STOP Playing League of Legends on HARD MODE

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it is exceedingly rare that a game of League of Legends comes to a close without some sort of Team fight happening I'd waiter it's actually the thing that decides most of your matches you probably win the majority of your games by scoring an ace to secure Baron and then by team fighting again to close things out this is something that all of us have experienced and will experience hundreds of more times with the game obviously as such a large part of the game Challenger players are bound to be pretty good at it but how it's common knowledge that Challenger players have played the game a lot and you may think that they've seen every combination of champion involved in a fight so they must have just memorized how each scenario will play out but this couldn't be further from the truth to prove that there are 162 champions in League of Legends that means that in any 5v5 match on summoner's Rift there are a possible two quadrillion 584 trillion 164 billion 477 million 130 236 possible combinations of Champions also known as 2.584 times 10 to the 15th or a really really big number if you're having trouble visualizing that this number is so big that you are over 8 million times more likely to win the lottery grand prize than you are to have the exact same team comps in a game twice or let's imagine that you play 100 000 games League of Legends over your lifetime you have just about a point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero three eight seven percent chance of seeing these same 10 champions in a game more than once of course the chance that someone selects any individual Champion is not truly random so this math isn't perfect but regardless it is astronomically unlikely that you can ever rely on seeing the same Champions to predict how a fight will play out this also doesn't even include the fact that players will be at different levels have different items and have different cooldowns than another game even if you were to get the exact same teams so how the hell are you supposed to get better at Team fighting if it's really this complex and why are Challenger players just really good at it we need to figure out a way to simplify team fights down to something that anyone can understand and that's exactly what this guide is going to do while your role in a team fight might change based on specific factors in each game there are generally only three things that you need to figure out in order to make team fighting much much easier we're going to share the secrets that let you simplify all the scenarios that you've never seen before and League of Legends as a whole and by the way simplifying League of Legends is what makes our teaching at so effective take our brand new master and minutes course on Wave Control each video in this course teaches you one Concept in less time than it takes to start a game of League of Legends this is all part of the design so while you wait for your next game you can learn freezing fast pushing slow pushing bouncing waves the list keeps going all in just a few minutes to maximize your improvement rate seems too good to be true well don't worry we're backed up by a rank up guarantee if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill caps then you get your money back no questions asked we're the only service that can offer this because you'll actually see results so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below and get the rank you've always wanted alright now let's get into today's guide the first question we need to be able to answer is should I take the fight and for this we need to tackle the fact that team fighting is not a simple yes or no question it's not as easy as saying will we win this let's fight or we lose so don't in reality it's very similar to laning when you're looking for trades in lane for example you have this whole footsies thing going on both people wiggle back back and forth and look for an opportunity to strike they then try to provoke each other and use small spacing errors to exploit weaknesses in the same vein that team fighting is difficult to solve it would be pretty difficult to answer any question about should I trade here when the answer for both is usually it depends what I'm getting at is that answering should I fight is fluid and sometimes can switch from yes to no almost instantaneously so what exactly are we looking for one idea numbers Advantage this sounds extremely simple but there's definitely a lot to it so bear with me you'd be surprised that the number one mistake for team fighting is literally just opting into fights where you have less players than the other team that's obviously a No-No ninety percent of the time but if that was all the advice you needed then this guide wouldn't exist in reality fights are rarely straightforward 5v5s more often than not there are going to be small Pockets where the fight is relatively divided it could be all 10 players in a general area but you could have a grouping of 2b1 and 3v4 within that or something like a 1v4 and a 4v1 because of this we can't just look at how many people are in the area we also need to consider who gets the things first and the groupings let's use this example game to explain a simple situation in this match nidalee is down two levels on her opponent Diego so it's a safe bet to assume that she probably doesn't win the 1v1 however if we think about who could potentially participate in this fight we need to account for the top laners and the mid laners initially you might just want to say don't take this fight as it looks like everyone is just about equidistant from it but this doesn't take into account the fact that not everyone is guaranteed to come to the fight at the same Pace or even at the same time for nidalee that makes the question of should we take the fight rather unclear and now we need to enter the next phase of thinking if there is any potential whatsoever of us having numbers advantage in a fight we can entertain it and by that you'll quite literally want to dance just like nidalee is doing here to stall for time but stay in range of the other players so that you can choose to go in or leave at a moment's notice we can recognize here that she's not jumping in at all even after landing a spear but once we get a clear signal which comes from the form of Talon jumping the wall now we can see the division in the fight ryze may be in the