Millionaire in LOVE with a poor MAID 💕😲😍

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[Music] good evening arena it's time [Music] there you go thank you arena it's time mom you're running late [Music] [Laughter] [Music] arena it's time [Music] breakfast in bed mom wake up part one [Music] arena wake up oh hello good morning good morning sleepyhead good morning mom wow what is this breakfast in bed just for you everybody is up except you we've tried waking you up three times i'm sorry and you're running late oh really oh my gosh of course i'm late thank you my darlings mom this suit is perfect thank you so much are you nervous my little athletes no that's right the trainer says that i'm more prepared than anybody that's because you are the most talented all right see you later good luck hey mom is daddy coming to my competition of course he will my darling he promised he would maybe will you come too tanya i can't because of daddy no you don't want to see him no it's because of work honey i can't get out of it i'm sorry we are going to the cafe after maybe you'll be free by then maybe please call me okay wait wait wait i left a pin on the suit what where i left a pin here okay looks good the suit looks great doesn't it nobody will think it's homemade it's perfect you are my wizard there is no difference from the original just like the magazine all right so i'll see you at work yes and you break a leg yes goodbye call me [Music] so champion time to get ready i need to be on time for work after i drop you off grandma i'm ready and you're not your hula hoop is not ready yet [Music] so [Music] good morning ivan oh good morning arena please wait we need to make a decision about the repairs at least about the smaller changes by winter well i know ivan i know how beautiful well thank you [Music] all right hey hi weren't you going to take the day off well they wouldn't let me take it bastards on the other hand my bae is coming are you kidding me hello hello so everybody everybody everybody come here come here come here all of you be quick hey you yeah over here now quickly quickly quickly is everybody here come here all of you as the best hotel in the city we have been given the honor of hosting the seventh international business seminar wow so please pay attention to all of our customers needs and wishes all right so don't forget anything here we go japanese customers in rooms 211 and 226. they look similar but [Music] god forbid god forbid if anybody makes a mistake they are from competing companies it will be enough if you smile and nod at them then in room number 507 take the carpets and drapes off the guest is allergic he's bringing his own bed sheets be quiet be quiet a banker has a mercedes an account with six figures but can't breathe six figures how do you know this room 509 the guest has a pet he is an event planner wait this is the fifth floor how can i remove hair from corners every 20 minutes natasha it's a small little dog so deal with it and make sure there are no dog hairs [Music] so because he's an event planner he has a little dog what what's wrong please be quiet natasha the mini bar must always be stocked okay so what about matvey tanya persuaded him to come he's going to his daughter's competition for once he hasn't showed up in five years and suddenly he's coming i said be quiet and the main guest is mrs stein relax relax relax she is our regular customer so be very patient you could take my bags this lady is extremely irritable but you already know all that you don't need me to explain that to you one time she threw a vase at one of the guys do you remember that fight we had get out get out of here now this time let her throw it at you let her throw it and be very patient [Music] that's all for now go to your places have a good day stop stop stop stop a perfect staff is invisible what the hell is this once more a perfect step is invisible that's all you can go to your places now the hotel is full of rich men and i need to be invisible volusina hang on i'll be waiting for you by the door natasha hello i already saw you we need to talk what i need your advice it's about a girl is she the same one or another the same one wasn't it helpful enough last time no it wasn't she's always running away but i kept thinking the signs were all there look i'm busy now okay when then maybe later later when i don't know if you see me we can talk come on come on come on come on come on come on come on you need to go to the restaurant and i need to clean after that dog go on go i don't even know but why me look she couldn't show me a certificate of completing higher education this is your chance yes but a personal manager it's the same as staff order the dinner and just take care of the other things that are relevant to our guests um but if he has some special wishes call me and i'll take care of it what do you mean by special wishes but you're like a little girl sometimes i don't know what kind of wishes he might have what if he wants to order i don't know dancing bears dancing bears listen i can only come to you do you know how many problems i have our plumbers started drinking drinking it doesn't matter an engineer is sick if it's bears he wants as far as he gets deal all right go get changed now a management school dropout if you are good enough at this i'll promote you to manager thank you for this opportunity congratulations oh please a personal manager that's great mr gardner gardens [Music] isn't this mr gordon's car yes it's gordon's car and how is mr gordon doing he's doing okay is mr gordon cancelling his appearance [Music] please everyone mr gordon is okay he has not canceled his appearance [Music] are you hiding something [Music] is mr gordon feeling ill will he show up tomorrow mr gordon one minute please mr gordon answer the question please mr gordon is it true that you've given a limousine to the orphanage i gave them a bus who will be your companion to the governor's ball i'm going alone the apartments are great i tried to take all of your comments from your previous visit you have the windows facing south and there's lots of room between the bed and the dressing table but the room is yellow i don't like yellow that is the color of separation i want the blue one the blue deluxe suite is occupied unfortunately so then just make it available your room is better first of all it's bigger and second there's a much better bathroom but is it also yellow mr gordon mr gordon do you have a minute for me please do you have anything to say regarding the gossips about your engagement with the famous actress i don't know what you're talking about by the way this is the guest from the blue deluxe suite artem gordon 35 years old millionaire and single and he's your neighbor blue deluxe suite is right next door to the yellow apartment but if you insist i can relocate you to the higher floor no i'll get used to the color yellow but please make some changes change the tablecloths curtains i don't know do something of course of course [Music] your promotion is canceled cancelled go to the yellow deluxe suite and change everything from yellow to blue what am i going to do i don't know what maybe change the curtains table gloves flowers anything of course i'll do that but what about gordon i'll take gordon myself so i didn't assign a new maid so this is still your floor understand do it but mr lee hey hold on wait a minute everyone wants to know what's your ideal image of a woman is she a blonde brunette or a redhead i don't have an ideal image mr gordy how about asian girls sir one more question for our magazine who is your ideal woman you see it depends on my mood i've answered you excuse me hold on hold on but where are you running off to just one minute please everyone please artem will answer your questions later on this evening i promise please tell us is it true that there is an anaconda in gordon's apartment [Music] excuse me where can i find the exit turn right thank you hey have you have you seen the boss no no who was that the plumber i've been working here for three days and i don't know anybody where's the exit to the right thank you be careful why don't you look where you're going i'm sorry where's the exit right there i see are you a new hire yes this is my first day ah who are you my name's artem and what's your name i mean your department who am i mm-hmm what is it that you do here at the hotel an engineer oh great my name is arena that's great they recruited you so quickly i heard lapin will be in the hospital for a long time arena arena have you seen compete no the plumber yes no oh my did you take the flowers to the yellow suites yes i have but the plumbing is broken the room is full of water are you kidding me can you repair plumbing i can try do you have tools yes we'll find something who is he's our new engineer now hurry up did the boss invite you no the governor and do you have tools yes oh my god we'll get a towel quick here it is all right so hold it here and i'll turn the water off i'm holding it hold it okay wait a sec i'll turn it off is it okay are you crazy you said you turned it are you sure you're a off i'm an engineer like i said well i turned it off i don't believe you try it did it work why are you laughing [Music] natasha thank god you're here please bring me some dry clothes from the closet oh my god you're all wet i know i need to change the bed don't worry i'll do it be quick and you'll be quick too okay uh-huh [Music] uh will it take long no it won't have you been working as a maid for a long time no this is my last day are you leaving no i've been promoted my congratulations you have a beautiful rare name thank you your name is rare as well really are you married what i asked if you were married sorry for asking it was just a question that's okay uh-huh uh well it seems to be fixed now oh wow it's okay now that's great maybe we can have a cup of tea at the bar no no i have a lot of work to do and you're all wet you better go change your clothes you're right uh you can go now you're right i need to go uh and uh um and the t let's have it another time you're gonna be here a while aren't you replacing lappin right yes i'll be here for a week oh you forgot your bag yes thank you thanks no not natasha can we talk don't you see i'm in a hurry you're always in a hurry no i can't get out go to room number 505 right away a couple is checking in the wife just told us that her husband wasn't allowed to drink but i have to take this suit you're on their way up now but it's urgent this is urgent too let him take the clothes here you have five minutes to empty the mini bar and where should i take it give it to arena to take to miss stein's room cechetta five boys that's great there are 20 rooms hi vic hello you know mrs stein's room number by any chance no do you mean the ballet dancer i don't know check with reception she's not on my floor thank god well thank you you should be careful i heard that old broad killed her husband and came here to find a new one she also threw a vase at us [Music] do [Applause] [Music] did you recognize that ballet dancer stein i wonder how old she is she must have had plastic surgery i want a drink is there a mini bar don't even dream about it darling there's nothing but water i think there's someone in here who could possibly be in here good day i'm sorry for being late cleaning your room we need to change the pillow you deserve a better one than this i'll be back [Music] look at this room yeah it looks really nice oh and what a wonderful view [Music] why are you taking so long call me asap have you fixed the plumbing what's going on how long do i have to wait i'm very sorry but your room is not ready yet let me take you to the bar oh that's just great well can you tell me arena stein's room number what's this what are you doing here what do you mean you told me if i understand correctly this is your suit wait is there a woman with the same suit staying in this hotel no it's impossible can you not see the problem here get out of here ah what a terrible coincidence it's awful but to forget this misunderstanding let me take you to the bar i need to change clothes now but your room is not ready yet then you will never see me again because i'm done regina go get my coat my purse artem there's going to be a meeting with destroying best representatives at three people dinner with stroy investors representatives a meeting with the governor at 7 30 a meeting with the governor you have a press conference in the hotel at 8 pm move it to tomorrow you'll be busy tomorrow or maybe i can be sick no unfortunately too bad and by the way you're confirmed for the governor's ball do i have a date yet not yet but you know it would probably be better if you