THEY HAVE BILLY NOW - Lily's Story Finding Billy - Kindergarten Gameplay FINALE

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rude what's up guys and welcome to the finale of kindergarten that's right well kind of mean it's like I said I do want to collect all of the monster Mon cards the game is surprisingly in early access so I will be playing more but today we're going to be doing the final quest Louise story the final chapter to find out what happened to that rascally Billy willing to bet he's been hiding underneath the table this entire time we got a couple of hints to start us off you need to have special items for Monty nugget and bugs in order to complete Lily's mission that's fine we already have everything and you need to buy cigarettes in the schoolyard but that's actually a helpful hint I would have not done that okay we need to remember buy cigarettes before school starts and yeah obviously I've got these three items for a reason this is the final quest I haven't used them for anything else so we're going to need all of them this is the key to the principal's office I can use it to get into the office but I should only do that when I know it's empty that is stating the obvious this is the teachers phone that bugs took off per quarter if there are contacts for various staff members of the school saved in here so maybe we can use that to distract the janitor or the principal I guess right we need to get him out of the office to use the key by the sounds of it this is the mysterious note Billy gave to nugget just before he went missing Louie would probably be very interested in what it says so I'd say we're going to use that to start the mission and I've already grabbed three dollars because as soon as you take three items if I don't leave now I'm going to be late for school so we're just going to go to school we're not going to get mugged by bugs okay we're off to the races Monty I need cigarettes don't ask questions yes I want these never took you for a bad apple there's only a couple left in the pack so it's at a discount you can have him for a dollar he'll just don't go showing them to anybody it could get us both in trouble I don't know why that was the case I guess I just shouldn't show it to the teacher maybe I could have gotten Monty in trouble and getting expelled that way I don't remember anyway that's fine for now and now lily I got something to show you oh um hey I'm Lily you've probably heard about what happened to my brother Billy I have what is that it looks like Billy's handwriting where did you get this what do you know what Nucky gave it to me I knew nugget was holding out on me you know what it says I can't read as well as my brother could I always forget that they're kindergartners like we get murdered and we have to murder people and survive and buy cigarettes and stuff like that but they can't read if they don't know how yes well then you have to find someone who can hurry okay okay okay so let's get Monte or nugget right because nugget can read as well he wrote a love letter to Lily I think we're going to get Monty to do it right he'll probably just do it for a price I need you to read this for me sure I'll read it for you but it's going to cost you a buck okay fine you're bleeding me here man I'm already two dollars down okay let's see gee this handwriting is atrocious is there something about a hatch in the principal's office that can be opened with the code written below what's the code that's where the handwriting gets especially terrible this is going to take me a little while to decipher I'll try to have it figure it out for you by lunch okay so lunch time we can get out of the cafeteria we could use the key with Lily to get into the principal's office if we can get him out of there and then I'm willing to bet that hatches underneath that weird-looking bloody rug all right Lily I've got good news and bad news well what did it say something about opening a secret hatch in the principal's office a secret hatch that's probably where he's keeping Billy we've got to get in there we have to save him only what I need a way to get in there without the principal knowing I've got a plan but it requires getting a phone and a key to the principal's office I've got a phone no way that's so great now all I need is a key to the office I've got a key Wow you have everything I need this is so great I can tell you my plan now what is it I need you to actually get sent to the office alone once inside you need to find that hatch how do I get sent there alone Oh nuggets going to do it right nugget has to be in the numbers somehow I'm sure he could get you there whether he knows it or not just pressure him and I'm sure something will happen good luck oh and one more thing if he gives you a strange device do not come talk to me until you get rid of it wha hey I know why I want to do is he has to say it's a listening device the principle gives them to anyone can find suspicious he had me carry one for weeks before he gave up I'm pretty sure nugget has one now so be careful okay and we got a new hint so the new hint greaves nugget will send you to the office alone if you don't stop talking about Billy but there's one more thing between now and then so what else would I have to do here I cannot imagine what that hint would be none of the students are saying anything interesting and I don't