Were Skeptics right about Starfield’s exploration?

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well everybody the game is here Starfield it's been a long time coming a lot of people have been very excited dare I say hyped and many of us on the other side of the fence have tried to remain pretty skeptical open to being convinced that this game is going to be amazing and awesome but not losing our minds over it trying to avoid irrationality in other words well now we have Starfield we can play it I actually just did a pretty comprehensive review of the game yesterday feel free to check that out I'll have it linked in the description box below if you have not seen it already but in this video I wanted to go through and actually Hands-On with the game show you what I think really works what I think doesn't really work too well and we're going to talk about whether or not the skepticism was justified in this case does Starfield live up to the hype or not as always make sure to like the video if you enjoy it share it with a friend who wants to talk about Starfield nonstop and make sure to subscribe to be notified of when my huge critique for Starfield comes out because let me tell you what the project we've been working on to give this game a deep dive is going to be freaking massive so multiple hour critique incoming again make sure to subscribe for it but if we're just going to start the game off brand new let's actually go here new game I'm not going to load into any late game sections or spoil anything for you we're going to start at the top and then we'll bounce around a little bit and I'll show you some of what the game has to offer I mean first of all I think the logo introduction super slick super smooth I I I really like it it's a planet but then also the logo it's crazy Soul date May 7th 2330 Argos extractors mining Outpost the moon of vecta now personally this whole opening sequence reminds me like crazy of the original Red Faction game if you've never played that I encourage you to go back back look at it you start as a minor on Mars it's just uncanny how similar these introductions are it's really cool this is also interesting because this is the first time we really get to see the graphical quality up close on the one hand I think they've done a ton of work to improve like clothing metal mesh quality um all sorts of texture quality I feel is improved animation quality also is improved over like Fallout 4 I still wouldn't say this is directly going to compete with some of the head honchos and major competitors in the AAA space like I still think cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty still looks a good bit better than this but this for Bethesda is very very good I think it's graphically very impressive especially compared to what we've seen in years past now in terms of actual performance I can turn on this little display in the top left so you can see what we're running at we are sitting in most cases around 30 FPS and that is with the given settings if I go display you can see all of this stuff slightly tweaked in some instances but if we for example go just Ultra you'll see the game by default sets Dynamic resolution to on and render resolution scale to 75% I don't want that on I'm going to turn it off I just want to see how the game runs natively and it also enables FSR 2 by default which I cannot stand uh once again there is no dlss there is Cas which is contract adaptive sharpening which in my opinion is also not very good so if we just turn it all off let it render natively at 4K what is the performance like with everything on ultra running with these stats as you can see up here and if we back up you'll see that now it drops into the 80s but still very very solid as far as I can tell not really any hitching frame times are all pretty close to each other it's actually pretty polished right now granted this is only in the first few minutes of the game so it very well might change in the next coming minutes but let's give it a chance let them cook and uh keep keep going you know who you are oh this is where we actually get started with the Character Creator and it's actually more robust than I was expecting there's a good number of starting profiles which are pretty standard for these types of games kind of a baseline that you can build on off of this guy looks just generic enough to be kind of like me so let's move in here we can change the body type around which I mean let's just go like full I don't I don't even know what is like a a thin heavy person a normal person I don't know let's go dead center I don't want to piss anybody off by being like oh let's go all Porky oh no let's go scrawny I don't want to do that so let's just go dead center you can also select different walk styles which I find it funny that there's two one's like very and the other is much more graceful it's just funny to me okay now let's do skin tone as white as they come and now we can tweak stuff around oh that's upsetting okay that's good enough now here we can select our background this is where the game actually gets like really interesting where you can select these backgrounds or you can just do file not found where you just assume that nothing about your past is known it's just a blank slate and here there's just a ton now what I chose in my first run for example was the Diplomat this basically just means that you are probably leaning into more a persuasion build a Charisma build as you might have seen in other games where most of your problems can be settled by just talking it out however others that I would personally recommend would be something like