Chet LOSES His Temper With The Soybean Planter. Episode 11.

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good morning everyone taking me a few hours to wake up this morning I woke up to the Sun beaming in my eyes which you know what that means oh yeah I overslept lost an hour and a half this morning but I still only got five and a half hours of sleep so fair enough I'll take my five and a half hours of sleep and be a bit late because I haven't pretty pretty shot right now [Music] I wonder what that goes up to I'm gonna eat my lunch now and you guys go see what Doug goes up to so it's very much happening here besides back and forth back and forth so if they need a little green shirt at least I'll go check out that go get out of here a second and we will be finishing corn here oh now the headlands are here though oh gosh hang on turn it it's so windy here again today that it's wrapped Oh Gloria maybe it's a sign that we all need to get out and it'll glory unwrap get this economy going again oh they're gonna be able to find that their turn in mark oh that was bad yeah that was bad I want to took you outside there when row eighteen quit working but it was just too windy Stu nd and glory wrapped herself up again somebody told me I have to put a pipe on there that swivels yeah that's a good idea I'm nap do that okay I wish I could have took you guys out but it's too windy and I was out there trying to get that row 18 going and guess what it all got down to me a pebble and the row unit yeah well you're pretty good and I was cleaning out them bottoms of the heart boxes but this one had my name on it I think it should be it Nicole you want this for your fish aquarium it's all free polished that's a nice one good day so whoever makes them hard boxes maybe maybe you could make the bottom of them so that they don't catch little rocks like this you'd have a million dollar patent there because these have caused me a fair amount of time and I can't imagine how many other farmers have had the same problem so change the bottom of the hard boxes so they don't grab rocks does that seed tube thing was something else seed meter I know the one I'm talking though sandwich 85 knots nine thirty behind my schedule on the first mellow yellow' of the day boy that's good I had some orange juice mix in there I'd be perfect this turn interrupted my mental break progress shall not be lost no stopping only grandpa who's 76 will stop to kick lunch break do shuts her down wherever he's sitting oh how hungry shuts her down sits there for 15 minutes eats a sandwich and but I suppose he's earned that huh I suppose you got a love feels like this that was no fun clapping next year you get to do that one Chet maybe for the rest of our lives you can have that one too one more look okay the problem is back row 18 it is not planting again I'm on the mission to find out why dance connecting looking for rock Oh [Music] what am I gonna do here sure wish I were to help put this together so I know how this works [Music] everything appears to be okay I don't know what's going on reassembly [Music] accidentally unloaded the wrong one it's 18 that's causing the trouble not 19 redoing their life looky here another trophy treasure Row 18 is really having a good year what in the world is that it's like some kind of a plastic outfit off of the card box Row 18 has had two problems one Rock today from the bottom of the heart box the corn is in and now this thing back well come on my last 20 acres here for 2020 corn planting medicine we were thinking about all these things that I've been Oh 18 Jeff he holds on the seat so object if you happen to have Rosco and eNOS with you when you were loading that seed and shenanigans so tomfoolery and all that stuff just wondered yeah hey welcome back welcome back I got along with some side green so enjoy these time lapses [Music] so I had a bit of an incident last night in the dark I might have may or may not have filled my tank just a wee bit overfilled you can't tell can you this is green this is it this is a John Deere it is in a case [Music] so it may have gotten a little full again not like last night just a little bubble oh I don't understand what's wrong with this pose it must be clogged because nothing ever comes out of there just see the foam is bubbling out it's really hard to tell how full that tank is because that soy green is so dark that stuff is really hard to see in that tank I don't understand it but it is especially when you need to fill pump full so as I'm sitting here watching all the trash go under the planter residue I'm just sitting here thinking that I should maybe look into getting her old cleaners for this thing last fall with it being so cold and the stripping in the frost nothing really got time to decompose and didn't get covered very well but we got a lot of residue on top of the soil and I think it's not probably getting the seed in the ground like it should you guys got any suggestions on what brand is the best brand I want air up air down throw cleaners because I don't want theft and get out and addressed all the time but yeah it's got any suggestions please leave them in the comment I would really appreciate any advice on what brand and put you guys are running because we gotta try something different for next year I think well I don't know all would be better than this tractor maybe a newer one with some suspension in it but my gosh almighty is this rough on the highway oh I'm sure the hyper smooth is taking out all of this bouncing but it's just terrible slightly concerned about my planter bouncing around back there terrible look at this road come on Big Stone County fix your roads I just wish I just wish that they could fix these roads out here in these roads the big puddles uneven cross boils we're still not on the list for in the next five years to have these roads that go by the farm fixed up which is terrible so hard on equipment fired on hired guys not pretty we wonder why our trucks are always out of alignment and chop and tires and wreck and shocks and stuff you pump this road pump it no you you drive this road at 97 thousand pounds on you all summer long and see how you like it that was my little rant session I'm sorry if I irritated people from complaining but it's so terrible really don't understand why dear what I ever made a tea tractor without some sort of suspension either oh my god phones falling off the side counsel but the drugs tipped over she's dead saying just gotta laugh you laugh or you might get upset holy crap look at that just terrible slowing down almost makes it worse because then you don't glide over the big cracks and holes just go to my happy place where's my happy place normally in attractors my happy place is becoming a scary place at least the planners are IDing pretty smooth this attractor sure is it should give a shout do precision egg what do we got here I was beaten in Hancock for helping me out while spring mom help question from this new ice beat planner brain say maybe if anybody has any ideas on the immense so what kinds of masculine kinds the worst and I dunno I have to have the ones that I can raise up in the cab from the cab getting out and just call them all anybody has any recommendations let me know for that chat No no that way I don't have to bother I guess that's one