want to go down any of the other pads right now so let's just get nugget to send us through the office maybe we'll figure out later and then we can come back and try again if we have to hi my friends call me nugget or they would if I had any no there's no love of friendship since Billy went missing what happened to Billy Billy is missing we're nugget Mrs Bailey but nugget cannot help him now it is too late you know where he is okay doesn't know nugget dog who knows who knows your question upsets poor nugget you push too hard nugget needs his pills gulp much better what were we talking about Billy new look I don't know what you're talking about we were just talking about him we were not the principal has forbidden me from speaking about it and if you press me any further I'll report you to him I need to know know what you don't enjoy your trip to the principal's office whatever nuggets okay submission is going according to plan they'll get ratted me out the principal just called me how did he call you when I have your phone this game's time-traveling is weird he wants to see you in his office what did you and this little weirdo - it's a good question we'll get going then the principal is an impatient man yeah I've learned that very itchy trigger finger so I've been told that you're feeling sad about Billy I guess I have I don't want to like trigger him or anything we're just going to agree that that's all it's been about right Billy's missing and it's making you sad you're not trying to find him or anything you just said he's gone right you okay that makes there's a whole lot easier so here's what we're going to do I'm going to give you something and I want you to take it whenever you're feeling sad about Billy what is it just a little something I ordered from this exact reason here take one when you miss Billy too much okay you're giving me pills just don't tell anyone you got them for me the hall monitor is waiting to take you back to class please head outside okay we'll do that right after I see what's going on over here this brug seems a little out of place so we can look under it now we can do that oh it's got like little Billy chunks underneath it whoa there no need to go snooping around my office get out of here sorry oh I just kind of assumed that he was going to kill me there because I wanted to see like I figured I would have to get him out and then I would check I like to see the failed options in this game sometimes but maybe we were supposed to do that welcome back I hope everything turned out okay with the principal he's got hidden meat under his rug which sounds bad no matter how you take it yeah everything is fine say the principal didn't happen to have given you anything did he mmm do I need to give you a pill I mean I don't think there's really any reason not to give you a pill yeah sure a lucky day you wouldn't mind if your lovely teacher had one there would you I'm gonna sell one to her but these are mine I'll give you a dollar sure good boy gulp oh that's nice thank you for that go on enjoy the rest of your morning time I know I will okay so she's high as a kite and we should be able to do whatever we need to do now do you have anything interesting to say well did you see the hatch do you know where billions I saw the hatch excellent now we move on to the next phase that's right I did need to find it I figured I would need to find it at lunchtime not right now we need a way to get into the principal's office while he's not there and how do we do that we need a way to get him out and a way to get us in I think I can lure him out if I can call him okay Monty said he'll have the code for the hatch lunch right come see me then okay there is one more thing though if this all goes horribly wrong we're going to need a probable cause for doing what we did we need some actual evidence where do we get that well if there's a mess in the school who cleans it up I'm guessing the janitor had something to do with all of this see he if he's doing anything suspicious oh that's right okay we got a new hint right he has eggs of boxes of bodies in the bathroom and he has a dripping body in his closet lots of evidence all over the place so I'm kind of happy i drugged the teacher I'm also happy that we drugged the teacher because she tends to actually hear what we're saying and then feed us poison food says here you can get evidence by convincing the janitor to go clean the toilet okay so I think we can go out here now right oh no no no no no you can't just leave class without a pass okay can I use the bathroom I don't know and you aren't you high as a kite why do you care may I use the bathroom of course now that you guys correctly here's the bathroom pass geez thanks just be back soon sure okay so you need to get on my way I have a pass not so fast our little dude I'm going to need to see your Hall Pass before I can let you by here you go okay I'll let you pass but I can't let you go any further than the bathroom oh so I can't go in the janitor's closet no it's fine a hint said that I needed to do it in the bathroom by getting him to clean up this met all right this toilet is disgusting there's no way I can use it gross so do you want to maybe leave that bloody bag alone so that I can take a look through it he I don't know why I read it is he he it's probably more like hey what's going on dear boy what's