THE NUGGET MONSTER - If You Can Dodge A Nugget Story - Kindergarten 2

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nugget I was gonna say you know what's one severed limb between friends but I also gotta ask what's with the cave oh oh Jesus Christ what the hell is that what's up guys and welcome back to kindergarten too and for today's episode we're gonna do the most important thing in this game I'm more important than gathering all the special items and resolving the mystery of the school more important than finding all of the monster on cards and unlocking some kind of secret ending because today we're gonna help Nuggets and a little story called if you can dodge a nugget hey little buddy it's finally your time to shine so let's see if we can get you out of there with two arms shall we help nugget is trapped how did you get down there no gate was touching for a suitable place for the new nugget cave so you proper sewer grates no dug it with 34 suitable place to dig by the Queen a cliff and ECAP WAMP the ground started to shake though is the cave-in you're handicapped people themed to think though oh that's interesting that's yellow so we need to remember that that's important for the story that people think nugget is touched right so what should I do find help a scape Joe janitor a printable nugget does not catch it kid now get out of here okay okay well I can guarantee the teachers aren't gonna do anything and I ask the janitor last time he just kind of laughed and said that he wanted to join you you mean the other janitor which is exactly why I needed his tool belt okay hey Bob you think you can help me out a little bit hey there kiddo I'm your friendly school janitor nugget is trapped in the crate over there oh no that's terrible if only I had my trusty tool belt I could get him out of there go tell the principal's you'll know what to do I have your tool belt right here okay I picked it off your corpse in an alternate timeline don't ask questions okay I'm just a kindergartner I don't know what's going on here you found it that's wonderful hold on strange child's kebab is coming to save you is he actually gonna save him that's such a rarity in this game baabs of real outlier I'm gonna get you out of there just hang in there remember to breathe milk it knows how to breathe nugget does not know how much longer you can stay down here get nugget out this'll take just a second got it yeah there we go two arms and all there you are a little friends don't go crawling underground anymore okay they'll get full William tags to crawl under ground again nugget needs a new nugget cave well just be careful with that yeah take this large janitor man it is the Nugget of Winship oh thank you I'll see you around little friends is that it's you're not gonna bludgeon him with your mop or anything what the hell's wrong with you Bob that was a very nice thing we just did now I'm sure your little friend would like to thank you for your help maybe he does I can't believe he has two arms it's almost weird hey nugget bit of a weird question but did you happen to see any green goo alien monster shape-shifting little girl principles while you were down there nugget has been caved to the very nice janitor game weapon aah get out you're welcome no kid does not understand sure gonna be giving you thanks I told him to get you out go get did not believe you no gir does not want you to be his friend I want to be I'm the only one who wants to be your friend nugget just do this for me what is your offering offering nugget request an offering before you can be his friend perhaps a pretty flower nugget I wanna be your friends not your boyfriend I can get you a flower nugget like wow words come Joe nugget the flower finds nugget of flower where the hell am I supposed to find a flower so none of the kids have a flower monty isn't selling a flower and there are no flowers to pick here but I'm willing to bet that I might be able to get somewhere else now because I have a handicapped escorts maybe hello again watch when we friend of nugget oh hey buddy glad you're not stuck behind that great anymore huh yes nugget appreciate freedom and nuggets with the watch janitor man please wet nugget by again nugget requires a flower oh sure but um what about your friend here he's not handicapped neither with nuggets you know what I'm just gonna stop digging this hole go ahead just don't get trapped in any more holes okay nugget does not wish to repeat the incident família nugget will be fine I can't believe nugget did all the talking there wow that was easy or a and there's our flower I'll be taking that this is a blue flower do I really want to give no I don't want to give him the wrong impression I would say he looks at me in an odd way sometimes but in all reality he looks at two things in odd ways all the time oh the flowers quite witty how could negative missed it I don't know man maybe one of your eyes slipped I don't