The New Tatars Boom is INSANE!

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i'm thinking about trying a tarot boom where we like boom into like elephant uh flaming camels or something there's tatters now with the extra scouts for for a town center extra sheep for town centers you just got a notification that you post a youtube video so bye okay enjoy it enjoy enjoy the video let's see so yeah we're gonna see how maybe we can okay i'm actually very curious let's try just a straight fast castle i'm not even sure if we need farms with tatters anymore going to castle h so this will be a good experiment fast input second tc in castle can be done in this age let's see i'm more curious about seeing the boom like the boom how the boom feels what's the apm software name it's called desktop apm i warned you about detector yeah i've heard about that but i didn't know how it would actually impact the game like what the texture would actually do if i have it open but i have seen that warning a couple of times all right so we get two sheep hitting a feudal age and we get two sheep per town than we make this time i'm not gonna let my sheep be stolen cather's an arena with no high ground that is true we do give away one of our bonuses sort of i guess it will be harder to get my sheep stolen here as well since i'm pocket now how fast can you cast layers that's sort of what i'm gonna be experimenting with here a little bit i think i just need one lumber camp and probably not too many on wood there's a chance i can do a fast castle with 22 24 there's something along those lines pick an enemy and say you die first i'm considering going for for flaming camels as an opening so i'm not sure if i can kill anyone first should tell us how take a pitch maybe three and allow you to train your own sheep it would definitely be an interesting one but i don't know yes what nice now you are part of one run man i cannot help that hazard yeah we have everything so far i think i can get away with not a single farm going to the castle age i'm interested what are you saying is actually humans mongols burmese and persians for them well we have tatars byzantines tutans and byzantines why do we have double byzantines it's the magic of the latter ladder heroes am i going to try this 21 23 cast glitch does that work i think i need to do 22 at least epic random didn't they did they actually didn't notice apparently the team game performance isn't the best in late game in particular yes so if you're experiencing that you're very very likely not to be the only one no way this works i mean we're gonna see we're gonna see where did the two extra sheep even spawn i think it will work actually looking at the setup so far i feel comfortable confident that it will work right under the tc is there a chance that i blocked the spawn of them actually i'm just gonna watch my teaser to see where they spawn now interesting okay sorry it's fine i'm kidding you can watch if you want to we're on the same team so i don't judge all right we're up solid stuff not the single farm needed and is this broken do they already have to change that is this broken i'm scared this might be too strong just like the general the combination of extra sheep in feudal age i think if they remove the feudalist sheep maybe it will be fine i don't actually know you need extra too sheep yeah i know but they just make it even easier right still don't have a single farm i did horse color didn't need horse color question is can i have four two tcs right off the bat i'm not sure knoxville thank you very much for four months thank you for all the fun game on thank you dude appreciate that and thank you for supporting the channel tc on the storm i just hit oh should i lure them into an ally base no green stop it wait i'm confused who is my ally who's my enemy it doesn't look good oh i would like to get heavy plow as well i haven't made a single farm yet and i'm doing heavy plow but i bought wood instead of food all the sheep that's so nice oh i let him into my alice's base he doesn't have loom what did i do no why did i do this i'm such a bad teammate i'm such a bad teammate oh my god i'm sorry i'm sorry blue i didn't mean to ah oh green green go help him yeah nice you know this is so nice you get those extra sheep per townsend this is insane man that isn't broken man okay they're fine they're fine and he didn't lose a villager it's all good small nuisance but yeah to go for step lancers true silk what's it called silk armor has been buffed which means step lances have again received another buff do we have to do we check out the new step lancer i mean i call a new step lancer it's not i mean yeah it is new it is a new step lancer maybe that's what we should do do you think these sim city players age of empire sim city players will now play towers and they like build a nice cheap farm they never kill their sheep to just build a ton of town centers to get more sheep to add to their farm that's what i think is gonna happen guys flaming camels or step lancers step lenses will be legit checking out how they feel blaming camels will be mean so yeah no hill bonus that is true step lancers lancer lancer both okay people are heavily in favor of step dancers so we'll check that out i mean there's always time for memeing other times we can also maybe meme late as the game goes on so let's see okay i'm ready to make two new sheep this is 19 minutes and we have 52 wheels isn't this this is insane it's actually insane this is actually crazy i think i think this cannot stay it may it might sound rushed that this is that i say that but it feels ridiculous at the moment how many of would another 3ds boom have at 19 men i mean i i wouldn't know numbers but i just i know that this that's ridiculously high i cannot give you a specific number but i'm pretty certain that what why are you not in the control group i'm pretty certain that you would not have you probably have 40 something villagers what did you go feudal i did 22 to feudal and 24 to castleage without a single farm i feel like i'm in like 25 minutes with a normal sieve that's what it feels like right now