The Return of the Goths

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we're going to play i hear i hear all this talk about the world cup 202 but i haven't seen a single detail announced or published about a world cup 202 i i keep hearing news about it but or i keep hearing people talking about are we going to play this who are you going to play with this and that right but i haven't seen any publication or anything except people saying he mentioned it or he said he said this he said that so i i unless there is anything actually published about it i there's no point for me to speculate in whether i will play it or who i will play with etc right t9 he said it yeah okay i'm gonna say now guys guys there will be a big tournament the next couple of months it's gonna be big now go and ask everyone if they're gonna play the big tournament and who they're gonna play with etc right i expect you guys to go into mbl stream into here stream into tattoo stream and be like hey are you going to play the big tournament who are you going to play the big tournament with what do you think about your chances in the big tournament how can i not i'm sure i've sent my scout to look as well so i've made a big error here let's hope i'm lucky i'm still angry today why am i i'm not angry you're angry screw you i hate you where is it is hey i don't have food on my tc i feel bad lame entire though and i'm probably not going to leave me i'm probably just going to use this bill to make like four bags or something i don't want to actually blame him not wood to make palace at walls that is not nice that was a waste of a bill you win this now i mean it's already i mean it's gonna be tough let's just put it like that it might be tough at least i have a half-built house on his berries that's gotta account for something is maybe not my second boris i don't i do oh boy boy where the hell do we go from here i mean i can't even spy this this gives this gives no vision at all it's i terrible the big issue i did was i didn't send my scout as well to help look so i never found i never found the his area anyway so my villager was insta spotted what do we make what do we make also don't forget we took we put some damage on his on his scout right can't be underestimated why are you eating that sheep double blacksmith is elite i heard that's a good strategy let's get the last one as well i actually have no idea what i'm gonna do zero clue i didn't notice the blacksmith i saw it in the recorder game replay i didn't actually watch i didn't actually notice it in game that he did the double blacksmith something i saw when i re-watched the games i need to confirm that he's going scouts bird house is a thing scouts are confirmed oh my god let's find out if he already has a range that's going to be quite important for me to confirm my goal kind of sucks garrison don't see a range we will just go up a lot of scouts though ass yes got him oh baby i like it don't like being housed that r t r gt thank you for uh oh too slow don't stop following i'm a gerd got him what is wrong with this guy is he stuck it's stuck yo horse come down from there looking tattoo man always hacking i think i need this spearman armor i wonder if i could jump this oh my god oh it's actually making a lot of a lot of dudes didn't expect so many dudes i'm burning all my food the whole food stuck it wasn't supposed to be empty what the hell though i think with i think with the hill we might be able to hold here [Music] hey i don't know what he's actually planning though it could come from every angle at this point oh exactly it's kind of i i did palace at scout this earlier but then he wasn't there that hurts he has armor on his scouts as well oh boy oh boy that hurts that's gonna leave a mark in the morning i didn't i forgot to click up actually i think we had a really good defense but then i just didn't check the area there which was obvious that it would come actually oh my gosh open most likely they are dead most of them anyway i was actually i think i was in a really good spot but actually through big time there by just not covering the most exposed front diving could have also invested on the tower on the gold obviously would have helped secure a lot let's see already or what why are you there woman let's see i'm not sure how many girls have lost here why does that woman keep going there we do have lot now will depend actually on how fast he will be at the castle edge he's also adding spearman okay we just let that happen we have four tc's up it should be pretty solid which means we can also drop a castle fairly soon he is castleage now though so this is not gonna get easier will not get any easier this hill is still gonna haunt me i will need a castle somewhere here to ensure that i can actually take gold at any point i think i threw this game big time still not over but it doesn't look great okay first step to ensuring survival having an attempt at survival rather [Music] yes i have two castles very soon that's also it for the time being curious to see how he decides to follow up how he's going to continue the pressure right looks like he's falling back which i don't mind there's something now [Music] you have 65 bills though like should we could have been in a way we're spot we are looking bad still don't get me wrong but if we can get out of this alive with healthy population wood is actually my issue we can get out of this with a sort of healthy population a village account once they have two castles up that is then it's not the end of the world it goes down really fast though let's say i like it don't like it at all here we're going for that that castle needs to go up that's my only word income look at the score though i have 80 wheels though it could be worse that was doomed to happen i probably will let this castle go what is there it's an outpost i haven't if i can balance my eco i can start spamming units that's the thing right if i can balance my eco that's a big fat if i hate this position though super ugly that's really really really bad [Music] how does my castle not reach this i'm still standing know what to say two thousand score difference i have a hundred bills how can i be so far behind oh it's just scouting points guys look at this bastard we haven't make infantry i'm planning to start now i have urico now so i can make farms if we can translate this why am i doing that farm up farm eco into into farms we can make farms with this eco that's what i'm trying to say oh god then suddenly there's a chance i believe guys i believe i believe i believe bastard michael nerd i also don't know why he's still playing it's looking pretty bad for him at this point how fast will he be an imp next question can needles i need them badly time for us to attack you didn't think you would see today did you oh yeah how are you going to deal with this your pikemen do nothing to me man you're imp that's not good your pikeman experiment tickle me man now there's an issue here he has all relics he doesn't know all right he has mostly relics quickly guys yes oh i'm muted sorry uh big buzzer thanks for eight months publius pedro cpu thanks for three love to 89 things for the three as well so i need to find out what army i think he's