Engineer775 installs an Atlas Bunker with Solar, a Diesel Generator, and WIFI!

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[Music] guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters I hope you're all having a fantastic day guys you're gonna enjoy today's video there's another youtuber out there by the name of engineer 775 and his company is called practical Preppers now you might know this guy his name Scott when the TV series Doomsday Preppers was on the air he was the expert that would rate all the people on their chance to survive so anyway so Scott is based out of South Carolina so he's starting to install my bunkers in the southeast part of the United States so he is going to install a bunker hook up the generator put in a EMP proof hardened solar generator diesel generator solar panels Wi-Fi telephones are I mean you name it this is a house underground so guys you really get enjoy this video and hey listen on the food remember I have this drop page shelter with Atlas comm and you can go on there and get some big discounts on food right now so guys enjoy the video I'll see you at the end oh I've just got a lot of trees out of here a lot of cleanup a lot of prep work and then we started so we've started to dig [Music] and we will get most of the hole dug tomorrow all right the first of two deliveries has made it I've got my fuel tank diesel fuel tank my diesel generator my fortress lithium ion battery that's going in the gen pod this is all part of the connections that will be made internally and externally airflow all the intakes exhausts here's the entrance to the mushroom hello mudroom and then this 90 degree is you see the ladder there's the escape there's always got to be two ways of egress and I'm gonna put that into the 20 foot diameter side this one so here we go just putting in some drainage we got all sorts of pipes and generators and things all right we're hauling in some air pipes labradoodles got the bull by the horns down in the hole Oh sometimes you just got to dig a hole the hard part's figuring out where you're gonna put all the dirt we're down about 20 all right this is the day we got to get this hole cleaned up ready for the ready for the shelter ready for the wine cellar we're gonna be unloading the wine cellar this morning and somehow getting it into its new so we have a lot of equipment we have a 40 ton crane we have a four-wheel drive low we've got a John Deere 690 excavator we've got a small excavator we got skid steer the key to this is going to be the dolly the axle I think that Brian bill that we're gonna bolt this shelter to then we're going to see the balance of things see how things are balanced out and then we're going to set the dolly under it do a little testing down here we're gonna turn this thing into a trailer and hopefully it all stays together nicely [Music] okay the lull is gonna walk at this leg we're just going to get it up on this road the road so steep but hard to get anything up it doesn't look it but it is turning the axial good thing at this tree here all right we're back on the job the rain is staying away for a few days so we were able to get the crane up in here and we're gonna pick this baby up do we get all the rigging on we're gonna cut off our axle dolly and we've been doing some pre plumbing gonna do some more so we're gonna pick it up swing it and get it in the hole today is the goal we got water we got septic we got electrical we got comms we got solar we got generator sorry I'm I'm supposed to be driving this thing oh boy oh boy so we just set the crane in sorry I couldn't give you that video because I was I was directing so abrahams just removing the shackles so the crane can pull straps and everything up and we'll get him down the road he did great Brian was on the other end assisting so it's in its level we pre-loaded this gin pot in we're good so we were we decided to do all the plumbing ahead of time that was the move because they don't want to get in there and do that so now we're gonna get 57 stone tucked and tamped we're gonna get the some of the pipes up to the surface everything duct taped off so no stone can get in them and we're gonna start back filling and tamping compressing the 57 I think it's one inch per foot is the 57 compression rate and so we will get our jumping jacks and our plate tampers and our concrete vibrators and whatever we got to do to get that stone underneath especially in this area we want to get the stone under here all right we're doing good all right we're gonna put some stone in the 57 flow is pretty nice but we have a compactor over there okay I'm down down in the hole we've compacted the 57 stone alongside the shelter and now we're gonna start to go in we're gonna bolt on the escape hatch we have the entry way down there the escape hatch at this end so we got a sump pump system here we've got two types of I've got two pipes one for comms one for power for the sump pump and whatever else we want to use them for so we got conduits poking out of here septic ones we got all sorts of things okay so this is the escape hatch coming at me we're gonna bolt it up to here there's a peek inside master bedroom air faint the air system that's loud and it's very loud now it's like that's why we like Brian he's being scared all right so this thing was not welded so that the escape tunnel could be straight up and down [Music] [Applause] all right we're we're gonna put some goodies down in the wine cellar today got a fortress Evol lithium-ion battery we're gonna set it down in we got a beautiful engine power source nine kilowatt diesel generator with a Kubota engine sweet little machine a little dirty right now but whoo this is a beauty I'll be doing a separate video on that we're going to remove that cover and drop everything lower everything down into the mud room section and then the gen pod is here we got to get these piece of equipment in here all right this is a fortress eve alt being installed a little differently than usual we're going to put it in the wine cellar oh I better get down there all right way it is what do I got coming up here oh it's just a giant lithium ion battery being lowered on my head okay it's time to add the entry chute to the mudroom of the wine cellar and get these pipes above ground and then we'll have to cut the top of this and weld in a will the hatch that hatch I'm gonna weld on to this once we plumb it out make sure it's nice and flat and that it is on the escape side that'll get bolted on over there air system I can't read German it's a German made and dere AG very low power usage which is nice and the other cool thing is is that if you're down in the shelter and you need air and for whatever reason powers down it doesn't take much to crank this thing and get air out you see the air blowing up in here so you get air out of your system that way you can also on power you can feel it that it only pulls three amps and 120 volts was