A Royal Christmas Engagement | Full Movie | Heartfelt Romantic Drama

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[Music] that's me Lauren Merry Christmas a marketing executive making her way in the big city pursuing her dreams along with the millions of other hopefuls who abandoned their small small town lives for the sake of Adventure I liked my job mostly but there were days when I questioned if it was worth it but then there were days like this day you wanted to see me when my boss put me on a different sort of project are you familiar with LaMore Chocolat chocolates I like chocolate Everyone likes chocolate but I didn't know know how much I would learn to love chocolate because chocolate would take me back home where chocolate and Christmas are king and ultimately chocolate would also be how I fell in love with a [Music] [Applause] prince [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh Lauren I was looking for you oh please Chelsea don't tell me it's bad news okay I won't it is bad news isn't it Lauren it's no news at all I just wanted to tell you that Mr holiday wanted to see you the second you got in do you know what it's about nope but I wouldn't keep him waiting okay I'll just put my stuff down I'll be right [Music] there you wanted to see me Lauren come on in take a seat Lauren a remarkable opportunity has just fallen into our hands are you familiar with LaMore shalot of course I love them if I had a boyfriend I'd ask for them for Valentine's Day anyway um Horizon has been in charge of their American account for several years and it's not really anything special because over 70% of lamore's business is done in Europe and the UK but after major realignment they've decided they want to change all that in fact they have said that in the next 10 years they would like to split their market share 5050 with Europe and the United States wow that is a tall order yes and I happen to hear through the grape vine that they're very unhappy with Horizon's initial plan for the rollout so they've been talking to other agencies and they're in a hurry to make a decision so we need to present on December 20th oh wow yes wow I want you to do the pitch great yes um why me why you well because you're young let's face it the reason why they're willing to kick Horizon to the curb has to be because they're too old school you cannot reach the average American buyer with old ideas it's not going to happen so I want to start thinking outside of the box make no mistake I do realize that putting you in charge just a huge risk but I do like the risk to reward ratio here and uh let's face it playing smart odds is what got me what I have today however I am bringing in an international consultant to help bolster those odds oh no offenser but I don't need a consultant with all due respect Lauren yes you do okay the LaMore account has far too much potential for me to take any any chances okay who is it uh young man named Paul Morton he comes from one of our partner agencies in Europe from the kingdom of candure right and when does he get here he gets here soon enough so why don't you go to your desk start thinking outside of the chocolate box okay okay thank you [Music] yes don't mess this up Lauren okay can you said that up with my secretary right away thank you Chelsea okay so what did he say well your's executive assistant shouldn't you know L more chocolates L more chocolates oh I'm so happy for you you deserve it thank you I just don't want to get too excited I mean it's a fantastic opportunity but if I blow it it might be my last shot well don't worry you'll be great I heard about the lam more chocolate account and I don't know how you can complain well good morning Daria and I'm not complaining selling chocolate to Americans about as tough as selling tea to the British well I think if that were true they wouldn't have come here and I probably wouldn't have been offered this project it should have been mine I have a lot more experience than you in that marketing category this is so unfair well if you really want to get involved I'm going to need some help in the consumer Behavior Analysis what do you say sorry but I'm busy okay I'll catch you next [Music] time so what are you thinking I'm thinking I do love this whiskey you should it's your whiskey Royal share whiskey Paul that's just a name that you slapped on the bottle I still don't know what it even means I explained it to you in whiskey distilling a tiny bit of the Spirit evaporates from the barrel as the whiskey ages they call this the angel share Royal share is just a play on that after all everybody wants to be a royal what's the matter what could possibly be the matter I get hungry and I click my fingers get bored and the Royal archive contains every book movie TV show ever written in the last 50 years I feel a cold coming on and there's a dozen servants with silk handkerchiefs ready to wipe my nose oh what could possibly be the matter occupational hazard of being a prince you know when I was most happy when you and I were boarding school together of course the only thing we had to worry about was getting caught sneaking into the girl's dorm I just want to do something meaningful with my life you know doesn't have to be grand but it's got to be rewarding and it's got to be mine Edward listen to me responsibility is overrated believe me I was supposed to go to America for an important Consulting assignment chocolates of all things but with Natalie Jew in just 3 weeks I just want to be here for her when the baby's born send somebody else you have dozens of good people that work for you true but no one who I can really trust and no one who can really explain the European market to the Americans known with your uh experience your charm exactly see that's where you're wrong if you're looking someone to take your place in America well I know just a fellow you can't be serious you well why not for a million reasons least of all you're the prince of candir okay does anyone know over there know what you look like no I don't believe so but someone might certainly recognize you but how could you ever pull it off look candir is not exactly on the front of the world stage and whether you believe it or not my face is not plastered all over every magazine cover in America okay agreed but what about your role as consultant you don't think I could pull it off do you you don't think I look like a pool well may I remind you that my grades in Market management were just as good as yours better look Paul