long hauler which gives you the weightlifting perk to begin with which allows you to carry more stuff which will be important because you're going to start to collect a bunch of garbage in your inventory and also piloting which is useful especially as the game goes on to level up so that you can gain the ability to fly like Class B and C ships which are way cooler but you can only get access to those once piloting as a skill has been upgraded fully so that's a good one to have early on and others to just be aware of would be things like the professor these are very very Niche skills and I would say they lean more into like end game styles of play like Base building where you need to do a lot of research and things in order to get the ability to build cooler and cooler stuff so it's good to have but early in the game for the first like 10 20 hours this stuff is not going to be super useful just frankly oh and this one Bounty Hunter this gives you the Boost pack training perk right up front you have to have this perk learned in order to use the Boost in the packs that you'll find in the game if you don't have the per perk you can jump and then press space bar again or a again and it just won't do anything so just be aware of that it's something you have to also equip as a skill I think most people are going to do this because the Boost pack is kind of a must if you want to be able to explore planets and environments fully but who knows maybe there's going to be some people that just don't like it and you might be wondering why wouldn't you just get the perk and use it well some packs don't have a boost with them they have some really good perks but they also don't have the Boost pack ability it's just kind of like a med pack for example which gives you better healing and items and stuff so it's up to you as to how you want to build out your character and what you want to have equipped and when but I think that the Boost pack is is kind of a must way better than just like having a med pack or something you know what let's break my own advice I'm going to be a professor why not let's just see how weird things get now from here we get to pick traits these are interesting and have been discussed at at length there's a good number of stuff here like kids stuff I picked this in one of my runthrough where you actually get to visit your parents but you have to send 2% of your credits home to them every week for me it always ended up being 500 credits even though that was way way less than 2% of my credits that I had on me so I don't know why they determined 500 credits was the the standard but maybe it was a bug I I don't know but in my experience the kid stuff perk only requires you to send home like 500 credits every week again it's probably a bug but that's something to note oh I also used the hero wori ability this gives you that fan from Oblivion that follows you around and never shuts up about how amazing you are so I also did that and I tried dream home as well which gives you a customizable house on a nice peaceful Planet but you have to pay off 125,000 credit mortgage with gal Bank in order to actually like use it and keep it and they say that it has to be paid weekly I don't think that's correct um I bought it I paid the 125,000 credits and then it just didn't need to be paid weekly after that I just owned it free and clear for like multiple hours in game so as far as I'm aware they don't like come back and tell you you owe new mortgage so I honestly don't know what this is talking about you don't have to do 125,000 credits weekly in game at least but again maybe that was a bug that it didn't trigger I don't know I'm going to use the wanted perk which allows mercenaries to randomly spawn and come to attack you I'm also going to go in and I'm going to be a member of the serpent religion the religion of the Great Serpent which disqualifies me from these other religions but that's okay and I'll go with hero worship so we can meet that guy and then after that we're pretty much done we hit R I type in my name I'm going to be lucer actually I'm going to show you something I'm going to do Luke and then confirm that that and right here the game opens up where you can see the vast expanse for the first time you might recognize this from one of the earliest trailers we got of the game so you can see Hills in the distance and a ship coming in to land how beautiful how Dynamic and quirky just like that whoosh good douche in a discover class there we go and I don't know about you but when I see a game like this that opens up with these vast expanses my immediate reaction is to just run I just want to go and see what is available to explore so let's do that this is actually something I like doing in Bethesda games and RPGs in general because I like to just see if they've accounted for somebody just being like eh screw that and just going for it and often they actually surprise you and they support more than you would think you can just kind of run off and break it if you want to I will say Starfield is a lot more rigid as a game it's closer to Fallout 4 than Skyrim in terms of what is like actually available for you to do um if I go here I'm actually going to favorite the cutter down here not console commands they put console commands tied to the Tia key so if you accidentally hit it while trying to hit Escape it just pulls up the menu there you go there's a little aluminum that's how you're actually going to go around mining stuff for crafting bases and things like that and if you want to find them a little more easily you have to equip your scanner but we don't have that equipped yet because