Champion Dual Fuel Generator Runs On Both Propane or Gasoline

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guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters you know one of the things we got to think about is how to power our shelters or power our house after a hurricane and on my computer I'm always checking things on my computers and my emails and there's this ad that always comes across okay it's called retargeting but it's from this company called Noor wall generators and they kept advertising this one called the dual fuel and I'm like well I've never heard of a dual fuel generator must be something new so I check into it and it turns out there's a generator that runs on propane or gasoline it runs on either one I'm like well that's just too damn cool so I got to get me one so I called up this Norwell generators and I bought one it was like eleven hundred ninety two dollars I think and it came in and it turns out that the distribution center for these generators this is literally five minutes from my office right here so I called the guys up and I said can I bring my generator down there with my camera because I'm a youtuber and I want to make a video of how you start this generator up so that's what I did I took it on down there and I'm telling you this warehouse was freaking huge I mean look at all these generators they were stacked to the ceiling a mile high that must have been thousands of inthere these guys make all kind of equipment thought it was impressive and another thing that was impressed me was I went up to the front office and they had a Technical Center and there must have been a 10 or 12 guys in their own little cubicles that all they do is take phone calls and advise people how to turn on their generator or fix it or do whatever but it turns out as a first class operation I was very impressed but this is how it went I jumped in my yellow truck and I went on down there so we're going to take a ride down there in the yellow truck and I'll see you guys at the end all right guy so I made it down to the the champion warehouse and by the way these guys must have four or five thousand generators here this place is incredible but I came down in the famous Atlas truck but we're gonna go ahead and open up one of these duel fuel generators and I'm gonna show you guys how to get it started right out of the box all right so I got one of their technicians who uh it's gonna show you guys how you do it right out of the box once you get it sent to you from your wall okay so [Music] now what all's coming out there so tell me where all these devices these are there's the propane and host kit this is a cover that relaxes it and it keeps it attached to the generator at all times so you don't lose it okay this is what we use to fill the engine oil it's a funnel for the engine because it's kind of a hard angle to get out of okay and then in coming out of the manual we have the owner's manual and it kind of gives us a start guide here on some start preparations on kind of a very big thing on what is what and what to do on the startup already that's nice and last but not least always one important information is the manual and it always has the model number and the sticker says the serial number very important for registration okay so what's the first thing people to do the fullest right now the boxes are there's no assembly this is the unit out of the box it comes in a protective plastic and it has this handle where you can easily move it away and this is the actual operators in this is the lift cart end okay and this is also the muffler end and then on this side we have a battery and this is electric start right yes this is the electric start and door pull starts what happens if the battery's dead if the battery is dead then it will not start in the gas mode you need at least 10 volts in the battery to activate the solenoid in the carburetor the post started on gasoline mode but if the battery's got less than 10 volts it will not start on gasoline they will start on propane it will start on propane if the battery is dead you'll have to pull started or the other thing if you have a jump starter kit to start your car you can jump-start it in the gas mode and get the voltage up and pull start it that way or use the electric start okay so let me get that right if your battery's dead and it's the end of the world you can start it on propane by pulling it but it's not gonna pull start on gasoline unless you put a jump on it yes okay alright so you guys heard that so keep that in mind alright now what do you want to do okay now I'm this back side here okay we have a small cover here that we remove [Music] okay here we have the battery already and these are kind of small kind of tricky to get out it's got a strap here that holds it in place I like to they need to hook up the battery yes they need to hook up the battery okay and then they need to cut these zip ties off and these things tell you which ones the positive and which ones the negative so er guys red is positive when it is positive black is negative there you go and here's the tricky part again this is the tricky part okay the tricky parts you got to keep that nut in the middle there see that get the nut in the middle don't let it fall out or the other net go right okay so you got to get the nuts and their first guys that's the tricky part and you got to get it back in - this is good stuff because people don't know yeah don't know this you know this looks hard yeah this is this is pretty hard hey the ass yeah that's tight there okay [Music] it's not that big a deal they know how to do it and they seen it now and I've seen it though all right some other batteries in now the batteries in we'll put the strap back in then these are the caps that go on they're kind of hard for it to go back in place do your best you can to put them in place and then the cover goes on like that and then we screw the battery cover back in place now once we get the battery cover in place there's a there's a rear-engine cover that needs to come off and we need to add engine oil and these two covers cover screws come off the top as you see here we have a diagram here says that it needs 1030 motor oil and this thing also says that the unit does not have oil okay there's our funnel that gets put in there where the dipstick came out of and this is for cycle oil you can use any 1034 cycle engine oil to make it easy the same thing you put it in your car okay so how much the Wold is a hold just about half a quart is that a half a quart right there that's a little less okay does the oil come with the generator do they have to buy it they have to buy their own oil okay there's a dipstick here okay that week it's barely at the bottom of the dipstick so we'll have to add a little bit more and we want the oil level at least touching the engine threads okay and we're just to the top of the dipstick very important that you get the oil to the top of the dipstick or to the threads because this engine has a low oil engine sensor very oh it does have a sensor so will it turn itself offers that just tell you low oil you know it will turn itself off and if it gets to a certain point there's a yellow light on the front of the panel now these tubes are in case you put gasoline in it and you want to drain the carburetor you could unscrew this set screw and remove all the fuel