please I could really do something like this with my brother next in line for the throne I don't have much else to look forward to what you're asking for is crazy well I could very well just resort to the Royal Decree well then everyone would know wouldn't they and you wouldn't want that I just hope you understand what you might be getting into well well that settles it then to the two poor Mortons absolutely not it's completely out of the question but why well who ever heard of such a thing a prince away during the Christmas holiday look Edward I understand how you're feeling when I was your age I had a desire to get away from candir as well remember I even spent a summer on the Riviera the baron and baroness have done Shey the use of their Cottage stories I could tell you well yes but not during the holiday who will like the raw y log or lead the hunt and what about all the Christmas festivities we have planned as a family who shall do these any of my cousins and for that matter anyone besides you and the Royal press nobody even cares about those things anymore look mother there were Christmases in cire long before I was here and there'll be Christmases long after I'm gone Edward please darling stop being so ridiculous now a prince shall do what it is the prince does I'm not being ridiculous mother and furthermore I am going I just thought I'd give you the courtesy of letting you know but with or without your blessing I'm leaving tomorrow I shall hear no more of this maybe as his brother you can knock some sense into [Music] him look Edward I understand that you're never going to be king and the tradition of Royal duties takes us stall especially under those circumstances but try and see the family's side of it I am but has anyone ever tried to see my side of things I just need my own identity I need something that's just for myself besides I'm only going to be gone a short while well your mind is made up she can't stop you but hurry back as soon as you get this out of your system thanks brother I will save travels I actually wish I could go with [Music] you yes this is Prince Edward Charles yes yes that Prince Edward I'd like to book a first class ticket to America please well immediately yes I know it's Christmas well for the time being we'll make it one way thank you you can forbid him to go mother but if he decides to do it anyway there's no way we can stop him there is one thing I must insist upon Martin yes ma'am he absolutely cannot go alone especially to America you said so yourself there is much to do here at the holidays I couldn't possibly dream of following him oh not us darling your majesty Patrick we have a unique assign assment for you you'll be going away for a while but we must above all be discreet as you wish I'll pack my bags immediately your majesty and your [Music] passport well it's all [Music] settled morning Miss [Music] L have a great day you [Music] too good morning morning Lauren morning Mr holiday has been asking about you oh yeah he wants you to meet that guest he has in from Europe Mr Paul Morton ah right I'm on my way so once we've sorted through all that I'm sure that ah good morning Mr holiday good morning Lauren this is Paul I told you about him yesterday it's an honor Mis luck just Lauren it's fine Paul and I were just talking about some of the logistical issues that we have so as soon as we finish our conversation that two of you can get to work so uh okay I look forward to working with you Lauren yeah it's great they are no mind so how's it going I don't know I've been up all night tossing and turning thinking about this it's driving me crazy well I hope you got it out of your system there's a lot of work to do what do you think well that didn't take her long did it doesn't really matter why because she isn't the one spending her days with him but I'll bet she wouldn't mind taking a shot at him herself I'm sure she wouldn't ladies okay well I am going to get back to work Paul if you need anything don't hesitate to call upon me can we get something off the table before it becomes awkward please I didn't need a consultant I've run multiple accounts by myself I'm capable of handling it that's too bad I was looking forward to working closely together on this fun project why are you looking at me like that like what like you find me amusing inspiring actually would be a better word inspiring absolutely according to John L more chocolates have some major plans here in the US he wouldn't have chosen you to represent them and do the pitch if he wasn't completely confident in your ability abilities I'm merely here to fill in any gaps that may or may not appear yeah well I have a lot of work to do if you want to meet in a couple hours and go over the account that way it'll give me time to prepare a brief for you actually uh how about lunch instead lunch yes lunch I believe that's what it's called here in America it's one of the three main meals of the day it's it's right in the middle right after breakfast yes I am aware I don't take lunch there's never enough time ah well now that you're doing the job of an executive maybe you should start acting like one right and I suppose since it's your first day here it would be rude of me not to take you to lunch well if you insist I'm going to go exchange some funds I shall meet you down in the lobby around [Music] noon okay well what's Christmas like in cire lots of um snow come on I'm serious if I tell you I'm afraid you'll think I'm provincial on that account I do have a confession to make Chelsea that's John's Administrative Assistant she told me about your background she did did she well uh what did she say that you work for one of the largest advertising firms in Candia well that would make it a pretty small company indeed tell me about one of your bigest campaigns uh well the last one was for a locally distilled whiskey company Royals share endorsed by the Royals themselves for real don't look too impressed okay they're just people like you and me so what else did she say that you come from a very wealthy and aristocratic family very wealthy on that one I plead the fifth the fifth where'd you get that from okay let's just say I watch a ton of old American gangster movies oh see shall we [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's so how's the tea well it's not exactly the Fine China and figer sandwiches you promised well doesn't always have to be like that you know but I can do better oh really of course that's what you Americans don't seem to grasp