GENESIS AoE4 Event | Grand Finals

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well here we have it this is the first big age of empires 4 1v1 tournament and we have the viper in it uh viper is playing in the blue viper playing as his english and then we have the mista in the yellow soul viper's color here which is kind of funny and mista is an incredible rts mind started off with age of empire age of mythology actually no back in the day early 2000's was even known for build orders and age of empires 1-2 so exciting final nearly probably the best final we could have had from a viewer perspective i apparently need to increase your volume a bit more and yeah i couldn't agree more the viper obviously the guy that we absolutely love and that we want to follow so so much because he gives us entertaining games and we've seen him so much and simply pure entertainment obviously the guy we are kind of cheering here for simply because we have the h1 plus two background but mister he has performed so incredibly well incredibly well yeah i mean i'm just curious to see how mysta can perform here against the viper i really want a competitive final and i said it before we we started recording here for the the final nearly that i think that what it's going to come down to is if viper is going to be able to hold off from some of those important attacks that might come in from mista not that mysta is the highest aggro player we've seen yet but from what i saw in the semi-final viper was very happy to just kind of sit back at times not not that he isn't aggressive too but wait for till you have to attack he'll thwart that attack and then he'll overwhelm and that's kind of been his age of empire's two style as well over the years to be honest i best played a lot around with many dumb timings it felt like a few late aggression he went for some army then fell back and then suddenly like triple barracks and dealt with feudal age armies really really well something we have not seen from other players yeah it's true yeah i think he was the one that really opened my eyes to that the viper scouting around and missed the scouting round for their sheep and uh we should probably talk about the civilizations now as we have the house of wisdom going up for mista we have not seen his civilization have a lot of success in this tourney but he consistently plays with them they upgrade through the house of wisdom to get different tiers which gives them more efficient eco what about the english though for viper indeed abbasid didn't really do too well english i think are they potentially undefeated at least they looked really good and i think viper feels really confident with them as you mentioned he likes the defensive play a bit and [Music] yeah that's really where he excels yeah no i agree and uh i think if they do have undefeated win rate viper has a lot to do with it uh i believe every single set that he played order in semi he played with them and won with them i don't think he ever lost with them so at least two of those wins were due to him and he is making his unsurprising landmark in the council hall so he'll probably make some longbows which you can make in feudal age and they are just so crazy with their great range the production is faster here as well and sometimes we have seen people even go on to stone quite early i think even a bit of a low elo legend mining camp could have been an option between the gold and the stone there nearly plugging the maybe series we see a fail of the week i'll plug your channel maybe is that disrespectful i'm sorry it's the first series i thought of yeah that would actually make a lot of sense i think that eventually we might have a greater understanding on uh how close or how far your mining camps can be where a lot of efficiency drops off but yeah that would have been nice not often we've seen that i'm really shocked did you change something with your audio like my chat is going ham that apparently you're way [Music] uh i can reopen this i can re-open discord let me just do that and then hopefully that solves the problem because i didn't change anything no okay yeah just let me be right back we can just go solo for a bit and then when you hear me you hear me okay um yeah or like yeah yeah okay so not a lot of shouting out to be done here it's more okay chat am i quieter for you guys or is everything fine on my end sorry about this by the way because that's really weird anyone uh chat's gonna have to to respond to me here in just a second sorry people for i want to make sure okay i'm not quite on my end okay i'll reopen discord then nilly sounds a bit saturated yeah i mean nilly doesn't sound any different on mine so i don't think that's it ellie's loud interesting okay cool cool um bear with me please i apologize uh we do have the game here and unfortunately we don't see much aggression right now but i'm not sure like i don't want to inconvenience him too much but also he could boost me all right nealy i don't know if this is going to be any better but i you know didn't change anything during the break so i can scream if you need me so no it should be fine it should be fine okay cool the long post out viper people are saying it's it got worse well you sound good um maybe you reconnect into discord [Music] really low volume it did get lower that's so weird that's so weird technology man yeah i mean you tell me um everything's kind of fine on my end here though uh i don't think i could do too much uh if we need to go solo we can go solo again i don't want to inconvenience you as viper comes forward let's just focus on it i can hear you fine which is really weird yeah maybe maybe just chat needs to catch up to real time or something on your end and the horseman here from mista very early horseman and great micro back with the weak one there as well and he gets some good archer kills here on the viper oh yeah viper a bit of an aggressive play here without having any spearmint that's a bit surprising to me most of the time we've seen players at the barracks after scouting double stable yeah i like this matchup a lot um because mista has basically said abbasid hasn't been the best civ for me it hasn't necessarily been the best sieve throughout the quarters in the semis but i'm gonna take this game one against the viper's english anyways that's so cool um some confidence with his strategies yeah certainly certainly and i i don't really understand the tower fully there are two horsemen inside now goes for an archer wrench the mister will play heavy futile age here i honestly don't mind the the tower here i think that that could give him some decent coverage if he's going for archers and going for horsemen he needs a lot of food and wood not so much gold though he didn't doesn't need to protect the gold but i don't know i guess we'll have to see how things develop as we have horsemen from mista looping around the right side now hmm viper's still waiting in the stealth forest there tries to go for the surprise those five horsemen they might find some damage but actually english really good at defending against rates in small numbers because the villagers can fight back piper i think he just sent some units forward just to see what's going on he's like where's his army and oh here it is viper you better react this first game in about a couple hours after that first semi-final concluded and viper loses a villager well played to mysta i like the mobility there interesting and another lumber camp is something i would have really liked not the greatest direction there by the viper and didn't really punish too much one horseman or a third of hp but the rest still pretty healthy yeah and they could still loop around to the gold deny viper there and viper choosing not to go forward he's just falling back defensively and an awful lot of reacting for the viper so far as he's going to go for that blacksmith there but now the horsemen are here as well and oof uh mr missing out in a ville kill which might have been possible there yeah i'm a bit surprised as well that he didn't commit maybe followed the tc would just get too much damage there yeah but viper has to play this really defensively okay well certainly a better start for mister than i've seen from his civilization in the past um but a lot of my feelings on civilizations honestly just comes down to someone's winning or losing with them that's just it's easier to root for a safe or think as if it's strong if that's happening yeah well like our sample size won't be really big here yeah and it just feels like most of the civilization that the viper is touching are looking pretty strong that's true and you could have said the same for mista as well what's up nilly uh okay my bad i thought you gasped there when you saw something crazy no no what do you think about mista going for these berries here with the mill like that seems very vulnerable if viper were to run through yeah it's not the most mobile army that the viper has though right the moment you still have all your horsemen around you know where the longbows are so he can pull them a bit easier plus i wouldn't be surprised if he just puts the tower down as well which is now yeah and also it's kind of awkward for viper to navigate through there so good scouting from mista because the woodline has definitely blocked that off viper will probably come through the stealth forest if at all nice little game here just to make sure people aren't slipping 35 eco from mista 26 military that's a lot of military viper 33 eco with 26 military so this i'd say you know marginally winning this game at the moment no well he gets more map control the thing is like english aren't that sad with camping at home right their economy with all their farms will be really good if we go into the very late game viper is really compact already on stone so he's looking into a second to see at some point mr expanding goes for a third patch of berries lots of berries i don't know if i've ever seen someone take three berries um now nilly he is working 10 more efficiently because he upgraded in the house of wisdom and i don't know what the timings typically are on that but i feel like being a tier one already is pretty quick compared to or combined with everything else happening well it's 10 structures right 10 buildings at the 11 minute mark i think it's not that surprising it just drops down another stable in another archer range that's massive like three stables two archer rangers i think he's waiting for viper to to come out again but viper might not have any intention of moving out though as they say that viper on the right-hand side that's an awkward path for viper to to go as well and remember the issue viper had in that one game against lucifron where he he moved forward with army and then he couldn't reinforce because his army's so slow strong army but he has to make sure he can win fights with this will be tricky spearman to protect longbow man i think we should find like two three kills here on the berries he sees the villagers missed uh with the reaction loses a villager but he does not have anything inside of his tower still doesn't have an army here to fight this and viper now should expect something to chase him down hm but why do you have this tower there if you have nothing inside i think the horses could have jumped in quite easily i think that when he placed that he didn't realize it was blocked off to the north of it so that made sense if viper would walk that way but viper has to walk around and now it's too late so [Music] split army here longbow man behind the forest could be really nice for him to have to engage with the horseman right i mean i think the horseman should try and get behind in some way if you could pull some of your horsemen we might even see the attempts now for mista up behind this there's an opportunity but viper maybe even waiting for that it's very weird to see the spearman behind archers like this that is not too common in h2 but piper knows gotta be careful why how is he splitting his longbows here oh that feels so weird remember the one english game that he played and lost was simply because his army was caught off guard yep see oh he there he goes he's gonna go for these uh these palings and the the spearman got some big hits in there but there's a lot of army here from mista but not a lot of archers anymore right and once the archers died the spirit becomes just so efficient and the palings as well and that was a good fight for the viper that was so good he used the i think it's called brace uh for the spearman he also used the camps to heal up his longbows and he had the paling so that's three separate things you need to do in ideal situations in fights viper with the english is just a different beast he's going for the second to see now as well tries to squeeze next to the tc might find a horseman kill here no things better of it viper with 44 military 42 economy look at mista it's the 45 economy 32 military i mean he's so fortunate that viper didn't find the other berries because that would be more villagers that could be disrupted but viper looking good at the moment there's a tower around there plus that's really far away right yep so viper with an immobile army probably doesn't want to check there seems like viper wanted to hang to his hill but oh boy will viper see this here comes mister viper's probably confused he does see it coming out across the map now and now he knows that he can he could take out the tower and push into mister's base as mr reaches the castle age oh really nice for him can upgrade his horseman can upgrade his arches the viper where is he going does he think he's retreating there does he think he's going home i think he's trying to nearly he might not have scouted that either and now he can't get home and if these horsemen get upgraded i'm really curious how they do against feudal age longbows that could be a tricky timing here for the mr what are we getting we are getting only the horseman upgrade now some more lancers in the queue he's going full cavalry and he already has a mango and a sprinkle wow he was really quick to the castle siege it's like everything's developing so much faster here in the final the horsemen which i don't think are upgraded just yet plus the archers plus the siege and viper is definitely just trying to fall back and wait for his own upgrades right now uh horsemen just five seconds away and the viper he's getting out of there with only losing like five six units that was really fortunate for him viper is not on the way to the next age yet he is fighting with feudal age units he has the numbers nearly it's just how much will the upgrades matter here double barracks his counter hall as well production is not really going wild he is going for some early minute arms but they won't perform too well against castle age especially against sprinkles as well right i mean what does viper have against the springhold at the moment i don't think he has a single thing yeah yeah it's like a carcillate unit then you are deep in fuel edge like technically like scouts could be a good option but i don't see viper adding lots of those yeah it feels like you're just deeper in the feudal age hole if you start to make the scouts and you could say goodbye to this little tower here viper uh it is taking a while for it to go down though so it's buying himself some time and it's doing some damage for spamming in there and yeah he does some damage to the spring gold not the craziest thing ever though and that's going to be some dead unit the viper he needs to wait for his upgrades now tries to rush out the white tower which acts as a keep yeah that's gonna take i mean it acting like a keep is gonna be huge for the back portion of his eco but it is gonna take a bit for him to complete the upgrades after hitting the next stage mr right now 29 military has a ram three sprinkles i mean i just love this comp such a beautiful mix what's so good with this being a keep is that english also have a bonus that you have your keeps working as every military building so it's not only a keep it's also a blacksmith at the sa or a siege workshop at the same time so you can reduce sprinkles from there and we'll see if vapor wants to do that moment viper's about to lose a house which can be a big deal for the moment it's just the map control from mista and remember we kind of talked about it viper just able to soak up the pressure get his upgrades and then push right back let's see if you can clear this this is a great game to start off the series seriously this is i am so full of energy right now due to the action yeah it's so nice and viper he's trying to save his army tries to upgrade but it's not going to be too easy still early many arms as well didn't really upgrade those ramps now going forward but two mangled three sprinkles it's tricky for the bible to engage into that it is i am still 500 hp seems like that outpost is just something else that's going to buy the viper some time and viper stop this right now and also what is mista up to at home it just seems like it's all in at the moment no here nearly ah is it really all in though i think the economy should be relatively equal right 49 villagers for the viper mister sits at 57. he's eight villagers at hatches and this is far from all in well i mean he's no second town center not really looking to expand there what i do love is that he is upgrading the house of wisdom so the efficiency could be even greater incredible what he's able to do there's ever any questions about miss disability from some of the people who aren't familiar with what he can do in other games those questions have been answered already yeah this is already some really nice aggression and towers now shooting at the ram as well 300 hp magnolias could maybe help tc likely to go down and viper he simply can't engage this he can't engage it and if he can't engage it his eco is going to even get worse he said he's already behind he's got farmy eco and nilly where's he going to take gold here does he have access to gold right now it does not look like it could go for it but he didn't really scout that no 5 out of gold viper out of gold have not scouted the other side can he ever clear this up can he ever change this position also no real switch now another spring gold but this is an army that performs so poorly against siege units yep this is this is just not the force that viper needs and he wasn't able to do damage against mista was missed to doing damage against viper in the feudal age miss ditches just slowly and methodically pushing his way through viper's base and now viper look at these villagers go they're looking for resources he might accidentally find the gold though the gold and the stone might help him a little bit yeah villagers are going there he has more villagers in that group as well bit surprised and yeah no those are 32 villagers he's just going for the wood line there at the front wow that could be really exposed yeah right i just love how little hesitation mister had when he he opened up to the next stage immediately going for rams immediately going for sprinkles and the manganese if you think of recon struggle against viper in uh in the semis it was just a little too much hesitation i'd say yeah maybe maybe also we heard in the interview earlier how mr talked and said like longbows you actually like them but you should not really over commit that's kind of the way to lose and mr saw eighty percent of the army being longboss and now lots of longbows here for the viper again so that might actually not be the best army composition in early casper blades if viper wanted to counter there mr spotted it because he was sending units forward viper tried to cut off the reinforcements mr said nope i see that and so he's grouping his other units at home that was such good awareness from him there nearly yeah absolutely and viper he's now repositioning himself for another big engagement finally some villages on gold mister goes on to stone as well and now the three sprinkles can viper maybe intercept there i'll see viper trying to mr surely is going to notice this and he does he uses his own sprinkles against viper sprinkles and a big fight i don't think viper can win this fight oh all the front units are already dead sprinkles are retreating lances are coming in horsemen as well and viper he simply has a really bad army