actually going for um i think it's cavalry yeah i can get to imp now i have 130 bills i can spam pikemen presumably for quite a while we're up would you believe it this is bad that's really bad that's super bad maybe i can actually snipe one trap maybe not inflation is still fairly healthy but i cannot get onto that gold i can make halves forever but how long will that do the trick why would i resign now this is when i might have a chance all of a sudden again um i just need one castle life to drop and do uh perfusion right oh boy tatty not now he's scared guys now he's scared trust me trust me now he's just seeing that goth spam happen before his eyes trust me guys i know i know make houses i don't have elite huskle though i would love to get it not sure if i can actually afford it yes couch as well now he obviously has relics too [Music] i do have a healthy 180 pop [Music] but i still don't trade amazing here especially fighting under castles and everything that's not too clever by me if i can get elite house call which looks like we might be able to get here here we go and the goth spam might kick off a little even more [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] that's fine i just need to snipe the traps chefs are gone gotta believe baby gotta believe oh that's bad game tonight no we cannot um gold is definitely an issue of me because i cannot recover my main gold that won't cast let's try to get a trip out uh this is still not working i think we're dead just because i cannot get cold access at the moment that's something i'll never be able to recover from unless i take this position back which [Music] will be difficult this might look over but i think tato still has a chance to win this game you may be right with that doing long swords freaking tattoo man what a nerd micro nerd tattoo guy what don't lose this trap that's our livelihood don't lose this trap that's all we're clinging on to right now this won't oh we go that way [Music] that is legit our livelihood oh now we are getting gold back guys we're getting gold [Music] faces cannot send you guys back to help guys we have gold gold yes just cat though if that will just be so kind to lose some cave archers that will be very much appreciated [Music] gotta believe guys gotta believe got to believe [Music] that's probably a waste but i'm buying time what is this and we can get this call back also be quite amazing i'm losing some villagers but also means i'm getting more population there's a positive and a negative to both sides those couches though they'd be annoying those are the unions that i can just not get rid of that i just can't get rid of but if i can take out this and [Music] get that gold income as well and that would be pretty sick actually this is a scary push though i'll do it about it that's not shooting they are those couches jason so one relative four look at this nerd such a nerd uh we're lowering some calorie numbers can appreciate that uh goth have a bonus where they have extra population limit thing is as long as those couch numbers stay alive that's always gonna be hard for me to ever deal with let me get my siege here i think i'm probably gonna aim for getting like 40 house calls together i think that's important to me so i'll send that back he's spreading out some couches there i like that i think that could be a mistake for him he's also getting very adventurous by that i mean he's also even sending traps because he wants to go for a push which indicates that he's in a uh situation where he could win the game i don't think that's the case just yet although my food eco is actually suffering so maybe he's right i see you tattle loose cap archers please that's all i ask of you guys do you remember how this game was what was happening in castle asian such shows you how goth is actually a pretty good matchup like that hans is a pretty good matchup for golf better this is the main issue those cow watchers right you need to thin those numbers and that's what i'm struggling with i can get siege over here i don't know wood for that this might come down to goal control actually even yeah wood control sorry no skirms scrubs could actually be something i should add in to be fair might make sense the ladies my numbers arrived faster it wasn't time to leave this yet with my horse crawls oh [Music] i think we're doing pretty good actually don't hit a shot that's much is sure go for the couches every couch that kill is a victory some victory in itself i want to break through there so i can escape with my don't actually think i will take a good fight here so i kind of want to escape i'm kind of forced into a fight here as well oh that could be lovely but that he's paying attention [Music] i kill all those but the cavalrges i don't i won't get on top of those all right we can escape okay next step of the plan start to be able to raid him non-stop gold is running out indeed but i have a steady echo now where i can actually use my um you can actually use the market and buy gold and make us cross and it's still going to be fairly cost effective for me you know what there's a stone there as well and there's enough for a castle looking not too bad boys i wonder if there's a stone gold up there or what was there still cold there 400 gold let's just still take that [Music] oh don't drip [ __ ] issue having the gathering point or release units the same as the control group for what i'm making there if i can just go for his whole monastery is there it's interesting [Music] i think we're winning by relics now he's equals under attack i actually think we won okay what was the score difference in caslitch we're freaking two thousand score behind you guys i had that's what i said guys i had this sneaky feeling when i was sitting on 2000 score difference about 890 villagers it didn't feel too bad we got 200 gold left there 400 left there one relic uh hundreds against goth is just a really good matchup forgot though against most other sieves if it was the same situation against most other ships would probably be super dead but huns just don't have a really good counter to the help skull spam [Music] rf523e think of the prime cool mind luke thanks for 100 bits scott vs hans is 2002 indeed thick boy from free cloud thank you for three what do you think of tatar fest castle on arena you can do it with no farms sounds good to me i haven't tried it myself but yeah it sounds good to me we would have gotten a castle if i got a castle up there now that would be like impossible for him to ever take that position back uh priyanshu 94 1994 thank you for the three months gaffer spoon talk for fam this might look over but i think taro still has a chance to win this game you were wrong you were wrong but he has such a better eco than this as well it's just our freaking cheap units freaking goth man and compton 91 thank you for this up there balungo thanks for four months how can someone be so good nice game played out
Channel: TheViper
Views: 81,322
Rating: 4.9524837 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods, goths, aoe2 goths, infantry, aoe2 infantry, comeback, aoe2 comeback
Id: eeDplYYzmw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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