The NU Aqua Water Systems inside Atlas Shelters

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[Music] [Music] jaws welcome back to another episode of Atlas the rival shelters I hope you're having a fantastic day cuz I sure in now Gus I'm getting a lot of emails a lot of questions about people who are wanting to be dealers okay close to thousand people have emailed me said I want to be an affiliate I want to buy and sell them a pool contractor home contractor so rather than email everybody I'm gonna keep putting out little comments on my youtube channel now I have a limited amount of investors that have come into this business those investors want some locked in territories so when those investors have got their territories locked in the next people up to get their dealerships are getting people who are gonna buy and sell and maybe sometimes even stock the shelters now that's going to be the pool contractor some lumber yards and some other types of businesses that want to have these shelters readily available then it's going to come to dealers who are actually willing to buy a display put on a trailer like a black on this yeah look truck right here drive around to home shows builder shows pool shows gun shows prepper shows or whatever and try to sell the shelters off the back of the truck but the future I believe of the shelters is to get them into the house before the house is built the proof of concept has been proven people are buying them people are doing them but having a shelter in a house is very very fun because you can use it for other things like I said the wine cellar a gun room an office a spare bedroom a movie theater you can use the shelter for whatever you want it's just like having another room just like this office were in right now the only difference is its underground and when you close that airtight door and turn on that NBC filtration system you have a nuclear fallout shelter so the concept is great but the thing is I'm trying to do is make the shelter's multifunctional so you get your money's worth out of them so again guys do you guys that want to be dealers the investors come first the the pulled contractors can become second and then the home builder is probably third in the foundation guys and then but the affiliates can at least start getting going now okay affiliate is that somebody who has a website or a retail store and they want to put a banner up they want to get affiliate finder's fee guys you guys can get going really quick so guys today in this video we're going to talk about the new aqua water purification system now I like to make my soldiers as good as I can and what an improvement that I found that I can make to my shelters to make it even better than it was last week is by putting a second stage of a water purification system in my Atlas shelters I'm going to show a little clip right here okay I'm going to show and explain to you how the air system and the water system actually works in them Atlas bunker then I'll be right back to you this is the V a 150 in BC air filtration system that isn't all the bigger Atlas bunkers now all you have to do to turn it on G hit this which it comes on that's all the noise that makes you don't have to like speak up to talk over the air system there's a little valve right here that makes the air flow adjustable okay so you can adjust the amount of air that comes through right now is look at the summit air it will hold up look at it's blowing that plastic up in there moving 176 cubic feet of air minute okay so this is a standard air system but the reason of this video is to show you how it works the air comes in from one side of the bunker I'm going to turn it off and what it does it it goes out the other side okay so follow me here so in this room here is where the toilet would be this is where you will do your business guess what's right next to the toilet so you're going to have the air system going you're building overpressure in the bunker so this little valve right here it lists the air out so guess what guys when you're sitting here doing your business all the smell from the toilet goes out through the overpressure blast fin so this is what I mentioned here called my filters like that so you don't stink up the bunker if you know what I mean but you always want the air to come in one side and go out the other now also this valve is lower than the air comes in so the air comes in high and exits low but the reason they have a little higher here so you don't hit it when you're doing your business I want to show you something else that's in my bunkers Oh okay down here we have two water systems that we put in our bunkers the first system is this filter right here so when the water comes in this will take out all your sediments up to a certain micron okay then the water let me show you this the water is transferred over to your potable water and it comes over here and this is the new aqua water system okay so now this makes your water potable so it comes in here now I did the video where it comes in like just basic tap water in California is a hundred seventy nine million parts a hundred seventy nine parts per million after we run it through the filter the five stage filter system here it comes up to eleven or twelve parts per million so you have the sediment filter there and then you have the water purifying filter system here and this little tank here holds four gallons and this is for your reverse osmosis system so things like this are just standard into the Atlas shelters also you have your own individual faucet here for drinking the purified water and then you have the regular water that is going through the raipur filter so gothis I just want to show you some more things that makes the Atlas shelter superior and incredibly good and guys I'm always open to your suggestions if you can think of anything that I can do to my bunker that will make you more happy it will make me more happy so guys enjoyed watching this video I hope you enjoyed it okay so what you just saw there was me going to the air system to the vent opening up the floor and then showing you the water system underneath the counter this is how all the atlas filters work we have a quality air system the air comes in high it goes out low on the other side it's right by the toilet so it takes a smell out then the water comes in the mic the sediment gets