against what the mr has on the field yeah mr chose every unit he needed here and he also has the numbers and he also has the efficiency and the economic numbers looking great for the player from greece as viper falls back to his white tower to hold even adding an outpost that's a bad sign maybe he wants to defend his woodland a bit better there it feels like okay some villagers can jump in long ball still from distance doing quite some reasonable damage they are but the sprinkles just feel so strong well the springlines are currently attacking houses if the sprinkles were here against the longbowmen i'd like missed the situation a little more i think the last 30 seconds was a little wasteful for him as he's at 33 military and the viper is currently at 40. so piper's getting some pick-offs that he definitely needed and uh if he could just maybe mix in some other units here really like maybe make your own sprinkles or just get more of a meat shield for those longbowmen um well he had a lot of meat shields but all of that died longboss now wanted to heal up sprinkles getting sniped and repositioning how are economies looking behind this the mister sitting at 70 villagers the viper at 60. yeah and it's surprising viper's not further behind but tier 2 on the house of wisdom so villager gathering rate is plus 15 for all resources and researchers are also 15 faster though the mysta's economy working even stronger due to that i feel like mr he didn't want to overextend which i think was a good decision there nilly he's kind of regrouping right now and then he's going to go in for another push but i could have easily seen him continuing to dive deep and overextending against vipers uh very compact bass well decided more to go for some raid the viper now adding a second to c again the mister still plays with only one tc which is quite surprising to me look at his queue of villagers there plus they only cost 25 foot i mean as someone who who really likes aggressive gameplay this has been the game of the day so far for me because so much military i think viper needs to change something at some point right like yes he needs to brace himself for the attack but he also needs to get some counter damage in will he be going forward now thinking about it expanding to the right-hand side loves his outpost maybe feels like that's a good option for the counter attack knew that some villagers are around there i think that should be some kills on the berries mr will spot this though he's got two knights there so he should at least be able to react but yeah the very is completely unprotected and if you look at the yellow blob on the mini map you see mister reacting to this this is perfect for the viper this is what he wanted he can breathe more at home now that mista is responding to this oh tristan i i my gut feeling is saying we are having a four-hour series ahead of us it's so good isn't it i just imagine boulder bay oh that's easy three-hour game yeah not unlikely it's they both know how to come back so it doesn't matter who wins water yep exactly i think boulder bay is going to be brutal oh geez wow this gets cleared vipers pop looking much better now 125 for mista he's at 127. viper has brought this game back nilly and they think it's just since mr took his foot off the gas a little bit to regroup and he was on one town center viper's caught up in villagers now yeah yeah i think that was kind of a mistake there not having the extra tc i think especially evacid should be doing really easily with the second tc i still yeah yeah you would think with how good their eco is that that would be the case but in many ways the military that mr has right now is a lot more expensive uh we don't have a value stat but 49 military when you're talking camel archers manganelles springholds lancers is so much more expensive than longbows and spearmen oh wow this is amazing interesting mixed army here around the mister like as as viper goes left mystic goes right just like before and now viper has to react now oh my god what a game this is beautiful age of empires sprinkles coming back the viper will lose those two houses remember 10 population block tears the viper is getting in somewhat danger but simply outposts should be easily defending this one and sprinkles with the distance as well right oh my goodness crazy to me is that the populations are so high and no one's even flirting with the idea of the next age they just realize if they use his resources for the next age it could be a problem look at the keep on the hill nilly for mr on the left of viper's base oh that gives you so much control over that area viper will be extremely cornered he kind of accepts that he has like a third of the map yeah also like mister has amazing vision at the moment if you look he obviously has the right with his army he'll have the key and then he also has that uh lancer sitting next to the gold that is intentional for mista he knows that viper's cornered yeah how much gold does viper have 1.1 k gold there he only has 2k gold yeah he can only access 2k gold right now yeah and mister i think is happy to just to just wait him out a little bit break remember how patiently he played the boulder bay game as well that was just so nicely played and he just knew okay if i'm camping that's what i'm going to win yeah but viper's going to run into the keep now and he's not going to be happy to see that and now at least mister will know viper might have to shift over here like that keep protects so much it doesn't protect every attack but it does protect most of it to where viper will probably never push over there um random spearmint counter attacks for viper are not going to be enough he needs to push that main force away from his base oh my god look at this hill can he actually take that hill he can kill everything from there no what if what if you just make a keep there isn't that like the best keep ever you can't look up well i think traps can kill but it's it's close to impossible to engage against this oh my god i mean what what a crazy position as viper's whole eco is gonna get rocks on it what dang and now viper has to fight he has to take care of the keep or he has to take care of this because this is not going to get any better anytime soon but how can he take the keep i don't really see it he doesn't have the seeds to deal with it yeah it doesn't i mean he could theory make the siege but uh piper waiting for his opportunity but there might that might never arrive at this point he's waiting for a door to open when all of his doors are closing hmm he did get golden control he's not getting better yeah he did find the gold at the top now for now look at this nilly missed it notices it mr comes in with lancers he noticed he lost that unit over here and he says no viper not gonna let you do anything with that crazy good map awareness instant reaction has stables over there as well still controls the right hand side the methodical play here by the missile extremely impressed it like there's certain games that just make you love the game and i feel like this even applies to people who don't even play right like and this is like a work of art right here how this is being played by mysta viper helped me fall in love with the game you know way many many years ago and right now with age of empires four mista is is just showing us what you can do however here's rams for viper he's going up the hill for the keep nilly uh ram attack there three at the front should easily get rid of the keep where's the army of mr going and it's too far off position don't tell me he's walking the whole distance no way he's going down yeah his keep is going to be lost and his military is kind of useless on the other side and now viper is going to have that gold in the north and the keep we thought would do so much more than this nearly oh yeah but well if you don't have any army to protect it and now look at this whole army of the mister takes so long to get to the other side i think maybe an attack there might have been a better option i agree just run in just run in like maybe the white tower is what made him think twice about it because he didn't have any siege but now viper 190 pop missed at 175 and mista is giving up on the areas that he had secured tricky stuff here let's take a look sprinkles are coming over the whole army it looks like a massive one we are having both players close to pop limit here massive attack upon us yeah maybe the biggest fight of the tourney right here we've got like a hundred military look at this this mystic storm's in he's got lancers he's got camel archers he's got sprinkles he's got manganese and viper is gonna get pushed right back to where he came from piper's military is simply not strong enough to ever leave his base uh spilling a keep there will most likely go up i don't think the lancers will deal with those militaries fast enough but so much army is going down the magnus brand maybe the keeper's even being denied if it keeps the nine that could be the game viper just saw 60 population and i don't see how this keep goes up billy the perfect response from mista keep denied and 98 viper just dropped 90 population in a minute holy how did that happen and mr still flirts with pop limit now a massive score lead and how can the viper deal with all those lenses now i think if you think of the hp of all the units right now mrs army even when viper's army was alive was like twice as strong or twice as tanky i don't think the lancers can be stopped and from here the sky's the limit for mister he could drop another heap if he wanted to he could maybe uh follow this up with siege he could go up to the imperial age and here come the rams nearly he's on the hill making some rams crazy play from mister oh man and yeah look at that missed up at the big raid and gets out of there now prepares with massive siege through the center camel archers are in there as well the perfect answer to all the spearmen as long as he keeps an eye on the right side there's no way viper will have gold if the left side is taken you don't need to push viper's main base we just need to stop viper from having north and viper knows that as viper is gonna fail with this keep so another keep he doesn't complete and he actually doesn't have all this village he's building it nearly the big mistake from him he pulled them away they were working on the keep for quite some time and i think they could have finished that at the top so many are going to go down and it feels like mister might be closing out and gave them one here what a crazy performance wow just beautiful and also against the civilization against the player who has seemed very hard to stop you know viper's reputation mister has one of his own one nil for mista this is gonna be an amazing set of age of empires oh boy that that makes me so happy oh i have a smile on my face not because viper lost but because we are seeing such high level play and we we are kind of witnessing with them how incredibly deep this game can be played and how high the level already is yeah i wish i could go back into the game and check but i'm really curious if mista was able to get to tier three with the efficiency but nearly that's like 60. it's 60 60 buildings yeah and he was at like 35 last we checked but one tc no two town center just military everywhere and while there were times where mister would maybe shift position and we'd think oh viper's coming back into it mister was going for the correct military so yes longbows and yes pikemen seem strong but maybe viper just couldn't utilize them when they are strong which seems to be futile age that was just amazing his awareness as he had scouts on the gold from viper you can see the resources there nearly like yeah viper had more stone and wood but the food and gold count was nuts for mista and the lancer plus sprinkled composition is what harrah really loves and really made look extremely strong the viper not with the answer was a bit late on the spring notes himself but simply yeah he had one production building right the one keep and mr can just build them wherever that was that was so exciting oh my goodness i really wish we could have game two right now so i hope they launch um now mr can no longer play with the abbasid civilization a viper could still play with the english if he wishes to but i would not have put abby sid in the top three of sivs i would have put english in the top three of civs uh before going into the finals here if that gives you anything to think about viewers all right here we have it uh colors switch up so don't be too confused viper playing as the mongols like we saw and then we have the franks for mista uh pretty far away here uh the name of the map isn't on screen but it looks to me like this is arabia try arabia indeed so should be and uh have to see if there's any crazy openings here mongols a bit more unique with their economy you can see uh viper making his uvu right now and he's gonna be around the map with that con uh nilly would you think that with these two players being who they are and after seeing game one that if viper were to fall behind 2-0 it would be very difficult for him to come back in the best of seven i think it's so much to go plus the mr said that he is not used to play a lot right he said he doesn't play more than three hours a day and he already played the best of five and now goes into a best of seven his break is significantly shorter so actually i think if we go into a 2-2 scenario i think the viper is winning close to every time oh man the con going after the scout here from missed it but it would take a while and okay so you think viper would have more stamina that's interesting because i think amongst uh the top five in age two viper might have it's not like his stamina is awful but his stamina has been a talking point in recent years maybe it's like the heras and the mbls of the world that play 10 hours a day yeah yeah yeah certainly a difference there all right well uh i'm looking forward to this big thing we should talk about because we brought it up in the other matchup and the semi-final is the gold position for franks frank's need that goal to be protected mista has that little bit of map hacks gold on the back honestly being so close to the edge of the map he could even go for a cheeky little wall off if he felt it was necessary and protect his deer too next to the deer for sure viper by the way already going on to spearman so i think this is going to be a dark edge tower rush out of the viper massive amount of village or some wood already goes for two spearmen oh interesting and the missile has a really good map against that what is that outpost outpost where excuse me of the mister he is tower rushing the outside of the map i don't even see it so oh that's really bad that's what that is well actually hold on look at the pictures honestly though he is rushing it down which is a little weird but if you think of the radius of the outpost and then the radius of the tc they probably meet so it covers that whole area in there and he is going to wall up very creatively right now huh saving him like protecting his gold he saw the barracks so he knows what's up he he knows how crucial it is that he controls his goals not really sure why he can't finish the wall at the bottom though yeah that that is really sick that he he scouted that already nearly the scouting's so important here and it's not just scouting the barracks but it's knowing what will likely come from there being a barracks at this time but he he maybe he's expecting a little bit of pressure he doesn't necessarily know we're going to see the towers and there's the outpost there for viper uh villager though doesn't want to build it for some reason she's going even further and oh it's because the con is here and this could be really annoying for mista but he could always fall back to his outpost i guess oh yeah he could another tower coming up for the viper now for spearman goes for some aggression this won't be that easy no it would definitely won't and now we have to question like will the outpost cover what he needs here and the con goes down oh viper couldn't get out of harm's way there that hurts look at that and he sees outposts i mean viper knows how good they can be he's trying to use his outpost offensively right now so there's the school of cav for mista so i mean it's still dicey but i don't think viper can actually take him completely off of gold right now i think mongols have something with increased range or something an upgrade i think he will reach that gold and mr khan defense really i'm unaware of that because i we haven't seen a lot of that right where would that upgrade be arrow slits or something it's like i think i played against mongols and it felt like a crazy range maybe maybe feudal age not maybe it would it would make sense i mean if that's in dark age that would be a lie yeah i think it's a village thing okay i mean upgrade there it's worth pointing out where is the other gold for mysta i'm not seeing it if he loses that gold that's to the far right oh god east of his town center really exposed yeah extremely exposed he's gonna make another outpost i think if there is something that makes this tower rush worse in the future the outpost defensively there makes a whole lot of sense and i think viper will be happy that he forced reactions but there's definitely going to be gold income for the frank player okay let's see mr does he have enough resources to go for a night far from it economy obviously heavily disrupted now goes on to gold but won't be able to produce knights for quite some time maybe too long of a queue there when it comes to villages yeah nine on gold though he will catch up there and of course the amount of damage that a a single royal knight can do is insane but they're 100 gold a pop like you're pretty exposed at home i mean typically things are pretty condensed for the the mongol eco but he does have to be careful if he's running out to get hunt at the gur that would be where royal knight would feast a mill now by the mister only to farm i believe oh is that for wheelbarrow most likely i think i would have still liked that next to the deer a bit further to the left hmm yeah i agree i think that he played a little too passively especially if you see viper's got this pressure on this one side maybe just feel free to expand to the other side and the con for viper's there he took him two minutes to make a new one he's going to chase away the horseman i believe missed the spot of the vipers out there but viper already has two spearmen protecting so many spearmen at the front still as well aerosol is being researched on the front tower and now he can attack and you can see how he's out ranging the tower oh my god damage maybe he can right click on that gold that's so crazy so you do one damage to the outpost but you'd probably do more to the ville i think so and how much did that cost i guess we can't see because he already researched it oh no he's researching it now 25 gold 50 stone and it's per tower so you have to do that forever yeah okay oh that's crazy rain look at the range oh my god yeah he can definitely click the villagers he just has to uh manually do it i think huh not going for it now obviously means aerosol could be uh researched by mr as well to defend there look at viper with his con he's seeing if the deer being taken i like that he knows how important that will be and we just have not seen a lot of royal knights yet for mister he's very much on the back foot viper now with the archer rangers is he going for artists as we're going for mango dye now goes for the first pastors as well and i think it should be archers just feel so much more of the unit that we've seen most of the time yeah that's true well uh we're gonna have uh professional scouts here the mysta is just gonna gather up all the deer before the army arrives and bring the food inside it's just so cool to see got two archers he's got one royal knight but that's not much of a counter-attacking force and now the question is like where is he going next and viper probably should just leave like two spearmen or something next to every deer spot maybe no i feel like i guess if you look at the food income per minute here that will change a little bit but it still feels like the food gold count for mysta's not bad he's gonna get those deer and if he