about the fine art of drinking tea it's not actually about the Tea itself otherwise we just have coffee or whiskey no it's about the ritual it's about taking time out of our day no matter how busy we are to Simply clear our heads and think it's what it is to be civilized or some might call it lazy yeah that too like the truth is I've been having trouble coming up with ideas for this pitch well that's what I'm here for look I know you're not crazy about the idea of us working together but see since you don't really have much for a choice you may as well take advantage of me it might be the pressure getting to me but if you have a magic Euro fix for that feel free to let me know I would just say there is no such thing as a new idea we simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental Kaleidoscope we give it a turn and we come up with new and curious combinations please don't tell me you came up with that on but absolutely not no a fellow much wiser than you said that Samuel Clemens but you probably know him better as Mark Twain great so you know more about America than I do too well you don't to rub my nose now I'm not rubbing your nose and anything you're being defensive and you're being snobby I'm not oh am definitely um well if you feel that way maybe you should head back to the office maybe I should [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you want easy Sir Patrick what are you doing here it's your mother sir she made me of course she did come on [Music] please sit feel ahead thank you sir I'm sorry I startled you it's a good thing you're not an enemy spy Patrick good thing for me I I didn't mean to frighten you so you're telling me my parents sent you to follow me I arrived the day after you sir I was supposed to make sure that you were getting on well in America without my knowledge without you knowing sir well you've done a bang up job of that haven't you Patrick I'm tempted to put you on the next plane straight back to cire but I'm afraid my parents would just send somebody else probably somebody more competent so so how about we make a deal you and I what do you propose your highness you give me my space while I'm over here and I'll tell my parents what a fantastic job you've done I've never letting me out of your sight do I have a choice of course not how's the head nothing that another drink couldn't fix you and I [Music] both so you want to show me the art mockups so I can see if there can be something suitable for the CER share company a CER share company in America I get it but first you need to understand the product before you can understand the market that's the thing um the art director hasn't ordered any comps yet because I haven't sent him the direction I was going to work on it this weekend but now I can't why not you'll laugh try me okay I'm going back to Woodfield to my parents house to decorate for children's day it's kind of a family tradition you know sweet but doesn't sound like a very good excuse for avoiding one's duties no offense intended but I'm not exactly here for your leisure the time in which I have to help you is somewhat limited well I don't need any help and it's something I've already committed to so I'm not going to bail tell me about it every year a few week Before Christmas my dad dresses up as Santa my mom and I dress up as elves and it's a big deal to the kids now I know that doesn't sound important to you but it means a lot to us I mean a noble cause for sure but is it really a bigger deal than Landing this new client for your company is it a bigger deal for you than climbing the corporate ladder is it a bigger deal than earning the faith that Mr holiday has placed in you not to mention you're going to lose a day to prepare for the pitch don't worry I know what I'm doing I'm just trying to help you succeed then why don't you come with me you'll gain an entirely New Perspective I don't know maybe something will come to us you're just going up the day you say just the day sounds like a plan wait you actually want to go well why not we can discuss the campaign and the car ride up wait from all the phone calls and distractions here okay mhm don't say I didn't warn [Music] you you get to come back here often not as much as I'd like with my work schedule and it's kind of a long dve well it's worth it look at this it's beautiful it's not like cander it's different candish is this amazing unspoiled country I never really thought I'd find anything else like it but uh this is pretty close have you been I spent a semester in college in London but that's the only time I've been to Europe would you go back I think so if I had a good [Music] [Music] reason so this is where Lauren lot grew up huh yep textbook small American town I like it don't really get used to it here stay up here for a few days with the spotty cell service then tell me how you feel well it all just seems so uncomplicated you know so simple people look happy no one's in a hurry to get anywhere right cuz there's nowhere to hurry to in a town decides everything in it's pretty much at your fingertips I can see that seems like you already miss it I do but you can't do hear what you can do in the city as you can imagine nothing much changes here is not necessarily a bad thing is it no not if you want to be a waitress in a coffee shop or a school teacher but I want to be an not executive I want to help you with that if I can I'll let you know [Music] [Music] here we are home sweet [Music] home mom we're here hi sweetheart and you must be Paul it's so nice to meet you chummed how European I love it let the boy breathe bunnie oh Frank luck pleasure to meet you pleasure is mine Mr luck please it's just Bonnie and Frank how are you sweetheart I'm good well you're not eating enough but we're going to take care of that today I'm eating plenty hi Dad hello princess oh you look great well I was just about to make lunch I hope you're hungry famished famished how European just sit down and relax here you go thank you hope you enjoy it oh my mother's famous eggnog the recipe is a closely guarded Family secret delicious there you go Paul thank you so Paul tell us everything I want to hear exactly what life is like in cander is it really like it seems and all those gossip magazines I read in the grocery store mom please just let him eat his lunch didn't realize we were in your magazines over here what a surprise mhm sure ask away I don't mind well is it just parties all the time fancy balls things like that Mom I don't think it's a