we just started and here we are at the top of that mountain we saw in the distance just chilling they actually let you run off and uh I guess just ignore Barrett as he lands and then just wander off and do whatever that's kind of cool now of course you do have to go back and uh speak with them that's where we were there's no other way to leave this area or the planet unless you do so as far as I'm aware I'm sure speedrunners will figure something out though but I do think this is a good opportunity to just show you what most of these planets are like most of them are going to be procedurally generated areas about this size where you'll land over there and then you can run off and explore but normally there would be 3 to five points of interest plopped randomly across the map maybe one over there maybe one over there maybe one back over there and you can run to those and explore whatever they are however everything else will just be empty like this it will just be valleys and gorges and hills and mountains that you can run on with the occasional spot to mine something like you see that up there we have a little rock it looks like we're going to be able to M that let's see yep sure enough that was water it was I guess frozen water I'm I'm assuming I don't know why else it would be solid oh but if we pull up our map you can actually see a point of Interest over here on the map now one thing I didn't mention in my review which I wish I had was how terrible this on planet map is the surface map as it's called I I just find this thing so painfully difficult to read or figure out where I'm going or what to do it's also just very unintuitive I just personally really don't like how they did this but I mean these are the planets we're dealing with we're we're looking at actual solar systems to explore it's pretty crazy but now I'm curious what that point of Interest was so I'm going to run and figure out what it is and this is what I think bgs is hoping you do that you go to a planet you see something like that on your map and then you want want to just go figure out what that is so you run off explore try to find it yourself and then you move on to the next one the difference I think between this and a game like Skyrim is that in Skyrim you're just kind of bouncing around the map you just run from here over there over there back over there all the way back over here and all along the way you're discovering new interesting things in Starfield it doesn't really work like that because the maps are pretty big and mostly empty you have to go and very precisely and intentionally seek things out to do this is not really a game where you're going to be stumbling on to a lot of stuff okay the point of interest is marked just down ahead of me it looks like maybe it's a cave down there I let's let's see oh yep it's a cave let's go inside what's the worst that could happen right okay like big crystals on the ground oh something over here like a med pack yeah uh superfood paste kit love it uh I don't see anything else this is a dead end what about over here we can mine these things they'll kind of break apart and then we can Harvest them to get some Benzene but this is also it looks to be a dead end as well well it kind of seems like that's all there is here just a couple of couple of impacts let's try to jump oh I failed that let's try to get up there see if there's something tucked away oh there is okay what's this we've got some random stuff some ammunition okay some of that some credits a trash bin uh some wire and a box that you can't open okay well that seems to be everything in this cave okay well you know it's something now I know that it might seem like I'm trying to be intentionally dismissive but what we just encountered is what you will see in most of the dynamic encounters you'll come across in Starfield there are civilian settlements there's outposts there's mercenaries you can find there's pirates that you can fight if you don't align with them there's stuff like that to be found in the game and those are certainly I think more interesting than that but personally coming off of like Skyrim Fallout 4 Whatever Whenever I see a cave like that I get really excited like wow they actually marked it on the map but you can see we fully explored it it's marked as explored now and that's it besides our main objective over here that's all that's here and there was like almost nothing there there was a med pack and then some credits and a little bit of ammo oh and the wire we can't forget the wire and this is something the designers have to ask themselves is how do they make exploration fun how do they reward the player for doing this where they left this area ran all the way over here on foot something that has taken 10 to 15 minutes to do I know we trimmed it down so it's nice and quick for you but this is not a quick process there's no vehicles there's nothing like that and so to see this take this long for such a poor payout is just kind of underwhelming and it discourages you from wanting to run off in the distance and explore stuff but I hear you I hear you you're saying Luke Luke you're supposed to be talking with them you're not supposed to be exploring right now and okay I think that's generally Fair maybe it is the case that they just simply haven't gone to the trouble of building out this area because this is supposed to be a prologue area so let's jump to a different save where we can go to just a random planet and see if it holds up okay here we are at a save much later in the game with a lot more stuff explored don't worry I'm not going to do any story spoilers or anything like