can take a fight at viper's base viper still unlike the mongols is very exposed because he's trying to take the deer but the rest of his base pretty compact next to his town center now yeah yeah feels really compact indeed his but has towers at areas where he's exposed so i don't expect him to have too many problems and continues with his tower rush just gives himself some more control and increases that yam area so do you think that maybe you can't right click villagers with this outpost of your viper because it feels very weird to me that he researched that and then isn't hitting the villagers right now i think you can right click like really really sure but i think it might just be one tile out of range okay but like what's the when you click it there's a circle around it right so is that not the attack range i think maybe the one circle is the attack range and the other circle is division uh you know what yeah that's true i didn't see the inner circle that probably makes sense all right well big armies about to meet up in the center but it looks to me like that's just gonna be better for viper at least for the time being there's not enough royal knights not enough archers for mysta i'm being told by sneaky codfish that you cannot right click which i no offense to the cod fish but i i don't know if i believe you i think nearly you you can't right click with tone centers but you can right click with the towers yeah yeah yeah yeah um and i think it makes sense that that inner line would probably be the attack range but i mean viper viper's gonna utilize that range in other ways he's really trying to get good coverage with outposts and he did that a lot in the quarters and the semis as well but will it be enough there's still plenty of gold in that gold mine for mr but he is halfway through it at least lots and lots of food income for the mr pretty crazy obviously he still gets some deer and very patient there with his army so many archers so many nights at home and honestly i always thought viper was the most patient player that i've ever seen but the mystery like when did we see him take bad fights not true yeah he hasn't really taken bad engagements he also isn't queuing up knights all the time so is he flirting with the idea of going to the next stage that feels like a crazy idea when you're slowly being surrounded by towers uh oh here's like diving in oh man maybe too patient here nilly oh he just reacted yet oh that hurts i just saw it like four villagers i would think right the viper sits at 36 40 still for the mister french are crazy faster working tcs so i feel like these outposts in the south could always just be taken out by the army mr has but maybe he's waiting for viper to overextend i don't know though viper having the outpost next to his army means that it's going to be tougher and tougher for mister to engage i've never seen a game develop quite like this one nearly yeah and the outpost uh how do you even get wood now for the mister do you expand to the right-hand side um [Music] you have to make one major attack happen pretty soon and that's a lot of spearmen and archers to defend it yeah i mean you could take out one of the outposts yeah just go to the right hand side probably but there's even there's just outposts everywhere and you must realize that viper's trying to surround him like that's pretty clear at this point what viper is trying to do and viper can see so much look you can see like the entire eco of mysta and you can see he missed his army just sitting in there that's crazy vision and it'll get even crazier once he completes this one yeah and then you can see i think i i think those outposts can't still look over the wood line which feels weird yeah because it's an outpost so it should be a little taller than trees but yeah it's not technically not really not right yeah this is why it's at the front like take take out the outpost with your army and then you can just go to the other side so i mean he probably could have done this a little earlier and now viper knows he can send his army in but the tc is there viper being extremely cautious right now nearly viper has 45 military how are mongols able to get this much military it's crazy that mana stone allowing you to produce two at a time feels pretty damn wild indeed and i don't like the archer number three of the mister would have loved to see a second archer range he's got the ram here viper finally trying to force the issue it's two rams i think it's a fight now or die situation for mista does he have enough vipers got so much here and he will find villager kills at the very least tricky stuff now the gold and food for taking down those buildings that's obviously nice for the viper he just takes down those lumber cams and he's fine yeah they're happy with that vista is currently making his castle age landmark being attacked right now um uh this is a little awkward uh will he take the fight he's got chivalry nearly he's trying to bait those spearmen in towards the archers but viper won't let it happen oh this could be the fight trying to embrace their not the greatest engagement ever spearmint numbers are dwindling yeah and and you've got knights with chivalry so if they stay alive they will continue to heal up a little bit and i think viper just needs to make sure that he focuses that that army right now um the tc will stay alive a little bit longer like half this army or mr is currently attacking the rams but mr holtz oh crazy crazy defense here for sure and now he's dealing with the rest of the archers look at then how they have died what on earth it's it's another game where viper invests heavily into feudal and mr even fully surrounded at one point casually knows his way to castle age what on earth are we witnessing mista keeps the tc up it works as good as new and mr let's look at his bill count he has 48 villagers viper sitting at 47. but what is car sage really giving him right now that's a good point that's very good is he getting the upgrades honestly nearly plus one attack okay he gets um more hp on the knights well that that might be worth it actually because what's it go from like 160 to 230 ah no it wasn't charged or attacked bonus okay oh no healing with the knights lots of villagers here on the berries not a single villager on wood for quite some time here yeah mister seems to really recognize how much he can bend without breaking i think a lot of people are just going to freak out and they're going to take a fight before it's before it's um before they're in a position to and it's allowed viper to take out so much of his map and viper has to fall back but viper's still in this game viper's on the way to castle yeah and two tc's for him the mister is running out of his gold so he needs to expand to the exposed gold that we mentioned earlier also needs to expand to the exposed wood so the moment the viper gets all these upgrades and actually gets to muscle up and attack i think the mister will have a tough time defending without losses and viper you have so much vision um with your units in h4 viper's got some good buildings around as well so he was pretty easily able to expect where mister would go and that's the first time miss has been to viper's base in a very long time yeah those knights trying to find something but won't be that easy on the woodline pastor number looks pretty good here how many villages are those 24 on cheap holy moly 24 on sheep for viper yep makes sense for mongols right okay so viper's going to upgrade his archers he's gonna upgrade his spearmin i believe man at arms have been good in the past there but maybe only in feudal age or against feudal age units yeah not against royal knights or friends right most of the time we've seen like archer spearman compositions but that made a lot of sense yeah i think against this army composition like against the knights mango dice would make sense but that's really bad against the archers so i think he will simply stay on spearman okay if that's the case i was thinking maybe missed the ghost man at arms but i don't know it could be an obvious arms are bad oh yeah minute arms would be nice yeah against the army that bypass mr could come in his arms doesn't feel that intuitive if you're french though yeah it doesn't feel it doesn't feel like a natural choice exactly he's committed so many upgrades to the knights now what you could do is maybe make some get some sprinkles that seems to be the fallback yeah something goes for archer minute arm spearman makes so three different units here again and yeah very diverse army and crossbowmen so four different units in production viper is now healing up units like an ai like he's got like man at arms spearmint he's just gonna like click everything but uh i think numbers definitely matter and having a bit of a one-sided composition can be tough as we see barracks now uh or a barracks for now from mr at home it has to be minute arms right mister i would love to see you tc at the front there but he simply doesn't have the resources for now and i think spearman doesn't make sense so yeah just queue up some minute arms feels like the right choice from what i heard we are going to see spearman i think he's making spearmint so he can make spring holds nearly um but from what i mean spring goats i've only seen spearmint archers make sprinkles but maybe and can french even use their infantry to build sprinkles i thought they could only do rams and siege towers i don't know i just i just know sprinkles are good here yeah but i think only abbasid and mongol villagers can build them right but don't don't ask me to give you a response with 100 certainty because i don't have that but uh i need that i i'm being told not in age two maybe that's different in h3 okay like if you click if you click the spearman it only shows siege tower and ram so i think you're correct at least for mister yeah and if you click the spearman from the viper you see that he has more options there okay okay good to know well so not something that he'll want to go for then because he can't do it but look at the royal knights and rip through the villagers inside of that outpost um well maybe not actually the outpost will go down but i think the army needs to run away and it does and just rebuilds the outpost exactly at that spot although there's not much left right one deer only oh maybe two maybe three yeah mr gets to see what viper's up to and those veteran spearmen are looking pretty menacing right there i think that would be a good fight for viper if you could find it oh lots of knights but yeah he rather wants to run around doesn't really want to take the fight archers are still futile age not the craziest upgrades on them and not even the first attack upgrade on them so those arches are really weak yeah very weak army for mista so maybe he should wait it out and viper he does have a similar ville count now nilly if you look at vipersville count he's at 69. nice and for mr oh dives in there it takes a pretty bad play he's a 67. viper's got 30 more military and he also has siege i think this is the time window for viper to go in for the kill absolutely mister floating so many resources here and now only going for the first mangano at the 21 minute mark feels way too late mass springer is already out can go for more and this army just feels unstoppable by the viper it really does there is a siege workshop like you said making the manganell but that might not even stay up i haven't seen manganelles be hugely effective in situations where you want to come back in army numbers it seems like you still need to have proper support as we're going to see mystic consider fighting here oh my goodness is he gonna go in that's so surprising to me archer numbers are there but the upgrades are so bad so i don't think the spearman will be done probably yeah i mean he is trying to dive for those sprinkles i do have a lot more faith in miss disability to judge fights than than our ability to judge fights but wow that was a surprise to me as well here spearmint numbers simply stayed up and the crossbow are dealing with those royal knights really nicely simply not having any upgrades on this archers i think is a major mistake here yeah nearly viper did lose a lot of military there if these royal knights can kill those ranged units it will take viper a long time to make more of them han goes down there but there's just not too many royal knights fight for 38 military mista at 19 and he seems to to be unwilling to even bail from the fight nearly oh it feels so weird and archer simply is the good counter to all those crossbows that we have there that are dealing so well with the minute arms and the knights but it feels like there's so much from the mister just swarming to the front this is such a close fight now village is being pulled again villagers head out there for the sprinkles as the sprinkles roll away that's uh not the best for their lives anyways doing a decent amount of damage against the siege and missed uh 68 bills 12 military viper 77 villas 36 military piper's very close he looks really sharp here woodline extremely exposed at the front gold exposed and this is tricky siege workshop now being built one sprinkled probably pops and instantly dies yeah here it is up boom thrilling grilling stuff he might try and keep the siege workshop up though timing could have been a little better there with the use of this sprinkle tricky to time obviously didn't really want to engage he knows this is a losing fight and the cross were behind are just doing so much damage sprinkles around as well and i think yeah the mr has to tap this one out wow archer's under upgraded yeah and i i wish we could replay that fight with a few more archers and with a few more upgrades nearly but i don't think it was like so egregious just simply due to the pressure that viper was sending it viper was pressuring all the time uh he he was in a position where if vista allowed him to advance any more viper would have probably snowballed that to victory so that combined with maybe fighters numbers would have won it all anyways makes me think viper just outplaying him and showing the power of the mongols because that is not the first time we've seen mongols be able to do that 10-0 on land maps now in the main event of genesis this is just crazy talk right 10-0 and i don't think people would have thought it would have been mongols many people would have said frank's perhaps that is would have been a little reactionary or a little uninformed but either way score 1-1 right now viper cannot play with the mongols anymore that will be possible for mysta because he has only one with the ebbaseed um i just want to look through some of these stats here because we'll certainly have the time economically viper more food more wood and more stone and he was behind in gold but he wasn't spending near as much gold with his army yeah spearman archer right neither unit cost gold so he only had to go heavily on it when he switched into minute arm and sprinkled so probably like gold income before the 20 minute mark should have been like 5k to 1k yeah do you think the mr sat back too much obviously viper went in for a ram attack that ultimately mr thwarted but to me i mean viper had him surrounded with outposts and mrs just sat in the middle of his base which just felt so weird was that a mistake or was it actually a smart play to give him a greater chance to win in castle age i don't know why he didn't go onto the wood line regardless because the towers can't look over the wood line yeah yeah so we can still chop the wood yeah which feels so weird but that's how hm works right now okay fair point uh just to reiterate uh people are curious about the sieves here so basically you can play with any civilization but if you win with a civilization you then can no longer play with that civ so uh that's why viper can't play with mongols anymore and it's still on the cards for mistake best series of the tourney so far nearly it's two games in uh it could like the first two games are really promising i love game one i really like game two if they keep it up yes yeah on course for best theories of the tournament yeah of course which is what you want for a final and mister will now try the same he has the mongols and i could see viper falling into the same trap he fell into game one where he he ends up sitting back a little bit too much nearly um because that is how english typically open ah let's see about that one and oh it's this map where we have one small opening in the center and that's it oh this is so good for english i believe because mobility won't really be an important thing there's technically two openings through the gut here i think this is called mountain pass right um could be it would make sense i see a mountain and i see a pass through the mountain so um name checks out but yeah i mean i'm definitely agreeing with you here that i don't think mongols will really excel here but that makes me think why would mr pickett because mrs picked his sieve for this map he could have picked any other map and there were a lot remaining in the pool oh [Music] i don't know maybe he has a mongols plan what what do we have oh actually i tristan what i just did i knew that he was mongols and i checked for the amount of deer yeah yeah because i thought like yeah mongols was counting on a lot of deer my hmi is too thinking yeah well whoa whoa well well we have a stable for the mister so he will open with horsemen most likely here well okay really stable yeah um i i've had the confusion as well um i don't think we're alone in that but i think if if we were to receive a ranking on how well we casted this series and brought the sieves to the viewers i'd say we'd at the lowest be seven out of ten and i'll take that that's slightly above average so oh really you already skipped a lot of like introductions and like saying what are the special things did you talk about the ovu tristan what does the overdo are you really saying we're below 7 out of 10 are you really going to do us like that i want to be fair okay all right i have wrong person [Laughter] wrong person to bring that up to uh yeah stable role your scale of one to ten ends at 15. right so like i think we shouldn't really talk about it like last time i asked you on something on the scale of one to ten it was your announcement that was 12 out of 10. okay that's fair i probably i don't recall saying something like that but i promise it sounds like something i would say nearly right and do do you still remember that announcement i don't even know no because there's so many different announcements but all my announcements are 12 out of 10 so i mean it all runs together really uh anyways there's the the uvu to answer the question so people will be informed here allows you to produce unit uh twice as many units uh you utilize some stone which comes in from the uvu as well a little bit of stone generation and nearly called it we've got scouts everywhere all around the map and interesting is this like is opening with scouts better on this map than it would be on other maps i guess that's my thought nearly i don't really know we have four scouts out here and he gets obviously every single sheep that's remaining on the map because he gets so much vision yeah but he needs professional scouts for this one to work and even then i i guess i am lacking in knowledge on on the maps but i feel like there's not excessive amounts of deer compared to other maps is it always four patches in every single one yeah you have you should have one relatively close together once four ish and then one yeah farish yeah yeah yeah okay so it's we'll see if the chokepoint ends up being an issue i guess that's what i keep bringing it back to that there was a map that would be good for english that choke point up the middle would be it and viper making his council hall surprise surprise he wants to make the longbowmen out of that and uh i would say longbowmen and spearman is still what we're expecting yeah but spearman maybe a bit earlier than we saw them last time sometimes you even see players go for the barracks in dark edge for example marine lord right with the great game with all the aggression against the mister that's true yep yep and uh that was that was an amazing game i saw that from marine lord that was losing my mind but viper has a different approach he will play small