out of the tank and the carburetor through this hose that's right at the bottom of the carburetor and this inner hose there's never supposed to be any gasoline if the carburetor starts overflowing and flooding itself out you'll get fuel out of this and that's very bad we require that you need a new carburetor but when you go from gasoline to propane you do not you do not have to drink it you don't have to drink you do not know when do you drain the carburetor yeah you're gonna put it in storage so you want to get all the gas out of the carburetor but to switch from propane to gas you don't have to do not have to do anything you really just stop so you can have gas in the tank run on propane the propane runs out you just switch it over to gas and it starts back up that's exactly that is crazy that's so cool oh yeah we have the propane hose and regulator it comes as one kit and then this piece and it will fit flush it doesn't fit that way flush it doesn't fit it'll fit that way 180 degrees apart from each other okay and this has four screws and this just helps you so you don't lose the regulator that way it's always attached to the generator it just kind of latches onto there so you don't lose your hose kit okay you know cuz most people if it ain't attached to the generator people will lose it yeah so this thing just uses your common twenty pound propane bottle this thing is good for about four and a half gallons of propane we'll set it here grab our hose and what you'd want to do first is connected to the propane bottle and having the hose come out in a sideway fashion if you have it come here you can't really connect it that well so I like to have it in a horizontal mode to the tank and you should tighten this regulator both hands tightly and then on the front panel here we have our gasoline mode propane mode gasoline mode propane mode and now we will take this quick disconnect and we will fasten it here and push in and then give it a little tug to make sure it's in correctly and once that's in what you really want to do is be careful with the propane tank and you always want to open the propane tank very slowly the worst thing you could do is open the propane tank quickly the propane will rush out of it and sometimes stop the Bell from working so always operate a propane tank slowly and open it all the way now that that's done that's done we're going to make sure that our economy switch is in the on position generator should always start in the economy mode we have a light there for our battery here we have our choke knob we're gonna pull our choke knob and then we're gonna start it we know it started daddy nothing started to head a Z has never been started it's like wow that was cool now how many decibels is not going to run it this thing will run at 59 decibels to about 64 decibels in the high peak mode but not always will it be in that high peak mode most of it will operate in the 25% range for most home usage or RV usage okay so what all will this generator run what kind of plug does they have okay these type of plugs it has two household receptacles which are called five are 20s this receptacle here - 30 that means 30 amps you have all of these at your disposal and here is our to run it at the higher idle not necessarily very important one run it on the economy mode all the time even connected to your RV or microwave or refrigerator what's that down there here is what we have a 12-volt and what this unit comes with it comes with the USB port or you can charge your cell phone off there yeah you can Paulie charge your cell phone or run a laptop computer off of it and it has two USB ports Wow and all of this comes with the generator now these two options are for a parallel mode if you want to double your output because your RV has two air conditioners and you want to stay cool you can buy two of these and a parallel kit and for a generator that's a lot of power alright in the propane mode the generator it shuts off not by turning the off switch off but by turning the propane bottle off that's how we get the unit to turn off in the propane mode and two seconds later they generate or shut down see people wouldn't know that unless you had a video on this most common question okay this is a dual field generator here you could run it on gas or propane we would like people if you're not going to use it off then every couple months once a year just for power outages you'd want to run it in the propane mode because propane is a clean burning fuel it leaves no residue where you no gasoline it has a three month shelf life gasoline corrodes it spoils it leaves a nasty green gum in the carburetor and the gas tank so if you're not gonna run it very often propane is the better way to go but if you're going camping and you're gonna start it and you're gonna put gasoline in it you have to start it every month and run it for thirty minutes we flush the carburetor and keep it clean so religiously this unit has to start every month once you put gas in it or you got to flush it out like we did earlier in the video and suck out all drain out all the field through that clear tube out of the tank and the carburetor if you want to run the unit in gasoline there is a gas cap here there's a screen protector do not remove the screen what you'd want to do is grab your funnel your gasoline funnel and do not remove the screen and just fill it with a gallon and a half of gasoline so anyway I'm back and I thought I'd do a closing to this video so that was kind of cool so I got my generator running and as you could tell boom first started just started right back up on the propane but I learned a lot about that generator you didn't see everything that I filmed but you know what propane is the way to go unless you are disciplined enough to start that generator once a month or once every six weeks so the carburetor doesn't gum up you better go with the propane because that stuff lasts forever and keep in mind guys a five-gallon can which they only put in by four and a half gallons will run that generator for about 12 hours the warranty on the generators is three years it's eleven hundred ninety two dollars I told y'all that at the beginning of the video it weighed about sixty pounds I can pick it up by myself no problem I had no problems it was nice and they had a great technical service center so guys you check out these uh these champion duel fuel generators and make sure you give I guess the place that I bought mine from I'll put a link below it was nor wall generator I don't know them I never been there I mean I just ordered it from their website but I'll put a link below where I bought this generator so not everyone asked me where did you get that generator I got it at noir wall generators and I think they're in Arizona so anyway guys so I hope you enjoyed this video I got more coming out we're gonna cover more disaster stuff and more stuff for when the shtf so guys as always a love you thanks for being on my channel see you on the next one you
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 51,989
Rating: 4.9066739 out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel, generator, doomsday, Champion Dual Fuel, Dual Fuel Generator, Dual Fuel, Champion Power, Champion Power Systems, 3400 watts
Id: YpaqgwR2edw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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