came with one so why don't you find me a 90 year old woman i'm tired of all these questions about my life i'm afraid in that case there'd be a lot more questions coming your way hmm [Music] oh you know sometimes i wish i could be on an uninhabited island where nobody knows who i am unfortunately journalists are everywhere these days i wish people could be nice to me not just for my money artem listen we gotta get going huh oh yeah give me 10 minutes i'll wait for you downstairs [Music] the room is ready where are you great and where are you the yellow deluxe suite is ready only took a year natasha have you heard the boss is with a ballet dancer her face seems to be full of botox it looks like a mask natasha where is my suit what do you mean i mean that i'm standing here naked wearing a bathrobe in the hallway by the yellow suite get out of there they're on their way up what do you mean up here i asked you to please bring me my suit but the boss interrupted me and i sent seresia to you [Music] hello hello hi nice bathrobe it suits you what were you doing there i was checking the plumbing anybody else in there no wait hello stay there i'll go find him [Music] mrs stein if you need something else your luggage will be here in just a minute i'm a smart employee please send her up to me right away i want to fire my assistant i'm sure everything will be fine just mind your own business you are so incredibly incompetent you were supposed to check everything what if somebody came to the event wearing the same suit [Music] do you like it i've cleaned this room a thousand times i'm just interested in the kind of man that likes staying here does that matter i will be his personal manager as of tomorrow hmm i made for a businessman frankly speaking i went to school for management excuse me i haven't finished my degree yet for a personal reason what kind of reason it doesn't matter to be honest with you i i have a dream i wish i could have my own little hotel ambitious yes why not how come he gets to do it maybe he's special yeah he's special what do you mean he throws his socks on the floor like a typical man what kind of a weird habit is that yeah yeah he's awful does your husband throw socks tanya mommy my competition starts in 30 minutes i know that but daddy isn't here yet what do you mean you heard he may just be running late he's not going to come where are you what are you out of your mind you promised her she's waiting for you monve you are such a horrible you are such a scum is everything okay no it's not okay my daughter tanya has a competition today and no one is there to support her did your husband get tied up with business no i don't have a husband [Music] seriously [Music] are you an idiot take it away immediately where [Music] they had the wrong room where's the suit it's there [Music] hello oh hello [Music] how do you do is everything okay yes thank you [Music] the hotel's great [Music] are you from the restaurant [Music] [Applause] what time is breakfast from eight to ten it's for the guests and from six to seven it's for the staff oh thank you marina is everything okay everything's fine goodbye have a good night goodbye excuse me sir please let me go i need to go to my daughter's competition did you just find out about it no my husband had promised to come but he didn't you know that my daughter needs my support you can't thank you so much no you can't go what do you mean i'm not letting you go why take this suit off now go upstairs and get changed and go to the yellow deluxe suite you are the personal assistant to arena style i need to go to my daughter's competition and i need to see my grandchildren you know what i'm going anyway yes come back mom mom we're starting and daddy is not here yet please calm down my dog i'm not in focus i'm coming right now everything is going to be okay what happened modve didn't show up again i knew it i will fire i don't care excuse me no no no please please wait no what's going on we'll be on time we're really late taxi look we only have 15 minutes i said knock it off what do you mean knock it off is there a problem yes my daughter's performance will start in 20 minutes do you drive yes sometimes [Music] [Music] school for children you know [Applause] thank you [Music] tanya tanya tanya come on come on come on tanya come on come on let's go let's go [Music] excuse me next on the floor is sveta ivanova come on tanya why did he promise why danya daniel wait dania dania please please please please stop he really really wanted to come i promise he was going to come no he wasn't he lied to me mom we don't know that maybe something bad happened maybe he didn't have time to come i thought he would see me and come back what he'd be very proud of me and wants to come back home and live with us mom [Music] listen to me daddy is not coming back he'll never live with us again but it's not your fault you can't change anything about it do you hear me he promised me ice cream why does he always lie to me i don't understand i don't know why doesn't he love me you silly girl he loves you and i love you and grandmother loves you very much you are the most beautiful the most talented the strongest the best athlete and we're going to get that first prize do you understand [Music] me so stop crying let's go home are you cold yes grandmother will make us a cup of tea [Music] i don't make serious decisions at dinner you know that fed you're like a child yes i'll be in a meeting okay but okay bye okay is everything over i was coming to watch the competitions mom who's this this is uncle artem he is my co-worker he drove me here yeah i want to get acquainted with you what's your name i apologize for her she's very upset we had to cancel the performance we've been pairing for a long time mm-hmm it's okay that's too bad but we need to fix this situation don't we uh do you want to go get some ice cream not now i want some ice cream and i also want to get lunch i want to order a cake and french fries no chocolate is better hey are you gonna eat all that i don't think so i will and what about an ice cream chocolate raspberry mango three scoops of raspberries tanya [Music] i didn't know that gymnastics so much dessert she doesn't usually eat so many desserts of course i do she's joking of course she's just upset because her performance was nobody canceled my performance i started crying and i couldn't focus on the competition and that's why you failed it you didn't fail anything it was my fault i should have been there to begin with i'm going to eat all the cakes and ice cream i don't care anymore about my competitions from now on i'm not doing any more sports don't say that your cake miss [Music] and ice cream will be out in a minute don't do that can't quit sports oh i can you're very talented how do you know that you haven't seen me compete yeah but i don't need to that was the governor's cup am i right only the very best can participate but i was invited so you're a pretender how could anybody have missed this opportunity does your mother pay for this just imagine you've taken an opportunity to participate in that competition away and there's a little girl crying at home somewhere because she wanted to take it to anything at all what is he talking about artem i played football when i was a little boy do you have an amulet i do it's a badge it always helped me even if i was in a bad mood just like you were today i took it in my hands clenched my fist and told myself i can do it and i did and everything was great the main thing was not to give up do you want me to give it to you i don't have it with me right now but i can give it to your motherland here is your dessert mmm one for each [Music] all the desserts are great that's so beautiful do you come here a lot honestly it's on our way home mom wants to turn this house into a hotel so will you make your dreams come true and who owns it now well my mother's second cousin he lives abroad and doesn't know what to do with the house but i think it will make a great little boutique hotel i've um sent him a business plan but he hasn't responded does that mean you would be an owner a manager will you be an engineer in my hotel i will excuse me hello let me show it to you the view from the window arena thank god how did it go it didn't go well school competitions are not a good excuse yes vasily is standing right here and asking when you're coming back to work oh tomorrow mom ask him to understand i can't leave tanya right now arena you need to take tanya home and come back to the hotel mom i already told you you need a better reason i don't want you to lose your job then tell him i broke my leg okay bye vasily vasily please excuse us irina's ex-husband couldn't come and tanya's crying how could she leave her daughter the same way that i did i left my grandchildren alone at home tell her for me that she's fired the seal fired is everything okay yes excuse me now we need to go back to work i'll be right there [Music] please excuse me but i have to go back to work i need to go too thank you so much thank you i haven't gone on a walk in forever thank you very much was very kind of here you're welcome well goodbye goodbye bye bye [Music] oh thank god you came back oh tanya are you okay are you feeling better honey yes everything that's great let's sit down and talk about everything well go see him he's in the lobby drinking coffee you need to talk to him he's very angry he says you're fired go go talk to him did you see who's at the hotel yeah excuse me sir do you have a minute please forgive me i couldn't have done it in any other way you have to understand after all you have children too yes i have children and grandchildren but i'm also a responsible person i think they teach that as the last course before you graduate university and you haven't graduated so that's all don't come back tomorrow only to hr [Music] arena [Music] so that's it [Music] i'm going to start crying i'm going to miss you well try and talk to him tomorrow he's angry today he'll calm down by tomorrow no it was my fault look he was late a half an hour last week his wife left and he had to take the grandchildren to kindergarten i'm gonna miss getting all the gossip from you where do you hear it i hear it everywhere have you heard the news the ballet dancer stein from the yellow deluxe suite i had to change the flower is she through the vase she gave me a compliment she said i was more helpful than her assistant so i'm now worried about have you seen her assistant she looks like a mouse she wants to fire her listen maybe she will hire me as her new assistant but she travels a lot and you don't speak any other languages i'll study them i will do it for the job for what do you want to be at that crazy woman's beck and call what are you talking about there will be great parties all the time what if i finally meet a millionaire i have no idea come back we'll see natasha natasha what i wanted to talk to you well let's talk natasha i wanna what's this it's just a magazine of a client there are cool cars natasha i fell in love go on yes i fell in love she is older than me who what natasha this is our new plumber well yes he has but he repairs the plumbing what a kind of man what's wrong nothing natasha you you're a fool tanya would you like some juice arena would you no thank you mom i'll get the door oh hello come in hello aaron ochck i have a telegram for you from abroad please sign here from abroad grandma we have good news for you what news mommy has a new boyfriend come on tanya goodbye your uncle giraffe love vladimir is dead irena who was it a telegram is it from my cousin uh-huh what is he coming to visit why are you so quiet no mother he's not coming what is he doing with the house how long can we maintain it let him sell it once and for all for goodness sake mom what uncle is dead [Music] regina come here right now [Music] come here find out who this is she's staying at the hotel so there won't be any problem finding her i'll find out in the morning no or i won't sleep a wink god i'm so tired of you what did you say regina come back here's all the information for tomorrow's meeting thank you may i go now yes thank you i found a date for the ball um and doesn't know who i am and she's nice to me for no reason it's serena you've seen her she has a beautiful name doesn't she you want to go to the ball with some maid with some maid she's not your usual maid she is the owner of a little boutique hotel yeah okay all right fedya i got it [Music] all my dreams are shattered so are mine yours do you think i'm too old to dream no ivan that's not what i meant no you're right i'm an old man with old dreams i thought i would be a guard here at the end of my life and now what who knows