The ONLY JUNGLE MACRO Guide You'll EVER NEED - League of Legends

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league of legends is one of the hardest games to truly master a big part of this is due to the fact that we never really know if we're making the right decision or not in other games there might just be a clear-cut best move for example in chess you can just load up the best engine in the current day and a hundred percent of the time it will give you the move that can beat the best player in the world but for league we don't have that we don't have a computer that can tell us the best move and we can dump thousands and thousands of hours into the game to try and remedy that but we'll still just not know with its seemingly endless amount of knowledge to be learned league is often viewed as this massive bar that you just have to keep filling up with skills in order to master the game after you fill up on so many skills you can get to a certain rank you might need sixty percent of it to be full before your platinum and if you get seventy percent your diamond and so on but actually this is not true at all the skills you need to master to rank up are not evenly weighted in fact the game should really be thought of more like a pyramid what separates the best of the best from the rest is really only a few tiny things the difference between challenger and diamond is a ton of super niche stuff at the top that you really don't get a lot of space in your pyramid for mastering so we could spend a lot of time talking about insanely specific situations to explain concepts that none of us are really ever going to need or we can just give you the 90 of the pyramid that will get you to diamond it's way more efficient to focus on the stuff at the bottom since it goes a much longer way when it comes to getting you to where you need to go and this is the exact philosophy behind our hyper improvement platform at we cut through the bs and teach you what actually works in solo queue why waste your time grinding thousands of ranked games only to learn what we could teach you in minutes in fact we're so confident you'll get results that we guarantee you'll climb five divisions while actively using our service or you get your money back so what are you waiting for get the rank you've always wanted and click the link in the description below now back to the guide to start we're going to go over the concept that makes up one of the largest parts of the pyramid using an example from a student that i was coaching this week his team is currently around 2000 gold up and winning pretty handily so it comes as a shock when he makes the absolutely game-losing mistake of doing his krugs okay don't get me wrong krugs aren't always a bad thing it just happens to be really bad here but why one of the golden rules of jungle is that your laner's lane states matter way more than anything else in the game if your laners are winning all of your plays get easier they can rotate to help you take camps and neutral objectives they can protect your camps from invades they can help you with your invades i think you get where i'm going with this having winning laners just makes your life is jungle way easier in every way so it's a massive priority in this game at the moment kha'zix decided to do krugs the enemy top laner was shoving in a huge stacked up wave into top tower not only do three waves of minions die to this tower now two plates in the full tower are given to mundo if we just look at how much gold mundo gained during this time he went from 3000 to 4200 gold a 1200 gold swing or four kills worth in a game where most other players have around 2000 gold this is absolutely game breaking and his laners are all completely useless in comparison to this mundo now kha'zix could have prevented it all just by sitting under the tower and gotten the insane value of lane xp and gold that would otherwise be completely out of reach normally it would easily be a full level and 400 golds worth of minions that just can't be generated from farming jungle camps this value is so insane that laners dying early on in the game really isn't even a bad thing most of the time and in a recent challenge we did you can hear me tell another one of our challenger players hector that he is not allowed to farm his dead laner's wave just listen to his disgust you're not allowed to take the wave can't take the wave what just watch it die man well i was actually so happy she died that disgust is definitely for good reason as these freestanding resources can be enough to win a game a lot of times players tend to assume that they're supposed to be jungling if they're the jungler but i take a ton of waves in every game i play laners will not always be there to collect every wave and oftentimes will have quite bad lane states that need to be fixed in fact listening to this commentary that i recently recorded this is crash here this is the whole reason for this gank in the first place let's just skip this way then basically i can look at this wave state earlier and recognize that says wani is going to have a very hard time crashing this wave on her own to get a reset if she doesn't gwen will push him and sej will miss xp and go down to the tower i could just come and collect the farm at that point but then my sejuani will fall behind even though i get ahead this definitely wouldn't bode well for all of my future invades or other things since i would have a very weak laner as a support in the vast majority of situations it's actually optimal for junglers to share experience and just help fix waves you get extra total xp when you split minions between more than one champion so you're creating experience out of nowhere and in a lot of cases you get more than just the wave as a reward although i would be completely happy here without any kills and still consider it a successful gank in some games it's even correct to just take