in those bags the toilet over there needs cleaning I know yeah the cult overgrow needs cleaning yeah I know what do you think messed it up in the first place where are you gonna clean it not if I don't have to I get paid by the hour not to toilets just another stall fine Oh what what I need to use the bathroom I told you just you another stall what's so hard about that okay geez oh these don't work though right I can hear someone grunting on the other side of the door it must be in use okay the door won't budge someone must be in there okay there are no more stalls old man I told you to use another stall what's so hard about that all the other splints are taken ugh fine I'll take care of it thank you still the kids make me clean stupid toilets with my stupid mop this is my stupid job okay now we can look through this right this is an extremely bloody and Kraus bag the parts in it are too big to carry except for a severed finger should I try to take it I guess I didn't take any fingers there crapper is clean now that you'll get a chance to use it the bell just rang get out of here oh man okay we're good we're not dead that's what matters most oh you're back right on time for lunch let's head down to the cafeteria children ooh okay we have a finger Lily I don't suppose that this is Billy's finger is it you find anything we need some insurance before we can do anything found a finger that's disgusting oh god I really hope that's not Billy's finger oh geez okay Lu works anyway it doesn't have to be Billy's finger severed finger is reason enough to panic you can't even identify your own brother's finger what's wrong with you what kind of sister are you Billy Lily silly so it works jerk just get it away from me it's so gross what now it's time to find out what happened to my brother did you get the code for monkey no not yet go get it then come see me when you have it all right so we'll go to Monty we'll get the code I figured you'd be seeing me around now Soph is no good I don't think anyone is brave enough to try a biscut from the janitor dumb old man can't even spell it right listen you better watch your tongue or he is going to impale you again did you decipher the note of course I did I wrote it on the back of the note here you go have fun with that Thanks oh it's a four eight five one in a square okay I got it we're good well did you get it I got it already paid off the lunch lady we need to head to the bathroom from there we use the phone to call the principal's office and wore him to the classroom I'll meet you there that's why we need the cigarettes because if we go to the bathroom the hall monitor is gonna lose his crap at us but we should be okay now right we can go in here there we go what the whoa there little hombre you're way too young to be bringing your little girlfriend in the bathroom with you listen if I want to bang a chick in the bathroom don't judge me for being in kindergarten all right you've gotta wait till least sixth grade for that I got to take you both to the principal flex no you don't understand this is so important you can't stop us there must be something we can do I don't know I guess I could let you guys off the hook if you give me a pack of cigarettes I just ran out here you go oh wow thanks little bro yeah go do whatever times are changing I guess they sure are oh good thing to bring those three cigarettes now give me the phone I have a very important call to make you the principal idelle principal um hello mr. principal Lily is that you how are you calling me with your teachers phone what Iran no but if you want to save her life you better get over to the classroom now it sounds like an empty threat but we've killed her before so what's the meaning of this Lily answer me young lady click that should do it yep I can hear him heading down the hall now let's go home he's going to be down the hall for seconds the look on my face right now is this is a terrible idea Lily this is a crap plan I don't agree ok we can use the key to get in here though this is the door to the principal's office unlock the door we're in I haven't screwed this up yet I can't believe it we're in where is that hatch under the rock in the corner justjust don't mind the Billy bits what the there's no place to enter the code this walk takes a key what are we gonna do what Oh No that's maybe maybe his desk or like garbage or anything in the garbage because some paper is in a monster mom card in here cards are always a trap we'll leave it for now oh here we go can I look for a ah there is a lock on the desk it looks like it takes a code okay there we go there is a fancy key inside we'll be taking that why does it look like a demonic Abbas key actually I shouldn't be asking questions right now let me in there is a hatch on the floor dried blood stains the surrounding carpet yeah I don't think blood is skin colored okay we're gonna open the hatch okay that did it hey um before we go down there I just want to say thanks I wouldn't have gotten this far without you no problem whatever happens down there stay close we can do this I get the feeling that's gonna end with me falling in love with Lily nugget is gonna hate my guts what the hell wow I can't believe this is under the Billy that's Billy it looks like a pig fetus what what has he done to you we have to find a way to release him hurry okay well we have like a