The New Starfield Space Combat Overview

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we are still breaking down the Starfield direct that happened on June 11 2023 and the last few videos I know have been long and so we're not going to do an intro we're not going to Vamp nothing we're just gonna jump right into space flight and space combat let's go okay diving right into it we see this first little part here after we build our ship it takes us into outer space and into this sequence of course is coming out of of a transition it's not seamless that's okay and here's what we get I really like that I'm not sure if that's like a pre-built kind of like intro cinematic into you being able to control your ship but I again I just love the way the the thrusters look here the way this there's just a little bit of dynamic kind of Shifting and jarring going on and it looks like you're kind of flying through atmosphere like it's kind of working against your ship even though you're not you're in outer space I just like the way it looks it looks a lot more Dynamic and kind of uh rigid than than we've seen before I think it looks good and here is where we are in our cockpit and we kind of get into the flight section um we see a few different animations where our characters kind of like flipping levers and switches and pushing buttons I'm unsure if this is you know if this is um something that will have actual control over if we'll be able to do this manually or if it's something that's just kind of a pre-animated um you know little cut scene but I think it would be cool if we were able to do these manually and you should feel like you're in all these little levers switches that he pushes I like that okay so we're gonna stop right here this is where the developer starts to talk about uh the ship combat specifically he starts to talk about the allocation between all of the different systems and how we move our power around to kind of make the most of any given situation um let's take a look at it look down here in the bottom left corner this is our power allocation we also have some information over here we'll get to that later but for now let's look over here the very left so we have all of our power right here to pull from notice we have 8 out of 27 points left I'm just going to refer to these as Points of Power it's probably not the correct terminology um but that's what we're going to use for right now for now we have our weapons on the left we have lasers ballistics and then Em I'm assuming this means some sort of missile maybe Electro maybe electromagnetic something or em like the m is a missile uh so I'm not sure here over here on the right we have engines Shields and grab Drive so again we have eight points left out of our power that we can allocate so on depending on what we're needing to do he's going to go through this here in a second we can increase our lasers we can increase our ballistics and you see within each of these we have a certain amount like a capacity so we have a lot of capacity left for grav because it can go all the way up our graph drive we just have one two three allocations left for shield one two three allocations left for shield right here sorry and then same for engine then we it looks like our em is maxed out already our ballistics have a lot more that we can use in our lasers just to have a couple more so without getting too deep into that right now let's just kind of move forward and see what he has to say and it'll make more sense as we as we walk through it to fire your weapons I think the combat the ship combat looks great there's a few things that they did that are kind of nuanced to to make it feel a bit heavier a bit more exciting it looked okay in in the first trailer and the first showcase that we had last June I don't think it looked bad but there's there's something about it for this year that looks a lot better I think the the lasers the missiles kind of look here go through there and right through here you'll notice that there's kind of different Hues and different colors kind of within there of different spectrums of of color and light going through there that it just kind of gives it a dynamic sense to it that makes it feel more powerful more chaotic more Dynamic and I think that adds to the energy that your ship combat is going to have especially we get a crate look later on kind of towards the end of this section where there's lots of combat going on there's lots of missiles and lots of lasers being fired and it feels it looks like it's going to feel great so I'm excited for that but for now let's keep moving forward Flex dance between your piloting skills and our power allocations okay so here's a closer look at this stuff kind of exactly what we said earlier um here they have instead of em they have MSL for missile makes it make sense just a little bit more these are kind of all different balanced here but it's the same thing lasers ballistics missiles engines Shields grab drive again here you can see these the capacity a little bit more where these are kind of grayed out but as you put points in there they'll start to fill up and B and be blue and the the system that you have selected will kind of be highlighted like this uh this yellowish color or this I don't know if it's yellow or kind of an off-white okay so notice when he says boosting power to your engines makes your ship go faster okay that makes sense right so notice when he puts these points in here you kind of have to look through this you know this uh blur and this kind of color that they have on the background but notice right here look right there and you're going to start to see these blue dots right in there start to kind of grow out take a look at that as I play through watch this do that I'm gonna play it again engines go up ship the speed comes out and then we see it