taken off to the first stage water filter and then the potable water goes to the osmosis system so guys this is what you can expect we get an atlas arrival filters guys we're gonna jump in the yellow truck and we're gonna run on over and see Jack over at this new aqua water systems and let him demonstrate the water system for you it's gonna be pretty cool cuz he's gonna put dyes and stuff in this water and it's going to show how he can pull it all and purify that water so enjoy this video okay guys I'm here I made it here into new aqua systems and I'm with Jack the owner and engineer and designer of this water filtration system and he is going to do something very cool to then you know he's gonna do he's gonna put like dyes in this five gallon water jug it's gonna go through the osmosis system it's going to come out clear over there so when you see me do my videos on my bunkers you see these under the floor so we have to put these in the bunker so gosh anything I can do to try to make my bunker better or higher quality that's it and this is just another addition to make the at Michelle Turner a little better for you so Jack take it I'm lit Jack and most of talking on this one too anyway so so how's the same work explained if you're okay you can explain better than me yeah of course what we see here is the five stage reverse osmosis system and essentially what it does it takes your existing water supply in this case we put into a little bottle we haven't hooked up to a pump we have pump and non pump systems the pump systems are for lower pressure units similar to a shelter I assume that it would have a water pressure and so what it does it pumps it through the system it goes through five different stages and water filtration so what it will do is it will first go through this first stage and then it will go to the second stage third stage fourth stage and ultimately a five stage it will come out very very clean water so to give you an idea water is measured as under ppm so that's parts per million essentially most tap water in the US and obviously Barry's you know you can get anywhere from 50 ppm for a really good water supply to you know somewhere in the hundreds if you're living in someone like Flint Michigan obviously everyone knows that you know they had really bad water crisis few years back even to this day and so what it will do is go out there it goes through this reverse osmosis system it can bring the water down to less than 10 ppm which is very very clean very pure so what we can do as a demonstration today is we're gonna put some food coloring in there and kind of simulate dirty water supply we'll turn on the system and at the end of it will show a you know it will filter out all the contaminants in here and all right so you can put dye in there yeah so we're gonna put dye in here now okay you got red dye so we got red dye I'll go with pretty liberal on this okay just as a yeah no what's that just for kicks this is black black oh wow so you can imagine wow you know the things some of the things that the system will filter is arsenic lead is that what that is not quite sorry this is a yellow food coloring okay this is green here Wow so that waters this putrid block camp now it's very very black and then so you'll see here that there first stage is clear the reason why we make it clear is that one allows you to kind of see what kind of contaminant oh wow so it's sucking it through it already yeah it's already sucking it through so what is the first stage that goes through the first stage that it goes through is a carp is a sediment filter filter one micron in size and so that allows the bigger contaminants to be filtered out okay I didn't know that so that's waste water down there okay so you got to have a collector for the wastewater well then the general setup is it hooks up to your drain pipe so okay so you're running the wastewater into there and then this is given your clean water with 11 parts per million coming out of that black and water there look at the bottle is a still green I mean that this looks like oil or something in there so you want test this water yeah let's do it we're a little bit out the shot glass and what yeah go live with that oh my camera doesn't die okay we got enough there you can test it yeah okay let's see what it does [Music] cap is important 17 ppm okay so we got down to 17 parts per million after running all that black crap through the water and down to 11 parts per million when it came right out of the California top line which is after really clean water coming out to Colorado River and of course he's gonna test this now and he's gonna get the contaminants on the spoiled water oh that's nasty but this is making for a great video here nothing that you see I'm not educating this guy so you I can't fake any of this stuff it's a hundred and eighty one hundred and eighty three well how can that be that's that's clinger than the California tap water out of the faucet over there yeah well I mean that's just food coloring keep that info okay so it's just food coloring so I mean we can certainly throw dirt in there and although I start with just water coming from the same place to 183 parts per million in this room and 212 in that room oh that's a good question I don't know I think it was 179 oh is it 179 I think so oh it was 179 I'm sorry guys I'm an idiot okay so 179 out of the faucet 183 after adding colored food dye to it and then 70 parts per million when it comes out clean in 11 parts per million when it comes out of their little faucet there I go yeah so we have a system here that already set up is a traditional setup where it's the some is under the sink we have a pump system here and like I mentioned over there that the reservoir is to the left it's four gallons essentially it will just hold it on demand that way when you're ready you ready to use it you need so this will handle hot water and cold water no this is a cold water system only yes and you have to add an extra faucet up here for this the system comes with the faucet so this one is that's the clean water coming out the reservoir and then this is just the regular tap water kind of test the contamination levels yeah both the clean water before and after how hard these two hook up so all of our systems they come with a DVD instruction guide very well written out manual expect the install time