general area but he's not actually close enough to impact it meaning it's really a 2b1 and we can consider ryze to be having a 1v0 of course Diego is easily picked off and this fight is successful but this was a simple example for a reason we wanted to highlight that there are really just three different modes you have in choosing if you should fight one is the simplest and choosing to avoid the fight altogether this is if you just have no hope of gaining numbers Advantage at all your team will never get there first or you just don't have any backup whatsoever whatever the reason you can just leave however the second and third modes are a bit more interesting if you don't have numbers Advantage right away but might it can be in your best interest to stall in this case nidalee was able to delay the fight and await a potential numbers advantage when not all five from both teams are present it's very frequent that one side will receive help before the other and if that is your team it's in your best interest to not rush things as you'll be giving your opponent exactly what they want the third mode is to rush the fight immediately when you finally do have numbers advantage or maybe you even had it from the start it's likely that that Advantage will go away as time passes the enemy team members will come from other parts of the map and reinforce essentially you don't want to let them stall once Talon hops the wall and Rises split off we need to make sure the play ends as quickly as possible before ryze can regroup and we lose our advantage It's always important to keep in mind what mode you should actually be in before and during fights and we can use a later example to show why this is so important as viego is walking into River he initially gets a spear thrown at him from the bush with this we can accurately pinpoint where everyone is on the map our rise is dead Natalie is in the bush and everyone else is showing on the map basically there is a 4v3 on the bot side of the map if everyone is there but if we rush a play bottom we will always have the inside track to beat Italy there and we can make a 3v2 in our favor before help can arrive because of this viego Sprints towards bottom as soon as he arrives Blitz hits a hook and they're able to execute a quick dive and get a kill now we need to reassess we still have numbers Advantage here with a3v2 but Talon is yet to leave mid and once that happens our advantage goes away and this fight will turn into a 3v3 we are definitely still in mode 3 where we need to rush this play unfortunately overconfident with their initial kill the red team doesn't quite realize that their advantage is fleeting and lingers around to try and exert more pressure if they just realized this then these two kills to Talon would have been completely avoided as a general rule of thumb I think it's best to assume the absolute worst case scenario while these examples did have complete information AKA we knew where everyone was that won't always be the case if you don't know where someone is just assume they will be at the fight and evaluate your mode with that in mind okay so now we know a bit about how to choose our fights and what mode we need to be in but there's plenty more to discuss namely step two which is who do you actually decide to hit we just discussed how Pockets will be created whereas smaller groupings within larger fights will pop up remember the idea of 3v2s and 2v3s existing within fights but when you have access to multiple targets what do you do again there is a lot of nuance in this but for the most part especially in low ELO you can stick to one simple rule Target the player that is most isolated while also not isolating yourself let's use one of my students replays to discuss he's about to finish dragon and it looks like his group of three is staring at the opponent's equal sized group however he does have Echo coming to reinforce so we might be inclined to stall this fight out a little and wait to see if our backup gets here first of course this is solo queue and his Zyra flashes in like a maniac resulting in us getting to this position the enemy Lux is incredibly low and out of fight so we have two main choices here we could continue going forward towards twitch and try to fight the 1v1 or turn to help with Yasuo which one would you rather do well echo's reinforcement and the rest of our team might be able to handle Yasuo on their own allowing us to go on Twitch a few problems would arise in that case if we choose to put ourselves where twitch is currently we will find ourselves in the middle of three people Yasuo Lux and twitch would all be able to turn and hit us and we would essentially be opting ourselves into a 1v3 on the contrary if we go after yasso he will be in a potential one before and it's important to note that at this point twitch is actually not participating in this fight at all with no ultimate available he is not in arranged to actually hit anyone on our team and is useless until he decides to walk back into range we can make use of this slight moment in time where twitch is unable to help and shift our attention to Yasuo for the time being in this fight you can see that twitch actually doesn't get a single Auto in until Yasuo is already dead and by choosing to eliminate targets one by one it'll be much easier to win if we don't keep track of where our teammates are and how these things update in real time it can backfire quickly let's look at another student's Replay for an example and to bring up our third step team fights do not stay in place once they start they will often move and we need to figure out where they should move too this is a relatively simple idea but you usually want to have the team fight shift not only towards your own Vision to avoid walking into enemy ambushes but also towards your own team members let's use everything we've learned so far and try to apply this new concept as well Misfortune is barely off screen here but does have a long range with her Alton e so keep that in mind with that being said we need to figure out which mode to use here the target selection and also where the fight should move towards take a second to think and pause if you need to let's get into it with the Enemy zyrah dead and Darius Top Lane this fight is a 3v3 currently and has the potential to be a 4v3 since Caitlyn is coming from base this means that we likely want to stall the fight until Caitlyn gets here but you might notice one thing yaso is