if the new owner even wants to have an old guard around here and this house is just i think we need to leave the doors closed in winter so you only need to focus on the one door and that way we'll save a little money yeah why do you worry about that let the new owners worry about it so then why do you cut the bushes let the new owners do it it's like an old habit i'm like a house spirit i can't stop working around the house so am i ivan besides i have a lot of free time now what do you mean well i'll tell you i was fired from missing work you're kidding what is this nonsense no they have no rights to fire well ashina where are you yes hello sir you can come back to work now uh what what do you mean you definitely should then wait a minute yes sir i'm listening to you i'll see you in my office you definitely need to be suing them ivan i was offered my job back what kind of job a new job or an old one keep working on the branches i don't understand i don't understand either really i really don't either mr gordon has a meeting with the governor at four o'clock later he will have dinner with stroy invest representatives get that [Music] will it be alone good day i brought the towels you've asked for regina will he be alone hello have you found out about that woman the doorman said it was you it was a woman in arena stein's suit we don't even look alike she looks younger what her hair is longer this is arena she works for the hotel she has the same suit what's your name girl natasha do you know her well yes i do [Music] great well you're turning out to be more useful to me than she is right now come see me after work okay should i start looking for a new job who's going to hire you haven't you been listening yes i'll be done by six goodbye how nice is she hello uh sorry for being rude with you earlier i didn't mean it seriously natasha i hope you're not offended listen to me i don't even remember meeting with you yesterday so just relax great can i make it up to you do you bring your girlfriend flowers from our guest bouquet you could bring me a shrimp for my sandwich it's not strange that your girlfriend ignores you natasha hello room service i could bring her a beautiful bouquet if i knew she would at least have a date with me oh bouquet girls need to be given jewelry do you understand room service good day come on in good day that's brilliant such a fool [Music] so which one do you like how much are these earrings are you madly in love who are these earrings for informant sister then take the necklace it's beautiful and inexpensive and you'll be able to afford these earrings in about 10 years why is that that's how long it will take you to save money from your salary [Music] in that ring [Music] congratulations valeshina and once again you are mr gordon's personal manager i don't understand of course you understand i didn't expect this from you you're crafty and quick you'll get far in life first of all i don't like your tone and second can you just explain what's going on mr gordon the defender of all the unfairly dismissed demanded that i bring you back to work immediately and does not want to communicate with any other manager that's ridiculous why is that we've never even had a chance to meet come on come on let's go hmm uh so what am i doing in the newspaper with our new engineer he's a millionaire i hope you know what you're doing i understand you're lonely but i need to warn you having affairs with the hotel yeah didn't have an affair with that's enough listen that's enough you're a bad actress you know exactly what you're doing yesterday you lied about your daughter's competitions and ran off with a millionaire i'm sick of talking to you well sir honestly enough go do your job [Music] oh look your gordon is about to leave the hotel mr valentinovich several questions about the charity fund everything with the fund is okay but or there's something i want to say well all right then go ask him if he needs anything when he returns [Music] what the arena arena what happened what's wrong with you bernice what has got you upset thank you you can coordinate with fedor for all of your questions stop please [Music] mr gordon hello arena have they told you already why did you deceive me who asked you to interfere in my business do you know what they're saying about me now gentlemen this is irina volishino hotel manager who has very kindly been assisted it's nice to meet you arena could you answer some questions for us please no she can't she's leaving with me i'm not going mr gordon how exactly did you deceive miss voloshina and what are you accusing mr gordon of touch me get your hands off me oh of course you're not an engineer you're a millionaire and you think you can do anything miss voloshina why exactly were you appointed as a personal manager were you not aware you were being seen with mr gordon yesterday you say mr gordon deceived you what do you accuse him of get in the car mrs felicina mrs felicina mr gordon who really is the secret stranger what does mrs felicina accuse you mr gordon stop the car don't stop the car i need to go to work and i need to meet the governor besides you're already at work i am not your personal manager i never will be do you realize that everyone thinks we're having an affair hmm do you care about gossip that is not gossip that's a lie stop the car i want to get out don't stop that's an interesting perspective and what if it were true what if we were really lovers would you still be my personal manager what driver stop the car please yes fedor stop the car i understand there's no use in trying to talk to you now so i'll meet you at the hotel when you calm down you can get out now we'll have a meeting this evening please prepare a table for negotiation water paper and and change your clothes please is that all yeah hold on a minute are you really that confident or are you just not used to having anyone say no to you i'm not doesn't happen often besides i don't understand why you're upset about what people may or may not think about you arena hmm well i don't know it's all just old-fashioned provincial mentality [Music] that's who i am provincial [Music] oh hello come on in hello darling why don't you ask who it is before you open the door is your mom at home no she is still at work here is a registered letter for her can you sign it what does register mean that means it is important good afternoon hello seeing this office yes [Music] goodness anuta what a delight well but not for us darya i suppose it cost as much as a new car look for sure that that's crazy and who's gonna buy this hmm well yes but it is beautiful yes so regina remind me yes hey look maybe this one will buy it oh yes there you go pick up the phone what am i to do with you i won't be his manager i have my own problems and now these journalists you're going to watch floors for the rest of your life yes then why did you study at the university listen to me why don't you understand i can't there's so much hype around him paparazzi i don't want to be involved that's strange you knew that mr gordon was a complicated person yesterday and you were not embarrassed at all about being seen together and what happened today and now you're breathing down my neck that's it you're fired again why sir sir please wait wait wait please please don't fire me hello i want to come back and work here as a maid [Music] okay change your clothes and go up to the fifth floor so on the fifth floor all right [Music] yes i remember they sent an offer for advertising support what do you think to me this is nonsense this is all just nonsense we have to discuss it no we'll have to talk about it lit tanya hey slow down come here i got you give me your back carrying there back slow down slow down i said we shouldn't stop i'll fire you come on give it back stop that right now hey tanya what's going on it's none of your business we're friends i don't buy that for a second we're just helping her carry her bag give it back they're my classmates but not my friends okay tanya we'll see you in school tomorrow talk to you later stop why tomorrow let's talk about it right now we don't know you leave us alone i will introduce you this is uncle artem nice to meet you by the way this is uncle fedor he will take tanya to school tomorrow and if she says anything about you go on then thank you uncle artem welcome why are you alone here does your mom know where you are no i'm meeting her at work i see come with me to my work and then i'll take you to your mom okay come on [Music] [Applause] come on we're going to meet the governor now and then i'll take you to your mom now it'll be a little boring but you'll be patient please won't you good girl hello good afternoon good afternoon to you couple more minutes as i was saying i think we should build a shopping center yes but they decided to build a sports academy oh i don't know i think a shopping center would be better irina do you have children yes but she's still very young when she goes to school you understand hello hello irina stein nice to meet you tim i'm very happy to finally meet you in person yes oh and hello hello mim did you know that we're staying in the same hotel really no i didn't know that hello everyone mr bursovich is ready to see you now please follow me this way uncle argham should i go with you uh tanya wait for me here okay better stay with her yes sir is this your niece this is the daughter of my uh yes my niece just a moment stay here but you asked to take notes are you stupid or what talk to the kid find out more about her uncle okay so tanya what are you reading fairy tales hmm cool and what about you just a magazine hi hello why are you here lady you are so nosy you you don't have to tell me mom was at work what does she do she's an astronaut and you me too i'm an astronaut did you read something funny no i just bet someone funny you're talking about me forget it don't be offended you know a smile looks better on you first of all you don't know me stop telling me what to do calm down it was just a compliment it didn't work so i didn't come here to get compliments from a driver it's not what i need actually i'm also a secretary and i'm a bodyguard triple threat so gordon is so cheap he can't hire all three no it just means i'm that good you kiss yourself in the mirror before bed you're saying that because your boss is cheap how much does she pay you not enough apparently because you look like the homeless person in this hotel [Music] country bumpkin homely plain jane [Music] pumpkin well are you sure you're not upset that we changed floors not at all i asked for it all right well it's weird though yesterday i thought you liked that business man i didn't really know who he was i just liked him and today you don't like him anymore that's the thing i still do it's just better to not get involved it's not going anywhere anyway i'd take a chance if i were you uh i don't know i think you and gordon could have a beautiful affair i'm done with these beautiful affairs there's no need to compare natasha you're the one who likes to be around the rich and famous nah but i don't do you know he tricked me last night no because he was pretending to be an ordinary person it's just a game for someone like him well i don't know i don't believe in cinderella fairy tales it's so weird that tonya doesn't pick up a phone she should be home already look his wife doesn't allow him to drink so that's where he hides it i told you the room wasn't cleaned yet come on come on come here pillow back maybe you can wait in the hall and i can vacuum no way hello the room is ready now we just need to change the pillow goodbye have a nice evening [Music] yeah mom did tanya call you i have a missed call i called her back but she doesn't pick up i've told you many times to get that child a cell phone i've been calling her too and she doesn't pick up the phone then call her again calling here's the deal i'll ask natasha to relieve me and then i'll go home yes but don't let the silly see you yes okay [Music] well did she say anything at least no she's a very quiet kid not a word in the entire hour she said her mom was an astronaut nonsense of course but it doesn't matter to you if she's an astronaut or a teacher if a man has a child with him it is a child of a woman that is close to him he said she's his sister he doesn't have a sister i already checked [Music] look how thoughtful he is let's go [Music] mom my god my god tanya oh what are you doing here your grandma and i almost called the police look mom this is a letter for you what letter i was so scared i went to the governor's office with uncle artem where did you go with whom with me hello i saw tanya on the street and we took a little ride at my business