Complete Jungle Guide - All Fundamentals Explained - League of Legends Course and Coaching

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learning to Jungle can be incredibly frustrating it isn't clear what you need to learn and it isn't clear what you should be doing most jungle guides will focus on a specific champion and most of the video is an explanation of what skills to Max what runes to take and what items to build all information that you could easily look up in less than 10 seconds and most of it is available in the game client itself when the video eventually progresses into the gameplay part you often end up watching a high elow player stomping a low ELO game they will tell you the jungle path that they're taking and the rest of the video can be like watching someone shoutcast a game without an explanation for how and why to make the decisions that they're making the problem with this is it makes it near impossible to take away anything meaningful from the video you need to learn how to make decisions while you're actually playing the game you need a decision-making system pre predefined before you go into a game to ensure that the choices that you make are good decisions and that you don't get baited or autopilot into making mistakes this video is going to give you all yes all of the information that you need to climb to your desired rank I'm not going to tell you the current meta builds the highest run rate Champions what runes to take none of it is anywhere near as important as the fundamentals of the game this video is going to go over what I consider to be the most important concepts for jungle as well as well as provide general rules and Concepts that you can use as a decision-making system to guide you through your games my goal with this video is to compile all of the most important Concepts into one video so this will be the only video you need to watch to climb and rank it is true that there are exceptions to every rule the important thing that most people don't consider is that league is not played optimally in low ELO or even in High ELO in most cases the solo Q environment alone with its complete lack of communication means that what is theoretically optimal is often not realistically possible a perfect example of this is if you're playing Le in Jungle and you have an Annie mid in a challenger game both players know that if lein goes mid early Annie can simply flash stun the enemy midlaner and lein provides more than enough damage with his guaranteed Q to secure the kill the issue with solo Q especially low ELO is that you have no idea if Annie knows that and you have no way to effectively communicate that information even if you type in chat or ping there is no way of guaranteeing that Annie understands this information let's say that you do type it what are the chances Annie doesn't even acknowledge it what are the chances Annie says to gank mid at level three but she dies at level one in her Lane the point here is that every single play no matter how theoretically guaranteed it seems has a range of variants attached to it the reality is that that solo queue is not an optimized environment and it is impossible to optimize anything in Solo qu that involves a variable outside of you it is very important to understand that people often bleed Concepts from competitive pre-made League into solo Que in competitive if you tell your laners that you want the gank mid they will immediately respond they will say yes or no they will track enemy Summoners they will be ready to engage the gank in solo queue they often will not type will not ping will not track Summoners and will just wait for you to set up the gank for them even if it makes far more sense for them to start it in competitive if you go to invade your team will give you immediate feedback if the conditions are met for an invade your team will be on board and you are free to annihilate the enemy jungler there is a popular clip of pro player peanut playing hecarim getting chased through his Jungle by Canyon on NY at level one the laners can't help due to having no priority due to how they drafted in champ select in Solo que even if you had that same draft it is entirely possible that the enemy laners will rotate to you immediately and your laners will simply not rotate at all your laners will likely not type anything they won't ping anything and they may not even notice that you are invading despite pinging 17 times the strength of communication and coordination changes the value of every single decision drastically right from the start of the game the same goes for the amount of unknown variables in every solo qu game you don't know what the nine randomly assigned variables are going to do and you can't cannot rely on any of them for your success you cannot play solo queue following the same values or rules that you would follow in a pre-made environment it is simply not the same game solo que and competitive may as well be two separate games completely the best solo que mindset is to understand that you are the only player who is in all of your games as a result the best way to play is to focus on getting yourself as strong as possible if a play does not directly benefit you or it's not the best play for your strength you should not even be considering during that play play Styles don't really exist in the way that people try to talk about them they can be used to give an idea of the sort of plays that someone might go for as well as that player's risk tolerance But ultimately there are only good and bad decisions based on the potential risk and reward of every choice for example I avoid high-risk plays and instead prefer to go for plays that are very likely to succeed some people would say this is a passive or farming play style which is not accurate if I were to instead only go for very high-risk plays I would not be considered an aggressive player I would be considered a griefing player it is simply a fact of solo qu jungling that it is almost never wrong to default to clearing your camps especially for the early game people feel like they have to gank and they feel like they need to help their laners the reason why this is not the case is that for a laner to be gankable they need to have made a mistake because of this you don't get to just make the choice to go and gank the opportunity has to present itself in the form of a mistake if there is no mistake there's there should be no gank this is why camera control and watching Lanes is so important to Jungle in if you aren't looking at the lane you won't know if there's a mistake this means that every gank you go for is potentially a mistake you're just hoping for the best