amount of longbows as a defense and will play a second town center really wow okay second town center i mean he has made second town centers more than any other player in this tourney granted he's now played more games because he made it to the final but mist has been barely against that we haven't seen him add second town centers even in situations where we would think as age of empire's two players that that would be a play game one one tc the entire time and ended up winning the game against vipers two eventual three if you consider the fact that he lost one of them no yeah back to two then and long both now for the defense the mr still with four scouts and a khan he's controlling the whole map and the viper should be dead i don't think he can really move out no he can't he's got his con here in the center here mister he's trying to chase down viper scout he doesn't want viper to get the sheep right now he's actually killing the sheep if you can't have them i can't have them so he takes one out that's kind of funny and viper stopped longbow production he only did two now goes for the mill as well two on gold won't be surprised if we see wheelbarrow earlier and again i mean i'm a little torn on this right now so mr can't necessarily do a ton of damage to viper because the economies aren't that big yet and they haven't expanded but at the same time i think what britain's or english would have success with would be archer spearman and not giving up map control and that's exactly what viper's doing here so vista reaching the feudal age now took him a bit we'll see if mr will will pile on the aggression here nearly or maybe have more of an economic approach with professional scouts or something hmm let's see about that for now he is adding some horsemen and he's indeed going for professional scouts so no surprise there will try to get all his hunt close to his town center and yeah just keeps himself in the stealth forest here this one will be a very passive game oh viper's going to add his town center near where the hunt is at his base which will actually protect the hunt from miss to stealing it with the professional scouts but that's actually not a bad spot for that at all yeah yeah actually the best spot and you could even make an argument for the mister going for the top first and only then to the right-hand side dear yeah the professional scouts isn't completed just yet takes a while so the timing perfect for viper i mean if you think about a one tc play if viper wasn't able to force any reactions from mista and then mystic could just somehow get all the deer it'd be much worse for viper so that's pretty good strap yeah yeah yeah i like it but professor scott still didn't finish or what hey it just finished just finished yes ah just finished okay makes lots of sense and now he instantly goes for it okay i like it i like it yep there he goes still some deer out there of course and viper just kind of protecting the other one yeah so viper viper knows what's up then this will come as a surprise to viper and he's like shoo get out of here get off get away from my deer that's my meat he has six scouts so he can go for quiet somehow okay here's a question really because i've never seen this happen yet if you with a professional scout pick up a deer carcass and then that scout dies does the deer carcass just arrive like fall on the ground or does it like wither away with the scalp i would think it drops but i don't know i've not seen it either yeah because like at that point the dead body of the scout is contaminating the already disgusting meat that's on the ground like i don't know if you want to eat that are we gonna see a barracks or anything along those lines we have an archery range now from mista and we have a blacksmith and we have a barracks okay so yeah he is definitely thinking about being aggressive against viper's two town centers i'm not so sure actually he's not really producing anything right um is that a yet scenario like will he start producing because that's a lot of building investment just planned till later i think this is a play to it and then go minute arms okay i don't think he will build anything in one tutelage he has full control all right how much is it to make a uh i should probably look a pasture um i think 100 150 okay i was just checking there i was just curious because that's that's where it's different with the sieve right you want to use that wood to make pastures when you're starting to run low on sheep but that doesn't normally happen for a while especially when you have dropping more and more deer right yeah yeah exactly well 48 total pop for mr right now shouldn't an oily pasture still be really good because they're producing sheep regardless right yeah and they're simply banking up even if you don't need them yet it's a good point like just make one before you even need the sheep it'd surely be better than an archery range in a barracks you're not going to use right away well but those i think made a lot of sense just in case maybe the mister can click up to castle any second now could cancel a villager and go could go up the viper meanwhile sits on not that many resources but obviously invested more into economy yeah so mister with 35 bills viper then with 42. i mean that that is very nice and it's gonna lead to uh even higher veal count of course but i feel like if he doesn't structure his base properly if he doesn't prepare for this with the military see ram man at arm being very strong especially since his base is kind of split in two right now hmm i think the viper should even consider stopping villager production here and then full minute arms then you should be fine you're ten builds ahead oh here we go viper he spots this army and he gets surrounded by the army archers very weak two archers go down he falls back to his tc and the khan even trying to get away kong goes down but against four longbows and that can will simply respawn in two minutes yeah which is not a big problem no it's not piper's still not even on the way up mista is well on his way and so nilly you're thinking we're gonna see man at arms here we do see siege engineering on the way right now double stable double barracks one archer range maybe you go like i mean it all depends on what he can afford of course like it's even going ram lance sir i think lance are sprinkled yeah and i i mean the minute i'm sprinkled yeah okay goes four minute arms first now goes for armor against melee units quite a surprise so probably one is expecting minodambi men adam fight and viper is going double arche range so that might be crossbows he's going for the white tower as the defensive crosstalk you know the crossbows wrecked the man at arms in the previous game but i think that was also a numbers issue so you know that's that's what i've been hearing as well though we haven't seen it as much in these games is mix in some crossbows if you're going to see some matted arms the the archers maybe not going to fare quite as well i like the walls from viper that i think that's really smart especially with the sieve we thought the chokepoint in the middle would be where they would fight but uh viper's created his own chokepoints at home yeah but that's a chokepoint you can't really attack into right yeah the white tower tc piper will play this one really defensively and wards himself off of three gold sports animator stones but that's surprising i wonder what his scouting looks like because he wouldn't have been his as mobile around the map he's kind of scouted it i think some of this is a spec bug so i think he does know that his resources are out there yeah he can obviously delete the palace set and just go through later speaking of scouting by the way red dot on the left red dot towards the middle like missed as completely surrounding if this was very realistic those scouts would be heading back to the con right now to say hey this is what's going on in this base this is where we need to be they do not need to report that of course and oh there you go with mista he sees the white tower didn't help viper in the first game at white tower well it did actually help to build some sprinkles but didn't help him to the victory at least yeah yeah that's what i meant by that was not enough he simply was behind maybe the white tower and the siege workshop could have been the better play i think this game is going better for viper though viper's got 60 villagers he has a lot of villagers and he's not as on the back foot as he was in game one with the english and he'll soon have 20 additional villagers some are going down here also what are palisade walls gonna do when a ram shows up and the sprinkles are here not too much certainly and that tower is not even getting upgraded oh the attack on the left nearly very sneaky from mister he kills a ville i like that only one lancer and ram is moving forwards more sprinkles and i think there's like metadata sprinkle army what's the answer here by the english piper vipre pulled most of his army to the left to deal with those raids nearly so he doesn't have anything here right now but of course the walls will buy him a little bit of time to swing back over and yeah i'm with you i think your own siege is what you need here for your viper looking at the numbers it is 38 military for mista viper's at 26. so greater eco for viper pretty far behind in military though ah tricky spots here i i think if we had a straight up fight the mister would just completely crush this yeah maybe mangano by the mr could be thing trying to deal with the tc from distance two sprinkles for the viper we've got four for mista it will be very tough to engage if your viper unless you take care of those sprinkles even still it's gonna be tough to engage but he's kind of played that fortified game and he missed his retreating now okay the ram will go down sprinkles will do reasonable damage there and mister that's not the damage that he was looking for no not at all i i think he just he lacked some confidence there because he had a strong army and then he lost one sprinkled without killing one for vipers and he thought oh no it's snowballing and i think this is just giving viper some additional time maybe two rams would do better i have not seen one ram be all that effective throughout the weekend random sprinkled trying to roll around to the north for some reason snipe the gold villagers right guaranteed to kill two wilts so can we talk about how towers can't shoot over top of trees but a sprinkle can shoot through a wooden wall why do you want to talk about it there's a lack of consistency there the spring old kills the villes and great job for mister but that's a little backwards for me lots of people still confused with the score guys don't give too much about score especially with mongols apparently score is extremely broken viper with some broken units over here crossbow longbow looking very strong i mean it's just veteran horsemen these aren't the strongest units in mr's army but it does thwart an attack that mr kind of wants to work right now because 55 eco for him and the viper is at 70 so like for maintaining a 15 villager lead but trying to go for the defense here with the tower nice one okay the outpost defense against the sprinkles and it simply feels like 2tc not really getting punished here viper looks rock solid yeah it feels like that but it also feels like the second myth to commit if there's any success there's going to be a whole lot of it you know because there's villagers everywhere like 15 villagers are right there on that woodline so if mista makes a move and viper breaks he's gonna break hard but viper just gonna palisade wall and add another outpost and just he is uh playing as uh a fat flop player might play at this point like he's not taking any risks here nearly yeah you're talking of if viper breaks but how can he break he has all the army in the center although wow that's a lot of cavalry again that's kind of a similar army to game one here if you look at it yeah what i'm thinking is just like if this army can pounce on longbows the longbows disintegrate and i'd say the same with the crossbows but one ram just not doing it man sprinkled defense is working out so nicely still control at the top some vision in the center i think behind this i would like to see the mr going for a second to see more off oh oh wait a second viper can't take the gold next to the springhold in the north granted he can clear that at some point he's got two golds he's taking otherwise and it's all over here on the left so missed is aware of that and i think that's why he's shifting his focus uh the gold closer to viper's council hall has 500 remaining the other one has 3 000. so if he could push that the viper will be out of gold but viper's 55 military 80 villagers and it's 66 military for mista 61 eco i think viper's position has just been getting stronger and stronger and stronger over the last five to 10 minutes it's four against eight sprinkles i i guess sprinkles just packed more of a punch right so it's tricky now the army's moving in could we see the final fight here tristan oh my god it looks a bit like it the mystery is moving in if she needs to commit to this fight he's not committed with everything he pulled back with the horsemen but maybe he wanted the lancers in front there the springholds are kind of hanging out behind here for missed as well so the siege has not mattered yet nilly and mrs population still looking really good viper's population also looking really good but viper springholds have to retreat and viper is off of the gold temporarily and the army value is just so much better sprinkled lancer simply so much better than all the villagers and all the longbows we have on the field so pound for pound i think mr so heavily ahead but we see better numbers for the viper it's the same problem as game number one like you said nilly i think mist is doing such a good job with the sprinkles viper sprinkles he's already outnumbered he can't be tossing spring old numbers these are not cheap units at all and viper is completely off of gold right now moving in with villagers here that's what he learned from mr trying to defend and suddenly sprinkle count only at three 120 pot for viper missed a 96 population viper still maintaining a significant villager lead and he's even used some of those villagers and the sprinkles are all gone now nearly oh god how is that an option i think one more mango to fight at the left-hand side could have decided everything the units were so clammed up viper's holding this one beautifully yeah i mean it was ugly it might not be beautiful but it it works for him and all the while his crossbows and his longbows and his sprinkles that he still has sit behind this milly and that was awful for mr and it looked so good after the first fight oh yeah that was so weird right i think he could have just gone back and controlled the gold a bit more and just tried to fight from long distance but then the villagers ran in and the sprinkler number suddenly dropped to zero i'm really wondering if and i guess i should look at the income per minute really wondering if mr took a fight before he had more units in queue but it didn't seem like he had a strong follow-up at all like look he's got barely anything now it took him so long to mask that army so i agree i think that the army was was stronger or missed a pound for pound but he just can't afford to make as much of it and piper with confidence more and more of it pushing outside of the walls that were destroyed and he might try and take this hill right now viper now outpost rushes himself through the center one single sprinkled won't be enough here the queue continues here for mr but i don't think it will be enough yeah i think we've reached that point where the eco is kicked in for the viper and he takes this fight he does have the spearmen in front it's best case scenario for him he's got crossbows he's got the longbowmen as you can see the horseman and lance are still very strong but mister compared to viper is kind of at the limit here in terms of what he can afford long term and viper could just make you all day and this is not going to be a winning fight for misa it's a decent trade if the eco is even not even close 70 villagers against 85 so economy isn't that that out of control for the viper but obviously his numbers are now increasing now he goes for minute arms his own sprinkles in the back and simply like getting that line of towers is so good for him yeah i also think viper and this has been consistent for him he does such a good job with production buildings he's got five barracks he's he's continually streaming units forward i'm not sure about mista uh but uh okay he's got the stables but he doesn't have like as many archer ranges or whatever else he would want mixed into the army this comp is a little just one-sided i suppose in general and oh my goodness look at that there's 30 villagers on that gold mine there nearly oh there's actually going for the girl while we have the stab root up next to it major mistake oh geez all right the lancers going down and viper looking so good as good as we've seen him with the english man and he just made it so tough for miss to kill him he holds on he wins game number three a close game nilly one that mr might regret later but congratulations viper i'm not really sure what went so wrong there i think simply not adding the second tc viper's eco wasn't that far ahead i think just at the tc three four minutes later just send five villagers on wood and you should be fine there's definitely a point of no return with the whole town center thing like adding the town center two minutes before that that big fight at viper's base you could probably consider that a mistake because you had committed already um to to the all-in-ish play but but yeah um it's not like viper was pressuring so maybe you just have to take your foot off the gas and accept that it's going to go later viper with more food and more wood but mr still had solid stone and gold counts there and honestly nilly if that's on arabia viper's toast viper is completely toast i think that there would be more avenues for mista to push viper it would happen earlier viper would die much like you know we've seen mongols dominate or we saw even miss to dominate viper when viper is playing english in game one so i gotta circle back to if you wanna play all in one tc why do you go for that type of map because it's so much easier for viper to play defensive there ah and you know what we just witnessed the first mongol loss on a land map that's just yeah that's true put let me just mark that in my calendar okay good to know good to know i'll get a notification on my phone a year from now i'll be like what yeah yeah nice oh what what happened tristan what happened two years from now like two years ago what happened age of empires too definitive edition came out correct happy birthday happy birthday we're not playing you or casting you at all right now but next week king of the desert and i remember when the definitive edition and age of empires 4 was announced uh it was september of 2017 and so it took two years for the defended edition to come out and then it took four years for age of empires four but thankfully microsoft followed through we we're here now so i cried that day you cried that announcement yeah yeah like it was a big big thing and i was like so happy because there was kind of like the hmm [Music] edition and yeah some civilizations and i didn't really know but those were some good news yeah it was it's crazy how much things have changed since then you know um kind of across the board and all good stuff i i did some analysis stream in the very early days like 2003 or 2004 i did cast some of my own games but people really didn't like that because i only picked my wins wait where were you streaming in 2003 no it was different it was basically me recording an audio file and also uploading the recorded game and then i said like hello this is neely i'm playing again stout who run arabia let's press start together in three two one go and then they pressed on play but pcs weren't synced so every like three to five minutes i actually set my time and let them either like fast forward or slow down and that's how i upload it like that's how i did audio cards for at least two three years for the german community i'm