a little bit better here yeah that's a lot thicker than it was and your speed is also going up simple as that will shorten the amount of time it takes before you can make a jump same thing here so he is making a grab jump starting at 7.61 seconds notice that as he puts points into the grav drive from our allocation down here it's going to put points in there this is going to decrease more rapidly than just counting down so just watch that it goes from seven to one seconds in like two seconds yep pretty simple right not not too complicated people who are familiar with space sims and Elite dangerous and Star Citizen and everspace and all that stuff they're they're familiar with this but a lot of us aren't and so I've played Elite dangerous so I'm familiar with this I'm not good with this system it'll be dangerous that I don't think it feels good to play but I think that Starfield is going to figure out a way to make this a lot more accessible probably to play it in in a more hectic chaotic environment with lots of people shooting at you it's going to take a little skill but I imagine they're not going to throw that at you until you know you're in your third or fourth or fifth system where that difficulty level increases all right this guy comes out of hyper drive or grab jumping whatever and it looks great just let's just look at it again see I mean it's a great animation for a warp isn't it look right here I think it looks really good I'm very impressed all right and here we have a crimson Fleet pirate coming at you level six and looks like also they have this little icon right there which is nice just a good little like visual cue for who you're who you're fighting um notice it also has how far away the ship is and so as you level up your weapons specifically you'll be able to know okay how far can I shoot my missiles how far does do they track you know will they will they heat seek how far away are my lasers effective and all that so you'll know that as you upgrade your weapons and and higher tiered weapons will be able to shoot farther and lower tiered weapons will not be able to shoot as far so again you'll learn that as you're as you're kind of going through also as we get into the combat just a few things to keep an eye on you may have missed them the first time around but keep an eye on your right trigger here are your lasers and you can customize this but um I would imagine you can but notice as you shoot your lasers this number will go down then as you stop shooting it will start to increase again that's where some of your power power allocation comes in the more power you have in your lasers the quicker this is going to regenerate that laser power and you'll be able to start shooting again so keep note of those numbers and your ballistics over here as we get into it and while we're while we're at it while we're just looking at numbers so as he's shooting he's hitting us but our our ship health is not going down yet that's our this our Hull string but our Shield is going down so this is our Shield this kind of wavy line around us which is a really cool visual depiction I like that but notice as I shoot us that number is going down back up to it going down 38 36 35 31 then you keep messing up which is nice he starts shooting the lasers noticing the lasers that number going down and here he starts talking about the targeting control skills I do want to note let me just kind of notice this is a part of the tech tree and targeting control system this is a first tier skill which means you should be able to get this very early on in the game as even as soon as you are wanting to spend your first skill in gameplay there may even be a a background with this skill already present we haven't seen all the backgrounds yet and so there may be some sort of like spaceship focused background that has a few of these and we have here we know these These are boost packs we've seen those before um this is something to do with Ballistics in your ship and then this is the targeting system and then we'll we'll have another video breaking down all these skills but I just wanted to note that that hey this this skill this system that he's going to show off this isn't necessarily a very Advanced system that you only get you know when you're way into the game or you have to build up a lot through your RPG elements this is something you can probably get right at the beginning of the game through a specific background or right as you start leveling up your character and earning skill points control system skill will allow you to zero in on specific subsystems of the ship you target okay so let me go back just a little bit here notice right here we have the option to Target lock so we hit our x button it's going to bring us into this View so it seems like this is actually going to lock Us in and so we're not going to have to worry as much about aiming or keeping track of this ship it's going to lock Us in so it's going to auto lock that a little bit for us so par is some sort of particle weapon we don't know if this is a particle Cannon or particle beam but some sort of particle weapon so we can Target that we can Target its missiles we can Target its engine Shields grav drive very similar systems what we have just customized right and then as we target them but now he's targeting the missiles see it automatically puts a Target lock around those missiles wherever they are on the ship you'll notice that as he targets the particle weapons that moves so the missiles are out there let's see moves our Target the particle weapons are there and there maybe something else over here and he automatically targets those here is where it gets a little interesting because here's where he can Target their Shields their Shield generator um and there's only three notches available so he might be able to take this out