it is true that in low ELO mistakes are far more common however that also means that your laners are more likely to make mistakes this means that if you are going for a gank you need to be absolutely sure you are not relying on your laner to secure the kill if it is not a kill without relying on your laner then there is by default a high level of variance involved in the gank and as a result it is not worth going for if you have a guaranteed source of gold or experience elsewhere your default gameplay should be to play efficiently and farm your camps when you see a mistake that is a cue that you have the opportunity to punish the enemy if you do not see a mistake then you should not be leaving your camps if you cannot say I am leaving my Camp specifically because I saw this mistake and this is how I plan to punish it you need to clear your camps instead if your laner is losing Lane it is not a reason to skip your camps or to gank their Lane it is the opposite if your laner loses Lane their Lane should be the lowest priority rather than focus on fixing their Lane your focus should be on avoiding it one of the most important things you need to understand and drill into your mind is this often times the best play you can make is to choose to not do something the decision to not take an action is at least as important and as impactful as the decision to take an action the decision to not gank because the risk is too great the decision to not engage a team fight when you a down a person are equally as important to winning a game as the decision to actually do those things for example it is often the case that you stand to lose more from an invade going wrong than you stand to gain from the invade going right you stand to lose even more if you have a lead when you make that mistake as a result it is clearly optimal for solo Q games in particular to intentionally play to avoid risk the absolute most important thing is to play consistently which means intentionally avoiding plays with high variants next we'll talk about the math of jungling if you gank aaine generally you're looking at a potential 300 gold assuming a best case scenario and you get a kill assuming all jungle camps are level one if you were to clear gromp and blue you'll get 90 gold plus 80 gold for 170 gold add an additional 20 gold for the jungle pet passive and you have 190 gold total if you add clearing wolves to the equation you're now at 280 gold and if you had a second jungle pet passive stack you're at 300 gold for clearing three camps so when you're walking through your jungle and you see a lane that might be gankable or is calling for help keep in mind what is happening if you choose to go to that lane you are walking past or betting 300 gold for the chance of getting 300 gold if I made a bet with you and said for $300 I will let you flip a coin if you win the flip you get $300 if you lose the flip you get nothing would you take that bet of course you wouldn't because you have all risk and no reward you stand to gain nothing it sounds like a joke but if you watch a low ELO game I can almost guarantee this is going to happen and likely will happen multiple times in that single game it already seems like a very bad bet and a very bad decision however it's actually even worse than it seems when you go to gank that lane even if the gank is successful you only have a 50% chance of getting the 300 gold your laner might get the kill and if they do you're only getting 150 gold this means that you bet 300 gold you won the BET and still lost 150 Gold Plus jungle experience this also means means that the average gold of actually getting the kill is not 300 gold but is 225 gold keep in mind two camps are likely to give you 190 gold guaranteed plus jungle experience on top of that it is true that it is 450 gold for your team but because the variance and performance of soloq teammates is so high that gold doesn't really mean anything to you because it doesn't improve your ability to carry the game and it doesn't improve your average level of strength over for many games this math also assumes that the gank works if you only get a flash then you bet 300 gold and receive nothing in return believe it or not it gets even worse than this because that's still assuming that the gank actually had a positive outcome all of this math assumes that the gank actually worked or at least did not backfire there's also a risk of you or your teammate misplaying there's always the risk of going one for one there's always the risk of getting counter ganked even ignoring oring all of those possible negative outcomes the math is still not in your favor even if somehow every single gank you ever did did not backfire at all the math of skipping camps to gank Lanes is almost never in your favor especially in low ELO it is almost always going to work out to be an efficiency mistake it is true that when gank opportunities show up they are often only there for a very small window however it is extremely difficult for lowy low players to identify these small windows and act on them appropriately even if you did identify the gank window you're still relying on your teammate to play properly something that they're unlikely to do because again they're low El low players instead you can simply finish your camps and then use your free time on the map to gank pressure the map control objectives invade or get vision assuming you clear all of your camps you're going to have a period of time at the end of your clear where you do not have any camps to do let's say you finish your clear at 3 minutes and 10 seconds you have 1 minute and 5 Seconds of free time where you have no camps to clear this essentially means that you are not risking as much and you are completely avoiding the betting scenario that I mentioned earlier there is still some risk involved for example if you go for a gank then maybe you can get counter ganked if you try to gank a lane that is losing you could die to the enemy laners but the risk here is far lower than before you are not betting anything for these actions on top of this if you are jungle tracking correctly then that means you have next to no risk at all on almost any action that you choose to do there are exceptions of course but let's say that you know that the enemy jungler is topside while you are botside you have free access to gank bot Lane with zero risk risk of a counter gank from the enemy jungler you do have to keep in mind that there is still risk involved for example if your mid laner does not have priority you can still get counter ganked by the enemy mid you also have an opportunity to gank mid in this situation but because enemy jungle is topside