know no get accepted are going nugget will give you a chance at friendship so what do I have to do normally nugget would make you find the five nugget to Friendship but they have not been hidden at this school yet what's the alternative well know you could use some help building these new nugget cave what time nugget rides it didn't go so well what do you need Mickey will tell you boned I'll get back toward the exit to the fair dug cave oh I thought the Nugget cave was over here was it it didn't you dig around here somewhere is this it I don't know if I should go do I'm gonna go down here anyway it looks like this hole caved in I don't want to touch any dirt okay I guess not then what about this was his sign with arrows on he they point up left up right up right left up interesting what this is oh no no I didn't memorize that oh god I'm have a Legend of Zelda flashbacks here it started with up right it was up left up right and I think that was good okay up and then right up left up right up right left up think those it and then go back the way I came actually left and then oh yeah I got a monster one card I got the legendaries or oh it is Zelda reference okay very cute I'm happy that it didn't cost me any apples so now I can go back to nugget and do whatever the hell we're doing okay what the hell are we doing the first of the things no get need for its plant is a wider no you need the wider brought into the school you say nugget a Long's gene observation has no keys potential friend also notice the green of the grass and the blue of the sky you being sarcastic no gate is being nugget horse you are dammit man that is one unique character okay yeah I want to buy a lighter and that's gonna cost me what a dollar fifty I like I have much of a choice I think that's it for now oh that cost me an Apple as well so he's gone all right then well nugget we have a lighter why do you want a lighter as Nuggets potential when bound to light it for nugget yes good yeah no game we'll need the file but nugget no if the file is not allowed in the school no good potential friend with sneak in past a bad penny and penny but how perhaps someone knows perhaps someone is sneaky I'll see what I can do someone knows someone is sneaky sneak past penny uh what as far as I can remember every student in this school is completely useless except for Carla she's done some sneaky stuff involving lockers getting around without hall passes stuff like that maybe she can help me hey you must be one of the new kids I'm Carla do you have any contraband on you that's a strange question well these are some strange times I'm just trying to save you some study hall no one gets in or out of here with anything dangerous I have a metal detector yeah and her name is penny that blonde girl is the biggest snitch in school she has a knack for knowing who is carrying stuff weird one more strike towards penny being some kind of strange alien monster thing how does she know no idea but it's unwise to bring anything in these halls unless you have a special way of getting it in and you get stuff in well if you want to get it past the living metal detector over there I can offer you my services for a small fee sure I guess what do you want to smuggle in is the lighter oh yeah yeah a dollar too small okay sure consider it done it'll be in the blue locker upstairs with the Locker be locked because that's kind of important that's the Bell everyone head inside to your assigned classrooms to the dumb class not gonna lie nugget it's kind of weird seeing you here playing rather than bleeding all over the place no good potential plaintiff returned the fire is in the school then yep excellent that nugget potential friend is ready to help nugget find a double where I am NOT dealing with that old janitor you are not sending me out there to steal his favorite kid burying shovel so help me God the Gannet are there with many things will happily know where to get one how do I get to him goddamn you nugget nugget what would move teacher then we go see the janitor in the bathroom together okay do it we remove the teacher at least you're coming with me hello Tate uh uh what do you want nugget it is not what nugget want it is what date you want spit it out weird a hole what are you getting at nugget knows where the principal's pills of paste are you you have pills yes nugget welcome when the failed dog it gave co-op the pills are near the handicapped well why the handicap ramp got it coming to mama you sweet sanitary savers and I remember that use that in the future nugget potential friend will read the way nugget will follow did you actually have killed no no go wide no good does not have anymore okay let's go oh she is gonna be pissed I really hope the janitors in a good mood a good non kid stabbing mood Oh stupid Locker I can't get into the weapons closet you mean the janitor's closet same thing go upstairs at Oh blah bow to come down here and open it