sorry i just got a headache just listening to that that's how casting worked yeah i mean there was no spectate mode for many many years right so yeah spectating worked that basically you took the same like you played together with the person and didn't touch anything yeah and you could only see one person so sometimes we had two people one watch the one guy one watched the other guy and then we said like okay dowd is at pop 30. oh chris has said pop 32. yeah i know uh crazy how far let me check water but yeah look at the water see if you start lagging on your look at this guys you've never seen such smooth water on this channel before people are so hyped it's such excitement but seriously we should buckle down here a little bit because regardless of how long this game may go regardless of how many hulks we see the stakes are huge here nilly a mista to the west viper to the east and i think mista has to take this one going down 3-1 to viper would be very tricky oh yeah absolutely he looks so strong he still has so many good options and yeah this is going to be extremely interesting because we have seen that water should give you a big advantage but didn't close out games so far yeah and heavy water play could be a real option yeah and the one thing that i hope these players are aware of if someone ends up winning water is that there is a coastal trade post we have yet to see anyone transport over there to take the sacred site which would be nice but also trade with the coastal trade post so it's the fish that you can get by controlling water in the feudal age but it's also the trade long term whereas the land player has the trade post in the south but if you look at their fog of war wait a second it shows oh interesting maybe has that icon always been there for the coastal trade post in the north uh if you're french yes it shows oh that okay that's wait a second yeah what civ was were they french in the games they threw nearly i forget because i don't recall seeing that they should see it that's why i got so angry in the lucifer game as well yeah i mean i was angry for other reasons too but yeah they just never went for it anyways viper is like stealing sheep that's a lot of sheep he's got eight and he's over on the enemy's side mister won't be too happy about that but there's also not much you can do once it's uh attracted to no not attracted to your scalp just chasing your scalp let's not take it too far i think there's a fetish for that for sure yeah yeah probably but i don't want to encourage it you know so we're going to see hawks here nearly how to feel just just give up before it gets worse that's that's my suggestion um but seriously are we gonna see hawks or will someone dare to go for some nights no i think this will be like one of the modern movies and we'll see the hulk a lot here and i don't really see another way around this the the question is like does it make sense to go for castle age does it make sense to go for a second to see yeah to do anything but the hulk feels just like a mistake yeah fish is just too strong and while in the future you want to control the southernmost area there's no real benefit to controlling it in the early stages if there was more benefit uh trying to think of of examples in aoe4 honestly there might not be much you could really add here to the mapping a before that would make benefit in futility so water maps going to be strong there's extra eco units working and uh just give that up your minus five minus six minus seven eco or while the opponent has all that working for themselves plus they can also add more plus they can trade plus they can control a lot so it's just losing water without contesting it it's like a horrible idea and technically should lose you the game but we have already been proven wrong twice yeah yes we have nilly to the point where i am still tilted by it and i wish it didn't affect me emotionally as much as it has but and very similar builds right now um viper making his chamber of commerce we have the same now for mista and this is a market so uh you know another reason why you should probably be thinking trade all traders and trade ships return 30 more resources to any market or dock from the chamber of commerce the mister has a really easy really good waltz but the viper is playing it open for now at least i thought so but now sending the villager forward as well but scout sees it scout sees it uh viper won't be able to quick wall this one but it's also a very slow process it's not like the scout is all that strong it's always funny to me how hesitant the villagers look when they start being attacked oh viper house they want to fight back or not hold on a second where's this dock at um wait a second what's going on oh i'm touching the stock no no i got confused sorry i thought he was up already which he's clearly not so he's not going to be making a hulk and everything's good yeah you're going to beat later because your build order is focused a bit more around the wooden come early on and then the fishing ships kind of carrying you towards fuel age yeah so timings are a bit later than for example in arabia yep there's a second dock there for mister which should line up with when he reaches futile the viper reached feudal at the exact same time and so there could only be one pop-up on my screen that's interesting to see and viper one doc right now i'm a bit surprised as well yeah there's lots of food i should have a single village on food what i've often seen is that people instantly sell all their food once they're reached the chamber yeah yeah it makes sense because and you can see viper's messing around with his commerce now it makes sense because you already have the food income to make more villes so what you really want is you want to get as many ships out as possible to protect them at least initially but viper being one doc tells me he's not going to try and overwhelm one water which has kind of been that bad he's pulling the second dog now but he will be behind his second targ will be out later by a solid like 10 seconds i would think why is that that's very odd to me like that that is pretty simple thing and that could snowball on him granted the docks do heal your ships nearly you get to actually watch a water fight this weekend exciting nice nice finally i'm honestly like this it felt so weird like me praying for or pulls no big water fight no micro and then like me showing it knowing that my viewers won't enjoy it but i kind of felt like i still have to show it yeah yeah it felt so wrong yeah i i genuinely got dizzy with the high numbers of hawks in the castle age that one game so i'm curious on your thoughts with like 10 hulks spinning around on your screen well the lag was the same even if i saw normal water it was the second most awkward cast the most awkward cast was me at the maladives casting game live and selling how the viewers are how the players are reacting while it was actually a recorded game i've i've had many awkward scenarios as well but uh for the time being we'll see what the micro looks like i'm not mistaken i think we had the uh the speed upgrade completed by mr here he looks to be operating a little bit faster mister does not have it no no still additional sales to be researched which has the resources okay to know good to know viper's not as far behind as maybe we thought he would be but these things do produce awfully slow so maybe mister will have one more defender's advantage so so strong now we have everything healed up and i don't see too many losses the viper wading in kind of the the high grass water area yeah it's it's similar to stealth forest where you're on land they can't see you too easily it's a nice spot to be i guess for viper who wanted to go in there and get fish and look at the distraction okay i see what viper's up to here and he takes that one fishing ship which is good because he's currently behind in numbers nearly he was at seven that makes mister go to eight okay nice small pickup there and no real high production it's just so tricky to have all those villagers to working one vintage are on stone now for the mister so he's thinking about adding a tc at some point i think there's also an option to simply stay on gold and just buy 300 stone for yourself although it's 170 that's crazy expensive we see a stone wall will he play like aggressively onto water and then stonewall no no i think it will be an extra tc how much is one pile of stonewall in this game again five stone i believe is it five one tile is not really helping you too much yeah i think if you like look at the left hand side wall of mr i think this should be like 25 stone it feels so weird yeah it's it's odd even placing the the walls in this game is very different but this is the most aren't you so excited that you could watch this nelly like oh my god how can we ever contain our excitement it does look cool at least but mister's not even even like he should be pushing his advantage right now but he doesn't know that viper was late to the investment with the uh the hawks at home has keeps one at home in front of every dog it feels a bit weird but intentional third dog now by the mister who would be really sad is if you stay at home and then viper can somehow hit you mister didn't do the wood upgrade 23 on wood for the viper and 24 on wood for the mister still no wood upgrades none of the two that's very weird but viper also doesn't have the speed upgrade for his hawks this could be an issue this is where you start to see the spinning all right viper groups up here and we are going to see the spinorama with the hulks both players though might be debating on sending some ships home to heal up next to the docks yeah viper with better numbers now lily trying to chase down but i think it shouldn't really happen next to the dogs uh production is there plus the healing third dog will kick in eventually or the wiper trying to commit against that i don't think that's the best idea probably not he decides to run away home field advantage for mr so i'm just keeping an eye on resources per minute viper's got more food more gold so it seems like viper is going to be leaning more towards that faster castle age in this game that can tct because it's not building a 30 third dock truly surprises me and the second tc for mister i actually really like that because what does the faster castle age give you in this type of a game it doesn't give you that much ah you can have an upgrade that actually gives you another sprinkle basically there's a chance that you shoot at the front of the hulk it's not only the sides but the front um i don't remember the name of that but i did see that i think twice um i want to look for that upgrade to see the cost of it swivel ballista to attack extra yeah extra ballista is the name of it that's so yeah you go from armored hull to extra ballista no it's just it on the hulk it adds an extra religion no no i'm saying in terms of the creativity with the names here nearly i'm looking at compared to another name okay okay like we have one of the ships is called junk [Laughter] extra ballista it's not too bad not too bad literally the only thing that i can share strong opinions on right now because nothing else is really happening this could be a long game i think so and what would be ideal for us having seen this map played out so many times one player wins water and then trades on water and the other player takes the the south and then trades on land yeah you need a lot of control though right and earlier in the interview mr said like he isn't sure that the trade is really kicking in but simply having the extra 16 000 gold in the center is more important well that's even more it's 24k i didn't get to listen to the interview but it sounds like he was a little too honest before a final yeah maybe maybe you know like i would either keep my mouth shut or i i wouldn't have it in me to necessarily lie about what i thought was strong or not but i'm sure viper if he heard that interview was going down was probably listening to that yeah writing down okay gold in the center the mister building better walls at the front here i really like that gives it more control gives them a better heads up if the viper is going for army yeah didn't keep any bills on stone i was kind of thinking we might see stonewalls we haven't seen a lot of stonewalls in this tourney but when there's such a tight gap there i think that that would make sense viper is in castle age right now ahmed hall coming in i think we can upgrade in the blacksmith as well but only plus one attack i don't know how much that's doing armored hull won't come in because he just lost the dock viper just lost the dock so he cannot upgrade his ship with that at least he's also getting navigator lookout [Music] there's quite a few valuable upgrades here actually yeah truly more range obviously is really good for engagement yeah but will viper be swarms now it looks like he might not have the speed upgrade yet but the extra range is gonna be huge here as mr reaches castle agent he still feels like this is his time to hit viper before more upgrades come in close battle here but viper using the range and moving as far away as he can is very smart it was 13 13 viper now moves away and it feels like lots of the army not really chasing down here in the back from the mister probably a harder task when you feel so much pressure viper kind of in the easier spot in terms of engagement but he did lose a dock remember so misted will have the better production and fights going back and forth actually if mister is in the little uh the marsh there viper might not be able to see him with his extra range ah well yeah yeah maybe but maybe more line of sight as well upgraded there and now he goes for a demo that could be a really good one yeah demos crazy connections uh obviously you need to connect to make it worth it but i have seen demos do something demo actually no way oh my god speak of the demo holy man actually i didn't even see that there that's what a demo can do whoa oh and he's trying to chase down he's trying to chase down again or goes into the next marsh okay that was one of the plays of the tourney right there that was so brilliant for viper oh geez just as we're talking about it too and yeah i mean he's gonna wait until he gets that army on the move and he's gonna swoop in with that demo or maybe even see if the army's tempted to go out there again oh tricky he's just waiting maybe they're microing away demo not to return the favor viper oh dealt with that yeah very well very very well but i mean the potential is there on either side now and i just think that's so cool how viper's just waiting hoping that mister might go for a counter on the bright side for mr having a bunch of weak ships after leaving that fight is completely fine because he can just go back to his dock so i forget how many uh naval units viper killed there but i don't think it was too many look relatively close now sending his own back but too far away from the dock they're actually not healing up true i'm surprised mister has 11 more villains slowly worth pointing that out mm-hmm 3c played by him same with viper viper okay okay going for farms going for quite some sheep here at the top tc as well oh yeah what's going on yeah they saved those for a while it's crazy to see players at such high populations and then not really having much going on is there something else other than the hulk you should be making now that we're in castle h uh demo yeah and the demos i'm sorry transport trade ship dallas forward mounted bombard that can do heavy damage to any target carrick as well i feel like they would have probably made them and committed to them if they knew it was strong everyone seems to be all about the hulk with the french on water so maybe something for the future for people to toy around with in the next upcoming interesting french water wars [Music] [Laughter] oh look at that stone walls with a tower i like it a lot and like with how little is happening right now it it makes sense but oh viper he busts through the palisade and here he comes with royal knights i like how when he broke through the wall nilly he had immediate backup instead of waiting mm-hmm that was so cool there's not much those knights can do against that so he'll just continue to do his job which hopefully he's getting paid a lot because that's brutal would not want to do that one but he's stuck and uh oh okay looks like viper just lost a demo and here comes the navy from mista he's going to try and hug the shoreline here but these royal knights are already going to run through there are royal knights for mista but vipers are veteran royal knights they're much stronger okay nice already got the cartilage upgrade there but i think it's only losing so many hp early on the fish here maybe not the biggest deal when you have 100 some villagers but fishing ships still are helpful and viper seizing the opportunity take out the fish mr has to go back and react to that and if i'm viper i don't even use my demos against the fish i think that's a waste you got to go demos be demos here it's trying to hide in the water grass kind of again goes in there with another demo not the craziest one that one all right still not the craziest one though now mr is trying to go in might find the kill yes he does wiper needs to disengage viper backs away back over to the walls it seems like the villager unless i missed him is still there somewhere um and i mean that's still a contestable area and i think it makes a lot of sense like if i'm viper i do not let him get those stone walls down certainly he still has some idea about this but the tower is helping out in controlling this area one dog by the way dern burning down so soon it will be only two dogs for the mister true forgot to save that one didn't have anyone coming back good snipe there that much shouldn't hit here i think this should oh there's a lot of demos coming in wait can he get 1v3 with the demos save himself oh what a save that was but no they still did the damage tristan i did long distance with two hulls going down with that and i think this is the viper's fight no that was returning to favor now uh is there a friendly fire with demos doesn't look like it no i don't think so it's like 4v4 again it's been very even on water very even in this game and maybe the villagers will be the main story did die yeah what's the overall kdp who's going for the palace sorry i got distracted red pellets for the viper so he is on the way to improve age while the mister well still a thousand food away yeah and to keep there for viper i mean viper did have fewer villagers all of castle but he's got a lot more food a lot more wood income and mysta has a lot more gold and a lot more stone so that that explains it now engaging two more demos at the front oh big connections here by the mister yeah and then viper returns the favor and if he can snipe the weak ones before they heal up i think it's he's trying to do it nearly but maybe it was a mistake to stay there it follows it up with a few more time for more demos boom all right you don't see relics utilized too frequently here they before you know all around the map that uses them the most is holy roman empire yeah yep would make sense we're not seeing them then because i don't think we've seen the sieve a single time love the keep position for mista that that is an amazing position and kind of the area we talked about on the map because there's so much gold behind this [Music] yeah there's really nice late game set up for the mr and no one has really won water which is extraordinary because we every other game someone has overwhelmed on water pretty quickly and then you have one off and one on water but still contestable area for the foreseeable future yeah i think what i will lose in importance simply because we now get into the face where we can go for bombards i agree sense to me maybe i'm dreaming too much but i would love a transport ship and uh villagers making buildings at some stage like right in the open areas next to the player's bases i would love to see four different transports with no no no different groups of four spearmen four skirms trying to take down a keeper you're giving me anxiety stop oh god mr dlitz's palisade walls he lost the tower connected to the stone wall the viper with the springholds but also the cannons