fairy tale I wish no my life is actually pretty similar to that of any executive in any large city really I spend most of the day in the office talking to um clients meetings with clients and uh you discussing clients going to go home and you know watch the television well just make sure you don't work your whole life away I've always told Frank he worked too hard he should have spent more time just enjoying life that's right she did that's what I've been trying to tell this one slow down take some time to smell the roses is that right princess that is right hat that's a it's ironic you know what is your nickname for Lauren princess why is that well believe it or not I've actually U met a few princesses in my time no really actual royalty quite a few in fact oh but believe me they are nothing like Lauren they're not uh no I mean um you know most princes is a a cold and spoiled where is Lauren um Lauren is just the opposite he kind caring a tribute no doubt so her to a wonderful upbringing so sweet is that sweet dear just need a little more P so how'd your father get suckered into this job suckered he volunteers I have never seen him so happy really yep he loves to complain about it but as soon as the kid sit on his knee and tell him what they want for Christmas you'll see his face just lights up now that is something I'm looking forward to seeing it's been fun right yeah it's been Del life and a really welcome break from the city you know I figured you wouldn't regret it you figured correctly and I really enjoyed meeting your parents I can see where you get your festive Spirit from and it is adorable but don't forget we still got a lot of work to get done and not much time to do it I know but I'll get it done don't you worry about me whatever you say Miss [Applause] luck [Music] Patrick what are you doing in my room and where have you been following you of course sir you do realize this can't end well what can't end well I saw you with the young lady I saw how you were with each other and look I sympathize with you sir I really do but your parents they never understand this I refuse to go through life making decisions based on what my parents want I just what if I just gave it all up I don't I don't understand sir relinquish my stupid Royal duties and just let go but sir that's simply unheard of you'd lose your entire Birthright you'd give up everything and for what a commoner it's been done before she's not a common of Patrick she's an American [Music] well well well so so what so this weekend no calls no texts and then I hear he spent the weekend with you and your parents it was all very professional God I hope not okay well you owe me some details later but right now Mr holiday wants to see you about what do you think okay Mr holiday Lauren come on in here I need an update come on okay okay um it's yeah it's it's it's it's going well it's going well that's that's great update what's wrong I just got a call from Lam more shakal lot and they want us to push our pitch up they tell me they want to do a test on some of their social media buys which means they're probably going to want to tease our advertising campaign M how long soon I told him that would not be a problem now that's not going to be a problem is it Lauren no no no I of of course not it is that is that's not going to be that's not going to be a problem Lauren stop stammering mhm you need to sound more confident stand up straight stand up straight make me pay attention got it good that's the spirit now go on work on this okay slow down you okay yeah I just got the career break I always wanted and I have nothing zilch I a blank page well you told me not to worry about you right that you'd uh get yourself together remember that's not fair don't use my own words against me I wouldn't dream of it all right hello is anybody here over here hi can I help you perhaps an an old friend of mine from University said he was coming to town for a few days he said that he works here maybe you know him Paul Morton yes well he's not here I see any idea where I might find him I think your friend is staying at the hotel Lafayette a colleague of mine just went to check on him but you will probably find them here okay knowing Lauren she'll probably want to take him to her favorite restaurant if you hurry you might be able to catch them thank you Daria Daria and if that doesn't work out my number's on there give me a call and maybe I can think of something else yeah I might just do that I will thank you [Music] Dar [Music] W come on in oh wow this is nice make yourself at home what's that well you also SP my biggest campaign here it is my pride and joy a product of candir a bottle of whiskey I thought perhaps maybe your father might like it I'm sure he will fact do you want to try it sure never really had whiskey does it need ice no actually for this kind we're just going to drink it neat without ice I know that two La more chocolates and a successful [Music] campaign you like Smooth my thoughts exactly perhaps a little too elegant for my taste buds fair enough so what shall we do about dinner well Mr holiday they did give me a company credit card to help cover your incidental expenses so we could cover them at my favorite Italian restaurant Splendid idea I'll get my coat that's one of the things that's making this so challenging I mean usually when we release a new product we have a distinct demographic that we're targeting yeah but this isn't exactly a new product no but we do need a new approach something that takes the same product but spins it in a new light you know in candes we don't always have this kind of luxury we're just too small of a market it's the same for a lot of European countries so we're forced to Market to practically everyone right but I don't think that a broad-based approach is exactly going to blow them away plus the larger the audience the more careful you have to be with your advertising I just really need to impress the more chocolates it's a cash 22 look it all comes down to that mark twn quote right there are no new ideas it's just about how you repackage them so what you need is a new Twist on a Time tested idea right like putting out a paperback version of an old classic right so instead of a big volume you have a small version that you can fit in your pocket you reach a way bigger audience and you spend less on manufacturing Gourmet chocolates to go maybe [Music] would you like to order sir no no I'm I'm still looking I'm still thank you yeah your highness good evening