HOW TO JUNGLE - The COMPLETE Beginners Jungle Guide for Season 13! - League of Legends

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jungle is without a doubt one of the most versatile and interesting roles in League of Legends not being stuck in one lane for half the game is super engaging and gives you a ton of options for how to play each match out but with so many options available that's precisely what scares so many players off from trying the role with a ton of choices to make jungling can seem overwhelming especially to a beginner and that's precisely why we're making this video this will be a comprehensive guide for beginner jungle players to find everything they need to get started so they can immediately have success playing the role so yeah this is a guide for complete noobs to the role and the game we're going to be covering the basics of the basics such as what Smite does good starting junglers early pathing how to gank and other beginner friendly tips to help you get started and succeeding in the jungle and once you got the basics down if you want to become a great jungler as fast as possible then head on over to our service is completely risk-free as you're kept safe with rank up insurance if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill cap then you get your money back no questions asked you can learn more at the end of this guide or check us out with the link in the description alright now let's get started before you're able to enter the jungle though you've got to pick a champion first now the best advice anyone can ever give you is to play what you enjoy the more fun you're having the more you'll want to play and the faster you'll improve of course if you're completely new to League of Legends then you probably don't even know what you enjoy yet if you don't know what to pick then these will be our recommended picks amumu shinzao Warwick ramus trundle and volley bear simply put junglers have to do two main things every game they want to farm the monster camps that spawn around the map why we recommended those six junglers is that they all have very simple kits that allow you to clear the monster camps without much effort your second goal is to execute what is known as a gank yanking just means that you head into one of the three Lanes to help your own teammates kill their Lane opponents each six junglers bring either powerful crowd control tools a ton of damage or both all of them are very solid at ganking enemy laners with almost zero effort which makes them all great candidates to help you get started jungling of course you also need to learn how to build your Champion with runes and items once you pick something you want to play head to a stats site like and type your Champion into the search bar there you'll find everything you need from your skill order your Rune page and the most common items built in your Champion sites like this keep things super simple while you learn your Champion without having to read a bunch of item text every game okay you're all set you load into a game and you open the shop to buy your starting items and now you're faced with three distinct choices a blue green and red starting item these are items that junglers can only buy when they take the Summoner spell smite all of them summon a cute little companion to follow you around all game this will sound way more complicated than it actually is the goal of each of these pets is to slowly level them up by taking jungle camps don't worry you literally don't have to think about this it happens automatically as you play the game the only difference between the pets is that the blue one gives you movement speed when fully leveled up the red one gives you a bit of damage and the green one gives you a decent shield and crowd control reduction if you aren't sure which to buy we'd recommend you default to the green one as it'll be useful every single game on any Champion other than that all the jungle pets will give you the exact same benefits which are the following first they help you kill the jungle camps as you fight them they're your battle buddies and will automatically deal area of effect damage to any Camp you deal damage to which will make clearing the jungle much easier the pets will also give you some health regeneration as you clear the jungle monsters not only that but pay attention to a moomoo's Mana bar here the jungle pets make sure that you get absurd levels of Mana regeneration whenever you're in the jungle instead of a lane it is almost impossible to go out of Mana into the jungle which means that you do not have to worry about managing your resources nearly as much as every other role by the way this Mana regeneration is applied almost everywhere besides the three lanes and the bases you almost always have a ton of Mana to work with okay to put this as simply as possible killing the jungle camps is really easy you just go up to them Auto attack use your spells and your pet will do the rest it's that simple the final thing to know about your pets is that as you feed them they will strengthen your Smite if you don't know Smite is just a spell that does quite a bit of burst damage to Jungle camps as you play your pets will buff it even more so after you've killed around 20 monster camps you'll reach the first tier your Smite will now deal 900 damage to monsters not only that but you can now use it on enemy champions for a little damage and to slow this is just to make sure that you're not at a major disadvantage compared to everyone