that what I do want to do is go to like a late game area where there's some really high level enemies where you'd expect there to be some really good loot here you can see this system is rated level 70 so let's go let's see this one it says fauna are abundant floor is abundant water is safe High oxygen it's temperate it's a rock type Planet this looks like it could be interesting to explore so let's actually go over here and explore it that is right after I lose some weight because apparently I am over encumbered please hold oh this is also funny where I'm at look there's trees floating in the sky uh I'm not joking there there are trees floating in the sky cuz oh there's another one um just just cuz I I don't remember seeing that in my previous gameplay session where I was here and I saved on exit but yeah there's just like a bunch of trees floating in the atmosphere maybe it's cuz we're on like an alien planet and that's a feature maybe it's not a bug it's a feature but yeah there's there's trees floating okay back over here we go here we select this planet I can set the course to it and then I hold down jump and then there's a load screen and then we're here we can select the planet open the map there's another load screen as we select an area to land you can see there's craters here we can also select the mountain type I can also scan the planet which will tell us roughly what resources are where we could go to like frozen mountains regular mountains craters I think the craters are going to be more interesting to see so let's go over there and then another load screen there we go then we land in a procedurally generated area boopy doop and voila and okay here we are back in our ship you can see all of our friends are here hanging out all of our companions including our adoring fan you got to love it and here we are actually outside on an alien planet with a bunch of weird floating eyeballs looking at us what's there not to love now one thing you'll also notice is my ship this is a ship I initially stole from some Pirates and then I customized the crap out of it built it into like a big Battleship with some crazy Weaponry it's pretty badass if I do say so myself I mentioned in my review that my favorite part of Starfield was the ship customization and that still holds true I think it's just really cool that you can build your own spaceship and it's not like prohibitively confusing or difficult to do it's it's something you can actually do pretty early in the games so I I just think it's awesome I think it's the best part of Starfield but anyway here we are on a randomly selected planet on a random location within the planet if we look around with our scanner you can see a couple of points of interest that have been generated the landing area and then the shield breaker which is the name of the ship those don't really count as a point of interest but over there you can see another one unknown with like a signal sign and then another unknown location over there so this one is about a kilometer that one's about a kilometer away and then this one is a little bit less than that so I say we go for the farthest one just to see what's over there if we pull up our map after we close down our scanner you can see uh wait hold on show me the Surface map G and then you can see kind of what we're dealing with again you see what I mean about the map like what is this even telling me it's just painful to look at but let's run over here and look at the points of interest off in the distance now for demonstration purposes what we're going to do is I'm going to run there in real time jumping and boosting and sprinting along the way my ship is right there it's over there and I just want you to see how far we have to go and how long it takes without anything extra without any other little encounters just running in a straight line I want you to watch this little timelaps and then tell me with a straight face that Vehicles like motorbikes or Rovers or something would not have been a welcome addition okay here we are at the ship timer started now let's go it's over over there whichever one it doesn't matter Cho's the super cool cop it always gets the bad guy boy that's me yeah he brings a delicious assortment of sweet delight donut boy got a creamy filling and here we are we just made it I don't know how long that was but that is like just really really kind of boring as far as exploration is concerned there's just like not much between it there's randomly generated little uh like noids I guess they're called little creatures that might pop up there might be a couple of things that you could mine if you want to but I don't consider those enough to make that little run we just had to do interesting it just doesn't quite do it and now that we're here let's actually see what there is to find in here so there's these little noids which we can and like scan they're Fearless they're sedative okay or sedative sedative I need a sedative if that's what I think uh a dung pile some antibiotics adhesive Cobalt okay some argon love it now I'm over encumbered love it less and now we're just going to shoot the crap out of these things I suppose and clear out the hive for some reason I don't know what they did wrong but we're going to kill them the adoring fan is very insistent on it there you go um oh there's another one okay is there anything else more dung nope that was it okay so we ran all that way to come and kill some worm things and to dig through some poo I'm not exaggerating but there's something glowing over there that looks interesting let's go see what that is okay they're like mushroom things can I