Patrick I've been expecting a call from you a call that never came a thousand pardon johness but my afraid my mission here has been severely compromised ah I was afraid that might happen it didn't take Prince Edward too long to discover that I was surveilling him senses are so very sharp so very keen I know another Talon he picks up from mother so what now well I'm doing my best to stay out of sight he's having dinner right now with a young lady I don't think he knows that I'm here well don't press him too closely maybe he'll get this out of his system quickly and return home time for the holidays I mean perhaps but I'm not so sure he isn't fooling for the young lady it's friendly I think things might get complicated excuse me I'll do what you can mother will have our heads if Edward misses the family tree lighting ceremony understood I shall do my best [Music] johness I guess you've probably had better meals in Italy this place is pretty big basic but I love it here I mean I have died extensively in Rome but God I love this place just feels so real that it is and it's been here forever and shall continue to be so I'm sure so what's uh life like in cire are the girls pretty there some of them but you ask me I prefer American girls they strike me as more sincere and caring definitely cuter oh how many American Girls have you met just you [Music] right so what happens when this pitch goes well you have the client is all happy what then I guess my stock Rises within the company then what what do you mean I'm just trying to work out your angle like what is it you're really working for I guess I never really thought of it like that I mean ever since I was a freshman in college I wanted to be in advertising I started at the Bottom Rung of a good agency just worked my way up better clients bigger accounts I knew the rest and figure itself out and having all that that would make you happy absolutely what about you you must be in the same boat right can't imagine it's that different in Canda I guess I guess I kind of got into my business by luck never really had a passion for it I mean I I like working you know I like work but there must be more to life no yeah maybe for you there is it's cold out [Music] very she get going [Music] okay yeah come on in sorry sir I didn't mean to interrupt no you're not interrupting I'm just uh signing this year's Christmas cards I like to do it myself gives it that Personal Touch so how goes the advertising campaign fine I mean it's challenging with the time crunch but it's going well oh good cuz I wouldn't want you to disappoint me especially not during Christmas chocolate um no I'm okay thanks I already have chocolate on the brain I bet you do you know these things are really good I think the kids would really love them if they weren't so darn expensive you make a point what is it why are you hovering uh yes I was just going to ask if you wanted me to run my ideas by you why do you need to well no I just thought I'd ask in case you wanted to approve of my Approach Lauren I gave you this opportunity because I thought you were ready for it okay my job is not to be your personal sounding board that's what Paul is for go sound board off of him right of course I'm sorry to have bothered you hey just a second Merry [Music] Christmas thank you sir you're [Music] welcome which way is your office that way thank you what did he say um he said that I should do whatever I want and stop bothering him really no but that's the gist of it so I just told him everything's going well is it and what about Paul what do you mean come on Lauren it's me your best friend I mean there's nothing to tell he works for a company in candy Shire not New York so I'll never see him again he could decide to stay yeah and I could decide to move to candir please we don't even know if he likes me here you are just ready to marry me off besides I have got bigger problems to worry about I have the most important presentation of my life in a few days and I'm so lost I I don't know if I'm coming or going well what you need is a vacation yeah and I'll get a permanent one if I don't figure something out soon well that's what they pay you the big bucks for you'll think of something you always do and as for pretty boy maybe you need to make the first move guys like that are way too polite she's right you [Music] know okay what's the matter at this point you should be feeling so much better about everything no I do it's just all of this is theoretical our whole strategy it's just based on our past experiences at Executives okay well what's wrong with that well nothing I mean we need that obviously but we're missing something you know if we had all the time we needed I would hire a market research firm to conduct a study get out of our heads and figure out what the ordinary customer thinks right I was thinking about doing a focus group but the only problem is yeah time exactly I know those companies need weeks even months to prepare why don't we just do it ourselves what a market research study well for one thing this is a really big city imagine going door too asking questions to strangers a nine out of 10 times they would slam the door in our face and that is if we're lucky okay okay fine maybe not here but perhaps somewhere a little more agreeable Windfield well why not you know there is this incredible caroling event coming up there's going to be thousands of people on Main Street at one time all singing Christmas carols I mean it's perfect it's it's a pre-made Market cross-section right there at your fingertips but can you get your hands on enough chocolate samples to actually make it happen yeah well we certainly can try then I say you go for it are you down to help [Music] me absolutely great you you have it's just it okay yeah got it kind yeah [Music] okay hey you oh hey um Daria you know my name I'm surprised of course we uh we met my first day here so how's the campaign going pretty good I think we have some uh some solid ideas I hear the two of you might be going on a little vacation together walls here are very thin you know a lot of people didn't think that Lauren deserved this account they felt it should go to someone with a bit more experience just keep in mind if you're ever at a loss for a good idea I have plenty all you have to do is ask uh thanks I wrote my sonone number on the back good to know trip to Woodfield no I don't know Lauren just not sure how good of the use of your time that's going to be I'm not arguing whether or not it's a good