else who doesn't have to take Smite and after you fed your pet 40 treats from camps it'll evolve to its final form now your Smite does 1200 damage to monsters and you get the benefit of your specific pet which we talked about earlier cool so you know how to get set up and how to kill the jungle camps but where do you even begin and in what order do you kill the camps for complete beginners if you really want to keep things as simple as possible then we'd recommend enabling this setting in your menu the recommended jungle pathing is what makes jungle one of the easiest roles to pick up now even if you've got zero clue what's going on it uses data from everyone who plays your same Champion to tell you where other players are starting every game then it tells you where to go from there so you clear the camps in order one by one while a decent tool for your first one or two games we do recommend learning at least the two basic routes we're about to cover jungle is about adapting to the specific circumstances you're in and doing a preset route every single game isn't very useful the two routes you should definitely pick up are really simple ones you can either do a three Camp level 3 rush or a full clear to hit level four starting with the three Camp route this is a clear that you would do when you're playing a champion that wants to be very aggressive and gank Lanes as early as possible in fact many of the champions We recommended make very good use of this route hitting level 3 lets you unlock all three of your basic abilities which makes you a super deadly threat likely resulting in some kills to hit Level 3 quickly there's two different ways you can accomplish it the most common way that a level 3 Rush has done is by clearing the blue gromp and red camps this is a good time to bring up why the blue and red cams will be so important to everything you learn going forward killing each of these camps will give you a powerful buff which will make you you significantly stronger to help you kill enemy Champions slaying the red will enhance your auto attacks this will apply a small burn which both deals damage and slows your opponent the blue buff will give you an absurd amount of Mana regeneration is literally impossible to run out of Mana with it likewise it shortens the cooldowns of your spells which is great for characters with powerful abilities this is why the blue gromp red route is the more popular level 3 Rush route you get access to both Buffs which makes your ganks onto enemy laner significantly more deadly another way to hit Level 3 quickly is to do a single quadrant clear all this means is that you would clear three of the Jungle camps that are in one side of your jungle for example blue gromp and wolves will give you level three likewise on the other side of your jungle killing the red Raptors and krugs will also give you level 3. you only get one of your Buffs this way but we'll cover why you may want to use these routes in a bit okay the second basic route we'll be covering is the full clear it's literally as simple as it sounds you just kill all six jungle camps on your side of the map you start on either blue or red then slowly make your way to the other side of the Jungle killing everything in order doing all the camps will give you level four this route is usually for junglers who don't have very strong ganks early on or who want to farm up to hit Level 6 as quickly as possible great so you now know the most popular starting strategies but which do you actually use it all depends on where you want to end up on the map and knowing which lane you want to gank first for example let's say that you want to help your top laner out and you're playing on the red side of the map you could do a blue gromp red start to hit Level 3 and immediately go to gank top or you could do a full clear starting at Blue to end up there as well after clearing your entire jungle lastly you could just do a red quadrant clear to get there as quickly as possible even though you'll be skipping the all-important blue buff hopefully you see how simple it technically is your opening route is just heavily influenced based on where you want to go early on of course those were only the two most basic types of routes if you want to learn more ways you can adapt your pathing to have further success then be sure to check out some of our pathing guides and courses we cover this topic way way more in depth and make things even simpler to understand in those guides like we said though you're opening route generally just depends on what your main goal is in the early game typically this will be influenced by which lane you think is the highest probability of getting you a kill if you gank it to analyze that you technically want to look at every lane matchup and think about how both sides are likely to interact with one another then you just adapt your opening route to whichever one you think is most likely to let you score a kill oh okay cool yeah I can't do that is what you're probably thinking we don't expect you to trust us there's currently over 150 unique champions in this game and yet you're somehow supposed to know how every single one of them interacts with every other Champion that's obviously not easy especially if you're newer to the game however there are some very basic guidelines that will usually let you make the correct choice for which lane you want to gank melee versus melee lanes are usually incredibly volatile in the early game melee Champions need to walk up to attack