you also hate castle age with instant two tcs horse heavy plow bow saw eight reveals at 23 minutes holy feels ridiculous man this is so broken i think again i know i'm jumping a gun with the calling out broken stuff it's still early days it just feels insane should have had those upgrades earlier hello i can get away with that one the way i used to play arabia pocket in the past was that if i had a hundred pop at 100 pop at 28 minutes i was having a decent game as a pocket on arabia that's actually how i used to play the game in the past like how i used to be a verdict on my own pocket play in the past so we're up to imp with 110 villagers dude this this doesn't this is not legit man this is not real you guys misunderstood my orders yeah this i i think this is i hate to say that so fast but yeah let's just see what how it feels going on now maybe units still suck so plus one plus one armor now for all of these yellow is imp he's humans right yes so he's humans and i feel like we have a way better equal than him which we shouldn't have and i can already feel the lagging coming purple zimp as well persians i'm not sure what the level is of these opponents i failed castle saved me but i will maybe check the recording game quickly compare to compare village accounts whoa this base is wrecked oh ain't seen that oh he'll get a castle up he'll be fine i have to wait for a little bit more numbers i think we should be able to take that quite easily don't shoot my lancers no don't make it don't build the gate yet oh oh he heard me nice okay now we can build nice okay cavalier against lancers this will be a good test we have 100 hp though i mean the hp is very low but they're doing a pretty good job must say pretty decent paladin fight and the sound is very satisfying though i must admit so we have about equal numbers here you might have a little bit more more i mean with the aramba behind right it feels like we're tanking a lot of wait i honestly feel like lancers from doesn't have the attack upgrades yet but the lances aren't doing too bad they are not doing too bad let's see if is my ally here oh oh what is blue doing here okay okay i mean the arama guy should die because he's been by himself so we have byzantines here let's go there and see if we can help i need timbered siegecraft so i can also mix in some flaming boys in honor of hyuna five in a wood okay man well you actually managed to sneak that relic for now oh here comes the lag oh boy oh my god no well to be fair lance's should be pretty good in lag because of the extra range i mean that guy went down pretty far oh my god oh my god what is this is this game flaming camels f guys f in chat for flaming camels that's the hotkey i'm just gonna charge rams disappear really fast so that's at least nice this is a good fight for us really hard to judge there's not come on flaming camel oh no the fireworks let me group up here so i can go with my flaming camel voice see if we can get some solid hits because i want to get flaming camels into the middle of the manga and see what happens okay let's do it let's do it let's go don't shoot them let it happen stop microwave oh my god this guy is such a party pooper oh my god a good sport would have let that happen what i lost like all my flaming camels but my lenses are doing work our issue is that we are using uh skirms this guy just let it happen oh that was a pretty solid hit actually it's only one way to play manga dead serious i already disagree with you and the main issue we have right now is that we have a player that's playing full skirm pike against paladin mangudai which is not ideal and green obviously it was slowed down a lot by the aramba so he's ah i need more flaming camels not sure what he's pinging for well okay i start i'm starting to understand what the whole talk about uh performance issues are okay 22 flaming camels okay it's time it's time boys oh my god this lag the what is this run faster come on let me see some fireworks this is stupid oh i thought more manga died and they actually did i think what it looks like they're all dying and then well i think they mostly died right he only has like 10 left oh my god i should probably help my ally now here i am they're doing all right on that side now who's sending me gold oh ah so he's sending me his gold and just making trash units himself that's a good strategy all right i mean the flaming camels did a good job there have to be honest yeah let me uh make some more stables to enhance our production a little bit so this is good actually if we mix hustler and lancers because the hustler will be tanking damage in the front line and the lances will be hitting from behind with an extra range not sure if we need trade i guess we should make some i think we're actually winning with flaming camel lancers powerpoint presentation all the good stuff everything you can expect from the age of enterprise game is right here how can you play like this yeah it's very unlikely that i'll play more team games just just putting that out there until these things are fixed or until they have patched this because this is not amazing i must admit who gold i can use or is he asking for gold okay he can he's slinging what dude he sent me everything what save are you byzantine oh yeah true we have the double byzantine six strats they send me all the gold so i can make flaming camels and lancers i love i love this team there's a great team they know how to play this game i don't want good problem according to my girlfriend yeah but i'm fine they're trading though yes traps so it's all good i'm getting more flaming camos that's fine we do another powerpoint presentation uh charge with flaming camels and we're good to go another 200 gold fantastic i love it oh nice now the challenge of making the move more effing chat boys flaming camels are coming slow and steady oh my god what is this teaming performance i have 20 of these how are flaming cameras against buildings aren't they supposed to be good against buildings let me test okay one flaming camel how much damage do you do to a castle like 90. good on the left yep yes i would like to