DEEP BENEATH THE SCHOOL - Breaking Sad Story - Kindergarten 2

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something tells me if a billybull afraid of mrs. Applegate's oh never mind I don't think they'll be afraid of mrs. Applegate anymore what's up guys and welcome back to kindergarten too and for today's episode we're really getting into the mystery of the school we're on the last few missions that we're going to take on a mission called breaking sad is I figured it if Monty gets stabbed in the face by pointer stick or mrs. Applegate gets blown up by a wheelchair can and I'm happy either way I never know what's my objective going in these missions like I'm just told to start things off I need to piss off mrs. Applegate twice actually once by myself and once with Cindy and I really don't want to talk to Cindy right now so how are you doing today mrs. Julie tics oh it's you how's how's it going are you okay I'm just great a little tired maybe or something you wouldn't happen to have any of those pills you had yesterday nope sorry then stop bothering me the Bell hasn't rung yet and I don't have to put up with you right now but I no not today I'm so close to snapping right now and I'm gonna need all my energy for when Cindy causes an issue get out of my face I'm gonna let her get herself together and go see if Cindy wants to cause any she'll this skill is so much more my style especially the new selection of boys what do you think I thought we were together sorry honey but yesterday's knows of a size we both know I'm too good for you anyway I disagree you know what you're pretty awful easy they're leftovers we wouldn't want there to be another domestic dispute at our no school now what way I am always ready to throw down Cindy some of you guys might be wondering why I'm dressed like an Android who's dressed like a little girl and the reason is I want people to take me seriously okay this pretty little blue dress demands respect respect me you little tart I'm always ready for a domestic disputes good so am i no I am NOT putting up with this today I am way too tired and dizzy and your behavior will not be tolerated oh hey stop it that hurts mrs. Applegate stuck we do not physically discipline our students here we're all a little on edge after what happened yesterday but please remain civil to each other just for today with what happened yesterday at my old school or with what happened yesterday at this school that's something I've been wondering about did something happen here because as far as I could tell there was only like five students in this entire school unless people have been going missing we've seen body bags in the basement Oh fine just for today thank you mrs. Applegate go to hell Cindy you first you washed-up gal stupid save did your dog was big up or going go inside cool off um paprika close it maybe a lunch light it make me a sandwich whoa dude that was impressive what are you talking about you really got under applegate skin there she looks like she's about to stamp so what she always looks like she's about to see yeah I'm just saying one really loud noise or one more incident my completely breaker see if anyone around here has something really loud noise or one more incident thanks for the suggestion I think that Carla girl has a firecracker or something should do the trick yeah yep that would definitely help a whole lot do I really want to push her over the edge which he goes over the edge she kills kids well clearly Carla isn't gonna have a problem with this right she's in the smart class to face Applegate's wrath hey you must be one of the new kids I'm Karla do you have any contraband on you I don't know Karla d'Ivoire tracker on you it's a strange question well these are some strange times I'm just trying to save you some study hall no one gets in or out of here with anything dangerous they have a metal detector yeah her name is penny that blonde girl is the biggest snitch in school and she has a knack for knowing who was carrying it stuff yeah and you know what she bore the exact same thing as me today bluesy I hate her how did she know no idea but it's unwise to bring anything in these walls unless you have a special way of getting it in how do you get things in we still don't really understand how your magician can you get stuff in well if you want me to get it past the living metal detector over there I can offer you my services for a small fee sure could I need a firecracker first and you're not giving me yours what do you want smuggled in it can't be that hard to smuggle things in oh really new kids here's a firecracker I'll owe you a favor if you can get it in undetected oh [Music] this ought to be good I'll see you in study all new kid you have a lot to learn let's see about that so I'm not having her smuggle her own firework into the school for me I need to smuggle it and prove my Worth and then I get to set it off how am I gonna get into the school though the only entrance to the front of the school is the handicapped ramp right hey you will get to buy something I need to get to the handicapped ramp IB well maybe we can work something out like what I'll tell Bob over there that you're pushing me up the ramp for three towers sound good sure where's your doing business with you it always is Monty and until you shoot me with a giant wheel chair caning can you please just get Bob out of the way hey I need that kid I was just chatting with to push me up the ramp oh all right then go on by thanks Bob that was surprisingly easy but every time I owe mrs. Applegate went in cuts the lunch lady to make