someone well if you put two melee Champions into one lane then they're constantly going to be fighting each other to walk up to to the minion wave as a jungler these are almost always the matchups that you want to pass towards early there is an incredibly High chance that you're going to score kills when you path towards volatile lanes that are always fighting for the wave so for example if you see a Jax versus a Renekton Top Lane matchup you should probably start on the bottom side of the map and slowly make your way up there in the hopes of ganking that lane many of you may be thinking how this affects bottom Lane there's almost always two ranged marksmen there right when making decisions whether to gank bottom always look at the support matchup if there's two melee champions for supports then the previous and following logic will apply too the other type of matchup you usually want to be on the lookout for is ranged versus melee Lanes as we discussed melee Champions have to walk up to the wave to last hit minions range Champions don't as a result ranged Champions are very often the ones harassing melee Champions off the minions and pushing the wave aggressively so what does this mean for you basically if you're the one with the melee teammate versus arranged matchup then you should likely path towards that teammate the range Champion is going to be very overextended in the lane most of the time which puts them far from the safety of their Tower not only that ranged Champions tend to be fairly squishy it's very likely you're able to go to that lane and score kills on the flip side you generally shouldn't expect to find ganks when you're the one with the ranged teammate the melee Champion will always be too close to their own Tower so you may want a path to a different Lane early on as a beginner those two guidelines are more than good enough to get you started however if you want to understand how to make early game decisions around your pathing even better we again recommend some of our other guides once you get more comfortable at the roll we break things down much more in those more dedicated guides so check them out on our site if you're interested so now you know how to path around your jungle which Lanes to make your way towards but how do you actually kill an enemy laner as a jungler well let's cover the most common tips that will make your gank successful way more often the first thing you look for in a gank is pushing Lanes let's say for example that you've done a three Camp clear and you've ended up here near the blue buff now you have a choice you can either go top or mid lane in this situation mid lane would be the ideal Lane to gank the enemy Top Lane is too close to their Tower so you'd instead want to punish the enemy mid laner for playing so aggressively it's the simplest but most effective advice for scoring kills during ganks try to go towards laners who are pushing and are far away from the safety of their towers which brings us to our second advice to score kills flanking when going into a lane you almost always want to approach from behind your opponents rather than straight at them try to take the path through the jungle that lets you do this it's pretty clear why this would be better in most cases your opponent has to run through you now to get back to their Tower it's very unlikely they can get away from you if you're already behind them and it'll probably result in a kill flying is definitely the big reason why ganking pushing Lanes is so effective as a quick note to make that easier you will want to swap your starting trinket for a sweeper lens most junglers prefer denying Vision over placing their own this enables you to look for those flank angles onto laners much more consistently without your opponents being aware that you're coming for a couple more tips to execute ganks one of the very first things you want to switch in your settings is to show timestamps all this does is show you in the chat precisely when something was said this doesn't directly help you with ganks but it can give you critical information about the Summoner spell flash this is one of the best defensive cooldowns in the game that many players use to get away from gangs after a gank if you manage to blow the enemy's flash you can press Tab and click on it this will ping it in the chat it has a five minute cooldown this means that you could track it so you know exactly how long you have to punish that vulnerable enemy laner our final tip for ganking will be something not to do many junglers often get really kill hungry and want to gank Lanes all the time however during the very early stages of the game a big part of the laning phase is playing around minions there will be many times where you'll want to gank somewhere but the enemy laner has a massive wave we highly suggest being cautious of ganking players defended by a ton of minions because it's likely you could lose even when you're at a 2V1 Advantage anyway those are the most fundamental concepts for executing ganks like everything else we covered remember that we've got tons of guys in courses breaking down how to gank even more efficiently if you want to score kills more consistently then check those out afterwards by now you should hopefully have a fairly clear understanding of what your goals are during the early game but what about when you're like level 7 or so your opening route is long over and camps are spawning all over the place how do you know what you should do there's actually a very simple