if no good way to do that with the janitor man give nugget a shovel sure it's not my stupid closet you can take whatever you wants just go get that key I'll radio Bob Delano you're coming got it now quit darling get me that key okay okay we're gonna go see Bob oh right away oh happy Bob oh happy one piece Bob oh god damn it there's so many Hall monitors well that little hypocrite can't even keep the kids on his floor in check come on man let's go get you back to class what I need to talk to Bob sorry man rules are rules you know unless there's something in it for me what well that little panty girl took my lighter you wouldn't happen have one would you Oh butt nugget needs the fire uh did he need the fire for this oh crap I don't know it seems way too convenient to not give him the lighter so even if nugget gets pissed at me screw it whoa really well would you look at that yeah man I'm happy go do whatever cool sorry about that nuggets no more fire but at least we still have flushing happy Bob what's up with his jiggly self oh hello you must be the kids it's delivering the key to the closet to each other janitor that's Bryce there you are hurry along and get back to him I hear he could be a little impatient I've heard that too well that was awful easy I guess he's just kind of flustered cuz he's in the girls bathroom maybe I don't know Willie either way that worked out well so if we bring you the key that should be our last Apple where's my key here oh good work I'll keep my end of the bargain Oh would you like a shovel there you go Kato now if you'll excuse me I've got myself have fun with that or Bob never saw it coming the Bell has one give go get the shovel nugget and it's plane must return to the classroom and learning before teacher notices were missing we'll do that okay yeah what do you got returns gee Joe really where we want don't get pills so if the teachers it back what do we do I guess we just go to lunch that's what we'd normally do right of our eyes look it up weeds no good has goodness to attend do with the odd Bunch lady you want with the odd lunch lady okay we're gonna go to lunch go Oh odd lunch lady hello strange child nugget would like 100 nugget weed today is not a good day everydays nugget day no joke today is burger day you may have a burger oh boy boy movies name is Go Go Go it is nugget no cos he's a whole box of nuggets on the show behind you you have a burger or you will scarf make your choice our child nugget will don't get just add an idea no get what have a burger no you thinks it's thanks to the lunch waiting what's his I don't even want to know what your plan is nugget because it's gonna involve me sneaking in back there and there's a good chance that she's gonna impale me on a spoon or something like that this is catered well I don't suppose you're gonna be satisfied with that burger you lumpy headed freak oh look at wended here nugget me to help to get Nuggets for the new nugget Gav how can I help bigger box nuggets behind the lady of one cheese counter she must be will move how do we do that look at notice there are only two nasty buggers left with the burger they're gone the ones wait he will leave to get more than nuggets wind can steal the box of nugget so I need to buy those burgers no when can I still McNuggets other classmates can no get he's not picky hey then I think I technically have enough money to buy those burgers but I might eat the money if he says that other classmates can do it I should probably get them to do it you don't have lunch Felix says I'm not allowed to talk to any party unless it's about business sorry okay then ah guys have bagged lunches Cindy doesn't have lunch I really don't want to talk to you I can't believe none of the new boys want to sit next to me I'm stuck hanging out with these two losers you should buy a burger no way I'm British your burgers aren't vegan right and I make the burgers vegan and I make of beacon into a burger that would be a whole lot more convenient I don't suppose you would be interested in a second serving of burger or maybe let me talk to your brother so that he can get lunch go away you vagabond we're talking about business you wouldn't understand you should buy a burger I'm not interested in buying a burger I provide food for myself why on earth would you want me to buy a burger I'm a friend of your company I completely forgot that we had that hopefully it doesn't get consumed oh my apologies I had no idea you were a friend of the family you just need me to buy a burger yep very good then you heard the man daddy a burger please yes Felix I'll get it right do it okay hello miss Margaret hello unconfident wealthy child one burger please I'll be $1 help yourself child that went far smoother than I would have expected here you go one burger just like you asked Thank You Danny and we'll be all okay so now we have a burger I didn't really want it but sure now can I make one begin or do I need