real efficient consider there's contaminated air outside you get this filtration system now we hooked it up this to make sure I'm working we found these hoses we're put on backwards you got that figured house so we need to switch over from normal outside air the contaminated get over pretty simple now to do that so this is this end and the escape hatch there you can't really see but we've figured that out and so we've got that working so here's kind of cleaning up and finishing everything and let's head that way as we work our way down through the belly of the line so there you see we've got a lot of electrical and plumbing today to hook up this water heater in this is a 120 volt water heater I typically don't like to do that but it you can see the fittings are on the side we had to you know concern being concerned with the space the room that we had to work with so it's 120 volt 200 watt element I'm hoping that we're gonna have enough juice to run that I think we're good forgive the mess in this gen pod but this is the brains of the operation here he's over there as Abraham no he's over there working away we're in the gen pod of the wine cellar and if you look straight ahead here we have a nice fortress lithium ion battery 360 and power 48 volt lithium battery we fired this up yesterday works great we're charging it on solar pouring rain now so we've got the system turned off because we're working stones and things look at this beauty here we got a [Music] sweet little diesel genset three cylinder Kubota engine it's got a pancake marathon alternator on it simple to wire start or key start made it as manual as possible and we've got a fuel tank which I didn't show you goes under here and we're gonna have about 150 gallons of diesel battery rack in the back so we're working on the connect xanax so this is connected to the solarek you can see that this is a generator hookup right here and then we have power that goes out so we have a lot of work to do still blue these awesome water play gas tight doors hear that squeaking but that's not a problem every one of these joints is a bearing an desert fitting on it nice heavy super gas all right we're in this the escape hatch section of the wine cellar and so you have to climb that ladder and there's a chain hinge back here two chains and there's one chain that's got a cutout on the ladder side so you have to push the plate towards the ladder and then that hopefully it will swing down so and then you climb out and there's another ladder that continues in the little escape hatch on the other side okay we're working on our solar input to the wine cellar today there's the hatch and we're very close to the mechanical room closer even though you can't see it it's not too far away so we're running number 10 from the array down we're about two hundred and ninety to ninety five volts open circuit and with the number ten wire more than sufficient to carry that power down there so we've got our array wired up its EMP hardened we have the ferrite cores placed as close to the Jay boxes as we can get them and it's a smaller ray than we usually do but it's a smaller power requirement so we have a 24 panel Sinclair 2i MOS and three basically three strings of eight panels on this setup okay not everything is in the exact location but we just hooked up the fortress of alt and we started charging on one arrey Abraham went up to turn on the rest of the solar right now it's only 410 Watts end of the day so when he pops that other arrays we should see a good jump there it goes there you go got some more solar coming in charging the battery nicely alright we're back at our favorite mine the gen pod Abraham's put in the first five gallons in here we're only gonna make 25 trips it's 160 got a it's a hundred sixty gallon we need to check that well we've got everything plumbed now on the gen set we've never fired her up but we got our battery charged up and we're ready to give it a shot that's not loud just some finishing touches and future advancements we are putting in some conduits and also the sump pump line in case it ever does flood but we don't have a problem with water here unless we have a leak internally so yeah we also realized that we really needed to plug the conduit holes we had a lot of air escaping I wonder why I wasn't getting enough air my gen pod so right now we're just putting in some ethernet and communication equipment some routers some net gear switching boxes so we can have a router next to the sole arc and a router in the living area there everything's like Faraday cage so we're doing some separations and all right we're wrapping things up today we did our software well we're climbing get in there we've got a router down in here now see it's working and we've got it connected to the Wi-Fi of the Seoul arc so we're able to monitor above service what's going on here yes and we have hot showers as we cleaned up a little bit but it's working just great hey it's a wrap got our well in functioning great solders doing great got our exhaust generator exhaust and our exit air out of there the shelter and everything just smooth that bar Ethernet and Internet and cat sixes and run some Co axes grass came in on this end i shortened the air intake that's working great and just a future plans for some video camera I'm not painting up and looking at the ground on purpose so some pump and I got a cut I got some pump exit down there in the woods okay we're wrapping up this project today we learned a lot this is our first complete Atlas shelter installation to take it off grid water and power solar video security generators inverters and lithium-ion batteries in Internet you name it so the air systems the septic systems the power systems water system there's a lot it's basically a whole house underground and there's a lot to do ubiquity radios REO camera it just goes on and on I know everybody is like how much does it cost it's very expensive but it's it's done other than a little bit of cleanup we are complete for the installation of the Atlas shelter so guys I hope you enjoyed that video today hey listen if you're not a subscriber to my channel and I always always hope you are because guys I got some great videos coming up so you want to make sure you don't miss them I've got some the monolithic dumb you guys have been asking for word I'm gonna be doing a monolithic dumb I got some concrete bunkers I got a bunch of concrete bunkers coming up anyway guys make sure you like and subscribe share this video if you liked it hit the little bell lets you know in the next Atlas survival shelter video comes in but guys also don't forget to subscribe to engineer seven seven five youtube channel but guys as always I love you I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 134,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel
Id: seTYRuSnRPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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