meeting and was even better he scared my classmates they'll never ever bully me again uncle artem is a really good man oh really her mother is not an astronaut she's just a maid but what a sweet scene what so i'm going crazy and you're on a business meeting with my child i tried my best listen to me why do you keep meddling in my life is this some sort of game for you was i supposed to leave your child alone in the street with bullies no but first you had to call me i don't even have your number well then call the hotel listen all i wanted was for you to say thank you thank you for kidnapping someone's child from the street what are you doing thank you okay listen we're attracting too much attention let's talk it over somewhere else what about dinner as for you why did you leave home huh quiet quiet maybe you and mr gordon are officially a couple this is please just leave us your daughter after all that you want to invite this mad woman to the ball of course mr gordon what happened who is this girl gentlemen arjun has already given you the pleasure of an interview thank you mom you shouldn't have yelled at uncle arden like that i was worried then get me a cell phone i will and you won't do that anymore i called you but you didn't answer your phone i know forgive me come on go to grandma she's worried too alright [Music] good evening i'm available now you asked me to come i don't remember i'm natasha you said that you were in need of an assistant are you deaf what a nuisance do pester all the guests all the maids in this hotel think only about themselves are you really looking to change jobs did you get your resume or did you just put on a shorter skirt and some bad eye makeup and why are you always wearing pants ugly legs or you have nothing to wear clearly no resume the only experience you have is spreading rumors and being rude to the guests it's not up to you it's mine mine irina doesn't do anything without me i'll always be with her until her death [Music] hi are you going home already yes i'm going to change my clothes and go home too natasha okay let's go together where home well no at least let's get coffee won't your old girl get jealous what old girl well whatever you call her that girlfriend of yours the one you're always asking for advice the one who's older than you are you serious what you really don't get it tell me what should i get look i don't care you may date a prehistoric dinosaur if you want it's just polite to make conversation you know well you're a dinosaur what yes yes you even have those wrinkles on your forehead all right all right that's it that's it i'm sorry i'm sorry what do you know youngster what who is a youngster you are a youngster i'm actually 18. 18. i thought 16. what are you doing here at the age of 18. well what am i supposed to be doing at the age of 18 guys serve in the military or go to school they don't serve breakfast old ladies you know what what figure out your own life look at you all dressed up like a like what like a doll for sale don't ever come near me got it never dear arena i was pleasantly surprised by your persistence and the beautiful detailed way in which you describe my own house to me i know that there is no one else in the world that will keep it the way it always was and will have as much love for it as you do i love the idea that you have of turning the house into a boutique hotel so i have decided to make you the owner i am taking the house out of the will so there's no way anyone can challenge this decision i am giving you the house it's yours so now you're the owner of the best little boutique hotel in the world i hope you're happy with my decision sending you a warm hug please give my best wishes to daria remember to contact the notary about all of these changes [Music] i found out about the ring you liked i can give you a discount thank you i don't need it anymore so did you have a fight with your sister oh no we broke up oh poor dear don't be upset about that you will meet another one another sister for sure a sister [Music] mom huh come here keep drawing keep drawing what is it just don't worry what this is a letter from uncle [Music] he left me the house wow [Music] congratulations it seems your uncle loved you very much yes thank you where should i sign here what are you going to do with the house well first i want to register it under my own no i mean what are you gonna do with it do you really need such a big house it is not so big it only has 15 rooms are you planning to live in it well i am going to use it it won't be empty but you do understand that repair and maintenance will require very large investments this gift from your uncle can be a double-edged sword are you personally invested in my problems if i may give you a little friendly advice the house sits on a historical center of town the land in this place is worth a lot of money it's more profitable for you just to sell it i'm not going to sell it for sure i understand that you're very excited now and you can't properly assess the whole situation i've been thinking about this house for a long time and selling was never in my plan think about it i can even help you find a buyer i know of a person who might be interested are you a notary or a realtor notary well then thank you tanya let's go goodbye goodbye goodbye [Music] hello madvi hello there yes this is kierlov listen what does your ex-wife have in mind how should i know i told her there's a buyer there's an opportunity to make good money on this deal but she refused tommy persuader for a percentage of course so what's the deal the notary was right mom we have no money when i made this business plan i was counting upon the financial support of my uncle and now do you want to sell the house no i need a new plan and a big loan from the bank very big that's very risky are you expecting anyone no me neither good evening good evening may i share come in i didn't expect to catch you i was told that you were going to be busy tonight oh hi uncle hello what do you mean uncle go to your room well come in it's cold can't you see i'm very busy it doesn't look like it this is for you what is it an invitation to the governor's ball from artem valentinovich and what artem could not invite me himself he's busy but you know the attention that he's already given you is really a great honor and believe me there are so many people who would like to be in your shoes right now oh really a great honor remind me again what he did oh he gave me a ride he spent his valuable time on you and it is a pity that you can't be appreciative of that so take it no thank you why don't you let him find a worthier person who can be more appreciative of his time mom what are you doing don't refuse uncle artem is a good man i do the eavesdrop mom please take tanya listen to me i really don't feel any gratitude about the fact that mr gordon spent any of his precious time on me basically it seemed he wanted to do so but apparently he didn't so i can't go the ball with him and i don't want to be persuaded to do so you're a strange woman you know that no i am just provincial and old-fashioned and i feel offended that autumn feels he needs to send me the invitation through his bodyguard i am not his bodyguard what was the difference and please stop taking any more of my time you know my time is very precious to me take the invitation take the invitation no would you please take it get out of here [Music] irina did you talk about gordon about the millionaire mom how is this about his millions he could be useful for you you told me about the loan show him your business plan aren't you ashamed tanya why are you not in bed go right now quickly [Music] i can't believe this i sent gordon the documents for our fund and he still hasn't responded it was a couple of hours ago of course he hasn't responded we have to wait until tomorrow yes until tomorrow tomorrow we're invited by this uh well what's his name from the stud farm i hope gordon is not bringing his maid tomorrow is my day off yes and please go downstairs tomorrow get me the catalog from the jewelry store i want to see all the beautiful necklaces they have in stock are you not able to hear very well nope but you sure can't hear well tomorrow is my day off and what are you planning to do spend the whole day sleeping i want to go shopping you even the maids in this hotel dress better than i do i have nothing to wear for the ball regina what's wrong with you are you sick i'm tired of living in your shadow i want independence ah you can thank your daddy and his stupid will for that as a result of which you will receive your money only when you are 25 years old and for as long as i'm carrying you you are going to do exactly as i say do you understand me give me a day off or if not then tomorrow i will start calling you mom mommy or even mommy dearest in front of everybody i need money okay i'll call the car i'll order the catalog is that it for today it is have a good night what do you mean you don't agree that volascina well she's a weird chick sir what do you mean and what's the big deal you just have to hand her the invitation and that's that she was offended about what about the fact that you didn't hand her the invitation yourself arena refused arden i think well just invite somebody else i don't know erin stein i think she'd be more suitable for this event anyway i mean she knows who i am and she refused well actually i think i might have spoiled that situation and how did you spoil the situation i just told her it was a great honor that you were interested ah federer are you stupid no it just seems to me that that she doesn't have the right perception of you kind of like like like like like like everyone else does how does everyone perceive how yes how you know huh without any respect you mean without adoration right no without any respect no without adoration no i mean respect don't yell at me artem where are you going i'm going to hand her this invitation myself well there's a bunch of journalists in the hall all right great you're right uh so is there any other way out of the hotel uh you could try the balcony well the balcony is nice where's the balcony boarding and jump over it i'll jump it and you go invite stein artem would you just stop please artem stop artem what are you doing out here i was kidding come on man and i'm serious well then i guess i'm coming with you no i do not need you listen to me okay look [Music] this is really high and dangerous you could fall down and kill yourself nope the tree seems to be strong enough to hold me artem i'm begging you come on look at me now hold on [Music] federer are you still here huh what uh look it's dark out here i can't see anything at all do you think i can make the jump from here yeah i mean there's a lot of branches just jump quietly okay quietly okay ah artem sir did you die what happened ah i'm hurt is everything okay down there not exactly one sec [Music] get out of here [Music] i just saw such a beauty get out of here well i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm leaving out now you're crazy okay i'm going you're crazy i said get out of here [Music] arena arena what what happened modley is here who is here mate who is mother you know your ex-husband my god why is he here how should i know he's been throwing pebbles at the window can't he come in a regular way why is he throwing his head out of me he knows that i won't let him in maybe he's here to see tanya at midnight to see tanya come [Music] good evening it's you yes it's me [Music] shall i go for a walk the night is so beautiful well exactly it is night and at night time i usually sleep yes yes excuse me have a good night then well good night i just got off work i just got some free time from doing business you know well of course you're used to the fact that everyone adapts to your schedule yes i mean no no thank you for not yelling under my window my daughter was spared it's all just old-fashioned i have a provincial mentality provincial yes [Music] bisque have you ever heard of it no when we used to ask girls on dates one pebble might just go outside but a handful meant bring a snack it was romantic in my opinion not really i agree [Music] so which one was it just go outside or bring a snack [Music] oh uh hold on i almost forgot [Music] where have you been i was ready to go out looking for you mom what's wrong with you i'm not in the 10th grade anymore what did the scoundrel want from you why did he come it wasn't the scoundrel then who it was gordon gordon well why did why did he come to see you what did you talk about my god he just invited me to the ball okay hmm did you once well did you agree to go no mom go to sleep come on go ahead go good night yes good night [Music] ah good evening good evening i didn't see you go out no you won't believe it i didn't either ah my apologies i jumped from the balcony landed on the flowers this is for you to buy new flowers are you sure you're okay everything is gorgeous thank you [Music] good evening [Music] what a gorgeous house tanya you know i just can't believe that it's ours can you believe it oh daddy's already here oh look at my beautiful girl come here come here come here give me a hug hello hello hmm you've grown so much dad why did you come so long oh i'm sorry i'm sorry will you forgive me i will listen listen your mom and i need to talk in private go take a walk 10 minutes but dad go on please come on hello my love wow that was worth it i thought it was already in ruins madre why did you come what kind of question is that i missed you well you should talk to your daughter instead of admiring the house you haven't seen her in ages so your uncle's gift has spoiled you you've become rich and bitter hmm so i guess you already know the news only the deaf don't know so that's why i advise you not to spend money on repairs it's expensive and it's better to sell the land and get your money right away manvee please leave now listen arena do you really believe that the big boys will let you get away with owning such a big piece of land right in the center of the city no where would you get the money to prepare this place what do you care you won't get approved for a loan well okay you will get approval against this house and then the house will go under and then you'll remember my words get out get out of here i'm in town for two more days cool down think about it and then call me we'll talk about it then [Music] tanya daddy's leaving dad's in a hurry dad what about training tomorrow tomorrow i'll see you then you gave the limousine to the orphanage i gave them a bus ah yes sorry about that do you support any other charity causes and do you think that every rich person in the world should do the same as you you see charity is a complicated thing it's important to find those in need who you can really help and make a difference with because otherwise it's just a waste of money yes and do you think it is possible to buy happiness with money not happiness but a little bit of independence perhaps yes yes ah that's great thank you very much mr gordon it was a very interesting conversation thank you thank you thank you bye now there was a call from the governor's office asking the name of your companion you know since the entrance is strictly according to the list security required i'll be alone and miss really what didn't you like this time my material prosperity well then this is nonsense i bet she'll come you'll see these are all the same i know what i'm talking about if she comes i'll be very happy and what if she doesn't [Music] i'll marry her [Music] so take it you look nice go to this gordon and don't be afraid of anything i think this is a bad idea all you need is some business advice it's the normal thing to do in business we're not really that close you were close enough to walk and talk all night long but for business talk you're not go no no no no mom i mean he's out there and he's not rolling go go good morning good morning arena yes coincidence i haven't had breakfast yet maybe you'd be able to join me for a cup of coffee at least young man come here please do you work in the restaurant would you be so kind just to bring us breakfast to the blue suite i'm on it thank you i can't i'm working well if you ask me it seems like she wasn't a fan of last night's walk bet or go and have breakfast what i said go and have breakfast um what about you i don't want to be in a crowd mr artem uh i need to look at something in your room with your permission [Music] are you all right why did you not talk to him he's going back to his room go now i can't mom especially in his room what's wrong with that you're made you come to change bed sheets i don't work on this floor anymore how are you gonna do business in general if you're afraid of every little thing mom i already told him i don't need any help from him did he offer you anything well he did what he suggested what lord he offered to carry me over a puddle house is carrying you over a puddle where's the business what business plan your business plan my business plan is in my locker you act like an adolescent in love what nothing do you like him are you in love but mom then take care of business that's it [Music] breakfast in bed part two [Music] yes i have no water in my room regina well in that case you need to call room service they'll bring it to you then call them it's my day off today i can even ignore my phone calls if i want to really is it so difficult to bring a glass of water to your mother mom i'm not even at the hotel i'm really sorry [Music] sassy girl take my word we'll see when you come back from your day off brazen talking back good morning bon appetit do you need something i just wanted to say hi there is literally nowhere else to sit so can i join you no i'm kidding i said no okay whatever bon appetit also that color looks terrible on you i really just wanted to apologize what if i sit at another table i'm just gonna have to yell and you know nobody wants that forgive me let go i'm sorry for what happened yesterday i just wanted to leave the hotel without being seen it wasn't supposed to be a situation look i'm not interested you wanted to apologize didn't you can you sit somewhere else no i wanted to apologize for something else i'm very sorry for calling you a plain jane an incredibly beautiful woman and you have an amazing body what i mean i just saw you from behind nothing else of course let's go on a date tonight are you crazy take your hands off me come on please [Music] how about tonight i'm busy tonight i'm going down are you talking about the governor's ball yes oh come on don't bother with that it's gonna be so boring let's go somewhere a little more interesting i want to go to the ball all right if you want by the way we can always dance there save the first dance for me so [Music] this is not your floor yes you're right natasha asked me to switch with her oh that's so very kind of you folashina come in please [Music] you know that i don't make decisions over the phone yes take a plane and fly to berlin [Music] well what can it be i'll call you back irina are you are you a maid again [Music] uh i i brought you fresh towels they brought some this morning oh they did i didn't know excuse me i won't bother you you're not bothering me i'll get that thank you arena you're still mad at me aren't you no is this breakfast for two for two people come in here's your breakfast well that won't bother you um it's not what it seems what does it look like breakfast for two you're in a room that is not in your floor rotation artem please excuse me but why do you try to pull the wool over the eyes the silly i don't know what you're talking about i came here for something else completely it's true she's right i was about to have breakfast with a business colleague okay okay i apologize it's none of my business hello there uh good morning arena uh you haven't changed your mind have you we wanted to discuss your uh uh to discuss your funds regarding your offer um i ordered breakfast for us only if you don't mind of course aren't aren't you busy me no it's just housekeeping we're all done thank you uh what's this uh tips for the towels thank you it's free of charge bring me some water give me five minutes okay please forgive me but i don't like our guests having affairs with the staff and you've humiliated that poor girl with tips in my opinion that's going too far excuse me [Music] hide it so it didn't work no arena arena stop arena stop arena come back you need to try again no i won't he kicked me out he put me in my place last time i saw him he was looking into my eyes but in public what he gave me a cash tip was there someone else in the room he had invited stein for breakfast you should have seen the way she was looking at him how do you know what kind of business she wasn't dressing him with her eyes stop don't show your feelings this is business not personal i don't care he can marry her yes it's business that's what it is business i'm doing this on my own terms instead of begging what time is your shift over at three o'clock then i have to go to the bank end after that i have to drop tanya off mom don't worry i can handle it you're strong don't panic everything will be okay i can do this absolutely yes i can yes oh well i had been dancing in munich there we've gotten acquainted with henry he admired me do you like ballet huh do you like ballet uh i don't think so uh i rarely go to the theater i don't have much time for that kind of i completely understand i don't have any free time either but i can find it for you would you like to go to the bolshoi thank you i don't think so have you been able to look over the original fun documents certainly ah please excuse me i i put it in my accident that's okay actually can i take a look at that yes of course this is a jewelry catalog from the local store i haven't seen it yet but there are some interesting things this one charming isn't it no doubt uh but we need to finish our business oh please look at this what an elegant necklace oh pardon oh pardon me it's okay uh i think it's a little too flashy for my taste oh are you looking for a gift i'm not sure oh don't be shy you can tell me come on i'll be glad to help you well who is she a relative or a lover neither i've offended someone and i want to apologize now but jewelry won't help in this case so let's get back to business girls a little more energy higher now [Music] easier volusina easier what are you doing maybe excuse me okay i'll give you five minutes girls continue please [Music] well go change your clothes we'll go get an ice cream like daddy promised you those days ago dad oh i'm sorry let's go after i'm done training how long should i wait 30 minutes i'll go wait for you in the hallway okay you know your mom is angry at me she's so stubborn she can't understand there's only one thing i want and that's to help you you better talk to her honey please tell me did your mother say anything about me when i left i think so or anything about the house if she was calling it she did she said that she would never sell the house then she started crying then mom and grandma decided to go get uncle artem for help oh wow and who who is that uncle artem it's a secret oh yeah yeah and where does he live i don't know where he lives but he is such a beautiful car it's more beautiful than yours he drove me in his car he also has a bodyguard and now none of the bullies at school will bother me anymore [Music] hey go back to class i'll be waiting in the hallway bye well lashina let's start again okay hello guess why she's being so daring it's because she found a benefactor some guy named artem with a bodyguard think of something it's a lot of money uh-huh like what you think i'm a magician i don't know maybe burn it burn it that's an interesting idea i like it very much yes it's a good business plan but you can only get a business loan if your company has been in existence for at least three months if i understand correctly your company isn't registered you're right i haven't registered it so what can i do about that well you can try and apply for a personal loan like most people do do i qualify for a loan i'm not sure you could be guaranteed up to 20 000 if you're approved but you need to have a cosigner regardless so what am i supposed to do maybe you can offer the bank your house as a guarantee but my house is worth more than 20 000 so i can't really do that well then i'm sorry but there's nothing else i can do for you [Music] thank you sir [Music] no i don't think so because she told me that we could come here every day we don't have enough money sweetie i really want to come here every day well talk to your dad then [Music] may i suggest something for you recommend something to yourself [Music] excuse me excuse me why does this necklace have no price this particular necklace is much too expensive it's one of a kind it's made for those who are not concerned with prices and how much is it it's not for sale what do you mean really there's a deposit on it so we really should take it out of the window now but who bought it i can't really tell you is it one of the guests you should buy this one i think it suits you better it's definitely yours [Music] style so rude what's the matter sweetie what's going on honey please talk to me i'm very worried about you hmm did the trainer say something to you no daddy daddy when did you see him he came by when i was training and then he left