How To EMP Proof Your Bunker, Home or Car For $299

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guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters I hope you're doing well now guys one of the biggest worries that we have in this country that could really do us damage from a small adversary like North Korea is one missile placed over Kansas about 200 miles in the air set off we cause an EMP now what would that do to the country well it would wipe out the main Transformers in the country and would take down the infrastructure of the country because we would have no electricity therefore this is such a fear the president Trump just a few weeks ago on March 26 of 2019 signed an executive order on coordinated national resilience to electromagnetic pulses or EMP s which are temporary electromagnetic signals that can disrupt degrade and damaged technology and critical infrastructure systems across large areas so a matter of fact this month at the beginning of April 2019 the Department of Homeland Security listed the EMP shield in their 188 page resiliency report so what does that mean to you and me well it means we need to find a way to protect our house our car or RV or motorcycle or generator and our bomb shelter from electromagnetic pulses now normally in the past because there wasn't technology the best way to protect any electronic device from electromagnetic pulse was to put it in what's called a Faraday cage now I don't have a third occasion office but technically I actually do this metal can the way it's sealed up is technically a Faraday cage and the contents inside here are protective on the electromagnetic pulse so to protect the electronic device you have to basically put it in aluminum or metal Faraday case that is completely sealed up like a tin can and that way the impulse will not go through there now it must be lined with cardboard or cushions whatever but anything inside that Faraday cage would be protected and that was the technology that we've had but new technology is being developed more simple with technology and more affordable technology so a company called EMP shield or if you look them up on the internet it's my EMP shield comm has come up with a device that's called the EMP shield now what this thing does is basically an interceptor when an EMP or a lightning strike hits a transformer there is a little thing inside there that basically will discharge and it will end the surge right there let's talk about this device here the EMP field so you guys are going to be very curious and the thing is I'm going to try to answer in this video as many questions so I don't have to answer them in the comments below okay now I want to I'm going to go ahead and claim it now I am NOT an electronic engineer and everything I know is things that have been told to me things I have read and things I have learned on my own so this is the EMP field it is tested for a PMP which is a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse which is what is emitted from a high burst nuclear bomb which is what it would take to take off the grid and the reason I mentioned Kansas is because Kansas is the central spot over the United States where the pulse would go out equally across the United States and would take out all the North all of the United States and pretty much most of Canada as well so you're going to ask me some questions like what is this tested - well this little device is tested - milspec one eight eight one two five - one which is forty thousand volts of testing but this device was actually tested above that this device was tested to ninety thousand volts because that was the maximum capacity of Keystone compliance testing laboratory so they basically tested this little device as high as the laboratory could go they can't create any more of an EMP pulse or a lightning strike in that laboratory it was also tested to the new mill spec 461 G which is the new edited revamp version of the a TMP testing so some of you may ask what's the difference between this and the existing surge protectors that have been on the market for years and I'm going to answer that because I asked the people the same questions so the difference is between this and a civilian surge protector is that the civilian surge protectors that you can buy on the line for about two hundred two hundred fifty dollars are only certified to civilian ul standards 1449 the EMP shield is certified to milspec one eighty eight one twenty five point one which is way stronger as I told you earlier so how did they come up with this device okay well this company spent three years of testing and design there's four patents on new products that are implemented in this device that are patent-pending is what they had to do to create this device so what did they come up with they actually have 40 different devices that they made but they sent me three of them so the first device I'm going to talk about here is the one that is for any type of vehicle with a 12-volt DC battery or a 24 volt DC battery this has a wiring harness it will attach to your battery it will ground to the car and there's a couple other points of contact where it must be applied and this will protect your car from the EMP now this will also work on a generator so you know one of the questions you asked is like well if we get with an EMP and it takes up the main Transformers what good is that going to do my house because there's no power well you want to protect your house because if you're a true prepper you're going to have a generator too so you want to protect the generator and you want to protect the house because after that EMP you can hook up the generator and have it run the house and you'll be completely off grid alright so the second device which is going to be probably the most popular is this one right here mount matter of fact this is the one that I'm adding to all my Atlas shelters from this point forward this is going to be down there by my electrical panel as you can see right here this is one installed on the house so this is the one that's