over the job of laning from your laner altogether in order to get a lead like in this diana clip i get over a thousand gold from just pushing a wave and smacking the top tower much to my top laner's dismay no matter how much he wants to argue that it's a bad play he either gets three caster minions or i get a thousand gold and yeah it's not hard to see how it's correct to just push here what i'm getting at is that jungling duties do not end where laning duties begin often there are just responsibilities that a team needs you to fulfill and if you're in the area you should do it regardless of what role you picked a champion select yes this does mean that even supports will farm waves sometimes laners suck and because of that you are going to have a lot of chances to take their resources now that we've filled out a big chunk of the pyramid let's move on to the next part jungling is a constant battle of opportunity cost if you gank or make any play on the map you're usually giving up the ability to get gold and experience from your camps and that's a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly when asked if olaf is a full clear champion most people would probably say yes and if i asked if zack is also a full clear champion most would also probably answer yes especially if you're up against something aggressive like lee sin however let me show you a clip from a commentary that i recorded in this exact match up my red gets invaded in this game so i start by taking my opponent's raptors and their red and from here i just want to get back to my jungle to start farming up to outscale league when i do retreat we see lee sin show on award and i ping my millionaire to hopefully survive the gank unfortunately he doesn't listen and ends up almost getting blown up instantly at this point would you look for a counter gank mid if you said no great because i definitely wouldn't either i don't even have e yet and my mid laner is like 2 hb there's no way this is good well until now in just an instant this went from a never gank situation to an always gang situation but why we watch lee sin use some very important abilities q e and flash most importantly this lets me know that he doesn't have access to w yet which means absolutely no dash is pinched in between me and my mid laner so i don't care that i'm playing a quote unquote full clear champ or that i'm a zak without e into a lee's sin i have everything i need in order to make this gank work basically 100 of the time once i see him commit his flash ganks are extremely conditional and early game that condition mostly is how guaranteed the gank is to work when things fall into place of course you should go for them however it's very hard to tell when you should skip camps to make it to a play or when you should just keep farming and ignore things that are going on on the map in early game camps can do as much as give you a full level by themselves and even later on missing out on one camp often means losing a significant portion of a level until a decent way into the game this is such an issue that even in situations where ganks look incredibly good normally like here and here i will still choose to continue doing camps because i don't have enough signals that guarantee the gank unlike the exact example the opportunity cost will just be too high in general high variance ganks are terrible early game because you risk falling behind by an unrecoverable amount and players tend to undervalue their camps early on however most people also have the tendency to hold on to that mentality for later on in the game where it becomes completely incorrect let me show you how much experience you get from killing jungle camps if we look on the league of legends wiki and scroll down to the camps you can see that most of them start by giving around 100 experience and slowly scale up to a cap of around 200 xp at level 9. if we compare this to experience game for killing an enemy champion and getting assist what we'll see is really shocking kill experience at level 1 is less than half of what you get for taking a jungle camp but the curve very quickly spirals out of control to drastically favor kills and participating in fights this is further exacerbated by catch of experience from kills which just overall makes things really crazy you can oftentimes get one or two levels later on in the game just for assisting in a kill or two which is not something that a jungle camp can give you i'm not saying never to farm later in the game but priorities definitely need to shift as levels go up it gets more and more important to be there for kills and more importantly prevent them so by default skipping out on camps just to make it to the plays becomes a very high value later in the game in this example i have all of my camps up top side and while early game i would value doing my wolves here to cycle out my camps to maximize my xp i shouldn't do that here looking at the map my karthus is pushing mid and my jacks and vex are also topside realistically the only place they can really make are looking for top tower mid tier 2 or rift herald in all of these cases if i'm on jungle camps the likelihood that something goes horribly wrong is very very high my team could get picked off and give away valuable kill experience to the enemy team so in this situation if it were happening at level 2 i'd probably just do my camps because they're just worth more than risking my time to potentially prevent a kill this early but at level 11 that just isn't the case anymore i skip my wolves before i even know anything is happening so that i'm just more ready for a potential fight and lo and behold i'm now on time to a rift herald that definitely had huge impacts for the game even after this play i could go back and farm my camps but i'm still in the mindset of preventing my teammates deaths the only person that can be punished on my team right now is karthus pantheon