way to get rid of the residue so windy out today it's all blowing away well this is less than an ideal situation you rape her you raped my flag what am I supposed to do with this now so this is actually a new tie line that we pulled in here as you can see we lost about 5 acres last year and for maybe the last five years due to excessive rainfall and this we had clay tile in it so to replace the clay tile we went with dual wall 8 inch perforated tile because dual wall little faster than just corrugated but it is still perforated we replaced it back to the same size and flow rate as what was in here and I will say that's nice nice seed bed only my flag wasn't wrecked have you ever tried to poco poco hey are you ok you fell over again gosh got a Dickey down in the dirt if you ever tried to push in a frayed out tile flag and don't ever touch these that you'll hate your life for a good week boy aren't you a disappointment to life she shot it's junk can't believe you wouldn't put a new flag down with a new tile line put this squig little squid souvenir my first one ivory one this year first of many if anybody's curious and we are ahead of schedule we are has been one of the best Springs as productivity goes as I've ever had the last few years have been so miserably wet that this is a great welcome that he'll dry weather nice season Dawson again as long as it yes the needed rain falls throughout the year and old and be nice if the price of grain and my and come back though the farm economy is been oil and the corona stuff don't know how industry we used to raise hogs or so different barns and God baby pigs and their mothers to the nursery nerds are taken to the grower men leave the grower their life getting to the market wait forty 265 pounds what my ramirez in the food that packing plant the barns are all full cannot be sold because the packing plant disposed while now your grower needs to be emptied out because the nursery needs to be and so on and so forth you've got to get the madhawk the soul so now the farmer is giving the box away or trying to the grower in the well their wind really screwed up my beautiful hair didn't it [Applause] [Music] right back [Music] look who showed up I think she's bringing hot dog I'll go back in my net you ride [Music] but I gotta go Phil see Don okay what do you got here I hope this don't send me into the cattails you bring me old warm coat yep you can just take that back home No I think all the way over here for you to be a little son alright I guess maybe I should take over planting here I mean come on not too many buttons maybe I will I probably won't home he bad things would happen yeah I'm on my last round so beer ends 2020 corn planting scenes to get turned around one more time [Music] 50 Kearney raising margin auto-steer lowering putting their flock on looking champagne that's really gonna urinate some shifting down that's it we're done glad you guys walking Brian with and we'll see you next time [Music] both miss it helps to because there's a flat spot on the ball miss what did you need to tell me dad just called said we're done planting corn he just finished feels good and how much are you hoping to get done here today boss the marker track oh gosh I'm just wandering aimlessly watch the strain oh boy oh boy I'm missing turn its 478 it's how much she's hoping to get done today yeah I'm hoping to get 478 by midnight hopefully I can stay awake she brought me a warm coke so that should help right so many complete never the grateful are happy [Music] turn too sharp at all kidding office super rookie it happens at least three times a day to me where I lower too late have to do this here high-speed reverse swervy business we're good now all right we are on the last pass of this 225 acre field they'll be picked up in the road going to another 110 acre field and I finished this morning a hundred and what did I say fifty acres are up in length on so I'm doing pretty good for sleep and then in sleeping in because you didn't wake me up because you don't know how to wake up to your own alarm well it's hard to get up about three hours of sleeping sleep cycles are for it so that's why I like to get four hours at least but even that's tough sometimes you know I don't understand how people to do that like yeah I couldn't do it I don't honestly know how he does that either why are you alarming me it wants to tell you that those rows are not landing section control is off then look at it locks up several screens so I can't even see what's going on knocks at all successful through nine or grow nine is way out and double planting area please stop peeping at me gonna be a really pretty sunset it's still beeping at me your baldness is turned again yeah I don't know if I like bad night as much as my other one that I crushed it the land rolling but that's what I got a new ones came the same as that one why didn't you get the other one then it's like two weeks longer shipping I think I'd see Doug going full speed in route to get any more exciting now I'm gonna be in the way my pickup he's a professional what they call a professional stuff that's Turkic she really went down there did you feel that maybe shriek I don't like when the old teacher get stuck there's a lot of lunging feeling going on bigger guys think they can go through anything because they got a contract and then here comes eating pizza cutter tracks and now you know worst is I have to go back into that boy someone's gonna think some drunk Devlin fire landed here just go in any direction swerving your own because like wrong into the field soon I got point rows on each end of the field and swerving around like right next to the highway yet 200 feet away from my weight that is not gonna be happy with I blame it on you it's nothing to do with me that we're going to do with your skill level well then you need to improve your skills okay now I got the wheels up in started sinking you gonna start turning for what that chammak didn't you miss a chunk that I know it's been planting around cuz there's water there see the water I see a very very light puddle good thing I need to be planting hearing that it's locked up I gotta go turn around again because this stupid screen this screen is supposed to be better [Music] Wow this field before I get stuck or lose my head oh yeah we're gonna just stop and do what I need to do stupid thing something funny look at we almost have stuck again no money nothing is funny this is why you trying to set up and also finish be honest because it don't work it stresses me own and then lose my head then I start yelling and shrieking and almost good stuff or yell at the monitor like this yet to happen this year except for now it's happened like 8 times in half hour okay do be finish on the other end hey guys thanks for watching this video I did hit the 475 ish mark today one more day of soybeans for the most part might have some touch up fields and some low spots to hit but for the most part we've got tomorrow another big day hopefully we're close to done then and it's 1:00 in the morning again and I'm shot so I'm going home guys see you next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 266,570
Rating: 4.9563122 out of 5
Id: nVRB1o3SI60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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