there is a risk of a countergank mid if you are not confident that you win that 2v2 mid then you should never go for this gank unless you know that you can't get counter ganked it is all about minimizing risk during this free time you are free to take any action you like and the action should be based on the lane States as well as where the enemy jungler is the most common actions that you can take after you're clear include ganking a lane Tower diving doing Scuttle doing dragon or Herald if you have Lane priority taking enemy camps or getting Vision in the enemy jungle it is important to note that to play with high efficiency and to optimize your resources you want to be back at your spawning Camp right when it spawns or shortly after the reason for this is the less time that your camps are on the map waiting to be cleared the more golden experience you will generate plus if your camps aren't up then you can't lose them to the enemy jungler if you take too long before resetting after each of your clears you give the enemy jungler the opportunity to punish you by invading your camps right when they spawn good junglers will do this the next fundamental that I will explain is jungle tracking jungle tracking is the most OP thing that you can do to increase your win rate it is much much easier than what you may think and the payoff for Jungle tracking is huge if you are not jungle tracking in every single game that you play you are blatantly making risky and bad decisions you are missing out on what is one of the most important pieces of information that you could possibly have and this information is available in practically every game that you play with very few exceptions if jungle tracking has not been part of your gameplay until now then you've been jungling wrong there is no excuse to not jungle track and it makes decision- making very easy and streamlined so how do you jungle track there is one simple trick that is going to allow you to track the enemy jungler in basically every game that you play if you are a low El low player this is really all you need to know to track the enemy jungler forever almost every jungler starts on a buff with a leash especially outside of High ELO yes there are exceptions such as junglers Who start Raptors but it is rare especially in low ELO when you are clearing your first Camp watch the mini map either Top Lane or bot Lane are going to come to Lane late this will reveal where the enemy jungle started if the enemy top laner shows in Lane first the enemy jungler start at botside if bot Lane shows in lanane first the enemy jungler started top side if you're a plane versus a jungler who could start on Raptors you can simply place a ward there at level one there is no excuse to not be jungle tracking once you have identified the buff that the enemy jungle is going to start on you should ping on that buff use either the retreat or careful Ping On The Buff that they started when you move to your next Camp you should ping the enemy's next Camp if they started blue ping their gromp when you move to your third Camp ping their wolves when you have finished your third Camp the enemy jungler will have finished their third C at this point look mid and see if it is gankable for the enemy jungler if it is Ping Retreat or careful on the side of the lane that the enemy jungler could gank from you have the opportunity to countergank if you are confident that you win 2v2 or you could gank mid lane depending on the lane state if you aren't sure my recommendation is to Ping the gank to keep your mid laner safe and continue with your clear if your laner is good they're not going to die especially especially with the jungle track in and if they do die that's okay you did your part then also ping Retreat or careful on their fourth Camp while you're on your fourth camp at this point the enemy jungler is likely on their fourth camp or looking mid lane for a gank and either way you've pinged both once you move to your fifth Camp again ping the enemy's fifth Camp also at this point you need to look at their side lane either Top Lane or bot Lane is it gankable for the enemy jungler if it is you need to also ping your laner so that they know that the enemy jungler could skip their camps and gank them finally when you are on your final Camp ping their final camp and again ping your Sid laner to be careful if they are gankable and do the same for your midliner the enemy jungler is now done their full clear and just like we went over earlier they now have free time to take action on the map if either your side lane or your mid lane are gankable they will get ganked you cannot know for sure if the enemy jungler is on a camp but you can easily identify if they have an opportunity to gank if the opportunity is there you must ping it it is a crucial part of jungle tracking it is a part of Lane fundamentals that if the enemy jungler is there and yours is not then your laner should not be trading or engaging as they will surely get ganked if the enemy jungler is going to capitalize on the gank opportunity or not does not matter what matters is identifying the opportunity and pinging it whether your laner listens to you or not is irrelevant what matters is that you did your part we've covered how to play efficiently how to Jungle track and how to abuse your free time after a jungle clearer to take actions while minimizing risk when you start playing like this the game might start to feel turn-based this is a common thing and it's mostly true one jungler will take an action and the other jungler will respond with an action in low ELO you will start to notice that the enemy jungler is often not taking actions at all wasting time or taking random actions this is also part of jungle Tempo take for example a game where you path botside and the enemy jungler paths topside you don't have an opportunity to gank botside so you reset the enemy jungler chooses to gank Top Lane before resetting you have now reset before the enemy jungler and you are back on the map ahead of them this means that you are up Tempo and are now able to impact the map without them being able to respond because they just use their turn or their time on a gank top Lan you still have your action to use because your camps aren't spawning yet and you haven't spent your time yet you can use this Tempo Advantage for any of the actions mentioned earlier an example of this would be getting in their jungle ahead of them to steal a camp or to collapse on them with a laner alternatively you can freely gank a lane knowing that the enemy jungler isn't around people think that the jungler's job is to do objectives however it is clearly not the case the jungler