could hold from bottom and punish him if he's alone so in order to help mitigate this risk i choose to just sit around mid lane waiting for it panthen could come for karthus from behind but he's not obviously once i realize that this is a non-factor due to seeing pantheon bottom i'm good to just do whatever will get me gold which in this case is just taking the enemy raptors learning how to spot what potential plays your opponents can make and posture to potentially shut them down is a huge part of mastering macro and in almost any game i play i'm going to be skipping camps later on just to run to potentially prevent my teammates deaths you can't always stop your team from hinting but by shifting priorities smoothly as the game goes on to move away from camps and more towards taking fights you will avoid taking terrible fights early that set you behind and also not miss out on the ones that will win you the game let's talk about the last huge piece of the puzzle optionality that word might not mean a whole lot to you yet but listen into another coaching session i had the other day and then just go top side than i said okay so yeah let's go to the top side right and walk to your base gate and the idea here is that we're not locking ourselves into crux yet i don't know if craig's right now is the best because in 10 seconds clearly this is something that i thought was super important but my student had absolutely no idea what i was talking about and this isn't a dig at him at all the vast majority of students i teach just don't learn this concept intuitively through playing but it's a massive game changer when it comes to making decisions about where to be on the map you can see that he clicked out of the top of the base which is definitely the worst place to go right now but why optionality basically just refers to the ability to have choice by going towards the top of our base we're only really putting ourselves close to one point on the map krugs if we want to gank mid or go to raptors we're just going to be further away than we would really like to be compare that to walking from this point and the distance is much shorter while also giving us better access to raptors the kicker is that there's no downside to just going through our base gate we could always just take the blast cone and go up towards our krugs with no time loss at all so a choice like this only serves to give us more options in the early game this usually means pathing towards camps that will put you closer to potential ganks and other camps like in this clip here you can see that i flow nicely from blue to crab straight to mid lane with essentially zero downtime this kind of thought process means that i am always considering at least one step ahead what will i be able to do after my next play this way i can avoid what i like to call a dead end if you've ever watched challenger gameplay it's going to look seamless and like one play leads perfectly into the next well this is why if you look at low elo there's often a lot of time where junglers will sit around wasting time and obviously they are worse at picking the best option but they more often than not just don't have as many options to pick from because of their path in a game that's constantly changing all the time options can go from being terrible to amazing within seconds think back on the exact example from earlier part of the reason why i didn't go to krugs in this game was to account for something like this happening taking the krugs would put me further away from protecting my own camps leaving my mid laner undefended and ultimately wouldn't give me very many options after killing them anyways later on in the game this still plays a massive role choosing to make plays around lanes with objectives and camps surrounding them gives plenty of options to both push your lead and fall back on should the play not work and ultimately you can't make good decisions if you just don't have any good options to pick from being aware of this can make a lot of seemingly decent choices absolutely awful when you realize that should the one option not work out there is nothing surrounding it to fall back on and with that you've pretty much got most of the pyramid you need in order to get to diamond these concepts make up the vast majority of macro decisions that you need to make in your games and while it doesn't cover everything remember that you just don't need to know everything to find success in this game with only a few pieces you're well on your way to the 90 you need all right before we wrap this up let's tell you a little more about skill cap we offer a 5 division rank up guarantee and think that's a pretty crazy thing to offer it's like a gym membership guaranteeing you'll get ripped your local gym would go bust if they offer that right not us we've offered this for years because our service really does work it works so well in fact that we're able to produce by far the largest catalog of premium lead guides on the internet we add over 20 videos a week with over 2 000 guides curated into over 270 courses no one can compare we've also sent challenger players into elo hell over 1 100 times in counting where they commentate how to carry live they also respond to all your questions asked sign up today for as little as 6.99 a month to improve fast and get the rank you've always wanted link in the description below thanks for watching and until next time good luck and happy climbing you
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 526,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 12, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, league of legends macro, lol coaching, jungle coaching, how to jungle, jungle guide, season 12 jungle guide, challenger jungle guide, lol macro guide, jungle pathing, how to jungle clear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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