going to be most common that I'm going to use but moving forward I will I will in all this device on all the larger shelters any shelter that we put a panel on we're going to go ahead and put the EMP shield on there to give you added protection it still doesn't hurt for you to have a Faraday cage and I will continue to have a Faraday cage but we will add this device on every one of the shelters moving forward because guys as technology comes out I will add it to the shelter right now there's not many more things I could do to my bunker that I'm already doing this already got bulletproof hatches can't do any better than that it's got gas like doors to protect you from biological and chemical and also carbon monoxide and smoke I can't do any better than that we're a hot dip galvanizing the steel so it won't rust I can't do any better than that I'm using a Swiss military air filtration system with a manual crank I can't do any better than that I'm using above milspec for the carbon which is 60 pounds of carbon in the filter I can't do much better than that I made compared to what the other people even they've used in five and a half pounds of carbon I'm using the sixty pound of carbon guys if there's anything I can do to the shelter's to make them safer I'm doing them and this is the latest device that has come out that I can help try to save your life or protect your family so I hope you're working with me here and you understand what I'm trying to do so that was the second one I was talking about now there's a third one here okay and this one is a portable EMP shield and it's pretty simple as you can tell it's got a 110 volt plug you plug it in and if the surge comes it's going to burn out here now what will happen I mentioned this earlier this will handle one lightning strike okay that's it one lightning strike in the the diffuser inside will burn up it will handle countless ian's piece of pulses but only one lightning strike they told me that I was surprised on that okay so if you get hit by lightning you're gonna have to replace this device and the factory will do it for only fifty dollars so keep that in mind if you get hit with the lightning fifty dollars is all it takes to replace it if they see MPs apparently it will handle several bursts okay and there's going to be no damage done to the device so as I told you earlier I'm not electronic engineer and I did it devised this thing and I wish the scientists or the engineers that did it were here to do this video they're not but I am here but all I can tell you is I'm excited that something like this came out and they're doing very well they're selling thousands of them so if you want one of these EMP shields go to this below send me an email to ron at atlas survival shelters dot-com put in your note voucher for EMP shield I'm gonna give the first thousand people who won an EMP shield a $50 voucher these are $349 they gave me a thousand vouchers to give out so that's a thousand people or if you want three of these just get three vouchers but they'll give you $50 off each one okay so it's gonna bring your cost to 299 dollars and that will give you pretty much the only protection that's available on the market for an individual to have protection for an EMP I actually in personally getting a couple motorcycles right now that our EMP protected because they basically run on just a regular carburetor okay so anything like the old Briggs & Stratton or any vehicle from like 1976 or before they're not going to have the electronic fuel injection so they won't have the microchip so an EMP will in even affect him that's why he's seeing all the movies everyone's drive around in old vehicles because all the late-model cars have been fried for a mini MP ironically though because no one really has set off a nuclear bomb in this country since like 1963 testing of EMP s and the science behind it has fallen behind like people like North Korea because they're setting off nuclear bombs against the treaties and they're able to get the latest technology on Ian's peace America is abided by the treaty and has not tested off any nuclear bomb since the early 60s therefore there's no way to really test the EMP shields or any devices except by doing it in an enclosed laboratory like at Keystone compliance so guys our prayers have been answered the EMP shield is going to be our new best friend and for all you Preppers out there I suggest all of you get one and like I said earlier they're going to become standard on all the larger Atlas survival shelters that have the electronic panel in them some of the smaller shelters that we make don't come wired they're basically a metal shell and they just don't have a panel and because they're built into the body of the house and the electrician at the house will run the wiring down into the shelter or it will be off-grid and you'll have a battery system and you don't need a electrical panel that's just how these things work but anyway so guys if you're really interested in one of these and you should be all of you should be like I said go to run an atlas survival shelters comm send me an email ask for the your voucher for the EMP shield and I will give you your the code and when you go to my EMP he'll calm and you order your EMP shield you will put in that number and there will give you $50 off now this one in this one there's two small ones or $349 and then the larger one which is a portable one list for $379 so whatever those prices are take off fifty dollars for that and that's what it will end up costing you guys I hope you enjoyed this new technology if you're not a subscriber make sure you like and subscribe and as always share this video because people need to know about the EMP shield and let all the Preppers know but guys as always I love you see you on the next video you
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 159,874
Rating: 4.8611903 out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel
Id: LXdb4L5q1lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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