pretty quick one thing I want to note is I think I think I can say this with confidence it's like this in a lot of other space games and it seems to be like this in in this kind of combat whenever you're wanting to um bring down somebody's Shields you're wanting to to shoot their Shields down you actually want to use some sort of laser weapon or maybe even a particle weapon but this is going to decrease their Shields much quicker than if you were using ballistics on their Shield your lasers are going to cut through that a lot quicker and then once you're done with the shield and you have all that down then you usually switch to ballistics and that's going to pierce through the hole Pierce through the armor more effectively than what lasers could and of course you have missiles as well and they're they're kind of good for everything but you want to try to save your missiles usually after you have the shields down with lasers and then a couple three four missiles depending on the the strength of the ship should should get you done should should get it done thank you see uh these shields are gone we can see that blue line that was up here on the top is gone and we just have the whole strength down here on the bottom and you notice I'll go back a little bit fires fires this missile out that's cool we can see this missile just for uh just for a little bitty frame right here and then he shoots that off two there it is still going and it knocks his health down pretty quickly than just using your ballistics to finish them off and then of course and you can loot them so here you can get um looks like resources from from the ship and then maybe ship parts maybe for ship crafting maybe later on and then some more parts there remains from your cockpit you can always turn any ship that engages you into scrap you can also take a more personal approach by docking with the Enemy vessel and boarding their ship okay one thing I noticed here is keep an eye on I'm asking you to keep an eye on a lot of numbers keep an eye on this number right here it's going to go down to about 200 meters and you'll start to see this X kind of fill up and that is when you'll be able to dock so it looks like uh this in this scenario you're able to dock with this ship which it's it's um engines are gone looks like and it's almost dead I have a lot too many green arrows on screen right now uh but it's it's Shields are quickly regenerating and so this may be a part of this little kind of mini game to dock is that okay you have to get close enough to the ship once it's disabled and you have to get there before its Shields regenerate or they're gonna take off again or or they fix their engines or or whatever so there could be some variables here and some Nuance to getting on a document just not just be able to you know shoot it to where it's almost dead and then go you know take your time getting on it there may be some time sensitive elements here we'll see let's take a look so as I as I go forward I'm just gonna so watch that number as it goes down to almost 200 and you see how that X is kind of filling up and in it says okay we can dock right about when we get to 200 meters and that's when we can lock on and dock to it does our sequence and then we go in and finish up whoever's on the ship that's an awesome gun whatever that is these guys were level 50 did you see that these guys are like level 50 ecliptic Commandos or commandant um and man it's one shot each so I want that energy shotgun whatever that was that was awesome once you've taken control of an enemy ship it's yours at Deer Fleet and retrieve it at any Spaceport okay so this is one of the parts in the direct that confirms we can actually have several spaceships he says that we once we steal it it's ours we can add it to our Fleet and uh and pick it up at any Spaceport okay so this is the one that we just stole and notice that the a hull is all ready at 50 and The Shield is already 50 as well right we just got through almost demolishing this ship so that we could steal it so it's not automatically going to have okay now you have full energy and full health and and uh full full Shields you will have to repair it but it does look like there is a repair mechanic so this is probably something that's going to use resources if you don't have those resources then it might be best to send it back to a Spaceport uh to uh to repair later whenever you get those parts but just something I wanted to note and here we see that this character that they've rolled has up to nine ships I think I saw earlier where maybe this goes up to 13 or 14. I don't know if there's a cap on this uh I we haven't I don't think we've heard that there is so you may be able to collect as many as your hearts does as many as your heart desires and that is awesome uh this guy this guy the ecliptic Claymore looks like a big guy looks awesome look look at its engines yes sir it's Shields grab Drive um particle weapons missiles ballistics yes uh and look at its value all right so I imagine this is probably not going to be just hanging out for you to steal with some low-level enemies on it this is most likely going to be in a high level uh space a high level area of the Galaxy that we can't get to until later on when we've kind of earned that privilege but this looks to be like a very nice ship has six screw spaces lots of other stuff down here that we won't go through right now but I'm very impressed I this ship looks great just like when you're PlanetSide there are plenty of sights to see and stops to make on the way to your next adventure okay here's where we get our first look at the star yards these are huge massive space stations and they kind of seem like they're going to act kind of like cities or towns or Villages maybe smaller versions of what we could expect in places like new Atlantis or neon a