SECRET Modern Bunker Loaded Up With Supplies For Doomsday - "30 Day Bunker Challenge"

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guys I hope you're going to enjoy this video this is a real bunker that was installed almost eight years ago if you would like for you and your family to spend 30 days in a bunker on a challenge sponsored by Atlas survival shelters and emergency essentials comment below send an email to Rana doubtless survival shelters if you are selected you and your family will win a year's worth of survival food and supplies from emergency essentials enjoy the video is a good one so the bunker is under that table and there's one air pipe in this galvanized steel says well pump overpressure vent do not obstruct so I guess I just pull this off right ok I won't have you in it you won't be in ok so this is a this is revealing a hidden bunker wow how cool is this sums like every guy's fantasy almost hit look at that Wow ain't nobody would have found that you know that Wow check that out hold on it's like I pulled all the way back so that hatch is a that's an armor-plated hatch it's about eight years old it's got an automotive paint finish on it so it doesn't have one speck of rust on it look at that paint and then it's a perfect shape and after you put your hatch and you got to pour concrete around it you want it hardened so somebody's you know really trying to dig you out they can't get to it so we're gonna go ahead and open this thing up almost like it so he's gone ahead and he's unlocked his how to go ahead take your foot off it so that is this is a natural bunker spin in the ground says zombie fallout hats and he's got a stairs there and we're gonna go down inside I know you can't really see right now but uh I'm gonna back it out and get a little better video ok so I'm just gonna get some more footage of this of this hat on this bunker here the guy had the hat covered under a tarp and then a bunch of wood piled on top of it but I would have found it eventually because I would recognize that this air pipe which is this is a military-style air pipe see the air actually has to go up here okay then it crosses over the pipe and like I said this is galvanized steel right here and it's just not gonna rust on you guys okay so I'm walking down a set of stairs I am in a bunker that is uh been in the ground for eight years it is kind of weird because it still smells new in here and he's got the floor pulled up he's showing me the story - underneath the floor hair and there's storage and literally stuff everywhere but it's still the funny thing is it still smells new and you go into this master bedroom that's kind of neat it's got a fireplace in there it's kind of romantic and there's the air system running and you can hear all Quietus and oh yeah it's blowing but that's all the noise the air system makes and this is the VA 150 this is a military-grade NBC air filtration system in this little filter right here the carpet filter I mean s suckers heavy it's got 60 pounds of carbon in it and that's what's required to filter out the radiation these little air systems I have like four or five cows s they don't cut the trigger and they may work for 24 hours or something but they're not long-term like a system like this but he's got it in the fireplace he's got chest of drawers blocking the escape total got a queen-size bed in here I saw I'm sitting on his couch and gave you guys an idea what's in here without giving away everything in his bunker he's got a TV and good guy do you have enough supplies I guess you're prepared for dimmsdale that's what they're for but it is it comforted us catch is uh let me you know the dining set and this is the leather couch that even to this day we still use this leather couch and it's um it's I mean it everything's fine I mean you've never had one ounce of mold or any problems with that none none well that's good to hear cuz you get in a high humidity area you got to take care of him but I'm glad to see this I'm glad to see that everything smells so good and you've got you know artificial plants in here but the floors look good as everything looks fine sounds fine smells fine the air systems looking good we check the water filter right here hey you need to change your water filter yeah this right here I'm gonna change these every now and then so I'm gonna do it okay so this is the grinder pump from up for an uphill flushing toilet you've had this right here so have you ever had any problem with the toilet men none so it's worked fine yep okay yeah this is the old-style bunker that had this kind of dork that latches down and of course we change to thee we changed it to the marine grade door but this was 3a stills of bulletproof door but we've changed it and just as a showers he put linoleum in there did we do there did you do that yes you did that I was gonna say that's pretty nice I like that shower works fine yeah no problem hot water too so everything in the bunker is working fine it's like concrete this part is a rock but there's zero echo in a corrugated pipe shelter that's why they they'll record in these things they'll get in the studios and and they're made of corrugated pipe and they they'll record in here and so when you're laying in your bed I'm gonna lay in bed here okay so he's got a queen-size bed here it's quite comfortable so laying in the bed this is what it feels like to be in the bunker in these corrugated pipe bunkers because there's no echo you can't hear the other people in with that air system running right there which is really quiet sounds like an air conditioner so I've heard the point that there's no echo I do like the fireplace you know I like these guys oh you know that this uh there's doors on these rims and there's a mirror in here so 55-gallon drums fit perfectly underneath the floor see I got the floors lift up alright so yeah we set them down the inch above the board so the floors will actually close and like I was telling you guys this guy's got his bunker completely stuffed with stuff okay he's a opening up his his uh the storage underneath how do you like all the stories in these bunkers there's a lot of storage there's a lot of storage and he's got all kinds of freeze-dried food boy you've got a bunch of I love that cup of soup you just start eating that stuff that stuff's great all you got to do is that water so everything you have you just got to have water to it right correct I don't see you're not really cooking gourmet meals and these bunkers guys you're just you're just adding hot water and you've got a meal so anyway guys let me stop the video right here for just a minute to talk about the survival food that you were seeing stored in his kitchenette those are number 10 coffee cans from emergency essentials if you ever want to get food and guarantee that will last for at least 25 to 30 years you want to go with number 10 camps from emergency essentials now they carry a couple brands augustson farms and mountain house both are great a matter of fact this is a can for mountain house right here it's rice and chicken candid 1982 now I ate it with it was 32 years old and it tastes just like my mother's cooking so you real Preppers when you're thinking about getting your survival food start thinking about doing these number 10 cans and use emergency essentials I have tested everybody and I found that they are the best choice for getting either mountain house or their August and farms so keep that in mind so that's the storage underneath the that's the storage underneath the uh yeah under the kitchenette the wood under these floors this is dried him this is not a yellow pine or anything like that so somebody says well you're gonna get mold on that wood this is living proof of an eight year old bunker that you haven't been here and how long four months four months which is you don't want a liquor bunker for months without checking on it because it's kind of like a sale but you just want to make sure that it's all good and you check up on things and but we got the board out there but I'm just showing you what kind of shape the wood is in and underneath here he's got storage he's got extra microwaves refrigerators I mean he really prepped how cool is that well cool is that this guy's the real McCoy all right so this is the lock that goes to this bunker if you guys ever lose your keys you're screwed because this is stainless steel you can't torch it and because it's locked from underneath the only way to get into this bunker is to actually torch the lid off and that's gonna cost you probably three four thousand dollars to fix and replace so don't ever lose your keys so this is covering this is covering the hat to get you that's gonna flip it back over there you got it a real Atlas shelter with a hidden hat that is so cool no one's gonna find that no one in millionaires would even think a look in there you know that I mean I never even noticed that I walked around here for five minutes so guys I hope you enjoyed that video like I told you that was a real bunker that was installed eight years ago I disguised the guys voice because I just don't want to give away who it is he was kind enough to let me take a tour of his bunker but what's even better I talked him into letting us use his bunker for a 30-day counts so if you and your family want to accept the challenge and spend 30 days in the bunkers who has really life to experience the end of the world as we know it and when a year's worth of food and survival supplies from emergency essentials to make sure you sign up I can only select one family and it will be very interesting so again guys I appreciate you watching my video see you on the next one you
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 1,735,747
Rating: 4.7902865 out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel
Id: rfMK7sutuNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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