just pushing right up this hill he's got a lot of siege he's going for boiling oil goes for more nights here curious to see what his production is looking like goes from fully nights while the viper is going for nights and no he's going oh siege pikemen okay i'm not sure i like sprinkles here like i know we've talked a lot about sprinkles but i'm not sure how effective they're going to be with the really big him farming actually may need snipe cannons yeah you think so okay yeah yeah because canon is actually the unit that dictates the game here i didn't i didn't realize that they could actually snipe cannons so that's a surprise to me oh they're cheaper boiling oil not helping right now not going to help unless viper gets to the base of this castle and i i mean viper's pushing right up the hill right now and and 21 military for mist is not gonna be enough viper he's a 27 i guess it's just very strong military for viper as the the castle look at that kill it's shooting the cannon right now what is this pew pew pew that's pretty sick he's trying to get a cannon placement there so he can defend from the keep but the keeps going to go down i think before that it's possible and look at that sprinkle ceiling with the cannon here let's take a look big engagement but there's not a lot against all the spearmen oh wow you're right and nearly the sprinkles are exceptionally working exceptionally well against the cannons you called it oh viper nobody's able to keep there and this is the timing he's trying to get onto the goal major engagement here for the mister oh man mr takes the fight it's veteran royal knights against a counter unit but but veteran royal knights are still such a strong unit but viper with some confidence he just follows this up with his own heap and so he loses the spearmint he will get the keep up and the keep is barely up for mister that's so important no it goes down oh that was a clutch moment there there's still a cannon to protect though but players are heavily under upgrading their units it's basically castle age armies right now yeah i mean imagine if viper didn't get that final shot in on the heap it would be so nice oh there's a keep right next to it what the okay all right i guess that's fine a lot of pressure on the mr right now ah let's see some villagers trying to get that castle up but actually spearman trying to take that down we now have arbiters i would be surprised if we see hand cannons pretty soon as well another cannon gets sniped by sprinkles it's two or three that that mista has lost and it feels like viper is the one dictating the pace of the game right now as we like to say his continuous stream of siege forward and he's he's going to destroy this keep before it's even completed and he gets another cannon nearly mister might get rolled over here oh it feels like it the viper's simply going for the better army composition is some speech with the spearmen feels like such a better composition than 10kms not really getting onto numbers sprinkles and cannons just so strong here in imperial age so both players prioritizing this position but this stuff he just he started to fortify the area before he had control of it whereas viper he started to fortify the area after he gained control of it a big difference here big savings of resources too and i feel like viper if he needs to could always just switch into anything else at this point nearly and can take his time getting upgrades whatever else he feels he needs mr actually built some more water units which is really surprising to me goes for way more stables archery range is here for more production hand cannon here and elite royal knights love that army composition i'm really surprised that he's still contesting water okay yeah he actually sent fishing boats forward by the way so straight chips so he thinks he won water wait what but he didn't i'm not seeing them miss starts building trade shifts oh he's making them right now yeah that's very odd i think you know in a moment of panic maybe he didn't think about that and he's mainly focused on the land remember there's so much gold here you had mentioned mr said in an interview before the final that trade might not be as important but you know you could get away with some trade it's not like viper's focusing on that right now but it feels weird to do that if you don't have control yeah the the market at the bottom absolutely not an option the wood actually cutting off the mister this is really unfortunate for him the viper can trade but the mr no chance oh shoot that is really unfair actually i mean it makes me feel better that mr has kind of lost ground because he couldn't trade anyways but yeah that is really bad oh man that's something we will obviously need to take a look at once we can go into map editors and think about that i think it's not deciding for this game because no one is really using it but it obviously is unfair well i mean viper is going for traders i mean it gives viper a natural wall so i actually disagree i mean yeah mister already lost the position but how on earth is miss is supposed to there's even a cliff here so there's literally no way for mista to use any mobility to stop the trade unless you could somehow run between that which i don't think is possible what's the army council like the viper piper check this out is he trying to to move around to see yeah he tried to pass by he literally has eighty percent of that walled up yeah absolutely unfair dang man that's actually i'm actually so sad about that and viper has four gold mines in the center now yeah i mean he deserved the gold mines from the push he just he just made but like this whole area should be an area that mystic could fortify and push from and now viper can just camp cliff trade and i mean there is some trading on water which is nice to see but yeah that's that's frustrating if you're missed uh and now watch mister he's going to realize this here he comes he's running through and he's like we gotta stop that trade we've gotta get through there here he goes and he's now blocked off and he cannot move which is his it's like a movement he should be trying to go for here nearly yeah oh man and there's no real mechanic to cut down trees if i remember correctly this has to be an apple battle very tight choke area oh god this feels so unfair and we don't have an editor to be able to customize maps yet feels bad man but it is what it is right you just gotta keep your chin up and try and fight here if you're missed and he did not have a lot of upgrades before now he has elite royal knights he's got much better upgrades than he did previously and yeah i don't want to be on the main channel right now because obviously lots of aoe three aom fans out there that are heavy fanboys of the mister and if we get into the scenario and the casters over there analyzing it as well i think there will be some bad bloods i mean i don't know i don't know i think like the main thing is you run this risk if you if you don't have custom maps right and the game isn't launched with custom maps and that's just how it goes like if you were to run a tournament right now with age of empires two basic maps when the game was launched there would be imbalances you wouldn't do it because we have map editors so a viper will literally just camp here right now and he should camp um the only thing that viper is doing really oh my god oh my god really nearly nearly mr making a cube you see it and double stable or four stables there yeah yeah that could be nice against the trade as well that viper is trying to set up that would be really good i mean he is also trading on the water and viper he hasn't really sent any navy out right now also i wonder in terms of pop efficiency if a 100 big fight potentially a tristan i was just gonna say can the spearmen hold they've got a third of the hp of these royal knights and that's a lot of hand cannons behind for mr really i think mister's gonna win this fight i think he's gonna push this right back the royal knights now dealing with the siege as well frontline is falling but how can viper not reinforce this i think you should have mass barracks actually there's not that much crazy production only two three barracks here at the top and viper lost a lot for a guy who has all the gold control and the better position right now viper isn't really spending it he's making arbor less was of 95 hp the spears have 100 hp and these knights 364 hp and then the hand cannons behind with 150 with 50 attack this has just gone for the better units here and he's going to raid viper near the back of his base right now but we need the seats here for the mister as well and that's something he can't really afford right now yeah he still has 30 on gold but that's running out right now i think from now on he can't use this gold anymore except some traders that outpost so so distracting for those units there and yeah nilly piper does have some trade running uh we might need to compare numbers soon i would like to see viper make uh more and more towers and and maybe even an extra heat just to fortify this up a little longer or a little uh a little more i guess ah but he had to build his defensive keep over at the other side look at that the mr even went for lumber cam in the center and only got the first wood upgrade never got the second boat upgrade on the map where we are chopping for 34 minutes already yeah this is the time to get that upgrade if you haven't already viper spotted this great awareness from him it is fairly obvious but he spotted the buildings so he made that uh that keep there that he knows the risk fortifies the area has the spearmen around royal knights not going to be able to trickle in there as viper is now pushing the keep viper 200 population mista at 187. the high pops here nearly kenneth's not really defending i'm a bit disappointed keep us going down mr has a lot of stone though so could potentially build some more keeps there to defend this cannon so much damage oh my goodness that that keep melted and that's been the story of him for mr can't really raid the trade he can't really try and take that position he's just stuck if viper holds him at back in viper's base mista is just stuck here oh cannon's exposed at the front as well it is the better pound for pound army here for the mr but simply the numbers not there anymore i don't think he can afford it nilly not consistently anyways like what he needed was that big clear up and then he needed to have like four cannons behind that pushing viper's buildings he does not have that right now i don't know what he what more he can do he's a 200 pop right so if it's 200 pop v200 pop it's going to be very hard to ever fully break the viper on that hill simply because he still gets gold so he can go for more siege there are some more raids coming in but viper is dealing with that quite nicely we are now going for veteran horsemen so elite right i think there's another version enforcement uh you're talking about mister yeah yeah yeah you can upgrade to elite horseman oh is it it's not elite veteran that wouldn't make any sense yeah uh here comes mr here to chop wood so he can break through oh no only three volts ah now pulling some more but yeah viper can just build one tower behind this and should be blocking this i think viper he'll know that it'll at least take a while there as well so that's not a big concern for him right now i'm sure he knows that the the trees will continue to work well for him so many buildings have been destroyed and this is it's it's tough for mr right now right he's trying his best as he should but being down 2-1 already you've got to feel like he wants this one oh capturing the side for the very first time here not seen that in quite some time we haven't had daily is there some gold at the very top we have a monastery there so capturing the relic going for that sacred site as well will it just be landed there but for what we're just being landed where excuse me at the very top number two oh he's gonna get take the sacred site he's got the monastery so viper has 120 114 bills i actually think if we look at his base he's deleting some right now just to get a little bit more pop on the fields he's got so many resources banked yeah makes lots of sense hey i have a question nilly wonder victory is the thing correct uh yeah but wonders are extremely costly it's three thousand word three thousand gold without stone okay he won't ever spend the stone on that then i thought there was a 15 minutes gotcha okay yeah i don't think he'd ever spend the stone on that then i just was hoping that maybe it was a thousand stone and viper would consider it oh man this this is just it seems unstoppable missed is going to have to fight here nearly we've been waiting for it at 170 pop he doesn't have good gold income and now he's raiding the trade oh trade ships are going down yep yep that's the last of the gold right there piper in full control here and nearly to be honest brandon i think there would have been more possibilities for mista and i do still think it was unfair this all stems from that push in early in from viper with the siege yeah yeah he just has never been able armista has never been able to stop this is here he goes i think mr has the stronger units it's just how effective is this gonna be and how many more of these can he make after this fight abilities should be dealing pretty fine against all those royal knights he just straight off his spearmen at the front goes back full spam in production and then he can take another fight yep should always be sufficient for him yep plus he's got he's got these outposts here that he placed nicely on the hill that will help buying himself a nice nice amount of time i think he might even eventually push down that keep that is over in his base which mystic can no longer really focus on i missed the hats yeah it's the engaging around the viper's arboleteers but i gotta even if viper loses viper's resources are just insane right now but i i have been a little disappointed in in viper's reinforcements he's producing a lot from home still i feel he does have some buildings up here on the hill but production is pretty long though holy look at this queue yeah i'm trying to just like some of the the buildings i'd find the ones at home oh yeah he's got lots of buildings spewed up yeah he has 27 military buildings yeah so that's pretty solid yeah just for mister same problem as before he cannot afford siege to push still surprised that viper didn't make an additional keep but he seems really happy with the upgraded outpost and he's just going to make two more cannons here comes that big wave of military from home the viper back up to 200 pop missed at 150 now oh man and missed up he felt really handcuffed here at the end it's like no way of getting onto gold maybe just 20 traders a bit earlier after winning the water yeah have been away i think he needed to clear up the docks he didn't contest the three dogs that were still there i think what really sucked for mister here is that he didn't know that he was blocked off from the trade until it was too late and viper didn't even really know about that until the 30-minute mark like if he thought that he couldn't contest for that maybe then he trades a bit earlier but not an option for him viper he dominates again on this map and viper gets the win there goes up 3-1 and he just loved his cost-efficient units combined with siege there nearly the units he was making they were kind of low hp but he could just make so many of them with the trade and then the bombard cannons or or just the cannons were destroying everything i'm not sure how much the trade paid off in the end and how much gold it actually was should tell us obviously the long run forced the mister to take some engagement some fights that he maybe would have waited for early otherwise yeah i've missed a 40 000 gold collected so according to the stats missed actually had more gold um but does it not have an area that shows trade profit no no i don't think so and they make it so you could trade in 1v1s and they don't have that i hope they add that one but yeah viper just so good and so clinical in late game scenarios nearly um not the most dynamic of maps but he just he found his spots and it reached that inevitable point where mister would have eventually just been pushed right back to the corner and without an h1 player s2 the viper is already strong on the very standard maps but we felt like on water maps and mixed maps he's even another level yeah yeah yeah i agree it's weird to say it but i think viper is the most vulnerable on the most open maps but viper is also the most aggressive and the most capable on the most open maps so that's just that's just how highly we we rate him missed up more stone more gold didn't matter in the end and mister now down 3-1 he can play with frank's again he does have some maps to choose from and i believe that he can get at least one more win here but is it gonna be doable for mista to beat viper in three straight because that's what he needs to be the champion and viper cannot pick english french and mongols from here on so i think the mister should not go for high view because that might be the best map for ruth okay yeah by the way i scrolled over there's a little scroll bar here with the economy it still doesn't seem to show the trade yeah i agree max wood and max food per minute wow thank god they have that stuff well i would have i would have died without seeing that stuff um yeah i think that's a good point nilly so you think try and bait viper into using roots elsewhere or or what um it's still like deli is an option now i think if this was like a 2 000 tournament i think the viper would play chinese next game but because well it's the first age of empires for tourney and it's also a 20 thousand dollar tourney so you're thinking he will not go for chinese no no no i don't think so here we go mongolian heights viper in the blue playing as the ruse and then we have in the red mysta playing as the mongols which is very confusing because the mongolian flag is the opposite color of mysta and the roost flag is the opposite color of the viper but we're fine we'll be fine wow red and blue okay okay i can see that yeah so big things to focus on this map according to give me you have to predict how much gold does the hunting cabin get uh oh yes i should look at that 18 uh 17 i didn't look at it yet that's no that's that's 19. that's definitely 19. 