little bit of trading maybe some quests you know some some NPCs to interact with some places to buy ships but maybe not quite as exhaustive or or robust as what our cities are going to be Walk The Halls talk to the crew maybe get talked into buying a whole new ship a civilian and of course everybody loves this guy because of his face tattoos who his mama said he would never amount to anything with a face tattoo look at them now selling spaceships in a in a star yard nice maybe you'll dock with a gigantic Battleship like the UC vigilance for all of you Pirates out there that are just wanting to pirate and destroy everything you come in contact with uh this guy has some help right so I'm sure he has some fire fire power of his own uh but he's also got one two three four five at least five other ships kind of keeping him company and so you may want to think twice before coming in guns blazing to a big guy like this UC vigilance we've seen this guy before we know him and so this is probably where we come back for a lot of our quests in this specific quest line I thought this was really cool and a nice like Bethesda touch like amongst all these things that you're having to deal with that the Galaxy is at risk and there's Pirates everywhere and you need to find this artifact to figure something out and what happened to Earth there's also a cruise ship that you can hang out on and and relax on because you've earned it so I thought that was a really nice Bethesda touch there are plenty of personal encounters to be had as well you can hell any ship you come across to trade swap info or maybe even commit an act of piracy I really love this system I love it that any um any ship you come in contact with so if you if you warp to a part of the Galaxy a new system and you see a few ships flying around you could potentially you could go fly over to them and potentially Say Hey I want to trade with you and maybe you might come in contact with some people who maybe don't have the morals that that other Traders might have and things that you've stolen or you know Contraband maybe a little bit of Aurora you could get rid of before you try to dock with new Atlantis or something like that I think that's a really cool move and also depending on how inventory works if you're needing to you know to sell some extra parts to get some money to buy a new ship or something like that there's never going to be you know a Trader very far away since you always kind of have access to that through these other ships also I think it's really cool that you can engage in piracy with pretty much anyone one of the questions I have is okay let's say you are you are a level 10. and what if this ship was a level 50. do they automatically say like oh yeah come on try it out or what if you are Level 50 and they're level 10 is there any kind of like intimidation Factor there where they're like okay yes please take take whatever we have we don't want any trouble and then you don't even have to engage them you don't even have to fight um that would be really interesting and then this also might be a good opportunity to find little side quest or little hints of of places you could go in that system that you may not know about otherwise maybe they can tell you well actually on this ice giant you know over here next to the next to the gas giant it has something interesting on it maybe you should go check it out and maybe that's a quest to find a really cool weapon and maybe it's a trap that they're sending everybody there and they're setting up an ambush for you again totally Bethesda things could happen the possibilities are endless when I'm playing I generally go crazy I definitely go like the more piracy routes I want to take over ships I'm going to board ships I'm like this is now mine I steal all these sandwiches and this this girl knows what's up stealing all the sandwiches she knows what's up also 75 credits for a sandwich oh this was so great this is a great like laugh out loud moment in the direct right like they get it they get it I love I love this transition from the sandwich to to the planet I mean it's just so good it's like this 80s music montage transition anyway some strangers might be looking for a little human Connection in the darkness of space some okay so we have Grandma here um I know I initially wondered if this was was um Skyrim grandma uh Shirley Curry and the the voice I don't think it sounds like her from from what I've heard of her in interviews but it could be kind of an homage to her we saw that in the Character Creator as well some of the best moments are the ones you discover on your own the thing I love most about star f is that it is so just real quick this is kind of a parenthetical thought but I believe this is a ship's gravity drive or artificial gravity mechanism um powering down and Ryan McCaffrey from IGN mentioned that he got to play a mission where he was on a ship and the gravity kept kind of going like on and off on and off and it kind of made for a dynamic gameplay environment so I wonder if this is that same Mission it it just kind of caught my eye anyway in parentheses the thing I love most about Starfield is that it is a Bethesda game through and through it's really about going to strange new places meeting interesting people and getting sidetracked on zany Adventures then realizing two hours later that you're involved in a completely new story you'll we thought we were the only ones to leave us that DNA is so present here it's in our randomly okay so again this is just another example of uh a of another ship communicating with you and this one happens to be that party cruise that they referred to earlier and you have the the option again I'll join the party or no thanks or asking some more questions uh it doesn't look like you get to to Pirate this right from the get-go or maybe you don't