nugget hole 2.0 we also have what is this this looks like the slop from the cafeteria looks like we figured out what the secret ingredient is gross I thought that was ashes okay well we have to lit up pig fetuses and then we have Billy in the middle we got a big old hole here I can't jump down it interact with it of course we have like an evil looking chair what is this and you're a command press the yellow button press the red button press the green button or press the blue button or walk away uh I don't know do you have any ideas we have quite a way to get them out of there try hitting some buttons on the computer okay that looks kind of green so maybe we'll hit the green button enter a command green button reverting mutation process on contents of tank three error contents of tank 3 cannot be reverted oh that cost me an apple I don't know how many apples I get here oh a change the blue root what releasing contents of all viable tanks that's probably not good oh I can't move hi you're in my brain that is my brain okay look that kind of sucks kill the creature near you before you hit the blue button who do I kill the creature we're going to hit the green button again right reverting mutation process on contents of tank 3 error contents of tank 3 cannot be reverted then it looks like a changes to yellow so we're gonna hit the yellow button active tank cancels to 100k press the green button reverting mutation process on contents of tank 1 error contents of tank 1 cannot be reverted and then it's still green so we hit green again reverting mutation process of contents of tank 1 no arakata tank will come ready reverted I know that ok fine so do I hit yellow Oh lights went out I can't see a thing crap crap crap so much crap get away from my experiment I knew it I knew you were behind all of this you've had my brother the whole time yes Lilly you have been a very particular thorn in my side I knew I shouldn't have chosen him chosen him for what what is the meaning of all of this I suppose you should know what this is all about before I execute you yeah I'd like to know I could say I don't really care because I assume that this happens a lot but yeah I'd like to know these creatures live deep beneath the school they give off certain chemicals that have the human body in interesting ways like the pills I've been putting it into pills it has a different effect on each person who tries it this obligates you to have developed a dependence on them with a nugget it fixes him I don't know what's wrong with him to begin with what they seem to make him better always in with the jabs against nugget man what about Billy the creatures in the tanks beside him are quite hostile I was looking to replicate the chemical production in humans to replace the risk factors that doesn't explain Billy nigut was going to be my original test subject but Billy stumbled upon one of the creatures bodies in the janitor's closet oh that's what he's bleeding well he was dealing with a dog or something Wow okay so that's it that's everything you need to know I have to kill you now unfortunately can't have things getting out um what did I hit last time I think I hit the blue button to let them out Oh with the green button is lit up there what do I do blue button we're gonna go blue button releasing contents of all viable tanks okay okay that works hopefully no no don't don't kill me why do you go out for my brain man I'm not I'm not the one who put you here go after his brain you died to kill a creature near you before you hit the blue button oh that's what it means so I need to somehow kill the creature that's yet closest to me and then do the exact same thing and then when I release the far creature hopefully it'll kill the principle I've been overthinking things I was trying to figure out what each button does trying to follow the colors it just gives you the answer right there underneath the computer yellow red green blue so let's try that enter a command yellow active tank changed to one Reds if neutralizing content of tank one you a my blending him up okay a green reverting mutation process in contents of tank one error contents of tank one cannot be reverted and then will you but if I hit glue yeah that's it blue really using contents of all viable tanks it'll let him out then the principal will come down right he's out no no no I know Joe Walker that's my brain rude which means we actually just need to walk away and then if we sell an apple I can't sell apples okay so what if we just switch it what if I just hit another button that doesn't actually do anything what if we hit a green again reverting mutation process on contents of tank one the error contents of tank one could not be reverted okay it's the same thing again and then the lights go out right and then he shows up now we have one apple left and we need to hit the blue button we should be okay okay yeah we know we know we already got the whole story now I can see why I tell you I don't care I don't really care yeah smart kid curiosity got you into this mess it's nice to see that you are learning and blue button releasing content of all viable tanks no what have you done stay away from me know what you can one-shot kids in the heads but a weird brain farting mutant okay you know no don't come after us that's a okay Billy is still there what do we do I don't know do you really want