oh I can't I can't get them okay just for looking no touching can I like cut them with my mining beam thing no no I cannot okay can I scan them no I can't okay so they're just randomly placed here okay never mind so if you're playing Starfield now you're at the point where you're like okay so I just found that I cleared it it was kind of not worth my time what do I do now well you can either select another point of interest to go and explore in this same area in this case we have this one right here if I set my personal marker to it we can run over that way and try to clear it it's right there let's see what that one's like hopefully it's not just another covered crater but let's see unexplored chemistry feature that sounds exciting right well I can go in here air cluster pod interesting and then unknown feature scanned once okay it's a it's a big tree okay and fungal growths okay that's that's the whole thing we traveled all that way to scan two things and and that's it now we're fighting more of the worm things dude he really really hates those things wow so now you're probably a little dejected and frustrated you just wasted all that time to accomplish basically nothing so you're going to want to go back to the ship right I mean that's what you want to do so you can either run all the way back or because Bethesda understood you're going to be kind of sick of just running in a straight line at this point they actually let you go back and fast travel right back to the ship quick load screen and then boom we're back in the ship now this is how the game typically works I would like to be able to just fly off into the distance and find a new spot land real quick and then explore that see if there's anything else to find or maybe search for points of interest within my ship itself but you can't do that instead what you have to do is pull up the map and then physically alter your Landing location to something else so like here this is considered ocean but this is volcanic Coast so we can go over here travel a load screen will appear once again and then we just pop back in all landed surrounded by more terrain okay if we exit our ship another loading screen and then we are good to kind of look about see if we see anything interesting and either we could spot it by I or we could pull up the scan and once again look around for anything that catches our attention in this case I'm not seeing anything so we pull up the map see if anything has spawned and in this case it doesn't look like a single point of Interest spawned for some reason and the map is glitching out a little I wasn't prepared for this I'm going to be honest candid moment here I don't think I've ever spawned on a location with absolutely no points of interest even on like Barren planets there's usually like a windmill or a cave to find but no in this case there's just literally nothing okay well well they said we're on the coast so let's run over and try to get to the coast maybe we can look off into the ocean and we'll see something that isn't noted oh and I sprained my leg so now I have to repair that real quick just so you know you might see me like jumping way high and then I have to kind of tap it again as I get lower that's because the control for the jetpack is not like it it's not press and hold it's toggle so you kind of like launch yourself up and then you have to do this little bounce on your way down and again maybe it's just a bug I've not been able to find any settings in the menus to tweak that um so it just seems to be that that's how it controls which is unfortunate cuz it causes you to sprain your legs all the time this is also something that I find generally a little Annoying is that in order to repair or heal yourself of those things you have to find the aid piece that happens to correspond with whatever that symbol is in order to cure it this case immobilizer that's going to fix that sprain not command prompts there we go back all the way out and then sprain cured and then we're good to go but you have to dig through the menus a little bit okay and now as you can see we just have to run all the way up over that hill now I could just sit here and hold down W but instead I'm actually going to press the key that I use for auto run which is something you can set uh on PC so I'm just going to hit that and then my hands are free and I can check your comments on YouTube or whatever while it just runs forward for me because there's nothing else to to do in the meantime so we're just going to let the game play itself until something interesting happens and here we are at the ocean there we go we made it still no points of interest have spawned there's nothing like that this area of the planet for whatever reason is just completely empty with nothing to see or find which is really really weird so like I could keep running along the coast or trying to explore but frankly there's nothing to find it's just more of this with no points of interest spawn so there's nothing to see literally nothing to see here um I can swim for a little bit but like what what am I going to do there's just nothing and you can see also you can't really zoom in close on the planet so instead we're like underneath this tile here we're underneath that somewhere so we can't see precisely where we're at but the downside of that also is that we cannot just pop over to the next tile that's been generated instead we have to jump to an entirely different tile that's generated independently and that's important for a reason I'm about to outline but to demonstrate this I want to go to a different planet that might be better suited for explaining