very far away from the fight and can't participate right now if we were to Target belveth right now with ultimate we would potentially kill her before Yasuo even gets in range this conflicts with the idea of stalling the fight but actually gives us the option to rush the play if we wanted to Misfortune can assist from just outside of range and we will have a 3v2 for a brief window of time this will happen quite often you might have two potential answers to a fight and that's completely normal the important thing is to understand why your play is going to work and to not lose sight of that or combine it with other ideas if we want to rush the play we need to do so before Yasuo closes the Gap and if we want to stall and wait for Caitlyn we should try to dance outside of range and entertain that idea if you allowed a fight to drag on here we will notice how the fight has completely changed within two seconds now it's an even 3v3 with yasua involved and there aren't really any isolated targets for us to try and hit if we were to dive bellbath we would be putting ourselves in a situation where we are quite overextended in fact that's what happens in this game and you can see the outcome yourself Silas wasn't aware of Warwick wanting to walk forward and the fight was Brute Force anyways of course by the time Caitlyn gets here it's already decided and it's a convincing win for the enemy team let's rewind now and talk about how this could have been played differently if we also factor in the idea that fights should want to move towards our reinforcements and away from theirs we would ideally want this to move Northeast to make Caitlyn arrive faster and we move Southwest into River Caitlyn will only take longer to get to this fight and it'll be more difficult for us to stall for that amount of time in addition to this we need to update whether our teammates are actually on board with the fight while it initially looks like a 383 take note of how Silas moves here he only clicks backwards and Retreats Even If This Were to be a really great fight to take our teammates drastically alter the numbers in a fight and a 3v3 can turn into a 3v1 extremely quickly we must always try to keep track of our opponent's locations as well as our own teammates to continue to update our decision making with regards to number advantages let's look at our example replay one more time to analyze a late game team fight involving both full teams Caitlyn and NAMI Walk very far up The Siege mid lane here even knowing that they have three members of the team that cannot be there and a potential group of five waiting for them in fog of War of course this leads to the red team punishing them for their lack of numbers and killing them both pretty easily like I said it's best to assume in the worst case scenario and there's no reason why either of them should die here but now we have other threats to deal with for the red team the enemy sound is flanking them and their top side jungle however they do have pretty great vision here and it's safe to assume that cyan is alone on top of this their Gangplank is in Top Lane which means their reinforcements would come from above Scion as well I think it's obvious with what we know now that this fight should be pushed towards Scion as well as Gangplank moving it away from where the enemy mid and jungle are likely to be is best but you'll see that a completely winnable situation is thrown due to the fact that the fight is moved in the wrong direction take note of where jyn is in this fight he could have at any point hit Scion and run past him to put himself on gangplank's side but he stays on the side that his opponents are likely to come from instead that leads to them being in a position where the entire team is stuck between both groups of the enemy team and the result is a complete disaster of course number advantages weren't the only thing here the extremely poor positioning contributed to how badly this fight and in general of course we aim to simplify the game and team fights as much as we can but you're also going to have to just make adjustments based on things you've never seen before inherently that's a part of the game and probably one of the most difficult things about improving at league but if we do boil team fights down to these three steps we at least get a solid foundation of knowing what to do in a fight and maybe a way of actually figuring out what went right or wrong a large portion of the player base just fails to conceptualize team fights as a whole and if you are able to do so you'll be a huge leg up on the vast majority of your opposition to recap identify what mode your fight should be in do you want to avoid the fight altogether stall or rush it then be on the lookout for targets that will isolate themselves or the smallest group that you can look to pick off it's easiest to kill small groups one by one and tackle the larger ones later and lastly aim to keep track of where the fight should move while it's happening and be careful of moving towards enemy reinforcements and away from your these three tips will drastically increase your efficiency and fights and make your life a lot easier so let us know how this works for you and remember if you found this guide helpful then you're going to love our service at take our brand new master minutes course on Wave Control each video in the course teaches you one Concept in less time than it takes to start a game of League of Legends this is all part of the design so while you wait for your next game you can learn freezing fast pushing slow pushing bouncing waves the list goes on all in just a few minutes to maximize your improvement rate seems too good to be true well don't worry we're backed by a rank up guaranteed if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill cap then you get your money back no questions asked or the only service that can offer this because you will actually see results so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below and get the rank you've always wanted thanks so much for watching and until next time good luck in your ranked climb foreign
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 426,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends rank up, how to improve in league of legends, lol teamfighting, lol team fighting, challenger coaching, lol guide, how to climb
Id: TZodrzK47wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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