like it I know I do that's the first time I've heard you say that this isn't Vienna Sunset no it isn't and you've put your name as the author noticed that did you I know I'm not going to like the answer to this but what happened to Vienna Sunset kindling Liam what have you done what I should have done before written something that's honest and real a book that I believe in one that I am proud to put my name on so I can see we're going to go a few more rounds with here is kingsfield you up for it nothing I like better I uh I can't wait for you to read it I love seeing you like this excited and passionate it's been a while I feel great well as great as I can you know I feel good about the work a word from Sophie no well give her time anything's possible you really think so I do well I better get rolling let me know what you think of the book you know I [Music] will he hun cancel all my appointments today and book me the first flight out to Portland Oregon [Music] thanks I'm pretty sure the plural of goose is keiss it's not gooses you think so but alas you're the boss how long until the broken truth Chronicles review is done you can't rush genius so how long until the broken truth Chronicles review is done Jackie hello Sophie this is such a surprise I don't want to take up much of your time but do you have a minute this is really impressive it's a labor of love I've been working a lot more than I did at the paper but I like my boss better you're okay otherwise I it took a while but I think I am now I feel good I'm happy for you it's great seeing you Jackie but but I am guessing there's a reason you flew all the way out to Portland Liam is still in love with you Sophie wow you don't beat her on the bush do you well I think it's best to say what I mean and I think you of all people would appreciate that did Liam put you up to this he would kill me if he knew I was here how's he doing better first few months were difficult it was a lot to get used to I can imagine women must have been throwing themselves at him there was only one woman whose opinion mattered and she wasn't in New York why are you here Jackie Liam misses you a lot and I'm guessing that you miss him just as much and I thought you'd want to see this what is it his new book really I a new Gabriel August book a new Liam Bradley book the first actually return to Forest Park he took your advice he wrote something honest something he believes in his book speaks from his heart and he dedicated it to someone very special to him take care [Music] Sophie [Music] we finally put a face to Gabriel LST and now you want to kill him off no I wouldn't put it quite that way but um yeah that is precisely what we want want the book that he was contractually obligated to give us it's not a Gabriel augus novel actually if you look at the contract closely I think you'll find that Liam Bradley owes you a new book not Gabriel August Gabriel August is Liam Bradley Liam where's Vienna Sunset the ases might still be in the fireplace in Portland I don't think it's going to do you much good but we think you are going to love Liam Bradley's new book Ted I understand this is a business and you're is the bottom line correct correct then I hope we have some good news for you you know I'm a fan of test marketing my client's new books to be perfectly blunt I found Liam's new book emotional and Incredibly gripping so I commissioned a market evaluation research and the results are in your hands it achieved the highest rating of any book they've ever tested you know market research doesn't guarantee success it's the book business dad there is no guarantee of success but this is as close as it gets it comes down to this Gabriel August as we all knew him doesn't exist anymore Liam Bradley does and to be honest I feel like I'm just getting started I want Harris kingsfield along for the ride but one way or the other I'm still moving forward [Music] I'm sorry no it's okay I feel like it's all my fault if I hadn't introduced you to Liam you never would have told him about Lola I can't believe he wrote this in his book it's okay no it's it's not Sophie I told him it was okay Liam called me he asked my permission you talk to him he's a good man I know you two had your problems he's a decent guy he made me look handsome and sexy like I told him to how could he not so how is it it's beautiful and smart and funny but so sad uh it's Liam when you were going out with James I kept my mouth shut figured you knew what you were doing without my help you couldn't have been more Rong I don't pretend to know much about relationships I only Lov one woman in my life you found your one true love I know that now but when Lola and I were together it wasn't always so clear loving someone's the hardest work there is I messed up plenty so did she we disappointed each other sometimes we said things we regretted later [Music] but we never let that keep us apart no matter how bad things seemed at the time it wasn't true love because it was easy easy it was because we worked at it we fought for it what am I supposed to [Applause] do you're the only person that can answer [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] EX so do I finally have a happy author they're all out there for you the real you thanks to you you made all this happen well that's sweet but this had very little to do with me your parents would have been so proud you think so I know it so do I have to drag you kicking and screaming out onto the stage again no this time I'm actually looking forward to it shall we let's go knock him dead [Music] kiddo thank you for coming out thank you I know this is a bit unusual but we have some wonderful news to share with you today you recently met this gentleman as the author behind the Gabriel August novels but today we're here to talk about an exciting New Direction I'll let him tell you all about it ladies and gentlemen Liam [Applause] Bradley I love writing from as far back as I can remember I was scribbling things down I've been very fortunate to find people like you who actually want to read what I wrote but for too long I've stayed in the shadows well I'm happy and actually pretty nervous to say that those days are done my new book is called return to Forest Park and as you can see the only name on it is mine yes sir so are you just continuing the Gabriel August romances under a new name not at all there is some romance in it but this book is different it's more a novel of discovery about a man finally finding himself is it autobiographical I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I may incriminate myself let's just say it's honest yes Miss does this mean you've walked away from your deal with Harris kingsfield no I'm thrilled to be staying under the Harris kingsfield umbrella they've been incredibly supportive and I look forward to a long future together Mr Bradley it sounds like return to force park is more personal than your previous novels it does I've learned a lot over this past year and I hope that shows in this new book i' say it's the most personal book I've ever written it must be hard being thrust into the spotlight like this are you worried that it might change you change isn't always a bad thing I know I've been changing a lot lately sure all this is challenging but I finally learned to be comfortable in being Liam Bradley then what you see is what you get can your fans count on that my fans can rest assured that I would never do anything to hurt them because some of us still have deep-seated trust issues that we're working through I'd like to help with those any way that I can are you sure you're up for it absolutely may take a while that's fine by me cuz I hope to spend every day for the rest of my life showing my fans just how much I love them at you want to get your camera ready I think you're going to want to get a shot of this speaking as a big fan myself that sounds like a wonderful new chapter [Applause] don't worry about them all that matters is right [Music] here [Music] wooo
Channel: Cine Fix Media
Views: 580,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2eRv04Bw7zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 33sec (4953 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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