because please go on all right why did he leave daddy wanted to get some ice cream and i told him that uncle artem had driven me in his car and that he was cool and that his car was more beautiful [Music] tanya why did you tell your dad about uncle artem first daddy asked me some questions about you if you talk to anyone about the house so he said that all right daddy is mad because of me because of you of course not i think he's mad at me because i won't listen to him about what to do with the house will you make up with him no tanya no daddy doesn't care about us at all he only cares about himself so tell me what we need him for [Music] hey look at me sweetie everything is fine we're gonna be okay do you believe me don't be so upset my sweet girl everything is going to be okay did you want to say something no arena by the way this is for you it's your invitation to the ball and the invitation still stands would you accept it i'll be there we leaving she's offended she won't even look me in the eye it'll be all right she was just kind enough to accept your invitation to the ball so trust me she'll be there really even after uh look artem i have no idea what you're talking about but you should believe what i'm saying she gave in i told you they're all the same it's all just a game artem at first they pretend and then stop it please artem please artem let me handle it all right sir so are we leaving yes then why did you accept the invitation i don't understand i don't know mom i don't know i thought there would be interesting people there and i need to meet someone someone who might be interested in my project what dress are you gonna wear a dress i'll go in a business suit i'm a businesswoman i'll wear a suit mom what are you talking about what look in the internet they're all falling gowns like princesses you should listen to your daughter hello hi tanya so when are we going to the olympic games we can't even get mom to go to the ball tiny be quiet and what are you talking about [Music] excuse me please didn't you sell that necklace no of course ah and no one bought it no are you sure your colleague had just told me darya told you well i really don't know people are often interested in it because it's very beautiful but nobody bought it i'll buy it how much does it cost it costs 860 000. [Music] how much yes that's 860. quite a jeweler you've got here these are brilliant one of a kind hannah sure thing let's make a deal please put it aside and i'll come back later and buy this evening we're open until seven great as long as you don't sell it to anyone else okay do you only have one invitation natasha don't you understand there will be businessmen artists people from high society mom you're a hotel owner you are a business how could i be a businesswoman i'm just a nobody i don't even have a dress to wear i know who can help us i'll be back hey there hi well we need your help oh i'm sorry [Music] let's try this one yes excuse me i'm just done it's okay let me help you here you go i'm really sorry about all this it's okay don't even worry about it everybody does it first they buy the dress then they come back and return it saying it didn't fit them just don't cut off the label and keep it clean i'll help you okay hope it fits okay [Music] thank you so much your sister is a miracle maybe i can try something on as well look around oh what do you think look i'm just here to help arena are you still offended [Music] ugh i'm sorry that i was rude i was in a bad mood let's make peace i really miss you nobody talks to me in the corridors i miss you how are you doing you know i'm fine nobody's rude to me in the hallway come on i didn't mean to oh [Music] not bad but too many jewels i like it no natasha's right we need something more modest please tell your girlfriend that she doesn't need something more modest she has the most beautiful shoulder she needs something that shows her body try this dress on i like it i'll do it myself i'll try that one okay [Music] is arena your girlfriend you were talking about her weren't you she's not my girlfriend i just told my sister that i need to help this girl so maybe she thought i was talking about arena [Music] i really do like this dress a lot it's perfect we'll take it yes please no no i can't i don't have enough money for this one your return tomorrow won't you yes but i'm still not able to buy it even under those conditions i'll help you thank you very much goodbye thank you thank you bye guys i appreciate this so much and i'll give you your money back by tomorrow come on are you going to work let's go together no i'm done for the day by the way where did you get the money you've spent so much money so easily what's it to you just for interest i've been saving money to buy something she's 30 years old who arena and well why are you being so clingy i told you she's not my girlfriend slingy am i being clingy you've told me about her i like this girl older than me older than me please forgive me natasha just forget about it please i'm so sorry someone as beautiful as you should be kind of you think i'm beautiful oh my god [Music] oh god oh you've already closed everything why not it's already 705. please make sure you lock everything in the door behind you thank you have a good night good night good night huh yes goodbye bye bye oh thank god i made it sorry we're closed wait we agreed and i came back here to buy that netflix i'm sorry we are closed but you're standing right here yes but everything's in the safe i can't open it because the key belongs to our manager the registers close then i'll complain directly to you i'm sorry please come tomorrow it's your fault that you're late i told you that we closed promptly at seven every night excuse me [Music] regina good evening how are you i've been shopping let's see what you bought what's the color of the dress you bought blue i hope you've left some money on my card ah it seems i've lost the key to my room do you have an extra key yes let me help you here's your key no hey you forgot about me mrs stein open the door go away don't cry behind but you've taken all my things you won't get it you don't need it stay at home mom mother open the door if you say a word i'll burn your clothes in the bathroom understood you won't go to the ball [Music] mom that dress looks so beautiful on you oh you think so not bad but you need something very special for that like what mom surprise was her mom i thought we could not only borrow the dress but borrow the necklace as well do you really think so yes oh my goodness [Music] oh beautiful thank you i was worried about the dress and now i have to worry about the necklace too costume jewelry if something happens we can pay a hundred dollars seriously a hundred dollars is that all only a hundred dollars well i think it looks just great you see it's only smoke and mirrors thank you gorgeous do you like it thank you so much oh so am i ready for the ball yes like a princess the king's daughter [Music] regina regina open the door i know you're in there regina excuse me yes you're dasha aren't you natasha come here you have the keys for every room haven't yes great open but it's not your room this is my assistant's room i've called the receptionist and he told me she was in the room but she doesn't open the door she has a weak card and i'm so worried about her i can't even fire her yes of course come in regina [Music] she's not here i see [Music] okay i'll call the receptionist to find out reggie that's strange very strange [Music] anybody [Music] but of course good evening well mr explains them [Music] oh be careful [Music] get rid of them thank you no pictures please thank you [Music] [Applause] oh don't panic just please [Applause] [Music] welcome thank you irina good evening to all you beautiful ladies and elegant men we are honored with your presence this monument this evening and we thank you instead of buying refrigerators washing machines tvs for the orphanage your donations will go directly to the families of the potential adopted children i also wanted to express a deep and heartfelt appreciation for the board member of this fund represented by the wonderful and lovely irina stein thank you for her generosity and hard work and now ladies and gentlemen i ask you to dig deep and be more proactive and give generously to this wonderful charity event let the ball officially commence everyone waltz thank you thank you [Music] hey gordon please share a minute with me sure sounds good then tomorrow at 10 o'clock i believe he said tomorrow okay we'll have breakfast hello artem i've sent you an email about demolition plans of an abandoned building please excuse me [Music] this could be a good opportunity for you i'll look into it tomorrow please excuse me i need to go outside yes of course i wish this were a masquerade ball that way no one could recognize me good evening why in the world wouldn't you want anyone to recognize you artem well i'm i'm tired of doing business all the time sometimes i just want to relax and [Music] and just dance with a beautiful woman [Music] thank you you're you're very kind i told you that she'd be coming [Music] please excuse me my date has arrived i have to go now have a great evening arena [Music] you showed up i did come but please don't get the wrong idea okay please forgive me the cash tip i meant no harm i feel like a dumb fool yeah yes i i wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to come here tonight and would you like some champagne [Music] hey arena where is your assistant are you here by yourself i asked you a question i have no idea she happens to have the day off irina i wanted to are you busy oh i've been asked to dance but i refused and now he's leaving pardon me [Music] is that your daughter what where why do you think so i sent that the invitations the other day for irina and regina stein i thought you were here with your daughter but i've made a mistake your assistants made a mistake regina rina they just wrote the same name and it was a mistake you see my daughter is very little you understand oh i need a little more champagne please yes of course thank you adam sir arena excuse me i'm afraid i need to step away for just a moment sure federer thank you sir [Music] are you having fun to be honest with you know there are too many people and paparazzi i just feel so embarrassed you know why please don't just try to relax and have fun [Music] i really need to talk to you i hope it's something good i'm so tired of talking business all night they all want something from me [Music] for example right now excuse me what's going on man is about to walk by mm-hmm in a gray suit mm-hmm wearing black shoes with a glass in his hand yes [Music] has he walked by yet yes hold on please is everything all right yes thank you you're wonderful it seems you're the only one who's not interested in doing business [Music] it's nice being with you [Music] is something wrong yes i need to make a call now i need to go outside you can make a call in the library no no thank you [Music] how beautiful no yes mom it's impossible i can't what do you mean you're not gonna have another chance at this what chance what are you talking about no you stay there and you do what you went there to do you'll dance and be flirtatious did we waste our time dressing you maybe does mom want to leave the ball [Music] well okay don't think about it i get it tanya and i are not home alone anyway where are you we decided to have some tea with ivan so you don't need to worry about us the decision is yours okay i um thank you very much um tell tanya i said hi goodbye oh i had hoped you were still here why would i leave i'm not here to quarrel dear i have a proposition for you excuse me what's your name arena if you leave the ball i'll pay you for it excuse me what you don't belong to that place gordon's not for you maybe but that's none of your business oh well of course it's not but i have to be honest with you you're getting in my way listen aren't you afraid that i could tell mr gordon about this conversation that we're having at this moment then you'll just be a gossip girl dasha my name's not dasha i'm sorry my maid's name was dasha i can't get it out of my i'm gonna stay here do you really think you've hit the jackpot dear don't be naive gordon will leave that place and he'll forget about you why do you need this i can give you a chance to earn money and nobody has to know how dare you i don't really care what you think about me it's like putting lipstick on a pig you just don't fit in in spite of the gorgeous gift that your lover gave you it's not a gift this is my necklace yours yes it is i'm interested in just how you've bought such an expensive piece of jewelry or have i