to be less than now so as long as you can follow directions I thought these things we're gonna be like four or five hundred dollars so I'm very surprised only 175 bucks yeah our pricing is very very competitive well that's the people this can't afford you guys you can't afford not to do that and then with the discount on it it brings them down about what 160 depending on what system that you get yeah about 160 maybe even less than that if you go with the non system yeah they're all very very effective but let me just really depends on what your needs are whether it's a you're in a high-pressure area low-pressure area right so you gotta test the water parts-per-million yep the water California this is la water this is la water so it is about a hundred and seventy nine ppm hundred seventy-six 176 esic parts per million on California LA top water and then on the filter water so the system brought it down to and it goes down 11 to 12 ppm that's ridiculous from 212 to 11 guys get you a new aqua water system that is this crazy but guys if you're buying a bunker from me you don't have to do that because it's already included in the bunker so we've been putting these in for a while but Wow and then the next stage is the precarpathian maybe just what we call coconut carbon to kind of go through the system and it'll go it will filter out the micro the smaller components and then the next stage is a carbon filter and again it just gets smaller and smaller so as the stages go continue to pour it as a water continues to go through the system the filter element itself gets smaller and smaller take before it goes from that block so it's already coming out clean yeah oh wow look at that oh wow so it's taking it out in the five stages the five stages correct okay so with what what are they going one two three four five or something like that because I know it's coming through here so it's four one two three back through here four and then back through here five and then over to yeah so this is the actual membrane in the unit it's obviously our it's arguably one of the most important parts of it there's a lot of systems on the market may look very similar but what makes a new aqua system kind of stand out is the actual filter components okay so guys you don't have to have a bunker to have the system this actually will just mount underneath the kitchen sink and then you can just have the filter water yourself now this will do how many gallons per at now mike has a reserve tank over there's normally what four gallons it's a four gallon reserve tank it's not what you see there but yeah well that we're just doing this to show this coming out where we'll kind of show you will kind of show you in a different stop in the actual setup we're just a work into this it's still going yeah so it's kind of defining right now is priming again he's gotta say I've moved the hose I might have done something but anyway so this will do how many gallons per day or so this one will do 100 gallons per day really most of the systems out there they'll do about 50 gallons per day so this is really what's it makes us this is some unique is that we use a proprietary membrane that allows the high flow rate and ultimately what it does is it allows you to have a reserve tank ready to go whenever and what is it what is the system cost this system so we have eight different systems available with and without filter those the one with the filter what's this exact system right here cost BAM plus the four gallon reservoir so this system itself without the pump is 159 that's a yes oh wow it's $159 out of like 400 bucks yeah so this is the one which is what we recommend for the prepper community is 175 175 so guys for 175 bucks you can have clean water in your house now and if shtf happens you can pull the filter run it on DC power I guess if you want and start running your filter water if we lose all the power in the house because we probably going to lose power but until then just leave it under the sink and oolitic the water and do the job that's crazy I mean I don't know if this throwing up on video how black is actually so black it's turned green get an aerial view from up here look at this I mean from up here kind of get down I mean look at that you see the green throwing up in the camera there it's going through that and this is coming out as clean as can be and you can just drink that so wow that's crazy all right so guys if you want this system all you have to do is go to new I'll put it right here on my screen new aqua systems comm also their phone numbers one eight eight eight six 2104 600 put a link below in the video so you guys can go and are there any volunteers or any coupons that you're offered on this yeah so we're offering for your community ten percent off of all of our systems okay and just use the coupon code Atlas tenant checkout okay guys so you see that another discount I'm getting for you Atlas ten when you go to aqua new aqua in you a cue you a systems when you go to new aqua put in the code Atlas can and you get ten percent off so save you almost twenty bucks if you're out of state is there any sales tax on no sales tax for outside come from here like us if you're like California what's up the lucky ones are there's no sales tax so anyway guys you'll see this at all the Atlas shelters like I said it's been under the floor for a while and I said you know what I'm gonna go down and make a video on this thing because I knew all the stuff that he told me but I wanted him to demonstrate it to you guys but I'm always looking for ways to make my shelter better and I just want you guys to realize the quality systems that I'm putting in all the shelters so guys I hope you appreciate what I'm doing for you and guys as always if you're not a subscriber to my channel make sure you like subscribe and share this video if you know anybody and always hit that little bell that little ding ding ding Bell up there but goz is always I'll love you see you on the next video
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 29,905
Rating: 4.8572536 out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel, nuaqua water systems, nuaqua, water, doomsday preppers, duck dynasty, pawn stars, a&e, history channel, viral, nu, aqua
Id: gk8IbC-zRTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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