100 oh i was closer okay oh yeah that counts for something that's why you are the color commentator yeah exactly that's why you bring me in here man for all the important stats okay so hunting cabin open for the viper uh oftentimes you will see second scouts from both civilizations and you have viper with his scout out and he's got another one as well so viper hoping to kill the animals it'll be the same for mysta wow but you want to kill those animals to stop the roost from getting the bounty really good deer placement for the mister both of them behind his base basically it's a good idea where the scout is it's nice can you imagine that with aoe 2 mongols just deer right behind your base that'd be nice not bad vipers aren't too bad either to be honest but the one in the corner is going to be really awkward needs to find it but he plays double [Music] so he should be fine now mister did make uh quite a few scouts in the dark age the last time he played mongols so you could see a similar thing here but that was against english as well right yeah so really wanted to go oh the viper might find the villager at the dock oh boy tristan oh man he's scouting that shoreline he moved from the middle all the way over here to the left if he denies that dock that is going to have a compounding effect on mista because he will be down a villager and then he will not be able to produce fishing ships oh and that doesn't look like he will make it home or the car 18 hp khan is at viper's villager and now viper won't be able to dock yeah but viper sees it won't lose the villager 10 hp here oh and viper even gives it up with one scout the other one should finish the job i'm not sure if that's going to happen no that might have been a misplay viper oh and he loses the scout so mr enzo ends up being fine here you should really send another villager out there oh what a misplay actually the other villager's been spotted as well the vision is so insane on scouts and gods these four villagers don't stand a chance the viper's just gonna make him choose he's thinking about sending two of them all right well it's certainly a more aggressive game than we expected from the dark age on this map not that crazy right did he use the con to kill the wolf there uh yeah but it's 21 and you only do two damage so take some time gotcha yeah maybe just not worth it i think finish attacking the sheep makes most sense some of them are even lower already oh wow speaking of low there's a low villager here yeah but he can't finish him i believe what can he oh no shots i think if there was oh man spearman no way no way this is so close for viper oh will it get denied no way it gets denied at 1420 hp viper doesn't complete his dock what a tilter right there oh what a second misplay here by the viper or a great move by the mr however you want to see it he will finish the stock there at the side as well this is such a good opening for our grease yeah seriously and viper's bounty is not that high and and we talked about how successful viper was in the past and and now that con and that spearmen are going to keep an eye on this the same viper will complete the dock there's no way viper doesn't complete it now but uh just a lot of wasted time mr already on a fishing ship yeah but three spearmen will easily kill that doc now i'm gonna burn that baby down standing very close to the flame like if you zoom in it just explodes right in their face that can't be healthy maybe they have like anti-heat ropes does that protect the face i need me one of those man all right well viper repairing that for now and he adds his fishing boat you can you can upgrade those to be ships but that's not possible for him so he can't really compete on water with that only more than nine spearmint already and finds another miniature kill piper didn't exactly make him work for it either right they just kept the villager there and hoped that it wouldn't be noticed but this is an amazing start here for mista viper is like i mean struggling is the operative word here he is really far behind what's with the heads are some of them bold you know these don't even look like medieval characters they look like mad scientists or like someone who worked in like a chemical lab i don't know i'm not really seeing a robe there when i look at some of them but yeah some of them one is dave one is you with some evil laughs it's like they're they're destroying the stock and like please never do that again i could go my my whole life without having to hear that again and i would be completely fine okay that was very disturbing so that's the mad scientist that's yeah yeah you should you should uh try and make it into the movies man what's the pop right now 24 eco for viper and mist is looking at 27. so mr definitely ahead plus he has military presence well but a few late still solid minute away while the viper is now reaching fuel h goes for the kremlin for the defense here interesting so let me remind myself okay it's it's a fortress and it also slows income yep yep increases the the wood income i remember seeing that for the first time not hugely exciting for me but good job from viper uh he was able to get some hunt in the north on the deer patch i missed it finally tier two for him he might find the one at the left hand side looks like it see about that one also could be inclined to go back and bring all the sheep home ooh true yeah but it's so tempting you're so close to the deer i just don't know about the deal yet do you you should have the vision right yeah vision is pretty nutty uh though i can't even show it yeah yeah you can see that from a mile away okay viper upgraded his ships to attack ships now so text that dock sniped a ville as well i like that being the first move for viper i'm just uncertain on how quickly that's going to pay off for him but i think that ends up being the best play in this situation let's see one junk trying to defend he should just move in shoot a bit and try to heal himself oh true and he should be fine because viper can't really go in against the tower with five spearmint in there so the junk is actually slightly stronger than the lady attack ship and yeah viper can't even heal up his ships because he doesn't have a dock over here kind of trap uh-huh yeah i think one junk could even defend it if you micro perfectly there's the people wait a second did mr just delete his dock near the where the con is i think he just deleted his dock maybe yeah maybe you didn't see a lot of showfish then there is no shellfish so i don't think you're really adding that much interesting okay i guess we cancelled [Music] maybe i mean i don't see how he needs it as long as he pays close attention here viper can never heal up his ships and all mysta needs to do is continually pull back viper's kind of stuck so creative there from mista i i want to see bounty for the viper 385 so maybe going for a boar could be an option now please give us 100 right not his best 75 gold oh now we need to keep a close eye on this so there's a spearman for mista keeping an eye on things and you also have some vision from the dock will mister notice those archers going across i would be surprised be surprised if he missed it or if he saw it if you saw it okay that's a little sneaky viper and it's also kind of out of the blue as well not expecting to be doing much stable now next to the oval can easily build two horsemen okay and there it is quite easily not queuing up the horseman though viper with a lot of food a lot of gold nearly holy some good macro from him he will click up he will click up to castle h any second i guess more dark age investment from mista was it worth it you could say yes because he's had the fish mister is on the way to castle as well like fifty percent and he's now queueing up horsemen so he'll be fighting against those launchers that's i must be a long day because that's right in front of my face it is tricky right sometimes it doesn't really show the advancement well yeah if you thought horseman should deal with that and yeah pretty sure that mr saw this yeah you can see it i feel like it's especially egregious if you miss it with how much vision they have you can see it from very long way away it's it's more difficult to you to go for a sneaky archer rush for that reason and viper's kind of trapped over here there's a cliff and rip to that army i don't think viper will get a single kill here well played vista pretty solid obviously horseman the perfect counter against archers viper completely reset and mongols are looking extremely strong here and now viper i think he is going for a unit that we have not seen yet i think he's going for horse archers force archers anyone made a horse archer ever obviously you've seen a few doors in the game he lost that might explain why we haven't seen them oh no it's crossbows okay what made you think horse archers what was the reasoning triple archer range plus uh ruse okay do they have a uh bonus with horse archers there are one of the i think they're the only ship that have horsehouses oh gotcha yeah i just i haven't seen them being made we're just seeing a lot more crossbows and archers and spearman just the usual stuff so 80 food 40 wood for a horse archer crossbow is 80 food and 40 gold so i don't know i could see an argument for horse archers especially when you're pretty far away from the opponent but archers are going to be needed there's quite a few spearmen out there for mister yep crossbow man for now he wants to address the minute arms first the sprinkler is now being produced and mister is going for the army that we love to see so much i like how vipers kept there oh viper demo ship demo ship upgrade boom i didn't even realize there was a demolition ship it looks precisely like the other ships and viper gets it all holy moly that wasn't bad i mean certainly was good for a highlight viper's got to be careful with this gold here the kremlin does protect it from melee units but not from a sprinkle the sprinkle could sit outside of the range and push viper off of gold and viper doesn't have any gold in the back his other gold is kind of in a similar area over to the side i'm not sure is the kremlin really getting out range by spring gold you know that like rectangle oh yeah that's that's not that would make the range yeah so it's 12 range this definitely should go well it's borderline at least i think if it moves one tile further forward it'll probably get hit ten tiles for spring gold and the kremlin has 12. well how do i see that yeah okay okay yep 12. so yeah maybe just enough there yeah that is the influence from the kremlin those those demos look so much like the regular ships that's so sneaky man yeah i luckily only saw at the right hand side like ship transformed into demo yeah then i was like what's going to happen right now remember guys you cannot fire over top of wood lines in this game vision you can but it's tricky to get the vision there yeah okay so you gotta like get a scout there first i guess and then you can fire through the trees interesting that's one of viper's landmarks right there kind of a big deal and viper doesn't have anything here to deal with this it's 100 gold per minute for him yeah like that that is huge and he's fully surrounded he's got a small crossbow on me but that's it some sprinkles for the defense viper's instantly getting sniped here and now the woodline is getting just looking really good for the mister he missed has better eco mister has better better sorry a better military he's got 40 population more viper has just been unable to really do anything against the mongols here man what's the reaction what can the viper do how viper beat the mongols before was going for extra eco and as as villagers go down and he was able to stall it out with walt and play defensively but you cannot do that on this map and he lost his fish so he has worse eco the con now giving vision that's why you can snipe pitchers and yeah better eco certainly not a thing here the mr sits at 53 economy the viper sits at 39 heavily behind yeah this is it feels really over right now it feels like mista is going to have a chance to continue the series like we're trying to make sprinkles but he needs to clear this and then get some counter damage which is going to be so tricky he's completely off of gold unless he's found some he's even he even had to relocate his woodline and he did find some gold in the left corner okay desperately needed that one by first getting onto reasonable sprinkler numbers is having double siege workshop production well viper's trying to intercept some could find a kill oh this could start something good for viper but no miss to seize it what i'd like to see from mista is a second tc now that or maybe even like some rams but remember he does have a tendency to stay on one tc and if you gain an advantage maybe you should just double down on your economy but then again upgrade which is so rough for us it is two players where the wood upgrade is the first thing you do if you reach the next stage it's so cheap this game is well 15 faster uh it's so it's not as cheap as i thought actually but still i mean with that eco he should be getting that upgrade i think so as well yeah that's that's ingrained in our minds like what if what if the h4 devs just to screw with the h2 people made it not really be worth it we'd still be getting it 116 population for mysta as he just kind of creeps around here and viper said 74. army's worse his sprinkled number is worse his position's worse his sieve maybe worse as well as you see spring will be sprinkled here and commitment from mista he will surround these crossbowmen i believe he will kill these crossbowmen and viper these units were misfiring they weren't able to move maybe he was trying to run and they were stuck in the mud yeah this this is looking bad oh yeah piper's trying to fight on here but oh man the sprinklers are just overwhelming now the lances are sure closing down the distance viper should be sitting without any military or too military what's happening yeah he's got to call the gg here shortly could be the 3-2 or should be 3-2 sorry for mista the viper maybe just doesn't feel that way yet nilly and hey mister said in his interview before the final he only plays three hours max so maybe viper's just going to say hey let's drag this on for another 10 minutes entirely rhythm is really late right now like during the week he went to bed like at 3 00 am 4 am multiple times did he do that in preparation for the event or just because he was binge watching a really good show or something i don't know we had some late training sessions okay yeah i mean honestly like there's the conversation of timing and how late things can go in age of empires has happened for the last couple years and i've always thought that you know if that's a concern that players should try and adapt but it is tricky you see the horsemen loop around like there's honestly not much more mysta can do except go for ram push at this point he is going to make the rams but i really feel like viper should be realizing he's dead at this point i think what he can do is simply add another tc it just fits like so many want to see plays and yeah in general i'm a big fan of that like entertainment-wise for sure but it just feels so dimensional and so predictable as well yeah well you know what i think the one thing that's tricky when it comes to the the additional town center place is a lot of players they're unable to be as effective with their attacks if they add in the other tc and even if they're 10 less effective in their fights that can make a difference so at least with aoe4 so far i feel like the one tc stuff is very very strong and it could win every game except for on the more closed maps i think again viper doesn't really have much this attack's gonna come in viper's gonna lose this attack maybe this is the last stand for viper this is the same army again right we've seen it in game one i think we have seen it in game three yep there's like lancer sprinkled metadata mix looks so funny and the difference is is that viper could never really wall up and mista can actually pick some spots now he's being a lot more effective with the attacks like i really think if mr loses these finals he will look back at that mountain range game or mountain pass whatever that was called because i think he could have won that one against the english yeah i think he could have won that still or maybe just not pick mongols there but then again he wouldn't have mongols here had he won that game so it would have it would have played out differently oh yeah what have been interesting for sure lots of villagers on deer here at the top the mister quite interesting just had lots of other villagers there a second ago goes for more sprinkles up to 12 sprinkles soon crazy number viper at 80 pop which is half of what mista has and viper no real potential you know what's weird about this is viper is actually one tc so it's not like he's even holding with two or three town centers increasing an eco he's just like bracing himself and he is kind of at the limit with most of his resources so he is to his credit spending them 70 population behind yeah i think mister needs to make like i want to look at mrs wood count make three more rams and then just go for the bush yeah yeah i think could make lots of sense i think what sucks is spring rolls are really good against the rams if springholds didn't do a lot of damage to the rams this push could have started already what he doesn't want to do is toss away rams and then have this push stall out so he's had to wait so long let's take a look now first tower is going down sprinkled still from distance another spring note spawns yeah sprinkles just owned the rams do you think this should be the case i mean a little early to talk about too many changes in balance but i think half the damage would make attacks more viable yeah it feels like sprinkles are too good of a unit to defend with yeah exactly like what mista needs to push is siege he's got all this army but his siege is so ineffective because of like five units so i agree that's a lot of horses though holy moly and viper tried to go for a counter which was spotted um i don't know if 10 crossbowmen 22 minutes in is gonna do much and i think mist is like well there must be something over there if i'm going to branch out as he's had 170 population but he just can't finish viper office viper is now going to make a second tc okay i still left hand side nice rate coming in right hand side lots of cavalry and that you see ah let's see if that one will survive the attack he just are so immobile here yeah mister trying to switch targets is mr being overly cautious here or is it just is it just you know to be expected i think he needs if he had like two or three two cc's i would love to play yeah yeah i agree yeah like he he's been moving around an awful lot that would be the time for the town center but he is going to go up to the imperial age he's making the a palace which is unique to mongols and spawns the cavalry army of horsemen megadye and lancers every 90 seconds what palace the palace the palace i would say the red palace but i believe that is associated with english so agante that's not oh wait no aganate there you go something like that yeah yeah oh i love it yeah fine there's definitely worse ones trust me oh yeah oh yeah we need an onlu pronunciation video again yeah that was actually really helpful and i was a little offended that he made one for you send it to you but didn't share it with the rest of the world for a while anyways i think i i now can say kustier like an informed caster and okay i assume yeah viper taps out he calls the gg that one was over for a while and we will move on to a game six and mr just he just overwhelmed viper and i just felt like viper fell flat that entire game like bruce have not looked good for me unless it's with mr on high view yeah they have a horrible win rate for sure and i think simply losing the water that early on yeah obviously made it really rough for the viper and then he didn't have a lot of stuff going for himself i think an earlier second tc would have been the way better choice yeah maybe mister he gets his win and he will stay alive here and he is two wins away from being the champion viper just needs one win out of the next potential two games let's think back on sieves here because viper has one with or englishmen sorry english englishmen okay english mongols and franks right yeah yeah and you had said if you had a top four that it'd be those three sieves and then ruse remaining which you just lost with so yeah the top three right now the viper can pick the map true so maybe it goes high view with ruse okay and then we see a ruse war not unlikely i would love to see that that that's the one matchup i want to see right now yeah yeah yeah that would be entertaining and so much fighting for the hunting cabins right it definitely will feel a little i don't know if gimmicky's the word but a little ridiculous but ridiculous is my favorite so uh viper in the blue and viper going for the civilization mr relied on for that game one victory and my oh my what a game that was mister with the french in the red i have to say a little weird how the how the hilly is is oriented at mrs base um this is hill and dale there's supposed to be three openings to run up the hill to the opponent's base that is possible but that elevation there like right next to his tc is a little wonky yeah indeed three spots there you have two wood lines i think three gold spots one big one two small ones and eventually we need to expand because that's where all the sacred sides and the major gold is i think this could be a play with spearmen into sprinkles and castle age again and french typically struggling against that yeah um we have seen the french struggle due to just how expected it is that they're going to make those nights and i'm excited uh i also oh go ahead actually the mister already played this matchup if i remember correctly in the round of 16 against villaser on exactly this map but reverse position so he played abbasid against villas's french i'm pretty sure well he won that if i recall so so he knows that french can die right it's not like french are necessarily the