does have to be there for the objective and you do need to identify the situations where you can do them but whether you can get the objective or not is determined by game State and Lane States for example if your mid and Bot are both pushed in and the enemy jungler is starting Dragon you should not contest it the enemy team should be able to rotate first and as a result your team should not be able to contest the dragon because players often do not pay attention or play correctly it's entirely possible that you could contest the enemy jungler but why would you risk that it is not a winning strategy to make a bad decision and hope that the enemy doesn't know it's bad it is always going to be best to make the strategically correct lowrisk Choice rather than contest the dragon you should look to trade this is another jungle fundamental if the enemy jungler is doing dragon and it is not a situation where you can confidently contest it you should look to do something somewhere else for example if Herald is up you can do Herald if the enemy jungler's topside camps are up you can do those if the enemy Top Lane is vulnerable for a gank you can gank them if the enemy top laner is pushed in you can look to dive them all of these options give you significant ific anly more especially longterm than trying to contest a dragon that you should never be able to contest this concept applies to every situation in league if the enemy jungler ganks spot and you cannot counter gank it confidently you simply trade resources and take something somewhere else this can be applied to objectives it can be applied to team fights it can be applied to almost anything league is a fluid game and every game is different jungling in general is all about adapting to Lane States and constantly making decisions based on what's happening in that match even with this in mind for low ELO players especially it really helps to have a general game plan of what a standard or ideal early game could look like step one starts at the loading screen which way are you pathing path toward the lane that is most likely to help with carrying the game for example I am almost never pathing toward a tank top Lane such as an or I will almost always path toward a Draven and Nautilus Lane for example step two you need to have your team watch your jungle entrances and you should ping for that you also need to identify where to Ward early depending on if you're vulnerable to an invade you can Ward either of your Buffs or if possible you can get a ward on enemy Raptors or one of their Buffs step three clear toward the lane that you want to impact while jungle tracking the enemy jungler jungle tracking is crucial and you need to make sure that you're doing this when you go to cross over from one side of the Jungle to the other be aware that there could be a midlane gank or a counter gank available and that you need to either respond or ping your midlaner to be safe in case they get ganked as you clear your Bots side camps watch the nearby s Side Lane continue to track the enemy jungler while you do this and be ready to gank or countergank if appropriate once you finish your full clear you now have options depending on what's happening in the lanes and we're the enemy jungler path you can gank or dive a side lane you can gank or dive mid you can do Scuttle you can get deep Vision or you can reset right as you finish your full clear and take an action on the other side of the map for example ganking the other Sid line after this your camps will be spining again and you are able to rinse and repeat this game plan you can leave your jungle at any time to punish a mistake but you should not be doing anything while your camps are up unless you are sure that you have the opport opportunity to do so when in doubt clear camps first then look to do something on the map afterward many champs receive a huge power Spike once they hit level six once you have ult especially if you're ahead you should be looking for opportunities to punish mistakes as you are generally much more lethal when your ult is on cool down you should be farming your camps while looking for other opportunities on the map in the mid game you should prioritize playing toward objectives and contest objectives when you have an advantage I could spend hours is talking about different macro situations but it's likely to be too specific to be of any real use to you in your actual games instead I'll give you one simple rule to follow for making mid and late game macro decisions fight when you have an advantage particularly a numers advantage in League the biggest Advantage you can have is to have more people in a fight than the opponent does this makes almost every decision you make much easier and it applies to every part part of the game it is the main concept to consider when joining or engaging any fight starting or contesting any objective invading ganking almost everything at its core revolves around having an advantage in numbers it's really how macro works it's one of the biggest advantages of split pushing you force one person to respond to a push and then you rotate to a fight with your team while you have a numberers advantage or alternatively they send two people to stop a split push and then then your team engages to fight 4V three if you can count to five and look at the map on the screen basically all the information you need to shot call and make good macro decisions in Solo que is right in front of you it is that simple at its core this covers what I consider to be all of the basic Game Theory the most important fundamentals and the mindset that you need for solo que I'd like to mention that 90% of people who watch my videos are not subscribed if you find the information here useful or you'd like more content like this please leave a like or a comment the algorithm works in mysterious ways and every little bit can help thank you very much for watching and for your support good luck in your games
Channel: Myth - League of Legends
Views: 124,675
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Keywords: league of legends, jungle, jungling, coaching, vod, league coach myth, coach myth, myth, review, tier list, lol tier list, league of legends tier list, jungler, coach, fundamentals, bel'veth, lol coach, lol coaching, pathing, jungle clear, jg clear, neace, phylaris, jg, lol, efficiency, mordekaiser, jg gap, fundamental, jungle basics, jungle fundamentals, jungle macro, jungle guide, league of legends jungle, league of legends jungler, jungles, coach curtis, virkayu, jungle course
Id: EvDSo94ozUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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