way of knowing exactly what you should be doing at all times during this stage of the game first you need to make sure that you've got the show neutral Camp setting enabled in your interface if you don't already have it this will show you which jungle camps you have available in your jungle but also which are spawning soon a gray icon means that the camp will spawn in under one minute and a yellow icon means that the camp is spawning within 10 seconds so what you're going to do is very simple at this stage of the game you'll now be pathing towards Lanes where jungle camps are already up or spawning soon the reason for this is that it gives you options not all ganks are going to work out every single time so if a gank doesn't work you really want to have a fallback option to keep pace and gold and experience with the rest of the players in the game for example you try to gank top and it sadly doesn't work however your krugs and red buffer up although you don't get a kill you'll still be earning some gold and experience for being on the top side of the map one more example let's say you've got blue and gromp up in your jungle but you've only got krugs up on the other side of the Jungle should you prioritize ganking top in mid or mid lane and Bot Lane foreign would be correct you've got more camps up here and one of them is blue buff which you definitely want to pick up ASAP your decision making for pathing at this stage of the game is almost always just based around spawning jungle camps so that's really all you have to keep track of as a beginner obviously this isn't 100 rule that is set in stone every single time it's just general advice that will often give you decent results again if you want to learn when to break this rule check out our jungle decision making content for more guidelines on where to path and who to gank for moving on we'll be covering a couple of objectives we'll be leaving the Late game ones like Baron and Elder Dragon for our other guides since those are team-based objectives that you have much less control over instead we'll focus on the dragons and Rift Herald we'll talk about what they do and when you should look to take them starting with Dragons this is an epic monster that spawns at 5 minutes and every five minutes after it's been slain it also gives you unique Buffs based on the type of dragon that you slay here's a symbol chart to know which dragons give each buff we will say that while the stats each Dragon gives are nice none of them is visually game winning or losing therefore as jungler you shouldn't ever feel like you've royally screwed up if the enemy team gets a dragon or two as for killing it though most junglers can solo the dragon after around level 5. you just tank and kill it there's not many mechanics to play around when fighting it moving on to the rift Herald this big crab spawns on the top side of the river at 8 minutes and 6 minutes after you've slain it after killing the herald it will give you a significant amount of gold and spawn an eye that you or your teammates can pick up once you got it it makes your recall significantly faster but the much better benefit is that you can now spawn the rift Herald AKA Shelley with your trinket keybind Shelly will push down lanes and crash into enemy Towers dealing significant damage to them this is especially nice before 14 minutes when turret plates are still up you can gain a ton of gold by summoning The Herald in a lane with multiple plates still up as well as helping you take the tower faster as for actually killing the herald you can technically solo her without taking barely any damage here's what you need to know Shelly will periodically expose an eye on her back hitting it with an auto attack will deal massive damage letting you kill it much faster to get behind her wait for Shelley to Auto attack you after attacking she'll sit still for a bit letting you reposition to hit the eye she's also got this massive wind-up swing just dodge it it's really easy and that's all there is to it properly follow these mechanics and you will kill her without any effort and take almost no damage okay so you know what they do and how to kill them but when do you actually move in and try to take the rift Herald and dragon while these are objectives that you can technically solo you are usually very vulnerable when you try to kill them you definitely don't want to risk dying and giving over the objective for free the first thing you want to look out for is when the two lanes around the objective are pushing into their opponents for example let's say you want to start Dragon you look at bottom and mid lane both your teammates are pushing the wave into the enemy's Tower very aggressively this is usually a good sign that you can start it the enemy laners are likely to be stuck under their towers clearing waves not only that but your teammates now have priority priority just means that they're free to leave their Lane because they've already pushed in the wave if you ping they're much more likely to help you at the objective since they don't really need to be in lane at the moment you should also look out for whether the enemy jungler is on the other side of the map allowing you to start the objective for free let's say your Bot Lane Gets ganked By An Elise for example this means that she literally cannot be in the top side of the map for a while which should allow you to take the herald for free in most cases the big reason why is that junglers can secure and objective nearly 100 of the