to spend a dollar I feel like I might need my money later I don't me save somebody already is there anything over here oh I can use this it's a condiment station the school has everything but condiments really that's everything maybe one of the stupid lunch sack kids would like to buy a burger how about you Carla hey new kid how are you liking the food you should buy a burger no no I don't think I will nice try though kids man they got to you quick you talking about I'm not eating anything that old Margaret makes I don't like the sauce she uses okay then I mean yeah I guess that kind of makes sense whatever she's been eating I don't need any of how about you was he any luck normally my girlfriend would sit next to me and my best friend would sit across from me yeah but no we can't have that anymore stupid new kids you should buy a burger maybe calm the hell down yeah you like that wouldn't you make it easier you to forget all about this we're gonna what I'm not getting starting all over this Jews leave me alone okay the hell is he talking about so quickly um oh maybe Monty would like to buy a burger come T me a week that I'm in the middle of very lucrative deal alright uh rap I don't think any of the alright don't really want to talk to penny she treats me out I just love making new friends they don't seem too thrilled to meet you well I guess I'm just supposed to buy my own burger then hello dog Oh would you like lunch hamburger area I'll try one burger please droid thanks my my mine Joe to requite ravenous today oh I must go get more burgers you do that ooh oh okay good good so now I can take this it's a box of nuggets like it needs it for his new cave for some reason yeah oh [ __ ] okay we didn't get spotted didn't see us over his forehead I also figured there would be something else back here oh it's a monster mount guard we got mystical tomato isn't that actual you do cars a 99% sure there's a you you occurred very similar to that either way we have it now and we have the Nuggets here you go Nuggets dick nugget Quinn get nugget the nugget for the new doggy cave stop saying nugget Jesus Christ yeah egg DeWindt nugget is quite wheeze didn't you know you gave will be oh what's wrong look it's no guitar Oh cold no cookies cannot be cold nuggets nuggets should be a way to win a warm weekend no Doug it please stop hitting your head off the wall Oh [Music] Nuggets please stop doing that gold nugget gold nugget nugget gold gold is Nuggets dead Widow ha um go get cold noogie noogie can't think of nothin worth gold nuggets nuggets what let's find a microwave a bike broke yeah of course no get a head knocked out of back yeah it doesn't surprise me that the guy that chewed RF is armed for no reason didn't think of a microwave to heat up Nuggets take the gold nuggets bring them back wall nugget will be here doing what banging his head against a wall okay then gotta be a microwave in here somewhere uh nope we just saw the big-headed science guy leave the teachers lounge and I'm willing to bet that they have a microwave of course they do anything else of interest in here there's a flower it's good to know uh I look around to any of this no is an offending machine this vending machine has some good looking snacks in it cherry soda blueberry soda trysting I don't want the flower wonder does anything else for later that I might need in here other plant it's a plant so green kind of weird that that's the same plant that was in the science room okay either way I guess we'll just microwave these nuggets cuz if microwave gonna probably use it to heat up some cold food like Nuggets it seems easy enough how to figured I would toss a kid in the microwave list okay well then we now have warm nuggets and I'm assuming nugget probably has a concussion nugget your head was concave enough before the day even started will you please stop gold nuggets gold nugget I woke wave the Nuggets these Nuggets please go get too warm no key is that piece now that's good with these warm nuggets nugget is when you complete his new nugget cave hooray come team yo get it weekend nugget will show you the wonders of the nugget cave I can't wait begone for my cafeteria anyone who is just okay in our lovely principal today shall report study hall others may uncle play recess okay I'm gonna recess okay oh she looks extra mad now you little weasel I looked all day for those bills and couldn't find them there never were any were there unhand nugget nugget mistake the new nugget gave no I know I'm a hot and thirsty and it's all your fault you're gonna suffer like I did suffer like you what were you choked out when you were looking for them how does that work oh no don't tell me I was supposed to buy one of those drinks from the vending machine can I go back now I would rather not restarts oh okay so I could just go back now sweet oh I have a dollar 50 and a drink costs exactly a dollar 50 we'll get her a cherry soda so if I didn't have