her a sandwich so she's not here to stab me in a face with a spoon that makes sense what do I do with the firecracker there maybe we put it under her desk or something like that you just smuggle it in here somewhere I can't get upstairs oh I probably need to like put it in one of these cubbies I don't think this is my cubby Oh which one is my cubby I don't think this is my cubby oh I think this is my cubby I can leave something here I'll leave the Firecracker oh why does the pail have to be so loud oh you're here early somehow you're definitely more eager to learn today than I am I suppose I am we'll take your seat and try not to bother me too much my head hurts okay it's times like these that I'm very appreciative that my cubby is as far away from the teacher as possible cue mental breakdown in three two one oh no guitar teacher in the hallway why is Deidre sad she snapped no nugget is not the craziest person anymore possibly this breeze is nugget look at what can we as new sanity status with honor that's great nuggets okay so nobody died at least nobody as far as we can see holy crap I've never looked at this stuff on the walls before I can't interact with it but there's a pic the principal with some kind of weird dog cat thing kinda strange to have a little memorial to the principal in the dumb class we also have a calendar that I can't interact with and learn good yeah we're all gonna learn good I wonder where she went you think she left bodies in her wake nope she's just gone I don't have a Hall Pass and I don't know if the direction this guy is looking matters but once he looks away I'm gonna try to make a run for it damn it oh hey new kids say you're familiar with that teacher of yours right yes I know who my teacher is why she seems to be having a problem and I'm not that good in these kind of situations I'll let you buy if you go talk to her so I don't have to that's probably for the best she does most of her talking with a pointer to the brain okay okay cool she's over there trying to break into the cafeteria see what I can do oh no mrs. Applegate are you okay you look so sacks it's not fair I need them so bad what's wrong the pills I haven't had any since yesterday there aren't any anywhere I'm losing my mind without them no one has any no the supply chain completely broke down after the principal died even Monty said he that's it what sits well have Monty make more pills that little dweeb is so smart I'm sure he could do it and it would be good for his little side business is everybody selling drug is in his place I don't really remember the pills bully there was something about pills the staff the student stood to make people forget I think in the first game whatever it doesn't matter point is she's going out of her mind okay he's right get going go up to that fancy classroom and ask what he needs to make mama her pills got it Stevie yeah yeah I heard you good let that other deadbeat monitor know as well anyone who gets in this kids way today is going to be straight up murdered do you hear me okay okay don't even know why we need ho monitors at this points all you do is tell your kids to ignore me let me know what Montini - I'll head back to the classroom and wait for you there I'll take care of it okay you just jiggle off now that's why this mission is called breaking sad I assumed it was because she's perpetually sad and we're gonna break her but it's also a pun on Breaking Bad all the names of the missions in these games are pretty clever eh Monty yeah I think I've got an offer for you that you can't refuse what you're not supposed to be in here you a stupid kid that still hurts okay I need some pills yeah me too buddy after what happened yesterday the whole supply chain broke down they want any wefts can you make more I'm trying to get the ingredients those which twin families own the company that makes the chemicals used in them without it I can't make them I have the chemicals right here I knew I brought that for a reason what no way didn't think what I can business you're gonna have to help me get some stuff what do you need I'm gonna need a chemistry set and a couple of hair samples from people who still have the stuff in the system how do I get a chemistry set who would still have it in their system probably mrs. Applegate right she's going through some pretty heavy withdrawals it's white there behind the wall but today thine sweatin is about quaint not chemist we will have to find some way to change it all right I think I can figure that out who has it in their system mrs. Applegate certainly does by the look the fight this morning she's going through some heavy with walls yeah I knew that who else well nugget with obviously a pill popper I wouldn't be surprised if she still has it running through his all right I completely forgot got that nugget was made to forget everything that he saw right he was eating pills like Cheerios the first game was so long ago that it's all just kind of coming back to me like I was the one eating these pills mrs. Applegate nugget are down in the stupid class so I don't really need anybody else but is that everyone I heard a rumor that the principal of the last school was using kids to make them I wouldn't be surprised if Billy had the key to the whole thing in his genes right but we haven't seen Billy or lily rice Billy and Lily were brothers Billy was being used to make the pills by the aliens or the monsters or whatever there was something like that oh where is Billy haven't seen him yet he got me I didn't see him oh Willy this morning probably skipping after everything