Atlas Culvert Shelter with a generator pod

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[Music] guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters I hope you're all doing fantastic today guys today's video is going to be an atlas colder shelter with a generator pod now stupidly enough I'm going to show this video but it's gonna give away a lot of intellectual property but I'll look at this way guys if I can give some advice to some people who make bunkers or if those are going to make them themselves how to do it right and lies will be say that I'm going to start giving away intellectual property and things that I do that take zero risk or put your lives at zero risk okay so that's what today's video is going to be about but coming up I'm getting ready to do the videos I've been waiting for videos about the best way to bug out of Los Angeles in this video here you're seeing my Rokon which is a two wheel drive motorcycle my Moto ped which is a bug-out cycle the bike berry which is a bicycle with a four-stroke motor on it the Swiss Army bike a good old huffy and the Monte you paratrooper even down to the good old skateboard what way is the best way to bug out of a major city like Los Angeles or New York in future videos we're going to be covering all these bikes and more to come also I want to say a shout out to Jeffery and Missouri I'll look forward to doing your gun bunker and 1,200 guns that's gonna make one hell of a picture so Jeffery thanks for calling me so guys sit back and enjoy the video today cuz it's only about ten minutes long but it's a very detailed complete walkthrough through an atlas culvert shelter showing all the details of a generator pod both inside and out down to the valves the air pipes pretty much every damn thing you can have on one of these generator pause but guys I'll see at the end of the video so what we're going to do today I'm gonna show you some intellectual property is pretty important to me but you know what the light of things maybe I ought to put some secrets out because it might save some lives I don't want to see any more people getting hurt in bunkers because they don't have enough common sense to do it right so I'm going to so you a properly engineered generator room unlike what I've seen in some other people shelters but this is that my 33 foot shelter I've got a bathroom in the shower so what you do is you would go out of your cell t'rar into the mudroom and you have this gas side door and that will keep out gases carbon dioxide we're in the mud room we would open the door to the generator pod which is this right here so we go ahead and open it up and this room is a 10-foot long eighty-fourth I run a culvert the same size is the mud room this is a generator room this is a generator room it's a problem with this generator room is I can't really use it the way it's designed because no I'm going to take alpha oxygen so this one's getting ready to ship out that's why the batteries on its side but this is what's inside there in this particular one this has got an Onan a kW silent running diesel generator and sitting on sitting below it is a hundred gallon diesel fuel tank so let me show you how it's connected what we did is we did a little fitting there and got two gas lines that run up to the to the generator and it just sucks the fuel from below it now there's a lot of room in here so this is the way it works he got a six inch air inside a six inch air intake over here the air is being forced in from the bunker and then the excess air is going out there the diesel generator has its own little special exhaust okay and I'm going to tell you in detail so the exhaust is being put down into a manifold and then it's being forced out into a larger pipe so there's that no not going to meaning back loss so that is hell the decent generator works it doesn't carbon oxide in the generator room it's popped right out so you can come into your bunker or the generator room when we're under attack and you can athlete you can actually just lock yourself in this room as I've done right now these lights that I'm using in there right now these are magnetic lights so you can grab them and you can move them around they work really good these things are great so I got a couple of these out here but so and what happens is this battery with this right here this will stand up and the panel that operates the solar generator will attach right here so let me go ahead and open the door there we go okay so I got the door open now so so this is the generator pod in most the outlet shelters this is a ten thousand dollar add-on for the Asheville generator pod then of course he got the cost at the generator which is about 9 grand the fuel tank which is a few hundred that battery right there is about a $9,000 battery so this room all collectively is about a thirty thousand dollar upgrade to have a complete underground diesel generator with a giant lithium battery that's been passive that thing weighs like 500 pounds and to be able to power your generator without having any signature on the surface so I'll go back through the bunker I'll make this a pretty good video for you guys so this would be the has boarded off but this is how you dinner and exit the shelter then you go into the bunker here and this has a flushing toilet and it has a walk-in shower no it's not to be a step out in our so the way it works is he stepped down in here look at the shower head it's like sup over its that six feet three inches tall and over there that's your toilet I felt wide spaces so it's not very couldn't come confined you got a lot of room a lot of elbow room this thing right here is your overpressure glass on what it does is when the Earth's building up in the shelter it opens up in a list air out and when it's living there out because the air system has to be running for the generator to be running what it does it lists the air out and it feeds the generator and if a blast goes off what happens this will go down and it's like the eardrum in your head it will close and this is why it's called an overpressure blast valve and this is rated for 30 psi two bars of pressure which basically is about mile and a half to two miles from Ground Zero of like a hundred one hundred kiloton nuclear bomb so bombs are rated by the height and the amount of kilotons they have the largest being like a one Megaton realistically that would be used but the Russians as they have a 100-megaton which would basically just it could almost take out a freaking state it's so big but nothing more than shelter here so this particular shelter is a 10 by 33 it's got two bunks in it and there's storage underneath it it's got a nice desk over there's got a six-foot desk and that's where you put your monitor and your computer and you can have three chairs in here so you can come in here and sit down and eat this has an entertainment center you'll have refrigerator microwave right there then we always supply you with these nice leather couches as an option you can pick out whatever you want but these actually recline as well so they got a little handle over here pull this little handle here you see that and the couch is out so they're very comfortable so you can sit there and watch the 42 inch big-screen TV of your microwave over your refrigerator then in the sink area we have the reverse osmosis water system and we put this in pretty much all these type of shelters you get a large filter for me you're gonna have everything that I'm showing you today and as far as the