missed something maybe you're a queen in exile hiding incognito excuse me just who do you think you are actually i am the owner of that house my my name is arena voloshina i have a business meeting here and i have to end our conversation now our time together is done indeed oh what a fool what an idiot please somebody help me somebody please help me hey hey please help me regina what are you doing here i'm stuck what do you mean the balcony door is locked all right just [Music] it's really locked i told you stay calm okay hold on thank you [Music] come here climb over now no come on no no no i promise hey look at me look at me hey look at me hey calm down do you trust me um okay so i'm gonna help you across the fence okay just hold me okay please hold me please please i'm holding it's okay okay it's all right we need to get an extra key from the receptionist the receptionist it's the middle of the night so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] thank you no thank you [Music] please wait for me here i'll be right back [Music] ladies and gentlemen please let the fundraiser begin during our campaign give hope for children we will be pleased with any act of generosity you can pay by cash what if i have no cash and yes buy card i'd like to take this opportunity to make the first contribution to a remarkable and kind and generous person to the beautiful madame volishina please welcome her here is madame volascina i'm sure you're going to donate so generously to the fund aren't you yes of course but unfortunately i don't have any cash with me that's perfectly fine you can write a check yes but oh excuse me a second are you going to donate the necklace dear friends please applause madame voloshina wants to donate her beautiful necklace to the cause it's incredible oh everyone applaud this is really a generous donation thank you there has been a mistake pardon me it's actually worthless costume jewelry you were given the necklace don't you know the price it costs about a hundred dollars oh my god you're more ridiculous than i could imagine what what what nothing thank you i'm sure the money from selling this necklace will go to one of the families with so many children ladies and gentlemen please let us recognize this very generous gift from this lovely lovely lady applause [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes mom arena you need to come home right now there's a there's a fire what where are you the house the house is on fire you need to come home now marina [Music] mommy it's me everything was fine we wanted to make it cozy and put candles everywhere how should we have known ivan what happened enough what everything is okay the house looks okay almost well it burned for a short while well if we hadn't had that tea party then the house would have burned down we were lucky to have been there we caught it in time what are you talking about they say somebody set fire what what somebody tried to burn the house down somebody wants to destroy this house and now i've ruined this dress now i have to spend my whole paycheck to pay for the dress marina let's just sell this house already i don't like this anymore i don't know mom it's such a shame to lose everything oh uncle artem hello hello tanya and i are going home tanya let's go home hello my name is daria irina's mother nice to meet you i'm martin nice to meet you tanya don't worry mommy will be in real soon what what are you doing here i'm sorry if i'm being intrusive why did you leave did i offend you i've been worried about you all night no i got a call and i had to i had to go did something happen yeah something that happens a lot what seems like recently i just keep getting in trouble all the time [Music] i agree what's that i agree that i am trouble for you yeah you well well what kind of trouble are you you're just the opposite oh so i'm pleasant well at least someone says something nice to me everyone else is always talking about problems business are you tired yes a little that's too bad i would love for us to go somewhere together no let's just get some fresh [Music] air let's just breathe [Music] when was the last time you sat on this swing in the 10th grade although it was different it was new then well oh well really why aren't you asleep i saw you through the window good god spying is bad even tanya knows uh here where's the necklace mom it's a complicated story well short version there was a fundraiser for needy children what did you do with it i did not have any money with me so what happened where is the necklace stop interrupting me and i'll tell you i had to donate it it will be sold and all the proceeds will benefit the children's organization you did mom wait well i understand that a hundred is half of your salary but i'll get it i'll pay for it i'm i'm sorry just ask them for a little more time to pay it cost almost a million dollars how much no you said that it's costume jewelry it costs 100 there's a stone a diamond it's five and a half carrots [Music] mom mom [Music] oh lord [Music] dear you have no idea what you're asking please i have to take it back i'll give you the money but this necklace you see i understand your lover asked where it is no my mother gave me this necklace she borrowed it from the jewelry store indeed is it really possible it is she works there what so this is your mother [Laughter] don't laugh please i'll try but everything you tell me is some kind of absurdity yes and take the cup away i am not your maid that's right then what are you doing here you didn't respond to my request i did answer it it's impossible to take back the necklace but what difference does it make if it's money or a necklace here take the money but it's already bought who bought it i have no idea this information is closed i'm begging you mrs stein please you have to help me even if you get down on your knees the necklace is gone i'm sure you can get it back i can't do anything for you it costs a million dollars wow well that's worse for you listen you set a price i put it the necklace was bought i do not know who actually bought it but i can only envy the lucky person who bought it not for a million but for ten thousand why are you lying you know everyone who was there no what i do not know the actual buyer and i really don't care well ask around i don't understand what did he see in you what did you say nothing just thinking aloud i wonder i can only hope your mother had it well insured [Music] so what it's already sold and the money we're a hundred dollars that's it i'm calling the authorities it's okay it's okay it's okay mom oh my god [Music] foreign oh i'm sorry i have lightning reflexes come on let me go ah crazy it's a good thing you don't have a gun otherwise you would have shot me first and apologized later i do have a gun oh that's awful wait where are you going to the reception wait where do you plan on going in your cute pajamas i'll just tell them i fell off the balcony and survived [Music] what are you laughing at because you're funny [Music] stay in the room i'll be back [Music] the police just got here i hope without the lights flashing yes everything is just as you asked in plain clothes without any noise all right thanks mom do you need another pill no i don't thank you well i'm sorry i didn't know that's enough calm down daria it's time to go please take it with you well that's it then don't you worry stay calm it'll be fine mom if you wanted to be taken out quietly without any embarrassment then don't you dare make a scene and you're fired too i'm tired of this circus we've got going on mom pack your stuff and get yourself out of here take her let's go get inside mom tell me where are you taking her to the place what does that mean mom i'll get you on youtube must be approved by the investigator what does that mean temporary detention first she'll be processed and taken to holding mom mom i'll get the money mom you hear me listen to me if i get the money for the necklace will she be released do you have that kind of money i will find it as long as you earn it otherwise she'll be in for a couple of years [Music] oh you're here come on tell me how did it go first it went well then horror no come on tell me everything from the beginning so you got there yes i got there so were the journalists there oh that was photographed tomorrow being all the papers are you serious and then i left the ball why would you do that i was tired and what about him and then he came looking for me and then what first i fought the fire in the house and then we went for a walk in the cold uh-huh why are you lying what is it that you don't believe is he a fool to walk around in the cold if you don't want to tell me then don't but you went to the hotel didn't you natasha aren't you interested in the fire forget the fire you'll tell me about that later you better tell me were there a lot of celebrities did he promise you anything and did he give you anything you'll find out everything from the newspaper marina come on tell me i'm curious natasha you're curious about garbage arena what's wrong with you and where are you going well i just quit you're lucky so that means everything is okay [Music] regina regina maybe you'll stay a little longer next time we'll meet tonight please thomas i promise okay see you tonight [Music] good morning [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] now open it up i'm not dressed regina hello room service room service [Music] hello hello and when can i clean the room just come back later okay i'll come later hello hello hey kid good afternoon wait here [Music] give it to me [Music] thank you [Music] have you lost your mind what alcohol is not allowed in the room should i fight with him or what you're always in the wrong place for some i may be a blessing oh and arena by the way is not interested in you she has a millionaire i'm very happy for arena she deserves it so why is she better than me nah are you envious or jealous jealous no way are you out of your mind [Music] if you sell it with the house what then it'll be twice as cheap you can't build a high-rise there that's an architectural monument we can bribe some officials and that's it the main thing is she agrees to it that fire really scared her just don't make the wrong face pretend buyer is already ready to walk away modve why are you late well i'm sorry i'm sorry arena in short there's a situation what the client doesn't want the house only the land so that's why he's offering only 30 000. how much 30 000 are you out of your mind i will sell it for a lot more through a real estate company i doubt it no one's willing to deal with you come on i'll go to the nearby city there are realtors there too someone with more connections than the two of you just let it go for that price well that price huh it's a good price listen in order to build a high-rise we need to tear everything down it's a big expense i said no we won't negotiate any further this is the last offer this is a robbery do you want it fast or costly if you want it fast then you should agree but if you want it costly let's look for another buyer it will take some time a lot of time think about it you have my number let's go i still have business to do what do you mean you still have business the client is in jail he wants to put it in the will he's very ill and you know it's not a resort let's go hey what are you doing you're just going to leave her on the steps go do it get back straight she'll call us in a minute but what if she doesn't she will she will and then be quiet woman always calls one two three four wait i'll do it you look terrible thank you not too many pictures of you and a lot of her wearing a necklace which is really similar to the one you wanted to buy so this is it how can you live with that tough and she's beautiful she's the thief or rather her mother the saleswoman she wanted to dress up her daughter took the necklace from the store window and her daughter gave it to charity such an expensive one oh so she didn't know what kind of charity for your organization or what yes to my fund so now what and now her mother is in prison [Music] give her the necklace back i can't it's already sold to whom how do i know i set the price but the other sold it you know perfectly well and what about the money what money she sold it for ten thousand i can give her back ten thousand but what's the use mama don't mama me tell her i'm waiting for you upstairs you still need to pack there one second hello artem do you also have an appointment hello sir do i know you we met once don't you remember sergey petrovich when are you going back to moscow i don't know yet i decided to stay here a little longer i see maybe it's good what a coincidence are you interested in