that happened yesterday figure something out I suppose that's reasonable don't really want to go into school the next day after stuff like that oh and if you're getting hair examples I'd recommend using scissors [ __ ] hands would take forever wouldn't you want it to be plucked because then the DNA would be attached to the end you don't want me to just cut off hair is it is just kids man idiots okay got it sure what are you doing in here you're not gifted in any way get up oh all right then so I need to find myself some scissors and then I need to Oh yeah well here's some scissors that was easy enough this baby machine is filled with school supplies only the scissors look useful I will buy scissors for a dollar so now we get mrs. Applegate's hair and what else I swear I've been pounding those pills cuz I don't even remember what he says or I could get Nuggets hair who would have more in their system something tells me nugget would not be willing to give me hair he's missing enough as it is right now mrs. abrogate on their hand she would give me your whole freaking head if it meant getting her pills what did he say can you make the pills we need hair samples don't ask why of course it must still be in my system how did you know that's it and Nuggets nugget London Center I'll leave poor nugget alone what does watch teach away t want to Paul bleeding nugget I need a lock of your hair get over here so I can pluck a few I need you to use scissors Monty's request look it required all over there dijo may not have any give it to me no no get will not give D joy there oh oh no no great now knock it's gonna die and get scalped it's not worth it attention new kids Oh what do you want point Dexter leave me alone here's your passbook if you get an adult to sign it you're allowed out in the halls don't get any crazy ideas though you're only allowed to use it once per day goddess I should be able to get an adult sign it easily enough oh yeah your teachers otherwise occupied everyone head to the cafeteria for lunch will do hey kid oh hey Monty what's up you got me thinking about this whole pill thing so I made a few moves that the Dana kicked you to the curb what moves only move is rolling I caught that collar go these will we well-connected here I like that in a woman okay so ask her to prom so oh yeah it's amazing that she cough you kid sneak in through the sewer grate that nugget was trapped in this morning who were they she said she didn't know them they were wearing blue and brown hoodies I wouldn't be surprised if they were still down there could be will we and Billy well that's interesting hopefully they're not in the two body bags we saw by the elevator because we definitely didn't see any kids when we were down there it was only a brief moment before I got stabbed in the head by a nugget monster that's a pretty freaking big deal Monty you got anything else well you'll need to get down under the spool I can give you my elevator key but I'm gonna need it back by that time or else I can't get up the stairs okay so we get to go to hell Nair if I was getting neck Emeth we said Carla said she could help us out I paid half of what you wanted you get the other half fine that sounds like a pretty good deal so I can just buy a burger go out in the hallway and then be on my way down the elevator hello child oh oh you like lunch take a hamburger there you are choke one burger please enjoy yeah I'm sure I will it's gonna sit in my pocket and hopefully distract a monster wait if I go down the elevator aren't I just gonna get stabbed in the face again what are you doing okay leave you I'm not eating yet I bought a burger like 30 seconds ago oh my mistake oh please no I mean work your passbook here you go there you are thank you for my lunch today you're welcome hey I'm just gonna go down here now hopefully cuz elevator requires a key to operate a boom oh this is big I really don't like the fact that the music doesn't change because it's very bright and chipper and yet I am super on edge I haven't been stabbed in the face yet but I also haven't moved yet I'm kind of afraid to move okay I mean those don't have to be body bags either right they could just be garbage I suppose what is this this is not a thing oh this is where nugget was standing right he was right here so he was down here this entire time and there is no nugget monster weird so I can interact with the elevator to go back upstairs or I can interact with this thing this isn't a normal elevator button it seems to be an eye scanner of some sort interesting I don't suppose one of you two would be willing to donate an eye to me no okay I'm really concerned with the lack of monster or the lack of children crap this box look interesting I think I can hear something inside it so like 50-50 chance it's a child or nugget monster willing to stab me I'm gonna squeak this plushie and find out that's the signal oh thank god it's safe to come out is it finally I feel like we've been waiting in there for hours who are you guys oh yeah we should probably tell you that it's us Lilly and Billy we've been spying on this new school we've discovered a lot you want to hear about it well I am technically here for a hair sample from you but at the same time I do kind of want to know what the hell is going on here this is huge well it turns out that the three kids that will rezone to another school weren't actually rezone they're here here as in the proverbial here or here as in the bags behind me they're deep under the school that elevator has a secret eye scanner that gives you access to go way underground oh so