add some monks for healing purposes it's time it's time to go it's time fireworks celebrate the patch boys oh you're you're a better run boy you remember what happened last time don't you huh you remember what happened last time huh i i see you there i'm following i see you i saw you i saw you nice frame rate i know right not bad should i give them some flaming camels on the other side maybe help my team out a little bit i love how scared he is of the playmakers though it's every manga are running for their lives i have enough resources anyone need res oh it's the trade it's not worth trading the trade cards just bugging out i asked if anyone needs okay i appreciate the flaming camel boost what someone has sold a lot of stone oh let's go badaboom yes fireworks badaboom wait are flaming camels actually good now or what are flaming cameras a thing are they good against cavalry i mean i did each of them cost 30 gold so it's quite expensive but i mean when you get on top of stuff very good is elephants that is true that is true but when you get on top on top of stuff i mean the manga melted away to my manly screams okay once green got up and running they were fine there the double byzantine flank was a masterpiece indeed they could sling me all their gold so i could make more flaming camels it was absolutely fantastic i just feel to play with an actual flank instead of delta mbl feels good for once feels good for once original legend thank you for the 100 bits chapter burger with 100 bits as well hi i'm clippy i see you're trying to make a powerpoint on how to fast cast into step lads with tatters maybe i could help thank you knight t think of the whole year aaron shakes with three months i've reached 2500 we have not a rock call thing over 31 months and scored eight with the prime one two three flexed three two one with two months in europe dog with 23 months thank you guys i'm going to check the recorder game here quickly just to compare villager numbers because i have a feeling this terror's boom is going to be redonkulous 1313 castleage heavy plough bosa two tcs constant production okay i i have to check the replay because i'm not sure i have to navigate to find it first load game because i could be exaggerating with my feelings here let's just have a quick look here have you noticed that when the game is pretty bad the trade cards go dumb and not fed properly yes we have wish i could fast forward faster this will take a while bear with me boys uh spock's man thank you very much for the four months new meta yeah we'll see we'll see let's switch this we can see village accounts well played nice defense against around by more of an uh was more of on the green player i didn't see a message in chat why is that poster it's fantastic search for the viper aurora on the mod center and you will see it so far tatters don't see mop wheelchair accounts are fairly similar but so 22 pop feudal age i think we could have even stretched it thinner if we really wanted to just try to get up as soon as possible but i think 22 pop gives you a reasonable economy as well the two sheep will spawn to castle age 1313 most people are hitting feudal age uh 25 plus two straight for tc would have been more bills but i think then you cannot afford a heavy plow i'd rather do three tc heavy plow than four tc no heavy plow i think for tc and add three t's and add a fourth a little bit later with heavy plow is better than straight for tc but then then again you do get the two extra sheep so there's a chance let's see here watch the manga explosion i'm not going to watch this recording game all the way until there i'm just going to check say 2 like mid castle h so cumin player has 43 bills right now he is um he is still in feudal age 47. we have 40 now we're not that far ahead so if we compare now we have 45 let's say torik who is persians who also should have a really good boom um he only has horse collar though so no heavy plow there 3tc horse collar you have to take those things into account as well like a lot okay so that's also a criticism to general conception of watching a game you might watch the game and you see this guy has three less wills but that guy is still in a way better position if he has a horse called a heavy plow and both saw compared to a guy who has three four more wheels and don't have heavy plow for example so there's a big there's a quite a difference but that's something people don't think about when they see village accounts they see village accounts and be like oh he has three more villagers he's the head but these equal upgrades are also very important so let's see we're now at 20 minutes we have 59 wheels we have a surpass the cumulus player who is on the way to feudal age castle age now uh compared to persians we are eight villagers ahead no seven wills ahead and the persians as we said did not have still does not have a plow of course i don't know the level level exact level of my opponents they seem to be okay players but also our build here wasn't fine tuned 65 man i i think this is broke like not broken but this is ridiculous and strong this is absolutely ridiculously strong the tethers play here 80 villagers 82 with heavy plow with handcart with everything four tc from tootin player somewhat he's 50 militants behind still man this is ridiculous what the hell i mean i'm comparing to these guys even though they are way lower elo i still think they probably do a decent job of booming because this is pretty much untouched boom from everyone so i don't think these numbers are going to be too far off maybe add a couple of villagers extra for higher level players this still feels ridiculous to me still feels ridiculous i i don't wanna i don't want to yell or scream shout out that it's broken or unbalanced at the moment it could be balanced still i have to see it more in high level games but i think i think uh it feels really really strong at the moment
Channel: TheViper
Views: 77,399
Rating: 4.9316769 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: laiQXtJUtMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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