time versus anyone that isn't the enemy jungler that's because the huge burst that you can do with Smite as an example take a look at every time trundle uses his Q on Dragon here it does 388 damage while taking an objective try to keep track of your highest instant burst ability and do some mental math to see how much damage you can do with Smite so a 600 Smite plus 388 Q means that trundle can deal nearly a thousand damage instantly to the dragon so just wait for it to fall below that threshold and the objective should be secured easily with all that covered let's round this guide out with a couple more beginner tips that you should know about the first one is based around these extra camps that spawn in the river called the Scuttle crab this is a camp that doesn't fight back but still gives you a fair chunk of gold and experience when you kill it it also leaves a little Shrine which gives vision and movement speed in the area for your team you definitely want to take these over your opponents whenever possible however there is something you should know about how they spawn and work at 3 minutes and 30 seconds there will be a Scuttle crab spawn in both sides of the river after killing both of them the Scuttle will from then on only spawn on one side of the river randomly anyway what we want to recommend is that you don't over Force trying to fight over one of the initial two crabs Riot heavily nerfed the experience it provides early on so that games aren't decided too early over Scuttle crab fights so don't feel pressured to contest the first ones every single game but they definitely start to have significantly more value later on so make sure you try to get the ones that spawn afterwards our final tip is based around invading you can definitely enter the enemy jungle from time to time as you play the game this is one of the hardest skills to master his jungler so we do have plenty of guides that go much deeper into this topic however to get you started here's some basic guidelines you want to follow so that you know exactly when you should go into the enemy jungle to steal some camps for starters you should look to invade when you're stronger than your opponent or you have strong teammates in the area to help you in a fight it goes without saying that the best way of winning League of Legends is just be stronger than your opponents so if you've already got an item or a level lead over the enemy then be sure to try and abuse that by heading into their jungle and pushing them off their own camps this will spiral you further ahead letting you potentially win the game with an insurmountable lead another Super major concept that you need to learn as a jungler is known as cross mapping all this means is that when an enemy makes a play on one side of the map that you can make a play on the other because you'll likely have a numbers Advantage for example let's say you watch the enemy jungler gank your top laner this means they literally can't be on the bottom side of the map therefore you should cross map either the dragon or look to make your own gank happen in bottom or as we've been discussing you can invade the bottom side of their jungle and take any camps they may have left in the area that being said cross mapping is a very nuanced topic and we just cover the most basic forms of it we have so many videos based around cross mapping so if you really want to delve deeper into that topic check those out too Alright and that's everything you need to know to get started in the jungle for everything else there's it's the fastest way to climb and get the rank you've always wanted take our course on meta jungle routes it begins with a cheat sheet showing the recommended jungle route for every jungler in the game for example let's say you play Elise well you can then find the route we recommend when starting at your blue buff and red buff in this case you can see we recommend Elise does a four Camp when starting at Blue all you have to do is then watch the four Camp guides in this course and then just like that you're pathing like a challenger expert we have over 40 jungle courses by Challenger experts on every skill you need to master in order to climb the ladder that's not all though as every week we release 10 brand new Smurf commentaries where a challenger player teaches you how to climb out of the exact rank you're stuck in if you're looking for something more personal instead then we got you covered with one-on-one coaching from our trained Challenger experts all this seems too good to be true well don't worry we're backed by a rank up guarantee if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill cap then you get your money back no questions asked so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below and get the rank you've always wanted alright that's a wrap on this one guys we here at skill capped want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one foreign
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 150,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to jungle, jungle season 13, jungle s13, jungle guide, beginner jungle guide, beginner jungle guide season 13, beginner guide lol, lol jungle s13, lol jungle guide, lol jungle guide season 13, how to jungle lol, how to jungle clear, challenger jungle, jungle coaching, league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, lol coaching, skill-capped
Id: M49r5lOX32k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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