your pig fetus brother back the principles well he's mostly gone he's like ten percent gone client neutralized destroying evidence neutralizing contents of tank to know bladed Billy what Oh Lilly's gonna be pissed No stop what have you done you you killed him I didn't kill him it literally said client knew Troy's principle died I failed him Billy died don't blend Billy what I've got to figure it out I know I said that I don't need to know what each command does but I do now because I've tried so many times yellow is next that red is kill Green as heal blue is eject we keep trying Green on the end ones and it doesn't work because you can't heal them red kills them so we can let one out to kill the principal but we need to heal Billy and that was the extra command that I didn't enter last time so we should be able to walk up to this and we can go yellow to the next right and then we're going to blend it is we don't want you eating us yellow to the next and then we're going to heal you and you should turn into a Billy reverting mutation process on contents of tank 2 we have a fixed Billy ok do you feel about that Lilly get anything for me I just turned your brother back into a kid it was a pig fetus anything awkward silence oh there it is ok this is a little bit of a process you know it's not easy to turn a pig fetus into a kid it worked you fixed him now just find a way to get him out of there ok we'll work on that oh did I screw up no no I didn't screw up right because I don't need to have the end one selected we should be good if I hit the blue button now it should release all of them and then the principal should get his and Lilly should get hers and we should all go home happy I don't really care what you got to say principal we've been over this blue will eject eject all tank there we could I think that has to be it it's a cool little puzzle ok shooting miss again I don't understand who you can pick off a student every day of the week but giant monsters are threatening your life swinging a minute okay just why do you suck out my brain in his balls is not really fair and again you know what he seems to have a pretty bad see you later Prince of all suck it I don't think that's the Nugget cave I think that's something else Billy wake up come on huh where am I what's going on Lily he's alive he's saved we did it can can we get out of here I want to go home of course we can't chilly but first we have to go to show-and-tell let's get out of here we're actually going to do show-and-tell yeah we just like have an extra student well look who's back from skipping recess does that actually make any sense I know the time-traveling stuff in this game is weird but Lily's been gone for days I'm pretty sure we've gotten hints from that already nuggets friend has returned Billy is free from the evil principle shut up weirdo I hope you all have a good excuse I'm sorry miss Applegate but we found Billy I was in a vet under the school once I see but that's no excuse for leaving a supervised area go to the principal's office and the principal kind of exploded so there's no one around to sign my checks I don't think so okay then I okay this jiggles off I guess we can leave too then and she leaves with us but sit at the end of the game we did it we found Billy Oh and that you were not worth it Billy I'm not gonna lie I expected more I don't know if I'll ever be able to come up with the words to thank you for what you did today yeah you saved my life there's nothing I can do that will be fitting well maybe there is one thing okay you're right so here it is an ultra-rare monster Mon car hurts our dad works at the company that makes them this is the one only one in existence okay you can also have this collector's guide it tells you where you can find monster Mon cards that is going to be so helpful for next episode thanks for everything you've done today we should get gone I'm sure our parents are wondering where I am right now they're never gonna believe you good bye and we did it we got ourselves a blue-eyes gold dragon whoo but I think that's going to be it for this episode of kindergarten guys but not it for the series like I said I do want to find all of the monster Mon cards because we were given some kind of cryptic warning that you can destroy the whole world if you get them all I don't know if that's actually a part of the game or if all the cards are in the game right now but like I said it is in early access which really surprised me there's a chance that they might introduce more students different story alternate endings I have no idea so if you guys want me to keep up with kindergarten and check out more be sure to let me know like if we're watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 4,352,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten, kindergarten ending, kindergarten finale, kindergarten lily quest, kindergarten lily path, kindergarten lily story, kindergarten finding billy, kindergarten lily ending, kindergarten funny moments, kindergarten gameplay, kindergarten lily route, kindergarten lily mission, kindergarten lily questline, kindergarten walkthrough, kindergarten playthrough, kindergarten let's play, kindergarten guide, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: NF2AKwafLIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
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