we're not at the bottom I think they're using them for experiments like they did with me we have to help them what do you need our original plan was a tunnel down there with digging equipment but then we take too long our other option is to get past that eye scanner listen I know what guy okay you give him a shovel you give him an arm you give him a 12-pack of nuggies and he'll get to the center of the earth please by all means tell me how would you go about doing max by getting penny down here he's a robot which means she could be controlled the teachers get these little promotes that control her which is also is which is also is why Lily I'm not gonna lie I think you might have been in that box for a little too long which is also is why the lights go out when the kids gets into the principal's office it's voice-activated and calls penny to take out the kid was misbehaving right so we need that remote can you get it for us if not we'll just have to start digging I'm actually just here for a hair sample okay that sounds like a last mission of the game kind of thing here's Abel for me but I was being tested on yesterday there's no way I could give you my hair I need it girls Nuggets gonna get scalped well too bad get out of here I thought we could trust you since you had the secret crush but I guess we were wrong we'll fix this school of ourselves okay then screw you I guess am I missing something I did not expect to return from their basement at all this episode nonetheless with an intact face but nugget isn't here and I can't find him anywhere so our other objective was to get science class setup right we need to talk to Karla and prove our worth wheelchair guy said you would be coming to see me I love that everyone just calls him the wheelchair guy oh but I didn't realize it was you did you manage to sneak that firecracker in yup interesting never seeing someone able to sneak contraband in on their first day before well it deals a deal I'll hook you up with the chemistry class thanks no problem enjoy your chemistry class will do anyone who is just away in our lovely principal that I shall report to the study hall all those make order the recess Hey I think this is going well other than getting blown off by the kids oh-oh-oh may have spoken too soon she's frothing at the mouth she doesn't look good gotcha now give me some of your hair you little degenerate I need it I need it for my belts wooden Oh get down no you will not give it we could teach or any of his beautiful hair I love Tweaker teacher that's so perfect how can I save you nugget uh maybe I could just cut your hair or do you want I'm trying to get his hair but it's not coming out I need something to cut it with oh whoa this help oh you pretty well okay no guys for a haircut no oh that's a lot more than hair Oh see was that so hard no go player do whatever it is it you do no beautiful hair I said go play here's that hair I expect some pills by the end of the day I also need your hair done here and so we're ready to make those pills then I was only Billy's hair Billy he's here was skipping like he did yesterday he won't give me his hair I'm not gonna go into the whole kidnapping problem the hell he won't you march right back to wherever he's hiding Adam Andy and give it to you understand okay all right oh good take these scissors and come back with that hair got it and you better have enough to afford your lab fee by the end time you come back okay okay okay Jesus okay so I need money for a lab fee which means I'm gonna need sell something to Monte and I need to leave can I just go or we cool yeah you're not gonna screw with me don't screw with me she said I could do whatever I want hey you're not supposed to be oh it's you you still running errands a crazy teacher of yours yep brakes go ahead don't know why you bother having me here I Stevie okay so we gotta go back downstairs if we got a boss Billy around and I need money I'm pretty sure I can pull his money there these bugs in here weird uh this is Ted's cubby there's three dollars here well I need it that'll do so now we have the fee covered I just need to get the hair clear that won't be a problem something tells me if a billybull afraid of mrs. Applegate oh never mind I don't think they'll be afraid of mrs. Applegate anymore I'll be taking this this is Billy's head it appears to have been removed from his body without his consent I'm just gonna clip off a few hairs and I kinda want to approach this too huh hey no no no I'm cool I'm cool we're we're not cool no point in trying to save Lily she's a goner don't get too close to the creature thanks game welcome to science class today's lesson will be about chemistry that's odd I thought it was about plants anyway when chemistry is an extremely dangerous subject which is precisely why you'll be doing it today instead of me everyone take a turn on the chemistry sets why don't you go first wheelchair boy my name is Monty everyone is such a joke the differently-abled around here getting really thick of it hey that works for me hey Monty I got some hair for you you got stuff I need yep good we're in business then I'm gonna get started but we do have a small problem which is everyone gets it going on the thing it's a bad way delicate process so we need to get everyone to pass on using this thing sounds complicated it won't be easy but with a little persuasion I'm sure we can get it done white so what do I do here's some junk I didn't tell today if you can get everyone to give up they're done on the thing okay I got a flower I've got a jewel and a doll got it I don't need