strongest here oh we will play two tcs here in ledged by the messed up interesting because i again with some of the people i've talked to they've told me mister doesn't like the two tc's and you and i have been begging him to make a second town center in some of these games so switching it up perhaps due to the distance between the players uh i wonder how awkward it's going to be to place that tc because there's not a ton of space up here but i'm sure he'll find a spot um left hand side next to the wood and berries feels good maybe we're next to the deer and gold next to the gold at the right hand side where we have the 8k gold yeah there are plenty of spots the question is what will the viper play is he going for the to see as well i wouldn't mind it yeah i wouldn't mind it either especially because it's viper and he's shown to be capable with that um also i think it suits his civilization a little bit i know it's not the best sieve but i really like this civilization that viper has here i just love the whole concept of upgrading through the house of wisdom so that's what he'll be aiming to do again if you don't know what that is it is uh a landmark where you up you would advance with economic wings and if you get 10 structures you get plus 10 additional gather rate and then you can see that the whole tier list there so um viper's already on three nilly and i think the reason that mister was able to dominate the viper it makes so much strong military in game one was simply due to that house of wisdom i'm not sure about that one too much i think it was simply like that he cornered the viper so much and the longbow really didn't know where to go yeah i mean there were other factors certainly he kind of had to always build army but the mobility was like so so much on mr site that the viper kind of had to over produce just to be safe viper was what two tcs but he didn't have two tc's that long that game there's just so much strong military available to to mister in that game but it's a little different because that was english and so the english are kind of known whoa did that villager just kill the sheep from like 10 feet away yeah he threw that one i don't know how that makes any sense but um shoot what was i talking about oh yeah this is a very different matchup right because the french can also make a lot of really strong knights so maybe it will be viper who's making those cheaper trash units again hmm let's see school of cavalry to open this one i don't think he should build a single knight though because the opponent is fully walled what are you going to achieve there's nothing to do in futile age i think this should be a pure boom yeah and only start army wants you incarcerated i want to know if he even scouted it though nearly because it doesn't look like he scouted that it's full wall so he might make one but his scout is currently back home but i agree you know invest into the eco that does seem to be his general approach because he is on stone same with viper and he's not on gold ah he pulled off of gold got it yep makes sense we'll have enough resources to build the tc perfect resource management there are 400 wood 300 stone needed yeah well the ski drop down nice one yeah good spot as well right between the berries and the wood lime [Music] yep viper scout in the middle and we're gonna have a long game here nearly yeah yeah i think don't i think so as well this is likely to go at least to mid castle i think one qualifier wasn't it like probe again marine lord i think we saw in one hour 15 minute game here on this map and that's real time in h2 typically it's the in-game time is one and a half times normal time so yeah that's a that is a long one and you can certainly understand why is there anything that you know how in in other games you've got those cheap units like hussars or something that you can spam is there anything that these tips have that benefits them in terms of lasting longer than the opponent's sieve your berries have doubled the food right it's nice but that was it yeah i don't actually know of any berry bonus for episede so i can't really they they get the berries faster plus it's double the fruit okay gotcha but it doesn't it doesn't show on the bush i guess oh no it does actually it says 500 out of 250 uh interesting yep after you finish the mill though yeah that that definitely will pay off uh i mean just delaying that transition to farms can be quite nice too remember villagers only costing 25 food as well compared to the 50 for the french definitely see viper civilization saving more res in the long term i think mister might play three tc feudalists here look at the resources bro he's flirting with it and he's got deer still to bring in food he's got very still he's not gonna be attacked he's adding another layer of palisade walls oh boy people very big economies coming that's a weird choice viper will only play 2tc confirmed i think if you go 3tc just stonewall if you feel like it yeah like delay the second layer of palisades and just stonewall the thing that's so tricky about this map i'm not even sure i like it is that that big gold vein has 8 000 gold so i think like if it was a bit more like gold rush where you had 2 000 gold at the top of your hill and then the rest of the gold was towards the center i would like that a lot more because it would promote a little bit more expansion and then you could have i think golden pit um where you know you have to expose yourself but you can solidify the gold in the middle i would like that a bit more this this map you have 16k gold but remember units are more expensive and hms4 yeah plus you only have those two forests so it's a bit like acropolis in that sense that you have to expand from your high ground yeah again high ground doesn't really give you any additional damage but it looks cool it looks a bit more menacing you know 3dc boom something we have not seen often not for mista missed has made more tc's in this game than he has made in the last three games or not more i guess equal not a lot of farms yet i would love to see eco upgrades coming in wheelbarrow would be nice and maybe the farm upgrade as well yeah i'm keeping an eye on that i don't know maybe nice wood upgrades still not finished still didn't do the first what upgrade feels so wrong for me why does he not get the wood upgrade i mean he's probably like why should i have the wood but the point is you can have fewer villagers on wood more villagers and other resources banking up wood for farms would be so nice if the wood upgrades were more expensive then i would say you maybe have an argument but these are cheap upgrades he's floating the resources for both of them just get them trade by the way not really an option on this map there is only one trade post in the center so really tough in that regard there's the stone walls you wanted nearly oh really can viper see over the cliff there how's that work okay yeah he couldn't see oh no he barely saw that stonewall piece somehow what what is that what is that wall for mistake what's stonewall uh to the south of his base do you see something there confused mr space yeah yeah to the south of his base oh yeah he saw it a but yeah yeah he's got but he's got if you look at the the reveal all he's got a second layer of wall behind us with a tower so outpost as well it's like he's expecting a lot of aggression stonewall tower okay maybe that's needed you could put archers or something up there right yeah then they had i think take like 40 less damage and do have like two more range or something not really the unit that french want to go for of course yeah i think maybe he's doing it just so he can make the stone wall tower because you can't make a stonewall tower unless it's adjacent or on a stone wall so i think the mister is simply expecting this castle holland yeah but he's playing 3cc and going for more stormwater at the left-hand side walling himself off the one goal is something i don't really like though viper is is off or behind by 14 villagers right now so i mean the boom is working and you have lots of fortifications here holy moly i like it though nearly because like if you're investing in the 3tc the downside is that you could get overwhelmed by enemy military i i think 3tc as a general idea but be questioned but if you're going to go three town centers you definitely want to play more defensive with the walls i think viper saw enough to decide that he's going on the 3tc as well yeah he saw enough he saw more towers he saw the walls he knows what's up he knows that this will be a one-hour game okay where's he at his tc at nilly i missed it thought you see next to the gold at the right-hand side of his base um oh that's the three oh yep gotcha and he also has eco working very efficiently right now he's at tier one and he is nine structures away from being on tier two where his gathering rate will be plus 15 and research speeds plus 15 which isn't bad okay now goes for the preservation of knowledge technology is 30 cheaper i like that one i like that one that's being researched in the [Music] uh oh yeah in in the building i was just talking about yeah yeah yeah it's a little tricky to pick up on where things are being researched yeah i mean this is working out for both players in different ways i missed viper should not go for an aggression here i think if he goes for sprinkles now i think this is a waste okay just sit back take it towards the imperial age but he got the upgrade so he wants to potentially do it i think just go in i think do indirect damage by just taking all three sacred sites yeah pause your opponent out yeah i don't know it he has the sprinkle there you remember uh earlier today or yesterday you said mister kind of faked out his opponent or maybe his vortex by making the ram yeah yeah maybe viper figures i've got the eco there's no way he can hit me i can make him think i'm gonna go for something crazy oh maybe maybe here but this is uh certainly giving us time to think about things the walls oh man how is the village account 72 for the viper mister sits at 90. so solid 20 village elite but no first wood upgrade oh it hurts so much i don't i don't understand that one is maybe full night play wood economy is not that crazy honestly for mister yeah i don't have that many farms do you look at the income per minute right now granted this can change viper is ahead when it comes to the food and this has actually been very consistent mistos seems to typically be better off with the gold but it's not there's no massive difference there and mista is that negative zero stone income which hurts to see yeah i'd have to see so how what are we going for production wise four stables for archery ranges now going for chivalry and crossbows the viper sits at three barracks and one mosque look at mister in the middle so he is sitting in the stealth forest and he could see all of this and if you look at viper's vision there he cannot see the scalp because it's in the stealth forest that stealth forest was made for that scout oh holy moly oh now he sees it but that's funny man he could see all of this out here all right and they catch it and actually he only saw into the stealth forest because the barracks was started and therefore deleted some of the stealth forest oh true yeah it deleted it eliminated some of that wait a second can you just build a building foundation over a stealth forest to remove it because he wasn't he didn't start building the barracks yet yeah apparently okay well that's that's something that will have to be addressed because you could just get rid of all the stealth forest with building foundations yeah well it's quite some work right yeah yeah yeah but i mean then again they are sitting behind stone walls so if you wanted to take 30 seconds maybe you could consider it but it's not important first sacred site i wouldn't be surprised to see more we also saw a relic running home actually two relics already for the viper yeah like mister i i think he was expecting more pressure than was ever going to realistically happen here well in a different world it did would but viper simply scouted stonewalls massive amount of towers and then said okay well i have to play this differently like the way i would prefer to see this as i look at the resources per minute and viper you could tell it's been able to expand more freely um i just would have preferred mr boom like mini boom two or three tcs and then take map control but he's still just sitting back um but maybe map control is something that he'll think about in the future is viper about to get the third and final sacred site in the south okay and then we have a timer starting so in 10 minutes the viper will win this game if he controls all the three sacred sites pretty tough hold all three sacred sites i think for 10 minutes well you can wall around it for example that's an option but the one in the middle you can control yeah i mean i feel like the one in the south is the one that just isn't locked down right now as viper wants to add palisade walls down there that's a little weird but every little bit helps i guess yeah just control the map a bit more i think it makes lots of sense i like it right we're gonna see some units run out and mista might be thinking we don't want this to happen is there a countdown on your screen for the sacred sites by the way uh you can click on sacred sites tracker top left oh god okay and then maybe wonder tracker there's no countdown no weird thank god we have the wonder tracker there i would i would really be upset if that wasn't that wasn't there oh wow viper prepared for this one veteran spearman all over those royal knights viper getting more relics there as he picks up that one takes it home both with similar population viper reaching imperial age any second now and viper is gonna make a go at fully walling this off with palisades nearly i like that i wouldn't even mind stonewall but only level on stone maybe it felt like that's not an investment goes for the big walls and the big map control i think makes perfect sense but what i like about viper is how much vision he has right now that he could see this full army coming over because he made that outpost he's got outposts everywhere so there will be no surprises for him as mr i think we'll be able to disrupt this sacred site for now but i mean viper's prepping army to deal with that he's got a lot of counter units right now is mr thinking about imping not really i i don't know dude like his if you look at the resources viper's completely out booming him when it comes to food it's not even close no wood upgrades no none of all the wood upgrades farm upgrades we at least have some gold upgrades in a boom we're not even having the first gold upgrade in an eco game like this has not been an aggressive game those are the most basic of things like the lowy the legends out there they're going to be clicking those things at least but okay well at least he's to the sacred site it's been a long series a long day for these players and this is going to be the issue for mista see the siege workshop you're not going to be able to build these things unless you take some considerable fights against viper but how do you you can't really get there and bomba just wreck everything in castle age wow and again viper seems to love this comp we saw it in the french war on boulder bay and we're seeing it again here counter to a strategy that never came and huge investment i'm prioritizing eco there's a lot of military here those bombards are so fun to watch but those elite spearmen need to protect the bombards and viper did a decent job at that on honestly the bombards take a long time to be finished off and oh man mist is just disappearing it's a brutal fight for him a decent job i think it was a brilliant job there moved in half of the spearmint in front intercepted all those now the bombard cannons are just punishing all the knights that are trying to run away massive 5t for the viper yeah viper just seems so much more capable on the boom maps we saw it in the french mirror better eco better eco upgrades better composition it was the very same thing i hear even has more sacred sites to work with he's got relics to work with and mister has to run all the way back home and it just does not feel like he's ever going to be able to transition into anything now he can play on for a long time there's still there's still some resources in the bank but will he ever be able to gain a foothold that's so short now so good from distance in the abilities i don't see how they can engage this mangano is even helping out of the keep for the viper he is going to complete it he had a lot of villagers there good timing on that for him as he's trying to push his way up this hill which he could do nilly he doesn't have to sit back you can just force the issue here yeah robert kennedy's just from distance doing so much and the mr simply prepared himself against the castle edge puts that push that never came yeah and now the objective for piper again is to defend the sacred sites and he could honestly do that now that he's got some of these walls down it feels like it but honestly the push through center is just so good that the viper might not even have to do that the raid there with the knights is pretty nice but killing ten villagers and don't think it will matter at all in this game we've got spearmen and cannons and how can you count to the spearmint siege viper loves this composition and the franks they're very predictable they'll go for the arbalest but go for these these cav but it's just completely getting wrecked it wouldn't surprise me i missed the taps out now oh yeah feels like it oh man and the viper he might be winning the first ever s-tier age of empires four tournament egcc's genesis goes into his favor wow and it was it was a really really good series uh it started off with a bang one of the best games of the tourney mista definitely showed what he's capable of but i think as a whole nilly viper is just the better player he adapted better to this game than maybe anyone and he he showed all the aoe2 fans that the aoe two people can compete against some of these new faces uh in a new game um a little lackluster for mista on the boomi maps like i think that he's gotta go back to the drawing board with his eco but at the same time the biggest result for him in his gaming career he'll be very happy with second absolutely and a nice payday cashed in for sure and villagers were constantly better for the mr now i want to see gathered resources and it is food slightly better wood better for the viper stone better for the viper gold way better for the viper it simply comes down to upgrades that the mister didn't do for economy and i'm surprised yeah and also he never he i was thinking that viper would maybe get two-thirds of the center of the map there and then mister would would expand to one side and and be able to at least take some of those resources but no he didn't have a chance i really wonder if people are sleeping on the efficiency of the abbasid eco with the house of wisdom as well i think viper was at 15 efficiency there i i unfortunately can't go back to the game to see if he made it to the final tier but this would be surprising 60 is a lot that's a lot yeah something for like mid imp yeah but if you think back to to when mr won in game number one he was also able to feel the ton of units but uh all things to look back on i'm sure more will be figured out over time congrats to the viper man i know that this probably means a lot to him and it's cool to see his face uh compete and win uh in the new age of empires game yeah indeed indeed he he has to be really happy did train quite a bit during the week i have to say more than i would have expected and looked really strong here has a good idea about the civilizations now i saw he was was online a lot uh on steam so i think he was practicing some strats and doing some homework so it definitely paid off for him you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 84,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, Facebook, facebook, face, book, Face, Book, FaceBook, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4
Id: rs_2X3baw2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 17sec (10937 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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