landing the historical center it's a lot with a building you know i tried looking a couple days ago but there was nothing it literally just came on the market today it's a private seller but we already have way too many offers on it however i can offer you as an old acquaintance and will you be setting up an auction well it's a business you see and what kind of plot is it here a great plot of land in the center of the city with big trees a perfect place huh and who's the owner [Music] the landlady [Music] yes here's your suit oh thank you luba great very good job oh hello autumn hello goodbye luba how are you all right nothing's changed since yesterday hasn't it and did you notice the maid is new luba is her name and where's the other one she's been fired she's been a thief by the way you should check to see if she's stolen something from you i didn't get it wasn't it your volusina who was cleaning here well that's just it federer try to find out what happened because for some reason she's selling the house and she's not answering her cell phone [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] let me see my mother right go home already you won't get permission well then i'll just sit here all night long go ahead [Music] regina have you finished packing almost there's almost nothing left put it back this is the necklace what are you talking about i recognize it this is it you bought it for a hundred dollars my darling this is my necklace i bought it in paris on that trip when you weren't with me give it to me no give it to me regina no you're lying regina you're lying you should be ashamed give it to me bring it back to the store and get this woman out you're hurting me cut down you're going to ruin a good thing stop it that's enough give it back no way don't you get it this isn't right i'll tell everyone well first of all no one will believe you second telling on your mother is not nice third who's more important to you me or some other woman and fourth you've got a bone to pick with this maid because of gordon i've already forgotten about him mama you're a thief you are and they're not give it back the number you have reached is out of range or out of network out of range out of network out of coverage so no one seems to be home and the neighbors don't know anything either they don't know anything either i didn't find anything out either she quit her job on her own she's not taking any of her phone calls you know i talked to hotel security and uh it turns out that her mother stole the necklace from the store downstairs where she worked well i mean you know what store i'm talking about are you kidding me it gets worse the daughter it turned out she was aware of it as well so she was fired i can't even believe it yeah i agree the story is not really clear artem yeah tell me have you accidentally lost anything what exactly well like some cufflinks or federer are you out of your mind my bad yeah it is [Music] you know this is what i can't understand now if she's in trouble why doesn't she call me huh why do all these people that i don't even know always come to me with their problems and the only person that i want to be useful for at least something doesn't even say anything to me she just disappears and that's it why [Music] we'll find her witch regina hey there hello hmm you look great thank you are you all packed already i just quit what now could you give gordon my resume whoa whoa i really don't like what i'm hearing regina tell me what's going on hi have you seen sharesia no sasha have you seen sharesia such good what do you think you're doing here hello excuse me sir but have you seen siraja what's a raja now get out of here well i have a deal you have a deal on the fifth floor but stay out of here in this uniform well maybe you know what's wrong with him i've asked the waiters they don't say anything it's weird they all seem to be mad at me maybe he's sick it is all over for your sergey he was busted what do you mean mine he's not mine and what do you mean busted if he's not yours i have nothing more to say find yourself another boyfriend you got that voice spun out of his mind he's willing to do anything to get away from you get out of here now you juliet why can't we see the house again well i'm just the middleman i don't even have the keys the house isn't for sale either seriously looks okay to me that's what the landlady decided and where is she why doesn't she show the house i have no idea word has it she's crazy so maybe it's better she's not here well yes when was the last time you saw her well i don't know her at all oh really but the land is very good yes hello tanya hello sir i want to see the house but the realtor can't get me in to see it maybe you can show it to me hmm he's not a realtor then who is it he's my dad hello tanya but you said you didn't know the owner of the house hey listen who cares are we doing this or not you came here to check out the land not metal in my private life right tanya you'll show me let's go i'll wait here listen ivan you should pack your bags you have three days to find a new kennel ivan come here open the door please i'm coming and we're gonna need some dough so we can get ground uh excuse me where did you pick up these slang words at the police department there was this fat policeman who was talking to my mom so i overheard i see why didn't your mother tell me anything i i called her over and over she's like me i always let this one boy cheat off me in school but i don't ask anything from him come on have some tea it's hot why don't you ask because he's the best and i like him a lot well thanks but but i don't understand that he is very cute too but not very bright what do you mean she won't ask you for anything because she likes you a lot for a lot of good reasons but not because you're a millionaire my god well she's afraid that you'll think that maybe i get it that's it and so it's easier for her to ask your dad for help isn't it huh no one asked him he showed up himself when he found out rotten vulture how much did he offer her for the house thirty thousand how much 30 000 i'll be right back drink your tea mr realtor yeah [Music] so are we shaking hands do we have a deal what the hell is wrong with you what was that you're a bad father and here's another for the fact that you want to trick a woman uncle it's just a moment tanya huh so this is uncle artem yeah huh uncle artem so i can hit you back you can't i'm a buyer since you want my money you'll do whatever i want so are you buying the property get out of here why were you screaming everything's okay are you sure of course it is i nearly forgot one thing i have a problem with my memory i have something for you this is what i promised to give you this is yours thank you you're welcome keep it it's magic hello hello after you which floor the first why did you push the stop button i need to have a word to quiet i know you can't talk but your hands are free so where's the necklace all right fine i'll find it myself buy it quiet i said here it is [Music] schedule [Music] bastard what's the matter why aren't your bags in the car i'm not going what i'm not going with you i'm leaving you what nonsense of course you're coming with me no regina you're nothing without me look irina i don't need to be with you to be someone i can just be myself thank you very much for your excellent education and work are you out of your mind did one night with this bumpkin affect you that much is it your hormones your car is waiting so you are coming with me that's nice that's it no i am changing the terms i'm going to call you mom like the daughter that i am to you give me a hug mom you regret this [Music] oh you have a fever i'll tell you who has a fever felicina excuse me but you're fired i'm sorry oh god hell [Music] okay got it we are on the move [Music] saraja saraja help me out please unlock the dorm at the service entrance hello thank you what happened well i turned in my past but i need to get inside urgently arena arena listen if you see natasha don't tell her you saw me okay uh-huh and why not well i'm off to the army tomorrow today's my last day working here i don't want her to know about it did you have a fight no it doesn't matter well i see take care of yourself make sure to write letters i'll go see your sister and ask about it all right all right good to see you too [Music] oh hello so lucky you're here what are you doing here don't speak okay thank you very much thank you very much thank give that you me security [Music] arena hi did you get your job no i came on my own have you seen siraja open the door please please i beg you please open the door thank you i'm sorry it's all right it's not what it looks like i can explain you can't open the door right now uh no no you okay pretend we're not here are you still there yes i knew it what about natasha yes tell her that serena is being drafted into the army tomorrow no need to tell me i can hear everything myself she heard everything she's right there very well oh god this is not the end they'll call the manager and they'll come here and break down the door excuse me what will they break they'll break your door ah i'm a criminal did you know that open up i did aren't you afraid no i'm not and what if i steal your silverware you won't you would rather sell the house for nothing than steal something why don't you want to buy the house artem you know i came here to persuade you you don't need to sell it i really need money please you don't need money you need this [Music] oh my god god this is this [Music] where where did you get it from the thief the thief did she buy it or did you take it well federer took it he's better suited for that kind of thing than i am thank you very much and it must be returned to the store right away vetter's already taking care of it really but it's right here he went downstairs to pay for it i'm buying it but why for you [Music] good evening good evening vasily did you want something mm-hmm frankly speaking gentlemen i'm a little busy right now [Music] don't tell me that the suite has already been booked and i need to check out no about your guest oh no she's doing just fine don't worry about her and if you don't mind i'll call federer now so we can take care of other issues and you can discuss everything with him okay vetter yes vasily will be in his office in five minutes so go see him and work out the issue i think you'll find that he has quite a story to tell you in five minutes that's all thank you thank you for your understanding [Music] can i please get breakfast for two at eight o'clock [Music] no better make it ten o'clock [Music] what are you doing what are you doing here i'm walking and i'm waiting for you there's no need to wait is it true that you're going off to the army yes it's true so what who will wait for you no one no one my mom and sister mom and sister yes mama and that's it that's it [Music] and can i wait for you to return from the army natasha how can you ask me that i'll be more than happy if you wait for me [Music] just don't tell anyone that i'm two years older than you okay does it really matter well just don't say it okay you're so what nothing you're amazing regina regina hello hello what are you doing here hon well there are no rooms available and the suites are really expensive what they don't have any rooms well the manager said that there are only sweets well what do you think about i don't get it about what well about me darling and about that wonderful room on the second floor with a very kind man sleeping on the couch so so you're really going to let me stay and you're going to sleep on the couch well if you want me on the couch okay okay get up don't i got it oh i promise i won't be disrespectful although that couch is really hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning [Music] good morning [Music] are you leaving today i decided to say [Music] something has come up like what [Music] you know i decided to set up a hotel a little one i think [Music] and then what and then we'll live happily ever after [Music] but i do have to go on business trips is that okay [Music] well only if you promise me one important thing [Music] i promise wait i still haven't told you what it is yet [Music] anything [Music] you're all mine [Applause] well done [Applause] catch it [Applause] she's so great [Music] you right with me i'm gonna leave [Music] you
Channel: Romance Movies
Views: 5,593,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Romance, melodrama, love movies, love stories, Breakfast in bed
Id: QMnbZI0jaAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 37sec (10717 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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