How Do You Breathe Inside A Nuclear Bomb Shelter?

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guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters I know you're jumping for joy guys if you're not subscribers please like share and subscribe to my channel I try to bring videos out at least twice a week and I'm going to start doing more for you now because I think time's running out we need to all get ready today we're going to talk about the Swiss made NBC air filtration system that will protect you from nuclear biological and chemical agents this particular air system is made by ander in Switzerland it cost about $10,000 but it's the real McCoy I hope you enjoy the video I'll see you at the end and there's the air system running and you can hear all Quietus and oh yeah it's blowing but that's all the noise the air system makes and this is the V a 150 this is a military-grade NBC air filtration system in this little filter right here the carbon filter i mean s suckers heavy it's got 60 pounds of carbon in it and that's what's required to filter out the radiation we're going to talk about the NB c-- air filtration system that i've put in most of my bunkers this is the BA 150 from a company called and air this and switzerland this is my primary air system that i've put in almost all my bunkers the only time I don't use this air system if it's one of those little mini tiny bunkers okay this is literally too big of an air system but when I framed in Switzerland when the cool thing was when I went into all the military bunkers that they had there this was the exact same air system that the Swiss military have in their bunkers now the difference was they would have like four of them in a row okay where I only have one but they would have like four or five thousand square feet of shelters down there so they needed to move more air but this particular air system moves enough air for a bunker that's about 1,500 square feet this bunker that we're in right now is only 300 square feet so this moves a hundred seventy-six cubic feet of minute so anyway so the way it works you just turn on the switch then it turns on but the good thing is let's say you've lost all your power this is what's great about my air system you can manually operate this air system you just take this handle right here you just hook it on there and if you want you can tighten down the screw so the handle doesn't come off and you only have to operate this for about six to ten minutes now this thing is really simple if you can some of you guys have been following me you see the little pictures I'm a six year old girl with a broken arm operating it with one hand but this little thing is blowing like here sit sit up like this see if I'm holding that with two fingers this wholeness that's how much wind that is blowing right there but this is the air system that you guys are going to get when you buy one of your shelters from me they do come in different sizes there is a VH 75 which is a smaller one that would be for a smaller filter but if you buy one of my larger color filters are one of my larger modular filters this is your air system he's got 60 pounds of carbon in here and this will protect you from the nuclear the bylaws put in the chemical this is not some homemade jobber this is a ten thousand dollar MVC air filtration system guys I'm not joking around when it comes to your protection I'm not gonna cut corners and this is a real air system so if you're ever gonna build you a filter or buy your filter make sure that the air system has 60 pounds of carbon in it if there's a large bunker and up five or six pounds of carbon ok and also make sure it's not homemade and there's people who say well I'm just gonna make my own my own air system oh if they do that is to save money so I'm not saying it won't work I'm the same it's not to the standards a lot of these smaller air systems are designed for mobile vehicles like this right here you see there's a trailer and there's a truck this is a mobile a mobile command center those small air systems are designed for those mobile command centers that you just saw all right that's what they were designed for so putting them in a bunker of this scale is like putting up is like using a 22 rifle to kill an elephant yeah you'll get it you might scare them but you're not going to knock it down you need an elephant gun and this is an elephant gun right here so just keep that in mind that Lister Ramos cultures we're not going to cut any corners and you're going to get the real McCoy so guys I hope you enjoyed this video on the NVC air filtration system and again I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 74,468
Rating: 4.9014492 out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel
Id: gP__uhnULyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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