this let's go over to like a mountainous area over on stricks 5 what about over here this looks like there's going to be mountains Let's Travel over here nope apparently this planet just doesn't have mountains so let's back out a little bit and just find someplace with freaking mountains oh I just warped in and there is somebody attacking me so what we're going to do this is a good chance to show this off is we're going to assign all of our energy over and just try to light them up now this is where your ship build is actually pretty important so as you can see I can shoot lasers I can shoot ballistic stuff and I also have these big like rockets that I can launch too in order to break the shields though the lasers are way more effective so at this point in the battle it doesn't do me a lot of good to fire these ballistic weapons rather firing the lasers are going to break that and then I can use the ballistic weapons to actually break the hole once that has been weakened so once we Whittle it down a little further booya Kasha there we go they broke apart they're done with awesome I can come over here loot that and then we can continue Landing as planned okay here we go we've got mountains we've got volcanic I love it I'm going to go mountains just to demonstrate the point I'm trying to make here with the tiles being totally totally separated so we land here as you can see nice little area has been generated around us based on this Landing location and the seed of the planet we are on and here you can actually see some points of interest were generated for us one 800 M 700 M is there another one somewhere around us doesn't look like it but there is a ship Landing so that will become its own point of interest if it's not Landing there it looks like it is landing there so that'll be where it's sitting and uh that's cool so that's something that can push you to go over and see what that has to offer usually again they're military encampments or something like that but I want to show you something first okay here I am I just climbed up this mountain there's our ship down there now what I wanted to do while we're up here is to demon demonstrate something that might be a little hard now that it's all foggy and tough to see but let's just say right here is the invisible wall in fact the invisible wall for where you can't explore Beyond is just on the other side of that Hill it's just beyond like 4 to 8 km from your ship is where it's usually drawn sometimes I've seen it drawn like 2 km from your ship other times it's farther I don't know why or what determines that again maybe it's just a bug and it's supposed to always be 8 km I have no idea but but let's just say that like the line was drawn maybe right here okay so I see this mountain in the distance and I want to go explore it I want to go get to the top of that mountain just like Todd Howard said back in the day about Skyrim I see that mountain I want to climb it well the problem is that if the invisible wall is right here because you can't actually just set your your Landing Zone over here a little bit or over on this corner or whatever so that it then overlaps because you can't do that instead what you have to do is go to this menu and try to get as close to it as you possibly can but because we're talking about planets I don't want to click the thing so I have to go just off just oh it keeps selecting automatically hold on like right there is probably about as close as I can get it without it clicking the button if I then travel to that Landing Zone you will see it is completely different because it's generated with a different seed there is no overlap there are no overlapping mountain ranges or points of interest it's completely different because every time you land that Landing zone is effectively a different seed that's generated both of these are different Maps entirely this is why I found it to be kind of like intentionally vague and potentially even deceptive when Pete Hines and Todd Howard were describing Starfield as the game that allows you to explore over a, planets it's like sort of they let you explore over a thousand different seeds based on what a planet would look like and then you can select where on that you want to land and that will change the subseed that's based off of the parent seed for this planet but it's not a planet that you're exploring you're exploring a bunch of little bitty fish bowls generated based off of seeds that are shared in common with the planet it's not one contiguous thing but listen you might not care it might honestly just not matter to you you're not going to play Starfield in that way where you're running around trying to explore all of those nooks and crannies it's just not how you tend to play these types of games so it just doesn't matter to you that uh they approach it in that way maybe for you you just want to be able to go explore the main like plotted areas of the the cities or the main story you want to mess around with some Base building and that's great that's totally fine there are a lot of places in this game worth exploring for their own sake they might not be the biggest levels they might not be the biggest cities or anything um in fact many of them I would classify closer to Villages than anything else but places like neon are super cool to explore there's a lot of interesting people here and you can have a great like 30 to 40 hours with Starfield if you play it in that classic bgs way however if you try to play Starfield in the way that I think they were encouraging you to in my opinion based off of the interviews and the media and the Press stuff that they've done