use of my time sir I'm not running my ideas by you anymore remember I'm just asking for a supply of little more chocolates to use as samples for my research so yes or no well when you put it that way way I can hardly say no good I'm glad you see things my way okay oh and uh Merry Christmas sir thank you you're [Music] welcome he said yes he had no choice when are we leaving well how soon can you pack [Music] she was the cutest one in the play I still remember that oh we knew you were going to be something special Paul how it a bourbon Tennessee's best actually Frank I've got a little something I'd like you to try I told him you were a whiskey Drinker and he got really excited I think he might have brought you a little something he did Bonnie you like to try some tea oh no not for me you going to bother rosing cheers neat now this gentleman knows how to serve a good whiskey properly but what is it Candace's finest you call it Royals share and it's actually a brand I'm very proud to have my company sponsor we created the entire a campaign for it so it's not really from the royals well they did give it the Royal seale of approval you know it doesn't get any better than this good whiskey my Prince's home at the holidays and a warm fire yeah until you can't walk tomorrow oh here we go what does that mean they sell perfectly good firewood at the market $20 a bundle plus there's half a dozen neighborhood kids will deliver it for a few bucks but no your father has to go out and chop it himself dad you cut that in the woods the last time he did that his back was out for a week I am not going to let you sit there and tell me that I am too old to cut my own firewood suddenly are they like this back in Candace here Paul I uh I guess it depends I'm sure it's the same everywhere boys will be boys but what I'd really like to know is what is Christmas like over there it must be magical I know it is indeed um perhaps more austere austere you mean uh was tacky no no no I didn't say that I meant it as as a compliment it's so so refreshing it's just one of the things I love about being here just one of the things can I freshen that up for you Paul [Music] indeed come in hey mind if I sit down sure I never sleep while out here you kidding it's so peaceful I know it's stupid right I think I've become too cified that's what I'm used to there's no honking horns no garbage trucks in the middle of the night it's too quiet I stay up all night long thinking something's gone wrong think I know what's keeping you up well I was doing some reading before turning in myself and I saw this an old ad full of more chocolates H what does it say to you and Simply the Best isn't good enough it's cold and snobby and and it makes me feel like I'm not worthy of their chocolate exactly so we need to come back with just the opposite message you know Lam more chocolates needs to say take the taste of lam more wherever you go yeah I like what you're thinking luxury fit forever everyone [Music] precisely well good night [Music] princess M something smells good sit down you two I'll make you some lunch sorry we don't have time what do you mean you don't have time you're busy Bonnie let him be oh we are going to conduct a product survey at the winter carolcade the winter Carol Cade we haven't been to one of those in years too many people and I hear it gets bigger every year well that's what we're hoping for besides who doesn't like free candies at Christmas time nobody doesn't like free candy hope you brought enough well well we got all we could lay our hands on guess I'll I'll have to do well if we didn't we'll have to rely on your charm and good looks thanks Mom good luck you [Music] two beautiful day [Music] [Music] she like that one thank you so much thank you good hi do you want to try one sure this one's got a Center do you like it yeah it's really good I'm liking it not o thank you and how do they compare and which one would you buy for yourself this one that one good perfect thank you so much thank you hi this is really working out we're getting real person answers across a wide range of potential customers I know it's like doing five different survey groups all at once it's Brant so what do you really think I think I've never seen anything lovia lovia I don't know if that's the right word for the winter carade carcade yes we are talking about the carade of course what else would I mean okay well since you're asking I've been meaning to tell you that what are these hi like TR one yes please eight now I'll give it a score out of 10 10 for sure I perfect thank you thank you you saying yes I was uh saying um maybe when all this is done we could uh what you know we could maybe yeah but having a good time of course you are who wouldn't be Carol Cade's one of the biggest events of the Season chocolate thank you please take one now how about a nice big smile for the camera no thank you look excuse me what is going on like thanks folks we'll see you on the society [Music] page what was that it's a local newspaper circulation yes top shelf all the way in Woodfield supposed so hi she likes some choc [Music] sure you listen to me if you ever get tired of life in candy sure you always have a place to stay with us thank you bunny and if I ever go on that European Vacation that Frank's been promising me since our honeymoon I'll expect the same you have my word if you ever make it to cander you get the Royal Treatment bye M bye sweetie bye [Music] Dad thank you both for everything you've been more than kind you're welcome bye [Music] you uh sure you don't want to come up for a while I can help you put the finishing touches on your presentation yeah no thanks I I want to get as much of this done as I can by myself it's really my chance to show them what I'm capable of plus I have this little art project I want to work on art project well fair enough you know I I never could have done any of this without your help I hope you know that let's just wait until tomorrow okay you can thank me then all of our work our planning the moment of truth it's finally here you've got this right you know it yeah you could sell ice to a penguin just be firm and confident and let your talent carry you and remember never doubt your instincts I am I still have a lot of work to do till tomorrow yep till tomorrow good night [Music] night you almost ready yep just about well the client's going to be here any minute I will greet them and then take them to Mr holiday's office that's where you come in sounds good Lauren