explanations I would imagine penny probably wants the doll Cindy probably wants the Jim and then we can scare off Ozzy with a flower does that make sense I actually make some cups around here it's kind of nice here's a green flower Oh wood no I'm allergic get that way for me okay so he'll give up his turn he's gone Cindy can I interest you in it's gotta be the Jim right I guess chemistry might be kind of fun maybe I could make some kind of perfume or something do you want a Jim it's pink nine nine nine that looks so glamorous and expensive and you're just gonna give it to me yep well thanks sucker I'm out of this stupid school Cindy where do you think you're going huh don't speak to me peasant I'm rich now I don't have to put up with any of you if you're referring to that mineral you're holding I highly doubt it's worth with you la la la la la I can't hear you yo dude huh she's gonna let her leave like that you're not gonna cut her legs off or something okay cool screw me I guess penny can I get you a doll is it chemistry fun I can't wait to mix all that stuff together I want this doll oh I don't think I what I do I do want her I'm gonna take her I'm gonna play with this doll hey you're welcome hey I think that worked right how's this coming along Ozzie you don't seem to be doing much it's times like these were really close to the end of the mission where I think to myself what could I possibly get from mrs. Applegate as a reward for pills but what is the point of all this I still know what my objective is it's almost done I just need to add a little bit of that chemical but there's a problem what now what's the problem um I don't actually know which bottle to make the with we could go with purple widow Queen which one do you think I don't know maybe they do know is see if you can get him to spill with this chemical mix with oh okay I'm so confused hey can you help us out maybe you'll get your turn on the chemistry set - just be patient what can you tell me about this oh I see you become a good friends with Felix this chemical is truly wonder what happens if I mix it with the green chemical I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you that let's just say mixing the two can lead to some explosive results okay that's kind of interesting what happens if I mix it with the red chemical it'll create a sort of painkiller highly addictive it also has uses in helping the ugly awkward bright it made nugget smart didn't it okay so we might want red what about purple the same thing is what happens with green okay then so red it is right but go ahead and mix it with red rags okay Yugos yes I think it would look exactly like the old build me going glad it worked here you go man and there's more to come with this going we can withdraw the supply chain we're gonna be which goods and I got a monster Mon card you can have this monster mom card for helping me out we're doing business with you always is oh I'm on edge right now I assumed that was gonna be miss Applegate thundering through the door oh another day of learning concluded please don't make anything every UPS okay uh just uh who you so we're good we have a pill that's all she wanted from me right Oh nugget you are really worse for wear today oh there she is where do you think you're going I was looking for you you haven't given me my pills yet I only have pill is that okay well why are they where are my pills to get them give them to me hey here oh you sweet sweet drug of the gods you you really are the best student I've ever had thank you so much bad I could enable your habits I think it's time for me to move on move on I really hate Cindy and nuggets and bugs and all of the children here except you you're cool Thanks if I'm leaving I think you should have this oh it's the remote it's a remote for controlling the principal's daughter whoa I could do just the kinkiest stuff with this I could replace her I look just like her yeah that's another reason I want to leave too many robots too much responsibility what does it do there's only a few buttons on it I think you can make her come to your location and disable her detectors and so I don't know I don't read the manual thanks I guess yep have a nice life stay in school don't do drugs you know the drill DUI though toodles hi mrs. Applegate [Music] okay so we actually got something incredibly important and now that we have the remote we can help the two that got eaten by that monster my dad's okay it won't be missed they'll be back tomorrow technically you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of kindergarten two guys and we only have one more mission left before we go on our final mission to end the game so I'm really looking forward to seeing how this all ends there's so many monsters and robots and sub basements and mystery and I just I can't wait for it so if you guys want to see more as always be sure to leave like in this video your support is what keeps the series going and I'll return to figure out what goes boom the next time I think we're watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,013,346
Rating: 4.9252515 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten 2 breaking sad, kindergarten 2 breaking sad story, kindergarten 2 beneath the school, kindergarten 2 walkthrough, kindergarten 2 playthrough, kindergarten 2 full game, kindergarten 2 series, kindergarten 2 playlist, kindergarten 2 funny, kindergarten 2 funny moments, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: u5mle28vQxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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