stories goes back down this filter has stories all the way underneath it so all you have to do is lift up this handle right here like that and you have storage underneath the floor and that stuff it's three foot of story so you can get a 55 gallon water barrel down there one of those blue ones and you'll have this plenty of stories in here now this one here has a master bedroom and what we do is we even put a door leading back to the master bedroom and then the access panel is right here on the side because in the middle of the floor it's got a queen-size bed and this room is literally almost all bed at the foot of the bed is enough room for your carbon filter but a lot of the bedrooms we do are 14 feet long this one's only 10 feet long but they wanted to get a master in here and this is your MBC air filtration system this is a v8 150 for me in there to turn it on all you do is hit the switch give us all the sound that it makes right there now this one is high-tech it has adjustable airflow so if you turn this thing right here it will adjust it right there [Music] so you can have to adjust the airflow and the good thing about this particular system is if you lose the power and have a very easy manual craig so i'm going to turn it off return that the power went off you grab the manual crank which is this thing right here I get it I'm gonna doing this with one hand too because I'm holding my iphone with the other hand you lock it in like that okay and then all you have to do is crank it now you do it from the you do it perpendicular I'm doing it from the end but you can see how easy it is I mean look at this couple fingers and you can operate your system so you don't have to do this full-time you just gotta exchange the air and this is the carbon filter and this thing I was about a shelf-life about seven years to sitting there and then the carpet starts to go back so you got to replace these things like every seven years and they're not they're not cheap and they're not light that thing weighs of about a hundred pounds it's got 60 pounds of carbon in there and a replace them is about four thousand dollars so this complete air system right here is about a $9,000 air system they're just not cheap but it's military-grade and it's what I put in all my filters except the very tiny ones so anyway so let me go outside and show you all this intellectual property from the outside so this is the escape tunnel I'm gonna go out on my butt so I don't bust my ass okay down there okay I almost busted my ass on that thing yesterday so on this end of the shelter this is the side that there comes in it's got a tamper-proof six inch steel air pipe and on the end of every bunker it's got fittings so you got three two inch fittings and one inch and a half fitting it's even that right there that little flat bar that's so the shelter will sit flat not dig into the earth but this has got a check valve fitting so it's got a thread on here so we can put a check valve so if any condensation builds up in your air pipe it will drain out and everything all these deltas bolt together so if you want to install the shelter yourself you can know we're gonna get down here on the smart side so this is where the air comes out the airs gonna come out on this side it's going to come up it's going to go over it's going to go down into that generator pod but on this side I'll show you what we have we got three two it fittings one inch and a half and an inch and a quarter in case they want to add a composting toilet that thing right there with the brass thing on the end that was actually a check valve so if you do a decontamination shower it'll take the water and it will let the water out but it won't let water in and I even have one of these over here in case there's a diesel fuel I'm not taking any chances if you have a diesel leak the diesel will just run out of that room so that's there to let diesel out of the room in case there's a spill so this is the outside of the generator pod room so the air is going to come in here there's going to go out there there's the check valve because this is the only pipe that's gonna be sticking up above ground so that's got a check valve in case somebody tries to pour water gasoline to get you out of the bunker this has a check valve that will lift the gas or water out but it won't let groundwater back up and this is the exhaust so the exhaust is going to come out and this is a four inch pipe and then it's going to step up to a six inch pipe and at the very top it will have a little uh I will have an exhaust vent kind of like a 18-wheeler exhaust and then these valves here these are for the electrical we put two on each side not knowing which side the guy might want to run electrical to so if we don't know we just put more than what we need so there's two on each side and this is what the bunker looks like above ground and of course they'll have the interest pipe coming out there you'll have the escape tunnel down there and that's pretty much it so guys I hope you enjoy this video I'm going to show you another one that's under construction and then we'll in this video I'm going to walk down to this one this under construction but this is kind of like what they look like when we get started there's one that's being built out inside but all these are sold and we're slowly but surely getting these out of here but I'm gonna take you down to one that is got a generator pod just being started see so it looks like okay so here's one that's very similar to the one I was just add and this is how it starts off the generator pod has a structural angle iron underneath the floor okay so it'll support that a fuel tank and the generator in the battery and this is a 34 and the other one was the 33 so that's it guys that's kind of like one started up there and then you guys see what finished so guys I hope you enjoyed my video here's Ron to close out the video so guys I hope you enjoy that video so that was an Atlas 10 by 33 culvert with a generator pod we kind of put that generator pod on about half of the bunkers we do but I've never shown it before because I got a lot of thought and intellectual property in that generator pod and I just didn't want to show people how to do or give up some of my trade secrets the guys I'm deciding that you know there's two types of people in the world those who change your world and those who go get it done and really the I'm not going to affect the people who are going to build their own bunker but the people are gonna build a have a bunker built they're gonna come to me so it's not gonna really affect me but I just want you to have faith and that I make a good shelter and I'm doing everything I can to make it safe to protect your family so guys if you're not to subscribe to my channel and I hope you are because we cover all kinds of things from bomb shelters to survival gear guns and knives bug out vehicles as you're going to see in upcoming videos so make sure you tune in but guys as always make sure you like and subscribe share this video if you enjoyed it hit that little ding ding bell the notification bell don't list you know when my videos come in but guys is always on it'll love you see on the next video you
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 108,350
Rating: 4.8610864 out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel, rising s, rising s shelters, bad bunker, viral
Id: udMKWms9waE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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