it's now or never girl good luck thank you um I think I mean we believe that we have the ability to position chocolates as a musthave item for the American Consumer excuse me Lauren we believe we have been exceptionally clear about the direction we would like to see this campaign take the more chocolates is one of the most exclusive confectionaires in all of Europe what sets us apart from our competition is our unwavering Devotion to the finest quality ingredients and that's what will allow us to capture the American Market actually you're wrong what look I think you're a little ahead of your skis here Lauren with all due respect if you knew how to capture the American audience well you wouldn't be sitting here excuse me but you don't so you need the holiday agency Lauren look the two of you strike me as people who can handle the truth so I here it is America isn't Europe you think that you know how to sell chocolate to us but you don't we do I have studied your projections I have looked at them closely and to get even close to hitting the numbers that you're looking for and you're going to have to sell your chocolates in more places than Fifth Avenue and Magnificent Mile and they will sell here's the answer small compact high quality chocolates that fit into any budget and you can sell them everywhere movie theaters gas stations drug stores grocery stores I mean anywhere that you can think of and we have the data to back it up it fits in your purse it fits in your pocket but most importantly they'll fit in your budget it's perfect for the consumer who doesn't want to buy a full 30C count box of chocolates they only want to buy one personalized Gourmet to-go box and once they try it well they're hooked a smaller version of our regular product line I never thought of that before I like it and you can Market these little jewels in places you never even dreamed possible this will open up an entirely new set of demographics for you new customers treating themselves to a taste of luxury without outbreaking the bank everyone will want one of these holiday thank you we were right to reach out to your firm yes you were we aim to [Music] please you nailed it I nailed it [Music] so uh I don't want to sound condescending but I'm really proud of you thank you oh and tonight we can celebrate he yeah um with everything going on I forgot but it is the Central City reception tonight the what Central City it's our new Museum they have an opening Gala and Mr holiday is on the board of directors so I have to go and I thought you know you weren't busy or you didn't have anything to do um I want you to be my [Music] date uh I don't know um oh come on the Press will be there and everything you'll have a great time the Press H oh um I'm sorry I just I thought that you know maybe you just want to go with me but um no of course of course I'd uh I'd love to go okay well I heard Mr holiday had a very productive conversation with our newest clients well they're about to leave if you want to say goodbye of course I think it would be bad for him if they're in New York County Executive didn't if you'll excuse me so I guess she did pretty well with a little help from you well little is the right word she did everything she really is quite amazing and is that Paul Morton talking or Prince Edward I see how long have you known Daria gave me this I guess someone from the paper recognized you now it's all over the place oh dear I was afraid of this does Lauren know who you are well no I mean not yet anyway I mean I haven't exactly been forthcoming with her have you told anyone yet no I figured it wasn't my place well thank you I know I should have told her a long time ago but I was just enjoying our time together so much I don't want to ruin anything by throwing a a stupid royal title into the mix I I really liked being just [Music] me well it's none of my business but how are you going to handle this I think Lauren really likes you and I really like her do you think she'll be upset when she finds out I'm a prince of cander why don't you ask her yourself Lauren I can explain you can try I just don't see how it's going to change anything you lied to me you're not Paul Morton no Paul is a dear friend of mine his wife was having a baby so he couldn't come so I begged him to allow me to come here and represent him so I could just escape the frustration and just utter boredom of being a prince Royal life was killing me so you pretended to be him because you were bored please did you find me entertaining did [Music] you I'm such an idiot I thought I thought you liked me I do like you Laura more than I've I've ever liked anyone ever before no please let me explain I don't even know your name it's Edward well Prince Edward thank you for your time goodbye [Music] Lauren can't imagine how good it feels to hold you Mis luck just Lauren it's [Music] fine I think I've never seen anything lovely can I [Music] prin never doubt your instin am here with you here with you hit me here with you just one dance with you [Music] you sure you sure I look okay if that's just okay then I might as well be the elephant man I'm serious you look beautiful beautiful enough to be a princess please I think I drove the last nail into that coffin I wouldn't be so sure when you were out of the room he told me that he really liked you hint hint really liked you yeah well he had a really funny way of showing it besides that ship's already sailed I wish you'd change your mind to come with me you don't have to go alone I mean you do have his number what I can't call him why would I do that because you didn't give him a chance I know you were hurt but you could have at least heard him out I heard enough look he is a prince who knows what his motives were but if you never find out you're only hurting yourself maybe but I'm not going alone come on let's find you something to wear God what a mess of things I've made Patrick tell me it was all a bad dream I'm afraid not sir is she called no sir but I have been talking to your parents all afternoon and I'm afraid that your appearance here is made from page news in Candace Shire they were not pleased to say the least naturally naturally naturally I been asked to bring you home immediately we have a private flight book for 11:00 this evening sorry but I can't go I must speak to Lauren sir before your identity was known I could have understood but now that it's out in the open I have to insist you must think of the crown sir oh the crown bloody Crown my entire life all I've