even have that skill in this playthrough maybe that's why um but again I just kind of wonder okay this could be the cruise or this could be like a total trap right so it's very interesting so cool to play it and just make okay so here is a good look at our star map and it this even has some visual improvements as well look at kind of the glow around our our main stars here our main star systems I don't think that was present in the first one and we also have this little guy over here as we're kind of plotting our routes we have fuel consumption so we'll know if we can get there or not or if we're gonna have to stop halfway and and fuel up there a thousand planets out there and even here I don't believe we saw all these gravity lines in the first one did we I'll have to go back and check but you see all these kind of squiggly lines going through here I don't think those were in the initial star map system view like this I'll have to go back and double check but I don't think they were out there just waiting for you to visit again I love these animations where it just looks like the ship is like really exerting itself like those thrusters are really burning instead of just kind of floating through space like it's really trying to get somewhere I I just think it's a nice little touch just a little thing but I think it adds a lot breaking ground on new planets exploring every inch of a mostly untouched Galaxy again we have this little animation down here where he's kind of flipping switches and turning knobs I really like that I hope that we get to do a little bit of that that would be so cool and it's not just like an animation and sometimes a little fear I love this oh it looks so good okay let's go back that was one of my favorite like two shots of the whole Direct or you have all these missiles firing at you all these lasers so again just look at all this stuff happening everywhere everybody's firing lasers at you and ballistics and missiles and like you you warped into something and you you should not have been there uh this is crazy again this is your Shields are gonna go down real quick and then so here I think is a is a good example of like when you would want to like oh put put as much as you can in Shields and then put the rest into grab drive and you know get out of there as soon as you can giving you a massive playground but at the same time like I would want to get to the level like both in in my my the RPG elements and the leveling up in my ship and also just to the skill level like me as a player I would like to get to the level where I could handle something like that because it looks so fun and just setting you free whoa whatever that was it gave you 165 XP that's the biggest I've seen so far this was a level 20 Crimson Fleet White interesting okay yeah that's the the biggest XP I've I've seen yet big missile to finish up that was awesome flying through the wreckage like a boss so the last thing we do have to talk about about ship flight in combat is actually the landing and takeoff animation so here is here's a good one we'll watch another one too but notice on the first one back last June Bethesda caught a lot of flack about like just the bad smoke animation right did it look too I don't know what people's problem was it didn't look great but it was kind of hard to articulate what was wrong with it looked too cartoony or something just unfinished now the smoke looks good and as they as the thrusters get closer to the ground which kind of keep your eye right here it's actually going to look as if you know a torch was right on the ground like how that looks see kind of sparking there kind of just backfiring a little bit yeah it looks good it looks good okay let's find there's another clip that I wanted to look at real quick I think it was like right at the beginning of the where they're Landing into yeah right here okay okay you're right here so I think this looks so much better than it did in June last June so much better well done well done Bethesda hey thank you so much for watching today I hope that you were entertained I hope that you learned something if you would before you go hit that like button that helps us out helps other people know where to find great Starfield content and if you're new here consider subscribing we'd love for you to join us on the Starfield Journey uh join us on Discord as well if you like to hang out on Discord we get a great server over there and if you would like to support the channel in any way lots of people love to support this channel that's super cool you can do that on patreon and also through YouTube channel memberships those links are all in the description thank you again to all of our patrons and YouTube channel members who make the content on this channel just increase in quality and they encourage me they support me they kind of help me produce the content kind of decide where to go if you want to be in that inner circle that's a great way to do it I really appreciate you all for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through the Stars hopefully we got out here in under 40 minutes I'll see what the time is after I get through editing this [Music]
Channel: Starfield Signal
Views: 38,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield Signal, Starfield, Starfield News, Starfield rumors, Starfield leaks, Starfield release date, Starfield Gameplay, Starfield weapons, Starfield Space Suits, Starfield Outposts, Starfield Crafting, Starfield Character Creation, Starfield Lore, Starfield Quests, Starfield Spaceships, Starfield Ship Building, Starfield Traits, Starfield Skills, Starfield Backgrounds, Starfield Economy, Starfield Research, Starfield Planets, Starfield Factions, Starfield Crew
Id: c0ApJyApO20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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