that badge that would have helped me get one burger by completing the mission for the twins then I wouldn't be able to do this at all I wouldn't have enough money that's interesting I really like that I also apparently didn't get this monster wrong card last time why does that keep happening okay climb this and then avoid the gray ones I think yeah there we go okay got it and bounce off my head again Cora more and more like nugget every day mrs. Applegate you're not yourself maybe have a soda not now I'm busy torturing nugget he made me look outside all day for pills and now I'm a hot and thirsty do you want something to drink oh well thank you I suppose I can let this little monster go but never lie to me again you little mall creature got it yes nugget hazards okay that went well I think thank you for saving nugget from the large DG lady oh you're not gonna give Bob credit for this Jail that's the second time I've saved you you're welcome he's gone for nugget to dig a brand-new no you gave have fun now get well gonna add that okay that was quick Jesus you really are a little Mole Man aren't you it's funny how you can learn lessons from the first game and carry them over to this one like I can remember the first time I jumped down an UGG cave I fell to my death which reminds me exactly why you need these nuggets no keys no no you gave is almost complete because just one more thing nugget must do give no get the warm nugget there you go that is way more other 200 nuggets right that's a lot of nuggies oh my god we need to give you the nickname of nuggie no nugget and nuggets blend are ready to enter the Nugget gave all rights this is apparently what we've been building towards it looks the same as the last one there's that other leg why do you have a leg down here and as a cave that's concerning behold Nuggets new nugget cave there is much to see and much to know get notices that there is uh leg now get was hoping this nugget cave would not have such growth Ness the skeletons everywhere yes good nugget go things don't appear to be people the leg seems to belong to people so what are the skeletons from then okay get rid of it no good will very much blue hey dad no good friend Julius don't good friend yeah what is that's the pile of nuggets what's this this is a statue of a giant nugget this room in front for some kind of nugget offering hey this is a skeleton of something it doesn't look human but it does have a wallet I'm not gonna take any money quite yet that's probably what the offering is supposed to be though weird why do I still feel like this game revolves around some kind of monster or alien we keep getting hints nugget I was gonna say you know what's one severed limb between friends but I also gotta ask what's with the cave Oh Oh Jesus Christ what the hell is that what the hell look at you have an elevator down here that's so cool oh yeah Anna's a giant face stabbing creature the creature will kill you if it isn't distracted by something no [ __ ] nugget I'm really not trying to nitpick here but the next time you invite somebody down to the Nugget cave maybe just briefly mention the giant face stabbing monster thing I knew there would be monsters I told you guys and that was in the school wait that wasn't part of the Nugget cave it had an elevator and boxes some kind of inside I don't know okay all I know right now is the severed leg and I need to take it it is a severed leg of some sort nugget doesn't seem to want it in the cave using the monster is a different story maybe I can feed it the leg not a possibility thank you for removing the nasty leg no get it satisfied with his plan to please join nugget in gym with the Bell wing nugget needs a friend to play dodgeball sure nuggets I II have a leg do I want to try considering we only have one more apple left I get the feeling it's far more likely that I'm gonna need money during gym class so I'll take the money from this I got $3 and now we're gonna go to gym no get is the Bell nugget is box we cannot afford the web B please come to gym with bore Nuggets whoo so maybe that's why I need the $3.00 that's awful convenient if nuggets telling me to go to gym with him then I guess I'm I don't know man do I go to gym with him nugget you're not helping you're just drawing I really doubt I'm gonna finish nugget story by leaving him for the last period of the day so it makes sense to go to gym with him squeeze nugget nugget may finally have a chance at winning a game of dodgeball hey uh my life is ruined it can't actually get any worse so what are we doing here trying your best to look like me in 30 years go run laps or bounce that orange ball or something I guess we could do that I'm gonna go stand over there and try to keep the room from spinning wouldn't expect anything less hey good day judge Miller wanted to play dodgeball sure whatever makes you happy nuggets I just hope someone is able to knock some sense into you oh yeah it