I think you're actually going to have a worse time if you go out into the world of Starfield or worlds I guess of Starfield and try to play it like a space Sim you're going to find yourself bored with repetitive content with points of interest that mean basically nothing and with levels and planet typographies that are all extremely similar and just frankly not that interesting Starfield really is at its best when you play it like an old school Bethesda game or when you play it like the outer worlds from obsidian just a couple of years ago that's when Starfield is at its best when you play it that way if you try to play it like a space Sim you're going to be very very disappointed and this was something I was frustrated with Fallout 4 over and that is that if you listen to the the media interviews from Todd and the other devs as they worked up to the release of Fallout 4 if you look at kind of how they frame the whole game it really seems as though Fallout 4 is built to be this pretty intense emotional narrative roleplaying game with a Bethesda Twist on it but really that's not how you should play it if you want to have the most fun if you want to have the most fun you play it like an open world Adventure shooter that you just don't take very seriously and in that capacity it's actually pretty good and for Starfield even though they marketed this as this big space Sim where you can fly around to all of these different planets explore them freely the universe is your oyster it's just frankly not that and if you try to play it that way you're going to be bored out of your mind but listen in conclusion I think Starfield can be a really good time I think you can have a lot of fun with it and I hope you do I hope you do and I hope you kept a level ahead and remain skeptical during the crazy C levels of hype that surrounded this game prior to its launch as of right now I'm recording this before the review embargo even lifts before I know what the public reception is or what the broader review consensus was I honestly have no idea I haven't spoken to anybody about my thoughts on Starfield so I'm just going with my personal opinions but based on what I've seen with the game I would guess that the reception is pretty mixed I think some people are going to praise it as the best game bgs has ever made a near perfect Bethesda game as it were and other people are going to look at it and see a lot of problems and things that just don't click in together really well and if I had to guess on a Metacritic score and now you guys you know after the fact can see if I was right I would guess that this probably is sitting at like an 85 to 86 on metac critic maybe worse maybe better I don't know how the console versions of the game perform I did test Starfield also on a smaller gaming laptop and it seemed to run okay but overall I think performance is fine I just think if the game gets penalized it will be because they bid off a bit more than they could chew and as a result the free exploration that they promised didn't quite live up to those expectations it wasn't quite as free or as interesting as previous games very very ambitious but I just don't think they had the tools to really do this idea Justice who knows maybe in 10 15 years we're going to get the version of Starfield everybody was hoping for um but as of right now I think it's a solid game with the illusion of scope and uh beyond that it's just not that exceptional unfortunately oh and here we are at the invisible wall at the end of the world um where we can go no further unfortunately see this time it took us 6 km from the ship to to run into it but other times I've tried it it ends up being about 4 km other times it's eight I I don't know why it's inconsistent like that but it seems to be about 6 km and then you run into this little invisible wall where you just can't can't go any further and you have to fast travel or go somewhere else it's just what are you going to do I know it's you're going to do play the game in a different way enjoy it the way I think Bethesda probably potentially meant for you to enjoy it which is to just focus on the quests you can occasionally you know poke and prod a little bit but if you mess with the bubble too much eventually it pops and then you're going to be kind of bummed that your your bubble's gone okay the analogy fell apart but yeah I hopefully you kind of understand what I'm saying anyway that's going to do it for me as always if you enjoyed the video hit the like button and share it with a friend friend who potentially was really really hyped for Starfield that's always funny let's be honest they'll probably get a little triggered at me poking fun at the design of the exploration but maybe that's why you should send it to them anyways and of course for all of you watching and supporting me I love you dearly never think I take you for granted you're making my dreams or reality I am currently working on the process of buying a house for me and my wife and my two little boys and I owe it all to you guys for being able to provide for them and make my dreams a reality at the same time I mean this is ridicul ulous and I owe it all to you so never think I take it for granted I really don't with that said thank you for watching I love you all and I'll see you in the next one hugs and kisses bye-bye
Channel: Luke Stephens
Views: 321,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luke stephens, luke stephens starfield, starfield, starfield review, luke stevens, star field, skeptic
Id: uABdEe0Zo9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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