ever thought of is the crown here i' I finally found someone that I care about who I believe cares about me and not because I'm royalty or heir to a kingdom what did I do I lied to her and what is done is done sir and I'm afraid that there's nothing that neither one of us can do your mother was very specific with her orders you know I'm a grown man with my own mind and I don't take orders from my mother and I certainly don't take them from you no of course so no all that I meant I know exactly what you meant Patrick what's done is done but that doesn't mean it can't be undone what does that mean it means get ready we're going [Music] out [Music] wow Mr holiday really outdid himself T did that I'm really glad you came yeah it's not a big deal it wasn't that I didn't want to mhm it was just that what I was just hoping that you would get over your stupid pride and call up your prince stupid Pride huh well that's easy for you to say nothing good was going to come from it anyway no no by the time I would have been head over heels for him he would have flown back to candid here forever well you could have jetted back with him it's happened before you ever think about that oh yeah at least a dozen times today are you happy ecstatic good I'll get you a drink make it a double you see you I don't see you come on missed the whole I uh I must apologize for my charade I do hope no harm was done no no no no harm was done at all your highness I'm just glad you decided to come to our little opening and I can't tell you how delighted I was to get your phone call well when I heard about your very special evening how could I resist I seem to recall you saying something about a generous donation yes uh Patrick oh here you go Sir with the uh Queen's regards of course thank you you oh that's fantastic this is a check for a million dollars yes well it's a feel most worthy contribution to the the education in the Arts I have have no idea what to say um here ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please I would like to propose a toast to our newest sponsor who just handed me a check for $1 million Prince Edward Charles of cander oh [Applause] brother I must be off so thank you very much thank you thank you what do you want look I just want to to say that I'm sorry what I'm sorry for the way this all played out and I'm sorry for my part in it I mean it was in the papers but I didn't have to be the one who leaked it to Chelsea this is going to come out anyway true but I should have stayed out of it I'm not proud of what I did I was just jealous you did deserve to find out like that well thanks for that you okay no I get it but may I give you some advice people always say you should never be too proud to admit when you're wrong but more importantly you should never be too proud to admit when you're right what is that supposed to mean it means the guy made a mistake but by not not forgiving him think about who you're really punishing all right it's a nice entrance looks like you found your friend I did thank you well let's get you a [Music] drink you look beautiful tonight my stomach is a knot my phone won't stop ringing and um my face it's on the cover of every tablet in the supermarket I'm sorry about that oh and the guy that I was falling for well it turns out he's been lying to me the entire time so you have no idea how sorry I am but I can't do anything about who I am why should I believe [Music] you because the only reason I didn't tell you before is because I didn't want what we had to change I wanted it to mean something on its own mer and it wouldn't have done if you knew who I really was wow must think I'm pretty shallow of course not but you're really going to stand there and tell me that that everything that we've done together everything that we've been through nothing would have been different if you had known who I really was if I told you that I was a prince instead of just an ordinary person there's so many times so many times you could have said something I know and I should have and I didn't and I'm sorry I was just I was afraid I was afraid that I told I was afraid that if I told you it would just ruin everything learn I've never felt like this before well unfortunately I don't know if I can believe you what about you I mean you weren't exactly the warmest when we first met excuse me oh you made it perfectly clear that you you didn't need me or want me around how on Earth was I supposed to open up and tell you the truth that is low Edward that is really low all I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter why we hit it off just that we did you're right it doesn't matter why but it does matter who you are look I'm the same person Lauren the same person who fell in love with you and the same person who I hope you fell in love with Now's the Time if you love me you have to tell me my flight leaves this evening please just trust your instincts tell me not to go [Music] please okay [Music] Edward what the please don't [Music] [Applause] go [Music] she well they should be here any minute I got word the plane landed no delays excellent Martin Majesty somewhere to see you your majesty Patrick I'm afraid that there's been a slight change of plans Prince Edward Charles has fallen in love oh [Music] dear so if I may ears to the spirit of Christmas and good willll to all mankind and above is to love the finding of it the cherishing of it and the keeping of it Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry [Music] Christmas from that moment on my life would never be the same again I went from being a marketing executive to a princess almost overnight or maybe we should say marketing executive [Music] princess Mr holiday's faith and me paid off big time when he signed a huge contract with Lam more chocolates and Chelsea became the ad executive she always dreamed [Music] of after a tumultuous 3-week relationship Patrick enlisted in the Queen's Royal Army to escape Daria and even my future mother-in-law finally came to love me sort of with the help of Edward's brother my mom and dad finally got the European Vacation they had always dreamed of and everyone lived happily ever [Music] [Music] after [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 361,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, A Royal Christmas Engagement, Paige Bach
Id: TF4Isgq5HAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 12sec (5172 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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