makes sense he's got two arms now so we can enjoy gym class that's what's different here no gate is defended by scantily clad teachers comments yeah teacher doesn't care hey kids anyone who hits nugget with a dodge ball gets a gold star nugget would like to see the other judge of dry nugget will not be bested Oh bit of a bounty out on Nuggets head that sucks let me guess I need to take all the hits for you no you will take no prisoners the balls of dodging were laying down like nugget the Nuggets hole and nugget will uh-oh what no good team has not acquired any balls of dodging no get hope that you have something to block with I do I have a leg that seems really dumb oh hey oof oh man I can't believe I'm out already that's just okay sure maybe friend is done well big do we as a dude yeah great so you you Chuck one back hey one of the twins both the twins Oh what would nugget friends do I'm gonna move back I'm gonna move up and they move down I should do I should move down I would say if I stay here I'm probably gonna get hit by bugs I don't know where the leg went was it a one-time use like way way way no if I go down the nukkie can't throw his ball at the twins right I want to go either up or left to try to get a ball of my own so I should be going up I can't go left do this it is gone for Dean nugget to attack Bo nugget fury hey double kill I'll o catch it Teddy what catching you a missile Zhora Felix you will run behind me you should have been able to catch it now we're both house I'll do better next time I promise now friend of nugget to arm yourself with a ball of dodging okay I'm gonna move back now it's quite white with Beuys strike for nugget oh hey I'll throw the ball boom gotcha ouch stupid day can't get any worse screw this you've been crying the whole day I know what's wrong with your own only one foe remains nugget will be victorious yeah but you're up against me I'm gonna throw this like I used to throw slop at you and I old school I remember that no you did not a point of duper bugs no gonna has a plan now plaintiff nugget do the thing uh this thing uh I'm gonna move down is that the thing oh hey yeah I caught it so he's technically out Oh gadget - boogie do your thing if all charging it's gone team nugget is victorious nugget wins no get wings whatever dodgeball stupid anyway I didn't even think of that genius nugget win nugget never wins nugget we had found a good friend glad you think so don't we like to present his friend with finally okay kids it's been nice watching you smack each other around but it's time to hit the road go home now look it will give it to you outside okay sounds good to me bye weird alien face stabbing principal monster thing you let's see you later I think we did it right did we do it properly I feel like we did everything we could for nuggets Andy's got two worms no get was saying no who would like to present you nuggets blend with it nugget thinks that the monster Monde all booked on thoughts there pretty Willie dead to give it to a friend of nugget which doggy splendid now oh hey a monster mondo wait Lilly is here good Willie Willie gave no get the doll but that wasn't what I asked what do we do with it the pudding Willie that it makes a special noise that is all no get no where's Lilly was Lilly a friend of ours or did she end up being an alien I can't remember how the last game ended I think she was a friend of ours I think the two of us were the ones who saved the school but I haven't seen her here okay thanks I guess look wind may also have this Mont come on Cod it digs much like nugget does oh I got a dune worm no good with you tomorrow wend see you later buddy okay they complete when it wasn't expected it was kind of what I expected let's be honest of course the Nugget cave would have faced a big monster I got a monster Mon plushie interesting bunch of monster Mon cards good productive Tuesday you know I think that's gonna be it for this episode of kindergarten to guys and the mystery of this game is really pulling me in now whatever the hell that was in the basement whatever's going on with that new girl and wherever Lilian's and the principal but that's just a whole lot of strange things going on and we know it's gonna pay off after the first game is definitely gonna pay off so I can't wait to play more of this I think we're touching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,306,971
Rating: 4.9058361 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 nugget, kindergarten 2 nugget cave, kindergarten 2 monster, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 walkthrough, kindergarten 2 playthrough, kindergarten 2 if you can dodge a nugget, kindergarten 2 nugget story, kindergarten 2 funny, kindergarten 2 funny moments, kindergarten 2 full release, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: XYwr8_QQUoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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